Lego hero factory wiki
LEGO Hero Factory — серия конструкторов Lego Group, заменившая на рынке устаревшую серию Bionicle (о закрытии которой было объявлено в конце 2009 года) [1] . Как и наборы Bionicle, конструкторы Hero Factory представляет собой фигурки персонажей со своей историей, сопровождающей наборы.
Так как Hero Factory является «преемником» Bionicle, между наборами этих серий есть большие сходства — к примеру, в конструкторах Hero Factory используются оригинальные детали Bionicle. Но есть и существенные различия. Наборы Hero Factory выполнены в футуристическом стиле, так как, в отличие от истории Bionicle, история Hero Factory рассказывает о роботах будущего.
В 2011 году в конструкцию наборов Hero Factory были внесены существенные изменения: Герои стали более подвижными, а крепления их суставов крепче. Также повысилась детализация оружия и брони у всех наборов.
История Hero Factory рассказывает о фабрике, производящей роботов-героев, расположенной в центре мегаполиса Макухиро. «Для создания роботов на Фабрику съехались лучшие специалисты со всего мира», — говорится в трейлере серии.
Роботы, изготавливаемые на Hero Factory, выполняют различные героические миссии. В частности, на веб-сайте серии рассказывается о том, как герои боролись с космическими пиратами, захватившими космическую станцию, или с «огненными призраками» — «мелкими, размером с кулак, плазменными созданиями». [2]
Здание фабрики
Здание фабрики является ее символом и отличается гигантскими размерами и футуристической архитектурой
На сайте серии приведены следующие характеристики здания Hero Factory:
- Высота — 589 метров;
- Ширина у основания — 715 метров;
- Длина у основания — 216 метров.
Фабрика Героев — не только гигантский технический комплекс, но и хорошо устроенная организация. На ней работают 11 127 роботов. Центр приёма звонков принимает тревожные вызовы, а из Центра управления миссиями ведётся контроль над всеми героями (кроме Престона Стормера). Кроме того, в центре управления работают аналитики, изучающие происшествия и преступления злодеев. Их задачей является предотвращение новых происшествий, а также раскрытие уже случившихся преступлений.
Сюжет 2010 года
Аналитики Фабрики Героев следят за цепью преступлений — краж и взрывов, наблюдающихся в последнее время в галактике. Известен состав банды, организовавшей эти преступления — это злодеи ЭксПлод, Корродер, Гром, Мелтдаун и Ротор (Вапор является лишь доп. набором в линейке LEGO Hero Factory выходящим вместе с перевооружённым Балком и в истории не участвует). Однако о главаре банды точной информации нет. Основной подозреваемый — таинственный злодей Вон Небула, личность которого представляет загадку (есть предположения, что он Вон Нес — Герой, который очень давно предал свою команду (в составе которой были Герой Трешер и на тот момент новичок Стормер)). Неизвестен также и его план, скрывающийся за преступлениями банды. Согласно одному из предположений, члены банды хотят уничтожить Фабрику Героев. Для предотвращения этого на выполнение этих заданий были посланы 2 команды Героев (в дальнейшем они стали одной командой) — команда «Альфа 1» в составе Престона Стормера, Джимми Стрингера и Дункана Балка, и команда новобранцев в составе Уильяма Фурно, Марка Суржа и Натали Бриз. В конечном итоге Вон Небула был засосан в собственный посох чёрных дыр. Вернётся ли злодей в будущем, не известно.
По сюжетной линии 2010 года были созданы четыре эпизода под названиями «Trials of Furno», «Core Crisis», «The Enemy Within» и «Von Nebula» (в русском переводе они получили названия «Испытание Фурно», «Сердечный кризис», «Враг Внутри» и «Вон Небула»). Позже эти эпизоды вышли в «склеенном» виде как фильм «Hero Factory: Rise of the Rookies» (рус. Фабрика Героев: Мы создаем героев ).
Сюжет первой половины 2011 года
На Фабрике Героев объявлена тревога — на заправочную станцию 22 напали новые злодеи: Огненный Лорд, Джетбаг, Дриллдозер и Нитробласт. Они крадут топливо из отдела героев для своего оружия. В первой битве Огненные злодеи застали врасплох Героев, и чтобы спасти команду, Сурж отвлёк злодеев на себя. Затем Стормер, Фурно и Бриз вернулись на Фабрику, где прошли усовершенствование, и отправились спасать Суржа. Из-за «неумения» правильно пользоваться своим новым оружием, Герои, казалось бы, проиграли Огненным злодеям, но им на помощь пришли новички Натан Эво и Джулиус Некс. С их помощью Герои поймали Злодеев и освободили Суржа. Затем Сурж также прошёл усовершенствование.
