Лего бэтмен the videogame
Итак, это первая часть серии LEGO Batman. Это моя вторая игра среди LEGO игр (первой была LEGO Star Wars: Complete Saga). Сразу скажу, игра не так затягивает, как тот же LEGO Batman 2, но фанатам стоит посмотреть.
На счет сюжета ничего толкового сказать не могу. Тем более в игре нет озвучки, персонажи общаются мимикой. Ну в общем, как рассказывает STEAM, Бэтмену и Робину просто предстоит победить главных злодеев (Джокера, Харли Квинн, Двуликого и других), которые объединились против ГГ.
LEGO - всегда LEGO. Разбиваем вещи - получаем монетки. На монетки покупаем персонажей. К сожалению персонажей в первой части куда меньше чем в LEGO Batman 2. Вся игра состоит из прохождения миссий (уровней). Нет никакого Готэма, только бэтпещера и уровни.
Насчет поддержки геймпада - он поддерживается, но есть одно но. Нет динамического экрана. То есть камера привязана к одному игроку, а второй игрок должен всегда ходить с ним, иначе его просто будет двигать вслед за первым, и не важно, что на пути.
1) Статический экран,
2) Нет русского языка,
3) Нет Готэма,
4) На 1 костюм - 1 способность.
Я то ее конечно рекомендую, всё-таки практически с нее начал играть в лего, а вот остальным не знаю. Всё же игра старовата. Ну думаю так, фанатам LEGO обязательно стоит взять, а остальным - по желанию, почитайте обзоры, полистайте скрины, может и захотите. А вообще, рекомендую! Игра детства :)
Буду рад видеть вас среди участников группы Koruka, где можно найти еще больше обзоров и руководств! А еще можете подписаться на нашу кураторскую страницу!
Тьма не всегда означает зло, а свет не всегда несёт добро.
Будучи обычным жителем Готэма ты можешь уповать лишь на тьму. Даже если ОН стал ужасно карикатурным человечком из лего. Ты знаешь, что ОН там. ОН тьма, ОН везде, ОН Бэтмен. Готэм единственный город в котором люди массово молятся тьме. Возвращаясь поздно с работы ты можешь спокойно зайти в тёмный переулок, ведь знаешь, что с тьмой вас всегда двое и тьма куда более могущественный союзник, чем все имеющиеся деньги и связи в этом городе.
Игра детства,эх ностальгия.
Помню как в 10 лет проходил ее с другом,тогда на 100 процентов не прошли,да и нас тогда интересовал сюжет и уровни с персонажами.
Для своего времени игра очень хороша,суммарно 30 уровней+ 2 секретных не дадут вам заскучать.
Экстрабонусы и мини-наборы все в стиле лего,правда персонажей не так много как Lego Indiana Jones и Star Wars,но есть два секретных перса,которые отсылают к фильму Нолана.
В общем берите по скидону,а лучше на сайте ключ и будет вам счастье.
Ну что сказать. Я не ожидал. И приятно удивлен, и не очень. О всем по порядку.
Для начала поведаю о минусах абсолютно всех лего игр, вдруг вы с ними не знакомы, так как это одна из первых лего игр по фильмам, она может стать первой, хоть и вышла в 2008 году:
-не удобная камера, хотя в целом вполне комфортно, но бывает что теряешся в пространстве
-деньги разбрасываются не понятно как, ладно если еще просто куда-то вниз свалятся, дак они могут вообще за пределы карты свалится, но в целом и с этим их вполне хватает
-не очень удобное управление, хотя заточено под геймпад, а не под клаву, в конце концов, вроде настройки есть должны быть, но итак привыкнуть можно
+-Фишка игры кооператив, но только на одном компьютере, это конечно тоже круто, но был бы онлайн, было бы вдвойне круто, да и фишка в целом крутая, весело, жаль мне не с кем проходить :c
-Управление транспортом не супер, но это в целом придает некоторую сложность
-ачивок бы.
О самой игре:
+Основная сюжетная линия часов на 10, а потом я вообще офигел, думал там просто бонус в котором можно побегать за злодеев, а оказывается там еще целый сюжет с предисторией, но тут появляются минусы к основной сюжетной линии, да и линия за злодеев слегка не доработана.
