Lego bionicle 2001 game
BIONICLE: The Game is a LEGO video game created by Argonaut Games and Published by Electronic Arts and LEGO Interactive in 2003. It was released for the Nintendo GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Windows. The Game Boy Advance version was published by THQ. The Mac OS X version was released by Feral Interactive in 2004. [1]
It depicted the events on Mata Nui, from the rise of the Bohrok to the final clash of Makuta and Takanuva.
The game follows the 2001-2003 storyline with only one obvious omission; the first part of the 2001 story, when the Toa first face Makuta, was cut out. However, many parts of the story were "reduced." The game begins when the Bohrok are attacking Mata Nui, and spends two levels depicting Tahu and Kopaka's battles with them. After that, the game moves on to Gali Nuva's level, in which the Bohrok Kal are introduced, and all defeated at once by Gali. In the storyline, Tahu Nuva uses the Kanohi Vahi, mask of time, to allow himself and the other five Toa to defeat them. Pohatu's level then depicts a "midpoint" between storylines; Pohatu is delivering the news that the Rahkshi have awakened to Onua. Onua then defeats Lerahk in his level by dropping a hub unit on Lerahk, Lewa fights Panrahk in his level, and Tahu lava-surfs after Kurahk, who has made off with the Mask of Light. When he catches Kurahk, the Mask of Light fuses itself to Takua, who becomes Takua Nuva and defeats Makuta, lord of shadows, in the game's final level. He transforms on Takutanuva and opens the door and awakes Mata-Nui. The Turaga and Matoran only make a couple appearances, none of which are very significant to the plot.
Basic controls include using shields and light elemental blasts to defeat enemies and open canisters. Introduced in the game are "Masks of Elemental Energy" (which grant health and power) and Energy Spheres which grant health. Overall, there are levels in the game including the boss battle against Makuta. A few continuity errors were made, such as Lewa Nuva picking up a Krana after beating Panrahk, when it should have been a Kraata.
The Toa have defeated Makuta and are enjoying a play put on by Turaga Vakama, Turaga Matau, and 4 Matoran. Suddenly, Takua comes with three Nui-Kopen in hot pursuit. Tahu deflects one of the Bohrok's attacks at it and the other two run away as soon as they see their unconscious ally. Lewa saves two of the Matoran from the Nui-Kopen. Gali suggests that the Toa return to their Tahu Mission
Tahu returns to Kopaka Mission
Tahu later travels to Nuju who tells him that the Gahlok tunneled through the mountains and is heading for Ko-Koro. Kopaka chases after and defeats it. Nuju then tells him that the swarm leader, a Ko-Matoran where the Bohrok went. Kopaka defeats the Tahnok and grabs the Krana.
Toa Transformation
Later all the Toa reunite with Krana and unexplainably transform into Toa Nuva. The Toa return to their Wahi and return to protecting the island.
Gali Nuva Mission
Gali returns to Nokama. Nokama warns Gali that the Bohrok-Kal are terrorizing the Onu-Wahi . Gali decides to head there and warn Onua.
Pohatu Nuva Mission
Along the way, she runs into Pohatu in Onua Nuva Mission
Onua lands safe but go on to defeat the Rahkshi. On the way he has to push heavy rock statues on switches to open the doors he needs to go through in order to get to the Rahkshi. He then defeat it by pushing the same statues on devices that fire the statues at Lerahk.
Lewa Nuva Mission
Gali warns Lewa of the Rahkshi, but Lewa cant reach it without his flight powers. He has to get six matoran so they can activate his Suva and bring him his powers back. He then finds Panrahk on a set of fleets, he destroys all around Panrahk and it falls out in the water and drowns.
Tahu Nuva Mission
Tahu is talking to Takua, which is telling him of the mask he found: the mask of life, and that Kurahk took it. Then Pohatu comes and tell Tahu of the Rahkshi, Tahu says he will get the mask of light back from Kurahk. He gets past the Rahkshi and to Ta-koro before it, Kurahk looses the mask, and it gets stuck on Takua's face, transforming him into Takanuva and teleporting him to Makutas lair.
Takanuva Mission
Takanuva arrives behind Makuta and Makuta says he will defeat him, he calls for several rahi to fight for him, but they are no match for Takanuva. Then, Makuta destroys the floor and it falls down a shaft with Makuta. Takanuva follows and defeat Makuta.
Takanuva melds his powers with Makuta, balancing light and dark, and awakens the Great Spirit.
