Lego bionicle toa inika
Bionicle - фантастическая серия детских конструкторов Лего (Lego). Это серия монcтров из рассказов Грега Фаршти, в которых рассказывается о Бионикл Тоа, повелителе шести стихий: земли, воды, огня, воздуха, камня и льда, защитники Маторанов, жителей острова Мата Нуи от Макуты, злой силы решившей поработить остров. 6 героев- Бионикл начинают свои приключения на острове. Они готовы сражаться с мутантами Барраками, с десятками тысяч полчищ механических роботов-монстров lego bionicle Бороков, и самыми беспощадными и опасными убийцами Пираками. Серия наборов конструкторов лего бионикл (bionicle) рекомендована детям от 7 до 16 лет и содержит в наборе максимально доступную инструкцию по сборке игрушки. Наборы детских игрушек Lego Бионикл наделены высоким качеством как и все другие конструкторы датского производителя lego.
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The Kanohi Ignika was the Legendary Mask of Life, and one of the three most powerful known Kanohi in the Matoran Universe (along with the Vahi and the Mask of Creation).
The Ignika being forged.
100,000 years ago, near the creation of the Matoran Universe, the Mask of Life was forged by the Great Beings on Spherus Magna. It was created so that Mata Nui's life force could be recharged if ever required. The mask was then locked within a box until it could be transferred to the giant robot the Great Beings were building. However, one day a Great Being became curious about the mask and opened the box it was in. The Ignika reacted as soon as the Great Being touched it, granting the Great Being the involuntary ability to give life to everything. He accidentally brought every non-living thing around him to life. But the power was too much, as he couldn't control it, and all he brought to life began to make demands of their creator, which was sufficient to turn him mad. The Great Being was then confined, so he couldn't bring anything else to life. The Ignika's creators then hid the mask under Mount Valmai in the 777-steps of the Staircase to the Ignika. Later, they placed Umbra under Voya Nui to guard the Ignika; additionally, the Order of Mata Nui eventually sent Axonn and Brutaka to protect the mask too.
79,100 years ago, the Great Disruption was eventually caused by a civil war in Metru Nui. Toa Jovan led his team to Mount Valmai, where they reached and used the Mask of Life to heal Mata Nui.
1,001 years ago, Mata Nui fell unconscious from an attack by the Brotherhood of Makuta, causing the Great Cataclysm. Mount Valmai and the surrounding area broke off from the mainland, stranding all who lived there. Many died in the incident, including Turaga Jovan. This region became known as the island of Voya Nui.
Voya Nui
A couple of months after Takanuva fought and defeated Teridax, three groups came to Voya Nui to claim the Ignika. Former Dark Hunters calling themselves "Piraka" wanted to claim the Mask in order to ransom it for wealth and power. The Toa Nuva hoped to use the Mask to heal Mata Nui, and six Matoran who came to help them became the Toa Inika.
While the Toa Nuva were very quickly taken out of action, the Piraka and Toa Inika had to face several guardians. The Piraka entered a kind of nightmare zone that brought their worst fear, the monster Irnakk, to life. The Inika also entered this zone and fought enemies they had faced as Matoran, only to have their worst fears happen as their powers spiral out of control and kill their foes, who turned out to be their friends. The Inika also faced some Protodax(Protodites enlarged by the mask), but Umbra wiped them out to claim the honor of slaying the Inika for himself.
