Lego bionicle quest for the toa
Думаю почти у каждого был такой конструктор как LEGO. Из множества серий, больше всех меня зацепила «Bionicle». Это что-то вроде Биомеханических роботов.
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ: продолжение…
Недавно лазая по торрентам в разделе старых игр я наткунся на ту самую игру про Биониклов (вы только не подумайте ничего плохого, я покупаю лицухи и т.д., только старые игры качаю, которые уже не найти по другому) и тут я вспомнил счасливое детство… Ладно, что-то я загоняюсь, а до сути дойти никак и не могу, так что читаем.
Тоа — это биониклы, владеющие элементарной силой (такими как огонь, вода, змеля и прочее) борющиеся за свободу острова. В оригинальной истории 6 тоа:
Таху — тоа огня
Копака — тоа льда
Лива — тоа воздуха
Похату — тоа камня
Онуа — тоа земли
Гали — тоа воды (по совместительству является дувушкой)
Матораны — островитяне, живущие на острове Мата-нуи. Всего 6 видов маторонов, по одному на 6 стихих.
Такуа — маторан летописец. Сыграет важную роль в сюжете.
Тураги — вожди племён. Тураги являются бывшими тоа, прожившими долгую жизнь.
Мата-нуи (остров) — Тропический остров, разделённый на 6 частей.
Мата-нуи (велий дух) — таинственное существо, воплощение добра в мире биониклов. Впал в глубокий сон из-за злых деяний макуты.
Макута (настоящие имя Теридакс, а макута это раса, как тоа или матораны) — волощение зла в мире биониклов.
Бороки и Ракши — шестёрки Макуты.
Информация об игре
Жанр: Платформер, Эдвенчура
Платформы: PC, Xbox original, PS2, GameCube, GameBoy
Разработчик/Издатель: Argonaut Games/Electronic Arts
Дата выхода: 2003 год
Начну свой обзор пожалуй с рекомендации. Эта игра является отличным платформером, сочитающая в себе различные геймплейные решения. Первый уровень (за тоа огня — Таху) предстовляет собой класический 3D платформер. Вы бегаете, выполняете задачи, стреляете, спасаете островитян (маторанов), собираете бонусы, сражаетесь с боссами. Во втором уровне мы играем за тоа льда — Копаку и скатываемся на щите-сноутборде со склонов гор, попутно раздовая люлей врагам и спасаясь от смертельно опасных ловушек. Играя за тоа воздуха — Ливу, мы лазаем по джунглям, парим над деревьями и прыгаем по леанам. И так всю игру. Огорчает во всём этом только боёвка. У нас есть некое кол-вы энергии, с помощью которй мы можем выпускать элементарную силу в виде сгустка энергии (всё это напоминает шутер). Второй элемент — это защитное поле, с помощью которого мы укрываемся от таких же энергитических атак противников и при удачной защите, крадём энергию у соперника.
Не смотря на то что игра не совсем достоверно пересказывает нам оригинальную историю, она довольно близка к канонам, хоть и имеет пару-тройку весьма сильных ляпов. Так, многих персонажей, к примеру Копаку описывают как девушку, но в том же предложение могут «сменить» ему пол. Это не ошибка локализации, так как в английской версии игры, всё тоже самое, хотя казалось бы, озвучевает мужик с басом, как тут можно ошибиться?!
За полученые бонусы (они тут предствалены в виде светокамней) вы открываете дополнительные материалы, такие как трэйлеры, концеп арты и другое. На каждом уровне требуется собрать где-то 90% таких камней, чтобы открыть всякие фишечки. Являясь относительно детской игрой, встречаются довольно сложные моменты, да и боссов убить не так-то просто.
Плюсы: Отличный платформер, с приятной атмосферой. Портал в детство.
Минусы: Боёвка.
Итог: Советую всем, кто помит что-то о LEGO, или когда-то играл в эту игру — перепройдите её. Мне лично было было приятно окунуться во всё это. Я потратил на игру 2 вечера и ничуть не жалею.
The subject of this article is not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. The information on this page was not approved by the BIONICLE Story Team. Further, it either contradicts canon events or was never referenced in canon media.
BIONICLE, known to the fanbase by its working title BIONICLE: The Game, was the first BIONICLE game to be released on a home console. It was intended for the game to follow the 2001-2003 storylines, but time constraints forced the game's release before it was complete, resulting in many errors in the plot.
The console edition of BIONICLE: The Game sports three-dimensional graphics, although they are sub-par the current standard for its genre, and high-quality audio. The player is able to continue the game indefinitely, as there is no life counter, and therefore no reset when one loses. Player controls can be customized to suit the needs of the player, quite extensively so in the PC format. Gameplay on TV consoles was very stable. However, because the PC version was designed around the Intel ® Pentium ® 4 processor, systems with newer processors have faster timing which results in erratic timing of the gameplay video and audio. The only exception to this problem is the cutscene animations. A player is able to store up to three quests, or three different games, at any time.
