Lego city bank city
60317 Police Chase at the Bank
Building Instructions (1/5)
Building Instructions (2/5)
Building Instructions (3/5)
Building Instructions (4/5)
Building Instructions (5/5)
Положите вкусные угощения в велосипедный прицеп и отправляйтесь на пикник в уютный парк. Садовник приехал на своем трехколесном грузовике с инструментами и яркими цветами, а две милые белки прыгают по дереву, которое дарит тень прочной скамейке для пикника. Это идеальное место, чтобы подкрепиться! Доставайте пиццу и напитки, накройте стол и устраивайте чудесный пикник!
Лунная космическая станция
Огненный трюковый мотоцикл
Пожарная команда
Полицейская машина
Опередите мошенников из города LEGO® City на этой скоростной полицейской машине. Посмотрите на эти широкие диски, расширяющиеся крылья и крутые фары! Один вид такого потрясающего автомобиля остановит любого злодея. Берите в руки фонарик, надевайте полицейскую фуражку, садитесь за руль и отправляйтесь в город на поиски приключений!
Пожарная бригада и полицейская погоня
Осторожно! Визг тормозов, грохот — это мошенница с мешком, набитым награбленным добром, которая на огромной скорости пыталась скрыться на своей машине, врезалась в светофор, вызвав пожар в трансформаторе. Заводите полицейский мотоцикл, чтобы поймать воровку! Присоединитесь к пожарному Бобу из сериала «ЛЕГО Сити» на пожарной машине, отправляйтесь на место происшествия и поднимите в воздух крутой пожарный дрон, чтобы потушить пламя. В LEGO City вас всегда ждут захватывающие приключения!
Пост спасателей на пляже
Сегодня на пляже солнечный день! Купите ледяное лакомство у продавца мороженого в забавном костюме или возьмите спасательный жилет и попробуйте покататься на доске. только берегитесь крабов! Помогите очистить пляж, где устроила гнездо морская черепаха. Отправляйтесь на станцию спасателей, где вы найдете крутой квадроцикл и множество классного снаряжения для обеспечения безопасности посетителей пляжа LEGO® City!
Машина с прицепом для лошади
Погрузите свою лошадь и верную собаку, садитесь за руль полноприводного автомобиля и отправляйтесь за город для веселых верховых приключений. Установите барьер и наденьте шлем, прежде чем забраться в седло. Как высоко вы можете прыгнуть? Для начала планку лучше установить пониже! Когда закончите кататься, можете угостить своего благородного скакуна заслуженной вкусной морковкой и хорошенько его расчесать!
Трюковый мотоцикл с цыплёнком
День в школе
Садитесь в автобус, чтобы провести веселый день в школе с героями сериала «ЛЕГО Сити» Билли и Мэдди. Осторожно, парень на велосипеде BMX мчится по велосипедной дорожке! Опустите пандус для инвалидной коляски и помогите ученику высадиться, а потом проходите по пешеходному переходу на школьный двор. Попробуйте забраться по скалодрому или поиграйте в классики, а потом отправляйтесь на урок творчества, где сможете отстучать крутое соло на барабанной установке. Эта школа такая классная!
Лунная научная база
Высаживайтесь на поверхность спутника Земли в посадочном модуле и отправляйтесь навстречу удивительным приключениям на лунную научную базу. Источником вдохновения для этой модели стала техника НАСА. Подтаскивайте и перемещайте предметы с помощью дрона «Небесный кран», забирайте образцы из лунохода VIPER и проводите эксперименты в научной и ботанической лабораториях. Залезайте в лунный багги и отправляйтесь к шлюзу жилого купола — там можно оставить шлем и рюкзак до следующей вылазки!
Серия LEGO City считается одной из самых обширных и старейших в линейке конструкторов ЛЕГО. И это не случайно! Каждый набор наполнен деталями, которые позволят построить как огромный собственный город, так и отдельные городские постройки со всей инфраструктурой. Дети в игровой форме знакомятся с особенностями реальной жизни, учатся разбираться в строительстве разных видов зданий и техники, узнают о профессиях.
Серия LEGO City считается одной из самых обширных и старейших в линейке конструкторов ЛЕГО. И это не случайно! Каждый набор наполнен деталями, которые позволят построить как огромный собственный город, так и отдельные городские постройки со всей инфраструктурой. Дети в игровой форме знакомятся с особенностями реальной жизни, учатся разбираться в строительстве разных видов зданий и техники, узнают о профессиях.