The Ignika as it appeared in the comics
Eventually, both groups reached the Chamber of Life, only to find one more guardian: the mad Piraka, Vezon. He had reached the mask, only to become cursed, he was fused with a giant Fenrakk spider, and worse, the mask itself had fused to the back of Vezon's head, making him believe that its removal would kill him. While the Piraka were defeated, the Inika made some headway in fighting the two - only for the mask to evolve Fenrakk into a Kardas Dragon. Toa Kongu was able to read the mask's mind and find out that it wanted to dispose of Vezon as a guardian in favor of Toa Matoro, as Matoro was a kind, self-sacrificing person, he had volunteered to give his life earlier and, on the way to the island, had offered to help someone that seemed to be in need, not realizing that the "someone" was a manifestation of the mask's power. Vezon became enraged by this news, allowing the Toa to use a Zamor Sphere which froze him in space and time so Matoro could safely take the mask. [1] [2]
However, Kardas didn't stay out for long, and soon attacked Matoro, which made him lose his grasp on the mask. Almost immediately, it flew away, to lead the Toa Inika to where it needed to be used. It went underwater, and the Inika could not initially follow due to not being able to breathe water. [3]
Mahri Nui
Ignika in Mahri Nui
The mask was then found by Kyrehx, a Ga-Matoran of the undersea city of Mahri Nui. She gave it to the Po-Matoran Dekar, and it was seized from him by the Barraki. The mask started cracking due to the mutagen in the Pit that Mahri Nui rested on. [4]
When Pridak grabbed the mask, it called out for help by emitting a powerful flash of light and energy, transforming the Toa Inika into the Toa Mahri. [5] As part of its cursing abilities, it also turned Pridak insane; this problem was temporarily solved by fellow Barraki Takadox and his hypnotic power. The mask also recreated Dekar as Hydraxon, the long-dead jailer of the Pit. The Barraki then gave the mask to Nocturn for safe-keeping. While he had it, a Gadunka crawled under it for shelter, becoming wildly enlarged. However, Nocturn had already left by then, fascinated with the Mask's curse for him: the ability to kill anything he touched while in contact with the mask. [6] He met up with Hydraxon. Hydraxon, by some fleeting remnant of Dekar's conscious, remembered that the Ignika was dangerous and fired his Cordak Blaster at the mask. [7] The mask was not destroyed but was pushed by a riptide generated by Hahli. When Mata Nui died, the mask stopped glowing, symbolizing his death. [8] However, Mata Nui was revived by Matoro using the Ignika in the Universe Core. [9]
Karda Nui
After the Ignika fell in the Swamp of Secrets, it sensed the three Makuta in the swamp were near it. The mask, realizing the danger it was in, considered creating a guardian out of the swamp life, but rejected the idea, remembering how ineffective the last few guardians had been. It also remembered how Matoro had been brave enough to put on the mask, even with the realization that he would die, with his last wish before turning into energy being the salvation of the other Toa Mahri. Wanting to know what it meant to be a hero, like Matoro, the Ignika created a body and a vehicle for itself out of the plant-life in the swamp, and used it to fly into the skies of Karda Nui. [10]
Toa Ignika then began to follow Toa Nuva Kopaka, Pohatu, and Lewa, and eventually, with Kopaka discovering his presence using his Akaku Nuva. Ignika then used his powers of life on a large beast standing in front of the Toa Nuva and their Matoran allies, killing it and sending the corpse plummeting toward the swamp. Convinced that this warrior was a friend, the Toa Nuva decided to let him travel with them.
Arriving at the Shadow Leech Hive, the Toa Nuva blasted their way in, and Kopaka and Solek stayed behind to fight Mutran, while Ignika, Pohatu and Photok, and Lewa and Tanma went on to destroy the Shadow Leeches. Arriving at a dead end, they decided to ask Toa Ignika if he had any suggestions, though when they turned around, they saw Ignika as a vicious Rahi, and began to attack him. Toa Ignika, not knowing why they were attacking him, decided to kill all four of them. They then saw Ignika as himself, and Pohatu managed to stop him from killing them. However, they were then sent into unconsciousness by a sonic scream from one of the Makuta.
Ignika was later awakened after being freed, and Pohatu used his Kakama Nuva to get the Toa out of the hive. The Toa Nuva tried using their powers on the rock holding the hive in the air, but they learned that the rock was organic after it wasn't destroyed. Toa Ignika then used his powers to kill the stone, splitting it in two and sending the cavern toward the swamp.
The Kanohi Ignika
The Makuta later assaulted the Av-Matoran village they thought the Toa would be in, only to find that nobody was there. Gavla then spotted a Shadow Matoran caught in a lightvine and, after freeing him, Pohatu attacked them with his stone powers, and their battle began. During the battle, Icarax tried to take the mask from the "Toa's" body. Toa Ignika became angry, and used his powers to devolve Icarax back into his original form, before he evolved into purely Antidermis in a body. He held Icarax prisoner, but later left for the swamp, where he informed the Toa that he was actually the Mask of Life itself, not just wearing it. [11]
Toa Ignika followed the Toa Nuva into the Codrex, and Gali later convinced Ignika to give up his body to resurrect Mata Nui. [12]
Following the awakening of Mata Nui, Makuta Teridax banished Mata Nui's spirit into the Ignika, and blasted it into space, outside the Matoran Universe. [13]
Bara Magna
Banished from the Matoran Universe, the Ignika stopped its countdown. It traveled through the Solis Magna System before finally crash-landing on Bara Magna. Upon landing, the Ignika created a body for Mata Nui. [14] Soon after, it also gave a Scarabax Beetle, who was later named "Click" by Mata Nui, the power to transform into the Scarabax Shield and back again. [15]
In Vulcanus, it transformed a Vorox stinger Mata Nui had taken into a sword, the purpose being to help Mata Nui defend the mask. Some time later, Mata Nui used the Ignika to give a number of Glatorian elemental powers. After defeating Tuma, Mata Nui also used the mask to transform Metus into a snake upon discovering his betrayal.
