Lego city undercover red bricks locations
This is found on top of Jenny’s Diner in King’s Court. You will need the Rex Fury character (unlockable in the final story mission) to open the door.
After obtaining the Rex Fury character, return to the secret base from the special assignment “Disruptive Behavior”. After the freefall, open the large crate that only Rex Fury can open. To the left of it is a laser-protected room, which is where you’ll find the Red Brick.
Travel to the south tower of Albatross Island. The room at the bottom of the tower holds the Red Brick. Use the crowbar to open the door.
Go to the ground level of Ellie’s apartment building. Use the elevator to reach the apartment itself. You’ll find the Red Brick in the hall on the left.
Swim along the southwest end of Crescent Park. There you’ll find the Red Brick hiding along the rockwall.
Travel about halfway through the Crosstown Tunnel and look for a door along the walkway with an orange handle. Use Rex Fury’s strength to open it and grab the Red Brick.
In the dojo interior, use the astronaut disguise to teleport to the balcony. Drop down one level to find several occupation portraits. Go back up to the higher balcony, notice the boxes with images of occupation tools. Rotate the boxes to match the tools with the occupation portraits below.
Approach Fort Meadows from the south road. Stay right and travel along the unpaved road until you reach a cave blocked by boulders. Use dynamite to break the silver boulders. Venture into the spider cave to find the Red Brick.
Travel along the Grand Canal until you reach a widened portion of the walkway. There you’ll find a coffee break station. Walk left along the walkway to find the Red Brick.
LEGO City Undercover copyright LEGO Group. All images used for educational purposes only.
All the Red Bricks in LEGO City Undercover
Throughout LEGO City Undercover, Chase McCain will acquire a host of new outfits and powers to wrestle against the criminals of LEGO City. These are undeniably helpful—and they can be made more helpful with the aid of Red Bricks. Red Bricks are, in most cases, a little like cheat codes: When purchased in the basement of the police station (usually at a steep stud price), they'll unlock new powers and upgrade old ones to fantastic heights. Most make exploring LEGO City about a billion times easier.
This article will help you track down all forty of the Red Bricks in LEGO City Undercover. Because Red Bricks are numbered, these will be listed numerically rather than by location. (Don't expect to get them when you first visit most areas anyway.)
You're in luck! Your first three can be purchased from the outset of the game. (There's a good reason for that, too, as they're not terribly helpful. Yay ringtones.)
Located in Paradise Sands. During your first big foray to the area you'll have to spy on Vinnie and Rex Fury atop the Herbert Hotel. Check the opposite side of this building's roof before you scan to find the Red Brick, which is, again, a simple ringtone.
Located in the Grand Canal. Sail your way into the canal and check the split tunnels. They widen in the middle and are lined with doors you can break into. Inside one of them is a Red Brick. Another ringtone? Sure, why not.
Located in Downtown. Near the border with Kings Court is a building you can climb. Along the upper ledge are several doors you can break open. One of them contains a Red Brick. This cheat will make your police whistle rather odd.
Located in Cherry Tree Hills. This is possibly the easiest one to find. Scale the stairs by the entrance of the police station and check the locked cells on the second floor. The Red Brick is in one of them. This cheat will upgrade your scanner so that it will detect city challenges.
Located in Auburn. On the border between Auburn and Cherry Tree Hills is a small stretch of grass. Beside a bench here is a green trashcan. Bust it open to find the Red Brick. This one will upgrade your scanner so it picks up character challenges.
Located on the Auburn Bay Bridge. Run up the bridge towards Fort Meadows and check the supports on the right side of the bridge. You'll find a way up to the top of the supports. Along the way you'll cross a tightrope that will lead you to the Red Brick. This one will upgrade your scanner so Red Bricks will appear on it. (Would be handy if you didn't have this guide.)
