Lego hero factory surge
Серия лего фабрика героев сменила коллекцию BIONICLE. Наборы выпустили в 2010 году. Сюжетная линия рассказывает о галактических созданиях, пришедших из будущего. Главные персонажи игры-команда «Альфа». В нее входят:
- Стормер-лидер-капитан;
- новобранцы-Некс, Сурж, Бриз, Эво, Рока, Фурна;
- мудрецы-Стрингер, Балк;
- злодеи-Фон Небула, Ротор, Эксплод;
- Васпикс, Дракон Болт, Королева монстров.
Не менее известные действующие лица: Черный фантом, кристальный монстр, огненный лорд. В коллекцию входят более 84 разных персонажей и тематических баталий.
Каждый сбор посвящен определенной миссии:
- Вон-Небула;
- испытание огнем;
- дикая планета;
- вторжение из бездны;
- побег;
- мозговая атака.
В lego hero factory вы создаете роботов, защищающих Вселенную от зла. У воинов есть сердце-кваза. Они хорошо собираются, выполнены из качественного пластика, а оружие даже стреляет пластиковыми патронами. Все части двигаются, руки и ноги вращаются. Роботы меняют форму и перевоплощаются. У одних-есть собственный транспорт, у других-разные механизмы. Конструкции носят ледяные мечи с зазубринами, посохи, выпускающие огонь, каменные булавы. В каждом маленьком и среднем наборчике вы найдете дополнительные аксессуары. Все элементы совместимы с конструкторами других серий. Объединяйте их с другими сюжетами для полноценной и захватывающей игры.
Кроме обычного оружия-пистолетов, в этих наборах встречаются и фантастические и многофункциональные экземпляры, например, специфический жезл-генератор черных дыр.
Чудовища летают и стреляют электрическими разрядами, которые закреплены на крыльях. У чудищ, живущих под водой, на щиколотках завязаны ядовитые водоросли. Например, Эксплод утыкан шипами, а циклоп Метлдаун носит токсичный кнут и банки с радиоактивными отходами.
Команда спасателей, во главе со Стормером, вооружена мечами, горящими пламенем, и фантазийными щитами. Они летают, используя сканер для разведки, поражают противников трезубцем с шипами. Отважные спасатели облачены в плащи, ледяную броню или рыцарские доспехи, а на ногах красуются реактивные бутсы.
Без помощи машин не обходится ни одно сражение. Вы можете купить десантный истребитель или сверхбыстрый мотоцикл. Есть и другие образцы техники. Впечатляет патрульная машина Роки, в которой одновременно находятся два штурмана. Сурж контролирует работу ракетницы и плазменной пушки. Рока пилотирует боевой вертолет.
Каждая игрушка упакована в индивидуальную коробку с изображением чудо-воина. Детали собраны в отдельном пакете. Так же в комплекте идет инструкция.
Mark Surge is a young member of the Alpha Team.
Surge was built in the Assembly Tower and made friends with fellow rookies William Furno and Natalie Breez. Due to his experimental nature, Surge was convinced that something went wrong with his creation, a feeling reinforced by frequent examinations by Hero Factory analysts. All three were placed in the Rookie Division of the Alpha Team led by Preston Stormer.
Rise of Rookies
Surge and Breez were present in Mission Control during the mission on Merak 9, but were forced to leave by Nathaniel Zib because they were too loud. Furno went to the Hero Core. They recharged his core in the XPlode's Meteor Blaster. Breez covered Stormer while Furno took on Rotor. Surge stopped XPlode from stealing the Stringer and Bulk to secure the plant and were later sent to Corroder then attacked them at Penitentiary 1331 and Bulk was buried in girders protecting Surge and Surge made sure Corroder couldn't get to him. They were forced to form a Von Ness mission in Hero Factory and saved Bulk.
After Stormer escaped Hero Factory, Surge, Stringer and Breez searched for him, but could not find him. They were sent to Tratix Reptoid . Surge was grabbed by the reptoid, but Breez got it to help get the ingredient. They then returned to Hero Factory and Stormer was cured.