Mata Nui later used the Ignika along with the Power Source to power the Prototype Robot. When Teridax's robot invaded Bara Magna, the Ignika transformed Tahu back into his original form so he could wear the Golden Armor. After Tahu used this armor and Makuta had been killed, Mata Nui used the last of his robot's remaining power, combining it with the Ignika's to turn the recently-reformed Spherus Magna into a paradise. The robot then disintegrated, Mata Nui's spirit returning to the Ignika and giving one last message to everyone before going dormant within the mask. What was done with the mask afterward is currently unknown. [16]
Abilities and Traits
Toa Ignika was said to have the personality of a sheltered child, was very naive, and often let his innocence get the best of him. Althought the mask was technically genderless, Toa Ignika considered itself a "he," in honor of Matoro and the other Toa who had worn the Mask of Life. Toa Ignika was courageous to the point of recklessness, and even though he was very intelligent, he was immature at times.
The Kanohi Ignika could evolve and devolve creatures and objects at will, curse anyone who touched it, shapeshift, absorb life energy or release it in an enormous blast called a Nova Blast, heal, and could use telepathy. It could also grant powers to others. It was impossible to create a Great, Noble, or Powerless version of the Kanohi Ignika, as a weaker mask would not have been able to contain such sheer power within itself. The Vahi, Ignika and Mask of Creation were on the same power level because Time, Life and Creativity were equal fundamental forces of the Matoran Universe.
The mask could bestow itself and others with powers, such as the abilities it gave to Vezon. It could also restore power to a being, such as undoing a Toa's transformation into a Turaga.
Example Usages
While the Kanohi Ignika has many Life-based powers, not all of them have been demonstrated. Below is a list of known examples of its powers:
- The mask can appear in many forms, like life itself.
- The mask drew Vezon to itself by influencing him.
- The mask had the power to "curse" anyone who touched it who was not destined to use the mask's power.
- The mask created a physical manifestation of itself to test Matoro in BIONICLE Legends 2: Dark Destiny.
- In BIONICLE Legends 6: City of the Lost, the Kanohi Ignika leaked Life energy in the form of air.
- The Kanohi Ignika transformed the Toa Inika into the Toa Mahri in BIONICLE Legends 7: Prisoners of the Pit.
- The mask changed Dekar into a duplicate of Hydraxon in Prisoners of the Pit.
- The mask enlarged a Gadunka in Prisoners of the Pit.
- The mask turned Matoro into life-force energy, and used him and its powers together to resurrect Mata Nui in BIONICLE Legends 8: Downfall.
- The mask briefly allowed Matoro to access its powers for his own use, letting him teleport the other Toa Mahri back to Metru Nui in BIONICLE Legends 8: Downfall.
- The mask created a body for itself in BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky.
- Toa Ignika accelerated the aging of Lewa, Pohatu, Tanma, and Photok, wanting to kill them, in Shadows in the Sky. It later reversed their ages back to what they should be.
- Toa Ignika devolved Icarax back to his biomechanical form in Shadows in the Sky.
- The Kanohi Ignika had a failsafe built into it by the Great Beings: if the Matoran Universe was considered to be beyond hope of stability, then the mask would use its powers to kill every lifeform in the Great Spirit robot.
- Toa Mata Nui used the Kanohi Ignika to bestow Elemental Powers to Ackar, Kiina, and Gresh in The Legend Reborn.
As mentioned previously, the Mask of Life had the power to "curse" anyone who touched it who was not destined to use its power. The following beings have been cursed by the Mask of Life:
- An unnamed Great Being - Inanimate objects around him came to life and cried out their needs to him. Since this was the first time the mask used its power, it accidentally made the curse permanent.[17] - Was fused to an enlarged Fenrakk and the mask itself, and granted special powers, as long as he remained in contact with the mask.
The Ignika fusing to Vezon.
- Plant-life near her grew tremendously and sought to entangle her.[18] - Living targets attacked by him healed before they could die.[19] - Enhanced his mental characteristics. (i.e. insanity, anger, etc.) - When he touched a being, they were killed instantly. - Made others nearby weaker by draining their life-force. - Could devolve beings back into their original state, including itself.
