Lego death star old
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75159 Звезда Смерти - эксклюзивный набор из серии Star Wars, выпущенный в 2016 году.
Звезда смерти разделена на шестнадцать секторов, каждый из которых представляет классическую сцену из IV и VI эпизодов саги Звёздные войны.
Сектор наблюдения включает два пункта управления суперлазером, один из которых непосредственно отвечает за его вращение, и иллюминатор, на котором видна планета Алдераан, а на обороте - некие схемы активации лазера.
Зал заседаний включает круглый стол и семь кресел, а также выделенные из стен лампы и красные сосуды неизвестного происхождения. Крышка стола не закреплена, и под ним можно что-нибудь спрятать.
Внешний сектор включает два сдвоенных турболазера. Они способны совместно поворачиваться при движении рычага в секторе ниже и подниматься или опускаться путём поворота шестерёнок.
Сектор ремонта дроидов включает стол, полку с инструментами, тележку с дополнительными деталями, стол для самих дроидов, контейнер для деталей и рычаг поворота лифта, проходящего по центру через все секторы с самого верха до самого низа Звезды смерти.
Колёсико в секторе ремонта управляет подъёмным краном в секторе посадочной платформы, которая предназначена для звездолёта Дарта Вейдера. Его TIE Усовершенствованный выполнен в масштабе минимодели, но может вместить пилота. В стене установлена дверь, ведущая в следующий сектор, и оставлены неизвестные контейнеры.
Сектор управления суперлазером включает сам суперлазер - вогнутый диск с зелёными лучами энергии, его механизм движения, работающий от вращения панели в секторе наблюдения, есть балкон с лестницей, на котором установлены панели и консоли управления, а также шестерёнка, открывающая дверь.
Тюремный блок включает панели и рычаги управления, висящую камеру наблюдения и иллюзию камер, единственная настоящая из которых открывается изнутри и снаружи для доступа к виду внутрь. Также в блоке есть люк, ведущий к мусорному прессу.
Тронный зал Императора включает сам трон, ведущие к нему ступени, окно к посадочной платформе, падающий мостик и шахту с элементами ограды.
Шахта ведёт ко дну Звезды и открытому пространству, где нет ничего, кроме дверей, к которым нужно пролететь на висящем тросе.
Грузовой сектор включает механическую клешню, запас оружия, лестницу к выходу и подъёмную платформу, ведущую к посадочной платформе.
Грузовой сектор выходит на внешний сектор массивного вращающегося лазерного орудия, выпускающего пару пружинных ракет при нажатии кнопки.
Уплотнитель мусора включает две сжимающиеся стены, дверь и, собственно, мусор в виде труб и стержней, которыми можно остановить сжатие стен. Из-под пола выглядывает глаз дианоги.
Сектор притягивающего луча включает поднятую платформу с рычагами управления лучом. При вытягивании центрального рычага энергия "отключится": имитирующие её детали упадут.
Нижние четыре сектора пусты, на них есть только платформа для тела дианоги и различные контейнеры, похожие на те, что расставлены по всей Звезде.
Прими на себя командование имперским супероружием — «Звездой Смерти»! Удивительная модель из мира «Звездных войн» имеет столько интересных комнат, залов, ангаров и других помещений, что даже не знаешь, с чего начать путешествие по кораблю. Управляй гигантским суперлазером из диспетчерской, планируй миссии в конференц-зале и запускай из ангара усовершенствованный истребитель TIE Лорда Вейдера. Ремонтируй дроидов на технической станции, не давай заключенным сбежать из надежного тюремного блока и побеждай в сражениях с кораблями повстанцев при помощи лазерных пушек и мощного притягивающего луча. Ты даже можешь получить аудиенцию у императора Палпатина, восседающего в тронном зале, организовать погрузку в грузовой зоне и избавиться от мусора, используя уплотнитель мусора. И, конечно, история о «Звезде Смерти» была бы неполной без Оби-Вана Кеноби, Люка Скайуокера и Хана Соло, изо всех сил старающихся уничтожить зловещую «Звезду Смерти»! Удастся ли им сорвать планы Дарта Вейдера и других сторонников Империи? Судьба «Звезды Смерти» в твоих руках.
Which LEGO Death Star is Better?
One of the most iconic vehicles (if you can call it a vehicle, and not just a ‘location’ given its scale!) from the Star Wars Saga is, of course, the Death Star. Playing a prominent role in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, the location also made a return in the most recent Star Wars entry, The Rise of Skywalker. With this considered, it seems like the perfect time for us to sit back, and look back through the three different versions of this iconic location which LEGO have brought to the Star Wars line over the years, to see if we can work out which is best! Join us, as we talk all things LEGO Death Star!