Later, they were learning how to use the Mission Control. They saw the mission in New Stellac and were ordered to go there when Thunder used his Nebula Gas Cannon to attack Stormer and they lost communications with Alpha Team. Surge demonstrated the Hero Pods and found themselves in combat with Villains once their weapons ran out of ammo and used their Particle Seperators to dodge XPlode's Explosive Spikes, though Surge's Particle Seperator malfunctioned and his head got stuck backwards. He later reactivated the Particle Seperator and took his head back around before Stormer and Furno destroyed the black hole.
Ordeal of Fire
After the events in New Stellac City, Surge was promoted to full hero. He was later called to Tanker Station 22 and he fought the Breakout
He, The Doom Box
Later, Surge was stuck in a training simulation room with Bulk and Furno, and was used as a projectile so they could escape. Stormer called them in and a Delta-Red Warning was issued, as the entire galaxy was put in danger by Core Hunter 's pursuit of the Doom Box . After listening to logs of Bulk, Stormer, and Stringer's previous battles against Core Hunter that led to the villain's capture by Hero Factory. Surge was sent with Stringer to a freighter where Stringer had previously fought Core Hunter that was now in a scrapyard. Surge was forced to leave Stringer when henchmen attacked him, but the arrival of other Alpha 1 members saved Stringer. They went into the cargo bay where Core Hunter had placed two of the three Doom Box pieces together. Surge shot him with his Electricity Shooter causing Core Hunter to spasm, placing the final piece together. Abilities and Traits
Though he is convinced that something went wrong with his construction, Surge is nonetheless an able, if occasionally clumsy, Hero. Like his fellow rookie teammates, he was built with experimental designs, though Surge resented the constant examination this required. He is known to be defiant and emotional, often attempting to be rational, but is easily set off. He is also very strong, but his inexperience leads to an inability to use it properly all the time. Surge also struggles with fears that he is secretly evil and will become like Core Hunter and Von Nebula. Although he overcomes this by not giving into the extremely powerful Core Hunter, Surge still struggles with himself inside.
After the upgrade, Surge possessed more power and fire-resistant armor, as well as a scope, and used his tools to act as the sniper for the team. He has recently been given another upgrade, with super thick, duo-plating impact armor. The armor is designed to withstand conditions in deep space, such as extreme temperatures, radiation, and galactic debris, and is also outfitted with magnetic boots to prevent Surge from drifting off into space.
Before his upgrade, Surge wielded two Ice Spear Blaster as his 2.0 weapon, allowing him to shoot ice projectiles from a long range.
Original Form
Breakout Form
Invasion From Below Form
Mark Surge, also known as “The Livewire”, is a member of Alpha 1 Team.
Early Life
Mark Surge was recently created in the Assembly Tower along with William Furno and Natalie Breez. All three of them were appointed to a rookie team, with Furno as team leader, under the overall guide of the Alpha Team.
Rise of the Rookies
When the Alpha Team was dispatched to Merak 9, Surge and Breez rushed to the Mission Control to watch the battle. Though they were told by Zib to stay silent, Surge complained about how Stormer was treating Furno. The two Rookies later met up with Furno in the Training Sphere, who noted how Stormer demanded perfection and how Furno would earn Stormer's respect someday.
After Furno's Core was recharged due to exhausting himself in the sphere, Surge and the team were planned by Stormer to go on a training mission to sharpen their skills. However, the Alpha Team leader received a transmission about an attack at the Explosives Plant on Lemus 2 and was forced to respond. In the middle of the battle, Stormer was downed by XPlode and Rotor. Furno decided to take care of the duo himself, and called the Furno Bike to the battle. Surge managed to stop XPlode from defeating the Hero with explosives, and Furno managed to capture Rotor.
The Heroes forming an Hero Cell.
When Corroder attacked the construction site where Penitentiary 1331 was being built on Tantalus 5, Surge was on the scene along with Bulk, Stringer, and Breez. Surge ran to aid Bulk and Stringer, but Corroder blasted acid at a metal girder above him and dropped the rubble on Surge. Bulk shoved the rookie out of the way and was pinned under the rubble. Surge attempted to excavate Bulk, but the metal was too heavy for him to move. Stringer, Surge, and Bulk linked cores to form a Hero Cell to protect themselves from Corroder until Furno arrived to defeat the villain. Eventually, they were able to dig Bulk out.
