Lego harry potter years 1 4 ios
Experience the events of Harry Potter's first four years at Hogwarts – LEGO® style! Also check out LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, available now!
"LEGO Harry Potter looks razor sharp on a Retina display device."(IGN - 8 out of 10)
". instantly charming and thoroughly impressive."(PocketGamer - 8 out of 10)
Play as Harry, Ron, Hermione and many more as you explore Hogwarts and engage in countless hours of gameplay spread across 40+ levels based on the Harry Potter books and movies. LEGO® Harry Potter™: Years 1-4 brings the world of LEGO® Harry Potter to life on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, giving gamers the power to play with LEGO characters and models in a brand new way. Based on the first four Harry Potter books and movies, LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 1-4 builds on the foundations of previous LEGO® video games by offering a mix of fun, accessible gameplay and light-hearted humor – appealing to all ages. Players can explore the wizarding world and feel as though they are at Hogwarts.
• The Events of Harry Potter’s First Four Years at Hogwarts – LEGO® style! – including the Triwizard Tournament, the Quidditch World Cup, the Basilisk battle in the Chamber of Secrets, the encounter with Aragog and the face-to-face confrontation with Voldemort himself.
• Stunning Graphics – take advantage of the Retina Display.
• Intuitive Touch-Screen Controls – take complete control over your character to explore, solve puzzles and duel.
• An Authentic Harry Potter Experience:
• Visit Iconic locations – including Diagon Alley, the Forbidden Forest, the village of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts castle – a grand, immersive 3-D environment and the largest, most detailed LEGO® game location ever built.
• Play as over 100 characters – including Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
• Attend Hogwarts – cast spells, mix potions, fly on broomsticks and complete hundreds of magical tasks to earn points.
• Character Customization – using hundreds of different LEGO® Harry Potter pieces.
• Classic LEGO® Humor – enjoy the characteristic comedic LEGO® ‘twist’ on events from the fiction.
• Endless Replayability – use ‘Freeplay’ to discover areas of gameplay not accessible in Story Mode.
• Collectables – pick up a huge variety of items throughout the game.
**Check out these other exciting WB apps:
• Scribblenauts Remix
• Tapper World Tour
• Tapper World Tour HD (iPad only)
• Harry Potter: Spells
• LEGO Batman: Gotham City Games
- Summary: Experience the events of Harry Potter's first four years at Hogwarts – LEGO® style!
Play as Harry, Ron, Hermione and many more as you explore Hogwarts and engage in countless hours of gameplay spread across 40+ levels based on the Harry Potter books and movies. Experience the events of Harry Potter's first four years at Hogwarts – LEGO® style!
Play as Harry, Ron, Hermione and many more as you explore Hogwarts and engage in countless hours of gameplay spread across 40+ levels based on the Harry Potter books and movies.
LEGO® Harry Potter™: Years 1-4 brings the world of LEGO® Harry Potter to life on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, giving gamers the power to play with LEGO characters and models in a brand new way. Based on the first four Harry Potter books and movies, LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 1-4 builds on the foundations of previous LEGO® videogames by offering a mix of fun, accessible gameplay and light-hearted humor – appealing to all ages. Players can explore the wizarding world and feel as though they are at Hogwarts.
•The Events of Harry Potter’s First Four Years at Hogwarts – LEGO® style! – including the Triwizard Tournament, the Quidditch World Cup, the Basilisk battle in the Chamber of Secrets, the encounter with Aragog and the face-to-face confrontation with Voldemort himself.
•Stunning Graphics – take advantage of the Retina Display.
•Intuitive Touch-Screen Controls – take complete control over your character to explore, solve puzzles and duel.
•An Authentic Harry Potter Experience -
-Visit Iconic locations – including Diagon Alley, the Forbidden Forest, the village of Hogsmeade and
-Hogwarts castle – a grand, immersive 3-D environment and the largest, most detailed LEGO® game location ever built.
-Play as over 100 characters – including Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
-Attend Hogwarts – cast spells, mix potions, fly on broomsticks and complete hundreds of magical tasks to earn points.
•Character Customization – using hundreds of different LEGO® Harry Potter pieces.
•Classic LEGO® Humor – enjoy the characteristic comedic LEGO® ‘twist’ on events from the fiction
•Endless Replayability – use ‘Freeplay’ to discover areas of gameplay not accessible in Story Mode
The concept of LEGO Games blends perfectly with the Harry Potter franchise. Possibly the best LEGO Game to date!
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is a love letter to fans of the Boy Who Lived. The comedic cutscenes toying with canon, the hundreds of hidden things to find, and the general sense of a great LEGO game paired with a great series really makes this game a standout.
Harry's adventure into Lego land is exactly what you'd want it to be: charming, fun, and chock-full of secrets.