По сюжетной линии первой половины 2011 года Hero Factory снят эпизод под названием «Hero Factory: Ordeal of Fire» (рус. Фабрика Героев: Испытание огнём ).
Сюжет второй половины 2011 года
Новичок по имени Рока был отправлен на сигнал тревоги с тропической планеты Кватрос, который, предположительно, отправил бывший профессор Фабрики Героев Олдос Витч. Но, как оказалось, Рока попал в ловушку, подстроенную самим Олдосом, превратившимся в ужасного Колдуна. Фабрика Героев отправляет отряд из уже знакомых нам персонажей, Стормера, Стрингера, Балка, Некса и Фурно, чтобы спасти Героя-новичка. Специально для этой миссии их вооружают особым оружием и «животной» броней, дающая каждому силу определённого зверя. Прибыв на планету, Герои сразу же встречаются с Колдуном, но не смогли одолеть его, в результате чего Колдун натравливает на них диких животных, которых ему удалось подчинить. Сам же Колдун, которому удалось скрыться, направляется к Геройскому кораблю, намереваясь улететь с Кватроса, погибающего от опытов Олдоса по извлечению Квазы.
По сюжетной линии Hero Factory второй половины 2011 года будет снят фильм «Hero Factory: Savage Planet» (рус. Фабрика Героев: Дикая планета ), который вышел на DVD 4 октября 2011 года. Вместе с "Дикой Планетой" в бонус прилагается ещё и "Испытание огнём", чем очень обрадовались фанаты Hero Factory.
После масштабного обновления сайта в первом полугодии 2011 года, на нём появилось специальное нововведение — HeroPad. Это что-то вроде «специального коммуникатора», или «страницы» пользователя на сайте, в которой можно выполнять специальные испытания, получать награды, смотреть некоторое видео и, собственно, одна из главных функций — онлайн игра-платформер «Creep Crushers». Активируется она благодаря уникальным кодам на обратной стороне крышки каждого набора-Героя 2011 года (включая Героев 3.0, выходящих во втором полугодии [3] ), и представляет собой уровень за того Героя, из чьего набора был использован код. Предполагается появление кодов в журнале Лего и на самом сайте. Эти коды будут открывать специальные постеры.
Check out Breakout and its 10th Anniversary!
Check out HERO FACTORY's latest installment!
Learn more about a mysterious attack orchestrated with the purpose of destroying the Hero Factory!
Learn more about the Alpha 1 Team and their Missions!
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Hero Factory is a constraction theme introduced in July 2010. It was replaced in 2014 by the rebooted BIONICLE. The theme is centered around a group of robotic heroes, who protect the galaxy from various threats. Though the first wave used pieces similar to its predecessor, BIONICLE, later Hero Factory sets have used the newly created Character and Creature Building System (CCBS). Since it is the successor to BIONICLE, the first wave of sets had a label that read “From the makers of BIONICLE” printed on their boxes.
Story [ edit ]
2010 - Rise of the Rookies [ edit ]
The storyline is based in Makuhero City. [1] The largest building and trademark of the city is the Assembly Tower, a 589 meters high, 715 meters wide and 924 meters long tower, located in the center of Makuhero City. [1] It is driven by “cold fusion” and it employs a total of 11,127 employees. [1] This tower is the “Hero Factory” that constructs various robot heroes which are sent out when the Call Center receives calls from victims. They can report their emergency and call on a robotic hero. Founder of the Hero Factory is Akiyama Makuro. [2]
Inside the Assembly Tower, these heroes are built every day. They are the product of work from design experts and robot construction specialists. These robotic heroes are fitted with solid fiber-carbide plating, Quaza cores and equipped with helmets and equipment to fight evil with guts and gadgets. Once constructed, they are placed in special hero pods and beamed across the galaxy and across time to defeat evil and solve their various missions.