Surge, Breez, Furno, and Stormer traveled to Mekron City to meet with Chief Drax. Stormer entered the precinct first, and was attacked by Drax, who appeared to have gone mad. Stormer easily cuffed Drax, but the maddened police chief sent out guard robots to gun the Heroes down. Surge and his rookie friends attempted to shoot them down, but were not very accurate, and Stormer took them out instead. Meltdown then crashed through the wall, and sprayed Stormer with acid. The villain grappled out of the scene, and while Surge and his friends tried to shoot him down, they missed.
Upon returning to Hero Factory, it was revealed that Meltdown’s radioactive sludge contained nanobots capable of hijacking a robot's systems. Stormer went berserk and escaped into Makuhero City. Furno followed the Alpha Leader, while Surge, Breez, Stringer, and Bulk traveled to Lunar Tratix to collect an ingredient capable of destroying the nanobots. Upon arriving, the group was attacked by a Tratix Reptoid. While Bulk and Stringer distracted the Tratix Reptoid, Breez found the ingredient. However, the snakelike beast then focused on her, preparing to strike. Surge grabbed its attention in her place. The creature picked Surge up in its tail and prepared to eat him, but Breez used her powers of speaking with animals to make it drop him. The team then returned to Hero Factory and administered the antidote to Stormer, curing him.
Surge and his comrades were playing with Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings when Professor Nathaniel Zib appeared. Zib gave them new armor and Particle Separators and sent them to aid Stormer, Stringer, and Bulk in New Stellac City, where the Heroes were battling Thunder and Corroder. Surge was launched in a Hero Pod to the scene, but as he, Furno, and Breez emerged, XPlode and Meltdown appeared as well. Suddenly, Von Nebula opened a black hole in the sky and sucked up the Heroes’ weapons, including Surge’s Lightning Shooter and Shield. Stormer and Furno leapt into the black hole to combat Von Nebula, and Surge and the rest of the Heroes used the Particle Separators to evade the villains’ attacks and stun them. The villains were taken into custody, Von Nebula was sucked into his own Black Hole Orb Staff, and Surge returned to the Hero Factory in triumph.
Due to his work in New Stellac City, Surge and his comrades were promoted to full Hero status.
Ordeal of Fire
Surge destroying some fuel cells, allowing the other Heroes and civilians to escape.
Surge and the rest of the Alpha Team were recently sent on a mission to defend Tanker Station 22 from the Fire Lord’s minions. When Furno discovered that the villains were absorbing the fuel, Surge attempted to join him only for Drilldozer to show up. Along with Breez and Stormer, they tried to battle him only to find their weapons were incapable of damaging his armor. Though the workers managed to escape to safety, the Heroes suffered a terrible defeat, and attempted to retreat. The Fire Villains had them surrounded, though Surge sacrificed himself by destroying some fuel cells, allowing the other Heroes to escape. Surge was then captured and imprisoned.
Though the Villains planned to hold Surge for ransom, he managed to escape. His teammates, Upgraded to 2.0 Forms, returned to the Refueling Station in order to capture their new threat and rescue Surge. Surge aided his team by sending distress beacons to Furno and Breez, and hijacking a ship piloted by Jetbug. Surge crashed the ship into the Fire Lord, severing his fuel-absorption hand and allowing Stormer to defeat him.
Surge receiving his Ice Spear Blaster.
They brought him back to the Hero Factory, where he received his upgrade and was later present at a ceremony commemorating his bravery, where Natalie Breez presented him with his Ice Spear Blaster.
Savage Planet
During a flashback, Surge and Breez were present at the time Aldous Witch was exiled from the Hero Factory. Also, during a battle against Scorpio, Nex said that Surge could have his gaming system before falling.
The Breakout
Surge after receiving his Breakout Upgrade.
When Voltix and Black Phantom activated the Black Hole Orb Staff allowing the villains to escape, Surge along with Evo and Stormer rushed into the Villain Storage to aid Furno and Rocka in stopping them escaping. Surge attempted to take on Meltdown only to have his feet caught in the villain’s whip and end up being flung towards the door. Upon receiving his upgrade, he ventured out to the Sigma Sigma Sector in space to confront Splitface on an asteroid field nearby to the Space Station there. He found Splitface on one of the biggest asteroids where he was arguing with himself. Surge attacked and fought Splitface on many asteroids but was beat and hurled down onto the biggest. He realized that the asteroid could destroy the station. He split it into half but it was still large enough to destroy the station. Suddenly, Splitface attacked Surge but Surge hurled Splitface into the asteroid destroying the asteroid and capture Splitface. He returned to the Hero Factory to help Preston Stormer and the Alpha 1 Team capture Black Phantom.
