Lego castle skeleton castle
Если вы являетесь поклонником LEGO Castle, то вы наверняка так же, как и мы, рады новому и безумно крутому набору LEGO Ideas «Средневековая кузница».
Этот набор был изначально разработан суперфанатом Клеменсом Фидлером, чья страсть к средневековой архитектуре проявилась в его замысловатом дизайне, набрав достаточно голосов, чтобы быть воплощенной в реальном наборе.
Наши замечательные дизайнеры LEGO приняли вызов и увидели возможность добавить несколько особых отсылок к прошлым наборам серии Castle в надежде вернуть вас в детство. В результате получилась очаровательная и довольно ностальгическая кузнечная мастерская и дом на трех замечательно продуманных этажах.
Отмечая целых десять лет с момента выхода последнего набора-кузницы, мы отпразднуем его выпуск, заглянув в историю LEGO Castle, чтобы увидеть, как наш скромный кузнец и его мир, построенный из кубиков, развивались с течением времени. Пришло время узнать.
Когда мы думаем о Средневековье, мы автоматически представляем себе битвы между добром и злом, жестоких королей и неустанные схватки на мечах. Первая средневековая кузница (1984), возможно, была небольшой, но она знаменует собой первый случай в истории LEGO Castle, когда дизайнеры сместили акцент с замков и храбрых рыцарей на рассказы о мирных жителях, находящихся в центре средневекового общества.
Другие наборы в восьмидесятых последовали примеру таверны The Guarded Inn, где местные жители могли остановиться выпить, а также хорошо укомплектованный магазин снаряжения.
Цивилизация франшизы вышла на новый уровень в 2009 году, когда появился «Средневековый деревенский рынок», один из самых больших наборов замка, когда-либо созданных — и дизайнеры действительно вышли в город (понимаете?).
Джонатон Петронгари, фанат замков и член фан-группы RomaBrick, говорит: «Я думаю, что жители города — очень важная часть темы замка. В «Средневековом деревенском рынке» были. минифигурки жителей, солдаты, дерево, коровы. кузница. Возможно, это был один из лучших выпущенных наборов LEGO».
Мы обратились к фотоархивам, чтобы проследить эволюцию кузницы на протяжении многих лет.
В 2002 году был выпущен второй вариант кузницы, а в 2011 году — третий (оба очень разные и по-своему потрясающие).
Имея много визуальных сходств с последним набором, кузница 2002 года также была первоначально разработана фанатом, а не сотрудником компании. Фактически, это был один из первых официальных наборов, созданных фанатами, что свидетельствует о том, что мы занимаемся краудсорсингом и сотрудничаем с фанатами уже много лет, еще до появления LEGO Ideas.
Skeletons are the primary antagonists of the Castle II (2007-2009) subtheme and are under the command of the wicked sorcerer Mallock the Malign. Preferring to ravage the land without mercy, these grunts make up a majority of Mallock's forces. They implement the use of a variety of weapons that include spears, scythes, scythe blades, axes, Flails, and sometimes even their own arms.
Hailing from the Barren Wastelands, these fearsome hordes are conjured up from Mallock's Mausoleums as seen in 2009's Lego Battle video game for the Nintendo DS. Their base is the Skeleton Tower which they keep under close guard from their foe the Crown Knights led by King Brutus who is also known as King Revet in the 2010 direct to video film Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers.
There are quite a few variations of the Skeleton Warrior employed by Mallock during his conquest:
Besides the usual White Skeleton Warrior who wields a mere sword and shield bearing the mark of the Necromancer, there exists a heavily armored variant as seen in 2008's Skeletons Battle Pack set number 852272. These are known as Skeleton Knights.
The Skeleton Horseman or The Skeleton Reaper is a another variant of the normal Skeleton Warrior Figure that wields a large scythe while riding into battle on a white Skeletal Horse. Also introduced in 2008's Skeleton's Battle Back, a notable difference is either the black or brown hooded cloak he wears to scare off his enemies. He is seen mounting a black Skeletal Horse in LEGO Quest & Collect.
The Skeleton Bishop is much like the The Skeleton Horseman, however, this figure sports an entire wardrobe consisting of a black cloak with a red sash around the waist. He has only appeared in set number 852001 Castle Chess Set and is fully clothed unlike his fellow Skeletons.
The Skeleton Queen or Dark Mage is also featured in this set, but like the Skeleton Bishop is non-canon to the overall story. She bears a cape draped over black armor with silver studding, an auburn colored hair piece, and possess a magical staff that is crowned with a glittering red jewel.
