Lego dimensions lord vortech
Along with friends Gandalf and Batman, Wyldstyle travels from dimension to dimension to stop Lord Vortech.
- Berserk Button: She gets very irked when Mayor Hubert of Hill Valley describes her wearing trousers as unusual.
- Embarrassing First Name: Lucy.
- Hair Flip: It's one of her Idle Animations, complete with the swiveling-hairpiece reference.
- Just Friends: With Batman, since he's from his respective LEGO game series, and is not the one from The LEGO Movie. And besides, she broke up with LEGO Movie Batman and is now with Emmet instead.
- Ms. Fixit: One of the few characters to possess the "Master Builder" ability. This allows her to recreate otherwise difficult-to-build constructs in a snap.
- The Noseless: Being a Lego minifigure. In spite of that, she can still smell the foul stench in the Wicked Witch of the West's chambers.
- The Smurfette Principle: Wyldstyle is the only main female protagonist, but the other character packs do contain their own female characters.
- Stylistic Suck: Her animation, while not as choppy in framerate as the characters from Midway Arcade, looks more like an actual Lego minifigure hopping around than either of her travelling partners, with mostly nonexistent knees and elbows. This is to emulate the style of her movie.
- This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Wyldstyle is one of only three characters who can use a scanner to detect invisible objects (the others being Bad Cop and Chase McCain).
- Wall Jump: Her Acrobatics ability allows her to cling to and hop between sparkling walls that share the same color palette as her hair.
Gandalf the Grey (The Lord of the Rings)
Straight from Middle Earth, Gandalf helps the trio with his magical powers.
- Accidental Misnaming: Mistakes Doc Brown's famous oath of "Great Scott!" for his name.
- Adaptational Comic Relief: Everyone in the game gets this to an extent, but Gandalf is Played for Laughs even moreso than others.
- Awesome McCoolname: When Sauron refers to him as "Gandalf Stormcrow", Wyldstyle decides that "Stormcrow" would make a good alternate for her own codename.
- Catchphrase: "You shall not pass!"
- Hey, That's My Line!: He gets defensive of it when The Tri uses it.
Batman (Batman)
One of DC Comics' most enduring and loved characters, the Caped Crusader from Gotham helps the team with his cool and expensive gadgets.
- Adaptational Dumbass: He's more prone to making impulsive and even outright stupid decisions. He punches the Riddler when he's holding a very fragile Palantir, almost causing it to shatter. He also throws a Batarang at a Manti Lander, causing it to attack them.
- Always Someone Better: Is this to the Lego Movie version of Batman.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: Not actually done, considering how every LEGO boss is, but with boss fights he thinks to call Oracle for advice on how to beat their opponent, only for him to change his mind and say "Ah, I'll just keep hitting it."
- Ascended Meme: He occasionally uses "I'm Batman." as an explanation for something he's capable of doing.
- The Comically Serious: Occasionally expresses confusion with what's happening in his recognizable gravelly voice.
- Composite Character: He's a mix of many incarnations of Batman, taking most of his design and personality cues from the Animated Series and throwing in several references to the Batman: Arkham Series and The Dark Knight Trilogy. He can also become his incarnation from The LEGO Batman Movie when in said world.
- Cool Car: His personal Batmobile, the only vehicle included in the Starter Pack.
- Distinction Without a Difference: He insists that they weren't "running away" from Lord Vortech, they were making a "tactical retreat". When Wyldstyle asks him what the difference is, all he can say is "Batman doesn't run away".
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Fights bare-handed as his standard attack.
- Grumpy Bear: Batman complains about many things. For instance, how the loading screen vortexes are annoyingly bright.
- Just Friends: In the interests in diversity between the all of the franchises present in the game, this is the Batman from DC Comics and his respective game series. He's just met Wyldstyle, and not dating her.
- The Leader: Generally takes the lead in the groups adventures, and is often the one most recognized by the villains.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Batman is the one responsible for scattering the keystones across the dimensions, as a result of escaping Vortech at the beginning of the game.