The first evil leader is Von Nebula; he has a staff with the ability to create black holes. Von Nebula used to be a hero on Stormer’s team, but during a mission his cowardice nearly caused the destruction of a city. Blaming Stormer for his failure, Von Nebula swore vengeance on Hero Factory. He has some former-jail burg henchman who have banded together to help him, but that is unknown to the heroes. William Furno, the newest hero, is eager to defeat Von Nebula but is depressed when his firm-handed team leader, Preston Stormer tells him he isn’t experience to take on the most dangerous villain in the galaxy. He is joined by more rookies, Mark Surge and Natalie Breez. He is also joined by heroes Dunkan Bulk, and Jimi Stringer. Using Stormer's smarts and Furno’s talent, the heroes defeat Von Nebula.
2011.A - Ordeal of Fire [ edit ]
The first wave of Hero Factory sets in 2011 was called Mission: Ordeal of Fire. In a Hero Factory book given out with a LEGO magazine in December, it gave this description:
Sent out on a dangerous mission to save a refueling station, the heroes are attacked by vicious Fire Villains, who prove too fast and too strong. To defeat these notorious villains, the heroes must be redesigned and re-equipped with special new weapons and gadgets. But will the redesign work? The history of the Hero Factory rests on its success!
2011.B - Savage Planet [ edit ]
The 3.0 Hero Factory series is titled Savage Planet. [3] It is set on a planet called Quatros, which has a core of quaza. The main villain is named Witch Doctor (who comes in set 2283), who is trying to extract the quaza. If he succeeds, the planet will die and break apart. The six heroes, Stormer, Furno, Bulk, Nex, Stringer and the New rookie, Rocka now with animal powers, must travel to Quatros and stop the villain from killing the planet. But there are savage beasts that attack them, Waspix, Fangz, Scorpio, and Raw-Jaw, who are controlled by the Witch Doctor.
2012 - Breakout [ edit ]
The fourth series is titled Hero Factory Breakout and features a villain called Black Phantom, who breaks into the Hero Factory tower - with the help of mastermind Von Nebula - and allows the other villains to escape. While all of the heroes are distracted by the escapes, Black Phantom stays behind to destroy the Hero Factory assembly tower. With the mission manager captured, and all of the other heroes out, Rocka is tasked to defeat Black Phantom before he can take over.
Breakout is the second series to include an XL hero (Preston Stormer), as well as the first series to include all of the original nine heroes (not including the Drop Ship pilot). Each set also contains a hero core with a secret code on the back, used for the Breakout online game. Breakout is also the first Hero Factory line scheduled to have two waves of sets, one in December 2011/January 2012 and one in summer 2012.
The December 2011/January 2012 sets had Rocka, Furno, Surge, Evo, and Breez, who didn’t come out until summer 2012 in the US, with Bulk, Stringer, Stormer, and Nex. Bulk, Breez, and Nex didn’t appear in the TV show for unknown reasons.
Despite for Bulk, Breez, and Nex not appearing in the TV show, there’s a second trailer where Bulk is knocked down by Voltix, and Nex being knocked down by Speeda Demon, and Breez didn’t appear in the trailer but in the FOX Sports Cleatus.
As far as the television series is concerned, it is the first part to have recurring villains, one of which has a main role as the ‘mastermind’ of the Breakout. Voltix seems to be the ‘breaker-outer’ of the villains, since he was the one who allowed Von Nebula to break himself out of his own black hole staff, creating a black hole and allowing the villains to escape.
2013 - Brain Attack [ edit ]
The 2013 storyline is about a mysterious factory that produces brain parasites to turn creatures of the Hero Factory universe evil. The brains go to different areas on the planet, infecting ice beasts, lava critters, desert crawlers, jungle ogres, rock monsters, sea beasts, and one brain infects an electrical dragon. Meanwhile in Makuhero City, the heroes are going around in the public, signing autographs, giving away robo-balls, and giving interviews. Surge complains to Breez that he wants action and doesn’t want to be a puppet. Suddenly, the code red alarm goes off, and the heroes rush back. Zib explains that the brains are forcing the hosts to destroy Hero Factory, and they need upgrades. After getting their upgrades, Furno sends Evo into the service canals to combat a wave of Aquagon, sets Surge to guard the Factory (much to Surge’s annoyance), and sends everyone else into the streets. After much trial and error, Bulk finds out that the brains can be removed if they are hit on the spikes. After knocking all the brains off, they notice that Surge’s signal is inside the Hero Assembly Tower, so they head back. Dragon Bolt rams into Hero Factory, causing a mass evacuation. Rocka is left to the job of fighting the dragon, while the heroes find Surge. Inside, the heroes find that Surge has been taken over by a brain and has made an army of drones to destroy the factory. As the heroes fight them, Rocka equips himself with 44014 Jet Rocka, and goes after the dragon. He manages to remove the brain, and Breez removes the brain on Surge’s head, and they shut off the drones. As they walk into the street to help out, Breez asks Surge if this experience changed anything about how he feels to help. Surge replies that since he now knows what being a real puppet is, he won’t turn down anything he can voluntarily do. But in the factory, there are more brains lying in wait for innocent minds, and they latch onto a repair crew, giving the heroes a new challenge to deal with.