Playable Characters
During the course of the game, the player takes the roles of the following Toa:
Mata- Find all the Matoran and stop the Bohrok. Mata- Slide down the mountain and stop the Bohrok from destroying Gali Nuva- Find all the matoran and defeat the Bohrok-Kal. Nuva- Go through the mines in a cart trying to hit all the switches. Nuva- Find and defeat Lewa Nuva- Find and defeat Teridax and his Rahi in a final battle.
- Initially, the game was supposed to make each Toa, Toa Nuva, and the Toa of Light playable, but due to deadlines, much of the game was dropped. However, one can play as all the characters in the Game Boy Advance version.
- The game is not considered completely canon in the BIONICLE Universe because of several errors, including the misnaming of Takua Nuva (Takunuva), the Rahi are still infected by the end of the game and other small misconceptions.
- Back of the box contain a typo: there is "Herioc" instead of "Heroic".
- Despite being a main character in the 2001–2003 storyline, Jaller never made an appearance in the game.
- In the first level in Ta-Koro, the Matoran are not Takua, all wear the Krana Su .
- The Takutanuva set had the Kraahkan on, the Game version had the Avohkii on, and the Mask of Light movie had a fusion of both masks.
- There was going to be a level where Lewa Mata was playable, as seen in an early trailer.
- The game was going to be longer but due to time limits, the game was shortened.
- In Lewa Nuva's level, after the Rahkshi is defeated, Lewa picks up, not a Kraata, but a Krana.
- The only time you see all kinds of Bohrok is in Kopaka's level when you fail to defeat the swarm leader, he summons his swarm and they surround him.
- Only 4 of the 6 Turaga have been seen in the game, only 3 of these 4 are interacted with.
- None of the Bohrok or Bohrok-Kal use their powers, just fire swirls of dark energy.
- In the information section of the game, it is shown Madu nuts and Madu cabolo, but they do not appear in game.
- Also in the information section, it says the spider rahi is first seen in Onu-Koro, but you can see one in Ko-koro when the timer is shown on the lower left corner.
- The Bohrok-Kal use normal Bohrok weapons only in silver color.
- In the game intro when the six Toa form a circle, Toa Tahu carries one of his Nuva swords.
Lead the Toa to victory on Mata Nui!
Play as the Toa and the Toa Nuva in this all-new, exciting BIONICLE® video game. Challenge the might of the Bohrok and the Rahkshi, explore the lands of Mata Nui, and use your elemental powers to save the island from Makuta. The power of the Toa is in your hands!
Думаю почти у каждого был такой конструктор как LEGO. Из множества серий, больше всех меня зацепила «Bionicle». Это что-то вроде Биомеханических роботов.
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ: продолжение…
Недавно лазая по торрентам в разделе старых игр я наткунся на ту самую игру про Биониклов (вы только не подумайте ничего плохого, я покупаю лицухи и т.д., только старые игры качаю, которые уже не найти по другому) и тут я вспомнил счасливое детство… Ладно, что-то я загоняюсь, а до сути дойти никак и не могу, так что читаем.
Тоа — это биониклы, владеющие элементарной силой (такими как огонь, вода, змеля и прочее) борющиеся за свободу острова. В оригинальной истории 6 тоа:
Таху — тоа огня
Копака — тоа льда
Лива — тоа воздуха
Похату — тоа камня
Онуа — тоа земли
Гали — тоа воды (по совместительству является дувушкой)
Матораны — островитяне, живущие на острове Мата-нуи. Всего 6 видов маторонов, по одному на 6 стихих.
Такуа — маторан летописец. Сыграет важную роль в сюжете.
Тураги — вожди племён. Тураги являются бывшими тоа, прожившими долгую жизнь.
Мата-нуи (остров) — Тропический остров, разделённый на 6 частей.
Мата-нуи (велий дух) — таинственное существо, воплощение добра в мире биониклов. Впал в глубокий сон из-за злых деяний макуты.
Макута (настоящие имя Теридакс, а макута это раса, как тоа или матораны) — волощение зла в мире биониклов.
Бороки и Ракши — шестёрки Макуты.