The Doom Box
Surge was training with Furno and Bulk when they accidentally turned the training spheres difficulty up past maximum, leaving Surge in a zero-gravity zone, looking to turn the room off Bulk (hanging from a wire) kicked Surge into the power switch. The plan worked, but out of anger Surge came at Bulk with his electrical powers, before being told to stand down by Stormer. Surge along with the rest of Alpha 1, was then briefed by Zib on the fact that Core Hunter had plans to build a weapon of mass-destruction to bribe galactic officials into handing power over to him. The group then watched previous logs of battles with Core Hunter, before moving out.
Surge was paired with Stringer and sent to a space-craft graveyard where Core Hunter was believed to have stashed one of the components. Surge and Stringer then recruited the scrap-yard’s security team to help them sweep the area. Stringer ordered the group to split up and sweep the area but, worried that he might fail on his own Surge stuck with Stringer. Before long the pair was under attack by a group of mercenaries Core Hunter had hired as back-up. Surge reluctantly then went to get back-up and met the rest of Alpha 1 who’d come to re-enforce the pair after Core Hunter beat them to the other components. When they got back to the battlefront Stormer divided the team into three segments place Furno and Surge on his team.
Believing that the part might be in a cargo hull Stringer had battle Core Hunter in before Stormer ordered the team in that direction at which point Surge followed Furno as used his powers to melt the ships walls to get there fast. When they arrived in the cargo hull they were instantly attacked by a group of mercenaries and Core Hunter. Surge quickly defeated the mercenaries and accidently caused Core Hunter to unite all three parts. But the weapon didn’t activate. Before anyone could do a thing, Arctur materialized in the room and told Core Hunter that he’d have to rebuild the weapon in it's place creation for it to work, before shattering the it again and sending it, along with core hunter on a delayed teleportation there. The Heroes then captured Arctur, and Surge got lectured by Stormer on his mistake.
With the help of Arctur, who explained the nature of the weapon referred to as the Doom Box, Surge and Alpha 1 went to confront Core Hunter. At which point Surge got the idea to bluff him, which Core Hunter reacted to by killing Arctur. The team then enacted a plan to disarm the Box which ended in all it’s energy going into Core Hunter. Core Hunter then defeated every Hero but Surge who faced him. Core Hunter offered to make Surge a general in his army, and after contemplation Surge refused at which point Surge attacked with a blast of electricity and caused the Box’s energies to react shrinking Core Hunter into oblivion.
Brain Attack
Surge after receiving his ZX-79 Upgrade.
After the mass Breakout, Surge and the heroes were held up in Makuhero City by fans. Surge told Breez that he felt like a puppet. The Alpha 1 Team then got a red alert from Zib who told them that peaceful creatures were being controlled by evil brains. As usual, the heroes were upgraded with new weapons and armor. Surge was commanded by Furno to guard the Hero Factory much to his disappointment. Many brain controlled creatures attacked the Hero Factory but all were stopped by Surge. Unfortunately, an army of Brains attacked Surge and corrupted him. Surge let out an army of blank hero robots to attack the Alpha Team. Breez however, was able to remove the brain from his head making Surge return to normal. Surge quickly realized that the brain was controlling him. Surge, realizing his mistake, deactivated all the robots. Surge and the heroes then went to help repair the damage in Makuhero City, with Surge commenting that he no longer felt like a puppet.
Invasion From Below
Surge on the Alpha 1 Team Drop Ship, arriving in Antropolis City.
Surge accompanied the other Alpha 1 Team Heroes to Antropolis City in order to combat the Jumper invasion there. Surge was unable to help much in Antropolis due to not having a mech like the other heroes, rendering him practically helpless until the invasion was combated and the heroes entered the tunnels below Antropolis to rescue Stormer and Furno, who had been captured. There, Surge finally got a vehicle that would later be shared with Rocka, letting the two of them fight various Beasts until Surge was captured. Surge was then found in the Queen Beast's lair along with Stormer and Furno, being rescued with them and escaping with the rest of the team.
