Lego harry potter collection nintendo switch
Die LEGO® Harry Potter™ Collection bringt LEGO® Harry Potter™: Die Jahre 1-4 und LEGO® Harry Potter™: Die Jahre 5-7 neu aufgelegt zurück! Diese Sammlung vereint die umfangreiche Welt von Harry Potter und die Kreativität von LEGO auf einer Reise voller Zauber, Zaubertränke, Rätsel, Unterricht, Duelle und vieles mehr!
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LEGO HARRY POTTER: COLLECTION software © 2018 TT Games Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and the Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2018 The LEGO Group. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. WB GAMES LOGO, WBIE LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
After all is said and done, the LEGO Harry Potter Collection really is a fun game and with this being the definitive collection, it is the best way to play. Of course, you can get this on Xbox One or PS4, but you can only take the Switch version with you when you go see the next Fantastic Beasts film.
The two-game LEGO Harry Potter Collection offers great value for those wanting to relive the young wizard’s brick-based adventures on Nintendo Switch. It’s practically bursting with content, but the improvements offer little more to those that have experienced their magic and charm before. Even if they are starting to show their age, the games remain as some of the best in the LEGO series and a spellbinding local co-op addition to the portable home console’s library.
The game’s more straightforward design and focus on puzzle solving makes it stand out a little from more recent Lego games while still featuring the easy to pick-up gameplay and humor every entry is known for. Of course, that simplicity will dissuade some while attracting others, especially those looking for something younger family members can enjoy together. Having two whole games worth of content can also be seen as a double-edged sword depending on how you feel about repetition and collectibles. In short, it’s another solid Lego game with all the good and bad that come with the franchise.
Tons of content is available to play through, all fitting into the niche that TT Games has established for their LEGO franchise titles. Players will get a fun, lighthearted retelling of their favorite movies, all with a LEGO makeover layered on top.
Lego Harry Potter Collection for the Nintendo Switch is a nice, complete edition to the Switch's library.
Almost a decade after its original release, LEGO Harry Potter is feeling the weight of his years. A lack of variety of mechanics and a level of not-so-rich graphic richness are flanked, however, to a carefree and stimulating gameplay.
LEGO Harry Potter Collection is a trustful albeit lazy port of two fun but ultimately obsolete games which fans of the British wizard will probably still love.
User Reviews
OKay this i a quick review so this game is AMAZING the level design is just MWA its like a french chef made this game. When you play this game OKay this i a quick review so this game is AMAZING the level design is just MWA its like a french chef made this game. When you play this game you notice so many little details and things like that and sometimes you're gonna be like "wow i get this game in so many levels" this is no meme review or something this is actually true this game is actually really good and i'm so surprised that it even is. I MEAN imagine if you read the books and you want to watch the movies i tell you TO not watch the movies and play the lego games instead WHY you may ask because this lego game is ten times more faithful to the books than the movies, well there are some parts of the movie in the lego games so then people who watch the movie would understand but they reference the books all the time, so i think you will have a really great time playing this game as a harry potter fan, or even somebody looking for a game they can play and i tell you this game has content LOTS of content and its very worth the price for 40 bucks for this game. I managed to 100% complete lego harry potter years 1-4 in 35 hours ad lego harry years 5-7 40 hours to 100% complete, so you have a total of 75 amazing hours of lego gameplay. BUT sadly the one flaw is the replay value cuz after you 100% complete the game there is no reason to go back but i dont really care since there is so much content so what ever. JUST BUY THE GAME … Expand
Years 1-4 are amazing. Years 5-7 have visual lag that's really annoying. Would give a 10 if all 7 years played smooth.
The cinematic scenes Years 1-4 are amazing. Years 5-7 have visual lag that's really annoying. Would give a 10 if all 7 years played smooth.