Информация об игре
Жанр: Платформер, Эдвенчура
Платформы: PC, Xbox original, PS2, GameCube, GameBoy
Разработчик/Издатель: Argonaut Games/Electronic Arts
Дата выхода: 2003 год
Начну свой обзор пожалуй с рекомендации. Эта игра является отличным платформером, сочитающая в себе различные геймплейные решения. Первый уровень (за тоа огня — Таху) предстовляет собой класический 3D платформер. Вы бегаете, выполняете задачи, стреляете, спасаете островитян (маторанов), собираете бонусы, сражаетесь с боссами. Во втором уровне мы играем за тоа льда — Копаку и скатываемся на щите-сноутборде со склонов гор, попутно раздовая люлей врагам и спасаясь от смертельно опасных ловушек. Играя за тоа воздуха — Ливу, мы лазаем по джунглям, парим над деревьями и прыгаем по леанам. И так всю игру. Огорчает во всём этом только боёвка. У нас есть некое кол-вы энергии, с помощью которй мы можем выпускать элементарную силу в виде сгустка энергии (всё это напоминает шутер). Второй элемент — это защитное поле, с помощью которого мы укрываемся от таких же энергитических атак противников и при удачной защите, крадём энергию у соперника.
Не смотря на то что игра не совсем достоверно пересказывает нам оригинальную историю, она довольно близка к канонам, хоть и имеет пару-тройку весьма сильных ляпов. Так, многих персонажей, к примеру Копаку описывают как девушку, но в том же предложение могут «сменить» ему пол. Это не ошибка локализации, так как в английской версии игры, всё тоже самое, хотя казалось бы, озвучевает мужик с басом, как тут можно ошибиться?!
За полученые бонусы (они тут предствалены в виде светокамней) вы открываете дополнительные материалы, такие как трэйлеры, концеп арты и другое. На каждом уровне требуется собрать где-то 90% таких камней, чтобы открыть всякие фишечки. Являясь относительно детской игрой, встречаются довольно сложные моменты, да и боссов убить не так-то просто.
Плюсы: Отличный платформер, с приятной атмосферой. Портал в детство.
Минусы: Боёвка.
Итог: Советую всем, кто помит что-то о LEGO, или когда-то играл в эту игру — перепройдите её. Мне лично было было приятно окунуться во всё это. Я потратил на игру 2 вечера и ничуть не жалею.
Bionicle: The Game - проект, основанный на серии одноименных игрушек Lego, чья популярность пришлась на начало и середину двухтысячных годов. Частично, сюжет позаимствован у мультипликационного фильма 2003 года - "Бионикл: Маска света". Графический стиль также выдержан в подобных тонах. Проект был создан усилиями дочерней компании Lego, которая, соответственно и занимается производством видеоигр.
По сюжету, мы играем за маленького желтолицего робота, одного из жителей таинственного острова Матануи. Как и все прочие, наш герой вдохновлен подвигами стражей, каждый из которых олицетворяет собой ту или иную силу природы: огонь, лед, вода и воздух. Но нашему маленькому герою предстоит возглавить эту команду. Он найдет Маску света и станет самым могущественным из стражей — Солнечным воином, и только он способен сокрушить повелителя тьмы — Макута.
Игровой процесс построен на механике, присущей типичным традиционным адвенчурам (перебежки из точки А в точку Б, подпрыгивание за бонусами в виде монеток и т.д.). Графика в игре полностью трехмерная, с видом от третьего лица. Данный проект встретил теплое отношение со стороны детской аудитории, которой нравились игрушки и мультфильмы на их основе. Но у широкого круга лиц игра не пользовалась большой популярностью, собрав смешенные отзывы как критиков, так и игроков.
Скриншоты из игры:
Торрент файлы взяты из проверенных источников и являются самыми актуальными на текущий момент.
Мы ежедневно обновляем раздачи до последних версий. Игру можно скачать бесплатно с помощью: μTorrent®
The subject of this article is not part of the canon BIONICLE storyline. The information on this page was not approved by the BIONICLE Story Team. Further, it either contradicts canon events or was never referenced in canon media.
BIONICLE, known to the fanbase by its working title BIONICLE: The Game, was the first BIONICLE game to be released on a home console. It was intended for the game to follow the 2001-2003 storylines, but time constraints forced the game's release before it was complete, resulting in many errors in the plot.
The console edition of BIONICLE: The Game sports three-dimensional graphics, although they are sub-par the current standard for its genre, and high-quality audio. The player is able to continue the game indefinitely, as there is no life counter, and therefore no reset when one loses. Player controls can be customized to suit the needs of the player, quite extensively so in the PC format. Gameplay on TV consoles was very stable. However, because the PC version was designed around the Intel ® Pentium ® 4 processor, systems with newer processors have faster timing which results in erratic timing of the gameplay video and audio. The only exception to this problem is the cutscene animations. A player is able to store up to three quests, or three different games, at any time.