Abilities and Traits
Secretly, Surge is convinced that he was built with a flaw, and that he will one day turn to the side of evil. Despite that, he is full of good intentions and is a strong and fast fighter, if clumsy at times. However, his lack of experience keeps him from properly utilizing his true strength. Much like his rookie teammates, Surge was built with some experimental parts, though Surge refused the examinations that followed. Surge is also considered defiant and emotional, easily getting set off despite his attempts to be rational. After becoming a full-fledged hero Surge became courageous, but somewhat reluctant at times to use his capabilities. He can also be short-fused at times.
Following his upgrade to 2.0 status, Surge gained heat-resistant armor and other upgraded features. He also gained a scope, acting as a sniper on missions.
After the Breakout surge was equipped with a set of double-plated armor, a Plasma Gun, and Lightning Sword.
Mark Surge initially had blue and silver armor, as well as translucent green eyes and a translucent yellow Hero Core.
In Surge’s 2.0. form, he has blue and white armor, while his eyes and Hero Core are now colored lime. He’s armed with headgear fitted with long-distance thermo-scope and built-in motion sensor, which he uses to take aim with his weapon.
During Breakout, Surge was given blue armor with gray plating. He was fitted with equipment in his armor that allowed him to be in space.
Surge originally carried the Lightning Shooter and Shields dual weapons, which allowed him to shoot powerful bolts of lightning and create shields from that electrical energy. These weapons were sucked into a black hole during a fight in New Stellac City, though he eventually got them back.
After his Upgrade, Surge’s next weapon is an Ice Spear Blaster, which allows him to launch projectile icicles for long range attacks.
During the Breakout, Surge’s weapon was replaced with an Electricity Shooter and a Plasma Gun.
As of the 2013 Brain Attack, Mark Surge is equipped with wings and an electric weapon which would fire lightning.
Set Information
Mark Surge was released as one of the Hero Factory canister sets in July 2010. His product number was 7169, and contained 19 pieces.
Hero Factory was a constraction theme introduced in July 2010 and discontinued in 2015. The theme was centered around a group of robotic heroes who protected the galaxy from various threats. The theme primarily used new TECHNIC elements for each set, much like BIONICLE. Since it was the successor to the original BIONICLE, the first wave of sets had a label that read “From the makers of BIONICLE” printed on the bottom corner of their boxes, just as the first BIONICLE sets had the TECHNIC logo on them.
2010 - Rise of the Rookies
The storyline was based in Makuhero City. [1] The largest building and trademark of the city was the Assembly Tower, a 589 meters high, 715 meters wide and 924 meters long tower, located in the center of Makuhero City. [1] It is driven by "cold fusion" and it employs a total of 11,127 employees. [1] This tower is the "Hero Factory" that constructs various robot heroes which are sent out when the Call Center receives calls from victims. They can report their emergency and call on a robotic hero. The founder of the Hero Factory is Akiyama Makuhero. [2]
Inside the Assembly Tower, these heroes are built every day. They are the product of work from design experts and robot construction specialists. These robotic heroes are fitted with solid fiber-carbide plating, Quaza cores and equipped with helmets and equipment to fight evil with guts and gadgets. Once constructed, they are placed in special hero pods and beamed across the galaxy to defeat evil and complete their various missions.
The Assembly Tower in Makuhero City
The first villain of the theme was Von Nebula. He had a staff with the ability to create black holes. Von Nebula, formerly known as Von Ness, used to be a hero on Stormer's team; however, during a mission, his cowardice nearly caused the destruction of a city. Blaming Stormer for his failure, Von Nebula swore vengeance on Hero Factory. He employed some former jailbird henchman who banded together to help him, but that was unknown to the heroes. William Furno, the newest hero, was eager to defeat Von Nebula but was depressed when his firm-handed team leader Preston Stormer told him he hadn't the experience to take on the most dangerous villain in the galaxy. He was joined by more rookies, Mark Surge and Natalie Breez. He was also joined by heroes Dunkan Bulk and Jimi Stringer. Using Stormer's smarts and Furno’s talent, the heroes defeated Von Nebula.
