Lego elves unite the magic
Lego Эльфы (иногда называют Elves для краткости, и стилизованная в основном как LEGO Elves ) была игрушка линия и сопровождающая ее медиа - франшиза , созданная Датская компания Lego или The Lego Group , которая началась в 2015 году [1] [2] Это было частью об усилиях компании сделать бренд более привлекательным для девушек. [3] После этого он начал стать веб-шоу Webisode серию в 2015 году, с особым видом-зача- «короткого фильма» под названием « Unite Волшебство » на LEGO канале YouTube , и на Netflix .
Эмили Джонс вскоре после смерти бабушки получает амулет, который телепортирует ее в параллельную вселенную Эльвендейла. Там она дружит с четырьмя молодыми эльфами, связанными с классическими элементами, которые помогают ей вернуться домой и которых она периодически посещает после этого.
Эмили и ее друзья-эльфы спасают Королеву Драконов от злого эльфа Раганы.
Рагана пытается развратить Найду, чтобы она стала злом, чтобы посеять раздор среди эльфов.
- Эмили Джонс (озвучивает Эшли Болл ): главная героиня, находчивая, скромная, дружелюбная и ласковая человеческая девушка, чьим «элементом» является «любовь». Ее бабушка была одной из пяти легендарных сестер-эльфов.
- Софи Джонс (озвучивает Ребекка Хусейн): младшая сестра Эмили. Она была захвачена Королем гоблинов как приманка, чтобы заманить Эмили к нему.
- Миссис Джонс (озвучивает Эшли Болл): мать Эмили и Софи.
- Мистер Джонс: отец Эмили.
- Азари Огненный танцор (озвучивает Эрин Мэтьюз ) - огненный эльф: спонтанный, экстравертный, громкий, иногда безрассудный и обычно веселый.
- Фарран Листвичка (озвучивает Кайл Райдаут ) - земной эльф: честный, верный, надежный и немного самоуверенный. Влюблен в Айру.
- Айра Виндвистлер (озвучивает Эшли Болл ) - эльфийка ветра: добродушная, возбудимая и беззаботная. Ее любимое занятие - машиностроение. Ее стихия - ветер или воздух .
- Найда Риверхарт (озвучивает Эрин Мэтьюз) - Водяной эльф: терпеливый, скромный, немного застенчивый, но отважный.
- Скайра (озвучивает Эшли Болл) - Эльф Ветра: Официальный страж Портала между Эльвендейлом и человеческим миром: часто властный и пренебрежительный, но снисходительный по отношению к Эмили, внучке ее сестры. Она сделала Эмили хранительницей Портала в «Объединении магии».
- Джонни Бейкер (озвучивает Кайл Райдаут) - Огненный эльф: кондитер, расположенный в Лавовых полях Эльвендейла, который снабжает свою пекарню теплом.
- Сира Медная Ветвь (озвучивает Ракель Бельмонте) - Земной эльф: Управляет гостиницей Звездного света, Небесный капитан Эльвендейла, дружит с Тидусом Штормсерфер. Не типичный земной эльф, она любит летать и имеет свой дирижабль .
- Тидус Штормсерфер (озвучивает Винсент Тонг ) - Водный эльф: руководит школой драконов Эльвендейла в качестве дрессировщика драконов.
- Рагана Теневое Пламя (озвучивает Хизер Доерксен ) - Эльфийка Огня: Обладая слабыми способностями, она пила из Фонтана Теней, чтобы получить силу, и стала злой. Главный антагонист Эльвендейла. Есть домашняя кошка по кличке Джинкс.
- Кронан Даркрут / Король гоблинов (озвучивает Райли Мердок) - Земной эльф: потеряв свою мать из-за темной силы ее амулета, он клянется вернуть ее - украдив амулет Эмили, который позволит ему открыть портал на Землю. Он известен как Король гоблинов и двоюродный брат Эмили и Софи из-за того, что его мать, Кварцина, была одной из пяти сестер.
- Розалин Паслен (озвучивает Николь Оливер ) - Эльф-целительница: бывшая королева леса, обманутая Кронаном Темнокорнем и свергнутая. У нее одни из самых сильных зелий во всем Эльвендейле.
- Люмия (озвучивает Рона Рис) - Светлый эльф: эльф-оборотень, который может превращаться в различных животных.
- Ноктура (озвучивает Эрин Мэтьюз) - Темный эльф: эльф-оборотень в стиле летучих мышей, и у нее есть несколько миньонов летучих мышей, которые помогают в ее коварных планах.
- Эландра - Королева драконов - Элемент: Любовь (дракон Эмили)
- Порыв - Элемент: Ветер (дракон Айры)
- Мерина - Стихия: Вода (дракон Найды)
- Зоня - Элемент: Огонь (дракон Азари)
- Торн - Элемент: Земля (дракон Фаррана)
- Флория - (Малышка) - Один из младенцев Эландры - Элемент: Земля
- Рейн - (Малыш) - Один из младенцев Эландры - Стихия: Вода
- Фледж - (Малыш) - Один из младенцев Эландры - Элемент: Ветер
- Искра - (Малышка) - Один из младенцев Эландры - Элемент: Огонь
- Эстари - (Ребенок) - Один из младенцев Эландры - Элемент: Любовь
- Мику - (малыш) Элемент: Ветер - проживает в Школе драконов Эльвендейла.