-В игре за злодеев нам дают поиграть за нескольких героев, и минус в том что в основной сюжетной линии только Бетмен и Робин, а могли бы воткнуть Найтвинга, Бетгерл.
-некоторых подскахок не хватает, например был уровень за Пугало, а в игре есть такие окошки, к которым можно подойти за кошку(если с сердечками), или за Ридлера(если с вопросом), и тут было такое окошко, я думал это для перепрохождения в свободной игре, а не, нужно подойти за Пугало и ему откроют, при этом нет никакой подсказки.
-Опять же камера, но тут кое что свое. В основной игре нам в принципе видно все, есть только некотрые закоулки которые камера не охватывает, но там обычно по мелочи, секретики с монетками, а тут в одном из уровней надо было без вариантов проти там, и не просто пройти, а прыгнуть и пролететь в нужном направлении, когда ничего не видно из-за угла здания.
-в игре за злодеев когда собираешь много монеток(в принципе как и в основной сюжетной линии) вам дают статус "Суперзлодей"(соответсвтенно за Бетмена "Супергерой") и там есть набор, набираешь шкалу, дают один блок, и почему-то когда должна быть анимация установки, иногда ее тупо нет, просто звук.
Но вроде кажется столько минусов, но игра на самом деле очень интересная, само собой с юморком, как и все лего игры, а если и есть с кем поиграть, дак это вообще просто супер, тем более что сюжета здесь на 15 часов(по крайней мере у меня показывает такое количество после прохождения игры).
LEGO Batman: The Videogame is a video game for the Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS2, PS3, Wii and Microsoft Windows, and is based on DC Comics' Batman. It is developed by TT Games and published by Warner Bros. Games, though the Mac version of the game was published by Feral Interactive. The game has two sequels, LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, and a spin-off LEGO DC Super-Villains.
The game features Batman and his sidekick Robin fighting their most dangerous foes, who have all broken out of Arkham Asylum and split into three groups to wreak havoc across Gotham City. The story is split into three scenarios, each one seeing them confront groups lead by the Riddler, the Penguin and the Joker.
In each scenario, the player controls Batman and Robin as they fight through hordes of goons and henchmen to reach and defeat each villain, foil their plans, and send them back to Arkham. After clearing each story, the player is able to play through it in the villains' perspective, controlling them and carrying out their individual plans up to before being stopped by the Dynamic Duo.
A mass breakout occurs at Arkham Asylum, organized by the Joker, the Penguin and the Riddler. The fifteen escapees separate into three teams, led by each of the three masterminds. Alerted by the situation, Batman and Robin are called by Comissioner Gordon to capture them and stop their goals.
The Riddler's Revenge
Deciding to get the Freeze Ray next, Riddler and Mr. Freeze break into the latter's former lairs. As they break in, Batman and Robin follow them. Arriving at the lab and dealing with the security, Riddler retrieves the ray whilst Freeze awakens his henchwomen. Batman and Robin fight Freeze and Riddler escapes with the Freeze Ray. Knowing the duo are tracking Two-Face's vehicle, Riddler hands the ray over to his henchmen whilst they lead Batman on a chase. However, Gordon and the GCPD catch up and lock off the streets, hindering the chase.
Pursuing in the Batmobile and Power Crazed Penguin
The Penguin recruits Catwoman, Bane, Man-Bat and Killer Croc. He reveals his plans to use remote controlled penguins to take over the city, requiring a satellite dish and the Gotham Diamond to transmit the signal at a long range. After placing boxes containing the penguins around the city, Penguin and Bane steal the dish from the Gotham Docks. Gordon and the GCPD arrive and Penguin abandons Bane to be arrested.
Moving on to steal the Gotham Diamond, Penguin and Catwoman cross the rooftops to break into the museum. After deactivating security and stealing the jewel, they are cornered by guards and forced to separate to escape. Learning of the break-in, Batman and Robin chase Catwoman across the rooftops and defeat her. However, she is able to pass the diamond to her cat, Batboat and Watercraft . After destroying Penguin's submarine , they chase the criminals into the sewers. Meanwhile, Catwoman retrieves the diamond from Roz and calls Penguin to free her, using the jewel as leverage to do so. The criminals travel to the GCPD Headquarters though the sewers and navigate their way to the cells. As they make their escape, Croc stays behind to fight the GCPD. Batman and Robin, having pursued the criminals through the sewers, arrive and defeat Croc. They learn that Penguin has set up his control at the Gotham Zoo's Arctic World and leave him behind at the cells.
