Lego city garbage truck
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this brand new LEGO City Garbage Man Fail video on the channel, which sees Billy's trip to the .
LEGO City Undercover Remastered Garbage Man Unlock Location and Free Roam Gameplay Social Media Contacts .
Lego City Prison Break Garbage Truck Funny Stop Motion Animation Movie. Created By LEGOSTOP Films. Music: Clip-Share .
Welcome to the latest episode of Svens Workshop! A Lego Garbage Truck is built to clean the walkway after Sven slipped on a .
208 pcs/Teile Year / Jahr 2012 Lego 4432 Review Die Arbeiter haben alle Hände voll zu tun, den Müll in LEGO® City .
This video is for AFOLS (Adult Fan Of Lego), lego collectors and Parents who watch what lego they will buy. Also this video shows .
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this brand new LEGO City Garbage Man Fail video on the channel, which sees Billy's trip to the .
The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by .
Если вы хотите сделать нам подарок или просто написать письмо, то адрес следующий: 190068 Санкт-Петербург.
A discussion of the amazing side loading mechanism on the LEGO garbage truck designed by Scott and Levi Hasse. Thanks to all .
Submission at Lego Idea. Fully functional garbage truck based on one single medium Power Function motor. Please support.
248 pcs $19,99 - €19,99 Year 2016 Lego 60118 Review Help keep LEGO® City clean! Climb in the cab of the garbage truck and .
Обзор набора ЛЕГО City 2022 года - Автокран 60324, 332 детали. Набор для обзора предоставлен компанией LEGO.
Do you want to see more LEGO Speed Build videos from BrickBuilder? Subscribe this channel and see all new lego sets as the .
Take a ride with Mick and the orange & blue suited crew as they keep LEGO CITY clean on this episode of CITY Jobs!
Lego City Angry Garbage Man People. Threw trash on the floor. The garbage man got mad at that. Funny Lego Stop Motion .
Lego MIXELS 41500 Flain 41501 Vulk 41502 Zorch 41503 Krader 41504 Seismo 41505 Shuff 41506 Teslo 41507 Zaptor 41508 .
Good day, dear viewer! Help your child keep LEGO® City clean with the neat 60220 Garbage Truck. This industrious LEGO 4 .
A garbage collector and her partner have arrived to take out the trash. As featured in "The LEGO Movie"! Our entry for the "The .
Hey everyone Happy 4th of July. Today's video is something a bit different. Over the past few months, I have spent countless hours .
LEGO City 4 Garbage Truck & Snow Groomer 2019 sets both reviewed in a single video. ⏩ My LEGO speed builds: .
Its here! Lego City Trash Truck 2! What problems could our Lego Man face this time? Watch the video to find out! Watch Part 1 .
It's garbage day again in the Lego town, and the local First Gear "Waste Management" fleet has added some new trucks! First up .
The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by .
Распаковываем, собираем набор Лего сити - Мусоровоз. 60118 Lego City - GARBAGE TRUCK. В набор входит: - Мусоровоз .
LEGO City Fire Stations Update. 60215 Fire Station 6382 Fire Station 10263 Winter Village Fire Station 7208 Fire Station 60110 .
An official LEGO City Police 30 minutes animation cartoons compilation with 6 classic episodes full of amazing chases, cars, .
Building Lego City Garbage Truck SET 60220 4K Help your child keep LEGO® City clean with the neat 60220 Garbage Truck.
Hello, Lego fans! This video is for all of you passionate about Lego City Great Vehicles, for all afol/Lego collectors out there. Any of .
60118 Garbage Truck
Building Instructions (1/2)
Building Instructions (2/2)
Положите вкусные угощения в велосипедный прицеп и отправляйтесь на пикник в уютный парк. Садовник приехал на своем трехколесном грузовике с инструментами и яркими цветами, а две милые белки прыгают по дереву, которое дарит тень прочной скамейке для пикника. Это идеальное место, чтобы подкрепиться! Доставайте пиццу и напитки, накройте стол и устраивайте чудесный пикник!