- Пепелокрыл - (сезон 3) Элемент: Земля (дракон короля гоблинов)
- Сапфир - (сезон 3) Элемент: Вода (дракон Розалин)
- Лула - (Бэби) (3 сезон) Элемент: Вода
- Роблин
- Барблин
- Джимблин
- Дукелин
- Бейблин
- Смилин
- Guxlin
- Римлин
- Таффлин
- Звездный свет - пегас
- Руфус - пегас
- Золотое сияние - пегас Скайры
- Огненная стрела - пегас Азари
- Джинкс - домашняя кошка Раганы
- Слива - домашняя птица Айры
- Дельфия - дельфин-друг Найды
- Флэми - друг Джонни Бейкера-лисица и ювелир
- Наша - Сова Скайры
- Мисс Спрай - белка, живущая в Хрустальной лощине.
- Мистер Спрай - белка, которому принадлежит магазин орехового масла и киоск с лимонадом.
- Дусти - любимая лисица Раганы
- Owlyver - почтовая сова, которая живет на секретном рынке
- Энки - детеныш пантеры
- Пантара - детеныш пантеры
- Hidee - хамелеон
- Blubeary - медведь
- Lil 'Blu - медвежонок
- Теневой ворон - ворон короля гоблинов
- 30259 - Волшебный огонь Азари (март)((бесплатный полиэтиленовый пакет с соответствующей покупкой в магазине Lego))
- 41071 - Творческая мастерская Айры (март)
- 41072 - Секрет спа Найды (март)
- 41073 - Эпический приключенческий корабль Найды (март)
- 41074 - Азари и волшебная выпечка (март)
- 41075 - Убежище на кронах деревьев эльфов (март)
- 41076 - Фарран и Хрустальная лощина (март)
- 41077 - Сани Пегаса Айры (август)
- 41078 - Таинственный небесный замок Скайры (август)
- EL241501 - Пантера Энки (сентябрь)((Подарочный полиэтиленовый пакет для журнала))
- EL241502 - Flamy the Fox (ноябрь)((Подарочный полиэтиленовый пакет для журнала))
- 30375 - Приключенческий аэроплан Сира (апрель)((бесплатный полиэтиленовый пакет с соответствующей покупкой в магазине Lego))
- 41171 - Эмили Джонс и маленький дракончик ветра (март)
- 41172 - Приключение водяного дракона (март)
- 41173 - Школа драконов Эльвендейла (март)
- 41174 - The Starlight Inn (март)
- 41175 - Лавовая пещера огненного дракона (март)
- 41176 - Секретный рынок (март)
- 41177 - Шахта драгоценных кристаллов (август)
- 41178 - Убежище дракона (август)
- 41179 - Спасение королевы драконов (август)
- 41180 - Замок волшебных теней Раганы (август)
- EL241601 - Дракон Мику (апрель)((Журнал подарочный полиэтиленовый пакет))
- EL241602 - Jynx the Witch's Cat (сентябрь)((Журнал подарочный полиэтиленовый пакет))
- 41181 - Гондола Найды и Похититель гоблинов (февраль)
- 41182 - Похищение Софи Джонс (февраль)
- 41183 - Злой дракон Короля гоблинов (февраль)
- 41184 - Дирижабль Айры и Погоня за амулетом (февраль)
- 41185 - Magic Rescue From The Goblin Village (февраль)
- 41186 - Азари и побег из леса гоблинов (август)
- 41187 - Исцеляющее убежище Розалин (август)
- 41188 - Побег из крепости короля гоблинов (август)
- EL241701 - Мистер Спрай и его подставка для лимонада (июль)((подарочный полиэтиленовый пакет для журнала))
- EL241702 - Hidee the Chameleon (Август)((Журнал подарочный полиэтиленовый пакет))
- 41190 - Эмили Джонс и побег орла (январь)
- 41191 - Наида и Засада водяных черепах (январь)
- 41192 - Азари и захват огненного льва (январь)
- 41193 - Айра и Песнь Ветряного Дракона (январь)
- 41194 - Башня Ноктуры и спасение Earth Fox (январь)
- 41195 - Разборки Эмили и Ноктуры (июнь)
- 41196 - Атака летучих мышей на дереве Эльфийской звезды (июнь)
- Эмили Джонс
- Найда
- Фарран
- Азари
- Айра
- Софи Джонс
Анимационный телесериал Lego Elves был произведен компанией Ja Film в Орхусе , Дания. В США первый эпизод «Объедините магию» был впервые показан 8 марта 2015 года на канале Disney . Второй выпуск, «Драконы, чтобы сэкономить время, чтобы быть храбрым», был показан 6 марта 2016 года как специальный выпуск из двух частей на канале Disney . Продолжение фильма «Драконы, чтобы сэкономить время, чтобы быть храбрым» под названием «Вниз по темному пути» было показано 14 августа 2016 года на канале Disney . [ необходима цитата ]
В сериале используется ограниченная анимационная техника.
- Раздавить его [4]
- У эльфов есть талант [5]
- Примечания к детской кроватке [6]
- Never Cave [7]
- Другой вид магии [8]
- Безопасность прежде всего [9]
- Заклинатель драконов [10]
- Дрэг-рейсинг [11]
- Ходят слухи [12]
- Рожден для этого [13]
- Борьба реальна [14]
- Нет боли - просто обретение [15]
- Одно - веселее [16]
- Прически для волос [17]
- Точка зрения [18]
- Кристально чистый [19]
- Изменить изнутри [20]
- Айра [21]
- Азари [22]
- Детеныши драконов и яйца [23]
- Эльфы, Эмили и драконы [24]
- Эмили Джонс [25]
- Эмили и Королева Драконов [26]
- Фарран [27]
- Найда [28]
- Рагана, Джинкс и Дасти [29]
- Тидус и Сира [30]
Lego Elves: Secrets of Elvendale , сериал Netflix, анимированный Studio Mir , был выпущен 1 сентября 2017 года. [56] [57] Большинство актеров озвучивания повторяют свои роли из сериала 2015 года. Он основан на 3 сезоне.