BIONICLE: The Game follows each Toa as they struggle to bring peace to their dark-plagued island.
The Toa are in the jungle watching a play the Matoran and Turaga have put on, celebrating the Toa's victory over Teridax, when Takua runs in, terrified of "something" that is pursuing him. The Toa ready their weapons as a swarm of Nui-Kopen fly in, attacking the Matoran, and Tahu leaps up onto the stage to fight the Rahi. A group of Bohrok roll into the clearing, leading Onua to speculate that Teridax may have survived. Lewa saves two Ga-Matoran from the Nui-Kopen, driving them off. Tahu deflects a dark energy blast back at the Bohrok, and they retreat. The Toa meet, and Gali suggests they should head back to their Wahi to fight the threat.
Tahu's Quest: Ta-Wahi
Back in Ta-Wahi, Tahu meets Turaga Vakama, who explains that the Ta-Matoran have fled from the Bohrok. Tahu pledges to find them, and makes his way across the lava flows, fighting a Nui-Jaga before arriving at Ta-Kini. There, Takua explains that a Rahi is needed to open a nearby door, but all the friendly Rahi in the area have fled from the Bohrok. Tahu makes his way through the lava tunnels in search of Matoran to help "build" a replacement, and is trapped in a large chamber with several Nui-Jaga. He defeats them, and returns to the Kini with the rescued Matoran, who construct a Rahi wolf to open the door. On the other side, Tahu is confronted by a swarm of Kohrak, and he defeats them after a long battle. Retrieving the swarm leader's Krana, Tahu realizes the source of the Bohrok's power. As he heads back to Ta-Koro, he is approached by Takua, who tells him he saw a Kanohi mask, floating in the lava, but Tahu tells him to ignore it.
Kopaka's Quest: Ko-Wahi
In Ko-Wahi, Kopaka is approached by Tahu, who informs him of the Bohrok's apparent weakness. Kopaka reveals that he is pursuing a Bohrok, which he thinks is headed for the Kini. Kopaka snowboards down the mountain on his shield, arriving at Ko-Kini as night falls. However, the Bohrok is nowhere to be seen, and Turaga Nuju reveals that it burrowed through the cliff, headed for Ko-Koro. Kopaka pursues the Bohrok, a Gahlok, through the underground tunnels, shooting it down before it reaches the Koro. Arriving there, he discovers that the swarm leader has fled down the mountain, and heads after it, only to almost be crushed by a huge boulder that the swarm leader, a Tahnok, rolls after him. Escaping the boulder, Kopaka comes to an outpost farther down the mountain where he meets a Matoran. The Matoran says he tried to warn Kopaka about the boulder, but was too late, and the swarm leader has fled into a cave. Kopaka pursues the Bohrok once again, this time catching up with and defeating it. Kopaka retrieves the leader's Krana and heads back to join the others.
The group unite the six Krana they have collected, the power of which transforms them into the Toa Nuva.
Gali's Quest: Ga-Wahi
Gali Nuva returns to Ga-Wahi, which has come under siege from the Bohrok-Kal, and meets Turaga Nokama, who initially does not recognize her. Nokama explains that the Ga-Matoran are in hiding, and sends Gali to seek them out. Gali explores Ga-Wahi, both above and below the surface, rescuing several Matoran before arriving at the dockside, where the Matoran work a large crane for her, allowing her to pass through into the Kini. After rescuing the remaining Matoran, she heads to where Turaga Nokama is waiting, and the Matoran summon a whale Rahi to help locate the Bohrok-Kal's secret hideout. Once inside, Gali confronts the Kal, and manages to defeat all of them in a battle. As she retrieves the Krana-Kal they left behind, Takua shows up, explaining that he saw a group of "strange, dark creatures" heading towards Onu-Koro. Realizing Onua is in danger, Gali rushes off to warn him.
Pohatu's Quest: Po-Wahi
Pohatu Nuva is in Po-Wahi when he comes across Gali, who explains about the threat to Onua. Pohatu tells her to find Lewa and warn him about this new threat while he locates Onua. However, Pohatu sees a Po-Matoran in danger, and rushes off to save him, only for the ground to collapse, plunging him and the Po-Matoran into the mines of Onu-Wahi. The pair leap aboard a mine cart that is powered by elemental energy, using it to unlock the door that would allow them to exit the caves. Successful, they find Onua is waiting at the door, but the two Toa Nuva are attacked by Lerahk. Onua sends Pohatu to go and warn Tahu whilst he tackles Lerahk. Onua is knocked down by Lerahk, and lands on a weak section of floor, causing him to fall into the chamber below.