Лунная космическая станция
Огненный трюковый мотоцикл
Пожарная команда
Полицейская машина
Опередите мошенников из города LEGO® City на этой скоростной полицейской машине. Посмотрите на эти широкие диски, расширяющиеся крылья и крутые фары! Один вид такого потрясающего автомобиля остановит любого злодея. Берите в руки фонарик, надевайте полицейскую фуражку, садитесь за руль и отправляйтесь в город на поиски приключений!
Пожарная бригада и полицейская погоня
Осторожно! Визг тормозов, грохот — это мошенница с мешком, набитым награбленным добром, которая на огромной скорости пыталась скрыться на своей машине, врезалась в светофор, вызвав пожар в трансформаторе. Заводите полицейский мотоцикл, чтобы поймать воровку! Присоединитесь к пожарному Бобу из сериала «ЛЕГО Сити» на пожарной машине, отправляйтесь на место происшествия и поднимите в воздух крутой пожарный дрон, чтобы потушить пламя. В LEGO City вас всегда ждут захватывающие приключения!
Пост спасателей на пляже
Сегодня на пляже солнечный день! Купите ледяное лакомство у продавца мороженого в забавном костюме или возьмите спасательный жилет и попробуйте покататься на доске. только берегитесь крабов! Помогите очистить пляж, где устроила гнездо морская черепаха. Отправляйтесь на станцию спасателей, где вы найдете крутой квадроцикл и множество классного снаряжения для обеспечения безопасности посетителей пляжа LEGO® City!
Полицейская погоня в банке
Бетти, Хаксоу Хэнк и Вито устроили налет на городской банк. Бам! Они проделывают огромные дыры в стенах, чтобы забрать золото, банкомат и счетчик банкнот. Это высокотехнологичный грабеж — у них даже есть дрон! Пришло время отправлять на задание спецназ LEGO® City. Поднимайте стреляющий сетью вертолет, садитесь за руль суперпрочного бронированного грузовика и помогите Руки Партнуру и Сэму Гризлду спасти положение!
Машина с прицепом для лошади
Погрузите свою лошадь и верную собаку, садитесь за руль полноприводного автомобиля и отправляйтесь за город для веселых верховых приключений. Установите барьер и наденьте шлем, прежде чем забраться в седло. Как высоко вы можете прыгнуть? Для начала планку лучше установить пониже! Когда закончите кататься, можете угостить своего благородного скакуна заслуженной вкусной морковкой и хорошенько его расчесать!
День в школе
Садитесь в автобус, чтобы провести веселый день в школе с героями сериала «ЛЕГО Сити» Билли и Мэдди. Осторожно, парень на велосипеде BMX мчится по велосипедной дорожке! Опустите пандус для инвалидной коляски и помогите ученику высадиться, а потом проходите по пешеходному переходу на школьный двор. Попробуйте забраться по скалодрому или поиграйте в классики, а потом отправляйтесь на урок творчества, где сможете отстучать крутое соло на барабанной установке. Эта школа такая классная!
Лунная научная база
Высаживайтесь на поверхность спутника Земли в посадочном модуле и отправляйтесь навстречу удивительным приключениям на лунную научную базу. Источником вдохновения для этой модели стала техника НАСА. Подтаскивайте и перемещайте предметы с помощью дрона «Небесный кран», забирайте образцы из лунохода VIPER и проводите эксперименты в научной и ботанической лабораториях. Залезайте в лунный багги и отправляйтесь к шлюзу жилого купола — там можно оставить шлем и рюкзак до следующей вылазки!
60118 Garbage Truck
No building instructions for this set
If you're looking for instructions for a brand new set, it can take a few days for them to show up here.
Yay! The Farmers Market Van is open for business with lots of fresh produce. Help the farmer water and harvest the carrots, sweet corn, jalapeños and grapes. Load the crates for a mouthwatering display, jump aboard the mobile shop and serve veggies from the sliding window. Join LEGO® City TV’s Horace and friends for home deliveries and countryside fun – but keep your eye on that hungry rabbit!
