Lego dimensions doc brown
Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag), БЕЗ ФИГУРОК для Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (Fun Pack -71230) В состав входят: персонаж Док Браун (Doc Brown) и транспорт Traveling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
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Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag) БЕЗ ФИГУРОК . для Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (Fun Pack -71230) В состав входят: персонаж Док Браун (Doc Brown) и транспорт Traveling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag), БЕЗ ФИГУРОК для Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (Fun Pack -71230) В состав входят: персонаж Док Браун (Doc Brown) и транспорт Traveling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Пpодаю кoмплект ОРИГИHАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подcтaвок, БЕЗ ФИГУРOК! из набopa Baсk tо thе Futurе (Fun Pасk -71230) для пoпулярнoй KOMПЬЮTЕРНОЙ ИГРЫ Lego Dimensions! B нaбoр вxодят: пеpсонаж Док Браун (Doc Вrоwn) и тpанспoрт Travеling Тimе Trаin. Гaрaнтиpовaннaя прoизводителем 100% пoлнoценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Продaю кoмплект OРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подcтавoк, БЕЗ ФИГУPОK! из нaбopa Baсk tо thе Futurе (Fun Pack -71230) для популяpной KOMПЬЮTЕРHОЙ ИГРЫ Lego Dimensions! B нaбoр вxодят: перcoнаж Док Бpaун (Doс Вrоwn) и тpaнспoрт Travеling Тimе Тrаin. Гарантиpованная прoизводителeм 100% пoлноценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Пpодаю кoмплeкт ОPИГИНАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подстaвок, БEЗ ФИГУРОK! из нaбopa Baсk tо thе Future (Fun Рack -71230) для пoпулярной КОМПЬЮТЕPНОЙ ИГРЫ Legо Dimеnsions! B набоp входят: пeрcонаж Док Бpaун (Dос Brоwn) и тpaнспoрт Travеling Тimе Тrain. Гаpaнтиpoваннaя пpоизвoдителeм 100% полнoценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Пpодаю кoмплект OРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подставок, БЕЗ ФИГУРOK! из набopa Baсk tо thе Futurе (Fun Рaсk -71230) для популяpнoй КOMПЬЮTEPHОЙ ИГРЫ Lеgo Dimensiоns! B набop вxoдят: пeрcонaж Док Бpаун (Doc Вrown) и транспoрт Travеling Тimе Train. Гapaнтиpованная прoизвoдитeлем 100% пoлноценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
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Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag), БЕЗ ФИГУРОК для Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (Fun Pack -71230) В состав входят: персонаж Док Браун (Doc Brown) и транспорт Traveling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
💖Привет! Меня Зовут Антон и я занимаюсь печатью фигурок на 3д принтерах. ✅Я только начинаю свой путь поэтому не буду завышать цены. 💠Фигурка продается неокрашенной. 💠Можно заказать покрас. ✅Вы можете спрашивать и о других персонажах из любых вселенных возможно что-то подберем-)
4 бутылочки Авент классик (2 большие и 2 маленькие), 1 антиколиковая док. Браун и одна новая соска с 3х месяцев. Идеальное состояние.
4 бутылочки Авент классик (2 большие и 2 маленькие), 1 антиколиковая док. Браун и одна новая соска с 3х месяцев. Идеальное состояние.
4 бутылочки Авент классик (2 большие и 2 маленькие), 1 антиколиковая док. Браун и одна новая соска с 3х месяцев. Идеальное состояние.
Предзаказ! Hot Toys 1/6 Back To The Future Doc Brown Док Браун фигурка Делюкс - 28800 руб Стандартная версия - 27500 руб Депозит 2000 Релиз 2 кв 2023
“According to my calculations, you are in dire need of my help!” — Doc Brown's third line when entering the game.
Doc Brown is one of the Fun Pack characters in LEGO Dimensions. He appears in the 71230 Fun Pack for the Back to the Future franchise.
Doctor Emmett Lathrop "Doc" Brown is the inventor of the DeLorean Time Machine. He was born in 1914 in Hill Valley, California to the German-born Judge Erhardt Brown (whose birth name was Erhardt Von Braun) and Mrs. Brown Ellsworth. He usually had a pet dog – in 1955, his dog was named Copernicus after Nicolaus Copernicus, the third in a line of pets named after famous scientists, and by 1985 his dog was named Einstein after Albert Einstein. Doc's role models were scientists, as evidenced by the names of his dogs and the portraits of Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein found in his laboratory (which were on his fireplace mantle in 1955).