In the past I've said that I've grown a tad weary of the LEGO formula. Harry Potter, on the other hand, proves to be a great match. [Aug 2010, p.91]
User Reviews
Lego Harry Potter is a great game for challenging children's minds, much like professor Layton, I would recommend this game for children 10 Lego Harry Potter is a great game for challenging children's minds, much like professor Layton, I would recommend this game for children 10 and up. Even adults can enjoy this magical fantasy world where bordom is not tolerated. One of the BEST Lego games ever! … Expand
Great fun. Funny animations. Classic for any kids or adult-kids what love harry potter. Very clean and well done, hours upon hours of Great fun. Funny animations. Classic for any kids or adult-kids what love harry potter. Very clean and well done, hours upon hours of challenges. My kids love it, they are 7 and 10. Get it! … Expand
I have loved the wii lego games but Harry Potter is trash - never have I found so many glitches, been forced to start over, etc. At 95+%, due I have loved the wii lego games but Harry Potter is trash - never have I found so many glitches, been forced to start over, etc. At 95+%, due to a glitch, I can't finish. The achievements are not part of this version so a large part of the game is not even available. I should not have to buy a different system and the game a second time to access the entire game. Don't waste your money - it could be a good game but the glitches have taken the fun out of it. … Expand
After the horrific Lego Indiana Jones 2, this game is clearly trying to set the Lego games back on track. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 goes After the horrific Lego Indiana Jones 2, this game is clearly trying to set the Lego games back on track. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 goes more back to the series' roots. The game still has the amazing Lego charm and Harry Potter is an unsurprisingly nice fit for the series. The gameplay is where this game is at its worst. The entire game is filled with way too simple puzzles usually involving levitating one object to another place or putting something back together. The same basic puzzles are repeated over and over again. Most of thre game has no combat whatsoever. The memorable scenes from Harry Potter aren't very fun to play in this game and are quite disappointing, like the third task and the fact ther is no playable Quidditch or Hippogriff riding scenes. The boss battles aren't fun and too easy as well. Harry Potter does work well with the Lego formula, especially exploring Hogwarts, but most of the movies' memorable scenes just don't wrk in this game. … Expand
Following LEGO Indiana Jones 2 and being a big Harry Potter fan, I have to say that I was quite pleased with this game when it was released. Following LEGO Indiana Jones 2 and being a big Harry Potter fan, I have to say that I was quite pleased with this game when it was released. Unfortunately, my thoughts have changed a bit.
This game would be receiving an 8 if not for one thing: after completing the main story, I encountered two game-breaking glitches. One that didn't allow me to go inside the Gryffindor common room ever again and one that didn't even allow me to get out of a basement so I was basically stuck in there the entire time. Not being able to go back to get 100% on a game you liked lowers the quality in my opinion. There are also does not appear to be a brightness option in the game. Several times in darkened levels, it took me several minutes to figure out what I was supposed to do due to the low amount of light in the game.
I'm pretty sure what I'm experiencing (the brightness problem) may be simply related to the Wii. PS3 and Xbox 360 players may have no problems. The bugs, however, can be found on all versions, which is a shame.
Well now on to the actual game. LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 made me so happy when it first came out. Harry Potter and LEGO were two of my favorite things at the time (HP still is) and I loved how they turned the first four movies into something so fun and great. The co-op feature definitely adds to the fun factor of the game. LEGO games are simply nothing without co-op. They also brought back the level creator from LEGO Indiana Jones 2 which was a smart move.
Unfortunately, there is also something wrong with the level creator. Every single time I am almost done with creating a level with my brother, the game crashes and we have to start all the way over which is really a shame. I don't think this a Wii problem because this never happened on LEGO Indiana Jones 2.
Overall, I think I am giving LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 a bit of slack in terms of the score I'm giving it. The levels are great and I would recommend to it any Harry Potter fan. but on another console. Several game-breaking glitches ruined this game for me. … Expand
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- Платформа:iOS
- Дата выхода: 3 май. 2012
- Жанр:Action (Arcade) / Action Adventure
- Тип издания: Пиратка
- Разработчик/Издатель:Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment / Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- Серия игр:Harry Potter, LEGO
История мальчика, оказавшегося великим волшебником, знакома всем и каждому. Но что будет, если его мир собрать из блоков знаменитого конструктора LEGO? Встречайте самое удивительное и неповторимое развлечение – яркую, красочную и веселую игру «LEGO Гарри Поттер»! Она полностью изменит ваше представление о Хогвартсе и его необычных обитателях.
На выбор представлены более сотни героев, хорошо знакомых вам по фильмам и книгам. Учитесь, общайтесь, веселитесь вместе с Гарри Поттером, Гермионой, Роном Уизли. Пройдите путь от пыльного чулана в доме маглов до пиршественной залы школы магии и чародейства. Погрузитесь в приключения любимых персонажей из первых четырех книг и фильмов о юном волшебнике. Но главное – здесь вы можете изменить абсолютно все! Стоит лишь поиграть с разноцветными блоками всевозможных форм и размеров, и на ваших глазах этот удивительный мир заиграет новыми красками. Превратите Хогвартс и его окрестности в площадку для игр, развлечений и бесконечного веселья!
Если вы хотите скачать игру LEGO Harry Potter (iOS) через торрент бесплатно , выберите подходящий вариант из списка ниже.
Занятная экшен RPG, чей сюжет основан сразу на трёх книгах и четырёх частях экранизации фентезийной саги за авторстовм Джоан Роулинг, повествующей нам об известном мальчике-чародее по имени Гарри Поттер, которому предстоят невероятные приключения, полные опасностей и схваток с врагами.
В «LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7» нас ждёт качественная графика, выполненная в забавном стиле не менее знаменитого в мире детского конструктора «ЛЕГО», что придаёт как декорациям, так и персонажам новый оригинальный вид, позволяя взглянуть на уже знакомую многим историю под совершенно новым ракурсом.
По сюжету игры мы окажемся непосредственным участником удивительных событий периода, охватывающего последние годы пребывания Гарри в Хогвардсе и сулит нам встречи с Орденом Феникса, Принцем-Полукровкой и даже сведёт нас на поле битвы с самим Волан-де-Мортом.
Захватывающий геймплей предложит нам для изучения большое разнообразие заклинаний и магических приёмов, пригласит нас участвовать в дуэлях на волшебных палочках, вступить в сражения с множеством разных врагов и ещё многое другое.
Ну а самые успешные маги получат в награду 25 видов достижений и займут лидирующие позиции в рейтинговых таблицах.
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