Onua's Quest: Onu-Wahi
Onua makes his way through the mines of Onu-Wahi, fighting numerous infected Rahi and avoiding the constant tremors that shake the area. His effort is made even more tiring with the presence of weight locks that block several passageways. He eventually finds Lerahk in a large chamber. However, the Rahkshi is inside a protective barrier, leaving it free to attack Onua at will. Onua destroys the barrier by blocking the exhaust shafts with large stones, which are then propelled by the exhaust and strike the cylindrical capacitor hanging above the Rahkshi. After six strikes, the cylinder falls and crushes Lerahk.
Lewa Nuva's Quest: Le-Wahi
Meanwhile, in Le-Wahi, Gali finds Lewa, who reveals that the Rahkshi have been spotted near Le-Koro, but there's no way of getting to them as all the Le-Matoran have been captured, deactivating his Suva. Gali sends him to find the missing Matoran, and he does so, exploring the huge expanses of jungle in search of them. With his Suva active, he teleports deeper into the jungle, making his way across an obstacle course of dying vines, trees and platforms. Riding up on the sails of a windmill, he descends into the swamp using a balloon lift, where he sights Panrahk. Climbing back up into the treetops, he follows a Gukko bird to where Panrahk is waiting, and the two duel on rafts in the middle of the swamp. Lewa destroys Panrahk's raft, killing the Rahkshi. Lewa celebrates his victory as he spots a yellow krana.
Tahu Nuva's Quest: Return to Ta-Wahi
Pohatu arrives in Ta-Wahi to see Takua explaining to Tahu that the mask he saw earlier was the Mask of Light, and the Turaga sent him to search for the seventh Toa. However, one of the creatures stole the Mask before heading to Ta-Koro to destroy it. Tahu leaps onto the lava board formed by his Magma Swords and chases the Rahkshi down the lava river. After a long pursuit, Tahu hits Kurahk and it slams into a cliff face, destroying itself and releasing the mask. It bounces over to the bank into Ta-Koro, where Pohatu and Takua are waiting. Curious, Takua inspects the mask, which starts glowing and rises from the ground. It places itself over Takua's mask, and Takua transforms into Takanuva. Takanuva then teleports away.
"Takua Nuva's" Quest: Mangaia
Takanuva teleports into the Makuta's Lair, where he confronts Makuta. The Makuta summons infected Rahi to battle Takanuva for him. After his minions are wiped out, Makuta inadvertently brings down the chamber around them, plunging the pair down a deep shaft. Makuta levitates stone fragments and a platform, which he uses to shield himself behind a dark energy barrier so he can freely attack Takanuva. Takanuva charges the panels Makuta is using to focus his dark energies with light energy. The barrier collapses and Takanuva is able to attack, severely injuring the Makuta. The pair land in the foundations of Mangaia, at the threshold of a large wooden door. Takanuva declares that Makuta's reign is over, and removes the Mask of Light to take a closer look a Makuta's shadows. Makuta resists, but the mask, which grows to fit over Makuta's Kraahkan, is forced on, fusing the pair together into a giant. The huge being smashes open the door at the end of the chamber, and proceeds to awaken the Great Spirit.
Toa Characteristics
- Tahu- First playable character. No special abilities.
- Kopaka- Kanohi Akaku allows for first-person viewpoint during this level. Cannot recharge elemental energy.
- Gali Nuva- Can swim and dive. First to have access to a "Nuva" (Nova) Blast.
- Pohatu Nuva- Cannot shield or recharge elemental energy. Cannot perform a Nova Blast.
- Onua Nuva- No special abilities. Can use a Nova Blast.
- Lewa Nuva- Elemental power allows player limited flight.
- Tahu Nuva- No special abilities.
- Takanuva- Has access to limited flight. Can reflect Makuta's attacks.
Console In-game Collectibles
- Lightstones- Unlocks bonus content.
- Amana Volo Spheres- Restores two healthpoints to the player's Toa.
- Kanohi of Elemental Energy- Fully restores health meter, refills elemental energy, and increases the amount of energy the current Toa can use.
- Canisters- Can contain lightstones, Kanohi of Elemental Energy, or hostile Rahi.
Console Unlockables
- Intro Play- Unlocked by default when player starts a new game.
- Nuva Transformation- Unlocked by completing Kopaka's Quest.
- Makuta Vanquished- Unlocked by defeating Makuta.
Bonus Content
- BIONICLE: Mask of Light movie trailer- Unlocked by collecting 90 lightstones in Tahu's Quest.