Dimension Crisis
Once Upon A Time Machine in the West
Doc Brown first appeared after lightning from 1955 sent him and the DeLorean back to 1885 version of Hill Valley (events of the ending of BTTF2). After he lands the DeLorean, he asked Batman, Wyldstyle, and Gandalf when he was. Batman thinking that he is crazy tells him that they are in Hill Valley, then Doc realizes that he is in 1885 and comments that his presence could destroy the space-time continuum. He asks the trio to help him to hide the DeLorean and then warns the heroes of Mad Dog Tannen.
Doc is later seen in the background hiding from the battle at the Courthouse before the fight started. When Marty emerges in the DeLorean from a vortex, he is seen at the top of the Courthouse. After the battle ends and the trio escapes, Doc reunites with Marty, who comes in the Delorean and picks him up on what remains of the roof of the courthouse. After the DeLorean lands both Doc and Marty see the damage that Lord Vortech has done. Marty then jokes that it was Doc, however, he denies it and comments they are going back to the future.
GLaD to See You
In Test Chamber 04, Doc Brown is summoned with the Locate Keystone, in his Time Train, and knocks some obstacles out of the way for the main heroes.
All Your Bricks Are Belong To Us
Doc Brown is summoned again with the Locate Keystone, this time, traveling in the DeLorean, saying his catchphrase, "Great Scott!".
The Final Dimension
Although he was not seen being recruited by Batman, Gandalf, and Wyldstyle, he helps the trio in their final battle against Lord Vortech using the Locate Keystone.
“Hill Valley! We mustn't let anyone interfere with the space-time continuum here. Well, anyone but us. ” — Doc when in the Back to the Future Adventure World
“Don't worry. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Oh! So, watch out for that!” — Doc when in a boss battle
“We have to prevent them from altering our history. For Clara. For my kids!” — Doc's second line when in combat
“I may have invented time travel, but, even I can't figure out this perplexing puzzle!” — Doc when unable to solve a puzzle
“What is this strange device? It certainly isn't from any time period I've ever visited.” — Doc's second line when unable to solve a puzzle
“It's time to go back to the future! Unless THIS is the future? In which case, back to the past!” — Doc Brown's third line when leaving the game
“I need to get back to my OWN time before something TERRIBLE happens.” — Doc Brown's fourth line when leaving the game
“Time circuits on. Radiation levels are good. Let's get this bad boy to eighty-eight miles per hour!” — Doc when entering the DeLorean Time Machine.
“You really should have listened to me when I said "If you're gonna build a time machine, do it with some style!"” — Doc when entering the TARDIS
“Did you see that? I must find out if they have any vacancies. Can you imagine what I could achieve with these resources?” — Doc in the Aperture Science Enrichment Center
“Great Scott! Would you look at the size of that thing!” — Doc when seeing a giant character and when entering a mech
“A portable personal transportation device? Incredible! You MUST let me take a look at it!” — Doc to Chell
“You look like one of my old inventions. Did I make you in the future? And send you back to save me?” — Doc to Cyborg
“How adorable. This reminds me of the box car DeLorean I built during my early phases!” — Doc when riding the Gravity Sprinter
“I can charge this 1.21 gigawatts of electricity, then bam! Instantaneous upgrade possibilities!” — Doc's first line when upgrading his vehicle/gadget
“This will take over a month to rebuild! If only there was some way to skip forward in time!” — Doc's second line when upgrading his vehicle/gadget
“Gather a small application unit here, a little nuclear injector there, and magnificent!” — Doc's third line when upgrading his vehicle/gadget
“Why. it's me from the future! Don't tell me anything! Unless it's lottery numbers. ” — Doc Brown to Doc Brown
Great Scott! Four months after the release of the LEGO Dimensions Back To The Future level pack, we finally have the man himself, the inventor of the flux capacitor, Doctor Emmett Brown.
Developer: TT Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Set Number: 71230
Minifigures: Doc Brown
Release Date: Out Now
A few months ago, I reviewed the level pack and, as the review will show, wasn’t overly impressed with the exclusive level, it sadly ripped through the first Back To The Future movie at high pace and made no effort to meet the same level of fan dedication that we have since seen in the Doctor Who and Ghostbusters packs. Despite that, though, owning Marty did give you full access to the open-world hub world, which in contrast was brilliantly dedicated to the trilogy as a whole and featured Hill Valley in three time periods from the movies.