Various characters have appeared in the LEGO Elves universe, both in the animated specials such as Unite the Magic, as well as the webisodes based on the series.
For pictures of these characters, see the Gallery of Characters.
Azari, Farran, Emily, Aira, and Naida.
Emily Jones
Emily Jones is the central protagonist of the Elves series. A human from Earth, Emily is transported to Elvendale after receiving a pendant that belonged to her recently-deceased grandmother. Meeting with Azari, Farran, Aira, and Naida, the five journeyed to find a way to return Emily back to her home world. Eventually, they found the Sky Castle, and Skyra revealed to Emily that her grandmother was one of the Five Sisters of Legend. Skyra allowed Emily to return home, but Emily's pendant enabled her to travel between worlds at will. She often teleported back to Elvendale to go on adventures with her four new friends.
Azari Firedancer
Azari Firedancer is a fire elf and the first elf encountered by Emily Jones. After Emily stumbled into Elvendale, Azari greeted her and noted how strange she found her small ears. She then introduced Emily to the magical world of Elvendale, as well as her friends Farran, Aira, and Naida. Azari is passionate and hot-tempered, but willing to do anything for her friends. It is later revealed that Azari is homeless, often spending her time with other elves. Like all fire elves, she has magical control over flames, lava, and fire.
Farran Leafshade
Farran Leafshade is an earth elf and the second elf encountered by Emily Jones. Azari brought Emily to Farran as she though he'd know how to help Emily return to her world. Farran was surprised to meet a human, but planned to help Emily nonetheless. Alongside the other elves, Farran journeyed to the Sky Castle which enabled Emily to return home. Like all earth elves, he has magical control over soil, plants, and rocks.
Aira Windwhistler
Aira Windwhistler is a wind elf and the third elf encountered by Emily Jones. Aira flew down on her mechanical wings when she heard Emily had been teleported to Elvendale, and planned to help her alongside her friends. Aira is excitable and bubbly, but can be slightly light-headed at times. Like all wind elves, Aira has magical control over the wind and air.
Naida Riverheart
Naida Riverheart is a water elf and the fourth elf encountered by Emily Jones. After Emily had met Azari, Farran, and Aira, the elves thought it would be Naida that could help Emily return home. Naida had heard the legend of the Five Sisters, and had a magical map that led Emily and the elves to Sky Castle and the portal for Emily to teleport back to her world. Naida is soft-spoken and wise, but can sometimes lack confidence. Like all water elves, Naida has magical control over the sea, lakes, and waterfalls.
Ragana is the primary antagonist of the second season. Formerly a fire elf, Ragana drank from the mysterious Shadow Fountain and gained incredible, evil powers. She had been bullied as a child, and planned to use her new powers to cause chaos around Elvendale. In her plot to gain more power, she stole Queen Elandra's dragon eggs, but her plan was foiled by Emily Jones and her friends.
- Jynx is Ragana's loyal black cat. Like Ragana, Jynx has bathed in the waters of the Shadow Fountain. She is evil, but adores Ragana and would do anything to aid her mistress.
- Dusti is Ragana's loyal green fox. Dusti, too, bathed in the Shadow Fountain, which corrupted him and made him evil. Dusti lacks intelligence, but remains by Ragana's side at all times.
- Ragana's Ravens are a pair of ravens who serve Ragana.
Cronan the Goblin King
Cronan the Goblin King is the primary antagonist of the third season. His mother is one of the Five Sisters of Legend. Cronan wishes to rule all of Elvendale, as well as the human world.
- Ashwing is Cronan's loyal dragon.
- The Shadow Creature is a shape-shifting entity of darkness
- Dukelin is Cronan's right-hand goblin. is a goblin who steals things for Cronan is a goblin who is good with machines is a stubborn goblin who doesn't like following orders
- Bieblin is a goblin musician who plays the guitar
- Fibblin is a goblin who makes traps for Cronan is a goblin guard who usually falls asleep on the job is a goblin who is knowledgeable about plants is a goblin with a talent for making things look cute is a goblin who makes potions for Cronan
Noctura is the primary antagonist of the fourth season. Hailing from the Shadow World, this dark witch has been plotting her revenge for the past thousand years. She and her bat-minions are collecting jewels, which are protected by the Elemental Guardians. These jewels are the source of all elemental magic in Elvendale. Once in her possession, Noctura will be able to drain the elves of their power.
- Vespe is a black bat with green wings
- Molo is a black bat with purple wings
- Hippo is a black bat with red wings
- Phyll is a black bat with pink wings
- Furi is a black bat with yellow wings is a pale-green bat who wears goggles is a black bat with yellow-green wings
- Noctura'sSpider is also a servant of the dark witch
Supporting Characters
Sophie Jones
Sophie Jones is a human and the little sister of Emily Jones. One day, she followed Emily into the portal, and learned of Elvendale's existence.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jones are Emily and Sophie's parents.
Five Sisters
The Five Sisters is a group of legendary women who had created a portal from the real world to Elvendale. The sisters consist of Emily's Grandmother, Skyra, Quartzine, and unnamed Fire and Water elves.
Emily's Grandmother
Emily's grandmother is one of the Five Sisters of Legend. She was immortal while she lived in Elvendale, but sacrificed her immortality to become the guardian of the portal to Earth. She recently passed away, the duty of guarding the portal falling to her granddaughter Emily.