Like life itself, the Ignika could appear in many different forms for many different reasons. It could also create bodies for itself.
Weapons and Tools
The Lifeblade, Toa Ignika's former weapon
Toa Ignika wielded a Lifeblade, through which he could channel his powers. He also wielded a Midak Skyblaster that could fire devastating blasts of light. Both were created from organic molecules by the Kanohi Ignika and were destroyed when Toa Ignika sacrificed himself to reawaken Mata Nui's body.
Toa Ignika used a skyboard for transportation in Karda Nui, but was capable of flying without it. Like the Lifeblade and Midak Skyblaster, it was converted into energy in order to awaken the Great Spirit Robot.
Known Wearers
Only two beings have ever actually worn the Ignika; both were killed by the sheer power of the mask.
- A male member of Jovan's Toa Team - Formerly; deceasedMatoro - Formerly; deceased
- Toa Ignika - Formerly; dissolved
- Toa Mata Nui - Formerly; dissolved
Set Information
- The Kanohi Ignika was first released in set form in 2006 as part of the Vezon and Fenrakk set. The mask was part of the character's face-piece.
- The Toa Ignika set was released as a winter titan set in early 2008. Its set number was 8697, and its piece count was 140, featuring the silver Ignika mask. The Matoran sets from 2008 could also connect to Toa Ignika.
- A yellow Ignika was also in Toa Mata Nui's canister set in mid-2009. Its size was slightly different, so that it could fit on the new head mold for the Glatorian.
- There was also a golden Kanohi Ignika featured in the "Toa Mata Nui" titan set in the summer of 2009.
“This was the Mask of Life. Forged over 100,000 years ago by the Great Beings who created the universe, it was set apart from every mask that had ever been or ever would be crafted. It could think, it could feel. and as both Matoran and Barraki learned to their shock, when threatened, it could strike back.” — Narrator, BIONICLE Legends 6: City of the Lost
“The merged energies of Toa and Kanohi mask exploded in the core of the universe, flooding it with light. Streams of golden power flowed into every part of this realm and then beyond it, until it had touched every place where the Great Spirit had once reigned. Just as countless beings had sensed the death of Mata Nui, so did they now feel life return to him.” — Narration, BIONICLE Legends 8: Downfall
“For millennia beyond count, the Mask of Life has been hidden in this place, waiting for destiny's call. It is a Kanohi both wonderful and terrible in its might. And the price to wield its power of life . is death.” — A Great Being, BIONICLE Legends 5: Inferno
“On the surface, it seemed not so very much different from dozens of other Masks of Power. But where other masks might be useful tools or powerful weapons, this one had the power to give life to a universe. or to obliterate it.” — Narration, BIONICLE Legends 5: Inferno
“The Kanohi Mask of Life--the most powerful mask in existence--is nearby. the enslaved Matoran and the other Piraka are hunting for the mask even now, never dreaming of its true potential. The power of life. and so, the power of death as well. ” — Zaktan, Comic 1: If A Universe Ends.
“Matoro died to save a universe. without fear, without hesitation. because he knew it was the right thing to do. If I am to be worthy of the name "Toa". can I do less?” — Toa Ignika, Mata Nui Rising
“I will do what must be done. Then I will be like Matoro. I will be a hero.” — Toa Ignika, BIONICLE Legends 11: The Final Battle
ОБЗОРЫ ЛЕГО Блог Александра Великого | BIONICLE запись закреплена
Здравствуйте, друзья. Тоа Иника - одна из самых интересных линеек канистровых наборов серии. Я загорелся желанием рассказать о команде Джаллера несколько лет назад, когда мне в голову пришла идея, которую вы увидите в этом ролике. Однако формат обзоров шести наборов я сформировал только в прошлом году к видео о Бороках, и теперь наконец настала очередь Тоа Иника. В ближайшие дни мы рассмотрим особенности их конструкции, новые необычные детали и, конечно же, знаменитые светящиеся мечи. Приятного просмотра!
Родион Феоктистов
Чтож, осталось ещё 4. Дальше мы выясним, почему Нупару является самым сильным, и почему Хьюки работает вместо Нупару
Владислав Тортиков
Сергей Садовский
Во имя великого духа, ну зачем вспоминать про "условный рост"
Это ещё один маразм, который, не побоюсь этого слова, рушит вселенную на полках коллекционеров.
Фигурки одной серии, по моему скромному мнению, обязаны быть в едином масштабе, чтобы их было реально дисплеить вместе, создавать сценки для фотосетов и так далее.