BIONICLE: The Game follows each Toa as they struggle to bring peace to their dark-plagued island.
The Toa are in the jungle watching a play the Matoran and Turaga have put on, celebrating the Toa's victory over Teridax, when Takua runs in, terrified of "something" that is pursuing him. The Toa ready their weapons as a swarm of Nui-Kopen fly in, attacking the Matoran, and Tahu leaps up onto the stage to fight the Rahi. A group of Bohrok roll into the clearing, leading Onua to speculate that Teridax may have survived. Lewa saves two Ga-Matoran from the Nui-Kopen, driving them off. Tahu deflects a dark energy blast back at the Bohrok, and they retreat. The Toa meet, and Gali suggests they should head back to their Wahi to fight the threat.
Tahu's Quest: Ta-Wahi
Back in Ta-Wahi, Tahu meets Turaga Vakama, who explains that the Ta-Matoran have fled from the Bohrok. Tahu pledges to find them, and makes his way across the lava flows, fighting a Nui-Jaga before arriving at Ta-Kini. There, Takua explains that a Rahi is needed to open a nearby door, but all the friendly Rahi in the area have fled from the Bohrok. Tahu makes his way through the lava tunnels in search of Matoran to help "build" a replacement, and is trapped in a large chamber with several Nui-Jaga. He defeats them, and returns to the Kini with the rescued Matoran, who construct a Rahi wolf to open the door. On the other side, Tahu is confronted by a swarm of Kohrak, and he defeats them after a long battle. Retrieving the swarm leader's Krana, Tahu realizes the source of the Bohrok's power. As he heads back to Ta-Koro, he is approached by Takua, who tells him he saw a Kanohi mask, floating in the lava, but Tahu tells him to ignore it.
Kopaka's Quest: Ko-Wahi
In Ko-Wahi, Kopaka is approached by Tahu, who informs him of the Bohrok's apparent weakness. Kopaka reveals that he is pursuing a Bohrok, which he thinks is headed for the Kini. Kopaka snowboards down the mountain on his shield, arriving at Ko-Kini as night falls. However, the Bohrok is nowhere to be seen, and Turaga Nuju reveals that it burrowed through the cliff, headed for Ko-Koro. Kopaka pursues the Bohrok, a Gahlok, through the underground tunnels, shooting it down before it reaches the Koro. Arriving there, he discovers that the swarm leader has fled down the mountain, and heads after it, only to almost be crushed by a huge boulder that the swarm leader, a Tahnok, rolls after him. Escaping the boulder, Kopaka comes to an outpost farther down the mountain where he meets a Matoran. The Matoran says he tried to warn Kopaka about the boulder, but was too late, and the swarm leader has fled into a cave. Kopaka pursues the Bohrok once again, this time catching up with and defeating it. Kopaka retrieves the leader's Krana and heads back to join the others.
The group unite the six Krana they have collected, the power of which transforms them into the Toa Nuva.
Gali's Quest: Ga-Wahi
Gali Nuva returns to Ga-Wahi, which has come under siege from the Bohrok-Kal, and meets Turaga Nokama, who initially does not recognize her. Nokama explains that the Ga-Matoran are in hiding, and sends Gali to seek them out. Gali explores Ga-Wahi, both above and below the surface, rescuing several Matoran before arriving at the dockside, where the Matoran work a large crane for her, allowing her to pass through into the Kini. After rescuing the remaining Matoran, she heads to where Turaga Nokama is waiting, and the Matoran summon a whale Rahi to help locate the Bohrok-Kal's secret hideout. Once inside, Gali confronts the Kal, and manages to defeat all of them in a battle. As she retrieves the Krana-Kal they left behind, Takua shows up, explaining that he saw a group of "strange, dark creatures" heading towards Onu-Koro. Realizing Onua is in danger, Gali rushes off to warn him.
Pohatu's Quest: Po-Wahi
Pohatu Nuva is in Po-Wahi when he comes across Gali, who explains about the threat to Onua. Pohatu tells her to find Lewa and warn him about this new threat while he locates Onua. However, Pohatu sees a Po-Matoran in danger, and rushes off to save him, only for the ground to collapse, plunging him and the Po-Matoran into the mines of Onu-Wahi. The pair leap aboard a mine cart that is powered by elemental energy, using it to unlock the door that would allow them to exit the caves. Successful, they find Onua is waiting at the door, but the two Toa Nuva are attacked by Lerahk. Onua sends Pohatu to go and warn Tahu whilst he tackles Lerahk. Onua is knocked down by Lerahk, and lands on a weak section of floor, causing him to fall into the chamber below.
