Lego bionicle skull warrior
The Skull Warriors are the rank and file of Skull Grinder's army. Animated by his dark power, these skeletons shamble relentlessly .
BrickBuilder? Subscribe this channel and see all new lego sets as the first! On my channel is all most popular lego series such as .
The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by .
Put the freeze on intruders to the ancient city with the ferocious Skull Warrior! Repel approaching LEGO BIONICLE heroes by .
The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by .
Unleash the Skull Warrior's huge Freeze Bow rapid shooter! Put the freeze on intruders to the ancient city with the ferocious Skull .
Unleash the Skull Warrior's huge Freeze Bow rapid shooter! Put the freeze on intruders to the ancient city with the ferocious Skull .
Skull Grinder is the dark creator and lord of the Skull Army. Commanding the minions' every move, Skull Grinder wields .
Skull Slicer is a fast and vicious lieutenant in Skull Grinder's dark army. He fights with all four arms at once, so it takes vigilance, .
Всем привет! Перед вами устрашающий и могучий Леденящий череп. части тела собираются из деталей серого и и синего .
Spooky, scary skeletons send shivers down your spine. Shrieking skulls will shock your soul; seal your doom tonight. 8Bit Spooky .
Аналог ЛЕГО БИОНИКЛ 70791 SKULL WARRIOR не плохой Kонструктор KSZ ЛЕДЕНЯЩИЙ ЧЕРЕП, Но не забываем что .
Get 4-armed and dangerous with the Skull Slicer! Patrol the ruins of the ancient arena with the menacing Skull Slicer! This ancient .
Put the freeze on intruders to the ancient city with the ferocious Skull Warrior! Repel approaching LEGO BIONICLE heroes by .
I found this at a Lego Store Retail price: $14.99 USD, 17.99 CAD Official Release Date: August 1st 2015 Official Set Number: .
The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by .
The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by .
Do you want to see more LEGO Speed Build videos from BrickBuilder? Subscribe this channel and see all new lego sets as the .
FINALLY Here's the next Bionicle chapter! Comment Question Who's your favorite in the SKULL SQUAD. For more epic .
The first of two combo models for the Summer 2015 Bionicle wave, which combines Skull Basher, Skull Slicer and Skull Warrior .
A Skull Scorpio is both a tough and sneaky adversary that will lie in wait for days waiting for the perfect moment to spring its trap.
This is another Summer 2015 Lego BIONICLE set review! Skull Warrior! Includes: Skull Warrior buildable figure AND Corrupted .
The Skull Warriors were skeletons animated by Kulta to serve as soldiers in the Skull Army. After his defeat, they went rogue.
The army of Skull Warriors were created by Kulta's dark powers. [1]
Upon entering the City of the Mask Makers, Tahu accidentally set off a trap that sealed the Toa in the city. Skull Warriors then emerged from the ground to attack the Toa, while another group of Warriors shot at them from above. Onua used his Earthquake Hammer to defeat the ones that came from the ground, but also collapsed the bridge that they took in, leaving them open for the Skull Warriors up above to keep shooting. Lewa returned from scouting and knocked the Skull Warriors from the wall onto the ground, where they were easily dispatched by the Toa. [2]
The Protectors and Harvali found the remains of these Skull Warriors after entering the city themselves, and were forced to engage another group with help from a giant serpent. They successfully defeated them before moving on to meet Ekimu and the Toa. [3]
After the Okotans had reclaimed the city, several remaining Skull Warriors attacked. They were initially dismissed, until a force of Skull Spiders teamed up with them. Using their new masks and weapons, the Toa swiftly defeated the villains before starting their quest to find the Elemental Creatures.
Abilities and Traits
The Skull Warriors had the ability to extract elemental power from Masks of Power by wearing them. They were individually weak, but could be dangerous in numbers. [1]
Mask and Tools
The Skull Warriors wore Skull Masks.
The Skull Warriors carried Freeze Bow Rapid Shooters, which could fire frost pellets that freeze enemies in place. In melee combat, the Skull Warriors used their heavy Ice Spears. [1]
Set Information
70791 Skull Warrior was released as one of the sets in the August 2015 product wave. It came with a "drained" version of Kopaka's Golden Mask of Ice that had no role in the storyline. The Skull Warrior could be combined with the Skull Basher and Skull Slicer sets to create a larger model.
Новая история биониклов разворачивается на мифическом острове Окото.
На протяжении многих веков жители острова из поколения в поколение от отца к сыну передавали старинную легенду о том, что когда наступят темные времена и не останется надежды, на остров снизойдут шесть комет, которые принесут с собой шесть героев элементарных сил. Эти герои для того, чтобы обрести силу, должны будут отыскать на острове соответствующие их элементам маски силы, а затем объединиться вместе в поисках самой главной Маски Мироздания. На первый взгляд задача выглядит не так уж и сложно, но силы зла, под предводительством Лорда Паучьего Черепа, крепнут день ото дня: и уже восстают из под земли могучие воины-скелеты, для того, чтобы помешать Повелителям исполнить Пророчество.
