Лего бэтмен 3 вики
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Lego Batman, The Video Game - это приключенческая видеоигра, разработанная Traveller's Tales и опубликованная Warner Bros. Игры в 2008 году . Он основан на мире Бэтмена , но с персонажами и наборами из Lego .
Это третья лицензия на присоединение к видеоиграм Lego после Lego Star Wars и Lego Indiana Jones . В отличие от своих предшественников, игра не повторяет в точности сюжет фильмов в частности, но занимает много персонажей и мест из своей вселенной. Эта игра, в которой присутствует вездесущий юмор, представляет собой смесь уважения и пародии на героя Готэм-сити.
Критики приветствовали его положительно, и он добился значительного успеха у игроков с почти 12 миллионами продаж (в 2014 году). Он знает два продолжения: Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes в 2012 году и Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham в 2014 году.
Лего Бэтмен не совсем повторяет сюжет фильмов по лицензии Бэтмена, но сохраняет принципы общей истории Бэтмена. Действие игры происходит в Готэм-сити, где трое величайших врагов Бэтмена, Сфинкс (также известный как Таинственный человек), Джокер и Пингвин, приступают к ограблению национального банка Готэма.
В роликах и в игре нет текстов, история рассказывается только через показанные события и короткие ролики.
Эпизод 1: Душа Сфинкса
В начале игры многие злодеи из вселенной Бэтмена сбегают из Убежища Аркхема , освобожденного Джокером и Двуликим. Затем они сеют ужас в Готэме , распространяя веселящий газ и нападая на полицию. Ошеломленный событиями, комиссар Гордон решает вызвать сигнал летучей мыши, чтобы вызвать Бэтмена на помощь. Вскоре после того, как Сфинкс виден вылупления план с его подельников Claymouth , Мистер Фриз , дважды лица и ядовитой Женщина .
Уровень 1: Бэтмен в банке
На этом первом уровне главный злодей - Клеймут , который совершает ограбление банка. В конечном итоге он попадает в ловушку Бэтмена и Робина, которые запирают его в камере. Затем прибывает Двуликий Сфинкс, который оставляет Бэтмена с ящиком, содержащим части Лего, которые оставляют двух героев в недоумении. Таинственный человек сбегает в фургоне Двуликого, но Бэтмену удается разместить на нем GPS-трекер.
Уровень 2: очень холодный прием
Следуя GPS, Бэтмен и Робин прибывают к маркеру мистера Фриза , перед которой уже застыли полицейские. Затем они пошли по его стопам. Найдя его, они противостоят ему и позволили ему нокаутировать. Сфинкс прибывает, оставляет еще один ящик, насмехаясь над героями, и снова уходит с Двуликим .
Уровень 3: Охота на хедз-ап
Третий уровень начинается, когда полиция находит двух злодеев. Они бегут в трехслойном в бронированном фургоне , проводимом как сотрудники правоохранительных органов и Бэтменом и Робином, и вызовом в других головорезах на помощь. После лихорадочной погони их останавливают, но, поскольку они, кажется, загнаны в угол, Ядовитый Плющ прибывает как раз вовремя, чтобы спасти Сфинкса силой ее растений. Он снова оставляет за собой таинственный ящик, но также оставляет несколько листьев от Ядовитого Плюща.
Уровень 4: Отравленное свидание
Уровень 5: Расчет счетов
Детали, содержащиеся в коробках, оставленных Сфинксом, позволяют Бэтмену и Робину собрать замок, который узнает Дворецкий Альфред. Он сообщает им свое местоположение на компьютере Бэтпещеры. Это Готэм-банк. Сфинкс и Двуликий ждут их, расставляя для них ловушки. Финальная схватка происходит в хранилище банка, где Бэтмен и Робин побеждают Двустороннего и Сфинкса. Они отправляют их и всех злодеев, с которыми они сталкиваются во время главы, обратно в Arkham Asylum.
Эпизод 2: Сильный безумный пингвин
Женщина-кошка , Бэйн , Человек-Летучая мышь , Убийца Крок и Пингвин воссоединяются на подводной лодке вокруг Пингвина, который замышляет злой план. Позже команда размещает ящики с пингвинами в разных местах Готэма.
Уровень 1: снова
Женщина-кошка удивлена Бэтменом и Робином после того, как она только что украла драгоценный камень. Они отправляются в погоню, которая выводит их на крыши города. Женщина-кошка побеждена, она пытается соблазнить Бэтмена, поцеловав его, и роняет драгоценный камень, найденный ее кошкой.
Уровень 2: Битва на Бэтботе
Женщину-кошку обманывает Бэтмен, который, соблазнив ее миской молока, пользуется возможностью, чтобы схватить ее и бросить в полицейский фургон. Но недалеко оттуда они видят Пингвина и Убийцу Крока. Дуэт отправился в погоню за ними на борту Batbateau и морского судна. В гавани начинается битва с ракетами и минами, расплачиваться за это многие скоростные катера Убийцы Крок и Пингвин. В финальной сцене Бэтмен уничтожает подводную лодку «Пингвин». Однако двум злодеям удается сбежать через крышку люка.
Уровень 3: Под городом
Поэтому погоня продолжается в канализации Готэма, населенной Убийцей Кроком по прозвищу Вэйлон Джонс, а также крокодилами. В конце этих канализаций дуэт побеждает врага и запирает его за решеткой.
Уровень 4: Двое в зоопарке
Человек-летучая мышь , человек, превратившийся в гигантскую летучую мышь после неудачного эксперимента, укрылся в зоопарке. Бэтмен и Робин идут туда, чтобы остановить его. Пройдя через различные загоны и войдя в лодку, расположенную на болоте, они присоединяются к ней и сумят нейтрализовать ее с помощью граммофона , потому что Человек-Летучая мышь, обладая чрезвычайно чувствительным слухом, издаваемый звук делает его неспособным сражаться.
Уровень 5: Логово пингвина
Бэтмен и Робин отправляются в погоню за пингвином на ледяном уровне. Они также выследили Женщину-кошку и сумели остановить их, что обезвредило пингвиновские бомбы, которые Пингвин разбросал по Готэму.
В конце концов, Бэйн, Убийца Крок, Человек-Летучая мышь, Женщина-кошка и Пингвин переданы в Убежище Аркхэма.
Эпизод 3: Возвращение Джокера
Шляпник , Страшила , Harley Quinn и убийца Moth собрались вокруг на Джокера . Последний уже распространил посылки с веселящим газом, но готовит еще один плохой ход.
Уровень 1: Владение джокера
Бэтмен и Робин находятся в Бэт-пещере с Альфредом, когда получают предупреждение: Джокер находится на химическом заводе. Затем они летят туда по воздуху. Обыскав фабрику, они находят там Шляпника и останавливают его, несмотря на его способность контролировать разум. Джокер сбегает на вертолете.