As Batman and Robin arrive at the zoo, Penguin and Catwoman make preparations whilst Man-Bat distracts the heroes. Successful, the penguin minions activate across Gotham and attack civilians. Batman and Robin make their way to the lair, where they destroy the machine and defeat Penguin. With him and Catwoman once again in custody, they ensure the criminals are returned to Arkham and return to the city via the waterfront.
The Joker's Return
Recruiting the Scarecrow, Mad Hatter and Killer Moth, Joker plans to destroy Gotham using his Joker Toxin. Making plans to hide it within the city cathedral, the gang break into Ace Chemicals to steal the necessary chemicals. After the Batcomputer alerts them to Joker's break-in, Batman and Robin head to the plant and apprehend Hatter.
To distract the Dynamic Duo, Joker and Harley Quinn lure Commissioner Gordon to the Amusement Mile and capture him. They broadcast their success to Batman, forcing him and Robin to follow them. Quinn is apprehended and Joker escapes in his helicopter. Chasing them in the Batwing and Batcopter, Batman and Robin are forced to chase after Scarecrow when threatens to release his Fear Gas in the city. Flugelheim Museum. Making their way through the museum, Scarecrow is captured whilst Joker escapes. He meets with Moth and the two make their way through the East End, where they rescue Harley from the GCPD. Batman is alerted to their attack, but Joker and Quinn are able to escape. Chasing Killer Moth through the district, Batman and Robin capture him and learn of Joker's plan.
Arriving at the cathedral, Joker and Harley make their way to the Cathedral roof and set up the bombs. With help from the GCPD, Batman and Robin defeat the last of their henchmen and make their way into the building. After forcing the criminals out of hiding and defeating men, they battle the Joker, but are knocked out. As Joker prepares to finish them off, Batman disturbs the bats hiding in the roof with a Batarang, causing them to attack Joker and Quinn. With the criminals now subdued, he and Robin hand them over to the GCPD.
With the villains all rounded up, Batman and Robin climb to the rooftops of Arkham Asylum. As they watch over the city, they see the Batsignal shining and leave to answer the call.
To be added
Tech Suits
Batman and Batgirl
- Detonator Suit - drop and explode bombs
- Glider Suit - allows character to glide
- Heat Protection Suit - able to grab heated bars without getting burned
- Sonic Suit - can break glass LEGO bricks
- Thermal Protection suit - protection from freeze gas (Only on DS)
Robin and Nightwing
- Magnetic Suit - walk up magnetic walls
- Scuba Suit - walk under the water rather than on surface
- Technology Suit - access tech panels
- Attract Suit - suck up red, yellow and green blocks and assemble into a new item
- Bio suit - protection from poison gas and toxic waste (Only on DS)
There are 25 Hostages throughout the game one in each non-vehicle level. To save them, the player must find and defeat the thug holding them. After freeing all the hostages, Hush will be unlockable through the Batcomputer.
100% completion
To achieve 100% completion, the player must complete all Story Levels in both Story Mode and Free-Play Mode. They must also get 'True Hero' or 'True Villain' in each level, gather all Minikits, free the hostages and discover all the Red Bricks. The player must also complete the Wayne Manor and Arkham Asylum bonus levels, which are unlocked after completing the True Hero/Villain for the respective levels.
After achieving 100%, Ra's al Ghul will be unlocked for purchase. The last piece of data is also available, which reads 'The End?'
- Police Officer
- Fishmonger
- Military Policeman
- Security Guard
- S.W.A.T.
- Scientist
- Sailor
- Police Marksman
- Zoo Sweeper (Only on DS)(Only on DS)(Only on DS)(Only on DS)(Only on DS)
There are five levels in each episode. The following information relates to the Console and PC versions of the game.