- Concept Art Library- Unlocked by collecting 180 lightstones in Kopaka's Quest. Contains sketches of props and locations from the game's development.
- Rahkshi Toy Preview- Unlocked by collecting 80 lightstones in Gali Nuva's Quest.
- Toa Evolution Movie- Unlocked by collecting 150 lightstones in Pohatu Nuva's Quest. Contains an animated trailer for the game.
- Concept Art Library- Unlocked by collecting 150 lightstones in Lewa Nuva's Quest. Contains additional sketches from the game's development.
- Story of the New Tool- Unlocked by collecting 130 lightstones in Tahu Nuva's Quest. Contains information on Takua's Chronicler's staff.
Mata Nui Visitor's Guide
Contains information on the various creatures, locations, and inhabitants of the island of Mata Nui. As each character, location, object, and enemy is encountered, a picture or three-dimensional model will become available with a description for the player to view.
Game Boy Advance
The GBA version of the game follows a simplistic gameplay, typical of the handheld platform, but sports three-dimensional graphics. It lacks a storyline, although, like its console counterparts, the player is required to have the Toa collect lightstones, Matoran, and fight Rahi to complete the level. Unlike its console counterparts, however, the game has a password feature and the player has a finite number of lives, the loss of which resets the game.
The GBA version has a hidden cheat menu. It can be accessed from the main menu by changing the memory value at 030046e8 to 03 and pressing A. In most emulators, this can be done by toggling the generic cheat code 030046e8:03 on and off, then pressing A. The cheats are as follows:
The game revolves around Takua, and progresses through his first recorded adventure on the island of Papa Nihu Reef when Takua meets a Ta-Matoran and begins speaking to him, learning that Turaga Whenua would like to see him. Takua then travels to Onu-Koro and, is told upon his arrival that Teridax’s Rahi have abducted Whenua, along with Onu Koro's Mangai Volcano . Suddenly, he falls into a tunnel, and is pursued by a huge lava flow. Takua uses his new lava surfing skills and succeeds in his flight away from the magma, and is blasted out of the tunnel. The lava launches him far away, and he lands at the Kini-Nui.
The Turaga instruct Takua to place the six recovered Toa Stones into niches on the Kini-Nui temple peak. Upon his completion of the arrangement of the Stones, a beam of light erupts from the temple. The energy throws Takua away from the temple and onto Ta-Wahi Beach, where he later awakes with amnesia. Takua does not know it at the time, but the summoning of the Toa Mata to the island has been fulfilled by his exploits. The said Toa are soon swept onto the island. They emerge from their Story [ ]
Introduction [ ]
[Taken from the game's introduction slides]
"In the time before time, the island of Mata Nui was a tropical paradise. Then a shadow fell across the land -- a shadow known as Makuta. In the dark years that followed, the islanders of Mata Nui put their faith in a legend that foresaw the arrival of six mighty heroes: the Toa. For only the Toa have the strength and courage to bring peace and light back to the world. As Mata Nui awaits the arrival of the Toa, a lone islander unknowingly begins a quest that will change Mata Nui forever."
The Beach [ ]
Onu-Koro [ ]
After gaining energy and health from a Vuata Maca Tree Fruit and a Bula berry, Takua enters Onu-Koro's gates, and is temporarily stopped in his tracks by two aloof Onu-Matoran Vatuka, a living Rahi made of Stone . Takua speaks with the Matoran in Onu-Koro, learning of local events, and eventually discovers Turaga Vakama's missing Badge of Office, the Light from the Firestaff to stun the pebble creatures, and then Madu fruit to destroy them and their massive counterpart. Despite the sheer power of the beast, Takua destroys it, and receives the Amana Volo Sphere discharged by the monster.