- Other Me Annoys Me: He meets up with his counterpart from The LEGO Movie. They don't get along.
- Phrase Catcher: Quotes both "I ain't afraid of no ghost." and "Don't blink." in the appropriate levels.
- Quantity vs. Quality: Compared to The Lego Movie's Batman - he throws fewer Batarangs, but his actually come back to him.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to LEGO Movie Batman's red. Also the Blue to Wyldstyle's Red. All for being more calm and collected compared to those two.
- Sissy Fight: The Two Batmen get into one when they first meet.
- Weapon of Choice: The Batarang. It can be used as a ranged throwing weapon, but can also be used for solving puzzles that require its use.
Short for Xperimental Portal Operator. After being banished by Lord Vortech, he allies himself with the heroes in their quest to stop his plans.
- Big Good: Turns out to be the one who set the heroes on their quest to locate the keystones and foundation elements.
- Cyber Cyclops: He only has one purple "eye".
- Disney Death: He seemingly dies after the Joker 'puts a smile on his face'. The Doctor manages to repair him, though.
- The Ditz: X-PO is not quite right in the mainframe, to put it mildly.
- Epic Fail: He claims to have somehow fallen asleep in rift-making class, as in while he was supposed to be learning about the thing he's designed to do.
- HeelFace Turn: Initially works for Vortech in the beginning, but changes sides after Vortech tries to kill him.
- Innocently Insensitive: He occasionally says very condescending things, but by all indications doesn't know they're insulting.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: When he broke him up at the beginning of the game, Vortech also removed X-PO's knowledge of where Foundation Prime was.
- Meaningful Name: Not only does it stand for the above, but he provides most of the exposition for the story.
- Original Generation: He's a new character created for this crossover game.
- Ridiculously Human Robot: Not in appearance but in personality and mentality. He somehow fell asleep when learning how to create rifts and is seen drinking at one point, despite lacking a visible mouth.
- Servile Snarker: When he was working for Lord Vortech.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: A robot with 3 characters in his name (the last two being PO) and providing the heroes inside details? Hmm. perhaps the otherwise exiledStar Wars isn't completely absent after all.
- The Voiceless: He temporarily becomes this in "All Your Bricks Belong To Us". If the player tries to contact him via a Hint Stone in the Gauntlet maze, his hint appears accompanied by a sound from the original game, rather than one of his stock quotes.
Lord Vortech
The ruler of the planet Vorton, who seeks to gather the Foundation Elements needed to control all of reality itself.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Can shape-shift into a massive minifigure, and does so in the 1800's era Hill Valley and the final battle .
- Bad Boss: Seems to be insulting the other villains whenever he's with them. And he physically crushes the Midway Arcade Thief after he loses to the heroes, too.
- Badass Cape: He wears a tattered, jagged-edged cape.
- Big Bad: Of Lego Dimensions itself, and implied to be the one for the Midway Arcade level pack as well.
- Card-Carrying Villain: When summoning characters from separate worlds, he makes the "bad guys" stand on the right, making it pretty clear he identifies as evil.
- Celestial Body: His body looks like he is made out of a galaxy.
- Control Freak: He basically plans on merging all the dimensions together into one ordered dimension under his rule, and he flips out when the heroes start undoing his work.
- Easter Egg: The game has dialogue for the cancelled Lord Vortech Fun Pack coded into it, but inaccessible without hacking.
- Evil Brit: As voiced by Gary Oldman, though Tom Kane affects an English accent as Gandalf to offset this.
- Evil Is Hammy: The way he speaks.
- Final Boss: Of the main story in "The Final Dimension".
- Fake American: In-universe, he pretends to be a gunslinger to confront the heroes at Hill Valley, and he does a pretty funny accent.