Mars Spacecraft Exploration Missions
Dive into an awesome world of interactive adventures with LEGO® City Missions! Step away from building instructions and set out on exciting space exploration missions! Meet a fun lineup of on-screen characters, customize your cool spacecraft to complete fun challenges, and play the lead role in exciting digital stories. What will you build to save the day?
Double Loop Stunt Arena
Head over to the Double Loop Stunt Arena for spectacular stunt-show action! Power up your flywheel bike and hit the launch ramp at speed to clear the monster truck and pass through the wall of flames! Loop the loop and escape the snapping snake jaws with a cool wheelie! Then defy gravity again for a perfect exit that ignites the loop of fire. Crowd-thrilling Stuntz action awaits in LEGO® City.
Bathtub Stunt Bike
Grab the life jacket, snorkel and rubber duck and join Sudsy Simon Tub Racer for fun LEGO® City Stuntz action aboard the Bathtub Stunt Bike. Activate the flywheel and launch the amazing bathtub bike from ramps to perform record-breaking jumps and spectacular airborne maneuvers. This eccentric Stuntz rider with his high-flying bathtub is sure to make a splash at your next stunt show!
The Shark Attack Stunt Challenge
Join LEGO® City Adventures TV series pilot Chuck D. Goldberg for fun stunt displays and competitions. Take your position at The Shark Attack Stunt Challenge, power up your winged flywheel stunt bike and let it go! Avoid the spinning shark wheel to strike the barrels and reveal the chest of diamonds. But watch out for the scary skeleton that’s guarding the treasure!
Touring Stunt Bike
Prepare for awesome LEGO® City Stuntz action! Join The Lone Wolf Biker for displays of speed and bravery aboard his flywheel-powered street-cruising machine, specially weighted at the rear for record-breaking wheelies. Hit ramps at full speed to perform soaring mid-air maneuvers and rear-wheel landings. This mustached stunt rider has no fear. Hold tight!
Express Passenger Train
Here comes the high-speed Express Passenger Train with headlights shining as it arrives at the platform. Check out the ultra-modern aerodynamic locomotive. Board the dining car for a drink and a croissant during the journey or take the passenger car where there’s room for your baggage and your bike. Once aboard, take a seat at your preferred table, sit back and enjoy the ride!
Race Car
Head for the race circuit for turbo-speed action with the supercool Race Car. Grab your racing helmet, jump aboard and power away from the starting line. Time for pit stop? No worries! Help the mechanic make a quick repair, then head back to the track for another record-breaking lap to take the winner’s the trophy!
The Knockdown Stunt Challenge
Dim the lights for a glow-in-the-dark LEGO® City Stuntz challenge! Join LEGO City Adventures TV series stars Galactic Poppy Star and Harl Hubbs for fun stunt competitions with this cool playset. Take your position at the Knockdown Challenge, power up your flywheel stunt bike and launch off to strike a column and win a prize! But who’ll win the day? You get to find out!
Smashing Chimpanzee Stunt Loop
Activate your flywheel bike and head for the LEGO® City Smashing Chimpanzee Stunt Loop. Join high-flying LEGO City Stuntz rider aboard the cool, winged motorcycle. Hit the loop at top speed to defy gravity and launch from the ramp! Can you fly over the mechanical chimpanzee, or will it break down the walls with its powerful arms? Prepare for ‘smashing’ real-life stunt action!
Barn & Farm Animals
Head down to the LEGO® City barn where you can care for a sheep, lamb, pig, piglet and a cow. Use the hose to wash the animals and clear up the poop! Grow crops in the greenhouse. Help the farmer take hay to the loft and use the barn’s hoist to unload items from the tractor’s trailer. Enjoy fun adventures with a host of cool characters, including Peach from the LEGO City Adventures TV series!