The Riddler's Revenge: Batcave
- Level 1: You Can Bank On Batman
- Level 2: An Icy Reception
- Level 3: Two-Face Chase
- Level 4: A Poisonous Appointment
- Level 5: The Face-Off
Power Crazed Penguin: Batcave
- Level 1: There She Goes Again
- Level 2: Batboat Battle
- Level 3: Under The City
- Level 4: Zoos Company
- Level 5: Penguin's Lair
The Joker's Return: Batcave
- Level 1: Joker's Home Turf
- Level 2: Little Fun at the Big Top
- Level 3: Flight of The Bat
- Level 4: In The Dark Night
- Level 5: To The Top of The Tower
The Riddler's Revenge: Arkham Asylum
- Level 1: The Riddler Makes A Withdrawal
- Level 2: On The Rocks
- Level 3: Green Fingers
- Level 4: An Enterprising Theft
- Level 5: Breaking Blocks
Power Crazed Penguin: Arkham Asylum
- Level 1: Rockin' the Docks
- Level 2: Stealing the Show
- Level 3: Haboring a Grudge
- Level 4: A Daring Rescue
- Level 5: Arctic World
The Joker's Return: Arkham Asylum
- Level 1: A Surprise for the Commissioner
- Level 2: Biplane Blast
- Level 3: The Joker's Masterpiece
- Level 4: The Lure of the Night
- Level 5: Dying of Laughter
Bonus Levels
- Hero Bonus Level
- Villain Bonus Level
as Clayface, Mr. Freeze as Batman, Joker, Killer Moth, Two-Face, Killer Croc as Harley Quinn as The Riddler, The Penguin
- Fred Tatasciore as Bane as Robin, Nightwing as Batgirl
- Keith Ferguson as Killer Moth
References to Other Media
Though material is taken from the comics, LEGO Batman is mainly inspired by Batman media, such as films and television. The most heavy inspiration comes from the Burton/Schumacher film series and Batman: The Animated Series.
Batman: The Movie (1966)
- The Penguin's submarine from the 1966 Batman film, appears as a playable vehicle and headquarters for the Penguin, Catwoman, Killer Croc, Bane, and Man-Bat.
- The three main villains in the movie are The Riddler, Penguin, and The Joker, who are all the villain leaders in the three chapters, Riddler's Revenge, Power Crazed Peinguin, And Joker's Return.
Batman (1989)
- The Flugelheim Museum, as seen in the 1989 Batman film, appears in LEGO Batman: The Video Game as the "Gotham Art Gallery".
- The Joker's in-game thugs are similar to the mime henchmen who helped kill Vinnie Ricorso in the 1989 film.
- The music heard playing on the grounds of Arkham Asylum is the infamous Joker theme song heard in the 1989 film.
- The introduction score for the game is Danny Elfman's music from the Batman theme heard in the 1989 film.
- The in-game Gotham chemical factory strongly resembles Axis Chemicals, where Jack Napier was transformed into the Joker.
- The skyline of Gotham City, as seen in some of the vehicle levels, are similar to the Gotham skyline as glimpsed in the 1989 film.
- The Monarch Theater (Where Bruce Wayne's parents were killed in the 1989 film) briefly appears in Lego Batman: The Video Game.
- The Gotham Cathedral (where the Joker met his end in the 1989 movie) appears as the scene for a final showdown between Batman and the Joker in Lego Batman: The Video Game.
- The Batwing, Batman's mode of aerial transportation in the 1989 film, is a playable vehicle during gameplay.
Batman Returns
- The Gotham Zoo from Batman Returns is an accessible location in Lego Batman: The Video Game, in its film appearance. (The headquarters for Penguin in the 1992 Batman film) can be seen during gameplay. During the cutscene in the beginning of the last Penguin level, you can see Artic World's globe in the distance.
- The Gotham sewers appear in the game as they do in the 1992 film.
- The Joker's in-game thugs bear some resemblance to the Red Triangle Gang, who serve as the Penguin's henchmen in Batman Returns.
- The Penguin uses an army of Penguins to take over the city just as he did in Batman Returns.
- The final battle of Power Crazed Penguin is against both Penguin and Catwoman. They were the main antagonists of Batman Returns, and like the film the final confrontation is at Arctic World in the Gotham Zoo.