Onua's Quest: Onu-Wahi
Onua makes his way through the mines of Onu-Wahi, fighting numerous infected Rahi and avoiding the constant tremors that shake the area. His effort is made even more tiring with the presence of weight locks that block several passageways. He eventually finds Lerahk in a large chamber. However, the Rahkshi is inside a protective barrier, leaving it free to attack Onua at will. Onua destroys the barrier by blocking the exhaust shafts with large stones, which are then propelled by the exhaust and strike the cylindrical capacitor hanging above the Rahkshi. After six strikes, the cylinder falls and crushes Lerahk.
Lewa Nuva's Quest: Le-Wahi
Meanwhile, in Le-Wahi, Gali finds Lewa, who reveals that the Rahkshi have been spotted near Le-Koro, but there's no way of getting to them as all the Le-Matoran have been captured, deactivating his Suva. Gali sends him to find the missing Matoran, and he does so, exploring the huge expanses of jungle in search of them. With his Suva active, he teleports deeper into the jungle, making his way across an obstacle course of dying vines, trees and platforms. Riding up on the sails of a windmill, he descends into the swamp using a balloon lift, where he sights Panrahk. Climbing back up into the treetops, he follows a Gukko bird to where Panrahk is waiting, and the two duel on rafts in the middle of the swamp. Lewa destroys Panrahk's raft, killing the Rahkshi. Lewa celebrates his victory as he spots a yellow krana.
Tahu Nuva's Quest: Return to Ta-Wahi
Pohatu arrives in Ta-Wahi to see Takua explaining to Tahu that the mask he saw earlier was the Mask of Light, and the Turaga sent him to search for the seventh Toa. However, one of the creatures stole the Mask before heading to Ta-Koro to destroy it. Tahu leaps onto the lava board formed by his Magma Swords and chases the Rahkshi down the lava river. After a long pursuit, Tahu hits Kurahk and it slams into a cliff face, destroying itself and releasing the mask. It bounces over to the bank into Ta-Koro, where Pohatu and Takua are waiting. Curious, Takua inspects the mask, which starts glowing and rises from the ground. It places itself over Takua's mask, and Takua transforms into Takanuva. Takanuva then teleports away.
"Takua Nuva's" Quest: Mangaia
Takanuva teleports into the Makuta's Lair, where he confronts Makuta. The Makuta summons infected Rahi to battle Takanuva for him. After his minions are wiped out, Makuta inadvertently brings down the chamber around them, plunging the pair down a deep shaft. Makuta levitates stone fragments and a platform, which he uses to shield himself behind a dark energy barrier so he can freely attack Takanuva. Takanuva charges the panels Makuta is using to focus his dark energies with light energy. The barrier collapses and Takanuva is able to attack, severely injuring the Makuta. The pair land in the foundations of Mangaia, at the threshold of a large wooden door. Takanuva declares that Makuta's reign is over, and removes the Mask of Light to take a closer look a Makuta's shadows. Makuta resists, but the mask, which grows to fit over Makuta's Kraahkan, is forced on, fusing the pair together into a giant. The huge being smashes open the door at the end of the chamber, and proceeds to awaken the Great Spirit.
Toa Characteristics
- Tahu- First playable character. No special abilities.
- Kopaka- Kanohi Akaku allows for first-person viewpoint during this level. Cannot recharge elemental energy.
- Gali Nuva- Can swim and dive. First to have access to a "Nuva" (Nova) Blast.
- Pohatu Nuva- Cannot shield or recharge elemental energy. Cannot perform a Nova Blast.
- Onua Nuva- No special abilities. Can use a Nova Blast.
- Lewa Nuva- Elemental power allows player limited flight.
- Tahu Nuva- No special abilities.
- Takanuva- Has access to limited flight. Can reflect Makuta's attacks.
Console In-game Collectibles
- Lightstones- Unlocks bonus content.
- Amana Volo Spheres- Restores two healthpoints to the player's Toa.
- Kanohi of Elemental Energy- Fully restores health meter, refills elemental energy, and increases the amount of energy the current Toa can use.
- Canisters- Can contain lightstones, Kanohi of Elemental Energy, or hostile Rahi.
Console Unlockables
- Intro Play- Unlocked by default when player starts a new game.
- Nuva Transformation- Unlocked by completing Kopaka's Quest.
- Makuta Vanquished- Unlocked by defeating Makuta.