Уровень 2: Скорбь в верхней части экрана
Бэтмен получает видеообращение от Джокера на своем крыле летучей мыши: последний находится в цирке с Харли Куинн. Они показывают себя в постановке, угрожая марионеткам и животным, и особенно уполномоченному Гордону, которого они похитили. Дуэт пересекает заброшенный цирк, сражаясь с противниками, с которыми они там встречаются, и достигает уровня Харли Куинн, который противостоит им под беспомощным взглядом Гордона за решеткой клетки. Куинн, не без демонстрации своих акробатических талантов, вскоре признает поражение, которое позволяет Бэтмену освободить Гордона. Веселый Джокер снова убегает на своем вертолете.
Уровень 3: Полет летучей мыши
В Пугало атаки Бэтмен и Робин , как они обозреть город с воздуха. Поэтому они преследуют его по крышам Готэма с Batwing и Batcopter. Пугало борется с ними с помощью Джокера, но его вертолет в конечном итоге уничтожается ракетами Бэтмена. Он оказывается изгнанным вместе с Джокером, но два преступника остаются на свободе.
Уровень 4: В темноте
Комиссар Гордон отправляет Бэтмену видеообращение с просьбой о помощи, когда Мотылек-убийца атакует город. Он запрягает его и гонит по улицам, пересекая ночной клуб и горящие места. Он бьет его с помощью генераторов, привлекающих человека-мотылька к гигантской лампочке. Рядом Джокер уже начинает атаку на Собор.
Уровень 5: Вершина башни.
Джокера можно увидеть на лестнице, ведущей к собору, когда его приспешники сталкиваются с полицией на привокзальной площади. Бэтмен и Робин противостоят им, затем входят в здание вслед за Харли Куинн и преследуют ее до шпиля. Там они находят Джокера и его спутника. Сбив вертолет соучастника Джокера, два героя добиваются победы, пугая Джокера летучими мышами. Полиция прибывает, чтобы увидеть конец высмеянного клоуна и его напарника.
Безумный Шляпник, Пугало, Мотылек-убийца, Харли Куинн и Джокер оказываются за решеткой.
Игровая система
Принцип аналогичен другим видеоиграм Lego: это игра в жанре экшн / платформер, состоящая из кубиков Lego, воспроизводящих вселенную лицензии. В нее можно играть в одиночку или парами: парами, каждый из двух персонажей управляется игроком, в одиночку второй персонаж управляется игрой автоматически.Камера расположена в местах, определенных игрой, и поэтому не является строго говоря управляемый игроком, но все же немного ориентируемый, чтобы лучше видеть, что окружает главных героев.
Игрок (и) должен пройти сюжет, собирая как можно больше деталей Lego и активируя механизмы, необходимые для прохождения уровня. Многие враги атакуют Бэтмена и Робина, чтобы замедлить их, и босс обычно присутствует в конце уровня.
У персонажей есть несколько способностей, основные из которых: прыгать, бить, хватать врага и бросать бэтаранг . Также можно ходить по веревке или подниматься на высоту с помощью грейфера. Впоследствии с помощью дополнительных костюмов можно приобретать новые способности, адаптированные к препятствиям, которые необходимо преодолеть на уровне. Как и в других играх Lego, вам нужно активировать механизмы в ключевых местах, таких как кнопки, турникеты и т. Д. Кластеры частей также должны быть собраны, удерживая ключ, чтобы воссоздать объект, необходимый для продвижения.
Несколько встреченных транспортных средств являются управляемыми, и один уровень в эпизоде посвящен погонам и боям транспортных средств, включая Бэтмобиль , Батбато и Крыло летучей мыши. Вождение в стиле аркады, направленный крест или ручка определяют направление движения автомобиля и заставляют его двигаться вперед. Бэтмобиль и некоторые другие транспортные средства могут стрелять снарядами по врагам и декорациям, а также буксировать предметы (врагов или мины) с помощью крюка для захвата.
Как и в играх Lego Star Wars, видеоигре и Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Trilogy , вы должны сначала пройти уровень в режиме «Сюжет», чтобы затем разблокировать режим «Бесплатная игра», в котором игрок может. уровень с персонажами на ваш выбор и исследуйте ранее недоступные места. Кроме того, игра позволяет после завершения эпизода воспроизвести его заново, рассказывая о злодеях.
Batcave действует как центр для выбора эпизода и уровня, просмотра специальных монет, собранных во время игры, и покупки персонажей и бонусов за накопленную валюту.
Игровые предметы
Многие объекты Lego можно разрушить, а другие невозможно разрушить. Их легко заметить, потому что они отличаются от реалистичного окружения, в котором движется игрок. Они будут бросать монеты, сердечки или даже монеты, чтобы строить другие объекты, которые могут быть необходимы для прогресса.
Деньги: части Lego разбросаны по уровням и служат валютой для покупки, среди прочего, новых персонажей.
Сердца: шкала здоровья ограничена 4 сердечками; его можно восстановить, уничтожая объекты или убивая врагов.
Мини-наборы: их по десять на каждом уровне, они находятся в виде маленьких цилиндрических черных предметов. Обнаружив их все, вы сможете воссоздать автомобиль, которым впоследствии сможете любоваться в Бэт-пещере или приюте. Обнаружение всех мини-наборов в эпизоде открывает секретный бонус.
Бэтмен и Робин наряды
На разных уровнях героев есть базы с логотипом Бэтмена или Робина, а над ними - экипировка. Когда соответствующий персонаж прыгает выше этого постамента, он надевает отображаемый на нем костюм, который дает ему особые способности. Вот список всех нарядов:
- Снаряжение для разрушения: позволяет закладывать бомбы;
- Снаряжение планера: позволяет летать;
- Термостойкость: позволяет прикасаться к горячим предметам;
- Звукоизоляция: позволяет разбивать стеклянные поверхности.
- Техническое оснащение: позволяет активировать электронные механизмы;
- Магнитная фиксация: позволяет ходить по магнитным поверхностям;
- Приспособление для всасывания: позволяет пылесосить детали для создания предметов;
- Гидрокостюм: позволяет нырять под водой.
Уровни игры
Игра состоит из трех глав или эпизодов, каждая из которых разделена на пять уровней. В начале новой игры вы должны пройти первый уровень La soulte du Sphinx, чтобы разблокировать другие эпизоды, которые затем позволят вам испытать три приключения в желаемом порядке. Когда глава завершена в режиме героя, ее копия в режиме злодеев разблокируется и становится доступной для игры.
На уровнях героя в конце каждого уровня есть босс . Он является культовым злодеем Бэтмена и, в отличие от основных врагов, у него есть несколько сердец, олицетворяющих его здоровье. История главы заканчивается, когда лидер одной из команд злодеев (Человек-загадка, Пингвин и Джокер) терпит поражение в конце пятого уровня. На злодейских уровнях боссы встречаются редко и не обязательно сталкиваются с ними в конце уровня.
Lego Batman был разработан британской студией Traveller's Tales , также за предыдущими видеоиграми Lego.