Тематика городских конструкторов очень разнообразна: работа различных городских служб, их рабочие места и служебный транспорт и даже униформа, которая характерна для тех или иных работников. Ребята с удовольствием примерят на себя роли полицейских, пожарных, строителей, космонавтов и многие другие профессии. Вместе с наборами дети изучают не только внешний вид зданий или транспорта, но и знакомятся с интерьером, рабочими местами, необходимыми аксессуарами. Особое место в конструкторах Сити занимают минифигурки. Их внешность максимально приближена к реальным людям разных профессий.
Наборы содержат интересные и полезные подвижные элементы (открывающиеся двери и окна, вращающиеся колеса, поднимающиеся и опускающиеся детали транспорта), помогающие разнообразить ролевые игры. Световые и звуковые элементы, которые имитируют работу городских служб, дополнят эффект погружения в игру. А минифигурки можно размещать как внутри зданий, так и в транспорте, обыгрывать жизненные ситуации.
Немалое значение в игровом процессе имеют аксессуары. В каждом наборе они уникальные, их легко использовать и комбинировать с другими наборами серии City.
Купить конструкторы LEGO City с любимой тематикой можно в магазинах детских игрушек Той.ру или заказать на сайте нашего магазина.
*LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, DUPLO, the DUPLO logo, NINJAGO, the NINJAGO logo, the FRIENDS logo, the HIDDEN SIDE logo, the MINIFIGURES logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2021 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
Here you will find information about all secrets that can be found in the Bank and on the road that leads to it through the sewers and the vault. Read the walkthrough thoroughly so that you don’t miss anything – you can’t freely move between areas.
Last update: Tuesday, September 19, 2017
List of secrets:
- 2 character tokens: Intergalactic Girl, Bank Manager;
- 1 Red brick: Study 4x;
- 2 vehicles: Gotland, Relocator.
Shield pieces:
- Paint four ducks in the sewers to gold;
- Complete the RC boat track time limit in the sewers (Rex Fury only);
- Open four optional safes in the vault;
- Take the vacuum cleaner in the bank and clean the stains on the plates.
LEGO City hero status: 180 000 studs.
The bank and the sewers consist of five areas:
Sewers: First area
In the sewers first use the teleport on the "island" on the water. You will receive the Intergalactic Girl character token.
Use the key and go behind the bars. Once again on the island, you will find a silver chest that can be opened only by Rex Fury. Inside there will be a remote controller for the boat. Use the boat to swim through all checkpoints before time runs out and you will receive a piece of shield.
Sewers: Second area
Go to the second area in the sewers. In the first area you will see one of four ducks that you must paint in gold. Color changer is available only for Rex Fury - it is hidden inside the silver chest in the upper right corner of the area. All ducks are in the sewers. You can easily miss the last one - it is in the niche further than the ladder that leads to the higher area.
Before using the pontoon to get through the sewers, swim near the green toxic line on the water. Swim under the bars and you will find a Gotand vehicle token.
Once you get up, there is a red brick that can be easily missed. It is hidden behind the neighboring cell, next to the green color changer. You must only break the door that leads towards it.
Sewers: Third area
Get to the last area. Use worker disguise to drill a hole in the adequate place. You will find a Relocator vehicle token.
You can find a piece of shield here. Simply open all four safes that are optional. There is a high probability that you will get the shield by accident.
The last two treasures are in the bank. Drive the vacuum cleaner in the left lower corner and clean the five stains on the floor. You will receive the fourth shield piece.
In order to get Bank Manager, the last character token, go to the bottom right corner of the room and use astronaut's chest. Then use the teleport on the right wall and reach the upper floor of the bank. There is a silver statue of a man on a throne there, you must paint it: upper part must be brown (the color changer is on the right side), bottom part must be blue (changer is on the left, you must first activate it by using the electric box as a worker).
Одним из излюбленных направлений Lego City как у компании Lego, так и у многочисленных поклонников, всегда была тема полиции. В сознании нескольких поколений фанатов, Лего Сити Полицейский – образец для подражания, пример того, каким должен быть страж правопорядка.