Вот что, Карзахни побери, не так с ростом тоа нува? Почему они не могут быть низкорослыми? Это никак не влияет на их могущество, как "избранных судьбой". При всём этом - реальных проблем с пропорциями в наборах по сути и нет, каждый персонаж выглядит как часть одной вселенной, в которой нет места комплексам на фоне низкого роста.
Сергей, абсолютно не согласен. По сюжету не имеет никакого смысла такая разница в росте. Она оправдана развитием наборов, но ради этого пришлось пожертвовать сочетаемостью фигурок. Причём если поставить их на разные полки, то в глаза это не сильно бросается
Сергей Садовский ответил Александру
Александр, так это можно реверсировать
"По сюжету одинаковый рост не имеет никакого смысла"
Тем более, разница в росте - плюс к индивидуальности (не говоря уже о физике, ибо для разного строения и задач подходит определённый рост). Если бы все тоа с 2001 по 2008 были бы на иника билде - сомневаюсь, что серия сыскала бы такой успех
А про разные полки аргумент такой себе, ну как можно разлучить тоа джаллера и такануву??
Сергей, по сюжету ещё как имеет, так как связанные наборы по годам нередко перемешивались. Задачи у них были примерно одинаковые, это не матораны-тоа. Одинаковое строение у ни и не должно быть, только одинаковый рост.
Ты Джаллера с крабиком разлучить собрался, это ещё хуже
Сергей Садовский ответил Александру
Сергей, Тоа Метру не сочетаются по росту с Турагами 2001, версии Тоа Нува 2002 не сочетаются с 2008 и т.д.
Сергей Садовский ответил Александру
Александр, а что здесь не так? Тоа метру сжались до тураг, поэтому и крошечные (турагу Дьюма в расчёт брать не будем, ибо это стыд какой-то, лично для себя я воссоздал его на классическом билде тураг)
А тоа нува просто вытянулись, получив бафф от папы, как вытянулся Такуа, когда трансформировался в тоа, например. Или когда достиг Карда Нуи и вытянулся от его энергии. Манипуляции с размерами во вселенной маторанов - обычное же дело
Сергей Садовский ответил Александру
Делаю за АВ его работу.
Пример Хали с предплечиями Метру:
(и несжатая фотография, если кому не надо)
Александр, ну, в принципе неплохо.
(да, снова файл, не осуждайте, но не хочу смотреть на пережатую картинку (мне стоило изначально делать картинку с более меньшим разрешением, тогда Вк не пережимал бы её))
Александр, просто я не особо люблю приподнимать наплечники Иниковцам, по крайней мере тем, у кого это не в стоке. Мне больше нравится формфактор с опущенными. Но, как поглядел, при хорошем ракурсе они очень даже смотрятся.
Александр, а, даже вспомнил, почему. При такой конфигурации в некоторых позах начинают ещё больше, чем обычно, бросаться в глаза слишком длинные руки. Я не очень люблю этот их аспект, но со временем я привык и даже стал считать вполне приемлемым, когда окончательно осознал, что их пропорции подразумевают закос под мультяшную стилизацию.
Александр, вот! Именно! Мне это как раз на Хьюки и не понравилось. Ибо его я всегда вижу довольно широкоплечим и физически сильным. Вот и ещё один минус их билда - он не только не отражает женственность Хали, но и не отражает то, что Хьюки, по идее, атлет и спортсмен. Но, как ни странно, лично я вполне прощаю им этот недочёт, ибо для меня его компенсирует сам дизайн их тушек, который я просто обожаю.
Александр, никогда не думал об этом. Но сейчас, глянув, может оно даже и так. Но как-то это не очевидно, по крайней мере сразу ассоциация не вяжется.
Александр, вот кстати. Я, разглядывая Иника, как-то заметил одну особенность, которая частично объясняет странный выбор для тех же предплечий Джаллера и Хали. Заключается она в том, что дизайнеры постарались скомпоновать все шесть тушек так, чтобы ни одна из них в точности не повторяла остальные. Ибо у каждого из Тоа по разному укомплектованы варианты торса, ступней, положения наплечников и, от части, цветовой гаммы. Там прям несколько связок и вариаций, которые на словах будет долго перечислять. Но, может быть, ты и в курсе про эту особенность.
Александр, не-не-не! Я серьёзно, там прям закономерность есть! Даже Маторо, который в точности повторяет тушку Хьюки, ибо ну все вариации уже были заняты, они с натяжкой попытались компенсировать поднятием наплечников. Да, объективно - это ниочёмная попытка сделать их хоть сколько-нибудь уникальными, но всё равно, как факт - они пытались.