You Mean There is More Than One?
Before we can conclude which LEGO Death Star is the best, it makes sense to breakdown the three different versions which have been released over the duration of the LEGO Star Wars line. It’s important to note that for this comparison I am referring to whole Death Star builds – and not individual components of the Death Star, like the recent Death Star Cannon or Death Star Trench Run sets which we have received from LEGO recently. Whilst these sets are nice and have their own merits, they do not represent the whole of the location in one set, and so cannot really be counted for this comparison. With that out the way, we will move on and breakdown the first set – the Death Star II.
10143-1: Ultimate Collector Series: Death Star II
Up first we have the oldest rendition of the Death Star to be released by LEGO – the Death Star II, which released as a UCS set in 2005 retailing for £249.99. It’s important to note, right out the gate, that this set has become incredibly popular – with aftermarket prices on both Bricklink and eBay sometimes up to three-times the original value of the set when it released.
This is usually a good indicator of a popular set – and I think it’s fair to say that this set is popular for good reasons. Unlike the later variations of the Death Star which would be released, this set is an entirely aesthetic-focused build. This means that LEGO’s design team worked hard to create a round-feeling build which had a focus on the external aesthetics of the Death Star. For the most part, they could achieve this to an incredibly high standard – with everything from the paneling designs to the super-laser dish feeling authentic to the design which we see in the films.
Where this build really stands out, however, is in the fact that this is the second rendition of the Death Star. This is the version which is being constructed near Endor in Return of the Jedi, and therefore is still under construction when the Rebel Alliance can take it out within the film. LEGO have done an incredible job here of capturing this sense of the death star under construction – with various plates and other details layered expertly on the second half of the sphere to give it it’s non-complete appearance. This works incredibly well in really emulating the design of a partially built Death Star that we see within the film, and looks fantastic for a display piece.
My only concern would be how this would potentially impact the structural integrity of the build itself, however, so if you have owned the Death Star II then I would love to hear your thoughts on the durability of this build in the comments below, as I am really interested to see how it holds up.
With all that said, the Death Star II is a nice example of an aesthetically pleasing build from LEGO which matches up nicely with the source material and creates a compelling model. So, the first LEGO Death Star to be released really hit it out the park – but how does it compare to later renditions of the same structure?
Following on from the success of set 10143-1, LEGO decided to release their second Death Star set in 2008 – just three years after the first one. With this set, however, they decided to go back to the drawing board so that they could create something brand new inspired around the same source material. This time around, LEGO opted to create something which was much more aligned with their principles of play, creating a Death Star with a fully minifigure compatible interior which represented the best scenes from the Original Trilogy.
The love for this set doesn’t end there, however, as it also incorporated some smaller builds and a plethora of great characters who really helped to add real value and depth to the playability of this set. LEGO went the extra mile by including a smaller-scaled Tie Advanced build with this set for Darth Vader – not only including the vehicle, but creating a Death Star hangar space where the vehicle could be docked. Being able to incorporate a feature like this was incredibly innovative at the time – and really added value to the overall set.
This, combined with the massive roster of minifigure included (3 versions of Luke, two of Han, Chewbacca, Leia, Ben Kenobi, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine to name but a few), really made this the be all and end all when it came to a definitive set representative of the Original Trilogy. When I look at this set I get nostalgic in the best possible ways, as it takes me back to the times when LEGO were willing to pack lots of value and depth into their sets for a really, good price point.
So, I know what you’re thinking. How on earth can LEGO top that?
75159-1: Ultimate Collector Series: Death Star
So, which set wins?
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this breakdown of the different LEGO Death Star sets which are out there. Don’t forget to leave a comment below if you’ve enjoyed it, and let me know what your favourite Death Star is in the comments below! You can also click here to read more of my articles, if you like what you’ve read so far!
Over the summer my son decided that he needed a challenge, and decided to build a Lego Death Star from scratch. He has seen the films and has a couple of books with pictures of the Death Star. Over the last few months he has worked on building a Death Star which is now complete. Here are a few pictures of what he built.
Each of the rooms was inspired by something from the film…
Luke and Leia Swinging over the chasm in Star Wars IV
The iconic shootout between Luke, Leia and the stormtroopers followed by them swinging over the chasm is captured here.
Obi-Wan disables the tractor beam
Something that captures the sneakyness of Obi-Wan disabling the tractor beam in this image.