Погоня в горах
Воздушная полиция: Авиабаза
Полицейский участок
Арест на шоссе
Автомобиль полицейского патруля
Воздушная полиция: Кража бриллиантов
Побег на буксировщике
Полицейский участок
Погоня на полицейском вертолёте
Полицейский вертолётный транспорт
Катер полицейского патруля
Воздушная полиция: Арест парашютиста
Воздушная полиция
Полицейский участок
Полицейский мобильный командный трейлер
Полицейская погоня в банке
Пожарная бригада и полицейская погоня
Ограбление полицейского монстр-трака
Полицейский патрульный катер
Морская полиция: захват на маяке
Полицейский участок в горах
Транспорт для перевозки преступников
Мобильный командный центр
Стремительная погоня
Остров воришек
Полицейский участок
Воздушная полиция: патрульный самолёт
Полицейская погоня за бурильщиком
Погоня по грунтовой дороге
Ограбление на бульдозере
Вертолётный патруль
Полицейская машина
Погоня полиции за грузовиком с мороженым
Воздушная полиция: Погоня дронов
Полицейский вертолет
Участок новой лесной полиции
Полицейский отряд с собакой
Полицейская лодка
Ограбление музея
Операция береговой полиции и пожарных
Погоня за преступниками
Набор кубиков «Полиция»
Убежище в горах
Набор Lego City для начинающих
Ограбление у горной речки
Секретное убежище воришек
Lego City полиция на страже законности в Лего Городе
Для поддержания правопорядка в Лего Городе отряды полиции всегда оснащаются по последнему слову техники. Противостоят вызовам от преступников, вместе с бесстрашными полицейскими. Служебные собаки и самые современные транспорт и специальные средства, облегчающие поимку преступников.
Одним из первых в Lego City появился Полицейский участок, которого вполне хватало для поддержания правопорядка в Центре Города. Но вместе с бурным ростом Лего Города росла и крепла преступность в нем. Возникла необходимость формирования новых подразделений полиции. Так после городской полиции, следящей за правопорядком в центре Города, появились подразделения:
Полиция Lego City, оснащена всем необходимым для успешной борьбы с преступностью на вверенных им территориях.
Для особо опасных преступников строителям Лего Города пришлось построить Остров-тюрьму (арт. 60130), сбежать с которого пытались отчаянные воришки. Но, к счастью, все они были пойманы и возвращены за решетку!
Продуманные, хитроумные побеги, увлекательные погони и неизбежная поимка воришек – вот, что вы сможете обыграть, купив Лего Сити Полицейских!
This page contains details about the game's plot. For those who have not completed the game, this page may contain spoilers regarding the plot.
18 March 2013
PAL: 28 March 2013
LEGO City Undercover is a video game for Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Steam, Xbox One and Playstation 4. It is a sandbox-style action adventure game. The game follows the adventures of undercover cop Chase McCain as he attempts to capture the criminal Rex Fury and put an end to a crime wave in LEGO City.
This game was first mentioned in The Brick 2009, where it was said, "LEGO City Stories will have a more loose central story that will encourage the player to explore a wider variety of side stories and challenges". The game was then advertised at the back of LEGO set instructions from 2011 City sets.
After the events in LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins, Chase is sent away for two years After revealing Natalia, his girlfriend, was the one who testified against Rex Fury. The game begins on his way back to LEGO City. He learns from Mayor Gleeson that Rex Fury has broken out of prison. Gleeson tasks McCain to find Rex Fury and bring him to justice again.
Arriving at the police station to restart his work as a police officer. He meets Frank Honey and Ellie Phillips (Frank's crush), he also learns that Marion Dunby has been made police chief. Dunby doesn't want anything to do with the case so sends McCain on various other tasks including catching bank robbing clowns, clearing up a roadblock, and catching some criminals who have taken over the LEGO City TV building. After he dealt with the road block he went after Natalia (who drove by after the road was cleared) and tries to talk to her. Their conservation doesn't last long and Natalia takes Chase's car to say goodbye to her father and to leave Lego City.
While arresting the final criminal, he learns that the criminals were working for Rex Fury and tells McCain to seek out Blue Whittaker in the prison to find out how Rex escaped.
At the prison, Blue tells McCain to check out Rex's cell. McCain works his way to Rex's cell, gaining an undercover outfit along the way to enable him to crowbar open locked doors. McCain figures out that Rex used a pickax obtained from the Bluebell Mines to dig his way out of the cell and the prison.
McCain learns from Ellie Phillips that some of Rex's thugs stole equipment from the mines a few months back and, despite Dunby's warning to stay away from the mines, infiltrates the mines to speak with a witness. When he gets there, McCain finds that Rex's flunkies are still there. Fighting his way through mines to find the witness, Named Clarence Fletcher a.k.a 'Stinky', he finds out that he has been kidnapped. His whereabouts are unknown by the game's end.