One unusual variant of the normal Skeleton Warrior figure is the Skeleton Captain or Skeleton Pirate. Leading Mallock's Navy, this figure wears a black Admirals Hat and has a long white beard. His weapon of choice is the Scimitar.
Color variants of the normal Skeleton Warrior include Black Skeletons that are featured in 2007's Skeleton's Prison Carriage, set number 7091's Knight's Catapult Defense, and among others. This variant has piecing red eyes, grey head markings, and fills in the roles of General and Crossbowmen in Mallock's army according to the DS game Lego Battles.
Многие дети из 90-х, которым посчастливилось познакомиться с оригинальным конструктором LEGO, мечтали о двух вещах: пиратский корабль и средневековый замок, но в большинстве случаев довольствоваться приходилось скромными, маленькими наборами. В 2020 году мы получили сразу два интересных набора на пиратскую тематику (Артикул 31109 и 21322). В 2021 году компания LEGO выпустила набор с домом кузнеца (Артикул 21325), а совсем недавно нам показали второй - долгожданный средневековый замок.
"Ваши ожидания - Ваши проблемы"
- Аутентичные минифигурки;
- Замок открывается и закрывается, как в классических наборах;
- Довольно симпатичные альтернативные модели.
- Мне не очень нравятся декорации на тему фэнтези, поэтому я предпочел бы больше внутренних построек вместо дракона;
- Животные, построенные из деталей;
- Мало фигурок и отсутствует лошадь.
В целом, приятно видеть еще один замок LEGO, даже если он находится в серии Creator, а не в своей собственной. На мой взгляд, постройка сохраняет тонкий баланс, между поклонниками классических замков и современных наборов LEGO. Небольшое количество минифигурок, разочаровывает. Только двое из четырех - солдаты Черного Сокола, а остальные - рыцарь (по крайней мере, он в доспехах) и скелет.
В замках такого размера обычно было от шести до восьми минифигурок и как минимум одна лошадь. Если бы они заменили скелет на крестьянина и добавили еще одного солдата или минифигурку женского пола, это было бы действительно здорово. Я не самый большой поклонник кирпичных животных, поэтому я бы хотел видеть фауну, как в новых наборах LEGO City, хотя они явно не соответствуют стилю LEGO Creator и стоят дороже, чем простые кубики и пластины.
Первые наборы LEGO Castle
Избалованные самоделками, многие фанаты остались разочарованы. Для таких требовательных фанатов, да и просто для всех, кто хочет узнать историю замечательно серии LEGO Castle, хочу показать самые первые наборы.
Первый замок (который Вы не могли купить) - 1960 год
В прежние времена LEGO не выпускала полностью готовую модель замка (украшенные оружием минифигурок и всеми теми прекрасными вещами, которые мы теперь считаем само собой разумеющимися). Единственный способ создать замок - построить его самостоятельно.
К счастью, LEGO спроектировала замок, который можно было создать (при условии, что у вас было достаточное количество деталей), следуя инструкциям в книге LEGO Building Idea Book номер 1.
Как вы можете видеть, это интересный, хотя и безвкусный дизайн, странные цвета и отсутствие минифигурок (как и во всех наборах того времени), поэтому с современной точки зрения этот набор совершенно не годится для активной игры.
Castle is one of the core themes (first/basic themes) of LEGO introduced in 1978 along with Town and Space. It centers around medieval life, involving knights and castles, but it also incorporates popular fantasy elements, as it saw many changes over the years. The theme is the third longest-lived in LEGO history, on par with Town and Trains. The original Castle logo resembled Part 4495.
Initial sets (1978 - 1983)
The theme Castle began in 1978, the year minifigures were introduced. The theme's initial release comprised only one set, 375 Castle. The following year brought two other sets, 383 Knight's Tournament and 677 Knight's Procession. At first those sets were only available in Europe, but they were finally released in the US in 1981.
383 Knight's Tournament, one of the first ever Castle sets.
Until 1984, Castle consisted of only these three sets and two other promotional sets, which were available from Samsonite. Many typical Castle pieces were already present, such as the halberds, the first swords, the lances, the triangular shields and the helmet with neck protector. The knights had unique helmets that consisted of the visor-less Classic Space helmets of that era, and movable visor-pieces that were only available in these three early Castle sets. The featured horses were not the later ubiquitous horse-figures, instead they were built of normal bricks. The knights of this era did not use a consistent coat of arms, but rather had many different crests.
The Guarded Inn is one of most famous older Castle sets, and one of the few halfway civilian buildings.
Factions (1984 - 1997)
In 1984 the Castle theme was totally revamped. This began what can be considered the theme's most active and varied period, as for the majority of this time, there were 2-4 active factions- meaning that each faction's sets were still in production/being released at the same time.