Lunar Space Station
Join the crew aboard the NASA-inspired Lunar Space Station. Take a space walk high above the Moon to check the station’s solar panels and power cell. Use the station’s arm to retrieve the orbiting meteor and place it into the cargo module for examination in the science lab. Then load up the space capsule with samples to transport back to Earth, before you grab a ‘light’ snack and float off to bed!
Check out these inspiring LEGO® City Stuntz courses!
Power up your creativity with this montage of epic LEGO® City Stuntz courses, including the Scariest Cup O’Gaters and the Lava Shark Crossing! Packed with inspiration for your own Stuntz course creations!
Hospital Tour
It’s wild, exciting and super-energetic at the LEGO® City Hospital! See how many characters you can recognize in this fun video.
Check out Wallop’s uplifting stunt performance at the City Hospital!
Zoom in for fun LEGO® Stuntz escapades as the super-charged human wrecking ball Wallop reveals he’s just a teddy bear at heart! Check out his uplifting stunt performance at the LEGO® City Hospital – all to help Citrus the clown brighten up a kid’s day! Roll VT! Note* Tricks AND selfie sticks? Leave that stuff to the minifigures. Always ride safely! “Leave the awesome bike stunts to LEGO City citizens”
Who’s BEAM firing the laser?
Uh-oh! It’s best not to press buttons when you don’t know what they’re for.
Fire drone surfing is awesome!
Check out this flying firefighter’s cool mid-air maneuvers! How will you make firefighting awesome? Share your creations on LEGO® Life!
Who’ll win the lunar space race?
Join the astronauts on the lunar surface for an out-of-this-world space race!
Check out this shark-infested Wheelie Challenge!
Join the awesome Stuntz teams for the terrifying LEGO® City Stuntz Wheelie Challenge! Bravery, balance and a love of heights, lava and sharks are the key to victory! Who’ll win? Will it be the red team with the soaring super-mind Rocket Racer, or the blue team with the cool-headed creator Raze?
LEGO® City School
Going to School is AWESOME!
Check out the Wheel of all Wheels Stuntz Challenge!
Join the Stuntz teams for the dazzling Wheel of all Wheels Stuntz challenge! Perfect timing, soaring speed and a lot of luck is the key to victory! But who’ll win? Will it be the blue team with high-flying Clemmons the Chicken Guy or the red team with the mysterious masked rider Incogn!tro? Let’s find out! Tricks AND selfie sticks? Leave that stuff to the minifigures. Always ride safe.
Police dancing is AWESOME!
Check out Chief Wheeler and his officers making their own dance routine joined by some snake-hipped crooks! How would you make police work awesome? Share your creations right here on LEGO® Life!
LEGO® City Games
LEGO® City Builder
Mayor Fleck is on holiday and you’re in charge! Help new city dwellers connect using the all-new Road Plates and bring LEGO® City to life!
LEGO® Tower
Build and operate your own LEGO® Tower! Construct a wide range of apartments and businesses for your minifigure residents to live, work and play in. Visit your friends’ towers and trade items to help them build. Collect hundreds of unique minifigure pieces and discover hidden characters. Build your dream LEGO Tower to new heights – the sky’s the limit!
LEGO® CITY Explorers
Blast off into fun and adventure in outer space with the LEGO® City Explorers app! Launch your own digital rocket and go on missions like a real astronaut. This awesome new app is inspired by NASA and the incredible adventures astronauts go on all the time.
Prison Island Interactive Video
HEY! Here's your chance to help the cops catch the nasty crooks escaping LEGO® City Prison Island! Just swipe and click your way through this fun interactive adventure!
LEGO® City: Undercover
Join the Chase! LEGO® City Undercover is coming to current and new-generation consoles for the first time. In one of the most expansive LEGO video games to date, players become Chase McCain, a police officer who goes undercover to hunt down the notorious – and recently escaped – criminal, Rex Fury, to put an end to his city-wide crime wave. This open-world LEGO adventure allows fans and newcomers to explore the sprawling metropolis that is LEGO City, with more than 20 unique districts to investigate, filled with car thieves to bust, vehicles to navigate, mischievous aliens to capture, hilarious movie references to discover, lost pigs to rescue and of course, hundreds of collectibles. With 15 special assignments to conquer, LEGO City Undercover brings together witty, original storytelling with signature LEGO humor to create a fun-filled experience for players of all ages, available on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch™ and PC.