Показать полностью. Они и сами понимали, что фанатам не нравится полнейшая клонированность линейки. Ну и они, на сколько позволял бюджет и сроки, хотя бы попытались. Они неспроста сделали именно по два комплекта нагрудников и стоп, и докучи сделали как можно более разнобойную цветовую гамму, применением сплавленных цветов (Хали и Конгу), прозрачных костей (Джаллер и Маторо) и необычных сочетаний (просто потрясающе сочетающиеся киторанжевый и ганметалический у Хьюки и частично редким сочетанием белого и синего у Хали, да и Конгу с натяжкой), только Нупару по цвету довольно обычный. Но зато! Он необычен за счёт своих уникальных аксессов, как и частично Хьюки со своей цепью. Короче говоря - это ещё одна веская причина, почему я искренне люблю линейку Иника, потому что в ней видны, пусть и на первый взгляд не очевидные, но старания дизайнеров, опять же, в рамках бюджетов и сроков, но старания. А за счёт того, что 2006-ой в принципе был годом очень даже прорывным, как мне кажется, им это можно засчитать, хотя бы карандашиком.
The Toa Inika were a group of Matoran from Metru Nui that were transformed into Toa by lightning that descended from the Red Star following their arrival on Voya Nui. They were later transformed and renamed the Toa Mahri.
Jaller, having been told by Turaga Nokama about the Toa Nuva's mission to find the Kanohi Ignika, chose the bravest Matoran he knew to accompany him on a quest to try and save the missing Toa. The group, which comprised of Nuparu, Hahli, Kongu, Jaller, Matoro, Hewkii and Takanuva, surreptitiously took ancient underwater chutes from Metru Nui, reaching a dark tunnel, which absorbed all light and sound. Discovering this after Takanuva vanished from sight upon entering, Jaller, Kongu and Hewkii also ented to try and find him, while Nuparu, Hahli and Matoro, after tying themselves together for safety, followed. While crossing through the tunnel, Matoro encountered a figure, whom, assuming it to be a friend, he assisted in exiting the tunnel, only to find everyone already outside and the figure gone when he looked back.
During a rest, Takanuva noticed a Matoran beyond a gateway, causing the group to pass through it, going after the Matoran. However, Takanuva was unable to cross the gateway, which barred light and which also prevented the Matoran group from returning, forcing them to separate, and Takanuva to return to Metru Nui. The group continued following the Matoran, climbing a mountain in the realm and eventually being brought to the ruler, Karzahni, who stripped them of their masks and set the Matoran to work in the furnace, with the exception of Hahli, from whom he wished to learn about the state of the world outside. While she began informing him of the ongoing events and learning of his history, the other Matoran learnt about the realm and met an insane Matoran who showed them a room holding Toa Canisters which the group entered.
As Kongu made to get Hahli, Karzahni came down, dragging Hahli, having discovered their absence. Enraged, the maddened ruler attacked them, though they escaped in the canisters. Eventually, the canisters made it to the island of Voya Nui, where a storm was raging. A bolt from the Red Star lanced downward, and hit the canisters. Upon emerging from the canisters, the group found that they had been transformed into Toa. As they crossed their weapons, they created their Spirit Stars.
The Toa took shelter in a cave to plan their next actions and, to figure out what had happened, discovering the sentient nature of their masks and that their maskless faces gave off a bright, blinding glow. Shortly after this, Nuparu, Hahli and Matoro discovered their mask powers, Matoro noticing a strange figure while using his. After managing to control their mask powers and departing from the cave, the Toa's path was blocked by a lava flow, which Nuparu, using his Kadin, helped them cross. Picking each of the other Toa up, he transported them across, nearly dropping Hahli along the way. Jaller leaped into action, unconsciously using Calix, and saved her. The team then encountered the Piraka Vezok and successfully subdued him, though he escaped.