A Millennium Falcon Inside the Death Star
I said to my son when he started, that it can only really be considered a Death Star if you can fit a Millennium Falcon inside it. Not only did he get in the Falcon but also a Tie-Fighter ready to pursue it.
Conference Room
The conference room where Darth Vader convinces others of his cunning plans may not seem an obvious thing, but I think this looks good here. ‘This had better work’.
C3P0 and R2D2 Escape
I always found 3PO to be a bit dull, but here he is with R2D2 escaping from the Death Star.
Lift in the Death Star
On their way to the prison section Luke, Han and Chewy take an elevator.
Prison Section Shootout
This is one of my favourite bits from the film and so to have it recreated here was just great! ‘Chewy, we got company!’ Love the details with all the cameras and Han in stormtrooper gear.
Into the Garbage Chute Flyboy
After rescuing Leia from her cell the heroes find themselves in a tricky situation.
The Darth Vader Room
I think this is all the more ominous because he isn't actually in shot. Lots of fixer droids and the reclining chair. From a technical point of view he started running out of grey bits at this stage.
The Death Star Canon
One of the defining features of the Death Star is the large, planet vapourising canon. The long blue tongue of lights capturing it ‘fully operational’.
Defense against x-wings
Luke Skywalker and the other x-wing pilots don`t know what they are in for when coming up against these laser cannons!
Luke and Vader Fighting
The ultimate fight between Luke and Darth Vader with the Emperor looking on. Even the cool guards in red are here to watch. Deviated slightly by using a Christmas Darth Vader cloak.
The Big Picture
Here are some other shots that show the shear scale of the thing. ‘That’s no moon, it’s a space station’.
So, what`s next?
Apparently, the plan now is to build a Star Destroyer! He`s not sure he has enough bits though.
Мне кажется, что те мои подписчики, которые подписались ради моих постов про Лего, скоро начнут от меня отписываться. Это будет справедливо, потому что конец года у меня - бешено рабочее время и, как вы можете догадаться, ведение блога о хобби (слава Четырём) не является моей работой. Но вот в новогодние каникулы я обязательно займусь билдами. Так я себе часто говорю. Ладно, шутки в сторону - я смог таки выкроить вечерок под продолжение сборки "Звезды смерти", и тут есть некоторое количество вкуснотищи. Поехали!
Но сначала - просто продолжаем строить стены. Довольно рутинно, однако стоит отметить, что каждая стена уникальна - как бы глупо это не звучало, но это действительно не четыре Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V - в одной стене есть раздвижная дверь, в другой проход в соседний отсек, третья вообще будет с окошком. Ее пока не видно - сверху.
Немного вперед - и тут уже появляется полноценный тюремный блок с комнатой допросов (по крайней мере, мне кажется, по фильмам он выглядел примерно так). Нарочито черный, мрачный и блестящий. Там кстати слева заметно, как я лениво утрамбовал пару деталей стены. Ничего, впоследствии все было исправлено.
Завершаем тюремный отсек, приступаем к интерактивной двери. Ничего особенного - просто вращаем шестеренку, дверь открывается-закрывается. Мелочь, а приятно. Над дверью располагается некая комната управления, в которой и замаскирована ручка, управляющая дверью. Довольно креативно.
А вот в той части "Звезды", которая в самом начале поста была сверху - располагается место восседания самого Императора. Не того, который Император Человечества, а другого. Выглядит узнаваемо, эпично. Самого Палпатина пока не посадил, увы, об этом чуть позже.
Завершаем еще один уровень стен и начинаем собирать орудие Звезды Смерти - то самое, что планеты уничтожает. Механизм довольно занятный, позволяет плавно поднимать ее вниз-вверх с вертикальным приводом. Вот эта прозрачная деталька - не такой уж частый гость в наборах.
Странным образом я недосчитался примерно шестнадцати зеленых деталек - вероятно, я их сложил куда-нибудь в другое место, поэтому пришлось лучи просто прикрепить на базу. Но - согласитесь - и так получается весьма узнаваемо. Кстати, с этим кольцом я пробился трижды - каждый раз неправильно (не той стороной) вставлял детальки. Давненько такого не было.
Дособираем верхний уровень и вешаем на подставку небольшой истребитель. Ну и на сегодня у нас все.
The Lego Death Star is the biggest Star Wars Lego set ever released.
At 3803 pieces including 24 minifigures (some of them exclusive) this is a set that both adult and kids love – but be prepared to set aside some serious time for building.
Released originally four years ago in 2008 it is due to be retired soon, so now is the time to buy this Ultimate Collector’s Edition -before the price skyrockets on the secondary market.