The end of winter seems to be the perfect time for Lego to release a whole new set of Lego City builds, which include plenty of brand new Lego City utility vehicles. One of the new vehicle releases for 2016 is the Lego 60118 City Garbage Truck build. Everybody knows that a city isn’t complete without a garbage truck doing their daily rounds.
The set contains over 248 pieces, including two minifigures. It costs around $19.99 which is cheaper than the average Lego build.
The Lego 60118 comes in the usual compact Lego City box, which contains a graphic story board at the back. This build is comprised of at least three numbered brick bags, which include the trash skip, the minifigures, the truck, and lastly, the main lifting forks, garbage tipper, and its wheels.
As mentioned, there are two minifigures with the 60118. Perhaps the one that stands out the most when it comes to these two is the head print found in the worker with the orange beard. Otherwise, this whole selection is just comprised of the standard worker minifigures that have appeared in past Lego City builds with different looks and rehashed again and again. Some fans were a tad bit disappointed with the torso’s orange prints. Unfortunately, this part is dull and boring, and doesn’t really stand out against the blue-themed build (although the orange could pass for a lighter brown shade sometimes).
The entire trash skip is, in general, a wonderful tiny build that is meant to be paired up with the set of lifting forks found on the garbage truck build. And of course, the garbage truck wouldn’t be considered as such without the garbage – You’ll also be receiving a wonderful assortment of trash to fill to the skip. This includes broken wine glasses, bananas, fish bones, and a couple of other transparent pieces. The only bit of improvement here would be to make the skip look a bit higher than usual (probably through the help of another brick course), since its current iteration makes it look a tad bit on the shallow side.
The complete build is separated into two segments. The first portion deals with the truck build itself, as well as the cab. This is a simple part all in all, and the cab proportion is just amazing.
The next part involves constructing the trash tipper, which comes in a gorgeous orange hue. Lego seems to be fond of this color in the build. This is also the part where the wheels and the lifting forks come in. Initially, the lifting forks on its first attachment might seem a tad bit on the flimsy side, but in the end, it all comes out looking very stable.
However, the wheels are slightly smaller as compared to the truck build itself, and this makes it look really awkward. They could’ve made the wheels big or the truck smaller, so it fits the proportion of the whole vehicle. Apart from that though, the entire build is excellent and not that repetitive after all. The lifting forks and tipper’s movements are also wonderful.
Overall, this build is just fantastic especially when you consider its pricing. Not only that, you will easily find a home stored inside a Lego fan’s house, or one being built by a small child.
Lego has produced so many garbage truck builds throughout the years. The first one is the Lego 6693 Refuse Collection Truck, which goes all the way back to 1987. Since then, there have been other truck-related releases: Including the Lego 6564 Recycle Truck, which is a tiny build, as well as the Lego 7599 Toy Truck Getaway build from the Lego Toy Story series. This vehicle in particular comes with a whole host of ‘Refuse Disposal Technicians’ as well as a brick-built bin that comes in a green shade.
Found inside the 60118’s box include three portions of numbered bags, several pieces of instruction booklets, as well as a sticker sheet with over nine stickers in it.
The Lego 60118’s Garbage Truck build contains at least brand new elements in a bright orange wall. You can find them in both 1 x 4 x 3 varieties, as well as 1 x 2 x 3. These can only be found inside this particular set, as well as a whole host of bright orange bricks with a horizontal clip, which measures 1 x 2. You can also find these types of bricks in the Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens builds (like the Lego 75140 Resistance Troop Transporter, for instance). Other interesting elements found inside the 60118 include a bright orange plate measuring 2 x 4 x 2/3, and several pieces of hinge plates. There were a couple of fans who were actually delighted with the vertical windscreen, the banana accessory, as well as the fish accessory.