Located in Bluebell National Park. Take the train to Bluebell Mine, grab a stick of dynamite from the shack near the mine, and use it on the shiny silver crate across the field from the mine's entrance. Inside is the Red Brick. This one will upgrade your scanner so clues will pop up on it, allowing you to track down suspicious items you might otherwise miss.
Located in Fort Meadows. A short way down the road from the Auburn Bay Bridge, near the gas station, is a cave to blow open. Inside are numerous piles of rocks. One of them hides a Red Brick. This cheat will upgrade your scanner to detect collectible tokens.
The next five all do the same thing: They multiply the value of any studs you collect. They're cumulative, as well, so applying all five cheats at once will have you racking up millions of studs every time you run down a street.
Located in Albatross Prison, during the Trouble in Stir special assignment. As you proceed through the mission you'll see the Red Brick floating happily in its own cell. You can break into the cell next to it and bust through the left wall to get to the brick.
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Found during the Dirty Work special assignment, in the sewers below the LEGO City Bank. Proceed through the mission until you reach the top level of the sewers and look for a Red Color Swapper whose enclosure you have to blow open. The Red Brick is in the small cell next door.
Found during the High Steal special assignment in Paradise Sands. After clearing the first yard and gaining access to the second by driving the steamroller onto the big, red button, check the left side of the second yard for a pair of shacks. You can break into one of them to find the Red Brick.
Found during the Disruptive Behavior special assignment. After the massive freefall you'll land in a storage room. Against one of the walls is a crate only Rex Fury can busy open. Behind it is a way into a laser-locked room with a Red Brick.
Found in the Fly Me To The Moon special assignment. Strap on your Rex Fury outfit and look for a crate for the big man to bust open by a glass dome. Under it is a light to hit to get inside the dome, where the Red Brick waits.
Found in the Smash 'n' Grab special assignment in Paradise Sands. When you reach the end of the first section of this assignment you'll find an elevator that will take you up into Blackwell's Mansion. Ignore it at first and climb up to the flagpoles to the left of the elevator. You'll find a boarded and electrified door at the end of this swinging path; inside is the Red Brick. When activated, this one will draw studs to Chase when you pass nearby.
Located in the Breaking and Reentering special assignment in Fresco. As you make your way up the side of Forrest Blackwell's Mansion you'll find a space crate on the third level. Activate it to beam in the Red Brick. When turned on this cheat will pull nearby bricks towards Chase.
Located on Heritage Bridge. Head to the Festival Square side of the bridge and climb the arches to the roof. On top is a zipline that will carry you down to the Red Brick. This one will allow you to collect the green navigational studs that appear whenever you set a waypoint on your game pad and climb in a vehicle.
Located at LEGO City Airport. One of the sheds in the rear of the Airport can only be opened by your Rex Fury outfit. Inside is a Red Brick. This one will allow you to fast travel to unlocked Train Stations from anywhere, not just from another Train Station. This is incredibly helpful for getting around in a hurry.
Found during the Kung Fool special assignment. Return once you can use teleporters and enter Barry's Dojo. Inside is a teleporter that will take you to Barry's initial perch. Up here are four cubes with ability symbols, each corresponding to a portrait on a platform just below the main platform. Rotate the cubes in this order, from left to right: Pick, Watering Can, Stethoscope, Drill. This will get you the Red Brick. This one will power up your combat throws.
Located on Apollo Island. While exploring the island you'll find a massive airstrip beside a hangar, and at the end of it is a Super Build for a Stunt Ramp. Build the ramp and use it to launch a car to the small island just off the coast of Apollo Island. hit the four buttons situated around the concrete hole in the ground here to open it up and get at the Red Brick at the bottom. This cheat will give your Ray Gun some extra kick.
Located on Lady Liberty Island. (You can get to the island via a Rex Fury crate in the south of Downtown, in the court where you fought the Sentinels.) Make your way to the top of the statue's torch via a teleporter and slide down the zipline to the ground. The Red Brick is hovering above the zipline. This one gives a Mario hat to all of your outfits.