Официально о разработке было объявлено 27 марта 2007 г. . Вскоре после этого, благодаря коммерческому и критическому успеху Lego Star Wars, TT Games уже указала, что другие игры Lego находятся в разработке.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment объявляет о 8 ноября 2007 г. что она купила группу TT Games , родительскую для студии Traveller's Tales, и эти сущности продолжают существовать где-то еще. Неделю спустя он был подтвержден для выпуска для Европы в 2008 году на всех платформах, и была раскрыта информация об игровом процессе, такая как возможность играть за Бэтмена и Робина, строительство транспортных средств и кооперативный многопользовательский режим.
Это выходит в сентябрь 2008 г. в Северной Америке и октябрь 2008 в Европе и Австралии, вскоре после выхода «Темного рыцаря: Темный рыцарь» летом 2008 года.
Музыка взята из фильма Тима Бертона 1989 года « Бэтмен» и написана Дэнни Эльфманом .
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LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is the third installment in the LEGO Batman Videogame franchise. The game was released on November 11th, 2014 in North America.
When the Sinestro Corps, Indigo Tribe, Red Lantern Corps, Orange Lantern Corps, Blue Lantern Corps and Star Sapphires are summoned in the midst of space in an unnamed planet, they begin to accuse one another for the summoning. When they realize none of them had summoned one another, Brainiac appears.
Meanwhile in Gotham City, Batman and Robin are chasing Killer Croc through the streets shortly after he had broken into the City Records Office. Batman and Robin continue pursuing Killer Croc and manage to fight through his henchmen. Killer Croc runs through the sewage system where he runs into the rest of the Legion of Doom. Killer Croc gives them the map of the sewage, in an act to help them navigate through the maze.
At the same time many of the Lantern Corps are fighting against Brainiac and his forces. Brainiac then uses mind control to force all of the lanterns into his space shuttle.
Soon after, at the Hall of Justice, Green Lantern meets Cyborg, who at the time was working on a teleportation device to and from the Watchtower. Cyborg insists that Green Lantern tests the teleportation device. When Green Lantern reluctantly agrees he is teleported directly to the Watchtower with little damage. There, Cyborg is met by his teammate Martian Manhunter.
At the Batcave, Batman observes an approaching spaceship coming through the atmosphere. Batman, without hesitation, contacts Martian Manhunter and urges him to check the shuttle just in case. When Batman looks at the spaceship again, he is mesmerized by a bright beam causing him to attack Alfred as well as Robin. This forced Robin and Alfred to attempt to prevent Batman from destroying the Batcave. After Robin used the various Bat-Vehicles to stop Batman, Batman is severely weakened. Soon after which Robin talks Batman out of his trance.
At the Hall of Justice, Hawkman arrives and enters his room. It turns out that Hawkman is actually Lex Luthor in disguise. Lex Luthor planned to infiltrate the Watchtower and hod, the Justice League hostage. The real Hawkman, however,is being held in the sewage under the Hall of Justice.
At the same time in the Watchtower, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern, assisted by Batman, try to determine what the strange spaceship was. Their communication was interrupted when the Watchtower's communicators were shut down by the Legion of Doom. An unauthorized use of the teleportation device, is detected. Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern promptly discover the Legion of Doom's presence within Watchtower. Consequently, Martian Manhunter alerts the entire Justice League and advises them to prepare for battle.
Upon assembling the Bat-Rocket at the Batcave, Batman and Robin head back into space. Martian Manhunter, meanwhile, works to hold off Lex Luthor and his villainous allies. Firefly traps Martian Manhunter in a ring of fire. Before long, Martian Manhunter was defeated by Firefly, as fire was Martian Manhunter's weakness. Just before Lex Luthor can get a hold of the Binary Fusion Cannon , the computers alert the entire base of the Bat-Rocket's approach to the Watchtower. Just before, the Bat-Rocket was set to explode, Superman arrives and saves them. Whilst Superman gets Robin onto the Justice League's jet, Batman works to find a way in to the Justice League Watchtower with the help of Cyborg and Flash. Upon entrance of the Justice League Watchtower, the Justice League members confront Lex Luthor and his villainous allies. Wonder Woman and Flash face off against Cheetah and Firefly respectively. When Cheetah is defeated, Firefly tries to incinerate Wonder Woman and Flash. However, Flash to puts out the fires, including the ones surrounding Martian Manhunter, who proceeds to knock out Firefly while Wonder Woman defeats Cheetah.
At the same time, Robin and Cyborg pursue Killer Croc and Solomon Grundy where Cyborg's Giant Suit easily subdues Killer Croc and Solomon Grundy. Superman and Batman confront Lex Luthor and Joker where they learn of Lex Luthor's heinous plot with the Watchtower's Binary Fusion Cannon. Batman and Superman fight their way past LexBots and Joker Henchman, just before Lex Luthor shows up in a larger exo-suit. Using his Electric Suit, Batman powers up an EMP device in order to disable Lex Luthor's exo-suit while Superman subdues Joker easily. With the villains defeated, the Justice League Watchtower informs the heroes and villains alike that an unknown force is approaching. Martain Manhunter identifies the object and sends Green Lantern to investigate. Brainiac contacts the Justice League Watchtowers and introduces himself briefly. Brainiac states that he collects things throught the universe by using his shrink ray to miniaturize cities throughout the galaxy and is now interested in collecting worlds, including the Earth.
It is shown that Brainiac is using the power rings of the captive lanterns in order to shrink larger planets. Superman attempts to prevent Brainiac's shrink ray from causing any damage. Lex Luthor states intelligently that if Superman fails, they are going to need a Plan B. Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Lex Luthor, Joker, Cheetah, Killer Croc, and Solomon Grundy work together side-by-side to infiltrate Brainiac's ship in order to rescue Green Lantern and the others from Brainiac. Due to the helmet that Robin was wearing after being regurgitated from Killer Croc, he is unaffected by Brainiac's mind-control and attacks Brainiac to prevent him from controlling the heroes and villains present.
When Batman, Robin, Joker, and Solomon Grundy take down Brainiac, Superman is shown to be getting close to stopping the shrink ray, consequently it starts to overload. Brainiac then escapes to Earth in haste as the shrink ray's explosion causes Green Lantern and the power ring wielders to disappear where their respectful energies hits each one of the heroes and villains present, except for Robin who is still wearing the helmet. Due to the Emotional Spectrum, the many heroes and villains develop strong emotions from the lanterns. Wonder Woman becomes full of rage, Flash greedy, Cyborg fearful, Lex Luthor compassionate, Solomon Grundy hopeful, and lastly The Joker becomes very loving of everything.
Batman and Wonder Woman pursue Superman, who has, at the time fallen to Earth. They follow him to Paris, France where the impact of his crash collapses the, once large, Eiffel Tower. Meanwhile, Hawkman, still in the cage under the Hall of Justice, gets out of his cuffs but is unable to get out of the metal cage itself, much to his dismay. Back on Brainiac's ship, Cyborg attempts to land Brainiac's ship in Gotham City. After Superman regains consciousness, with Wonder Woman's help, Batman repairs the Eiffel Tower as best he can. After Wonder Woman, under her emotional rage, kicks the Eiffel Tower where it collapses, Superman manages to repair it in the correct appearance.