The cinematic scenes are cute and while there isn't any talking they get the message across. You definitely know what's going on. The level designs are clever and fun. They definitely keep you engaged and entertained. These games are also surprisingly true to the books. While I like the movies I think I liked playing these games more than watching the movies. There is also a lot of game play. I was surprised at how many hours I put into this. … Expand
LEGO Harry Potter Collection — переиздание двух Lego-игр о Гарри Поттере. Вы сможете полностью погрузиться в магическую атмосферу и вспомнить события фильма. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, например, рассказывает историю первых четырёх фильмов и книг о мальчике со шрамом на лбу и волшебной палочкой в руке, а LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 повествует о случившемся в трёх финальных книжках и четырёх не менее финальных кинокартинах о Гарри Поттере.
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Даты выхода
LEGO Harry Potter Collection уже вышла на PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch.
Полный список дат выхода и платформ смотрите на странице релизов.
Где купить игру со скидкой?
VGTimes ищет и сравнивает цены на LEGO Harry Potter Collection в разных магазинах, чтобы вы могли купить игру дешевле, чем в Steam, PS Store и других официальных сервисах дистрибуции.
Сейчас LEGO Harry Potter Collection продается в таких магазинах, как Plati, Microsoft Store, Nintendo eShop и других. Самая низкая цена, которую нам удалось найти - 699 рублей.
Вот некоторые актуальные предложения:
в магазине Plati за 975 руб в магазине Microsoft Store за 1062 руб в магазине Difmark за 699 руб в магазине Wyrel за 706 руб в магазине Wyrel за 1072 руб
Еще больше скидок и вкусных цен ищите здесь.
Похожие игры
Вот несколько игр, которые больше всего похожи на LEGO Harry Potter Collection:
Смотрите весь список похожих игр здесь и выбирайте, какая из представленных игр больше всех напоминает LEGO Harry Potter Collection. Там же вы сможете добавить новую игру в список похожих.
Соедините кирпичики от Тисовой улицы до Турнира Трех Волшебников и переживите в стиле LEGO волшебство и приключения Гарри Поттера и его друзей из первых четырех книг цикла! Колдуйте, варите зелья и открывайте фантастический мир в этой юмористической приключенческой игре для всей семьи.
Вы присоединитесь к Гарри, Рону, Гермионе и другим полюбившимся персонажам в Школе Чародейства и Волшебства «Хогвартс», чтобы научиться искусству магии и посетите Косой переулок, деревушку Хогсмид, Запретный лес и другие волшебные места. Фирменные особенности всех игр LEGO – прекрасно детализированные уровни, добрый юмор и познавательность — здесь приправлены обилием волшебных метёл и воплями корня Мандрагоры.
Огромная игра с любовью и юмором воссоздаёт мир Гарри Поттера.
Более сотни играбельных персонажей, у множества из которых есть специальные возможности, такие как Мантия-невидимка Гарри и талант Гермионы к разгадыванию головоломок.
Сотни загадок, головоломок и испытаний потребуют от вас нестандартного мышления.
Бросьте вызов и сразитесь с могучими боссами, включая Того-Кого-Нельзя-Называть.
Комфортный мультиплеер – второй игрок может подключиться игре в любой момент.
Прекрасно созданные ролики и знаменитая музыка Джона Уильямса.
Потрясающая реиграбельность — особые способности новых персонажей позволят проходить игру каждый раз по-новому.
LEGO Гарри Поттер: годы 5-7
Вам предстоит брать уроки волшебства, участвовать в магических битвах и даже в дуэлях на волшебных палочках! Готовы ли вы испытать все радости жизни современного чародея?
«LEGO Гарри Поттер: годы 5—7» повествует о героических подвигах Гарри и его друзей — вам предстоит встретить множество персонажей, обучиться новым заклинаниям и пройти через различные испытания.
Посетите площадь Гриммо, Министерство магии, Годрикову Впадину, а также такие культовые места как Косой переулок и, конечно, Хогвартс.
Создавайте, колдуйте и изучайте — в мире LEGO вы обязательно откроете в себе магические способности!
Выучите мощные боевые заклинания и сражайтесь с врагами, а в финале схлестнитесь с самим Волан-де-Мортом.
Откройте возможность играть за новых персонажей, в том числе Фенрира Сивого, Беллатрису Лестрейндж и профессора Горация Слизнорта.
Исследуйте волшебный мир Гарри Поттера вместе с друзьями в режиме разделенного экрана.