The Winter releases were 44000 Furno XL, 44004 Bulk, 44002 Rocka, 44006 Breez, 44003 Scarox, 44001 Pyrox, 44005 Bruizer, and 44007 Ogrum, with 44008 Surge, 44010 Stormer, 44012 Evo, and 44014 Jet Rocka, 44009 Dragon Bolt, 44011 Frost Beast, and 44013 Aquagon being released in the summer. The Heroes resemble knights and their helmets have a transparent covering over their eyes. The villains have special parasite heads, holding parasite brains which have many similarities to the Krana and Kraata from BIONICLE. These brain creatures are either transparent orange, transparent yellow, trans-green, transparent lime green, transparent light blue, transparent blue, black, or glow in the dark, with red spikes and eyes. They have six legs and a long spiky tail. The villains’ heads connect via BIONICLE mask connection. There is also a new head that a normal helmet can connect to and a mask can connect to. There is a new online game which involves you as a partially-customized hero and an Alpha team hero as your sidekick.
2014 - Invasion from Below [ edit ]
Unlike previous sets, these included Hero minifigures, who used mechs and other vehicles to fight the larger enemies. The storyline was about the team of lego hero factory creating mechs to defeat a species of mole-like creatures who were found after some construction workers dug a tunnel and were captured.
Hero Factory was a line of constractible figures produced by the LEGO Group. The successor to BIONICLE, Hero Factory continued the theme of buildable action figures, with an episodic story to support the line.
Line History
The Hero Factory line was conceived by the LEGO Group in 2009 prior to the cancellation of the BIONICLE series as a way to attract younger children to the constructible action figure line and renew interest. The Hero Factory sets were designed to be smaller and simpler than the previous BIONICLE ones, and the story was made into an episodic format, with single stories not connected to one another. Releases were planned for every six months in order to avoid drawing out the story, a perceived failure of the BIONICLE line. Sets in the Hero Factory line, while simpler than previous BIONICLE ones, utilize similar pieces and styles to BIONICLE.
Hero Factory was officially released in the second half of 2010. Each Hero Factory set in the first wave was marked with an emblem reading "From the Makers of BIONICLE Characters" as a way to keep the line familiar to BIONICLE fans. The line breaks the traditional BIONICLE set release structure, with smaller hero sets released concurrently with larger villain sets rather than as separate waves of similarly-sized sets. The Heroes, the primary focus of the line, were made more affordable in order to increase sales.
In early 2011, a new wave of Hero Factory sets premiered, with a new design and new structural parts emphasizing a building system based on ball and socket joints. The line was named "Ordeal of Fire", and featured less sets overall than the previous wave. In April the Hero Recon Team website was launched, allowing users to design and purchase Heroes with this new building system as part of the LEGO Design byME service. LEGO Design byME also added a Hero Factory category of parts and four Hero Factory-based starter models to the LEGO Design byME mode of LEGO Digital Designer.
The third wave of Hero Factory sets was released in mid-2011, further expanding the new building system. Titled "Savage Planet", it featured a jungle theme and animal-based villains. The Hero Recon team gained a greater palette and allowed for increased parts selection.
In 2012, the fourth wave of Hero Factory (entitled "Breakout") was released. However, this line departed from the traditions set by the previous waves and removed canisters and boxes from the set lineup. Instead, the Heroes and Villains all came in resealable plastic bag containers (except for Black Phantom, the only large set, which was still packaged in a box). The sizes, which were previously the same among the Heroes and standard among the villains, were now varied, with two different sizes in each division, as well as the boxed Black Phantom. Each set also contains a redesigned Hero Core, with a code for a brand new online game Breakout. Two of the sets, Breez and Thornraxx, received a limited release in Europe, with a wider release as an addition to the summer line in the United States and elsewhere. The Hero Recon Team service, following the cancellation of the similarly based Design byME, will have the purchasing aspect discontinued, in order to focus on the digital experience.