Brainiac then arrives where he is now planning to shrink Earth's cities, now that his plan for worlds is foiled. Brainiac manages to shrink Paris and bottle it as Superman claims the bottles from Brainiac. Then they follow Brainiac to London, England where he manages to shrink that city as well. Upon Batman claiming the bottle holding London, he, Superman, and Wonder Woman follow Brainiac to Pisa, Italy where Superman straightens the Leaning Tower of Pisa until Brainiac's ship leans it back to it's original position and shrinks it as well. Before leaving, Brainiac leaves vowing that the Justice League will never stop him.
Meanwhile in outer space, Green Lantern promptly fixes the damaged Justice League Watchtower. Soon after, he and Martian Manhunter are contacted by Batman to help them locate Brainiac who was on his quest of shrinking cities. Martian Manhunter states that Brainiac is heading for Gotham City as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman head towards the city in an attempt to protect the citizens and prevent Brainiac from shrinking the city. In Gotham City, Robin, Flash, Cyborg, Lex Luthor, Joker, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy are confronted by Brainiac. Wonder Woman manages to hastily bring Brainiac's ship down as he unleashes his robot clones, while he promptly escapes into his spaceship. Flash was able to create a large cage to trap Brainiac's spaceship which will hold it there until both groups fall back to the Justice League Watchtower.
Back on the Justice League Watchtower, Robin reveals that he has a small shard of the crystal used by Brainiac in his plot to shrink Earth. Superman states that he could use the crystals at the Fortress of Solitude to create a duplicate to help aid them. Green Lantern speculates that the other power ring wielders were transported back to the source planets of their power rings. When Robin asks how their going to get Atrocitus, Larfleeze, and Sinestro to help, Green Lantern states that they should get ahold of their power batteries where the energies are found.
On Zamaron, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Flash are attacked by a hoard of Zamaron Warriors and the entity of love, The Predator . Afterwards, Star Sapphire agrees to help the Justice League in their mission. On Odym, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Flash answer a distress beacon set by Saint Walker where he mentions that Odym is being invaded by dropships. Upon disabling the Reach Mothership, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Flash rescue Saint Walker from Dante and help defend the Blue Lantern power battery from harm. Saint Walker then agrees to help the Justice League. On Nok, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Flash work to repair the power battery of the Indigo Tribe in quick haste, until they are attacked by Indigo-1 and the Indigo Tribe people. When the Indigo Tribe's power battery is repaired, the tribe revives their compassionate traits, and Indigo-1 agrees to help the Justice League. On Ysmault, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman (who is at the time disguised as Joker), Robin (who is disguised as Lex Luthor), and Wonder Woman (who is disguised as Cheetah) all pursue Atrocitus and Bleez, when they summon the entity of rage: The Butcher . Upon defeating The Butcher, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman distract Atrocitus while Green Lantern robs the battery. On Okaara, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman (all wearing their disguises) make plans to distract Larfleeze. When Larfleeze and his Orange Lantern constructs are easily defeated, Green Lantern creates a construct of himself so that he can steal the Orange Lantern power battery.
Meanwhile, at the Fortress of Solitude, Superman, Joker (who is dressed as Batman), Lex Luthor (who is dressed as Wonder Woman), Cheetah (who is dressed as Robin), Firefly, and Killer Croc arrive as Superman works to compact the crystal samples into the correct structure needed to undo the effects of Brainiac's shrink ray. As Brainiac works on getting his spaceship free of it's cage, Hawkman tries to get free from his cage with his actions unnoticed by the cleaning group upstairs. On Qward, Sinestro appears on the Justice League ship where he is not fooled by the act by Green Lantern's group resulting in Green Lantern forcing Sinestro off the ship. After Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman take off their disguises near the Sinestro Corps power battery, Sinestro traps Green Lantern in a large marionette. Batman realizes that he must embody fear in order to obtain the Sinestro Corps power battery. He then sees Robin being pursued by a large Killer Croc construct created by Sinestro, and Batman becomes fearful that Robin will be harmed by the construct. Batman then claims the Sinestro Corps power battery, the last battery needed. Upon the group retreat, Larfleeze and Atrocitus arrive prompting them and Sinestro to go after them.
Martian Manhunter, Flash, Cyborg, Saint Walker, Indigo-1, and Star Sapphire arrive at the Fortress of Solitude shortly after. Green Lantern's group also arrives just as Sinestro, Larfleeze, and Atrocitus catch up with the group. Upon the Justice League getting the rest of the Lanterns to focus their energy towards the crystal, Earth is restored to it's normal size, the different Lanterns disappear, and the energies from the Emotional Spectrum disappear from it's victims. The villains then leave as Flash goes to check on Brainiac. Flash returns and reports that Brainiac's ship has gotten free. Brainiac arrives at the Fortress of Solitude in his ship where he reveals that he had taken Gotham City and Metropolis on his way to the Fortress of Solitude. Superman suddenly grows in size as Brainiac mind-controls him. After Batman uses a speech to break Brainiac's mind-control, Superman manages to stop Brainiac and obtain the shrink ray that is needed to restore Superman and the cities to their rightful sizes. The Justice League then leaves the Fortress of Solitude with Brainiac as their prisoner. The cities of the worlds have been restored to their rightful sizes.
Post-Credit Scenes
At the White House, Lex Luthor is enjoying being President with his villain allies present until the Justice League arrives. With the villains arrested, Lex Luthor and Joker are sharing the same cell with a shrunken Brainiac. They end up shaking the jar Brainiac is in until they accidentally shatter it and he is restored to normal size causing Lex Luthor and Joker to cower at Brainiac. While Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns continue to clean up the Hall of Justice, Hawkman is wondering if someone has called his wife, because he is still trapped within the cage. Back on Qward, Sinestro vows to destroy the Earthlings as he bumps into Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet which takes off on it's own. At the Justice League Watchtower, Aquaman, Black Canary, Booster Gold, Green Arrow, Shazam, and Swamp Thing arrive through a Slideways teleport in a very familiar fashion.
During the credits, 1966 Batman and Robin are doing their Bat-Climb up a building as they pass windows containing Adam West, Aquaman, Bat-Cow, Conan O'Brien, Green Arrow, Green Loontern, Harley Quinn, Joker, Kevin Smith, and Mister Mxyzptlk. There is also a Tyrannosaurus Rex that appears on the outside of the building, and when it does, the Jurassic Park theme song plays in the background.