- From a Single Cell: At the end of the main story, an innocent minifig approaches a brick fragment, seemingly of what remains of Vortech after his imprisonment. then he touches it, causing his skin and sleeve to become Vortech-like, and he cackles. It's unknown whether this was a Thanatos Gambit, a case of As Long as There is Evil, or Xanatos Gambit.
- Generic Doomsday Villain: Essentially is just trying to rule the universe- we haven't got any backstory for him, like who he really is or why he wants to rule the entire multiverse.
- Humanoid Abomination: He shares the same design as any other minifig, but he's made of some strange matter, capable of radically altering his size, and if shattered or smashed will just pull himself back together in no short order.
- Knight of Cerebus: The most powerful and dangerous villain of not just LEGO Dimensions, but the entire LEGO franchise. He's powerful enough to employ other villains into his service, and threatens to destroy the entire LEGO multiverse.
- Laser-Guided Karma: The heroes punish him for kidnapping and imprisoning their friends by imprisoning him in a rift loop and sending him to a different reality. Lampshaded by Batman right beforehand :
Vortech: What are you doing?!
Batman: Giving you what you wanted, Vortech- perfection! The perfect prison!Lord Vortech is one of the non-playable characters and the main antagonist of LEGO Dimensions.
As the main villain of LEGO Dimensions, Lord Vortech plans to dominate the LEGO multiverse by using the Foundation Elements at Foundation Prime, the center of the multiverse. Using vortexes to open rifts between worlds, he starts capturing characters such as Robin, MetalBeard, and Frodo to take the Foundational Elements that they have in their possession: (The One Ring, a piece of Kryptonite, and a treasure chest). With his ancient powers, he opens rifts to many different dimensions to collect an army of bad guys to help him achieve his ultimate goal - to rule all the entire multiverse and everyone who inhabits it. Unknown to Vortech Batman pursued Robin through the rift and was taken to the Lord of the Rings World where he saved Gandalf. When Vortech opened a rift to capture Frodo, Batman and Gandalf followed the rift and ended up in the the LEGO Movie World. This time Vortech opened the rift before Batman and Gandalf arrived capturing MetalBeard and his treasure. Realising his mistake Vortech opened a rift to bring Batman and Gandalf to him on Foundation Prime, however Wyldstyle is also taken and Batman uses her scanner to disrupt Vortech's rift sending the three to Vorton and escaping capture. Vortech then unleashes his army to retrieve the foundation elements and stop the three heroes.
When the villains failed in their plots to stop Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle from defeating them and gained new allies such as the the Doctor, X-PO, and many others, Vortech took matters into his own hands by facing them down in 1885 Hill Valley, later mysteriously retreating back to his lair at Foundation Prime. He confronted them again later, disguising himself as a mummy and pretending to steal a Foundation Element. When the three heroes retrieved it from him, he was able to track them down, summoning the three to Foundation Prime and putting them in a maze while simultaneously sending the Joker to ransack their headquarters in Vorton. Vortech put the heroes at his mercy as he used the Foundation Elements to create a "perfect world" and merge MetalBeard, Robin, and Frodo together to create the Tri, a triple-headed entity based mainly off of MetalBeard, but also adding elements of Robin and Frodo's costumes that could merge the worlds together. After the defeat of the Tri, the heroes attempted to escape the exploding robotic Tri-suit by way of a fragment of Vortech creating a singularity.
Assembling an army of their allies (and GLaDOS) to take on Lord Vortech, the three heroes set up a plan with the Doctor to trap Vortech in a Rift Loop, similar to a situation they had been put in before, but a now-omnipotent Vortech anticipated this, encountering them in their trip through their portal. Despite his nearly godlike status, Vortech was unable to stop the heroes from reaching Foundation Prime even with the help of Bane although the heroes did have a little help from the Doctor and his TARDIS. There, Vortech engaged the trio in a final showdown, eventually being defeated by being sucked into one of his own portals, ending his threat. As ensurance that his meddling would finish, the heroes trapped Vortech in an alternate reality in a "perfect" prison, thus removing him from their reality forever.