He then frees Whenua by dragging boulders onto two switches, unlocking the cage. Once he is rescued by Takua, Whenua grants the Matoran a Madu Cabolo, he blasts a hole into a small section of the caves, containing Onua's Toa Stone, hidden there long ago by Whenua. He then exits the caves, and gives the Crystals to the village Tree Keeper, who thankfully rewards him with an Amana Volo Sphere. Takua is then sent to Ga-Koro by Whenua, but as he departs, Onepu challenges Takua to race against him in the Ga-Koro [ ]
As soon as Takua exits Onu-Wahi, he enters Ga-Wahi, and encounters even fiercer Rahi than those in Onu-Wahi. Once again making use of the Madu and Volo Lutu Launcher he is carrying, he arrives at Ga-Koro. However, as he crosses the bridge, a Ga-Matoran stops him and tells him that before he may enter the Koro, he must compete in in their Ga-Matoran in the village, and learns from the Vuata Maca tree keeper and Macku that Turaga Nokama, her Makika that lives in the harbor. Takua then begins a journey into the harbor, and encounters more of the large Rahi that he fought on his way to Ga-Koro, and finds one of the Vuata Maca Crystals. He eventually arrives at the Makika's cave, which is marked by a sign warning that the giant toad is immune to Madu fruit. He enters the cave to find Nokama tied up with the Makika close by, guarding her. The Makika does not react to Takua unless he comes too close, allowing Takua to search for a way to rescue the Turaga of Water . He then heaves up a Matoran-sized rock, and hurls it on the Rahi. As the Makika strains against the rock, Takua races over to Nokama and picks her up. He runs towards the cave's exit with Nokama when the Makika frees itself and hops after him. However, he still manages to escape with Nokama. After returning to the village, Nokama gives him an Amana Volo Sphere, and asks him to go search for Gali's Toa Stone in the cliffs of Ga-Wahi, where she had hidden it a millennium ago. Takua accepts the task, and travels south to the cliffs. Here, he finds more of the Rahi that he fought before, an Amana Volo buried in some rocks, and another Vuata Maca crystal. He makes it to an elevator to the top of the highest cliff, and at the top he fights several Cliff Bugs and locates the second Toa Stone. He returns briefly to the village to drop off the crystals and receive another Amana Volo before entering Po-Wahi.
Po-Koro [ ]
Takua then starts on his journey to Po-Koro. Near the border, he finds Whenua's Po-Matoran. One, named Podu, is trapped underneath several boulders. Takua frees the Matoran and resumes walking toward Po-Koro. He discovers that Onewa, the Vuata Maca Crystals, and Pohatu's Toa Stone are missing. He then begins looking for them, and soon finds Onewa's Moa bird from a rock fall, collecting a tree Crystal along the way. He then defeats a swarm of insects which were burrowed in the ground around Onewa's prison. Using the Drill of Onua, he digs under each of the five stones surrounding Onewa, and frees him. He is returned to the village, where the Turaga gives him an Amana Volo Sphere , which restores his health fully. He then begins searching for the Toa Stone. He defeats a giant Kofo-Jaga along the way by first tricking it into attacking a boulder, and then uses the drill to burrow under the creature and jump out of the ground underneath it, flipping it over. He then finds the stone and the Crystal and returns to the village. He heals the Vuata Maca tree, and returns the stone. After Takua plays a game of Kolhii, he begins his journey to Le-Wahi, and begins the next stage of his mission.
Le-Koro [ ]
Takua talking to Kongu
Ko-Koro [ ]
After engaging in a Huai Snowball Sling competition to enter the village, Takua sets off to find Turaga Nuju when he discovers that the Turaga, Vuata Maca Crystals, and Toa Stone were all missing, as the other villages had. He journeys through Ko-Wahi, and eventually finds the Kopaka Stone missing, but also the Element of Melting, a crystal which allows the villagers of Ko-Koro to melt ice to obtain fresh, pure water. Takua departs to search for them, and discovers the hiding places of the remaining Vuata Maca Crystal and the Element of Melting. He then stumbles upon three frozen crates. Curious, he smashes them open, only to find that inside, three Ice Hikaki were hidden. He is forced to confront them, but he emerges victorious and finds that they concealed the stolen Stone. He then returns to Ko-Koro with the Element, Toa Stone and Crystals, and then travels into Ta-Wahi.
Ta-Koro [ ]
Takua places Gali's Toa Stone at Kini Nui.
Takua frees Vakama and returns to the village, where Vakama reveals that the Toa Tahu Stone will soon sink into the depths of the Mangai Volcano. Hurriedly, Takua ventures into the lava caves of the volcano, navigating through a maze teeming with dangerous Rahi. Recovering a Vuata Maca Crystal on the way, Takua eventually arrives at a cave, where he finds the Toa Stone, and the second Crystal. He returns to the village with his finds, though still curious about a strange contraption in the Toa Stone cave.
Deciding to investigate further, he returns, and activates three switches embedded in the ground. This causes a large crystalline form to appear in the chamber. Puzzled by it, he places a stone onto a small geyser, throwing it into the air. It comes back down on top of the crystal, smashing it to pieces. Suddenly an eruption rocks through caverns, causing the floor beneath Takua to collapse.
Takua activating the Toa Stones
He drops down towards a lava river, but is able to land on his Lavaboard. Trapped in one place, he uses his Volo Lutu Launcher to grab onto a Rahi fleeing the eruption and pull himself into the main river. Avoiding falling stones and lava currents, he eventually bursts out of the side of the Mangai. He flies through the air and lands at Kini-Nui, where all six Turaga are waiting. They congratulate him on completing his quest and tell him to place the six Toa Stones onto the Amaja-Nui. As he places them down, they begin to glow with energy. When all six are in place, a huge beam of energy shoots up from the sand pit, traveling far into the sky. Takua is caught in the beam, which throws him high into the air above the island. He soon begins to plummet downwards, and slams into the beach near Ta-Koro. The impact robs him of all his memories, leaving him with no recollection of his great quest, or how he ended up lying in the sand.