Somewhere in space, Star Sapphire of the Star Sapphires, Sinestro of the Sinestro Corps, Atrocitus of the Red Lantern Corps, Saint Walker of the Blue Lantern Corps, Larfleeze of the Orange Lanterns, and Indigo-1 of the Indigo Tribe are summoned where they accuse each other of bringing each one to a
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Video Game Details
Nintendo 3DS, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, Playstation Vita, Wii U, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android
Blu-Ray Disc (Playstation 3)
Cartridge (Nintendo 3DS)
DVD-ROM (Xbox 360)
Wii U Optical Disc (Wii U)
Download (iOS and Android)
Release Date
Synopsis for "Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham"
Somewhere in space, Star Sapphire of the Star Sapphires, Sinestro of the Sinestro Corps, Atrocitus of the Red Lantern Corps, Saint Walker of the Blue Lantern Corps, Larfleeze of the Orange Lanterns, and Indigo-1 of the Indigo Tribe are summoned where they accuse each other of bringing each one to a part of space. When they realized that none of them summoned each other, they are approached by Brainiac's forces.
In Gotham City, Batman and Robin are pursuing Killer Croc after he had broken into the City Records Office. Batman and Robin find Killer Croc and his Croc Henchmen. Killer Croc runs through the sewers where he runs into the Joker, Cheetah, Firefly, and Solomon Grundy. Killer Croc gives them the sewer maps.
Back up in space, the many lanterns are fighting against Brainiac's forces. Brainiac soon becomes annoyed that they are trying to defy him, so he controls their minds and they are brought into Brainiac's ship.
At the Hall of Justice, Green Lantern confronts Cyborg who is working on a Slideways Teleport system that will teleport anybody from the Hall of Justice to the Justice League Watchtower. Green Lantern is reluctant to go through the teleport, but he does so anyway, and ends up in the Watchtower, unharmed besides the fact that his leg piece is on backwards. Green Lantern is met by Martian Manhunter up in the Watchtower.
Back at the Batcave, Batman sees through his telescope a spaceship that is approaching Earth. Batman takes Robin's suggestion to contact Martian Manhunter on the Justice League's communicator to check it out just. Alfred Pennyworth is pleased that Batman is Batmanbat.jpg doing the idea that was suggested by Robin. When Batman looks at the spaceship again, he is mesmerized by a beam shot by it causing him to attack Robin and Alfred. This caused Robin and Alfred to work to snap Batman out of the trance he is in. After Robin used the Bat-Vehicles to get Batman out of the Batmobile, Batman summons a lot of bats where the energy controlling Batman ends up using the bats to form a larger Batman figure. Afterwards, Robin tries to get through to Batman which was enough to snap him out of his trance. Batman wonders who was trying to control his mind and why. At the Hall of Justice, Hawkman arrives where he is ambushed by the Joker, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Firefly. It turns out that Hawkman is actually Lex Luthor in disguise in a plot to get to the Justice League Watchtower and use its Binary Fusion Cannon to hold the world ransom and demand that Lex Luthor be made President while Solomon Grundy was stuck in the manhole and got himself free. The real Hawkman is being held in the sewers under the Hall of Justice, trapped in a bird cage. Back up in the Watchtower, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter, assisted by Batman, try to determine what the strange spaceship is. Their communication is halted when the Watchtower's communicators are shut down. An unauthorized use of the Slideways teleport is detected, and Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter learn of the Legion of Doom's presence on the Watchtower. Martian Manhunter alerts Cyborg, The Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin, and they all head up to the Watchtower, except for Batman and Robin, who still need a ride up into space, due to the Slideways teleport system being shut down temporarily.
Upon assembling the Bat-Rocket, Batman and Robin head into space. While Green Lantern investigates the spaceship, Martian Manhunter works to hold off Lex Luthor and his villain allies. Firefly traps Martian Manhunter in a ring of fire. Before Lex Luthor can get ahold of the Binary Fusion Cannon, the Justice League Watchtower's computer alerts the entire base of the Bat-Rocket's approach. Joker prepares to take out Batman "old school style." After destroying some Joker Rockets, Batman and Robin lose their respective vehicles. Before they can be blown up, Superman arrives and saves them. While Superman gets Robin onto the Justice League's jet, Batman works to find a way in to the Justice League Watchtower with the help of Cyborg and Flash. Once inside the Justice League Watchtower, the Justice League members confront Lex Luthor and his villain allies. Flash and Wonder Woman face off against Cheetah and Firefly. When Cheetah is defeated, Firefly tries to burn Wonder Woman and Flash only for Flash to put out the fires including the ones surrounding Martian Manhunter who proceeds to knock out Firefly while Wonder Woman subdues Cheetah. Robin and Cyborg pursue Killer Croc and Solomon Grundy where Cyborg's Giant Suit subdues Killer Croc and Solomon Grundy. Superman and Batman confront Lex Luthor and Joker where they learn of Lex Luthor's plot with the Watchtower's Binary Fusion Cannon from Joker. Superman and Batman fight their way past LexBots and Joker Henchmen before Lex Luthor shows up in a larger exo-suit. Using his Electric Suit, Batman powers up an EMP device to disable Lex Luthor's exo-suit while Superman subdues Joker. With the villains defeated, the Justice League Watchtower informs everyone present that an unknown object is approaching. Martain Manhunter identifies the object that he sent Green Lantern to investigate. Brainiac contacts the Justice League Watchtowers and introduces himself. Brainiac states that he collects things throughout the universe by using his shrink ray to miniaturize cities throughout the galaxy and is now interested in collecting worlds.
It is shown that Brainiac is using the power rings of the captive Green Lantern, Star Sapphire, Sinestro, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker and Indigo-1 to power the crystals needed to shrink Earth. Superman does an attempt to stop Brainiac's shrink ray. Lex Luthor states that if Superman fails, they are going to need a Plan B. Batman, Robin, Cyborg, Flash, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Joker, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy work together to infiltrate Brainiac's ship in order to rescue Green Lantern and the others from Brainiac. Due to the helmet that Robin was wearing after being regurgitated from Killer Croc, he is unaffected by Brainiac's mind-control and attacks Brainiac to keep him from controlling the heroes and villains present. When Batman, Robin, Joker, and Solomon Grundy take down Brainiac, Superman is shown to be getting close to stopping the shrink ray which causes it to overload. Brainiac then escapes to Earth as the shrink ray's explosion causes Green Lantern and the power ring wielders to disappear where their respectful energies from the Emotional Spectrum hits each one of the heroes and villains present, except for Superman, Batman, Robin (who is wearing the helmet), Martian Manhunter, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Firefly. Due to the Emotional Spectrum, the many heroes and villains develop strong emotions. Cyborg fears everything, Flash becomes greedy, Wonder Woman becomes full of rage, Lex Luthor becomes hopeful, the Joker becomes very loving of everything and Solomon Grundy becomes compassionate. Batman and Wonder Woman pursue Superman, who has fallen to Earth. They follow him to Paris, France where the impact of his crash collapses the Eiffel Tower. Meanwhile, Hawkman, still in the cage under the Hall of Justice, gets out of his bonds but is unable to get out of the cage itself.