Located in Albatross Prison. A teleporter on the beach will take you into the second, rear half of the prison. Out here is a huge watchtower with a cell at the bottom. Pry open the cell to find the Red Brick. When activated this will give all of your outfits a goofy siren hat.
Located under Blackwell Bridge. Hop in a boat (you're most likely to find one in Fresco) and steer it under Blackwell Bridge. The Red Brick is sitting atop one of the supports under the Uptown side of the bridge. This cheat will allow you to use nitrous boosts on every vehicle, whether it can normally use it or not.
Located in Bright Lights Plaza. At the base of Ellie's building in the northern half of the district is an elevator. Take it up to the apartment and check the halls for the Red Brick. This one will summon a vehicle (road-worthy only) to wherever you at by depressing the right control stick. Incredibly handy for getting around when there are no cars available.
Located in Crescent Park. Hop into the water at the edge of the southern end of the park. Not far from a Super Brick on the water's edge, in a small, rocky niche set into the bluffs, is the Red Brick. This one will turn your vehicles into absolute wrecking balls, and they'll smash other cars out of the way with ease. If you have trouble with vehicular chases, this cheat comes in real handy.
Found in the They All Scream For Ice Cream special assignment. Above the entrance is a space crate that will beam in parts for a Red Color Swapper. Use the resulting Red Color Gun to blast three red lights in the main section of the parlour - two on the bottom floor, one on the upper - to make a Red Brick appear. This cheat will give you two extra hearts.
Located in Kings Court. You'll find a Jenny's Diner near Kings Court's border with Fresco. Climb atop it to find the Red Brick on the roof, behind a door that only Rex Fury can open. When activated this will render Chase immune to damage.
Found during the Some Assaults special assignment. Once you reach the rooftops you can get to the higher section of the second building to the left by trashing and reassembling three air conditioners. The resulting solar panels will activate a fan that will shoot you up to the highest point on the building. The Red Brick waits. This cheat will allow you to build LEGO structures much more quickly than normal.
Found in the Colossal Fossil Hurtle special assignment. Take Rex Fury into the Museum and bust up the two mammoth skulls flanking the ground floor display in the north. You'll find two dinosaur bones. Check the safe in the top-left display on the second floor to find another bone. Take all three to the collapsed triceratops display back on the ground floor and assemble the skeleton. Once complete you'll receive a Red Brick. This will allow you to break into crowbar spots without effort.
Located in Pagoda. Hop into a helicopter and flit over to Pagoda, looking for a rooftop Crash Mat. This will take you to a line of obstacles that will eventually take you to the Red Brick. This cheat will allow you to smash through boards with ease.
Found in the Astronaughty special assignment. Make your way to the space shuttle hangar and check the top-left section of the hangar for a fuse box that will activate a lift. On the upper levels is a dynamite vending machine. Take a stick back down to the ground floor, where you'll find a hatch to blow open in the bottom right of the area. Down here is a teleporter that will zip you up to a room with a safe containing a Red Brick. This one will allow you to bypass the puzzle associated with space crates.
Located in Crosstown Tunnel. Roughly halfway through the tunnel you'll see a small room to break into via Rex Fury's mighty arms. The Red Brick is inside. This cheat will allow you to swiftly drill through drill points. Not bad for Drill Thrill challenges.
Found in the Scrapyard Scrap special assignment. Located in the first half of the scrapyard is a crate only Rex Fury can bust open. Under it is a catapult that will launch you skyward, up to a Red Brick. This one will allow you to instantly open safes.
Found during the Miner Altercation special assignment. Make your way to the shack where the recording that will end the assignment is waiting. There's a catapult that will launch you to a series of walkways with rolling barrels. At the top of it is a Red Brick. This cheat will eliminate the need for dynamite vending machines, as you'll always have a stick when you turn into a Miner.