The Breakout theme continued into the fifth wave of Hero Factory sets in summer 2012. Like the previous wave, the plastic bags were retained, with two large sets (Stormer XL and Speeda Demon) released in boxes. Previous set elements, including the new Hero Cores and Hero Cuffs, remained consistent elements of this wave.
2012 also saw the expansion of Hero Factory's character and creature building system across additional themes with the release of "Ultrabuild" action figures in the LEGO Super Heroes licensed theme. This was moving towards a goal which the LEGO Group's community coordinators had expressed at fan conventions, which was for LEGO to have multiple action figure themes running concurrently.
In early 2013 a new series was released under "Brain Attack" branding. This series maintained the Hero Core design of the Breakout series, with double the game points for each price point. The game points of this year's sets were for use in the new game Brain Attack. In the Brain Attack series, larger sets began to appear in resealable foil bags just as the small and medium-sized sets had in the Breakout series.
2014 introduced an overhaul in the style of the series; Heroes were re-imagined as mini-figures, similar to (and compatible with) the standard minifigs as seen in most of LEGO's other lines, while the constraction aspect was found in mechs that held the minifigs as pilots; the villains retained the typical constraction design, though several minifigs of the villains were also included. This was the final year for Hero Factory, as the second generation of BIONICLE replaced it in 2015.
Hero Factory is set in a place known as Makuhero City. Here, Heroes are built in the Hero Factory and sent on missions around the universe, dealing with a variety of galactic problems such as alien infestations, natural disasters, and criminals. A gang of space villains, led by the evil Von Nebula, are some of the most feared beings in the galaxy, and are the main antagonists of the story for 2010.
In the first half of 2011, a new antagonist arises, known as Fire Lord. Fire Lord, along with his minions, attacks an area known as Tanker Station 22 in search of fuel and energy. The Alpha 1 Team attempts to intervene, but is soundly defeated, necessitating a risky upgrade into stronger forms to help combat the new threat.
In the second half of 2011, the Alpha 1 Team is upgraded once more, in the hopes that their new forms will aid them in their mission on the planet Quatros. There they fight alongside their newest member Daniel Rocka and defeat the techno-organic minions of the evil Witch Doctor, a former Hero Factory educator and Stormer's old mentor.
2012, the second year of Hero Factory, sees a mass breakout from the Factory. Many villains escape and head to various locations in the galaxy (the ringleader Black Phantom remaining in the Hero Factory itself) forcing the Alpha 1 team, armed with Hero-Cuffs, to split up and track down some of the escapees.
During the 2013 storyline, the Heroes have to fend off an invading army of native creatures controlled by the Brains, a species of parasitic organism dispatched by a mysterious villain. The Brains also force the Heroes to contend with the possibility of having to put down one of their own.
In 2014, Antropolis City was overrun with powerful Jumper beasts, and the Heroes debuted new Battle Machines to combat the threat. After some of their own were kidnapped, the remaining Heroes travelled deep underground to rescue them.
Hero Factory Recon Team
A facet of the Hero Factory storyline is the Hero Recon Team, based around a web application that allows users to design products using LEGO's Design byME service. The Recon team was founded shortly after the inception of the Hero Factory, with one of the Factory's top Heroes, Merrick Fortis assigned as its head. The intention of the organization, as envisioned by founder Mr. Makuro, was to study the criminals of the galaxy and gather intelligence in order to gain an understanding of them.
After the Alpha 1 team gained animal-based armor and weapons, Merrick Fortis developed his own "combi-weapons" and armor based on those used by Alpha 1, and debuted them on himself for a mission to Quatros.
The direct Recon Team story was discontinued after the HRT service was shut down, though it remains an element in the main story.
List of Sets
- 853083 Hero Factory Mission Log Book
- 40084 Accessory Pack
Combiner Models
As with BIONICLE, Hero Factory parts from multiple sets can be used together to create new models. In most cases, instructions for the models are found in the respective instruction booklets of the characters, with some exceptions.
In 2010, there was one combiner model, depicting a character named Lucas Valor. Instructions for Valor, who is built out of the Stormer, Furno, and Breez sets, were released in the September–October 2010 LEGO BrickMaster magazine.