The minifigures that come with the build are completely typical for a Lego City set. The two workers don blue caps and shirts, as well as standard forms of workwear. There isn’t really anything special or unique about them, but then again, it’s always good to have more helping hands when it comes to keeping the entire city cleaned up. After all, a clean city is a good city.
Since the 60118 deals with a garbage truck, the whole build’s playable features are already predictable to begin with. The truck picks up the bin, empties the bin, drives around the city collecting garbage, then eventually empties its contents. The playable features of the build are just wonderful. The motions of collecting trash bins and emptying the truck’s contents is just wonderful, but there are still a handful of downsides included here. First off, when you pick up the garbage bin, you have to tip it straight away since it arrives at the emptying point nearly over the cab itself. Once you are able to get it through the right section of the truck itself, the entire bin becomes wider as compared to the truck’s opening, so the garbage ends up missing the hole and hits the walls of the truck instead. Some garbage will end up bouncing out of the truck. This isn’t really a grave mistake, but it’s not exactly a good thing when this happens in a city that takes pride in cleanliness. This is probably where the minifigures come in along with their shovels and brooms.
Much like all of the six stud wide vehicles, the entire construction does follow a typical formatting. The whole building process begins with the construction of tinier models. When it comes to the 60118, this involves the minifigures and the bin itself. The second bag will see the first part of the vehicle’s construction, with the cab and the wheelbase being made alongside the hinge meant for the truck’s tipping feature.
The third bag concludes the truck build, with the forks as well as the orange segments. There’s only a small amount of effort done here, alongside the fuel tanks being used as outward facing. The forks are a tad bit fiddly, but this is still one of the best ways to introduce children to the whole Lego Technic concept. This part of the build is completely simple and easy. In fact, the most complicated part of the entire 60118 build has got to be applying the stickers and making sure that they’re placed on nicely.
The bin is one of the best parts of the entire build, since it’s easy to construct and carries a simple finished look. It’s a bit on the smaller side and probably needs a lid, but other than that, everything is all good. The truck is just excellent – However, the only flaw that this build has is the fork, whose appearance comes off as a little too complex. It looks like it could pass for a Lego Technic part, and it doesn’t even fit the truck’s aesthetics. The forks that come with the truck can’t hold themselves up either. The small dolly wheel is a wonderful part in itself, but this doesn’t make up for the mistake with the forks. Utilizing those orange transparent pieces as lights on a truck isn’t really the best idea, since the shade is overwhelming, and the truck eventually gets lost in the color. Trading these orange ones for similar pieces in red would have been great, and it’s disappointing that Lego hasn’t thought about this idea.
The Lego 60118 can still be found in your nearest retail store or Lego store. You’ll probably be able to find it on sale at a Lego warehouse store or something. The build’s value is wonderful. There are a couple of great parts found in here too. If anything, the spare parts of the build could probably come in handy in a past or future build. Even though the set’s overall value won’t increase, the entire thing still comes across as cheap and highly affordable.
The end of winter seems to be the perfect time for Lego to release a whole new set of Lego City builds, which include plenty of brand new Lego City utility vehicles. One of the new vehicle releases for 2016 is the Lego 60118 City Garbage Truck build. Everybody knows that a city isn’t complete without a garbage truck doing their daily rounds.
The set contains over 248 pieces, including two minifigures. It costs around $19.99 which is cheaper than the average Lego build.
The Lego 60118 comes in the usual compact Lego City box, which contains a graphic story board at the back. This build is comprised of at least three numbered brick bags, which include the trash skip, the minifigures, the truck, and lastly, the main lifting forks, garbage tipper, and its wheels.