Bonus Content
- BIONICLE: Mask of Light movie trailer- Unlocked by collecting 90 lightstones in Tahu's Quest.
- Concept Art Library- Unlocked by collecting 180 lightstones in Kopaka's Quest. Contains sketches of props and locations from the game's development.
- Rahkshi Toy Preview- Unlocked by collecting 80 lightstones in Gali Nuva's Quest.
- Toa Evolution Movie- Unlocked by collecting 150 lightstones in Pohatu Nuva's Quest. Contains an animated trailer for the game.
- Concept Art Library- Unlocked by collecting 150 lightstones in Lewa Nuva's Quest. Contains additional sketches from the game's development.
- Story of the New Tool- Unlocked by collecting 130 lightstones in Tahu Nuva's Quest. Contains information on Takua's Chronicler's staff.
Mata Nui Visitor's Guide
Contains information on the various creatures, locations, and inhabitants of the island of Mata Nui. As each character, location, object, and enemy is encountered, a picture or three-dimensional model will become available with a description for the player to view.
Game Boy Advance
The GBA version of the game follows a simplistic gameplay, typical of the handheld platform, but sports three-dimensional graphics. It lacks a storyline, although, like its console counterparts, the player is required to have the Toa collect lightstones, Matoran, and fight Rahi to complete the level. Unlike its console counterparts, however, the game has a password feature and the player has a finite number of lives, the loss of which resets the game.
The GBA version has a hidden cheat menu. It can be accessed from the main menu by changing the memory value at 030046e8 to 03 and pressing A. In most emulators, this can be done by toggling the generic cheat code 030046e8:03 on and off, then pressing A. The cheats are as follows:
Lego BIONICLE Adventure Game: Quest For Makuta was released sometime in 2001 shortly after the release of the Toa Mata products on July 2001. This board game was created and made by the LEGO Group and was produced by Rose Art Industries Inc. (under the license from the LEGO Group).
How to play
The players get to play as the Toa Mata on the adventure/quest to defeat The Makuta.
All players start at the starting piece (which is a puzzle-like to connect with the other 19 pieces) and roll a green-color dice to see who goes first (later use as the game progress). Then all players use the white-color dice to officially start the game.
To move the Toa Mata pawns; you can either move horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally or backward. Also you can not move to the same space that is occupied by another pawn and you can not pass over any space with an Evil Rahi token on it (you must challenge the Rahi to move on).
To get another board piece in play; one or all players must land at the portal spaces.
The games end when one player with three key tokens that match the lock token on the Makuta Temple, challenge Makuta, and defeat him with the combined points of your Kanohi and Turaga tokens (from the same element).
Enemies in the board game
You fight Nui-Rama, which have 1-7 health, Nui-Jaga, which have 7-14 health, and Muaka, which have 14-20 health. Once the Makuta's Lair tile is discovered, you can use your keys to get in. There, you fight Makuta. You roll the white dice and rotate the Piece that many times. Whatever the place you got on is pointing to, Makuta has that much health.
- White=18
- Red=20
- Green=22
- Brown=24
- Blue=26
- Black=28
Items in the board game
: +5 attack points. : Use the 12 sided dice instead of the 6 sided one. : Use the 8 sided dice instead of the 6 sided one. : If you land on another player's space, you may look at their tokens and take one. Then roll again to escape. One use only. : You may levitate to any space on the board. One use only. : +10 attack points
Keys are used to unlock Makuta's Lair.
- 57 Evil Rahi Tokens (19x for each Rahi)
- 24 Kanohi Tokens (4x for each Toa's Kanohi)
- 24 Temple Key Tokens
- 20 Interlocking Mata Nui Boards
- 12 Turaga Tokens (2x for each Turaga)
- 9 Temple Lock Tokens
- 6 Toa (Mata) Collector Cards (to "store" the tokens)
- 6 Toa (Mata) Pawns
- 3 Special Power Dice (a red color diamond-shape dice, a green color octagon-shape dice, and a white color dice with numbers and movement arrows on it)
- 1 Quest Rules and Story Booklet
- 1 Makuta Temple Piece
- Info/score sheets for those who are new to Lego Bionicle and those who are playing the board game.
Quest Rules (a.k.a. board game instructions/how to play) and story (for those who are new to Lego Bionicle)
The Makuta Temple piece (a.k.a. the canister lid from the 2001 Toa canisters/sets with the board game sticker around it)
24 Temple key tokens (above with a single Matoran word/number symbol) & 9 Temple lock tokens (below with three Matoran words/numbers symbols)
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