The Voya Nui Resistance Team met up with the Toa, and filled the Toa in with the recent events on Voya Nui. The Matoran then provided the Toa Zamor Launchers, with Zamor Spheres loaded with Energized Protodermis, in hopes of freeing the Matoran enslaved by the Piraka. The Toa and Matoran would split into three different groups. Jaller, Hahli, Dalu, and Piruk were assigned to go to the volcano and free Matoran from the influence of the Antidermis. Hewkii, Matoro, Kazi, and Balta were sent to try and find Axonn, in order to help tip the tide in battle. Nuparu, Kongu, Garan, and Velika were given the task of infiltrating the Piraka Stronghold. After defeating a Nektann, the group ventured further into the stronghold, discovering histories of Voya Nui, and a tablet inscribed with the words Vezok and Vezon. To their horror, Kongu and Nuparu found a room with the masks of the Toa Nuva. Believing them to be deceased, Kongu and Nuparu entered the Crystal Vat room, and proceeded to attack the Piraka, and their ally, Brutaka. The remainder of the team burst in as well, and a conflict ensued. During the battle, Hakann and Thok fired a Zamor at Brutaka, stealing his power. With their newfound strength, the two Piraka battered both their allies and enemies alike, before forcing Brutaka to tell them where the Mask of Life was hidden.
After recovering, the Piraka and Toa Inika forged a temporary truce, in order to defeat the two traitorous Piraka. Upon reaching the two Piraka's location, they found that they had turned on each other and were in the middle of fighting for supremacy. The truce broken, the Toa and Piraka battled each other, and, in the end, the Toa succeeded in returning Brutaka's power to him, using a Zamor Sphere the Piraka had created, and all the combatants, except for Zaktan, were rendered unconscious, due to the simultaneous use of a Zamor sphere by Hewkii and the use of their powers by Hakann and Thok.
When they woke up, the Toa Inika discovered that the Piraka were gone, and the secret entrance to the 777 Stairs leading to the Mask of Life had been revealed. Descending the staircase, the Toa found themselves in a chamber surrounded by villains of the past: a Turahk, a Bohrok-Kal, a Muaka, a Bohrok, a Nui-Rama, and, at the head, Teridax. When they fought their past enemies, they each unintentionally killed their opponents. As they prepared to leave, the forms of the assorted villains turned into the Toa Nuva, causing them to believe that they had killed their friends and doubt their capabilities, wondering whether they should terminate their mission for fear of accidentally killing Mata Nui instead of saving him. Ultimately, the team decided to proceed, then discovering that the situation had been an illusion, to their relief.
Soon, the staircase led them to the Chamber of Death, where a voice told them that if the Toa wished to continue their journey, one of their number would have to die. Before Jaller could speak up, Matoro volunteered, to the others' dismay. In a flash of light, Matoro was killed, and then brought back to life, while the voice explained that it was not the prospect of death that made a difference, it was the willingness to die for one's cause that did. The Toa Inika then carried on with their journey.
Within minutes, the group found themselves under attack by vicious creatures called Protodax. However, they were soon relieved by a being called Umbra. Their savior, however, proved to be another guardian of the mask, one that left the Protodax to kill the mindless Rahi but dealt with the sapient. A brief fight ensued, and, through cunning, the Toa Inika were able to beat Umbra back, and continued their journey.
Leaving the chamber, the group reached the end of the 777 stairs, the gateway to the Mask of Life. Jaller noticed that the Piraka had already created outposts on the Bridge, and as a consequence, ordered Hewkii to summon an earthquake to knock the Piraka off their feet. The group then charged, while the Piraka scattered. As Kongu summoned a wind to disperse Zaktan's particles, Jaller cried out a late warning. The wind ripped through the bridge, burying the Toa Inika underneath in rubble.
Freeing themselves, they continued tore down the door leading to the Chamber of Life, discovering four of the Piraka unconscious, and a fused monster bearing down on them, which was split back into the component Piraka by Vezon using the Spear of Fusion. A battle ensued between the Toa Inika and Vezon, riding his monstrous steed, Fenrakk. Eventually, the Toa knocked the duo into the lava. As Jaller steeled himself to jump into the lava and grab the Mask of Life, Vezon rose again, this time riding Kardas. An immense battle began, during which Kongu, upon Jaller's prompting, read the Ignika's mind and placed the sentient mask's thoughts into Vezon's head, enraging the half-Skakdi about the fact that the Ignika wanted Matoro as its guardian instead of him. As he attempted to kill the Toa, Jaller fired a Zamor Sphere that Axonn had given him, trapping their adversaries in a stasis field. Matoro then retrieved the Ignika. However, Vezon and Kardas were unfrozen a few moments later, and Kardas unleashed a devastating blast of energy that blew the mask out of Matoro's hands.
The revived Piraka and Toa chased after the mask, which eventually went into the sea. Hahli attempted to follow, but was nearly killed by the pressure of the water. A Matoran saved her, and, consequently died himself. Reunited with the Toa Nuva, the two teams of Toa discussed the tasks of each, and then exchanged good luck wishes and farewells before the Toa Inika went down the Cord, to pursue the Mask of Life.