2011. - Ordeal of Fire
The first wave of Hero Factory sets in 2011 was called Mission: Ordeal of Fire. In a Hero Factory book given out with a LEGO magazine in December, it gave this description:
Sent out on a dangerous mission to save a refueling station, the heroes are attacked by vicious Fire Villains, who prove too fast and too strong. To defeat these notorious villains, the heroes must be redesigned and re-equipped with special new weapons and gadgets. But will the redesign work? The history of the Hero Factory rests on its success!
2011. - Savage Planet
The 3.0 Hero Factory series was titled Savage Planet. It was set on a planet called Quatros, which had a core of Quaza. The main villain was named Witch Doctor, who was trying to extract the Quaza. If he succeeded, the planet would die and break apart. The six heroes, Stormer, Furno, Bulk, Nex, Stringer, and the new rookie, Rocka now with animal powers, must travel to Quatros and stop the villain from killing the planet. But there are savage beasts that attack them, Waspix, Fangz, Scorpio, and Raw-Jaw, who are controlled by the Witch Doctor.
2012 - Breakout
The fourth series was titled Hero Factory Breakout and features a villain called Black Phantom, who breaks into the Hero Factory tower - with the help of mastermind Von Nebula - and allows the other villains to escape. While all of the heroes are distracted by the escapes, Black Phantom stays behind to destroy the Hero Factory assembly tower. With the mission manager captured and all of the other heroes out, Rocka was tasked to defeat Black Phantom before he could take over.
Breakout was the second series to include an XL hero (Preston Stormer), as well as the first series to include all of the original nine heroes (not including the Drop Ship pilot). Each set also contains a hero core with a secret code on the back, used for the Breakout online game. Breakout is also the first Hero Factory line scheduled to have two waves of sets, one in December 2011/January 2012 and one in summer 2012.
The December 2011/January 2012 sets had Rocka, Furno, Surge, Evo, and Breez, who didn’t come out until summer 2012 in the US, with Bulk, Stringer, Stormer, and Nex. Bulk, Breez, and Nex didn’t appear in the TV show for unknown reasons.
Despite for Bulk, Breez, and Nex not appearing in the TV show, there’s a second trailer where Bulk is knocked down by Voltix, and Nex being knocked down by Speeda Demon, and Breez didn’t appear in the trailer but in the FOX Sports Cleatus.
As far as the television series is concerned, it was the first part to have recurring villains, one of which has a main role as the ‘mastermind’ of the Breakout. Voltix seems to be the ‘breaker-outer’ of the villains, since he was the one who allowed Von Nebula to break himself out of his own black hole staff, creating a black hole and allowing the villains to escape.
2013 - Brain Attack
The Brain Attack logo
The 2013 storyline was about a mysterious factory that produces brain parasites to turn creatures of the Hero Factory universe evil. The brains go to different areas on the planet, infecting ice beasts, lava critters, desert crawlers, jungle ogres, rock monsters, sea creatures, and one brain infects an electrical dragon. Meanwhile, in Makuhero City, the heroes are going around in the public, signing autographs, giving away robo-balls, and giving interviews. Surge complains to Breez that he wants action and doesn’t want to be a puppet. Suddenly, the code red alarm goes off, and the heroes rush back. Zib explains that the brains are forcing the hosts to destroy Hero Factory, and they need upgrades. After getting their upgrades, Furno sends Evo into the service canals to combat a wave of Aquagon, sets Surge to guard the Factory (much to Surge’s annoyance), and sends everyone else into the streets. After much trial and error, Bulk finds out that the brains can be removed if they are hit on the spikes. After knocking all the brains off, they notice that Surge's signal is inside the Hero Assembly Tower, so they head back. Dragon Bolt rams into Hero Factory, causing a mass evacuation. Rocka is left to the job of fighting the dragon, while the heroes find Surge. Inside, the heroes find that Surge has been taken over by a brain and has made an army of drones to destroy the factory. As the heroes fight them, Rocka equips himself with 44014 Jet Rocka and goes after the dragon. He manages to remove the brain, and Breez removes the brain on Surge's head, and they shut off the drones. As they walk into the street to help out, Breez asks Surge if this experience changed anything about how he feels to help. Surge replies that since he now knows what being a real puppet is, he won’t turn down anything he can voluntarily do. But in the factory, there are more brains lying in wait for innocent minds, and they latch onto a repair crew, giving the heroes a new challenge to deal with.
