Lego city duke detain
Абсолютно новая, яркая и безбашенная серия конструктора Lego, которая косвенно пополняет знаменитый Лего Город (City). Множество новых мотоциклов с заводными двигателями, яркие трюковые трамплины и внушительное количество уникальных фигурок – далеко не все особенности симпатичных каскадёров.
60293: Stunt Park / Трюковый Парк
Начинаем мы сегодняшнее знакомство с подсерией City с самого, на мой вкус, нелепого набора. Перед нами что-то совершенно несуразное и абсолютно плохо сочетаемое. Какая-то комната с механо-пауком, какой-то каркас разрушенного здания и крупный трамплин над огнём, что вообще происходит в этом наборе?!
По всей видимости дизайнеры хотели сделать что-то типа павильона для съёмок, но потом передумали и получили солянку и того, и этого. Я не люблю такие несочетаемые наборы, однако отмечу минифигурки. Особенно мне приглянулся торс механика, стильный малый, но надо уточнить уникален ли он. Деталей: 170 шт, цена: 40 $ (примерно 3500 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60294: Stunt Show Truck / Трюковый Шоу Грузовик
Следующий набор уже намного более «идейны» чем предыдущее нечто. Тут четко виден сюжет – на крупной арене, перед массой зрителей едет трейлер с прицепом. На трейлере установлен бассейн с хищными рыбами и сидит грустный клоун, которого нужно сбросить в воду нашему отважному призрачному гонщику.
Тут, в наборе уже даже есть чем разжиться требовательным фанатам – особенно отмечаю хищных глубоководных рыб (целых две штуки!) в новой расцветке, лицо клоуна, а также торс с лицом брутального гонщика на байке. Также обратите внимание на Байк. Вся серия крутится вокруг мотоциклов и трюков. Практически каждый мотоцикл серии как-то уникально принтован, или выполнен в цвете, которого ранее не было. Деталей: 420 шт, цена: 80 $ (примерно 7500 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60295: Stunt Show Arena / Трюковая Арена для Шоу
А вот и флагманский набор серии. Перед нами шоу монстр-траков (очень популярное в США). В комплекте набора имеется несколько локаций: большой и малый трамплины, места награждения с кубком, крутое огненное колесо с ракетами, мешающими трюкам, камера видео оператора + закусочная + место для зрителей, два Монстр Трака и крутая площадка с машинами для уничтожения (у них специально сминаются крыши).
Я не очень люблю наборы с мешаниной мелких элементов (хотя у меня есть парочку таких, например, арктическая база с мамонтом), и приглянулось мне тут только парочка деталей – торсы гонщицы и водителя (с защитным жилетом). Особенно отмечаю еще один мотоцикл с принтом. Деталей: 668 шт, цена: 100 $ (примерно 9500 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60296: Wheelie Stunt Bike / Трюковый Байк: Вилли
Резко переходим к «основным» наборам серии. Всего таких мотоциклов будет шесть штук, и все они выделяются своим качеством и крохотным набором деталей. Но при этом в каждом будет что-то уникальное.
Итак – Вилли. Сложно сказать почему именно такое название, но, если рассмотреть набор внимательно видим следующее – уникальный принтованный байк, уникальные ноги, торс, лицо (вторая эмоция – дерзко высунутый язык), красивый зеленый шлем и фиолетовые очки к нему. Я впечатлён качеством крохотного набора! Деталей: 14 шт, цена: 8 $ (примерно 700 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60297: Demolition Stunt Bike / Трюковый Байк: Слом
Идём далее, и тут все почти также хорошо, как и в предыдущем наборе. Снова уникальный байк, лицо (вторая эмоция – побитое выражение. Каскадёр явно упал с мотоцикла), классные волосы, довольно полезный торс и уникальный визор на шлеме. Но есть и минусы – ноги без принта, однако цвет все еще редкий. Деталей: 12шт, цена: 8 $ (примерно 700 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60298: Rocket Stunt Bike / Трюковый Байк: Ракета
На фоне двух предыдущих мотоциклов данный набор выглядит слабовато. Мы также получаем уникальный мот и торс, а вот шлем и лицо под вопросом, надо будет сравнивать их с другими Лего деталями и наборами. Деталей: 14 шт, цена: 8 $ (примерно 700 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60299: Stunt Competition / Соревнование Каскадёров
Среди мотоциклетной банды затесался последний «нормальный», полноразмерный набор. И если честно говорить о нём особо не хочется. Снова трамплин, снова огненное кольцо и еще раз мотоциклы, на этот раз две штуки, судя по всему особых принтов на них нет. Самыми интересными деталями являются торсы фигурок (скорее всего они уникальны). Зато ближайшее рассмотрение лиц фигурок наводит меня на кое-какое любопытное предположение. Вы тоже узнали в мужской фигурке полицейского из Лего-города Дюка ДеТейна? Деталей: 73 шт, цена: 30 $ (примерно 2500 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60309: Selfie Stunt Bike / Трюковый Байк: Селфи
А вот это крайне плохой набор, как мне кажется, с точки зрения воспитания. На коробке написано 5+ лет, и его будут покупать детям, и они будут играть в каскадёра, который фотографируется за рулём мотоцикла. Научит плохому, не повторяйте этого дома!