Mini Games [ ]
- Ussal Crabs against each other in a test of speed and skill.
- Huai Snowball Sling: A popular sport in Ko-Koro, in which participants threw snowballs at each other until only one player remained, encasing the others in a large snowball.
- Ignalu Lava Surfing: A game popular in Ta-Koro, that consisted in lava surfing. Participants used Fil:Originalkolhii.PNG
The game of Kolhii
- Kolhii: Popular in Po-Koro, the game involved kicking a stone ball into another players' goal post (called "Koli" here).
- Items [ ]
- Ice Pick - Cools lava and creates icicles which can be used in conjunction with the Volo Lutu Launcher.
- Bamboo Disk - Can be used for combat; will return to the thrower after striking the target. Tree Fruit - Large glowing pieces of energy-restoring fruit from the Vuata Maca Tree. Berry - Small and tasty, these berries from the Bula tree can increase health. Fruit - Throwing objects used with the flinger.
- Madu Cabolo - Explosive throwing objects used with the flinger.
- Rocks - Throwing objects used with the flinger.
- Stones - Medium-sized objects that can be picked up and thrown.
- Boulders - Large objects that can be rolled.
- Snowballs - Throwing objects used with the flinger.
- Element of Melting - A purple crystal that quickly turns ice to clear water.
- Amana Volo Sphere - Powerful object which increases abilities.
- Enemies [ ]
Onu-Wahi [ ]
- Small Blue Bug - These small creatures can only attack on contact and are easily knocked onto their backs with Madu.
- Yellow Fikou - A yellow colored variant of the Fikou spider, these can be defeated by knocking their Kanohi off.
- Wild Ussal - These red and blue colored Ussal crabs hide in tunnel walls and then burrow out, to surprise opponents. - This large stone elemental creature dwell in the tunnels around Onu-Koro, and captured Turaga Whenua. On defeat it collapses into a pile of rocks.
- Pebble Creatures - Several of these animated stones accompany the Vatuka, but are easily destroyed.
Ga-Wahi [ ]
- Blue Fikou - These blue Fikou spiders can burrow underground, to hide from attack or to ambush travelers.
- Water Ussal - These water dwelling Ussal crabs jump out of the sea and snatch victims who walk too close to the water.
- Cliff Bugs - These large grasshoppers, possibly a relative of the Kirikori Nui, hop around the grassy areas of Ga-Wahi and throw stones at their victims.
- Infected Shore Turtles - These large carnivorous plants grab those who wander too close to them but can be defeated with a Madu Cabolo.
- Blue Electric Spiders - These large creatures are difficult to defeat, but can only attack on contact. - One of these large toads captured Turaga Nokama. It is immune to Madu fruit, but Takua is able to stun it temporarily with a boulder.
Po-Wahi [ ]
- Blue Fikou - These creatures also dwell in Po-Wahi.
- Blue Electric Spiders - These creatures are also found in Po-Wahi. - These small birds sit and watch a victim until he/she stands still long enough for them to attack.
- Small Birds - These Rahi vultures circle in the air, diving down to attack.
- Light-Blue Electric Spiders - This red-legged breed of arachnids can shoot small fireballs.
- Scorpions - These small scorpion Rahi can only be defeated by burrowing up beneath them using Whenua's Drill.
- Small Green Bugs - A swarm of these insects captured Turaga Onewa. They burrow underground, emerging when someone comes close. - A giant scorpion which was in possession of Pohatu's Toa Stone. Takua defeats it by tricking it to attack a boulder, and then using Whenua's Drill, coming up from under it.
Le-Koro [ ]
- Hoto - These fire bugs push victims off the high walkways of Le-Koro.
- Purple Kewa - Once they spot a victim, these fly off to collect a boulder and then return and attempt to drop it on their target.
- Purple Mahi - This Rahi goat attacks by charging at their foes.
- Red Kewa - This Rahi hawk takes Matau and puts him in its nest. It can carry medium sized objects such as rocks. - The chicks of the Red Kewa guard the captive Matau, but Takua tricks the Kewa into stunning them with rocks.
Ko-Wahi [ ]
- Snowbird - Also called the "Winged Snowman", this bird made of snow flies above the player and drops down, smashing itself, and then reassembling itself for another attack. The birds can be defeated by tricking them into dropping onto an icicle.