Two new factions, the Crusaders and the Black Falcons (as well as a sheer flood of new pieces), were introduced. Among the new pieces introduced in that year were the wall panels, spears, two new helmets (the helmets with chin-guard and face-grill helmets for the knights) and feather plumes. 1984 also saw the introduction of the horse-figures, which were also featured heavily in Castle. From now on, every established faction would feature a unique coat of arms on their shields, flags or even the minifigures themselves. The 'alternate' crossed axes coat of arms for the crusaders was soon phased out in favor of the more memorable lion design.
During the 1980s, Castle wasn't just about castles and knights but also featured some civilian minifigures, such as a peasant or a blacksmith, and also civilian buildings, like 6067 Guarded Inn, a direction that would later be lost when the theme focused more on the military aspects of the middle ages. The Guarded Inn also included the second female Castle minifigure (which did not yet feature a dress but instead a normal leg assembly). A similar minifigure appeared in the set 6060 Knight's Challenge.
A new faction was added in 1987, the Forestmen, leading to a rare period in which four factions were active concurrently alongside each other. The Forestmen did not dwell in castles but rather in hideouts built into hollow trees and rocks. This was also the first time when black-colored corner wall panels were seen. Other black wall panels, which had already appeared in 1985 were brought into wider use when the Black Knights, that featured the first mainly black-colored castle, were introduced in 1988.
After four years, the Forestmen were phased out 1990, the same year that brought some new pieces: a new elegant helmet with movable visor and an extra armour piece for knights. Another new addition was the glow-in-the-dark ghost.
6081 King's Mountain Fortress, a Crusaders set released in 1990
This year also saw the first castle built on a raised baseplate, a piece first used a year before in Pirates sets. That castle, 6081 King's Mountain Fortress,which also featured the first female minifigure with a skirt, which was formed by a 2x2x2 sloped brick. This made the princess one plate taller than the men, but her tall pointed medieval headdress helped to obscure the height difference.
After the discontinuation of the Forestmen faction, which included outlaws that could just as well be the good guys, since they largely resemble Robin Hood and his merry men, LEGO added a new faction in 1992, the Wolfpack, which was basically a band of robbers. This was also the first year in which Castle minifigures were equipped with the new diversified printed head pieces, that were first introduced in 1989 for the debut of the new Pirates line, and added more personality to the characters than the simple smiley faces. While both the Crusaders and Black Falcons would be phased out that year, the Black Knights would continue to make limited appearances alongside the newer factions up till 1994.
A diorama from 1993 showcases several sets from Dragon Masters, Wolfpack and Black Knights.
While the Black Knights used dragons merely as crests and ornaments, a new faction introduced in 1993, the Dragon Masters, would move Castle more into the realms of fantasy and mythology by adding actual dragons and wizards to the complement of subjects covered by this theme, thus setting a direction that would still be followed by future Castle themes.
A Dragon, introduced in the Dragon Masters faction.
The wizard Majisto was also one of the first minifigures that were given a name. Dragon Masters also brought some interesting new pieces, such as a new helmet and a large halberd, as well as several new faces.
For the time being the fantasy elements were not further developed. In 1995, the all new Royal Knights theme introduced the first distinct king minifigure that wore an actual crown. Another notable addition was the skeleton. 1996 saw a short-lived revival of Forestmen when Dark Forest was released. The bodies of the minifigures used in the Dragon Masters and Royal Knights would feature more detailed designs, with the latter largely abandoning the iconic breastplate (which had been a staple of the series since 1990).
Fantasy was Back in 1997, when Fright Knights brought along witches and a black dragon variant, as well as an eerie looking villain with a bat as his symbol of choice. This theme did not only venture into more fantastic directions, It also featured some rather out-of-place flying machines. Interestingly, despite being discontinued the year prior, some promotional images still depicted the Dragon Master's fighting the Fright Knights.
The discontinuation of Fright Knights in 1998 also marked the end of the basic concepts that had defined the Castle theme from for fourteen years, in which the different subthemes represented several factions that had long coexisted in a consistent environment and would often appear together in one set. The themes of the following years were to be self contained sub themes with different factions of their own that did not not have any connection to those of other subthemes.
Subthemes (1998 - present)
What followed in 1998 was the beginning of a rather unique interlude.
6045 Ninja Surprise, a Ninja set released in 1998.
With the introduction of Ninja, the Castle theme left it's traditional European setting and visited medieval Japan, featuring Samurai and Ninjas. Many new pieces were introduced as well, such as Japanese swords (Katana), ninja hoods and samurai armor and helmets. Ninja also included cannons and muskets, a novelty for Castle, and was apparently set in the 16th century. In 2000, Castle went back to a more conventional setting with the release of the new Knights' Kingdom theme, which involved two factions that were at odds with each other, King Leo and his knights on one side, and Cedric the bull with his evil minions on the other.