In the ending an unknown character somehow finds a fragment of Lord Vortech, unknowingly he touches it and the fragment slowly begins to possess him. It is unknown what happens to him afterward.
“I've found it. After all these years of searching, it really exists, Foundation Prime!” — Lord Vortech upon finding Foundation Prime
“I will have them all. I will control their power. I will make universes collide!” — Lord Vortech talking about the Foundation Elements
“This universe ain't big enough for the four of us!” — Lord Vortech to Batman, Gandalf the Grey and Wyldstyle
“Welcome to the end of chaos, and the beginning of perfection!” — Lord Vortech to Batman, Gandalf the Grey and Wyldstyle
As the primary antagonist of LEGO Dimensions, he is the opposition of Gandalf, Batman, and Wyldstyle. He plans to dominate the LEGO multiverse by using the Foundation Elements at Foundation Prime, the center of the multiverse. Using vortexes to open rifts between worlds, he is capturing characters such as Robin, Metalbeard, and Frodo to take the Foundation Elements that they own (the ring, a piece of Kryptonite, and a chest). With his ancient and unstable powers, he is opening rifts to collect an army of villains to help him achieve his ultimate goal- to rule the entire multiverse and everyone who inhabits it by creating a single, orderly dimension.
When the villains failed in their plots to stop Batman, Wyldstyle, and Gandalf from defeating them and gained new allies such as The Doctor, X-PO, and many others, Vortech took matters into his own hands by facing them down in Hill Valley, later mysteriously retreating back to his lair at Foundation Prime. He confronted them again later, disguising himself as a mummy and pretending to steal a Foundational Element. When the three heroes retrieved it from him, he was able to track them down, summoning the three to Foundation Prime and putting them in a maze while simultaneously sending The Joker to ransack their headquarters in Vorton. Vortech put the heroes at his mercy as he used the Foundational Elements to create a "perfect world" and merge Metalbeard, Robin, and Frodo together to create "The Tri", a triple-headed entity based mainly off of Metalbeard, but also adding elements of Robin and Frodo's costumes that could merge the worlds together. After the defeat of the Tri, the heroes attempted to escape the exploding robotic Tri-suit by way of a fragment of Vortech creating a singularity.
Assembling an army of their allies (and GLaDOS) to take on Lord Vortech, the three heroes set up a plan with the Doctor to trap Vortech in a Rift Loop, similar to a situation they had been put in before, but a now-omnipotent Vortech anticipated this, encountering them in their trip through their portal. Despite his nearly godlike status, Vortech was unable to stop the heroes from reaching Foundation Prime once more with a little help from the Doctor and his TARDIS. There, Vortech had a final showdown with the trio, eventually being defeated by being sucked into one of his own portals, ending his threat. As insurance that his meddling would finish, the heroes trapped Vortech in an alternate reality in a "perfect" prison, thus removing him from their reality forever.
However, a small brick fragment of him remained on his lair at Foundation Prime, and an unlikely man (possibly bob) stumbled across it. The Vortech fragment merged with the stranger, turning him into an entity similar to Vortech himself, complete with the voice and evil laugh.
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Full Name
Powers / Skills
Ability to turn into an enourmous version of himself
Nigh indestructible
Near-unlimited power (once merged with the foundation of the Lego universe)
High intelligence
Knowledge on the entire Lego multiverseHobby
Use the Green Baseplate to destroy the Multiverse and create a new one in his own image of "Perfection"(failed).
Type of Villain
Lord Vortech is the main antagonist of the 2015 video game Lego Dimensions. He is a tyrannical sorcerer who seeks to unite all the dimensions into one. His full name is Vortechius Vortell Vortech.
He was voiced by Gary Oldman, who also portrayed Ruber in Quest for Camelot, Lord Shen in Kung Fu Panda 2, Dreyfus in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Mason Verger in Hannibal, Norman Stansfield in Léon: The Professional, General Grawl in Planet 51, and Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg in The Fifth Element.