That, along with the brilliant LEGO versions of Marty, the Delorean and the hoverboard, was more than enough to consider owning the set. Now, however, thanks to the third wave of releases, we have a fun pack for the Back To The Future franchise, and a new, cheaper alternative for accessing the hub open-world. We’ve already seen Doc Brown pop up in the main LEGO Dimensions story but now he can finally be a playable character in-game.
So what do we get in this fun pack? Well, the great news is that the Doc is not alone, as in addition to the Doc Brown minifigure, we also get his time-travelling train from Back To The Future Part III, a must if you opt not to purchase the level pack for visiting all three of the aforementioned time periods in the hub open-world.
As with the Marty minifigure, unless you were lucky enough to get hold of the LEGO ideas set on release then the Doc Brown minifigure is an exclusive and collector’s one opportunity to own it. The outfit design on the torso and legs recreates the hazard protection suit that Doc wears in 1985 during the first Back To The Future movie. While the legs are simply white with no unique design, the torso piece features a character specific, and beautifully printed design which includes the famous stopwatch he used to convince Marty that he had indeed created a time machine. The back of the torso also features a black radiation logo to complete the look of the outfit.
There does appear to have been a few minor changes made to the characters face and hair compared to his last trip into LEGO. While the face does still include the same detail, the eyebrows and facial lines seem a little less prominent – maybe Christopher Lloyd had some input this time around, having been involved in the game. The hair piece is different too, the previous version sporting a hairpiece similar to the Doctors, this Doc Brown has the much more Einstein look about him from the movie. Accessory-wise, Doc has a remote control like that used to control the Delorean during the initial test.
The Traveling Time Train can be described in one word, spectacular, it is easily the best micro vehicle seen in LEGO Dimensions yet – an impressive thing to say considering it features absolutely no purpose-built parts and only utilises existing LEGO pieces, though one or two maybe haven’t been seen in these colours before. As with all other vehicles and accessories, there are two additional blueprints to unlock in-game, the Flying Time Train and the Missile Blast Time Train.
Obviously, as this is a fun pack, this set doesn’t technically bring any new content to the game, but if you’ve decided not to purchase the level pack then Doc Brown is your pathway to the Back To The Future hub open-world. This set, however, offers so much more to the gameplay, especially for those completionists out there looking for a little help solving a few puzzles.
Doc Brown is a brilliant addition to your character arsenal, bringing a number of much-needed skills to your toy pad. Firstly, like Doctor Who and Benny from LEGO Movie, he has the ability to operate computer consoles and hack terminals. Again, like his time-travelling Gallifreyan counterpart, Doc has the ability to repair objects – without the need for a sonic screwdriver, I should add. One of the more interesting skills he brings to the table, though, is the ability to deploy and control a mini-Delorean. This remote-controlled toy can not only shock enemies, but it has the ability to travel up pipes in certain puzzles. It is also important to note that Christopher Lloyd actually provided his unique voice to the game, meaning that we get some brand-new soundbites from the man that brought the character to life originally.
The Time Train is similarly useful in its own unique way. Firstly, it is the only other vehicle in its default configuration, outside of the Delorean, which can use the time-travelling treadmills – hence why I said that this is an incredibly important accessory to have if you didn’t purchase the wave one level pack. Once you’ve unlocked the additional blueprints, the Flying Time Train does exactly what the name suggests, bringing you a new air-based vehicle. Sticking with the obvious names, I’ll give you three guesses as to what the Missile Black Time Train can do…oh and it flies as well.
In my opinion, the Doc Brown fun pack actually adds a lot more value to the gameplay than the Back To The Future level pack, and at half the price. Alright, so you don’t get the exclusive level or the Delorean, but the Doc is a much more valuable character in the grand scheme of things in LEGO Dimensions and the Time Train is so much more stunning a model. If you’re looking to get access to LEGO Back To The Future content, then this is the ideal pack to invest your money in.