As mentioned, there are two minifigures with the 60118. Perhaps the one that stands out the most when it comes to these two is the head print found in the worker with the orange beard. Otherwise, this whole selection is just comprised of the standard worker minifigures that have appeared in past Lego City builds with different looks and rehashed again and again. Some fans were a tad bit disappointed with the torso’s orange prints. Unfortunately, this part is dull and boring, and doesn’t really stand out against the blue-themed build (although the orange could pass for a lighter brown shade sometimes).
The entire trash skip is, in general, a wonderful tiny build that is meant to be paired up with the set of lifting forks found on the garbage truck build. And of course, the garbage truck wouldn’t be considered as such without the garbage – You’ll also be receiving a wonderful assortment of trash to fill to the skip. This includes broken wine glasses, bananas, fish bones, and a couple of other transparent pieces. The only bit of improvement here would be to make the skip look a bit higher than usual (probably through the help of another brick course), since its current iteration makes it look a tad bit on the shallow side.
The complete build is separated into two segments. The first portion deals with the truck build itself, as well as the cab. This is a simple part all in all, and the cab proportion is just amazing.
The next part involves constructing the trash tipper, which comes in a gorgeous orange hue. Lego seems to be fond of this color in the build. This is also the part where the wheels and the lifting forks come in. Initially, the lifting forks on its first attachment might seem a tad bit on the flimsy side, but in the end, it all comes out looking very stable.
However, the wheels are slightly smaller as compared to the truck build itself, and this makes it look really awkward. They could’ve made the wheels big or the truck smaller, so it fits the proportion of the whole vehicle. Apart from that though, the entire build is excellent and not that repetitive after all. The lifting forks and tipper’s movements are also wonderful.
Overall, this build is just fantastic especially when you consider its pricing. Not only that, you will easily find a home stored inside a Lego fan’s house, or one being built by a small child.
Lego has produced so many garbage truck builds throughout the years. The first one is the Lego 6693 Refuse Collection Truck, which goes all the way back to 1987. Since then, there have been other truck-related releases: Including the Lego 6564 Recycle Truck, which is a tiny build, as well as the Lego 7599 Toy Truck Getaway build from the Lego Toy Story series. This vehicle in particular comes with a whole host of ‘Refuse Disposal Technicians’ as well as a brick-built bin that comes in a green shade.
Found inside the 60118’s box include three portions of numbered bags, several pieces of instruction booklets, as well as a sticker sheet with over nine stickers in it.
The Lego 60118’s Garbage Truck build contains at least brand new elements in a bright orange wall. You can find them in both 1 x 4 x 3 varieties, as well as 1 x 2 x 3. These can only be found inside this particular set, as well as a whole host of bright orange bricks with a horizontal clip, which measures 1 x 2. You can also find these types of bricks in the Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens builds (like the Lego 75140 Resistance Troop Transporter, for instance). Other interesting elements found inside the 60118 include a bright orange plate measuring 2 x 4 x 2/3, and several pieces of hinge plates. There were a couple of fans who were actually delighted with the vertical windscreen, the banana accessory, as well as the fish accessory.
The minifigures that come with the build are completely typical for a Lego City set. The two workers don blue caps and shirts, as well as standard forms of workwear. There isn’t really anything special or unique about them, but then again, it’s always good to have more helping hands when it comes to keeping the entire city cleaned up. After all, a clean city is a good city.
Since the 60118 deals with a garbage truck, the whole build’s playable features are already predictable to begin with. The truck picks up the bin, empties the bin, drives around the city collecting garbage, then eventually empties its contents. The playable features of the build are just wonderful. The motions of collecting trash bins and emptying the truck’s contents is just wonderful, but there are still a handful of downsides included here. First off, when you pick up the garbage bin, you have to tip it straight away since it arrives at the emptying point nearly over the cab itself. Once you are able to get it through the right section of the truck itself, the entire bin becomes wider as compared to the truck’s opening, so the garbage ends up missing the hole and hits the walls of the truck instead. Some garbage will end up bouncing out of the truck. This isn’t really a grave mistake, but it’s not exactly a good thing when this happens in a city that takes pride in cleanliness. This is probably where the minifigures come in along with their shovels and brooms.