Доставка курьером по Москве и Московской области - 190 рублей Читайте подробности
Доставка курьером в Санкт-Петербург осуществляется в течение в двух дней. Стоимость - от 350 рублей
Доставка по России осуществляется Почтой России (подробности на странице «Оплата и доставка»)
The LEGO Harry Potter Collection is brilliant. Whether it be exploring Hogwarts’ magical portrait-laden corridors, gallivanting around the Ministry of Magic, or enduring the Dursleys at his childhood home on Privet Drive, TT Games has painstakingly rebuilt the wizarding world of Harry Potter one LEGO brick at a time.
This two-game collection lets you play LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 on Nintendo Switch for the first time, your immediate decision being which brick-built adventure you would like to play first. Based on the eight films and, in turn, the seven books that J. K. Rowling had penned, presenting the chance to relive the Avada Kedavra-scarred wizard’s formative school years leading up to his ultimate showdown against Lord Voldemort.
It’s approaching nine years since LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 was released on Wii, meaning that it should come as no surprise that these games have become as weathered as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in that time. TT Games has worked hard to enhance the graphics, environments, lighting, and visual effects when compared with the original releases, but, returning to the fictional school’s grounds for a second time, it’s hard not to appreciate how far the LEGO series has come since.
The LEGO Harry Potter Collection returns to games from a time when the developer was unable to use any dialogue that has been plucked from the movies. That would start to come later with LEGO The Lord of the Rings, but, for these brick-based adventures, you should expect Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the LEGO wizarding world to re-enact the movie adaptations through melodrama, comedic facial expressions, murmurs, and grunts.
It still treads all the important story beats, though. Whether that be the Sorting Hat deliberating over which house to place Harry in or battling the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, right through to the quest to destroy the final Horcruxes that concealed parts of Voldemort’s soul and granted him immortality, it’s all here. With John Williams’ unforgettable orchestral score accompanying the adventure, it would be hard for any Harry Potter fan to resist falling under its spell.
That’s made all the more enchanting thanks to Hogwarts being the hub world that you are placed in. Nearly Headless Nick guides you between the story levels with a ghostly trail of LEGO studs, but players have the freedom to explore as they wish. There are puzzles to ponder the solution to, platforming sections to overcome, and bosses to topple, but LEGO Harry Potter Collection is less reliant on character-specific abilities compared to other games.
Instead, your characters will learn spells in the classes that they attend throughout their school years at Hogwarts. Wingardium Leviosa is one that you will use most often, letting you lift, move, and build LEGO bricks, while Lumos can illuminate dark areas and remove vines, Immobilus can banish flying blue pixies, and Reducto can destroy silver locks and items. And then Harry can use the Invisibility Cloak to, well, make himself invisible, and Ron, Hermione, and Neville can control their pets – such as Scabbers, Crookshanks, and Trevor.
There’s even more to do, with Strength potions that you will need to gulp down to pull chains, Harry’s unexpected ability to speak in Parseltongue that’s needed to open ornate snake-decorated doors, or the Time Turner that can be used to temporarily rewind time. There’s so much that has been taken from the source material that TT Games has crammed into LEGO Harry Potter Collection, and the experience is all the more magical for it.
It’s worth mentioning that this comes with downloadable content in the Character Pack, letting you play as Godric Gryffindor, Harry (Yule Ball), Helga Hufflepuff, Lockhart (Straightjacket), Luna (Lion Head), Peeves, Hermione (Pink Dress), Ron Weasley (Ghoul), Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. As well as the Spell Pack, allowing you to cast Cantis, Densaugeo, Ducklifors, Melofors, and Tentaclifors. For what it’s worth, it means that the LEGO Harry Potter Collection is complete.
The two-game LEGO Harry Potter Collection offers great value for those wanting to relive the young wizard’s brick-based adventures on Nintendo Switch. It’s practically bursting with content, but the improvements offer little more to those that have experienced their magic and charm before. Even if they are starting to show their age, the games remain as some of the best in the LEGO series and a spellbinding local co-op addition to the portable home console’s library.
Version Tested: Nintendo Switch
Review copy provided by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
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