If you think $399 is too much to pay, compare it to the UCS Millenium Falcon which now commands $1500 on ebay!
Lego Death Star Details
Lego Set Number: 10188
Pieces: 3803
Minifigures: 24 minifigures: Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper outfit), Han Solo (Stormtrooper outfit), Assassin Droid, Interrogation Droid, Death Star Droid, 2 Death Star Troopers, Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight), Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, Emperor Palpatine, 2 Stormtroopers, 2 Emperor’s Royal Guards, R2-Q5, and mouse droid!
Price: US $399.99 / £ 274.99
Ages: 12+
Released: 2008
Theme: Star Wars
Best Prices: We recommend Amazon or Amazon UK who offer FREE Shipping on this heavy set.
Lego Death Star – A Little Background
“That’s no Moon. That’s A Space Station” – Obi Wan Kenobi (A New Hope)
The Death Star is featured in two Star Wars films, A New Hope and Return of The Jedi. You might say it is the Empire’s ultimate weapon and one that they use to not only destroy planets but also keep the galaxy living in fear.
On both occasions the Empire built a Death Star it was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance but before they were blown to dust the space stations they were also the scene for awesome adventures and close escapes, particularly by Luke Skywalker.
Lego Death Star – A Closer Look
The Lego Death Star set depicts a number of the most important scenes in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi.
Areas and Play features (complete with quotes!):
- Death Star control room (Where is the secret rebel base? I grow tired of waiting.”)
- Hangar bay with TIE Advanced starfighter (“You two come with me”)
- Tractor beam controls (“Did you hear something?” “Probably just a drill.”)
- Emperors throne room (“And now. My young fool. You will die.”)
- Detention block (“Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?”)
- Imperial conference chamber (“This station is now the ultimate power in the universe…I suggest we use it.”)
- Swing across the chasm with Luke and Leia (A kiss for luck)
- Face danger in the crushing trash compactor (“I just felt something move past my leg.”)
- Duel with Darth Vader for the fate of the galaxy (“So you have a twin sister. Now your feelings have betrayed her too.”)
Moving Parts
- Tie fighter moves in the hangar,
- Firing laser cannon
- The trash compactor compacts
- The lift through the center moves up and down
- Freight elevator moves in the hangar
- Doors open and close (“Open the blast doors, open the blast doors!”)
- Sooooo many more details.
Each of the environments has a great deal of details fans will notice, things like the parallax effect in the detention block, the screens in the Death Star control room, the chasm in the throne room, etc.
The model is viewable from 360 degrees, so you can play or display at all angles.
In a unique move for a Lego set, with the Lego Death Star, you get more than one of some of the characters. This is because the set depicts scenes from two separate movies. So while you have Luke and Han wearing stormtrooper uniforms in the trash compactor, the set also comes with Luke dressed as a Jedi Knight so he can confront the Emperor two movie later.
Some of the minifigures are exclusive but the main incentive for this set is the sheer number of figures and the fact that they make the set instantly playable and also a wonderful display piece.
Lego Death Star – What Others Are Saying
- “Santa gave the Death Star to our son (who is 6 and 1/2) for Christmas…we knew it was going to be incredible, but wasn’t sure if it would be way too difficult to construct. Anyway, it is awesome and my son and husband and I are all enjoying working on it. The instructions are excellent and my son’s attention to detail has improved alot. No question a great product!”
- “I have heard rumors that this set, current reigning champion for the largest most expensive set that has not been retired, is due to retire soon. So, if you don’t want to pay $1000 or more, now is probably the time to buy.”
- “$400.00 is well worth it when you consider the quality you get with Lego. I used to complain of the expense until I worked with other cheaper construction blocks. Now I’ll never go back. Don’t forget these are also durable. My 10 year old still plays with Lego’s I had 30 years ago.
Lego Death Star: Review
The Lego Death Star is an expensive set, there is no doubt about that. But it is a unique collector’s item that Lego put alot of time and effort into designing and they did an awesome job-it’s almost the “perfect” Lego set.
We think it is worth the money if you can afford it and the current retail price will seem like a bargain in a year or so when it is peaking on the secondary market. Let’s Break it Down.
Lego Death Star Ratings
Value For Money: Expensive, but worth the price overall for such a big set – 4/5
Play Experience Straight Out of the Box: Lots of minifigs and play features – 5/5
Variety of Pieces and Minifigures: Lots of minifigs and pieces – 5/5
Overall Play Value for Kids: Kids and Adults love this – 5/5
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