2012 sets feature unique combi-models by using the two models paired together (Hero and Villain) as a non-canon combi-model. The LEGO Club magazine also introduced two canon combiners, an unnamed Hero and Villain.
2013 sets also pair Heroes and villains to create new combi-models, though these all feature as upgraded Hero designs, utilizing Hero Cores and helmets.
The combi-models of 2014 take a new approach, combining different Hero mechs together and villain beasts together to create various new designs. Like past years, they do not feature within the story, though they are depicted in certain promotional materials.
Hero Factory was a line of constructible figures produced by the LEGO Group from 2010 to 2014. Hero Factory continued the theme of buildable action figures, with an episodic story to support the line and was meant to be a successor to BIONICLE.
Line History
The Hero Factory line was conceived by the LEGO Group in 2009 prior to the cancellation of the BIONICLE series as a way to attract younger children to the constructible action figure line and renew interest. The Hero Factory sets were designed to be smaller and simpler than the previous BIONICLE ones, and the story was made into an episodic format, with single stories not connected to one another. Releases were planned for every six months in order to avoid drawing out the story, a perceived failure of the BIONICLE line. Sets in the Hero Factory line, while simpler than previous BIONICLE ones, utilize similar pieces and styles to BIONICLE.
Hero Factory was officially released in the second half of 2010. Each Hero Factory set in the first wave was marked with an emblem reading "From the Makers of BIONICLE Characters" as a way to keep the line familiar to BIONICLE fans. The line breaks the traditional BIONICLE set release structure, with smaller hero sets released concurrently with larger villain sets rather than as separate waves of similarly-sized sets. The Heroes, the primary focus of the line, were made more affordable in order to increase sales.
In early 2011, a new wave of Hero Factory sets premiered, with a new design and new structural parts emphasizing a building system based on ball and socket joints. The line was named "Ordeal of Fire", and featured less sets overall than the previous wave. In April the Hero Recon Team website was launched, allowing users to design and purchase Heroes with this new building system as part of the LEGO Design byME service. LEGO Design byME also added a Hero Factory category of parts and four Hero Factory-based starter models to the LEGO Design byME mode of LEGO Digital Designer.
The third wave of Hero Factory sets was released in mid-2011, further expanding the new building system. Titled "Savage Planet", it featured a jungle theme and animal-based villains. The Hero Recon team gained a greater palette and allowed for increased parts selection.
In 2012, the fourth wave of Hero Factory (entitled "Breakout") was released. However, this line departed from the traditions set by the previous waves and removed canisters and boxes from the set lineup. Instead, the Heroes and Villains all came in resealable plastic bag containers (except for Black Phantom, the only large set, which was still packaged in a box). The sizes, which were previously the same among the Heroes and standard among the villains, were now varied, with two different sizes in each division, as well as the boxed Black Phantom. Each set also contains a redesigned Hero Core, with a code for a brand new online game Breakout. Two of the sets, Breez and Thornraxx, received a limited release in Europe, with a wider release as an addition to the summer line in the United States and elsewhere. The Hero Recon Team service, following the cancellation of the similarly based Design byME, had the purchasing aspect discontinued, initially in order to focus on the digital experience.
The Breakout theme continued into the fifth wave of Hero Factory sets in summer 2012. Like the previous wave, the plastic bags were retained, with two large sets (Stormer XL and Speeda Demon) released in boxes. Previous set elements, including the new Hero Cores and Hero Cuffs, remained consistent elements of this wave. Hero Recon Team was cut from the website, though a replacement online building system was briefly introduced.
2012 also saw the expansion of Hero Factory's character and creature building system across additional themes with the release of "Ultrabuild" action figures in the LEGO Super Heroes licensed theme. This was moving towards a goal which the LEGO Group's community coordinators had expressed at fan conventions, which was for LEGO to have multiple action figure themes running concurrently.
In early 2013 a new series was released under "Brain Attack" branding. This series maintained the Hero Core design of the Breakout series, with double the game points for each price point. The game points of this year's sets were for use in the new game Brain Attack. In the Brain Attack series, larger sets began to appear in resealable foil bags just as the small and medium-sized sets had in the Breakout series.