- Red Mahi - These red-black Rahi goats attack by charging their victim.
- Ice Vako - These beasts, also known as "Ice Demons", hide in the snow and pop up for a sneak snowball attack.
- Ice Hikaki - Three dragons that hide in ice crates. They hold Kopaka's Toa Stone
Ta-Wahi [ ]
- Fire Vatuka - These are red versions of the monster found in Onu-Wahi.
- Fire Husi - Known as "Lava Skimmers", these run across the lava plains and caves, knocking down anything that gets in their way.
- Fire Vako - These employ similar tactics to their icy cousins, hiding underground and popping up to hurl fireballs.
- Hikaki - These dragons, also known as "Lava Demons", reside in the lava rivers of Ta-Wahi and throw fireballs at their foes.
- Purple Mahi - These also roam the lava plains of Ta-Wahi.
- Fire Mahi - An herd of these red-hued Mahi captured Turaga Vakama. Takua has to pursue them to retrieve the cage's key.
Cheat Codes [ ]
BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa had various cheat codes. They can be unlocked if the player creates a save file using the cheat code as his or her Matoran's name. Entering a Toa's mask code followed by their canister code unlocks the minigame associated with their element.
The subject of this article is not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. The information on this page was not approved by the BIONICLE Story Team. Further, it either contradicts canon events or was never referenced in canon media.
"The future of the Bionicle Universe is up for grabs! Find the Mask of Life and save Voya Nui."
— Game Description
BIONICLE: The Quest Game is a board game, primarily based off of the 2006 storyline and the quest for the Kanohi Ignika, the Legendary Mask of Life.
Using one of the six Toa Inika, the players have to reach Mount Valmai to retrieve the Mask of Life before the other players do. This quest takes them across the island of Voya Nui, occasionally squaring off against Piraka Hakann. The first player to reach the Mask of Life wins the game, so the players may choose to join forces and work together or try to prevent each other from finding the mask.
Players roll dice and the player with the highest roll goes first, etc. They roll the die for the number of spaces to move forward.
The Game Board is two-sided, representing both the surface and the underground interior of Voya Nui.
First Side
Half of this side of the board includes only six separate bios of the Toa Inika. The game starts on the other half of this side, featuring a white path on over surface of Voya Nui. Players set up their Toa Inika pieces on one of the two ends and roll dice to reach the center: Mount Valmai. The first player that arrives stays on the mount, while the others remove their pieces from the board.
Second Side
The second side of the board is revealed when it flips and the players enter the underground caverns of Voya Nui. Now, the players make their way to the finish: the Mask of Life. When the players reach the inside, they move along either the yellow or blue paths at the ends of Voya Nui. There is also a green path, which is reserved for the first player to reach the middle of the first board, and is also the shortest route.
Along the way, the players may have to pass through or be taken to some of the places on the underground board.
- Inferno falls Lair
- Lava Gorge
- Light of Umbra
- Path of Life
There are three different and unique types of spaces on boards.
- The first type is the only space seen on both boards. It is just a standard dot and is used only as a place holder.
- Another type is marked with a Voya Nui symbol. When a game piece lands on this, the player may draw one Quest card.
- The third type is marked with a Hakann symbol. The player that stops on this space must take the Hakann challenge.
Game Information
"Along the way, be ready to go to battle. When the Piraka appears, take up the catapult and face Hakann. Besting him will speed you forward, closer to the Mask."
On the board, there are red Hakann symbols. Upon landing on such a symbol, the player must try to knock down the Hakann target with the Zamor catapult from about three feet away. If the player is successful, the player moves forward a bonus space. If the player fails the task, the player does not move any spaces at all.
In addition, there is a Quest card where a player can choose another player to attempt to hit the Hakann target with the catapult as well. If one of the players knocks the Hakann target down, both of the players move forward.
There are several Quest cards available which can be played at any time during a player's turn. Each describes a situation and has a consequence, whether it is moving a player forward or far away. Also, there is one card which takes the player directly to the Mask of Life.
Quest cards are gained by landing on certain spots on the board. These spaces have a Voya Nui symbol, which indicates a player may take a card from the stack.
Я прекрасно помню, как году эдак в 2003 подставлял под настольную лампу пластмассовую фишку из Cheetos с маской одного из биониклов (Tahu, если быть точным), чтобы затем закрыть ее рукой и через маленькую щель между пальцев смотреть, как маска светится в темноте. И одно это уже вызывало восторг. Да, денег на дорогую игрушку от LEGO в то время не было, но друзья во дворе без проблем давали поиграть в своих биониклов. В школе же на переменках счастливые обладатели Бороков (с выкидывающимися вперед головами) пускали их в бой, чтобы выяснить, чей же крепче и не развалится от очередного удара.