Back on Brainiac's ship, Cyborg tries to land Brainiac's ship in Gotham City. After Superman regains consciousness with Wonder Woman's help, Batman repairs the Eiffel Tower in his own image. After Wonder Woman kicks the Eiffel Tower where it collapses, Superman manages to repair it in the right appearance. Brainiac then arrives where he is now planning to shrink Earth's cities. Brainiac manages to shrink Paris and bottle it as Superman claims the bottle. Then they follow Brainiac to London, England where he manages to shrink it. Upon Batman claiming the bottle holding London, he, Superman, and Wonder Woman follow Brainiac to Pisa, Italy where Superman straightens the Leaning Tower of Pisa until Brainiac's ship leans it back to its original position and shrinks it. Before leaving, Brainiac leaves vowing that the Justice League won't stop him.
In outer space, Green Lantern fixes the Justice League Watchtower. Afterwards, he and Martian Manhunter are contacted by Batman to help them locate Brainiac. Martian Manhunter states that Brainiac is heading for Gotham City as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman head there. In Gotham City, Robin, Cyborg, Flash, Lex Luthor, Joker, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy are confronted by Brainiac. Wonder Woman manages to bring Brainiac's ship down as he unleashes his robot clones while he escapes into his spaceship. Flash was able to create a cage to trap Brainiac's spaceship which will hold it there for awhile while both groups fall back to the Justice League Watchtower.
Back on the Justice League Watchtower, Robin reveals that he has a shard of the crystal used by Brainiac in his plot to shrink Earth. Superman states that he could use the crystals at the Fortress of Solitude to create a duplicate.
Green Lantern suspects that the other power ring wielders were transported back to the source planets of their power rings. When Robin asks how their going to get Sinestro, Atrocitus, and Larfleeze to help, Green Lantern states that they should get ahold of their power batteries where the energies contained should be enough to help. On Zamaron, Cyborg, Flash and Martian Manhunter are attacked by the Soldier Sapphires and the entity of love, The Predator. Afterwards, Star Sapphire agrees to help the Justice League. On Odym, Cyborg, Flash and Martian Manhunter answer a distress beacon from Saint Walker where he mentions that Odym is being invaded by Reach dropships. Upon disabling the Reach Mothership, Cyborg, Flash, and Martian Mahunter rescue Saint Walker and help defend the Blue Lantern power battery. Saint Walker agrees to help the Justice League. On Nok, Cyborg, Flash, and Martian Manhunterwork to repair the power battery of the Indigo Tribe until they are attacked by Indigo-1 and the Indigo Tribe. When the Indigo Tribe's power battery is repaired, the tribe regains their compassionate traits, and Indigo-1 agrees to help the Justice League. On Ysmault, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman (who is disguised as Joker), Robin (who is disguised as Lex Luthor), and Wonder Woman (who is disguised as Cheetah) all pursue Atrocitus and Bleez, when they summon the entity of rage: The Butcher. Upon defeating The Butcher, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman distract Atrocitus while Green Lantern steals the power battery. On Okaara, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman (all wearing their disguises still) make plans to distract Larfleeze. When Larfleeze and his Orange Lantern constructs are defeated, Green Lantern creates a construct of himself so that he can steal the Orange Lantern power battery. At the Fortress of Solitude, Superman, Lex Luthor (who is dressed as Wonder Woman), Joker (who is dressed as Batman), Killer Croc, Cheetah (who is dressed as Robin), and Firefly arrive as Superman works to compact the crystal samples into the right structure needed to undo the effects of Brainiac's shrink ray. As Brainiac works on getting his spaceship free of it's cage, Hawkman tries to get free from his cage with his actions unnoticed by the cleaning group upstairs (Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns). On Qward, Sinestro appears on the Justice League ship where he is not fooled by the act by Green Lantern's group resulting in Green Lantern taking Sinestro off the ship. After Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman shed their disguises near the Sinestro Corps power battery, Sinestro traps Green Lantern in a marionette. Batman realizes that he must be afraid in order to obtain the Sinestro Corps power battery. He then sees Robin being pursued by a large Killer Croc construct created by Sinestro, and Batman becomes fearful that Robin will be harmed. Batman then claims the Sinestro Corps power battery. Upon Green Lantern's group retreating, Atrocitus and Larfleeze arrive prompting them and Sinestro to go after them.
Cyborg, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Star Sapphire, Saint Walker, and Indigo-1 arrive at the Fortress of Solitude. Green Lantern's group also arrives just as Sinestro, Atrocitus, and Larfleeze catch up. Upon the Justice League getting the rest of the Lanterns to focus their energy towards the crystal, Earth is restored to its normal size, the different Lanterns disappear, and the energies from the Emotional Spectrum disappear from its victims. The villains then leave as Flash goes to check on Brainiac. Flash returns and reports that Brainiac's ship has gotten free. Brainiac arrives at the Fortress of Solitude in his ship where he reveals that he had taken Gotham City and Metropolis on his way to the Fortress of Solitude. Superman suddenly grows in size as Brainiac mind-controls him. After Green Lantern returns and Batman uses a speech to break Brainiac's mind-control, Superman manages to stop Brainiac and obtain the shrink ray that is needed to restore Superman and the cities to their rightful sizes. The Justice League then leaves the Fortress of Solitude with Brainiac as their prisoner. The cities of the worlds have been restored to their rightful sizes.
At the White House, Lex Luthor is enjoying being President with his villain allies present until the Justice League arrives. With the villains arrested, Lex Luthor and Joker are sharing the same cell with a shrunken Brainiac. They end up shaking the jar Brainiac is in until they accidentally shatter it and he is restored to normal size causing Lex Luthor and Joker to cower at Brainiac.
During the credits, three different scenes occur: Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns continue to clean up the Hall of Justice, and Hawkman is wondering if someone has called his wife, because he is still trapped within the cage and nobody can hear him. Back on Qward, Sinestro vows to destroy the Earthlings as he bumps into Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet which takes off on its own. At the Justice League Watchtower, Aquaman, Black Canary, Booster Gold, Green Arrow, Nightwing, Shazam, and Swamp Thing arrive through a Slideways teleport in a very familiar fashion. During the credits, 1966 Batman and Robin are doing their Bat-Climb up a building as they pass windows containing Adam West, Aquaman, Bat-Cow, Conan O'Brien, Green Arrow, Green Loontern, Harley Quinn, Joker, Kevin Smith, and Mister Mxyzptlk. There is also a Tyrannosaurus Rex that appears on the outside of the building, and when it does, the Jurassic Park theme song plays in the background.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is the third installment in the LEGO Batman Videogame series released on November 8th, 2014 in the Netherlands, November 11th, 2014 in North America and November 14th elsewhere.
Official Description
In LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics Universe and blasts off to outer space to stop the evil Brainiac from destroying Earth. Using the power of the Lantern Rings, Brainiac shrinks worlds to add to his twisted collection of miniature cities from across the universe. Now the greatest super heroes and the most cunning villains must unite and journey to different Lantern Worlds to collect the Lantern Rings and stop Brainiac before it’s too late.