Exiting the caves, McCain incidentally runs into Rex. Attempting to arrest Rex proves fruitless as Rex is much stronger than McCain and in a single punch, McCain is knocked out. Coming to, the police chief at the Bluebell National Forest police station suggests to McCain to learn Kung Fu to stand up to Rex. During this scene, Natalia Kowalski is there and McCain is informed that her father has gone missing.
Because of McCain's blunder two years ago in which he reveals her name on national television, she does not want McCain's help in finding her father. Undaunted, McCain travels to the dojo of Barry Smith to learn advanced fighting techniques.
Once trained by Smith, McCain learns that Frank Honey was abducted trying to deliver a new truck to the department (As a favor for Ellie). Fighting off red-clothed goons and regaining control of the truck, he learns from Frank that a criminal enterprise run by Chan Chuang wanted the truck.
After losing Chan's men, Frank asks Chase if he can drive the truck to the police station to impress Ellie. Frank, however, loses control of the truck and crashes it into a party at the station where Gleeson is in attendance.
Frank incidentally lets it slip to her that Dunby has taken McCain off the Rex Fury investigation. Attempting to cover his tracks, Dunby allows McCain to go undercover in Chan's gang (whom McCain suspects is working for Rex).
Ellie adds an audio scanning ability to Chase's police communicator and he overhears a phone call from one of Chan's men asking where a man named Bucky Butler is because he's late for his interview with Chan's father, Old Quiang. Deciding to take Butler's place, McCain tracks him down and arrests him for stealing a painting from an art gallery.
Posing as Bucky Butler, he meets Quiang who hires him as a limo driver to drive eccentric multi-billionaire, Forrest Blackwell to a theater. This impresses Quiang enough for Chase to meet Chan. In an alleyway, Chase meets Chan who hires him to steal a car from a rival.
After stealing the car to get in Chan's good graces, he is told to go to Quiang's limo shop because someone had broken in. While spying on the thief who was dressed as a ninja, McCain sees empty money bags from Vinnie Pappalardo's ice cream shop. After chasing down the thief, McCain finds out that the thief is none other than Natalia. She was looking in Quiang's office for evidence of where her dad disappeared to. Still rejecting Chase's offers to help, Natalia leaves Chase alone, depressed at not being able to help.
After letting it slip that McCain had observed the empty money bags from Pappalardo's, Chan reveals that Vinnie's right-hand man, Moe De Luca is being sentenced to imprisonment and that Vinnie would be happy with anyone who could help keep Moe out of prison.
Borrowing a prison transport truck from the police station, McCain picks up Moe from the courthouse and drives him to a hideout after evading police. Thankful for the help, Moe mentions that a shipment of color guns have come into LEGO City and that Vinnie wants to get his hands on the shipment, so sends Chase on a mission to steal the truck and deliver it to Vinnie.
Vinnie is happy with the shipment and gives McCain a color gun to help on a mission to steal a large emerald from the LEGO City Bank.
When Dunby finds out all the things that McCain has been doing while undercover, he is initially angered but is soon swayed by the fact that McCain is not investigating Rex Fury and is, instead, infiltrating the Chan Chuang/Vinnie Pappalardo criminal network to bring it down. Dunby sends Chase to get photographic evidence of Chan's key gang members in the process of committing crimes.
After doing so, these gang members are arrested, leaving Chan with only one person left that he trusts to help him: Chase McCain. He sends McCain to Apollo Island to steal a moon buggy (gaining an astronaut outfit along the way that can shoot a ray gun).
After stealing the moon buggy, McCain is called on again by Dunby to help save Forrest Blackwell from abductors. Scaling the rooftops, McCain saves Blackwell from the abductors and drives Blackwell to the police station.
He then receives a call from Natalia who is then captured in Chan's salvage yard. Infiltrating the salvage yard, he saves Natalia but Chan gets away. This angers Dunby who transfers McCain to Bluebell National Park's police station temporarily. McCain is joined there by Frank Honey (Whos there after failing to fix Dunby's sink).
The first task there is to rescue Jethro Hayes's escaped pigs. After rescuing the pigs (gaining a farmer outfit allowing him to shoot eggs at people and glide with a chicken), he receives a call from Vinnie telling him to steal a robotic Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton. Guessing that Rex Fury wants the T. rex skeleton, he agrees and steals the skeleton for Vinnie. During the process Dunby calls Chase and decide to let Chase back on the Fury case after Chase told him about the T-rex.
Once that task is completed, Vinnie says that his "private buyer" (for whom he's having Chase steal all of these items) wants a fire boat from the fire station. Going undercover as a fireman (gaining the fireman outfit), Chase steals the fireboat.