Первая «волна» новых биониклов в январе 2015 года принесла 13 персонажей: 6 повелителей элементарных сил, 6 стражей, и фигурку Лорда Паучьего Черепа.
И вот, наконец, в августе 2015 года, в свет вышли 5 новых наборы второй волны – все отрицательные персонажи – восставшие из под земли воины-скелеты. С таким пополнением игра в новых биониклов выходит на новый уровень, теперь у Повелителей и Стражей элементарных сил появились реальные противники.
Так, первыми, кого встретили Повелители элементарных сил, вступив в Древний Город, была армия скелетов «Леденящий череп».
Детали для сборки Леденящего Черепа расфасованы в два пакетика (пакетик побольше с крупными деталями, и маленький пакет с мелочевкой). Так же в комплект входит 32-х страничный буклет-инструкция по сборке, на последнем развороте которого вы найдете красочное изображение всех пяти новых наборов августа 2015 г.
Буклет и пакетики с деталями упакованы в красочную шестиугольную картонную коробку, на фронтальной стороне которой изображен Леденящий Череп, а на обратной стороне содержится небольшой комикс (точно такой же комикс вы найдете на первых страницах инструкции) и перечислены функции экшн-фигурки.
Сборка не представляет из себя ничего сложного, и в зависимости от возраста игрока занимает от нескольких минут до 1 часа.
Итак, перед вами устрашающий и могучий Леденящий череп.
При сборке грудной клетки, рук и ног ассиметрично используются прозрачно-голубые детали, имитирующие лед. Остальные части тела собираются из деталей серого цвета, имитирующих металл. Внимание на гигантские красно-оранжевые когти на ногах и массивные защитные доспехи на правом плече и левом колене. Но особенного уважения заслуживает эксклюзивная деталь с принтом, расположенная на груди Леденящего Черепа.
На вооружении у Леденящего черепа шестизарядный леденящий лук. Лук по-настоящему производит выстрелы специальными зарядами – белыми круглыми деталями 1х1. Лук выстреливает при вращении колесика, расположенного на его ручке. В комплект входит 6 дополнительных зарядов (всего 12 деталей-залпов). Благодаря шарнирному креплению кистей, локтей и плеч, у минифигурки получаются достаточно подвижные руки, с большим количеством вариаций удерживания лука в них. В результате, сцены стрельбы выглядят по-настоящему живописно и реалистично. Согните одну руку в локте, вторую максимально вытяните в сторону, наклоните голову и вот уже Леденящий Череп прицеливается к очередному выстрелу!
Помимо этого, лук может быть заменен на металлический гарпун – ценное оружие в рукопашном бою для поражения противника с безопасного расстояния.
На спине фигурки расположен специальный механизм, прокручивая который вправо и влево, Вы можете привести правую руку Леденящего Черепа в движение (подъем вверх и опускание вниз). Если в этот момент в руку фигурки вставлен гарпун, то с его помощью запросто можно сбить маску с лица какого-нибудь из Повелителей.
На спине фигурки предусмотрены крепежи для каждого из двух орудий. Поэтому, если лук находится в руках, то гарпун может быть закреплен за спиной, и наоборот.
Создатели предусмотрели возможность нанесения поражения Леденящему черепу и сконструировали на его голове красный рычажок, нажим на который, приводит к сбрасыванию маски Черепа.
В комплект леденящий череп лего 70791 так же входит маска элементарной силы льда – на половину золотая, на половину ледяная (прозрачно-голубая). Если Вам удастся победить силы зла, то вы завоюете эту маску и отдадите ее Копаке – повелителю льда (конструктор лего артикул 70788).
The Skull Warriors are the rank and file of Skull Grinder's army. Animated by his dark power, these skeletons shamble relentlessly .
Put the freeze on intruders to the ancient city with the ferocious Skull Warrior! Repel approaching LEGO BIONICLE heroes by .
Spooky, scary skeletons send shivers down your spine. Shrieking skulls will shock your soul; seal your doom tonight. 8Bit Spooky .
Overall, this set gets an 8/10! Watch the review to find out why! 4 more reviews left to go until Bionicle 2015 is done. and now we .
Unleash the Skull Warrior's huge Freeze Bow rapid shooter! Put the freeze on intruders to the ancient city with the ferocious Skull .
BrickBuilder? Subscribe this channel and see all new lego sets as the first! On my channel is all most popular lego series such as .
just another bionicle 2015 summer set moc. also comment if you would like to see a how to build on this mocs ribcage.