А если серьёзно, то тут история повторяется – уникальный мотоцикл, уникальный торс, лицо (вторая эмоция – строгий рот) и шлем. А также очень любопытное золотое забрало. Деталей: 14 шт, цена: 8 $ (примерно 700 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60310: Chicken Stunt Bike / Трюковый Байк: Цыплёнок
История повторяется уже в пятый раз – снова классный байк, смелый торс с шляпой и уникальное лицо (вторая эмоция – нормальный парень). По всей видимости причёска тоже уникальная, но стоит уточнить. Не однозначный набор, сильно проигрывает в крутости предыдущим байкам, но есть в нём свой шарм. Деталей: 10 шт, цена: 8 $ (примерно 700 рублей в магазинах РФ)
60311: Fire Stunt Bike / Трюковый Байк: Огонь
А вот и подтверждение моей теории – в деле замешаны главные герои мультсериала City и основных его ответвлений – полиции и пожарных. Перед нами сама Фрея МакКлауд, одна из знаменитого пожарного Города Лего. Видим у неё потрясный торс с принтованными ногами, который можно применить в разных самоделках, например, в бале-маскараде.
Безусловно менее мультяшные торсы больше ценятся среди любителей, однако любая уникальная деталь – это плюс. Тоже самое можно сказать о мотоцикле – на нём уникальный рисунок пламени. Деталей 11 шт, цена: 8 $ (примерно 700 рублей в магазинах РФ)
Серия абсолютно детская, но совершенно не простая. Многие коллекционеры воссоздают свой Лего-Город, поэтому заполучить множество интересных торсов и уникальных мотоциклов – отличное предложение! Что касается самих мотоциклов – то на мой взгляд это прекрасная идея – я в моём детстве обожал мотоциклы из конструктора, и усаживал туда большинство фигурок. Я думаю современные дети поступят точно также. У современных байков в конструкции присутствует заводной двигатель, что явно поспособствует увлекательным играм, а вкупе с забавными трамплинами, возможно даже подарит нам любопытные видео! Добротная серия получилась!
Billy McCloud Billy is the 12-year-old son of Ann and Mark McCloud and nephew to fire chief Freya McCloud – a lady he admires but can’t figure out! Billy is bright, curious and generally willing to ‘go with the flow’, which is necessary when your lifelong best friend is Maddy Yea! But Billy does have a strong sense of right and wrong and will speak out if he thinks people are being treated unfairly. And when he does… Maddy listens. Computers are Billy’s passion. In fact, he’s built several of his own and hasn’t yet come across one that he didn’t want to examine, fiddle with and master!
Fire Chief Freya McCloud’s right-hand man. Unlike his colleague Clemmons, he is sensible and usually makes the day-to-day decisions around the station, like what cake to get for a firefighter’s birthday. He knows that Freya works best under pressure, and volunteers to take the non-urgent tasks off her plate. In the field, Bob remains calm and is happy to drive around the City to find all the weird and wonderful things Freya asks for to solve the emergency.
Dr. Flieber
Dr. Flieber! Doctor Flieber is soap-opera melodramatic. In other words, she makes a big deal of most things! She’s also endlessly optimistic and passionately committed to curing every illness. A fact she frequently announces, before being joined by her colleague Doctor Spetzel to exclaim “This we swear!”. On a more worrying note, Dr. Flieber’s most often used phrase is “I’m not a specialist in this area, but…”, which does lead some patients to doubt whether she really is a doctor!
Dr. Spetzel
Dr. Spetzel! Dr. Spetzel is over-dramatic and emotional… not perfect characteristics for a doctor! His most used phrase, much to the horror of his patients, is “I’ve never seen a case worse than this!” usually delivered in a highly dramatic fashion, no matter if it’s hiccups or just a bad hair day! Dr. Spetzel’s moments of triumph are invariably followed by disaster, but a pep talk with his colleague Dr. Flieber always puts him back on track – ending with a commitment to cure every illness and their slogan “This we swear!”.