Skyra is introduced in the first story-arc. She is a wind elf who was initially cruel and antagonistic towards Emily and the elves. When Emily helped her to move on from her heartbreak, Skyra adopted a different, gentler persona. She now helps Emily and the elves whenever she can.
Quartzine is introduced in the third story-arc. She is an earth elf, and also Cronan's mother. Her jealousy over not being chosen to guard the portal made her angry and vindictive. Quartzine's quest for more power backfired when she became trapped inside her amulet.
Fire Elf Sister
Nothing is currently known about the Fire Elf Sister, except that she supported the decision to send Emily's grandmother to Earth instead of Quartzine.
Water Elf Sister
Nothing is currently known about the Water Elf Sister, except that she supported the decision to send Emily's grandmother to Earth instead of Quartzine.
Johnny Baker
Johnny Baker is a fire elf and a baker at the Magical Bakery. He is introduced in the first story-arc. He has known the other elves since they were children, and seems to be close friends with Farran and Azari. Johnny spends almost all of his time at the Magical Bakery, though he occasionally manages to get time off, such as when he was able to attend the Dragon Games. Johnny is good-natured and slightly clumsy, but makes very delicious treats.
Tidus Stormsurfer
Tidus Stormsurfer is introduced in the second story-arc. He is a water elf who runs the School of Dragons. His students are mostly young dragons, who have not yet learned the proper flying techniques. Tidus can understand dragons in a way that others can't. He is a loyal friend to Emily and the elves. Tidus has also been friends with Sira for a long while.
Sira Copperbranch
Sira Copperbranch is introduced in the second story-arc. She is an earth elf with an affinity for air-related activities. Sira loves to fly with the help of her airship. She also runs the Starlight Inn. Sira gets along swimmingly with Emily and the elves. She is especially close with Tidus, whom she has known for quite some time.
Rosalyn Nightshade
Rosalyn Nightshade is introduced in the third story-arc. She is a healer elf who has been chosen by the Guardian Tree to protect the forest and its inhabitants. Rosalyn helps Emily and the elves when Sophie is kidnapped by Cronan.
Lumia is introduced in the fourth story-arc. As a shape-shifter elf, she can transform into an eagle, a wolf, and presumably other animals. Lumia becomes a valuable ally to Emily and the elves when Noctura attempts to steal the elemental jewels.
Elemental Guardians
These guardians are said to be the source of elemental powers for Elvendale. They were introduced in the fourth story-arc.
Part 4 – Webisode 6: In the Shadows
Emily Jones has another terrifying vision: the majestic Guardian of Fire, the Fire Lion, may still be alive, but he is very weak. The dark witch Noctura has enslaved him. He’s powerless to escape her cursed chains. Noctura wants to claim his powers for herself so she can break the spell that banished her from Elvendale. She has been plotting her revenge for over a thousand years… Her time has come. With the help of her bat minions, she can finally return from the Shadow World!
41193 Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon
Aira and Lumia are at the Elvendale music school on the floating island with Sebastian the bird. But what should have been a fun day quickly turns bad! Phyll the evil shadow bat is planning an attack in his airship! The elves must find and build the hidden cyclone bow, save Cyclo the Guardian Wind Dragon, and protect the magic Wind diamond! Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the buildable wind dragon that seats 2 mini-doll figures, the cool bat airship with shooting function, and the ‘floating’ island music school with opening entrance door, hidden chest and rotating sign.
41190 Emily Jones & the Eagle Getaway
Watch Emily Jones and Lumia the eagle travel through the Shadow World to recover the lost diary page from the secret cave. When Vespe the bat spots them, the chase is on… Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the cave, secret chest and diary, the glider with shooter, and the scary bat and spider figures!
Part 4 – Webisode 11: Lights Out
Cory and Cyclo have lost two friends to the Shadow World and know that they must do something, but what can it be? Do they join forces with Emily Jones and the Elves to battle Noctura? They took on Ragana and the Goblin King and proved that they can fight, but Noctura may be a different type of foe. Considering that Noctura is eternal, can she even be defeated? Is it too dangerous to take her on in a battle of magic? The stakes are high: if the Guardian Creatures, the Elves, and Emily lose the battle, they could lose what little magic they have left.
Part 3 – Webisode 20: Evil Apprentice
Ragana is looking for a super baaaad, evil apprentice to help her out with the odd evil jobs around Elvendale. But is the Goblin King too evil to be her apprentice? He definitely has ambitions of his own…
Part 3 – Webisode 31: Goblin Intern
Robelin the goblin goes door to door in the Goblin Village, looking for a job. He’s happy to help cutting crystals, building traps, and even planting seeds for evil plants. Not everyone appreciates his hard work, or humble apologies, but who cares? Another big pay day is just around the corner!
Part 4 – Webisode 3: Relight My Fire
Emily Jones manages to get her broken amulet working just long enough to make it through the portal to Elvendale. Her instincts were right. Something is wrong – with Azari the fire elf! She is cold as ice and has lost all her powers! She feels weak and helpless. Emily and the other elves try to comfort her. What are they going to do? Who can help Azari? Meanwhile, Farran makes friends with a mysterious new creature…
Part 4 – Webisode 8: Making Waves
To protect the Elemental Guardians in Elvendale from the evil Noctura, Naida the water elf must learn to harness the power of the Monsoon Staff. She sets out to sea on the back of Cory, the Guardian Water Turtle. But things don’t go as planned. It seems Cory and Naida have very different opinions on what it means to stand up for yourself in life… What is Naida supposed to do?