2014's line, "Invasion From Below" introduced an overhaul in the style of the series; Heroes were re-imagined as mini-figures, similar to (and compatible with) the standard minifigs as seen in most of LEGO's other lines, while the constraction aspect was found in mechs that held the minifigs as pilots; the villains retained the typical constraction design, though several minifigs of the villains were also included. Like the previous two years, the theme extended into the summer releases
In late 2014 the LEGO Group announced plans to reboot the BIONICLE franchise, making Invasion From Below the final wave of Hero Factory.
Hero Factory is set in Makuhero City, home of the Hero Factory. The Hero Factory was built by Akiyama Makuro, who realized that the universe needed a resistance against the growing villain threat. Here, Heroes are built each day and sent on missions around the universe, dealing with a variety of galactic problems such as alien infestations, natural disasters, and criminals.
The series's protagonists are Alpha 1 Team, which is composed of William Furno, Natalie Breez, Mark Surge, Dunkan Bulk, Jimi Stringer, and team leader Preston Stormer.
Rise of the Rookies
In 2010, Alpha 1 Team is challenged by a gang of henchmen formed by XPlode, Rotor, Corroder, Meltdown, and Thunder, and led by the evil Von Nebula, a former Hero that has a grudge against Stormer. The team manages to defeat the villains, and Von Nebula is trapped inside his Black Hole Orb Staff by Stormer and then secured in the Hero Factory.
Ordeal of Fire
A corrupted mining and construction robot known as Fire Lord attacks a fuel depository known as Tanker Station 22 in search of fuel cells and energy. Fire Lord is assisted by his cronies Nitroblast, Drilldozer and Jetbug, and assaults the Tanker Station until Alpha 1 Team is called into action. However, the team is defeated by the villains, with Mark Surge apparently sacrificing himself to give the rest of the team a window to escape. Back at the Hero Factory, Akiyama Makuro has revealed a new upgrade for the Hero building process, which grants more mobility and strength to the Heroes. After the team is given the upgrade, the team returns to the Tanker Station 22, but are still overwhelmed by the villains until the arrival of two new Heroes, Julius Nex and Nathan Evo, both recently made with the new Upgrade system. The Heroes manage to capture the villains, with Fire Lord losing a hand in the process, and finding Surge who managed to survive by hijacking a ship from Jetbug. The corrupted robots are sent back to the Hero Factory in hopes of finding a cure to their corruption, while Surge is given the Upgrade and recommended for his job.
Savage Planet
A new Hero called Daniel Rocka responds to an emergency call made in the natural reserve planet Quatros, home of the precious Quaza stone which powers every Hero in the galaxy. Rocka is ambushed by the exiled Professor Aldous Witch, who has transformed into a towering giant and gained control of the planet's wildlife and Quaza. The Alpha 1 Team is upgraded once more and are sent to rescue Rocka and see the situation of the planet. When they reach Quatros, they find it corrupted and in a fragile state, and manage to rescue Rocka, giving him an upgrade to his armor and weapons. Aldous Witch, now calling himself Witch Doctor, is revealed to be stripping the planet from the Quaza, which is causing the entire planet to break apart, and will doom all the wildlife and the Heroes if he is not stopped. The Heroes manage to beat the Witch Doctor after Rocka is upgraded once more with ancient armor found in a cave, with the Quaza returning to the planet's core, and the Witch Doctor being imprisoned for his crimes.
A villain called Voltix is captured and locked in the Hero Factory prison. Once he is inside, Voltix starts a mass breakout causing all the villains in captivity to escape through a black hole. The fugitives head to various locations in the galaxy forcing the Hero Factory to send individual heroes to capture them all. The Alpha 1 Team, sans Rocka, are equipped with new armor, weapons and tools, with each Hero being given a pair of Hero Cuffs which can inmobilize any villain, and are sent to track down villains from around the galaxy, while Rocka stays behind at the Hero Factory. Furno is sent to the water planet of Scylla to hunt down the shark-like Jawblade, Evo is sent to capture Toxic Reapa on the swamp planet Z'chaya, Stormer is deployed with a Ultra Mach Speed Cycle to incercept the mad Speeda Demon on Kollix IV, Stringer chases down Voltix to the galaxy power supply Tansari VI, Surge is tasked with preventing the destruction of a communications satellite in the Sigma Sigma Sector by the hands of Splitface, Nex is sent to Mechna to capture XT4, while Breez tracks down Thornraxx to his home planet of Hivilus 5 and Bulk is sent to chase down the ex-hero Core Hunter who was destroying Heroes in Makuhero City.