Located in Uptown. Check the business district for a toy store. The sign out front is flanked by two rockets with red lights. Turn the lights green and the rockets will take off. Hop on one and it will zip you to the roof. The Red Brick is up here. This cheat will allow your Color Gun to fire off every colour. In other words, if you shoot something that needs to be changed, it will change to the correct colour. This is possibly the best cheat in the game.
Located in Fresco. There are a lot of buildings to scale in Fresco, many of them along the canals. Get atop the western set of buildings and you'll find a green house at the top. You can enter this green house via a teleporter. Activating this cheat will prompt the game to immediately rescue Chase should you lead him into a fatal drop, ie. you won't lose any studs.
Located in Festival Square. Not far from Mercy Hearts Hospital, sitting on its own at the corner of an intersection, is a large building you can scale that's covered in collectibles. Once you get to the roof you'll find a teleporter that will take you elsewhere - but before you use it, check behind the stairwell that’s overlooking the road, at the edge of the building. The Red Brick is hidden behind this stairwell. Activate it and your vehicles will be able to use nitro for roughly twice as long.
Found during the Hot Property special assignment in the Fire Department. After you've completed basic training you'll be ushered into the Department itself, where a party's going on. Along the right wall on the ground floor there's a door you can bust into. The Red Brick's in here. When turned on, everyone you come across will be wearing some kind of silly costume.
EXTRA - Super Minifigure
This final cheat requires getting not one Red Brick, but every one in the game… as well as everything else. In order to unlock Super Minifigure you must achieve one hundred percent completion of LEGO City Undercover by collecting all of the Red Bricks, the character and vehicle tokens and the Gold Bricks. Do all that and you can turn Chase into a titanic version of himself. Not very helpful, but a lot of fun.
KingkahnFH12 on May 14, 2019:
Mario hat and super Color gun red power brick in Lego city undercover on PS4.
Barney on March 22, 2019:
Hello, i cant find the mario hat on any consoles (exept wiiU) because ps4 wasnt made by nintendo (creator of mario)
Steve on February 27, 2019:
An Arab on January 22, 2018:
This was so frickin great. Have 1/4 of these already, and this was an amazing guide, needs some more clarification on 9 but everything else is spot on.
LEGO City Undercover copyright LEGO Group. All images used for educational purposes only.
Every city worth its salt has to have a Downtown, and LEGO City's Downtown is every inch a metropolitan wonderland. Overlooking the prestigious Albatross Island and home to one of Chase McCain's best pieces of police work ever (theft of an enormous emerald), Downtown is understandably filled to the brim with collectibles. Time to snag 'em all! (Assuming you have every outfit!)
This section covers everything within easy reach of the roads that stretch through this area.
- At the first major intersection after you leave Festival Square is a Call-in Point Super Build that will get you the Earwig collectible and a Gold Brick.
- To the side of the outside lane overlooking the waterfront is a Metro station. Assemble the Train Station kiosk at the bottom of the stairs for a Gold Brick.
Outer Buildings
This section will cover the buildings stretching from the Downtown-Festival Square border and up to the waterfront. It excludes the cluster of buildings surrounding the Bank.
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- On the left side of the street, down from the stretch of inaccessible and plain building lobbies, is a wall you can climb. At the top is the Mime collectible.
- If you didn't complete it before, you can now Free Run across the collection of buildings where you once saved Forrest Blackwell. Completing it will get you the Ninja collectible and a Gold Brick.
- About halfway along this course is a Coffee Break spot that will earn you a Gold Brick.
- Now that you have the Jet Pack you can more safely grab the Super Bricks sitting in the open up here, as well.
- On one side of the building with the jazz posters in this cluster of five is a door you can bust into for a Vehicle Robbery Challenge. It's a fairly straightforward ride; just watch out for the occasional attempt at blockades. You'll get the Bearer collectible and a Gold Brick for completing the challenge.
Inner Court
This section covers the outside of the Bank and the buildings across from it.
- To the left of the Bank's main entrance is a smaller entrance with a Super Brick on its awning.