Known for his classic crook-like pomade hair, Vito is a former school-thug-come-bad-guy, who’s wanted for stealing money, gold, jewelry, diamonds and much more! Not particularly clever or efficient, his own antics often get him into deep trouble. Currently on the run from the City jail, he was last seen racing away from the city police in a car covered with smelly fish!
Sam Grizzled
He might be on the brink of retirement, or so he says… every day, but Sergeant Sam Grizzled has no fear! Sporting a grizzled moustache that’s not quite a fashion statement, this cool undercover police officer is a mean helicopter pilot, known for amazing crook-catching feats. A former space-police leader, Sam is a real LEGO® City hero, admired by his colleagues and feared by the city’s crooks.
On the face of it, Clemmons is maybe the worst candidate to be a firefighter. He’s nearly always in a state of panic and hysteria, and is pretty much terrified of fire. However, Clemmons’ hysteria often serves to fuel Freya McCloud’s sense of urgency, and that’s the thing that helps her focus and be the brilliant Fire Chief she is. Besides, Clemmons thrives on orders, and follows Freya’s without question which is a big help to the firefighting team. Plus, he has some pretty awesome sideburns. They don’t help with putting out fires, but we appreciate them anyway.
Big Betty
Though not a natural-born crook, Big Betty has gained a reputation for some pretty serious and calculated crimes. These include resisting arrest, bank robbery, stealing a sarcophagus and a carrying out a jewelry heist in a magic club! With her red cap and cool lipstick, Big Betty doesn’t look so scary. A frustrated fashion icon at heart, she fell into crime and is searching for something better to do. Unfortunately, she was last seen dragging an ATM from a bank wall with the help of a monster truck armed with a huge magnet!
Snake Rattler
With his eyepatch and black cowboy hat, Snake Rattler is a fish out of water in the modern world of LEGO® City. Though a loner at heart, Snake just can’t stay away from fellow crook Daisy Kaboom. Since his arrival on a railway cart, Snake has established an infamous reputation for a string of crimes. These include numerous heists, framing good guys and threatening police officers with soda cans. This slithering crook was last seen racing from a crime scene with a safe full of diamonds!
Fire Chief McCloud
Freya McCloud might be the best and bravest head of the Fire Department the City has ever seen! Always seen with a cup of hot cocoa, Freya is able to think more clearly under pressure than anyone around her. This includes her firefighters, who are often baffled by the strange, seemingly illogical orders Freya gives them when responding to emergencies around the City. Yet, time and time again, they watch in amazement as every strange thing Chief McCloud asks for comes into play to save the day – from dog leashes to kites, women’s magazines to photographs of the Olympic luge team(. ) She has long auburn hair under her firefighting helmet and is nearly always seen with her cool firefighter jacket. Need any more information? As Freya would say… “NO TIME!”
Billy McCloud Billy is the 12-year-old son of Ann and Mark McCloud and nephew to fire chief Freya McCloud – a lady he admires but can’t figure out! Billy is bright, curious and generally willing to ‘go with the flow’, which is necessary when your lifelong best friend is Maddy Yea! But Billy does have a strong sense of right and wrong and will speak out if he thinks people are being treated unfairly. And when he does… Maddy listens. Computers are Billy’s passion. In fact, he’s built several of his own and hasn’t yet come across one that he didn’t want to examine, fiddle with and master!
Madison Yea is the daughter of Deputy Mayor Carol Yea. Madison is brave and bold, occasionally bordering on reckless when it comes to achieving her goals and solving mysteries. Madison is one smart cookie, and doesn’t like being patronized by adults, though she is always respectful to adults who treat her with respect in return – especially Mayor Fleck!
Clara the Criminal
Can you guess what Clara does best? Clara is a career criminal in the employ of crime boss and business tycoon R.E. Fendrich. She’s as tough as they come, doesn’t suffer fools gladly and never backs down from a fight! Though she loves her life of crime, she does sometimes worry that one day she’ll make a mistake that will result in her getting caught by the City Police. Clara usually wears a black eye mask when she commits a crime but can still be recognized by the X-shaped scar on her left cheek. Be careful when approaching her!
Big Betty
Though not a natural-born crook, Big Betty has gained a reputation for some pretty serious and calculated crimes. These include resisting arrest, bank robbery, stealing a sarcophagus and a carrying out a jewelry heist in a magic club! With her red cap and cool lipstick, Big Betty doesn’t look so scary. A frustrated fashion icon at heart, she fell into crime and is searching for something better to do. Unfortunately, she was last seen dragging an ATM from a bank wall with the help of a monster truck armed with a huge magnet!