The Winter releases were 44000 Furno XL, 44004 Bulk, 44002 Rocka, 44006 Breez, 44003 Scarox, 44001 Pyrox, 44005 Bruizer, and 44007 Ogrum, with 44008 Surge, 44010 Stormer, 44012 Evo, and 44014 Jet Rocka, 44009 Dragon Bolt, 44011 Frost Beast, and 44013 Aquagon being released in the summer. The Heroes resemble knights, and their helmets have a transparent covering over their eyes. The villains have special parasite heads, holding parasite brains which have many similarities to the Krana and Kraata from BIONICLE. These brain creatures appeared in various transparent colors as well as black and glow-in-the-dark, with red spikes and eyes. They have six legs and long spiky tails. An online (or offline, if you have the app) game was released, which involves the player as a partially customized hero and an Alpha Team Hero as his or her sidekick.
2014 - Invasion from Below
In the city of Antropolis, a Metro Line drill project revealed strange creatures from within the planet that abduct the crew. Hero Factory sent in Evo to investigate, which led to an attack on the city by giant beasts. Their objective: capture the civilians to give them to their queen. Alpha Team was flown in to stop the monsters by building giant mechs. Breez discovered that the monsters communicate with each other, while Stormer and Furno were kidnapped. The remaining heroes built more mechs to explore the underground tunnel. After much exploration, they arrived at the center and discovered the queen monster, who proceeded to call more monsters to her aid. Surrounded, Breez talked to the queen and convinced her to free the other heroes and let them all leave. However, a Jumper stepped on a gun and shot it. The Queen thought the Heroes shot it, which resulted in Stormer destroying the colony. They escaped to the surface and the tunnel is resealed, keeping the monsters inside. An online game (or offline, for the app) was released, featuring the player as an Alpha Team hero fighting different beasts and earning power-ups. In the main menu, the player can strengthen the heroes with certain types of powerups or select beasts to fight (some being premium).
Марк Сёрдж (или Марк Сурж), также известный как Поток - новичок Команды Альфа Фабрики Героев.
Раняя жизнь
Марк Сёрдж был создан в Башне Сборки, вместе с героями Уильямом Фёрно и Натали Бриз. Они здорово сдружились, и были назначены работать под присмотром команды Альфа.
Становление новичков
Когда команда Альфа выполняла задание на Мерак 9, Сёрдж вместе с Натали Бриз наблюдал за боем с Центра Контроля Миссий. Не смотря на то, что Зиб просил их вести себя тихо, Марк всё равно возмущался по поводу того, как Штормер относиться к Фёрно. Познее Сёрдж и Бриз встретили Уильяма в Тренировочной Сфере, где Фёрно заметил, что Штормер требует совершенной работы как от других, так и от себя, и что когда-нибудь Фёрно добьётся уважения Альфа-лидера.
Когда Корродер атаковал строющеюся тюрьму 1331 на Танталус 5, Сёрдж, вместе с Дунканом Балком и Джимми Стрингером был вынужден вести бой со злодеем. Сёрдж отвлекал внимание Корродера, чтобы помочь другим, но злодей, с помощью кислоты, обрезал канат, державший груз железа, и этот груз полетел прямо на новобранца. Дункан Балк спас Сёрджа, но сам попал под завал. Марк попытался вытащить Дункана, но железо было слишком тяжёлое. Тогда Балк, Сёрдж и Стрингер соединили свои Ядра, чтобы образовать Ячейку Героев. В результате они были под защитой, пока не прибыл Фёрно и не победил злодея. А после прибытия Бриз, Балка вытащили из-под завала.
Позже Сёрдж, Фёрно, Бриз и Штормер прибыли в Мекрон Сити, чтобы встретиться с Шефом Драксом. Однако последний атаковал Штормера. Казалось, он сошёл с ума. К счастью, Альфа-лидер с лёгкостью обезоружил его. Дракс использовал охранных ботов, чтобы атаковать героев. Сёрдж и другие новобранцы пытались сбить их, но не смогли. Тогда Штормер вырубил их сам. Но тут в комнату ворвался Мелтдаун, заразил Престона нано-ботами и скрылся, хотя Марк и новобранцы пытались стрелять в него.