- Across from the main entrance, beside the special assignment waypoint, is a pile of rocks. Under them is a boulder. Mash it for a Gold Brick.
- Keep running along the front of the Bank to reach a small stretch of side doors, none of which you can enter from the ground. At the end is a drill point that will get you onto the balconies above the doors. You can break into doors here for several Super Bricks and a Red Brick. Keep climbing to find another Super Brick in a niche and a cat hiding on a ledge across two catapults. Save it for a Gold Brick.
- Against these buildings, just before you enter the tunnel before Kings Court, is a box with flowers to water. Do so for a Gold Brick.
- Above the tunnel to Kings Court is a long stretch of wall jumps. Use it to get up to a rooftop with three Super Bricks. Head back to where you came up and look down at the buildings to your right. There's a pig on an awning far below. Chicken Glide down onto the awning to get at it. Deliver it to the nearest Pig Cannon, in Kings Court, for a Gold Brick.
- To the right of the wall jumps is a door you can break into. Inside is a vault containing a Super Brick. Run around this building to the right and you'll find a Super Brick on the entrance and the Jo Chakley collectible at the back-right corner of the building.
- Now for the outlying buildings. Return to the stretch of doors you pried open for Super Bricks and check the building opposite, with the red pot out front. Use the pot to get at a door with a Super Brick and a window you can bust open to get at a teleporter. It will take you above a Super Brick you can get at by dropping down. Across the roof is a space crate that will beam in an alien you can catch for a Gold Brick. Also here is a Chicken Glide spot that will take you to a Super Brick. (Also to the pig you found earlier, but the other route was faster.) All that done, check the base of the building on the opposite side for an ATM to bust up for a Gold Brick.
- The building across the street from this has a Super Brick on its awning.
- Beside the building with the lion banners is a drill point that will get you to the roof of the building next door. Climb the billboard up here to find a Chicken Glide that takes you to the top of the Bank. Up here is the Cacey collectible. Jet to your right to find a way to the roof where a fuse box awaits. It will activate a Drill Thrill challenge. Complete it for a Gold Brick. Hop down and return to the building you got onto to find two Super Bricks out front on the awning.
- Inside the last building here is a ton of Color Swappers and a dynamite vending machine. Use the Gold Color Swapper (second from the end of the right line of machines) to get the appropriate colour for painting the giant bull statue outside the Bank. Painting it will get you the Minotaur collectible.
- One of the roofs in this area can only be accessed with a helicopter. Drop onto the Crash Mat and climb the billboard up here to find a Chicken Glide spot. Use it to get to an adjacent building where you'll find a Scan Point on a billboard that will activate a Vehicle Robber challenge. This is a tricky race, as the thief is incredibly fast and takes quite a twisty route. Try to ram him against a barrier and keep him wedged to do the damage to the car—it gets away too easily to rely on just straight ramming. Complete it to get the Narym collectible and a Gold Brick.
- Return to the same rooftop after stopping the car. Slide down the zipline to your right to find a Super Brick and another billboard. Keep travelling along to get to the top of the glass building with all of the Color Swappers to find the Weather Girl collectible and a Districts Cleared flag. Raising it will get you a Gold Brick.
This section covers the grassy sections across the street from the buildings.
LEGO City Undercover copyright LEGO Group. All images used for educational purposes only.
A popular through-point to other parts of the city, Festival Square is a weird place. Hop onto the sidewalks and you'll see clowns, aliens, dinosaurs, third-rate Robinhoods . . . what a strange place. It's also the hiding spot for a lot of collectibles, and you'll need them all to get through LEGO City Undercover. This article covers every collectible in Festival Square; you'll need all of the outfits to get the lot.
Mercy Hearts Hospital
- At the rear of the Hospital is a Vehicle Robbery Challenge, available by prying open a door by a garage. This challenge is fairly tricky, thanks to a bad combo of a crawling vehicle, a lot of cop cars on your route, and a twisty route in the first place. Avoid damage in the first half as much as possible by straddling sidewalks and remaining on the wrong side of the street. Most cop cars will have trouble blocking you this way. Completing this challenge will earn you the Panacea collectible and a Gold Brick.