Much like all of the six stud wide vehicles, the entire construction does follow a typical formatting. The whole building process begins with the construction of tinier models. When it comes to the 60118, this involves the minifigures and the bin itself. The second bag will see the first part of the vehicle’s construction, with the cab and the wheelbase being made alongside the hinge meant for the truck’s tipping feature.
The third bag concludes the truck build, with the forks as well as the orange segments. There’s only a small amount of effort done here, alongside the fuel tanks being used as outward facing. The forks are a tad bit fiddly, but this is still one of the best ways to introduce children to the whole Lego Technic concept. This part of the build is completely simple and easy. In fact, the most complicated part of the entire 60118 build has got to be applying the stickers and making sure that they’re placed on nicely.
The bin is one of the best parts of the entire build, since it’s easy to construct and carries a simple finished look. It’s a bit on the smaller side and probably needs a lid, but other than that, everything is all good. The truck is just excellent – However, the only flaw that this build has is the fork, whose appearance comes off as a little too complex. It looks like it could pass for a Lego Technic part, and it doesn’t even fit the truck’s aesthetics. The forks that come with the truck can’t hold themselves up either. The small dolly wheel is a wonderful part in itself, but this doesn’t make up for the mistake with the forks. Utilizing those orange transparent pieces as lights on a truck isn’t really the best idea, since the shade is overwhelming, and the truck eventually gets lost in the color. Trading these orange ones for similar pieces in red would have been great, and it’s disappointing that Lego hasn’t thought about this idea.
The Lego 60118 can still be found in your nearest retail store or Lego store. You’ll probably be able to find it on sale at a Lego warehouse store or something. The build’s value is wonderful. There are a couple of great parts found in here too. If anything, the spare parts of the build could probably come in handy in a past or future build. Even though the set’s overall value won’t increase, the entire thing still comes across as cheap and highly affordable.
Помогите своему малышу поддерживать чистоту в городе LEGO® City с помощью этого аккуратного Мусоровоза (60220). Этот увлекательный и простой в сборке набор специально предназначен для дошкольников и детей младшего школьного возраста и включает в себя мощный мусоровоз с.
Конструктор LEGO City 60220 Мусоровоз
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Конструктор LEGO City 60220 Мусоровоз
Инерционная машинка в серии конструкторов Sluban - "Механо". В этом наборе Вы найдёте 49 деталей, из которых можно собрать оригинальный, яркий мусоровоз. Он оснащен инерционным механизмом. Чтобы он поехал вперед, его нужно немного откатить назад. Конструктор Слу.
"Порадуй лыжников LEGO City, построив лыжные трассы с помощью этой Снегоуборочной машины (60222)! Эта выносливая сборная снегоуборочная машина оснащена открывающейся кабиной для минифигурок, вращающейся шестизарядной скорострельной снежной пушкой, мощными гусеницами.
Конструктор LEGO City 60222 Снегоуборочная машина
"Помогите своему малышу поддерживать чистоту в городе LEGO City с помощью этого аккуратного Мусоровоза (60220). Этот увлекательный и простой в сборке набор специально предназначен для дошкольников и детей младшего школьного возраста и включает в себя мощный мусорово.
Конструктор LEGO City 60220 Мусоровоз
Тип конструктора: классический, серия: Город, возраст: от 6 лет, пол: для мальчиков, число деталей: 51 - 150, материал: пластик
Тип конструктора: классический, серия: Town, возраст: от 6 лет, пол: для мальчиков, число деталей: 151 - 250, материал: пластик
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Набор конструктора LEGO Technic "Monster Jam"позволит насладиться увлекательной игрой и собрать мощную трюковую машинку Монстр Джэм
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Помогите фермеру LEGO City собрать урожай с помощью этого транспортировщика для комбайнов. Этот сверхмощный транспортировщик оснащён открывающейся кабиной для мини-фигурок, сцепным устройством и прицепом-платформой с держателем для зерноуборочного инструмента и 2 выдвиг.
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