He then receives a call from Natalia accusing him of having police officers watch over her. As Chase did not set that up, he is confused and Natalia reveals that it isn't police officers watching her but men in black clothing who break into the hospital in which she's working. McCain uses all his undercover outfits to work his way through the hospital to save Natalia. Calling in a helicopter, McCain flies Natalia to Ellie's apartment which acts as a safe house (Ellie's big dog won't be of much help unless the baddies are allergic to him). Before they departed Natalia then apologizes to Chase for being a pain to him and that she knew that he didn't mean to reveal her identity, Chase accepts her apology.
Moe calls Chase because he's worried about Vinnie because he's meeting with the "private buyer". Scaling the rooftops he overhears the meeting between Vinnie and the "private buyer" who turns out to be Rex Fury. Vinnie is angered that Rex keeps asking for more and more things to be stolen and not getting paid for it. Undaunted, Rex tells Vinnie to steal more things.
Furious, Vinnie calls McCain to do a job of their own. Taking the fireboat (Along with Moe) into the tunnel leading Blackwell's mansion, Moe tells Chase that a while back Blackwell had wanted to build an apartment complex and shopping mall in Bluebell National Park and, after spending millions on building a new bridge and and other things, was stopped because a rare squirrel was found in the park. Scandalized, Blackwell had began to wall himself off from society.
McCain infiltrates the mansion and attempts to steal a jade falcon for Vinnie, but is stopped by men in black clothing whose names include "Sentinel 1" and "Sentinel 2" (an allusion to the "Matrix" movies), Blackwell's private security force. Escaping the Sentinels, Moe calls Chase to let him know that he hasn't heard from Vinnie in a while and he's worried.
Breaking into Pappalardo's ice cream shop, he finds that Rex's thugs have locked Vinnie in a walk-in freezer and blast freeze Vinnie. Rescuing Vinnie from the freezer, Vinnie sends McCain to find out why this happened. In the back factory room, McCain and Vinnie catch the person responsible. After getting him to reveal the next part of the plan, Rex wants a crane stolen.
McCain travels to a construction yard in place of the thug responsible for freezing Vinnie (gaining a construction yard outfit allowing Chase to jackhammer and destroy surrounding objects). Stealing the crane, Chase finds himself going to an observatory to steal a large telescope. The crane is used to place the telescope on a truck and he drives the telescope to a hidden base in Bluebell National Park. There, he finds Natalia's father being interrogated and forced by by Forrest Blackwell to a password of a device of his. He also discovered that Blackwell Kidnaps Natalia to get the password out of Henrik.
After saving Henrik (gaining a jetpack for the astronaut outfit), they travel to Blackwell's Mansion where they find a model of a moon colony Blackwell planned. They also discovered that the office tower that Blackwell owns is actually a rocketship in disguise. It's impending liftoff will destroy half of LEGO City.
Using special forcefields that Henrik developed, Chase is able to protect LEGO City from the effects of the liftoff of the Blackwell Tower rocket ship.
However, it is revealed that Natalia is with Blackwell in the rocket ship so Chase travels to the Moon (with the help of Henrik and Mayor Gleeson who is grateful for McCain's protection of LEGO City during the liftoff).
On the Moon, McCain infiltrates Blackwell's moon base and reprograms the navigation computer to send the rocket back to Earth. Blackwell then sends Rex to finish Chase off, but that fails and because of that Blackwell fires Rex. Blackwell then leaves them on the rocket and he causes the moon base to self destruct, only for Chase and Rex to survive the blast. On a piece of the wreckage, Rex Fury and Chase fight until Chase is able to arrest Rex. Although, Rex easily escapes the cuffs, they are interrupted by Blackwell in an escape pod. He shouts to Chase that he'll have his revenge on Chase before getting hit by a flying cow which causes the escape pod to fly off into space.
McCain falls to Planet Earth to get to the main deck of the rocket and save Natalia by activating parachutes. The deck lands safely on Planet Earth. The city then celebrates Chase's victory. Chase is initially dismayed that both Rex and Blackwell got away, but Dunby revealed that Rex crashed into a toilet and was put into custody (with the toilet still on his head).
Dunby offers Chase to have the honor to arrest Rex. But Chase says that Dunby can have it because there are some things more important than arrests, as he and Natalia are romantically holding hands, indicating that they're back together. Frank thought that Chase was talking about "video games" and everyone laughs. A Sentinel from earlier still attempting to catch up with Chase is caught as the picture irises out and he falls off-screen with a "Sentinel out!"
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