Batman Forever
- The in-game hideout for the Riddler, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Clayface, and Mr. Freeze resembles the Riddler's Claw Island headquarters as seen in 'Batman Forever'.
- Two-Face serves as the Riddler's in-game deputy, as he does in the film.
- The Arkham Asylum's in-game appearance in the game resembles its appearance in Joel Schumacher's films.
- The Joker's in-game circus strongly resembles Haly's Circus, where Dick Grayson was orphaned in the 1995 film.
- The Batcave's in-game appearance resembles its 1995 film counterpart.
- The streets of Gotham resemble the Gotham alleyways as depicted in the 1995 film.
- The green mind control rays that come out of Riddler's staff look like the beams that came out of his Box machine in the film.
- The final confrontation began with Riddler featured him sitting up a throne with Two-Face at his side similar to the final confrontation of the film.
- Batman's suit resembles a combination of his original suit & his prototype sonar suit.
- Robin's suit strongly resembles his suit in Batman Forever (due to his long green sleeves and black gloves), but with the original Dick Grayson's hair & cape, along with Tim Drake's green mask & belt.
- A version of Jim Carrey's Riddler can be created in the character customizer.
Batman & Robin
- The interior of Poison Ivy's in-game botanical garden resembles the Turkish Bath House, where she and Bane make their headquarters in Batman & Robin.
- Mr. Freeze's ice cream factory hideout in Lego Batman: The Videogame is the same hideout, Snowy Cones Ice Cream Factory, were his character is shown using in the 1997 film.
- The snowman statue outside of Mr. Freeze's in-game hideout is, down to the very last detail, the same snowman statue portrayed in Batman & Robin.
- The lab area in Poison Ivy's botanical garden is similar to Dr. Jason Woodrue's lab in the 1997 film.
- The security guards in Lego Batman: The Videogame have been frozen by Mr. Freeze into blocks of ice, as described in Batman & Robin.
- The Gotham Art Museum appears as it does in the 1997 film where Mr Freeze stages a robbery.
- Although despite not appearing in the movie, Poison Ivy's in-game goons are most likely based off of her zombie henchmen in the 1998 video game adaptation of Batman & Robin.
Batman: The Animated Series
- The intro of Lego Batman: The Videogame is similar to the intro to the Animated Series, were Batman fights two goons and stands on to of a building.
- Clayface, Mr. Freeze and Harley Quinn's appearances are directly influenced by their Animated Series appearances.
- Mr. Freeze's henchgirls in the platform version of the game are the same women seen assisting Freeze in the fourth season of Batman: The Animated Series (known as 'The New Batman Adventures')(as well in the Batman & Robin film).
Batman Begins
- Wayne Enterprises appears as it does in the 2005 film.
- The voice actors who play Bane (Fred Tatasciore) and Killer Croc (Steve Blum) in Lego Batman: The Videogame, reprise their roles in Batman: Arkham Asylum.
- The stud max is 4,000,000,000 (Four Billion) studs.
- All Soundtracks are from Batman.
Two direct sequels to LEGO Batman were released, LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (2012) and LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (2014). Both games featured Superman and other members of the Justice League as supporting characters. A spin-off, LEGO DC Super-Villains, was released in 2018, which featured Batman, his supporting characters and members of the rogues gallery as playable characters.
LEGO Batman: The Videogame is a video game developed by Traveller's Tales that was released on September 23, 2008. The Mac OS X version of the game was released in April 2009 by Feral Interactive. [1]
After each level, players can earn Extras by collecting a Red Power Brick. Characters such as Batman, Robin, The Joker, Catwoman, The Penguin, and Bane released in the toy range as well as new characters that are not in the LEGO Batman sets such as Batgirl, Mad Hatter, Clayface, Man-Bat, and Killer Moth are playable.
Batman starts in his standard black and grey suit and can wear a Heat Protection Suit, a Sonic Suit, a Glide Suit, and a Demolition Suit. Robin can wear a Tech Suit, a Water Suit, an Attract Suit, and a Magnetic Suit. When the player find those suits, they may obtain them in the Suit Swappers, or play as them in free-play. Batgirl can wear the same suits as Batman, and Nightwing can wear the same suits as Robin.
