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23 апр. 2014 в 3:09
The cave near Hobbiton with the 3 targets for Ori to hit with his slingshot; I've been up to look at the birds, I've tried changing my graphics and all that like I've seen suggested, I've tried heaps of things and nothing I do allows the targets to be targetted by Ori's slingshot. They don't get the bracket things around them at all and I'm just unable to shoot them. I've seen this problem on alot of forums and I think it's just a PC thing. Has anyone managed to get it to work?
23 апр. 2014 в 4:08
Yep, it happened to me as well. What I did was to get straight from Bree to the entrance checked if the hint stone has appeared (this is important), hit it to read the clue, went to the elevation opposite the entrance, where I found another hint stone, hit that one as well, sat on the beast and checked the owls. After that the three targets got the brackets and I could use Ori to target them. A lot of time it happened that the hint stones were not there hence the targets can't be hit either.
23 апр. 2014 в 5:03
Ahh I have no hint stones at the moment. I'll do what you did and see if that helps.
Edit: Just went back. Had hint stones and everything went smoothly. Now I have the megapult :D
2 мая. 2014 в 9:00
Where are these hint stones you speak of? I went to the Bree entrance, came back to the area where the slingshot switches were, still couldn't do it.
2 мая. 2014 в 15:20
Where are these hint stones you speak of? I went to the Bree entrance, came back to the area where the slingshot switches were, still couldn't do it.
16 июн. 2014 в 17:18
I found another way to do it if you can't get the other way to work. You know how when you ride a mount you can't collect anything? For some reason that appears to make the hint stones appear, or I got lucky. Try going to Weathertop and riding a mount to the door blocking the Megapult design. May not work but it is worth trying.
21 сен. 2014 в 4:02
Thank you so much SnowmanSD! I tried the first way five times and it didn't work, but I tried riding a mount into and then walking out of a build and the first try it worked!
17 фев. 2016 в 15:36
At first i tried several things like the graphics options, day and night change and changing the hints to "Always On". After i had changed the hints to "fife times" and restarted the game, the hints popped up again and i could shot the targets and achieve the Megapult.
8 мая. 2016 в 8:25
I found another way to do it if you can't get the other way to work. You know how when you ride a mount you can't collect anything? For some reason that appears to make the hint stones appear, or I got lucky. Try going to Weathertop and riding a mount to the door blocking the Megapult design. May not work but it is worth trying.
10 июл. 2016 в 4:38
I found that somewhere else, and worked for me, if the mount trick doesn't work.
Fast travel to Bree and walk from there, don't make any stops on the way (no smith, no Prancing Pony), just drop from the eagle and walk to the cave.
2 авг. 2016 в 14:10
I had problems with that smithing scheme too. I tried a lot of these tricks, resolution change, riding from bree to the door etc. but nothing worked.
What worked for me was to simply proceed in the game, completing some quests and challenges and somewhen down the line, the hint stone appeared and I was able to get the scheme.
13 окт. 2016 в 21:40
SnowmanSD's solution worked for me. Ride a mount from Weathertop to Bywater, but make sure you go AROUND Bree to the North, not through it.
28 ноя. 2016 в 12:26
"Someone on GameFAQs suggested changing video options, and that worked for me. Resolution didn't seem to matter, but when I changed refresh rate (to 100), vsync (to 30), and texture quality (to low), the little hint things popped right up and everything worked."
i found this one on the link that
goku_ssj_uk have and i did what it said but instead of changing refresh rate to 100 I change it to 25 and I didn't change the texture quality. because none of this above worked for me. I don't know maybe It worked for you but not for me.
25 июн. 2017 в 4:20
I found another way to do it if you can't get the other way to work. You know how when you ride a mount you can't collect anything? For some reason that appears to make the hint stones appear, or I got lucky. Try going to Weathertop and riding a mount to the door blocking the Megapult design. May not work but it is worth trying.
26 июл. 2018 в 8:29
It worked for me once I started the quest "Weighting for a Stranger" outside Bree (you have too complete "Heirloom in the Making" first). There is a woman who asks you to make the Mithril Megapult for her, and as soon as I started the quest, the hint stones appeared and I could shoot the color wheel targets!
29 дек. 2018 в 16:07
Changing the vsync (to 30), and texture quality (to low) worked for me. Thanks
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