- Atop the rear entrance of the Hospital is the Surgeon collectible. Also up here is a space crate that will beam in an alien. Catch it for a Gold Brick.
- On the lower roof is a fuse box. Tinker with it to start a Drill Thrill challenge which will earn you a Gold Brick upon completion.
- At the very top of the Hospital is a Districts Conquered flag that will earn you a Gold Brick when raised.
- There's a Scan Point on the outskirts of the Hospital. Follow it to find a Super Brick.
- You can find a climbing point under the section of the Hospital that extends over the road. There's a Super Brick under here.
- At the very back of the parking lot is a pile of rocks. Smash through it to find a boulder, and, by extension, a Gold Brick.
Fire Station
- Out front of the Station is a door you can bash in. It leads to a Super Brick.
Balloon Park
There's a part of Festival Square absolutely festooned with balloons, not far from the Fire Station. This section covers that park.
- There's a tower covered at the edge of the park that's covered in lights. Climb to the top of the tower to find a Super Brick. Also up here is a Scan Point that will spark a Vehicle Robbery. Slide down the zipline to get at it and catch the guy to get the Inferno collectible and a Gold Brick.
- At the base of the tower is a strength game. Play it to get one of three. The other two are across the street: one in the larger park and near the sidewalk, the other in the middle of several stone walkways in a fountain area. Hit all three for the Weightlifter collectible.
- Across the street from the tower is a BBQ Fire. Put it out for a Gold Brick.
- Down the street from the lit tower is a more normal-looking one. Crack up the crate at the rear to find a Yellow Color Swapper. Use the ladder near the front to find a Super Brick and a teleporter. It will take you on top of the lit tower. Use the Chicken Glide to reach the normal tower again to find a Super Brick and a clock face you can paint yellow. Changing the colour will open the path to the Vinnie Clown collectible at the base of the tower.
- Back at the watery fountain area where you found the third strength game is a teleporter. It will drop you onto a balloon with a Super Brick on top.
- To the side of the fountain is a crane game. Play it for a Super Brick.
- In the middle of the park is a Deep Sea Spin Super Build. Construct it for the Deep Sea Diver collectible and a Gold Brick.
- Also in the middle of the park is a bouncy castle. Jump on it five times (you have to hold down the B button for the jump to count) to make the Sumo Wrestler collectible appear.
- At the corner of the park is a Frightful Freefall Super Build. Set it up for a Gold Brick. Ride it to get the Punk Rocker collectible.
You're pretty high up there!
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This section covers the stretch of buildings along the edges of Festival Square, starting from the Downtown border and working towards Pagoda.
- Outside a building labelled Franks is a Disguise Booth. Assemble it for the Doctor Smith collectible and a Gold Brick.
- There's a multi-story brown-brick building on the other side of the street. Check the alley between it and the next building over to find a way up to a series of ledges. There are three Super Bricks on the corners of the building. At the rear of the building is a drill point containing another Super Brick.
- You can break into the Estates bookstore beside Franks to find a Super Brick and the Tribal Chief collectible.
- There's a wall jump up the building adjacent to Estates. Follow the path along here to get several Super Bricks. At the end is a zipline that will lead you to the Doctor Jones collectible and another Super Brick.
- In a small alley down from these wall jumps are flowers to water for a Gold Brick. Use the grapple gun here to reach a Super Brick.
- A building at the next intersection contains a Super Brick, a Yellow Color Swapper and a Blue Color Swapper.
- Further down the street is another alley with another grapple point Super Brick.