The Foundation Elements
Lord Vortech arrives on the planet, Foundation Prime, where he and his minion, X-PO, discover the originated area of the Foundation Elements, artifacts created from the start of time and scattered across dimensions of various Lego franchises. Lord Vortech plans to gather these artifacts in order to rule all dimensions. When X-PO protests against this, Vortech Banishes him. However, he finds out that he cannot pass freely between dimensions anymore. He vents his frustration, but realises another way to obtain them. He then uses his powers to create a temple onto Foundation Prime.
When the villains failed in their plots to stop Batman, Wyldstyle, and Gandalf from defeating them and gained new allies such as The Doctor, X-PO, and many others, Vortech took matters into his own hands by facing them in 1885 Hill Valley, later mysteriously retreating back to his lair at Foundation Prime. He confronted them again later, disguising himself as a mummy and attempting to steal a Diamond Scarab from the "Scooby-Doo" world. When the three heroes retrieved it from him, he was able to track them down, summoning the three to Foundation Prime and putting them in a maze while simultaneously sending the Joker to ransack their headquarters in Vorton. Vortech put the heroes at his mercy as he used the Foundation Elements to create a "perfect world" and destroy the Green Baseplate. He then uses it to merge Metalbeard, Robin, and Frodo together to create "The Tri", a triple-headed entity based mainly off of Metalbeard, but also adding elements of Robin and Frodo's costumes that could merge the worlds together. After the defeat of the Tri, the heroes attempted to escape the exploding robotic Tri-suit by way of a fragment of Vortech creating a singularity.
Final Battle with the heroes
Assembling an army of their allies (and GLaDOS) to take on Lord Vortech, the three heroes set up a plan with the Doctor to trap Vortech in a Rift Loop, similar to a situation they had been put in before, but a now-omnipotent Vortech anticipated this, encountering them in their trip through their portal. Despite his nearly godlike status, Vortech was unable to stop the heroes from reaching Foundation Prime once more with a little help from the Doctor and his TARDIS. There, Vortech had a final showdown with the trio, eventually the Heroes destroyed the Green Baseplate and Lord Vortech was defeated by being sucked into one of his own portals, ending his threat. As ensurance that his meddling would finish, the heroes trapped Vortech in an endless Rift loop Prison for all of eternity.
Post-Credits Scene
However, a small brick fragment of him remained on his lair at Foundation Prime, and an unfortunate individual stumbled across it. The Vortech fragment merged with the stranger, turning them into an entity similar to Vortech himself, complete with the voice and evil laugh. It's unknown what happened to them afterwards.
Lego Dimensions is a Lego-themed action-adventure platform crossover toy-to-life video game developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. It follows the toys-to-life format, in that the player has Lego figures and a toy pad that can be played within the game itself where it features characters and environments from over 30 different franchises.Contents
There is an ancient planet at the center of the Lego Multiverse inhabited by an evil mastermind, Lord Vortech. It is said that he who controls the Foundational Elements that this planet is built upon, controls all of the Multiverse. Lord Vortech has vowed to be that ruler, summoning characters from a variety of Lego worlds to help him find these building bricks of Lego civilization. Some have agreed. Others have rebelled. And only the combined powers of the greatest Lego heroes can stop him.
When a mysterious and powerful vortex suddenly appears in various Lego worlds, different characters from DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings and The Lego Movie are swept away. To save their friends, Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle bravely jump into the vortex. As they journey to locations beyond their wildest imaginations in search of their friends, they soon realize that Lord Vortech is summoning villains across different Lego worlds to help him gain control. As his power grows and the worlds collide, many unexpected characters meet and all boundaries are broken. Our heroes must travel through space and time to rescue their friends before Vortech destroys all of Lego humanity.
Why It Needs A Bigger Imagination
Bad Qualities
Lego Dimensions received positive reviews from critics, gamers and fans alike. The version of PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Wii U (despite having the porting disaster) received "generally favorable reviews", according to review aggregator Metacritic.
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