41194 Noctura’s Tower & the Earth Fox Rescue
Farran the earth elf must summon all his powers and courage as he heads into the mysterious Tower of Shadows to free Liska the captured Guardian Earth Fox. But the evil Noctura is not about to let her prisoner get away that easily! Can Farran use his magical earth shield to fight off Noctura’s bats and spider, and recover the magical diamonds? Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the buildable earth fox with opening jaw and movable legs and head. Play out epic rescue scenes in the 2-level tower with opening bat wings, moving head, spiderweb trap, disc shooter, 2 mini-doll figures, and spider and bat figures.
Part 3 – Webisode 28: Potions in Motion
Farran and Naida help Rosalyn brew the healing potions they need for storming the Goblin King’s Fortress. Potions are tricky to work with, so of course the two young elves are eager to prove they have what it takes to do it right!
What will you build for the Fire Lion?
What would you build for Rowan, the Guardian Fire Lion? Watch this video, and follow our host Abigail as she visits a safari park to talk to Rikke who is an expert on lions. What special powers does the majestic real-life lion have compared to the Guardian Fire Lion? And what would be a fun idea to build? Maybe you can build a baby lion, or something for it to eat? Share your creations in the LEGO® Life App before March 21st 2018 for a chance to become a part of the big 360° Elvendale experience. If you don’t have the LEGO bricks used in this video at home, don’t worry! Just use what you already have. Remember, we’re creating a magical universe, and anything is possible!
41192 Azari & the Fire Lion Capture
Azari and Rowan the Guardian Fire Lion must unite their magic to fight off the evil shadow bats! The bats are firing elements from their catapult – can Azari’s power-up hammer stop their vehicle and crush Vespe and Molo’s plans to steal the magical Fire diamond? Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the magic fire lion with movable legs, wings and tail, a mini-doll figure and bat capture vehicle with raising chain pole. Fire the catapult and detachable glider, or hide the bats in their cave with opening spiderweb door!
Aira's Airship & the Amulet Chase
Fly on a daring chase and search mission in Elvendale! Dukelin the Goblin has spotted Emily Jones with her amulet on Aira’s airship and swoops in with the goblin glider. Oh no, Dukelin stolen the amulet and is getting away! Use Aira’s wind powers to transform the airship to super-fast flight mode and catch the goblin before it returns the amulet to the Goblin King!
Aira's Pegasus Sleigh
Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village
Join Azari Firedancer and Farran Leafshade as they rescue the captured animals while they search for Sophie Jones! Check out the crystal and cage-making workshops, and watch goofy Fibblin try to catch Hidee the Chameleon. Help the elves deflect the evil seeds Bieblin is shooting at them from the catapult and avoid Smilin the guard and the carnivorous plants. Then free Panthara the Panther before continuing the search for Sophie!
Naida's Gondola & the Goblin Thief
Row through the streams of the unexplored goblin forest with Naida Riverheart the water elf as she searches for rare ingredients and crystals! Use the map and compass to find new places to explore on the way. But wait, Roblin the Goblin has spotted her and he's firing evil seeds from the catapult, because the Goblin King wants the crystals to power his evil portal. Help Naida fight the goblin and protect the crystals!
The Elvenstar Tree Bat Attack
Explore the mysteries of the Elvenstar Tree in this fantastic LEGO® Elves 41196 The Elvenstar Tree Bat Attack set! Climb to the top of the tree and use the star map and telescope to gaze at the stars. Then slide down and check out the waterfall with Blubeary, before practicing your crossbow skills on the targets with one of the elves. Hey, what's behind that branch? Oohh, a hidden portal and… bats! Watch out, Noctura the evil bat is trying to break through! Can you stop her and protect Elvendale?
The Elves' Treetop Hideaway
Enter the magical world of the LEGO® Elves with Emily Jones. When wandering in her grandmother's garden she suddenly finds herself transported through a magic portal to a Treetop Hideaway in a whole new universe. Explore the surroundings with Emily as she realizes that she's no longer in the human world and meets Azari Firedancer and Farran Leafshade, the Fire and Earth Elves. Make Farran climb down the magic ladder and show her around his extraordinary home. Cook carrot soup over the fire for them to eat while Emily explains that she needs to get back home, and the Elves promise to help her. Send some food up to the treehouse in the magic bucket lift for Farran's panther cub Enki before they all meet up with the Water and Wind Elves – Emily will need their help too! Includes 3 mini-doll figures: Emily Jones, Azari Firedancer and Farran Leafshade, plus Enki the panther cub.
Elvendale School of Dragons
Work with Tidus Stormsurfer, the Dragon Trainer, to train Miku, the baby dragon and improve her flying! Ring the bell and start school with some flying lessons at the blackboard. Help Miku climb the tree during the break, and then time her with the hourglass as she flies down the zip line. Use the cookie shooter to encourage her to fly further. After practice, it's time to take a well-deserved nap!
Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon
Meet up with Aira and Lumia at the music school on the floating island for some adventuring with this thrilling LEGO® Elves 41193 Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon set! Listen to Sebastian the bird sing a tune while the elves accompany him on the instruments. Wait, what's that in the sky? It's Phyll the evil shadow bat in an airship, and it's attacking Cyclo the Guardian Wind Dragon! Find and build the hidden cyclone bow to help protect the magic Wind diamond before Phyll flies away with it!
Naida's Epic Adventure Ship
Set sail with Naida Riverheart and Aira Windwhistler on the Epic Adventure Ship! Help them find the magic water key they need to send Emily Jones home to the human world. Use the telescope to look below the crystal waters for the giant oyster shell where the key lays hidden, then help the Elves combine their magical water and wind powers to reach the bottom of the ocean and open the clam. Will they find what they are looking for? Then steer safely home with the ship's wheel to make the sail turn, and if the wind calms down help Naida and Aira dip their feet in the water from the amazing clam shell seats. Make a delicious meal in the galley and sit them down on the cushions to enjoy it. Includes 2 mini-doll figures: Naida Riverheart and Aira Windwhistler.