While all the Heroes, besides Rocka, are away from the Hero Factory, a villain called Black Phantom takes over the Factory, with plans of destroying it so he can build his own villain factory with a material known as Anti-Quaza. Black Phantom locks the Hero Factory behind a shield so that no Hero can enter or leave the premises. Rocka manages to outsmart the villain and takes down the shield just in time as the Alpha Team returns to the Hero Factory. Black Phantom arrives to the Assembly Tower and tries to cause a chain reaction by overpowering the systems, which would result in an explosion that will wipe out the Hero Factory. The Alpha team manage to defeat Black Phantom, and the villain is captured, but the Heroes are too late as Mr. Makuro and Mission Manager Nathaniel Zib reveal that Black Phantom has sent the Hero Factory schematics to an unknown villain. All the escaped villains are eventually captured and imprisoned again.
Brain Attack
The unknown villain has created an army of Brains, evil slugs that can take control of any living being in the galaxy against their will. The villain uses the plans of the Hero Factory and sends his army to attack Makuhero City and its planet. The Brains quickly take over thousands of the planet's wildlife, who mutate into terrifying beasts and begin marching to the Hero Factory. The Alpha 1 Team is equipped with anti-Brain armor, weapons, and shields, and begin their defense of the City while Evo is sent to the sewer system to fight back against an army of Aquagons and Surge stays at the Hero Factory to defend it. The Heroes realize that the Brains are controlling the creatures and manage to defeat all the Brains by getting them off the animals, who return to normal. However, Surge has been overrun by the Brains and was possessed, while a giant Dragon Bolt appears at the last moment, who manages to evade the Heroes and attacks the Hero Factory. Rocka decides to deal with the dragon as the rest of the team go help Surge. After a brief battle with Surge and an army of blank heroes, Breez manages to rescue her friend while Rocka frees the dragon, which eats the Brain that had possessed it. The Heroes start helping the citizens rebuild the city, while a pair of workers are sent to clean the mess that the Dragon Bolt left inside the Hero Factory. Inside a hole deep in the Hero Factory, the pair of workers find that the Dragon Bolt left a hive of Brains underneath the building, and are attacked.
Invasion from Below
Workers of Antropolis City accidentally awaken giant beasts sleeping underneath the city while drilling a new tunnel system. Antropolis is soon overrun by the beasts, and the Alpha 1 Team is called for assistance. The Heroes arrive and being constructing giant mechs called Battle Machines to combat the creatures. While the Heroes deal with the beasts, Stormer and Furno are kidnapped and taken underground. The team calls for more Heroes to deal with the situation on the surface, and decide to go underground after their friends. The Heroes construct new mechs to help them on their way to the hive, and manage to arrive to the heart of the caves where the Queen Beast has trapped Surge, Furno and Stormer on coccoons. The Heroes try to kill the queen and the eggs she is protecting, but Breez decides against it and tries to communicate with the creature. Breez manages to make a deal with the queen, who wants the Heroes out of their home in exchange for their friends and a recall of the army above ground. The Heroes accept, and begin leaving the caves, but a Jumper accidentally fires a blaster that the Heroes left on the floor and causes some of the queen's eggs to fall to the acid below the hive. The queen believes that the Heroes are guilty and tries to destroy them, but Stormer manages to save the team by throwing a medical capsule to the queen, which causes the creature to splat against the hive and send it down the acid pool. The heroes leave the cave system, and seal off the entrance while Antropolis City decides to build a bridge over the city to avoid any accidents. While the Heroes return to the Hero Factory, they fail to see a coccoon which is hidden inside the Hero Craft.
Hero Factory Recon Team
A facet of the Hero Factory storyline is the Hero Recon Team, based around a web application that allows users to design products using LEGO's Design byME service. The Recon team was founded shortly after the inception of the Hero Factory, with one of the Factory's top Heroes, Merrick Fortis assigned as its head. The intention of the organization, as envisioned by founder Mr. Makuro, was to study the criminals of the galaxy and gather intelligence in order to gain an understanding of them.
After the Alpha 1 team gained animal-based armor and weapons, Merrick Fortis developed his own "combi-weapons" and armor based on those used by Alpha 1, and debuted them on himself for a mission to Quatros.
The direct Recon Team story was discontinued after the HRT service was shut down, though it remains an element in the main story.
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