Серия конструкторов BIONICLE ощущалась очень свежо: необычные коробки в виде капсул, детали, непохожие на аналогичные из других наборов LEGO и истории, связанные с неким островом Mата Нуи, напечатанные во вкладышах - все это создавало невероятную атмосферу. Плюс ко всему, популярность подкреплялась мультфильмами, играми, коллаборацией с известными брендами, рекламой по телевизору и еще черт знает чем. Вишенкой на торте стал выпуск поддельных биониклов от сторонних фирм с причудливыми названиями - что лучше может сказать о популярности, чем это?
Пару недель назад на популярной доске объявлений я случайно увидел в продаже нового запечатанного бионикла из коллекции 2001 года (а ведь прошло уже 20 лет), вспомнил то время и задался вопросом - а куда же они делись, раз были настолько популярны?
Нельзя сказать, что на стыке веков дела у компании Lego шли из рук вон плохо, отнюдь. Однако продажи наборов, созданных по мотивам серии Звездных войн и Гарри Поттера, зависели от частоты выхода кинокартин, а также требовали лицензионных отчислений. Собственные же наборы (на примере RoboRiders и Throwbots - прародителей BIONICLE) не были столь популярными. Плюс ко всему, не все виды бизнеса (от парков аттракционов до компьютерных игр) приносили достаточную прибыль. Компании было необходимо создать нечто новое, что сможет увлечь потенциальных покупателей.
Датчанин Кристин Фабер, трудившийся в маркетинговой фирме Advance (партнер LEGO) - вот человек, который придумал саму концепцию Bionicle, вдохновившись. Да-да, лечением собственной болезни. Но обо всем по порядку.
Сначала по мотивом нестандартных наборов конструкторов LEGO Technic вместо машин Кристин решил создать конструктор, напоминавший человеческое тело и так появились Cybot'ы. И из них, в свою очередь, уже родились те самые Throwbots и RoboRiders в 1999 и 2000 годах, соответственно.
Следующим шагом стало создание концепции "Doo Heads" (которые уже сильно походили на BIONICLE) - роботов в масках на головах, которые могли отстреливаться, однако тестирование на фокус-группе показало, что дети плохо реагировали на съемные головы. И вот - следующим шагом в развитии конструктора с конечностями и суставами стал BIONICLE. И да, по задумке Кристина Фабера сама концепция и мир должны были быть столь же масштабными, как и LEGO Star Wars, над наборами которых Кристиан работал до этого.
Дело в том, что курс лечения Фабера представлял собой регулярные инъекции, который тот получал раз в две недели. И вот, те самые уколы казались художнику отправкой новой волны защитников на борьбу с болезнью. Фабер представлял, как группа борцов прибывает на неизвестный им остров в полном беспамятстве - с единственным знанием, что им необходимо одолеть некое зло. Остров же был чем-то вроде живого организма. Отсюда родились и название (BIOlogical chroNICLE - биологическая хроника), и упаковки-контейнеры (напоминавшие Фаберу капсулы с лекарствами), в которых герои пребывали на морской пляж.
Сценарист Аластер Суиннертон и писатель Боб Томпсон (возглавивший творческую команду Bionicle) придумали историю и персонажей, менеджер по дизайну LEGO Мартин Андерсен (предложивший использовать наработки из Throwbots) руководил разработкой визуальной стороны игрушек, а Кристин Фабер создавал визуальный облик мира, который был вдохновлен темой острова Вуду и реалити-шоу Expedition Robinson.
Рекламная компания новой серии конструкторов LEGO была агрессивной: статьи в журналах, ролики по ТВ, комиксы, flash-игры, знакомящие с миром BIONICLE, а позже - полноценные компьютерные игры, полнометражные фильмы и даже книги. История игрового мира и острова Mата Нуи подавалась через фирменный рекламный журнал LEGO LEGO Mania (который на пике популярности читало порядка 2млн человек) в виде комиксов (за авторством Грега Фаршти). Там же появлялись и образы героев из новых коллекций, которые выводились в продажу. Все это принесло новой серии известность и любовь, а LEGO - немалую прибыль (только за первый год продаж выручка составила порядка 160 млн долларов). И именно BIONICLE спас в 2003 году LEGO от банкротства, ведь на него приходилось 25% общего дохода компании.
Обороты росли, новые герои появлялись все чаще (необычные злодеи, подводные жители и "легендарные гиганты"), а продуктовая линейка обновлялась быстрее прежнего. Дошло до того, что под брендом Bionicle выпускались кроссовки Nike, игрушки для Happy Meal из McDonald's и даже зубные щетки Colgate.
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