Dr. Flieber
Dr. Flieber! Doctor Flieber is soap-opera melodramatic. In other words, she makes a big deal of most things! She’s also endlessly optimistic and passionately committed to curing every illness. A fact she frequently announces, before being joined by her colleague Doctor Spetzel to exclaim “This we swear!”. On a more worrying note, Dr. Flieber’s most often used phrase is “I’m not a specialist in this area, but…”, which does lead some patients to doubt whether she really is a doctor!
Fire Chief Freya McCloud’s right-hand man. Unlike his colleague Clemmons, he is sensible and usually makes the day-to-day decisions around the station, like what cake to get for a firefighter’s birthday. He knows that Freya works best under pressure, and volunteers to take the non-urgent tasks off her plate. In the field, Bob remains calm and is happy to drive around the City to find all the weird and wonderful things Freya asks for to solve the emergency.
Sam Grizzled
He might be on the brink of retirement, or so he says… every day, but Sergeant Sam Grizzled has no fear! Sporting a grizzled moustache that’s not quite a fashion statement, this cool undercover police officer is a mean helicopter pilot, known for amazing crook-catching feats. A former space-police leader, Sam is a real LEGO® City hero, admired by his colleagues and feared by the city’s crooks.
Known for his classic crook-like pomade hair, Vito is a former school-thug-come-bad-guy, who’s wanted for stealing money, gold, jewelry, diamonds and much more! Not particularly clever or efficient, his own antics often get him into deep trouble. Currently on the run from the City jail, he was last seen racing away from the city police in a car covered with smelly fish!
Fire Chief McCloud
Freya McCloud might be the best and bravest head of the Fire Department the City has ever seen! Always seen with a cup of hot cocoa, Freya is able to think more clearly under pressure than anyone around her. This includes her firefighters, who are often baffled by the strange, seemingly illogical orders Freya gives them when responding to emergencies around the City. Yet, time and time again, they watch in amazement as every strange thing Chief McCloud asks for comes into play to save the day – from dog leashes to kites, women’s magazines to photographs of the Olympic luge team(. ) She has long auburn hair under her firefighting helmet and is nearly always seen with her cool firefighter jacket. Need any more information? As Freya would say… “NO TIME!”
Rooky Partnur
Visibly the most eager person on earth, Rooky Partnur wants to make her mark on the world of crime fighting. Never afraid to get her hands dirty, Rooky is always ready to spring into action, driven by a boundless energy that the crooks just hate! Since her legendary apprehension of a bank robber, art thief and an escaped crook – all in one day, Rooky has become a key player in the heroic LEGO® City Police force!
Tom Bennett
Never afraid to come up with an awesome crook-catching plan, Captain Tom Bennett is the driving force behind the LEGO® City Police. Sporting an extraordinarily perfect side parting, Tom is the tidiest person in the force, in fact maybe the tidiest person in the whole of LEGO City! And his epic morning announcements are always greeted with great enthusiasm by the action-eager LEGO City Police force!
Frankie Lupelli
Recognizable by a distinct chin beard and beanie cap, Frankie Lupelli, otherwise known as Frankie “Bad Guy” Lupelli, has been on the wanted list since the age of two! Though slightly nervous, this born crook follows orders without question, whether it’s a bank robbery, prison break or a jewelry heist! Frankie was last seen with a fellow crook, speeding away from an exploded prison transport vehicle aboard a powerful ATV.
Welcome to LEGO City. A modern metropolis filled with the fiercest firefighters, the cream of the crop cops, and so many BLOCKHEADS. Every citizen will assemble together for the most awesome. Read all Welcome to LEGO City. A modern metropolis filled with the fiercest firefighters, the cream of the crop cops, and so many BLOCKHEADS. Every citizen will assemble together for the most awesomely awesome adventures. Welcome to LEGO City. A modern metropolis filled with the fiercest firefighters, the cream of the crop cops, and so many BLOCKHEADS. Every citizen will assemble together for the most awesomely awesome adventures.
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I don't know where to start? I found out about this show in October 2019 and ever since .. i made it my NON STOP MISSION to get people to give it a chance .. I fell in LOVE with this show and it's characters. Lego City adventures is a pleasure to watch, re-watch over and over, I would always find something new in my re-watch. the comedy hit me ALL the time, it's a perfect mix of absurd and unpredictable. it fits my humor so much that in several occasion, I had to take breaks from episodes I was watching to catch my breath ! that tells a lot ! sometimes I would feel down or exhausted and re watch some episodes and I would be okay again. this show REALLY makes me happy to know and share about .. ALL characters are adorable and some of them even remind me of myself . it is a REAL shame that outside of a group of fans I've met, no one seems to be talking about it . LCA is such a unique concept and watching these characters grow in front of me is something that i don't think, will ever get tired off
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