Cedric the Bull launches an attack on King Leo's castle.
The minifigures were elaborately designed and featured new torso pieces, faces, helmets and armor pieces. The buildings, however, had a rather simplified design, which was also seen in other themes of that era, e.g. in Town Jr., a method of building later called "Juniorization". This theme was the first Castle theme to feature two female minifigures: Queen Leonora and Princess Storm. Knights' Kingdom was discontinued in the following year, and there would be no new Castle sets until 2004.
Knights' Kingdom II, introduced in 2004, was a radical departure from any previous Castle themes. It featured colourful knights (in red, green, purple, and light blue armour) who all had individual names and personalities, much like superhero teams such as the Power Rangers. The normal sets were also accompanied by the release of canned action figure versions of the new characters, in a style similar to BIONICLE. Knights' Kingdom II was more action-oriented, and also introduced some new helmets, swords and shields.
This dragon from Vikings included a new building system based on the Click-ball joint.
In 2005, LEGO released a new Vikings line which was more realistic than the contemporary Knights' Kingdom II theme, but it nevertheless featured mythological aspects by adding dragons and other creatures from Norse myths, such as the Midgard Serpent. A new technique that was used to make these creatures that is still used today is building large monsters (such as dragons) out of a combination of normal bricks and TECHNIC parts. A fairly important new piece introduced in this theme was the separate axe blade that had to be attached to a brown stick in order to form a complete battle axe. The theme was intended to be simply a short interlude before the launch of the new Castle theme, but proved popular enough that it was continued for another year.
The new version of the Castle logo, introduced for this theme.
The Castle theme was relaunched in 2007 as Castle (2007) and abandoned some of the aspects featured in Knights' Kingdom II but also reprises earlier established fantasy elements such as dragons and sorcerers, but also added some new ones, which were originally known from the Lord of the Rings novels or Warcraft computer games, such as Skeleton Warriors, Trolls and Dwarves. Another difference is the fact that it does not involve humans fighting each other. The humans are represented by one unified kingdom that has to fight against groups of non-human antagonists. In 2009 the biggest entirely civilian Castle set ever has been released, 10193 Medieval Market Village, which also included the first cow figure as well as a rare turkey piece.
Kingdoms, is successor to Castle (2007). It returns to a more traditional and realistic medieval setting.
Kingdoms Joust, the theme's tour-de-force.
The theme features the good knights of the Lion Kingdom defending themselves against the evil warriors of the invading Dragon Kingdom. The only fantasy elements are the Dragon wizard and his pet dragon. Kingdoms was launched in June 2010, with several sets, including a large castle, and followed by four more sets in 2011. Early 2012 saw the release of 10223 Kingdoms Joust, the final Kingdoms set before The Lord of The Rings was released.
Castle 2013 (2013-14) was the replacement theme for Kingdoms. It featured the Blue Lion Knights fighting the Red Dragon Knights. The theme was discontinued in 2015 after releasing 5 sets and 2 battlepacks.
Наборы Лего посвященные эпохе средневековья всегда пользовались спросом у мальчишек. И компания Lego периодически возобновляет выпуск наборов Лего Замок или Лего Королевство. Ключевым объектом в серии Lego Castle и Lego Kingdoms являются замки, а также различные средневековые и фентезийные постройки (дом крестьянина, мельница, рынок, ратуша, башня мага, корабль рыцарей, пещера троля и т.п.). Мир средневековья населяют рыцари на лошадях, короли, крестьяне, маги, орки, троли, скелеты и драконы. Наборы серии Lego Castle будут интересны мальчикам и девочкам 6-12 лет.
Lego Kingdoms 10223 Kingdoms Joust Рыцарский турнир 15 208 Р- В корзину
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Lego Kingdoms 7189 Mill Village Raid Нападение на деревенскую мельницу 19 990 Р- В корзину
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Lego Kingdoms 7946 King's Castle Королевский замок 21 990 Р- В корзину
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Lego Kingdoms 7947 Prison Tower Rescue Спасение узника башни 11 340 Р- В корзину
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Lego Castle 10193 Medieval Market Village Средневековый рынок 23 150 Р- В корзину
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Lego Castle 7097 Trolls' Mountain Fortress Горная крепость троллей 29 150 Р- В корзину
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Lego Castle 70404 King's Castle Королевский замок 18 900 Р- В корзину
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