После возвращения на Фабрику Героев, выяснилось, что нано-боты способны вывести из строя системы Штормера. Альфа-лидер впал в ярость и скрылся в городе. Фёрно последовал за ним, в то время как Сёрдж, Бриз, Балк и Стрингер направились на Лунный Тратикс, чтобы найти компонент, способный уничтожить нано-ботов. Однако там герои подверглись атаке Тратикского Рептоида. Пока Балк и Стрингер отвлекали чудовище, Бриз нашла компонент. Но Рептоид нацелился на неё. Сёрдж отвлёк внимание змеи. Она схватила его и хотела съесть, но его спасла Бриз - она использовала свою способность общаться со зверьми, чтобы уговорить Рептоида отпустить его. После этого герои вернули на Фабрику и дали Штормеру противоядие, вылечив его.
С ёрдж и его друзья изучали Анти-гравитационные кольца, когда профессор Натаниель Зиб дал им новую броню и Расщипители Частиц. Затем он направил их в город Нью Стеллак, на помощь Штормеру, Стрингеру и Балку, которые сражались с Корродером и Тандером. Сёрдж, вместе с Фёрно и Бриз, отправился на бой в Капсуле Героев, однако, как только они прибыли, к злодеям присоединились еще двое - Эксплод и Мелтдаун. Внезапно, Фон Небьюла открыл чёрную дыру в небе и засосал оружие героев, включая Молниемёты со щитами Сёрджа. Штормер и Фёрно прыгнули в чёрную дыру, чтобы сразиться с Небьюлой, а Марк и другие герои использовали Расщипители Частиц, чтобы защититься от атак злодеев и вырубить их. Слугоботы были арестованы, Фон Небьюла заточён в свой собственный Посох Создания Чёрных Дыр, и Сёрдж вместе с другими героями, с триумфом возвратился на Фабрику.
Испытание Огнём
После боя в Нью Стеллаке Сёрдж и его друзья Ферно и Бриз стали считаться полноценными Героями.
Сёрджа и остальных членов команды Альфа (за исключением Балка и Стрингера) направили на Заправочную Станцию 22, которая подверглась атаке Повелителя Огня и его Слугоботов. Сёрдж, вместе с Фёрно, Бриз и Штормером, атаковали злодеев. Марк пытался повредить Дриллдозера, но после неудачи, Штормер объявил, что оружие героев бесполезно против Огненных Злодеев. Хотя герои спасли рабочих, они были вынуждены отступить, в то время как Сердж отвлекал внимание Злодеев. Поэтому, Героям пришлось "пожертвовать" Серджем и оставить его одного со Злодеями.
После возвращения на Фабрику Героев, Сердж был модернизирован в модель 2.0 и был награжден за храбрость Метателем Ледяных Копий.
Черты характера и личность
Сёрдж - темпераментная личность, из-за чего он иногда попадает в беду. Однако, у него есть секрет. Глубоко в душе Сёрдж уверен, что он был создан с изъяном, и что однажды он перейдёт на сторону зла. Как и у всех новобранцы, у Сёрджа есть несколько новых, экспериментальных деталей. Полный активности, он сильный и быстрый воин, но отсутствие опыта удерживает его от использования силы по-настоящему. Сёрдж любит посоревноваться, а также крайне неуклюж, и последнее часто приводить к проблемам с посадкой его Капсулы Героев
Внешний вид
У Марка Сёрджа сине-серебрянная броня, кроме того у него зелёные глаза и прозрачно-жёлтое Ядро Героя.
В своей новой форме Сёрдж имеет синию и белую броню, а также лаймовую голову и Ядро Героя. В его шлем встроены система термо-виденья и датчик движения, которые позволяют Сёрджу легко прицелиться во врага.
Он вооружён двумя молнимётами и щитами, оружием, способным метать разряды молнии. Это оружие было засосано в чёрную дыру Фон Небьюлы, хотя позже Сёрдж вернул его.
В данный момент Сёрдж вооружён Метателем Ледяных Копий - оружием, способным метать лёд в форме копья на большие расстояния.
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