Preview of LEGO BIONICLE set 70791 Skull Warrior, showing it's functions, masks, etc. I realize now how similar this video is to .
The first of two combo models for the Summer 2015 Bionicle wave, which combines Skull Basher, Skull Slicer and Skull Warrior .
This is another Summer 2015 Lego BIONICLE set review! Skull Warrior! Includes: Skull Warrior buildable figure AND Corrupted .
Всем привет! Перед вами устрашающий и могучий Леденящий череп. части тела собираются из деталей серого и и синего .
Welcome to another Bionicle review! I will be taking a look at the new Skull Warrior set. Like this video or subscribe to my channel .
I found this at a Lego Store Retail price: $14.99 USD, 17.99 CAD Official Release Date: August 1st 2015 Official Set Number: .
FINALLY Here's the next Bionicle chapter! Comment Question Who's your favorite in the SKULL SQUAD. For more epic .
The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by .
72 pcs/Teile Year / Jahr 2015 Lego 70793 Review Press the trigger for bashing battle action with Skull Basher! Stand guard at the .
Alas, we finally have the Skull Villain Bionicle sets! This is my video review on Skull Warrior (70791), and let me tell you, I really .
Now the Skull Warrior set is pretty awesome even though it does look a bit generic. I personally think the best part of this set is his .
This combiner model is built using pieces from 70791 Skull Warrior, 70792 Skull Slicer, and 70793 Skull Basher. The model was .
Put the freeze on intruders to the ancient city with the ferocious Skull Warrior! Repel approaching LEGO BIONICLE heroes by .
Sorry about the minor glitch at the end. I don't really know what happened, I guess something went wrong for the last 3 seconds of .
How's it hanging, IDclips? Today I open up and build more Bionicle! If you enjoyed the content, please do Subscribe.
This year, the LEGO BIONICLE line, the toy line that helped save LEGO from financial catastrophe, has been rebooted and relaunched. And it’s pretty rad.
LEGO originally introduced its BIONICLE line about 15 years ago, and it was initially a sub-part of the Technic series, due to each set’s technic elements. It’s marketed to kids between ages 5 and 16 and has been one of the best-selling series in the company’s history. In fact, it’s been credited with helping the LEGO Group overcome their late-90s financial crisis. However, a few years ago, the LEGO Hero Factory replaced the BIONICLE line, but this year it’s been rebooted and relaunched.
There’s a whole universe created around the BIONICLE heroes and villains, which are part-machine, and part-organic sentient beings. In short “ LEGO BIONICLE (2015) is an epic legend set on the mystical island of Okoto where elemental heroes fight for masks of power against a rising evil.” I’m actually really curious about the decision to use names like “Skull Basher” and “Skull Slicer,” considering that the LEGO Group vociferously enforces its policy against releasing violent-themed sets. But, personally I don’t really see a major difference between a sword, a gun, and a skull slicer.
However, the way the LEGO Group reconciles this confusing contradiction, is by claiming that these sets are about Good vs. Evil , so children aren’t encouraged to fight each other, with real-world weaponry in real-world settings, but rather “good hero warriors” are designed to combat “evil enemy fighters” in a mythical universe. Sure, let’s go with that. Here’s a rundown of 2015’s new BIONICLE warriors.
The 7” tall “ Skull Warrior ” was designed for “intense action play” and is quite durable. You can repel enemies with his Freeze Bow rapid shooter, which can shoot six shots in rapid succession, and for close combat he comes with a “battle bash function.” And most importantly, you can use his hook blade to rip off the skull masks of your opponents “and channel their elemental power to awaken more of the Skull Warrior’s undead comrades!” What’s also pretty cool is that you can “create a multi-headed warrior” when you combine Skull Slicer and Skull Basher, using the instructions here (in fact, each the sets come with additional instructions to create additional warrior combinations.)
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At over 7” tall, the fearsome Bull Skull warrior “ Skull Basher ” guards the gate to the Temple of Creation. He’s armed with two massive hook axes, and if you press the trigger on his back you can activate the “battle bash function to chop off invaders’ masks.”
The ancient arena champion “Skull Slicer” was “animated by the dark magic of the Skull Spider Mask,” who endowed him with various combat poses and “razor-sharp hook blades,” which can be activated simultaneously by turning the wheel on his back.
The brooding and evil “Skull Scorpio” hangs out in the “dark burial ground of the ancient city” on a seemingly endless quest to discover the “lost masks of power.” He fights off the BIONICLE heroes using his stinger and hook blades, which are activated by a trigger on his tail. He’s an intimidated 4” tall, 10” long, and 7” wide.
But what do the kids say?
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