As in the other LEGO game series (such as LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Indiana Jones), once a player completes a level, that level is unlocked in "Free-play Mode". Free-play mode allows the player to replay any level they've completed with any characters they've unlocked, unlike Story Mode, which only allows players to switch between the characters involved in that scene. This permits access to areas containing extras the player was unable to get before.
A sequel, LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, was released on June 19th, 2012. It revolves around The Joker and Lex Luthor teaming up, and in turn Batman and Robin ally with Justice League members such as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern.
Fifteen of Batman's enemies escape from Arkham Asylum and divide into three teams led by The Riddler, The Penguin, and The Joker.
Riddler's Revenge
The Riddler formulates a plan to rob the Gotham City Gold Reserves and briefs his team on the items they will need to do so.
The Riddler's team being briefed
He and Clayface travel through a parking garage and then through the city to a bank, where they blow off the front and Riddler takes a giant key. Clayface, however, is enamored by the gold and remains. When Batman and Robin arrive, Clayface is defeated. Batman chases Riddler until Clayface trips him and Two-Face arrives in his van to rescue Riddler. Unbeknownst to either of them, Batman plants a homing device on the van.
Riddler recruits Mr. Freeze to steal a freeze ray from Freeze's old ice cream factory, which they do. While Riddler wheels the ray off, Mr. Freeze releases the Freeze Girls from their cryogenic cases and uses them to assault the Dynamic Duo when they arrive. Batman defeats Mr. Freeze and the Freeze Girls, and Two-Face comes to pick up Riddler.
Batman and Robin chase Riddler and Two-Face's van in the Batmobile and Batcycle, and the van is destroyed. The villains split-up, and Riddler is cornered at the Gotham City Police Department, but rescued by Poison Ivy.
Riddler and Ivy make their way to the Botanic Gardens, where they steal mutant vine seeds, but Ivy remains - happy with all of the plants. She makes a stand against Batman and Robin, but is defeated like her predecessors.
Riddler and Two-Face break into WayneTech and escape with their Super-laser.
Meanwhile, in the Batcave, Batman, Robin, and Alfred solve Riddler's puzzles he has been leaving at each of the crime scenes, realizing he will rob the gold reserves.
Riddler and Two-Face freeze over the waterway to reach the island the reserves are held on and use the vine seeds to scale the cliff. When they aim the super laser at the door, it reflects and destroys the laser. Using a mind-controlled police helicopter, they gain entry and make their way to the vault with the giant key.
When they reach the Gold Reserves, the Dynamic Duo already finds it under siege. Entering through a window, they find Two-Face has covered a floor in toxins to prevent their advancement. Robin creates a swamp boat to cross using his Attract Suit, and they fight Two-Face until he flees. In the gold vault, they defeat Two-Face while Riddler uses the vault's defense laser, but it is destroyed. He attacks them himself or mind-controls the whimpering Two-Face until they both fall back into a pile of gold bars.
They are sent back to Arkham Asylum with cells next to Clayface, Mr. Freeze, and Poison Ivy. They are all strangely content, except for Riddler.
Power-Crazed Penguin
kPenguin assembles his team for a meeting on a submarine, which includes three of Batman's strongest enemies - Man-Bat, Killer Croc, and Bane - as well as himself and Catwoman. He introduces them to the Penguin Minions and explains how they can use them to take over Gotham City. However, they need a particular satellite and the Gotham Diamond to power it. The villains place boxes across the city in various areas, such as Commissioner Gordon's office and near the Fishmonger's truck.
The Penguin's and his team
Bane and Penguin leave for the docks, where they steal the satellite and place it on Penguin's submarine. Penguin ditches Bane, who is surrounded by Police Officers and becomes enraged. He throws a Police Car into the air, but it lands on himself.
Penguin and Catwoman travel by rooftop and destroy a Police Helicopter before they enter the museum. They steal the Gotham Diamond, but Catwoman refuses to give it to The Penguin. Before he can convince her, Police Officers arrive, and they split up.