Skyra's Mysterious Sky Castle
Find the magic portal to send Emily Jones back to the human world! The LEGO® Elves have completed their quest to find all 4 magic keys needed to open the portal. Now Emily and Naida Riverheart, the Water Elf, must make their way through the obstacles in the amazing Sky Castle to reach the portal while Skyra, the guardian of the portal, watches on from above with her owl, Nascha. Help the elves make their way through the overgrown entrance and use Naida's magic water powers to find the secret door in the spa behind the waterfall. Then reveal the enchanted staircase to get past the lava kitchen and overcome Skyra's protective Pegasus, to place all 4 keys into the portal. When you finally face Skyra, convince her to open the portal using her staff. Who knows when Emily will visit the incredible universe of the LEGO Elves again! Includes 3 mini-doll figures: Emily Jones, Naida Riverheart and Skyra, plus Golden Glow the Pegasus and Nascha the owl.
The Dragon Sanctuary
Help rebuild the bond between the dragons and the elves at the Dragon Sanctuary. Fish with Tidus on his raft, then blow the sacred horn to call the dragons. Ride with Aira on Gust, the 4-winged wind dragon, to gain access to the Sanctuary's upper temple and then help Tidus hatch a plan to help the other elves. Remember to meet Rayne the baby water dragon, and feed her some dragon cherries before you go!
Rosalyn's Healing Hideout
Look out, that evil goblin is trying to capture Lula the baby dragon! Swoop to the rescue with Rosalyn and Sapphire the mother dragon and return her to Rosalyn’s hidden healing treehouse. Move aside the leaves to reveal the second level, where you can prepare a potion for Lula while Rosalyn transforms Rimlin from evil to good. Then head off to join the Elves at the Goblin King's fortress and help rescue Sophie Jones!
41192 Azari & the Fire Lion Capture
Azari and Rowan the Guardian Fire Lion must unite their magic to fight off the evil shadow bats! The bats are firing elements from their catapult – can Azari’s power-up hammer stop their vehicle and crush Vespe and Molo’s plans to steal the magical Fire diamond? Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the magic fire lion with movable legs, wings and tail, a mini-doll figure and bat capture vehicle with raising chain pole. Fire the catapult and detachable glider, or hide the bats in their cave with opening spiderweb door!
Part 3 – Webisode 26: Sophie’s Point of View
There was a time when Sophie Jones thought the worst thing in the world was to have Emily babysit her. Now she would give anything to be with her sister. She fears for Emily’s life at the hands of the evil Goblin King. Can Sophie keep the amulet safe? And what will the Goblin King do when he finds out Emily doesn’t have it?
Part 3 – Webisode 31: Goblin Intern
Robelin the goblin goes door to door in the Goblin Village, looking for a job. He’s happy to help cutting crystals, building traps, and even planting seeds for evil plants. Not everyone appreciates his hard work, or humble apologies, but who cares? Another big pay day is just around the corner!
Part 4 – Webisode 2: Toys in the Attic
Emily Jones’s magical amulet – and her key to the portal to the magical land of Elvendale – is broken. Something is wrong! Searching for clues in old boxes in her grandmother’s attic, she finds a book that doesn’t seem to make any sense… Her little sister, Sophie, tries to help. She finds something MUCH more interesting – and GNARLY! Suddenly, Emily has a terrifying vision… Something truly evil has found its way to Elvendale. She HAS to act. NOW!
41195 Emily & Noctura’s Showdown
Emily Jones discovers that Noctura’s evil bat minions are creating hordes of new, cursed bats in her laboratory. Lumia, who can shapeshift into a white wolf, and Emily rush to stop Noctura’s plans. But can the Guardian of Light and a human girl bring down the darkest elf in thousands of years in Elvendale? Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories! There are plenty of scary scenarios and chances to save the day at Noctura’s creepy laboratory. Someone has to stop her from destroying Elvendale in her flying carriage. Emily and the buildable white wolf, Lumia, must combine all their strengths. Luckily, they have the Sword of Light! What will happen?
What will you build for the Fire Lion?
What would you build for Rowan, the Guardian Fire Lion? Watch this video, and follow our host Abigail as she visits a safari park to talk to Rikke who is an expert on lions. What special powers does the majestic real-life lion have compared to the Guardian Fire Lion? And what would be a fun idea to build? Maybe you can build a baby lion, or something for it to eat? Share your creations in the LEGO® Life App before March 21st 2018 for a chance to become a part of the big 360° Elvendale experience. If you don’t have the LEGO bricks used in this video at home, don’t worry! Just use what you already have. Remember, we’re creating a magical universe, and anything is possible!
What will you build for the Earth Fox?
Help us build something fun for Liska, the Guardian Earth Fox of Elvendale! Watch the video to discover the world of the fox. Then start building something cool and upload a picture of your creation. If you’re lucky, we might show your build in the Elvendale 360° experience video!
41191 Naida & the Water Turtle Ambush
A sly shadow bat is attacking Cory the Guardian Water Turtle! Naida has to use her power to distract Furi the bat with the disc shooter on the small island, while Cory and Calypso the baby turtle try to escape! Can she protect the turtles and the magic Water diamond? Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the water turtle, Naida mini-doll figure, the island with disc shooter and the boat with chain shooter and space for a bat.
Azari and Aira don’t see eye-to-eye on how their new chariot should look. Is speed, bling, flamethrowers or a snack bar the most important thing? They can’t stop arguing. Until someone else makes sure they have to!