Inside the Cord, the Toa Inika fought off hordes of Zyglak, and Vezon, who was eventually carried off by the Zyglak. When Matoro once used his Iden, Makuta Teridax inhabited Matoro's body. To drive him out, the Toa Inika threatened to kill Matoro's body, causing Teridax to flee in his Antidermis form. After recovering Hahli's Elda, the group found themselves in the mutagenic Water. Within seconds, however, the Mask of Life transformed the group of Toa into new forms, the Toa Mahri, who continued to chase the Mask of Life in the depths of the sea.
Abilities and Traits
Due to their unnatural transformation, the Toa Inika had several powers in addition to those of normal Toa. Their bodies were charged with lightning, which caused their facial features to give off a blinding light when they removed their masks. The charge also made them impervious to the enslaving effects of Antidermis.
The Toa Inika's elemental powers were all permanently entwined with lightning, which meant that they could not separate their elemental power from the lightning. For example, Jaller could not generate lightning or fire independent of one another. They did not have this effect when manipulating existing samples of their elements, however. They also possessed some resistance to electricity as well as their usual passive elemental traits. [3]
The Toa Inika included:
Toa Inika | ||
Toa | Kanohi | Tools |
Jaller, Toa of Fire (leader) | Calix, the Great Mask of Fate | Energized Flame Sword Zamor Launcher |
Hewkii, Toa of Stone (deputy leader) | Sanok, the Great Mask of Accuracy | Laser Axe Climbing Chain Zamor Launcher |
Hahli, Toa of Water | Elda, the Great Mask of Detection | Laser Harpoon Zamor Launcher |
Kongu, Toa of Air | Suletu, the Great Mask of Telepathy | Laser Crossbow Zamor Launcher |
Nuparu, Toa of Earth | Kadin, the Great Mask of Flight | Laser Drill Claws Zamor Launcher |
Matoro, Toa of Ice | Iden, the Great Mask of Spirit | Energized Ice Sword Zamor Launcher |
Set Information
The Toa Inika were released as sets in late 2006. They wore rubber masks symbolizing their new organic masks. Their heads were originally planned to glow in the dark to represent the blinding and distorting glow of the Inika's facial features, [4] but in the actual sets they are lime green blended with white, despite promotional material that maintained that they were in fact glow-in-the-dark. The tools of the Toa Inika featured battery-powered strobe lights in varying colors, and each set came packaged with four Zamor spheres with co-injected colors to match the color of the tool's light. The Toa Inika's Zamor sphere launchers also featured a new part that acted as a cartridge for their Zamor spheres.
"Well, I've always wondered what it would be like to become a Toa. Somehow, I never pictured blinding features and moving masks. Think we can get a do-over?"
— Nuparu, Power Play
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Hello, and Welcome.
These are the Inika models from the game Bionicle Heroes. :D
I would appreciate getting the Mega Upload achievement.
These models were ripped from Bionicle Heroes, so credits to Turkey Carcass for ripping them.
In case you don't know what Bionicle Heroes is. (shame on you! Jk :P)
"Bionicle Heroes is a 3D third person shooter video game. The game was released in November 2006 by TT Games on PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft Windows and by Amaze Entertainment on Game Boy Advance, and Nintendo DS, a Nintendo Wii version was later released in April 2007. The game stars Bionicle's 2006 feature characters, the Toa Inika and the Piraka. However, the game also features enemies from previous years. Players must destroy enemies, solve puzzles in order to progress further, and throughout the game, maximize their individual special powers and gain better and deadlier weapons." -Wikipedia
All are finger poseable, and the weapons are bonemergeable.
This pack features:
And of course their weapons. I may or may not add a HD version of the Inika, for those who get sore eyes looking at old school models/poor texture quality. (but hey? like that matters, cause they're bionicle!!) The HD version would technically be using the Glatorian parts from Glatorian Arena 3, and the higher res textures.
Q: Can you make more Bionicle ragdolls?
A: Yes I am, see Projects/To Do List.
Q: How long will it be before we get these?
A: In a few weeks, hopefully.
Q: What about the bad guys?
A: No, one of my friends is doing them.
Q: What about the Toa?
A: Maybe, but only the 2015 Toa Masters.
Q: Will you do playermodels/npcs?
A: Yes.
The Frosty_Engine (me): Rigging, and such that make them ragdolls.
Turkey Carcass: Ripping
LEGO: Models
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