While Batman and Robin chase Catwoman, Penguin and Killer Croc escape through the docks on their water vehicles. Catwoman is cornered and throws the diamond off the rooftop, where her cat below, Isis, takes it. Catwoman is taken into custody at the Police Station.
The Penguin and Killer Croc in the sewage system
Shortly after, the Dynamic Duo finds Croc and Penguin trying to escape through the docks. They chase them in the Batboat and on Robin's Jet-ski until Penguin's submarine is destroyed. Croc and Penguin try to run through the sewer, but are cornered. Croc attacks Robin, and they escape. They make their way to the Police Station through the sewage system to rescue Catwoman (since Isis has brought her the diamond). Croc convinces her to give the diamond to Penguin. As Catwoman and Penguin flee with the diamond, Croc covers their flight as Batman and Robin arrive. Croc is defeated and drops a pamphlet for the City Zoo, revealing where Penguin and Catwoman are headed.
When they realize the Dynamic Duo has found where they are headed, Penguin and Catwoman flee to the Arctic World, where they set up the satellite while Man-Bat slows the heroes down. Man-Bat is wrapped in his own wings and subdued by Batman and Robin, but not before the satellite is powered and the Penguin Minions attack the city. Making their way through the Arctic World, the duo fights the minions and the returned Freeze Girls. By rerouting the Penguin Bombers in the villains' base, they stop the satellite, and the Penguin Minions become immobile. Penguin, Catwoman, and the Freeze Girls attack, but are defeated.
Back at Arkham Asylum, police place Penguin and Catwoman in cells next to Bane, Killer Croc, and Man-Bat.
Joker's Return
Joker plans to spread laughing gas over Gotham City from the Cathedral and cause mayhem for Batman.
He sends Mad Hatter to Ace Chemicals to retrieve toxins while he and Harley Quinn set a trap for Commissioner Gordon. Hatter is defeated by Batman and Robin, while Harley and Joker capture Gordon.
The Joker fake-crying over Gordon's capture
Joker sends Batman a transmission of what they are planning to do to Gordon if Batman doesn't arrive to rescue him. Reaching the Amusement Mile, Batman and Robin make their way to rescue Gordon, defeating Harley Quinn. Joker, however, escapes in his helicopter.
While the Dynamic Duo tries to chase his helicopter down, The Scarecrow arrives in his Bi-plane to thwart the heroes' efforts. However, the bi-plane is shot down and crashes into Joker's helicopter. Both villains are left for dead, but they escape with giant balloons and crash through the Art Gallery's skylight. They try to escape, but Scarecrow is grabbed by a Police Officer in a crane. Joker escapes by using his laughing gas on an officer.
Killer Moth meets Joker outside, and together they make their way to the Cathedral. However, an enraged Gordon orders three mobile police headquarters to stop them. The villains defeat them all in the clown walker and rescue Harley Quinn. Gordon calls for Batman's help, and he quickly arrives in the Batwing. With the searchlight on, Moth is attracted to the light and stays, while Joker and Harley make their way to the Cathedral. Moth realizes the danger he is in and flees, but Batman and Robin chase him through the streets until he is cornered and left unconscious. When he comes to, Robin threatens him with bug-repellent, and he tells them Joker's plans.
At the Cathedral, the Dynamic Duo chase Harley to the top of the tower, where she and Joker hide in giant bells. Once they are found, Joker summons his helicopter to defeat Batman and Robin, but it is destroyed. The platform Harley and Joker are on collapses, and Harley is knocked unconscious. During the fight with Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime manages to win and uses his joy buzzer to defeat the Dynamic Duo. By the time Batman awakens, Harley is already revived. He throws a Batarang at the bells to disrupt the bats' echolocation, and they attack the villains. Robin awakens, and Gordon arrives shortly after to arrest the ne'er-do-wells.
Joker and Harley are placed in cells next to Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, and Killer Moth at Arkham.
Batman and Robin scale the side of Arkham, and Joker looks up at them and shakes his fist in anger. At the top, the Dynamic Duo sees the Bat-signal shine, aim their grapple guns, and move toward it.