Players around the world will unlock more than 150 unique characters from the DC Comics universe, including members of the Justice League and LEGO big figures such as Killer Croc, Solomon Grundy and many more. Fans of all ages will be able to control their favorite heroes and villains with new gadgets and abilities. Brainiac’s mind controlling abilities and the power of the Lantern rings bring unexpected twists to the classic characters’ personalities.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham also will allow players to explore iconic locations such as the Hall of Justice, the Batcave, the Justice League Watchtower, Lantern Planets, and even the moon. They will be able to access Batman’s training modules on the Bat Computer and take part in various challenges, battles, races, etc. while unlocking new characters and other collectibles.
Somewhere in space, Star Sapphire of the Star Sapphires, Sinestro of the Sinestro Corps, Atrocitus of the Red Lantern Corps, Saint Walker of the Blue Lantern Corps, Larfleeze of the Orange Lanterns, and Indigo-1 of the Indigo Tribe are summoned. They accuse each other of bringing each one to this part of space, but when they realize that none of them gathered each other, they are approached by Brainiac's forces.
In Gotham City, Batman and Robin pursue Killer Croc after he broke into the City Records Office. Batman and Robin find Killer Croc and his Croc Henchmen. Killer Croc runs through the sewers, where he runs into the Joker, Cheetah, Firefly, and Solomon Grundy. Killer Croc gives them the sewer maps.
Back up in space, many Lanterns are fighting against Brainiac's forces. Brainiac soon becomes annoyed that they are trying to defy him, so he controls their minds. They are brought into Brainiac's ship.
At the Hall of Justice, Green Lantern greets Cyborg, who is working on a Slideways Teleport system that will teleport anybody from the Hall of Justice to the Justice League Watchtower. Green Lantern is reluctant to go through the teleport, but he does so anyway, successfully ending up in the Watchtower (unharmed besides his leg piece being backward). Green Lantern is met by Martian Manhunter up in the Watchtower.
Back at the Batcave, Batman sees a spaceship approaching Earth through his telescope. Batman takes Robin's suggestion to contact Martian Manhunter on the Justice League's communicator to check it out. When Batman looks at the spaceship again, he is mesmerized by a beam expelled from it, causing him to attack Robin and Alfred. Robin and Alfred work to snap Batman out of the trance he is in. After Robin uses the Bat-Vehicles to get Batman out of the Batmobile, Batman summons many bats. The energy controlling Batman ends up using the bats to form a larger Batman figure. Afterward, Robin tries to get through to Batman, which is enough to snap him out of his trance. Batman wonders who is trying to control his mind and why. At the Hall of Justice, Hawkman arrives, where he is ambushed by the Joker, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Firefly. It turns out that Hawkman is actually Lex Luthor in disguise, plotting to get to the Justice League Watchtower and use its Binary Fusion Cannon to hold the world ransom and demand that he be made President. The real Hawkman is being held in the sewers under the Hall of Justice, trapped in a birdcage. Meanwhile, Solomon Grundy is stuck in the sewer hole and gets himself free. Back up in the Watchtower, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter, assisted by Batman, try to determine what the strange spaceship is. Their communication is halted when the Watchtower's communicators are shut down. Unauthorized use of the Slideways Teleport is detected; Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter learn of the Legion of Doom's presence on the Watchtower. Martian Manhunter alerts Cyborg, The Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin. They all head up to the Watchtower, except for Batman and Robin, who still need a ride up into space due to the Slideways Teleport system being shut down temporarily.
Upon assembling the Bat-Rocket, Batman and Robin head into outer space while Green Lantern investigates the spaceship. Martian Manhunter works to hold off Lex Luthor and his villainous allies, but Firefly traps Martian Manhunter in a ring of fire. Before Lex Luthor can get ahold of the Binary Fusion Cannon, the Justice League Watchtower's computer alerts the entire base of the Bat-Rocket's approach. Joker prepares to take out Batman "old school style." After destroying some Joker Rockets, Batman and Robin lose their respective vehicles. Before they can be blown up, Superman arrives and saves them. While Superman gets Robin onto the Justice League's jet, Batman works to find a way into the Justice League Watchtower with the help of Cyborg and Flash. Once inside the Justice League Watchtower, the Justice League members confront Lex Luthor and his associates. Flash and Wonder Woman face off against Cheetah and Firefly. When Cheetah is defeated, Firefly tries to burn Wonder Woman and Flash, only for Flash to put out the fires, including the ones surrounding Martian Manhunter. Martian Manhunter proceeds to knock out Firefly while Wonder Woman subdues Cheetah. Robin and Cyborg pursue Killer Croc and Solomon Grundy, and Cyborg's Giant Suit subdues the villains. Superman and Batman confront Lex Luthor and Joker, where they learn of Lex Luthor's plot with the Watchtower's Binary Fusion Cannon from Joker. Superman and Batman fight their way past LexBots and Joker Henchmen before Lex Luthor shows up in a larger Exo-Suit. Using his Electric Suit, Batman powers up an EMP device to disable Lex Luthor's Exo-Suit while Superman subdues Joker. With the villains defeated, the Justice League Watchtower informs everyone present that an unknown object is approaching. Martian Manhunter identifies the object that he sent Green Lantern to investigate. Brainiac contacts the Justice League Watchtowers and introduces himself. Brainiac states that he collects things throughout the universe by using his shrink ray to miniaturize cities throughout the galaxy, and is now interested in collecting worlds.
It is shown that Brainiac is using the power rings of the captive Green Lantern, Star Sapphire, Sinestro, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker and Indigo-1 to power the crystals needed to shrink Earth. Superman does an attempt to stop Brainiac's shrink ray. Lex Luthor states that if Superman fails, they are going to need a Plan B. Batman, Robin, Cyborg, Flash, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Joker, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy work together to infiltrate Brainiac's ship in order to rescue Green Lantern and the others from Brainiac. Due to the helmet that Robin was wearing after being regurgitated from Killer Croc, he is unaffected by Brainiac's mind-control and attacks Brainiac to keep him from controlling the heroes and villains present. When Batman, Robin, Joker, and Solomon Grundy take down Brainiac, Superman is shown to be getting close to stopping the shrink ray which causes it to overload. Brainiac then escapes to Earth as the shrink ray's explosion causes Green Lantern and the power ring wielders to disappear where their respectful energies from the Emotional Spectrum hits each one of the heroes and villains present, except for Superman, Batman, Robin (who is wearing the helmet), Martian Manhunter, Killer Croc, Cheetah, and Firefly. Due to the Emotional Spectrum, the many heroes and villains develop strong emotions. Cyborg fears everything, Flash becomes greedy, Wonder Woman becomes full of rage, Lex Luthor becomes hopeful, the Joker becomes very loving of everything and Solomon Grundy becomes compassionate. Batman and Wonder Woman pursue Superman, who has fallen to Earth. They follow him to Paris, France where the impact of his crash collapses the Eiffel Tower. Meanwhile, Hawkman, still in the cage under the Hall of Justice, gets out of his bonds but is unable to get out of the cage itself.