Part 3 – Webisode 30: The Confrontation
Farran and the other Elves come face to face with a forest of freaky foliage on their mission to rescue Emily Jones’s sister, Sophie. Their magic just isn’t working as it should in the Dark Forest! Meanwhile, Sophie is not acting like a model prisoner at the Goblin King’s Fortress. And Cronan decides it’s time she gets the worst punishment ever!
Part 4 – Webisode 10: The Magic Within
Everyone has magic, according to Lumia, the Guardian of Light who can shape-shift into a bird – after all, some say humans are descended from elves, including Emily’s grandmother. But can Emily access the magic now that her grandmother’s amulet is broken after a fight with a Shadow Creature? Is she the Sword of Light? Even though she is frustrated, she must look deep within to find the source of magic. Lumia helps her practice, hoping that she can help her find hidden powers. Meanwhile, Farran comes across some Nightshrooms and plans to use magic, even though his friends object.
What will you build for the Water Turtle?
“Calling all builders! Cory the Guardian Water Turtle and her baby Calypso need something cozy for their home in Elvendale. Watch the video and learn about turtles from our world. Get building and upload a picture of your creation – we might just show it in our Elvendale 360° experience video!”
Azari & the Fire Lion Capture
Help Azari and Rowan the Guardian Fire Lion unite their magic to fight off the shadow bats in LEGO® Elves 41192 Azari & the Fire Lion Capture! Dodge the elements the bats are firing from their catapult while you try to remove the evil chain from around Rowan's neck. Use Azari's power-up hammer to stop the capture vehicle and thwart Vespe and Molo's plans. Be careful, one of the bats has jumped onto a glider and is trying to steal the magical Fire diamond. Can you stop them before they get away?
Rosalyn's Healing Hideout
Look out, that evil goblin is trying to capture Lula the baby dragon! Swoop to the rescue with Rosalyn and Sapphire the mother dragon and return her to Rosalyn’s hidden healing treehouse. Move aside the leaves to reveal the second level, where you can prepare a potion for Lula while Rosalyn transforms Rimlin from evil to good. Then head off to join the Elves at the Goblin King's fortress and help rescue Sophie Jones!
Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village
Join Azari Firedancer and Farran Leafshade as they rescue the captured animals while they search for Sophie Jones! Check out the crystal and cage-making workshops, and watch goofy Fibblin try to catch Hidee the Chameleon. Help the elves deflect the evil seeds Bieblin is shooting at them from the catapult and avoid Smilin the guard and the carnivorous plants. Then free Panthara the Panther before continuing the search for Sophie!
Aira's Airship & the Amulet Chase
Fly on a daring chase and search mission in Elvendale! Dukelin the Goblin has spotted Emily Jones with her amulet on Aira’s airship and swoops in with the goblin glider. Oh no, Dukelin stolen the amulet and is getting away! Use Aira’s wind powers to transform the airship to super-fast flight mode and catch the goblin before it returns the amulet to the Goblin King!
The Elvenstar Tree Bat Attack
Explore the mysteries of the Elvenstar Tree in this fantastic LEGO® Elves 41196 The Elvenstar Tree Bat Attack set! Climb to the top of the tree and use the star map and telescope to gaze at the stars. Then slide down and check out the waterfall with Blubeary, before practicing your crossbow skills on the targets with one of the elves. Hey, what's behind that branch? Oohh, a hidden portal and… bats! Watch out, Noctura the evil bat is trying to break through! Can you stop her and protect Elvendale?
Queen Dragon's Rescue
The Elf Witch's minion, Dusti the evil fox, is guarding the castle tower and the captive Queen dragon! Help Emily Jones and Azari sneak in and find the key to unlock the chains. Make your way across the lava pit with Azari's powers and distract Dusti. Join Emily while she bonds with the Queen dragon as Azari unlocks the chains, then hop on the dragon's back with the girls and fly away!
The Dragon Sanctuary
Help rebuild the bond between the dragons and the elves at the Dragon Sanctuary. Fish with Tidus on his raft, then blow the sacred horn to call the dragons. Ride with Aira on Gust the 4-winged wind dragon to gain access to the Sanctuary's upper temple, and then help Tidus hatch a plan to help the other elves. Remember to meet Rayne the baby water dragon, and feed her some dragon cherries before you go!
Naida & the Water Turtle Ambush
Look out! That mischievous shadow bat is attacking Cory the Guardian Water Turtle in this exciting LEGO® Elves 41191 Naida & The Water Turtle Ambush set! Help Naida use her power to distract Furi the bat with the disc shooter on the small island, while Cory and Calypso the baby turtle try to escape. Oh no, Furi is shooting its evil chain at Cory to try to capture her! Get Calypso to safety on Cory's back, before you shoot more discs at Furi's boat. Can you protect the turtles and the magic Waterdiamond?
Elvendale School of Dragons
Work with Tidus Stormsurfer the Dragon Trainer to train Miku the baby dragon, to improve her flying! Ring the bell and start school with some flying lessons at the blackboard. Help Miku climb the tree during the break, and then time her with the hourglass as she flies down the zip line. Use the cookie shooter to encourage her to fly further. After practice, it's time to take a well-deserved nap!
Emily Jones & the Baby Wind Dragon
Join Emily Jones as she searches for dragon cherries in Elvendale. Look up in the tree; a beautiful, sparkling dragon egg has hatched! Help her get the baby wind dragon out of the egg with some chocolate. Use the wobbling stepping stone to teach Fledge how to fly back up to the moss nest!