LEGO Batman is set in its own universe but takes inspiration from different movies, comics, and the DC Animated Universe. Important events such as Knightfall (where Bane breaks Batman's back and Azrael takes over for a short period) and No Man's Land (where an Earthquake has ravaged Gotham) are alluded to. Others, such as The Killing Joke, are omitted as Barbara Gordon is still ambulatory and operating as Batgirl (however, Joker's tropical costume is still included).
The characters' origins are either based on comic book versions, such as Mad Hatter and both versions of Clayface. Others, like Mr. Freeze, are more inspired by Batman: The Animated Series.
LEGO Batman: The Videogame is a an action-adventure game developed by Traveller's Tales & the first installment of the LEGO Batman series. It was released on September 23rd, 2008 for the Nintendo D.S., Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Wii and Xbox 360. It is similar to the LEGO Star Wars series, as it is a video game based on a licensed property and depicts environments, objects, and creatures made out of LEGO bricks. Warner Brothers handled the publishing, marketing and financing aspects.
The core gameplay and storyline feel very similar to its LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy counterpart. Players are able to fight on land, sea, and the air using a number of powerful vehicles, including the Batmobile, Batboat, and Batplane. New moves featured in LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures were added, such as swimming underwater, as seen in a gameplay trailer. New abilities include picking up enemies, carrying enemies, and walking on tightropes over Gotham City. The characters are able to use many unique abilities: the Joker is able to attack enemies with his hand-buzzer, the Penguin is able to glide over gaps with his trick-umbrella, Catwoman can attack foes with a whip in a similar fashion to Indiana Jones, and Killer Croc can punch enemies with so much force that they fly off-screen. Batman starts in a gray suit and can wear a rocket/gray suit, a sonic/blue suit, a bat bomb/grey suit and a shadow/black suit. Robin can wear a technology/red-yellow suit, a dive/red-blue suit, a magnetic/red-grey suit and a gravity suit. When players find those suits, they can buy them in the hubs and play as those in free play. Once a player completes a level, that level is unlocked in 'Freeplay Mode'. Freeplay mode allows the player to replay any level they've completed with any characters they've unlocked, unlike Story Mode, which only allows players to switch between the characters involved in that scene. This permits access to areas containing extras the player was unable to get before. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions offer 720p and 1080p displays, and the game is backwards-compatible with the Xbox One in the case of the Xbox 360 version, and the Wii U in the case of the Wii version.
The video game stars Batman and his sidekick, Robin, fighting villainy in Gotham City. Many of the Dynamic Duo's foes have all escaped from Arkham Asylum and divided themselves into three groups, each led by a well-known supervillain. Various gameplay footage shows the Joker and Harley Quinn luring Commissioner Gordon to an abandoned amusement park where they take him captive to use in a trap for Batman. Others include Catwoman stealing a valuable diamond and then the Riddler outlining his plans with his group. There are 32 levels in the game (15 for the heroes and 15 for the villains), as well as two bonus levels, including Wayne Manor in which Bruce Wayne is an unlockable character. Players may unlock villain levels as they progress through the game. The hub for the heroes (similar to those in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures) will be the Batcave, where players can buy the characters and see the unlockables. Alternatively, the hub for the villains in Arkham Asylum, There are many different environments in the game which are usually based on the villains' backstories or abilities, including an Ice Cream Factory, the Botanical Gardens, the Sewers, and Gotham Streets.
An early build for the PlayStation 2 console was shown at certain conferences by Traveller's Tales Publishing's Head of Production Jonathan Smith, with a small playable area sporting the exact same HUD as LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Developer Jonathan Smith stated that the company will be developing more LEGO games in the foreseeable future.
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2,792 | уникальных посетителей |
135 | добавили в избранное |
№1. You Can Bank on Batman \ Вы можете положиться на Бэтмена.
№1. There She Goes Again \ Там она идет снова.
№2. Batboat Battle \ Битва на Бэт-лодках.
№3. Under the City \ Под Городом.
№4. Zoo's Company \ Компания Зоопарка.
№5. Penguin's Lair \ Логово Пингвина.
№1. Joker's Home Turf \ Домашняя территория Джокера.
№1. The Ridler Makes a Withdrawal \ Ридлер делает вывод.
№1. Rockin' the Docks \ Качающие доки.
№1. A Surprise for the Commissioner \ Сюрприз для комиссара.
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