Back on Brainiac's ship, Cyborg tries to land Brainiac's ship in Gotham City. After Superman regains consciousness with Wonder Woman's help, Batman repairs the Eiffel Tower in his own image. After Wonder Woman kicks the Eiffel Tower where it collapses, Superman manages to repair it in the right appearance. Brainiac then arrives where he is now planning to shrink Earth's cities. Brainiac manages to shrink Paris and bottle it as Superman claims the bottle. Then they follow Brainiac to London, England where he manages to shrink it. Upon Batman claiming the bottle holding London, he, Superman, and Wonder Woman follow Brainiac to Pisa, Italy where Superman straightens the Leaning Tower of Pisa until Brainiac's ship leans it back to its original position and shrinks it. Before leaving, Brainiac leaves vowing that the Justice League won't stop him.
In outer space, Green Lantern fixes the Justice League Watchtower. Afterwards, he and Martian Manhunter are contacted by Batman to help them locate Brainiac. Martian Manhunter states that Brainiac is heading for Gotham City as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman head there. In Gotham City, Robin, Cyborg, Flash, Lex Luthor, Joker, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy are confronted by Brainiac. Wonder Woman manages to bring Brainiac's ship down as he unleashes his robot clones while he escapes into his spaceship. Flash was able to create a cage to trap Brainiac's spaceship which will hold it there for awhile while both groups fall back to the Justice League Watchtower.
Back on the Justice League Watchtower, Robin reveals that he has a shard of the crystal used by Brainiac in his plot to shrink Earth. Superman states that he could use the crystals at the Fortress of Solitude to create a duplicate.
Green Lantern suspects that the other power ring wielders were transported back to the source planets of their power rings. When Robin asks how they're going to get Sinestro, Atrocitus, and Larfleeze to help, Green Lantern states that they should get ahold of their power batteries where the energies contained should be enough to help. On Zamaron, Cyborg, Flash and Martian Manhunter are attacked by the Soldier Sapphires and the entity of love, The Predator. Afterwards, Star Sapphire agrees to help the Justice League. On Odym, Cyborg, Flash and Martian Manhunter answer a distress beacon from Saint Walker where he mentions that Odym is being invaded by Reach dropships. Upon disabling the Reach Mothership, Cyborg, Flash, and Martian Manhunter rescue Saint Walker and help defend the Blue Lantern power battery. Saint Walker agrees to help the Justice League. On Nok, Cyborg, Flash, and Martian Manhunter work to repair the power battery of the Indigo Tribe until they are attacked by Indigo-1 and the Indigo Tribe. When the Indigo Tribe's power battery is repaired, the tribe regains their compassionate traits, and Indigo-1 agrees to help the Justice League. On Ysmault, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman (who is disguised as Joker), Robin (who is disguised as Lex Luthor), and Wonder Woman (who is disguised as Cheetah) all pursue Atrocitus and Bleez, when they summon the entity of rage: The Butcher. Upon
defeating The Butcher, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman distract Atrocitus while Green Lantern steals the power battery. On Okaara, Green Lantern, Solomon Grundy, Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman (all wearing their disguises still) make plans to distract Larfleeze. When Larfleeze and his Orange Lantern constructs are defeated, Green Lantern creates a construct of himself so that he can steal the Orange Lantern power battery.
At the Fortress of Solitude, Superman, Lex Luthor (who is dressed as Wonder Woman), Joker (who is dressed as Batman), Killer Croc, Cheetah (who is dressed as Robin), and Firefly arrive as Superman works to compact the crystal samples into the right structure needed to undo the effects of Brainiac's shrink ray. As Brainiac works on getting his spaceship free of it's cage, Hawkman tries to get free from his cage with his actions unnoticed by the cleaning group upstairs (Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns). On Qward, Sinestro appears on the Justice League ship where he is not fooled by the act by Green Lantern's group resulting in Green Lantern taking Sinestro off the ship. After Batman, Robin, and Wonder Woman shed their disguises near the Sinestro Corps power battery, Sinestro traps Green Lantern in a marionette. Batman realizes that he must be afraid in order to obtain the Sinestro Corps power battery. He then sees Robin being pursued by a large Killer Croc construct created by Sinestro, and Batman becomes fearful that Robin will be harmed. Batman then claims the Sinestro Corps power battery. Upon Green Lantern's group retreating, Atrocitus and Larfleeze arrive prompting them and Sinestro to go after them.
Cyborg, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Star Sapphire, Saint Walker, and Indigo-1 arrive at the Fortress of Solitude. Green Lantern's group also arrives just as Sinestro, Atrocitus, and Larfleeze catch up. Upon the Justice League getting the rest of the Lanterns to focus their energy towards the crystal, Earth is restored to its normal size, the different Lanterns disappear, and the energies from the Emotional Spectrum disappear from its victims. The villains then leave as Flash goes to check on Brainiac. Flash returns and reports that Brainiac's ship has gotten free. Brainiac arrives at the Fortress of Solitude in his ship where he reveals that he had taken Gotham City and Metropolis on his way to the Fortress of Solitude. Superman suddenly grows in size as Brainiac mind-controls him. After Green Lantern returns and Batman uses a speech to break Brainiac's mind-control, Superman manages to stop Brainiac and obtain the shrink ray that is needed to restore Superman and the cities to their rightful sizes. The Justice League then leaves the Fortress of Solitude with Brainiac as their prisoner. The cities of the worlds have been restored to their rightful sizes.
At the White House, Lex Luthor is enjoying being President with his villain allies present until the Justice League arrives. With the villains arrested, Lex Luthor and Joker are sharing the same cell with a shrunken Brainiac. They end up shaking the jar Brainiac is in until they accidentally shatter it and he is restored to normal size causing Lex Luthor and Joker to cower at Brainiac.
During the credits, three different scenes occur:
- Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns continue to clean up the Hall of Justice, and Hawkman is wondering if someone has called his wife, because he is still trapped within the cage and nobody can hear him.
- Back on Qward, Sinestro vows to destroy the Earthlings as he bumps into Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet which takes off on its own.
- At the Justice League Watchtower, Aquaman, Black Canary, Booster Gold, Green Arrow, Nightwing, Shazam, and Swamp Thing arrive through a Slideways teleport in a very familiar fashion.
During the credits, 1966 Batman and Robin are doing their Bat-Climb up a building as they pass windows containing Adam West, Aquaman, Bat-Cow, Conan O'Brien, Green Arrow, Green Loontern, Harley Quinn, Joker, Kevin Smith, and Mister Mxyzptlk. There is also a Tyrannosaurus Rex that appears on the outside of the building, and when it does, the Jurassic Park theme song plays in the background.
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