Noctura's Tower & the Earth Fox Rescue
Head into the mysterious Tower of Shadows with Farran to free Liska the captured Guardian Earth Fox in this suspense-filled LEGO® Elves 41194 Noctura's Tower & the Earth Fox Rescue set! Hop up on Liska’s back and help Farran break the chain holding her to the tower. Oh no, Noctura heard the noise and is sending her bats and spider after you! Use Farran's magical earth shield to defend yourself while you recover the magical Elemental diamonds. Watch out for the lurking spiderweb trap and try to make your escape!
Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon
Meet up with Aira and Lumia at the music school on the floating island for some adventuring with this thrilling LEGO® Elves 41193 Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon set! Listen to Sebastian the bird sing a tune while the elves accompany him on the instruments. Wait, what's that in the sky? It's Phyll the evil shadow bat in an airship, and it's attacking Cyclo the Guardian Wind Dragon! Find and build the hidden cyclone bow to help protect the magic Wind diamond before Phyll flies away with it!
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Part 4 – Trailer: Into the Shadow World
Watch the teaser for the new LEGO® Elves web series! It all began with the Wind Dragon, the Earth Fox, the Fire Lion and the Water Turtle. These four majestic creatures are the source of all the magic and Elemental powers of Elvendale. But now they’re gone! Hunted down by the dark witch Noctura and her bat minions, they are now enslaved in the Shadow World. Elvendale is left in darkness, and the elves and creatures have lost all their powers. Their only hope is Lumia, the mysterious Guardian of Light. Can she bring Emily Jones and her elf friends through the Dark Portal, into the hidden Shadow World? The Elemental creatures MUST be rescued and brought back to Elvendale – at any cost… Join Emily Jones and her elf friends Naida, Aira, Farran and Azari as they embark on their most dangerous quest yet, to save Elvendale and bring back the magic!
Part 3 – Webisode 23: How to Build a Sweet Ride
Aira makes a tutorial video as she builds a fantastic Fire Chariot for Azari, a getaway Gondola for Naida, and a very advanced Airship for herself, to help them track down the goblins. As always, anything is possible with a little borrowing, magic, and the help of her friends.
Part 3 – Webisode 29: Sizable Refreshment
The Goblin King sends Sophie to the Goblin Village and has a big surprise waiting for Emily Jones and the Elves when they sneak into the Fortress on a rescue mission. Sophie may not have any magic to get herself out of a tight spot, but she sure makes use of the powerful gift she has! Can the Elves finally save her?
Part 4 – Webisode 8: Making Waves
To protect the Elemental Guardians in Elvendale from the evil Noctura, Naida the water elf must learn to harness the power of the Monsoon Staff. She sets out to sea on the back of Cory, the Guardian Water Turtle. But things don’t go as planned. It seems Cory and Naida have very different opinions on what it means to stand up for yourself in life… What is Naida supposed to do?
Part 4 – Webisode 4: The Lights
Emily Jones and the Elves set out to find someone who can help Azari get her fire magic back. But they’re being followed by a ginormous something! It turns out to be Lumia, the Guardian of Light. She’s a shapeshifter! She wants to help Azari, but she can’t. The Fire Lion – the Elemental Guardian of Fire – has been captured. All fire magic has vanished from Elvendale! And now Lumia fears for the safety of the other Elemental Guardians… Could this have something to do with Emily’s vision? And who are the Elemental Guardians? What is myth, and what is real?
Part 4 – Webisode 1: The Enemy
Emily Jones and her elf friends have no idea what ancient dark forces are plotting to do in the magical land of Elvendale… The elf witch Ragana comes across an old book that tells the legend of the most powerful, evil witch of all time: Noctura. But Ragana is not impressed – after all, if Noctura was so powerful, how did she let herself get banished from Elvendale for eternity? But the Shadow Fountain is about to reveal more than just the legends and secrets of Elvendale. Evil is coming!
Part 3 – Webisode 24: Dragon Tale
Tidus may call himself the Dragon Whisperer, but he still has a thing or two to learn about getting baby dragons to go to sleep. Maybe Emily Jones and Sophie can teach him a trick or two – if he can stay awake long enough to take notes!
Part 3 – Webisode 25: Teamwork
Cronan charms Emily Jones into taking a trip down the river in Naida’s Gondola. Sophie has a bad feeling about this guy and acts fast to keep an eye on him. As their trip takes an unexpected turn, they need to work together to find their way back. But can they trust Cronan?
Part 3 – Webisode 20: Evil Apprentice
Ragana is looking for a super baaaad, evil apprentice to help her out with the odd evil jobs around Elvendale. But is the Goblin King too evil to be her apprentice? He definitely has ambitions of his own…
Part 3 – Webisode 22: Goblin Talent Show
Emily Jones and the Elves have reached the Goblin Village where Sophie is held prisoner. While the goblins are busy putting on a magic talent show, it’s time to get creative, distract the goblins, and rescue Sophie!
Part 4 – Webisode 7: Chill
Farran the earth elf is falling all over himself to bond with the Guardian Earth Fox, the guardian of earth magic. (And if she hadn’t looked out for him, he would probably fall over lots of other things, too!) But what do you say to your greatest hero of all time when you finally meet her? The clever fox tries to get Farran to calm down, just a little, so they can focus on the task at hand: Farran must learn to control the Quake Shield. Because dark forces may be much closer than they appear…
Part 4 – Webisode 9: Worthy
Azari the fire elf is in a slump. With her magical powers gone, she feels useless and is about to give up all hope. Lumia, the Guardian of Light, knows just how to cheer her up. She invites Azari to see for herself how only truly powerful fire elves can pick up the ancient Volcano Hammer. Can Azari find the spark she needs to get some of her fire magic back?
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