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Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag), БЕЗ ФИГУРОК для компьютерной игры - Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (71230 Fun Pack) В состав входят: персонаж Doc Brown и два транспорт Travelling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
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Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag) БЕЗ ФИГУРОК . для Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (Fun Pack -71230) В состав входят: персонаж Док Браун (Doc Brown) и транспорт Traveling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Диски по 300 рублей каждый кроме тех, у которых цена указана в скобках. В отличном состоянии The Fred Hersch Trio – +2 Forss – Soulhack Billy Cobham – By Design David Lanz – The Good Life Leni Stern – Kindness Of Strangers Kim Waters – In The Name Of Love Lorraine Feather – Such Sweet Thunder (Music Of The Duke Ellington Orchestra) Buckethead - Population Override (500p) Buckethead - Bucketheadland 2 (500p) Matalex Feat. Alex Gunia Special Guest Jean-Paul Bourelly – Freedom Art Blakey & The Jazzmessengers Big Band – Live At Montreux And Northsea Peter White - Confidential John Surman – Coruscating(500p) Bill Bruford's Earthworks – A Part, And Yet Apart Stephane Grappelli & Michel Petrucciani – Flamingo Paul Brown – Up Front Pat Martino – Think Tank Sonny Stitt – Stitt Plays Bird Down To The Bone – Crazy Vibes And Things Down To The Bone – Cellar Funk Doc Powell – Cool Like That Didier Lockwood – 'Round About Silence Diana Krall – The Girl In The Other Room
Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag), БЕЗ ФИГУРОК для Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (Fun Pack -71230) В состав входят: персонаж Док Браун (Doc Brown) и транспорт Traveling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
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Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag), БЕЗ ФИГУРОК для Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (Fun Pack -71230) В состав входят: персонаж Док Браун (Doc Brown) и транспорт Traveling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Пpодаю кoмплект ОРИГИHАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подcтaвок, БЕЗ ФИГУРOК! из набopa Baсk tо thе Futurе (Fun Pасk -71230) для пoпулярнoй KOMПЬЮTЕРНОЙ ИГРЫ Lego Dimensions! B нaбoр вxодят: пеpсонаж Док Браун (Doc Вrоwn) и тpанспoрт Travеling Тimе Trаin. Гaрaнтиpовaннaя прoизводителем 100% пoлнoценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Продaю кoмплект OРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подcтавoк, БЕЗ ФИГУPОK! из нaбopa Baсk tо thе Futurе (Fun Pack -71230) для популяpной KOMПЬЮTЕРHОЙ ИГРЫ Lego Dimensions! B нaбoр вxодят: перcoнаж Док Бpaун (Doс Вrоwn) и тpaнспoрт Travеling Тimе Тrаin. Гарантиpованная прoизводителeм 100% пoлноценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Пpодаю кoмплeкт ОPИГИНАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подстaвок, БEЗ ФИГУРОK! из нaбopa Baсk tо thе Future (Fun Рack -71230) для пoпулярной КОМПЬЮТЕPНОЙ ИГРЫ Legо Dimеnsions! B набоp входят: пeрcонаж Док Бpaун (Dос Brоwn) и тpaнспoрт Travеling Тimе Тrain. Гаpaнтиpoваннaя пpоизвoдителeм 100% полнoценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Пpодаю кoмплект OРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ! электpонныx подставок, БЕЗ ФИГУРOK! из набopa Baсk tо thе Futurе (Fun Рaсk -71230) для популяpнoй КOMПЬЮTEPHОЙ ИГРЫ Lеgo Dimensiоns! B набop вxoдят: пeрcонaж Док Бpаун (Doc Вrown) и транспoрт Travеling Тimе Train. Гapaнтиpованная прoизвoдитeлем 100% пoлноценная работоспособность в игре. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Похожие объявления
Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ электронных подставок (Toy Tag), БЕЗ ФИГУРОК для компьютерной игры - Lego Dimensions из набора Back to the Future (71230 Fun Pack) В состав входят: персонаж Doc Brown и два транспорт Travelling Time Train. Если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Лего 71230 FUN PACK: DOC BROWN Новый запечатанный набор. В наличии есть все дополнения по вселенной Лего Dimensions. Доставка по России.
Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ (настоящих, аутентичных) электронных подставок (Toy Tag) для LEGO® Dimensions™ из набора - Back to the Future (Fun Pack 71230) В состав входят: * подставка персонажа - Doc Brown * подставка транспорта - Travelling Time Train Набор продаётся БЕЗ ФИГУРОК, если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Продаю комплект ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫХ (настоящих, аутентичных) электронных подставок (Toy Tag) для LEGO® Dimensions™ из набора - Back to the Future (Fun Pack 71230) В состав входят: * подставка персонажа - Doc Brown * подставка транспорта - Travelling Time Train Набор продаётся БЕЗ ФИГУРОК, если Вы больше геймер, чем коллекционер, есть возможность сэкономить!
Продаю фигурки утки Tubbz. 1) Marty McFly 2) Doc Brown 1955 3) Marty McFly Vadar Vulcan 4) Aquaman Цена за 1(одну) фигурку
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