- Across the intersection here is a building sitting on its own. Check the rear for a fuse box that will let you into a small room containing a Red Color Swapper and a dynamite vending machine. On the opposite side of the building is an ATM to bust up for a Gold Brick. On another side of the building is a Coffee Break spot beyond a fence you can scale. Take a breather for a Gold Brick. Bust up the barrel here to form a trampoline; at the top are bricks to scale for a Super Brick and, on the other side of the building, another Super Brick. Keep climbing the building and you'll find a Free Run medallion at the top. Completing the Free Run will get you the Robot collectible and a Gold Brick.
- Also at the top of the previous building is a Chicken Glide spot (and hidden behind the bricked-in stairwell to the left of the spot is a Red Brick). Use the Chicken Glide to get on top of the floats along the street. Bounce to the ropes connecting the floats and make your way to the snout of the crocodile. There's a Scan Point here that will ID a gang in Mercy Hearts Hospital. Get down to the waypoint by the park and beat the guys up for a Gold Brick.
- The building down from the café with the umbrella tables and the awnings has a cat on its entrance. Get it down for a Gold Brick. Break into the door here for a Red Color Swapper and a dynamite vending machine.
- Down the street is a gym. Bust up the ATM out front for a Gold Brick. Ignore the teleporter inside and make your way down the street until you see three inflatable pigs. Bash up the bricks on the grass near here to form a trampoline. Use it to get up to the pigs and bounce over to the roof of the gym to find a Super Brick. Make your way right to the top of an enclosure. There's a pig up here but wait for a moment before you ride it away. Break into the enclosure and use the teleporter to zip to a higher floor where you'll find a Super Brick. Zip back to the enclosure and ride the pig to the Pig Cannon in the park for a Gold Brick.
This section covers the roads and the sidewalks all across Festival Square.
- Near the gym is a bouncy castle on a grassy embankment. Bounce on it to get to a Super Brick.
- There are two billboards on the upper roadways. Climb them for Super Bricks.
- On the underside of the bridge leading to the Fire Station is a Super Brick. Also near here is a Call-in Point Super Build that will net you the Douser collectible and a Gold Brick.
- Between the park and the buildings is a Metro Station. Bash up the crate at the bottom of the stairs to establish a Train Station.
Color Gun Collectibles
There are two spots around here that require different Color Gun combinations. Now that you've found the necessary colours spread through the area, this section will address the puzzles requiring different colours.
- There are three basketball game kiosks spread through Festival Square, each requiring a Redt Color Gun to complete. There's one by the big green star inflatable near the buildings, another across from the plain brick tower, and the last across from the gym. Getting all three will earn you a Super Brick. (And speaking of the basketball games, if you play and trounce all nine of them you'll reveal the Gorilla Suit Guy collectible.)
- There are four bundles of balloons that are missing colours. Two by the fountain require red and yellow; one by the plain tower needs blue; the last in the park needs yellow. Colour all four for the Circus Clown collectible.
(I'm still missing one collectible. Once I have it I'll stick it on here.)
Marmidotte on April 14, 2013:
Thank you for this guide. I suggest the following for the theft: go through the passage under the hospital, then the part of road closed to vehicles (festival), then the park. Almost no police car this way. never follow closely what the green line says, it makes wild detours.
Good news. You get these three bricks just for starting the game!
During the prison mission, climb up to the second level. Then look for a cell with a breakable Lego wall on its left. Break into the cell and break through the wall.
This is found during the “Dirty Work” assignment in the sewer. Open the cell door to the left of the red color swapper.
Enter the fire station in your newly acquired firefighter outfit. Look to the right of the main room to find a boarded up door. Use your axe to get through the door.
This is found on the second level of the police station. You’ll need the robber outfit and the crowbar to break through the door.
Scale the northeast building of the Downtown district. When you reach the roof, you’ll see a nearby building with four doors. You can reach the other building by gliding with the farmer outfit.
In the construction site mission, pass the first gate and notice the set of elevated shacks on the left. Use the fire axe to break up the boarded door with the red brick inside.
Scale the large building on the east side of Festival Square. The camera doesn’t show the Red Brick, but it’s behind the rooftop entrance.
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