Lego batman arkham city custom
Если вам нравятся одиночные игры в открытом мире, то, скорее всего, вы уже играл в серию Batman Arkham. Несмотря на то, что ее разработчики вовсе не первыми придумали ту своеобразную боевую систему, именно мрачная франшиза про Летучего Мыша задала тренд, проложив дорогу таким играм, как Shadow of Mordor и Spider-Man (Amazing и новый, от Insomniac).
Arkham City – вторая игра серии и, безо всяких сомнений, достойный сиквел Arkham Asylum. Все стало больше, лучше, интереснее: больше локаций, больше врагов, больше спецприемов. И все же, есть куда стремиться.
В нашей подборке вы найдете интересные варианты на любой вкус, будь вы новичком в серии или бывалым ветераном сражений в Готэм-сити.
- 1 Batman Arkham City – Improved Quality
- 2 Daylight Mod
- 3 Black Cape and Cowl
- 4 Playable Characters V3
- 5 Ben Affleck Batman Suit
- 6 The Dark Knight Movie Costume
- 7 Batman The Animated Series New Outfit
- 8 Netflix’s Daredevil – Batman Year One
- 9 Darth Maul Robin
- 10 Darth Vader-Themed Batsuit
- 11 Gotham Penguin
- 12 Joker Phoenix
- 13 TDKR Robin
- 14 Bruce Lee For Nightwing
Batman Arkham City – Improved Quality
Arkham City язык не повернется назвать игрой с плохим визуалом. Тем не менее, моддер JTT211 нашел способ заставить игру выглядеть еще краше: Improved Quality. Для его работы потребуется установить ReShade, все остальное сделает сам мод.
Работа мода заключается в том, что он отключает графические настройки игры, заменяя их на свои собственные, придавая Arkham City гораздо более реалистичный вид. Улучшаются эффекты освещения и в целом картинка становится значительно резче, чем в оригинале.
Daylight Mod
Этот мод не оказывает каких-либо существенных визуальных улучшений, вместо этого меняя одну заметную деталь окружения.
Вы хоть раз видели, чтобы Бэтмен появлялся на улицах днем? Нет? А теперь, как говаривают Зеленые Фонари: «Во тьме ночной, при свете дня злу не укрыться от меня».
Daylight Mod позволит вам взглянуть на Готэм буквально в новом свете. В дневном.
Black Cape and Cowl
Большая часть моддерского сообщества обычно сосредотачивается на создании скинов для каких-либо персонажей игр. Что, собственно, здорово, поскольку за годы, прошедшие со дня рождения Бэтса, мы видели бесчисленное множество его итераций.
Модификации дарят нам возможность приодеть Брюса практически в любой существующий костюм, и мы отобрали несколько лучших из лучших. Начнем, пожалуй, с того, что попроще: Black Cape and Cowl.
Костюмы – это то, на что первым обращают внимание фанаты, и многим не понравились темно-синие плащ и маска Бэтмена в Arkham City. Этот мод возвращает оригинальную расцветку из Arkham Asylum, возвращая супергерою привычный мрачный вид.
Playable Characters V3
Не то, чтобы скин, а возможность поиграть в свободном режиме любым из играбельных персонажей ванильной версии.
Если вы еще не играли в Arkham City, листайте вниз к следующему моду, поскольку в описании этого есть спойлеры!
Мод разблокирует всех персонажей, которые становятся доступными в ходе сюжетной кампании, давая доступ к свободному режиму с Женщиной-кошкой, Робином и Найтвингом.
Ben Affleck Batman Suit
Вот тут и начинается веселье, поскольку некоторые из моддеров нашли способ воплотить в игре свои любимые костюмы из кинофильмов.
Перед вами Бэтфлек. Не сам, конечно, но его костюм из «Бэтмен против Супермена». Несмотря на то, что фильм получился спорным и неоднозначным, наряд Бэтса выглядит неплохо.
The Dark Knight Movie Costume
А это уже другой киношный Летучий Мышь: Бэтмен Кристиана Бэйла. Костюм состоит из пластин укрепленного кевлара, что подробно объяснялось в самом фильме, и это увеличивает мобильность Брюса.
Я бы сказал, что это один из самых популярных костюмов кинематографических Бэтменов, поэтому неудивительно, что он появился и здесь.
Batman The Animated Series New Outfit
Раз уж зашла речь о популярности, вот вам скин прямиком из классического мультсериала Batman: The Animated Series. Легко узнаваемый светло-серый костюм с большими белыми глазами навевает приятную ностальгию.
В игре уже есть костюм мультяшного Бэтса, но этот относится к более позднему 4-му сезону сериала. Уверен, любители найдутся на оба варианта.
Netflix’s Daredevil – Batman Year One
Представим страшное: вам надоел Бэтмен как персонаж. Или вы просто хотите немного разнообразия. Нет ничего проще! Этот мод заменяет скин Бэтмена «Год первый» на другого популярного героя DC, Сорвиголову.
Костюм скопирован из относительно недавнего сериала Netflix, поэтому цветовая гамма несколько отличается от классической.
Darth Maul Robin
А здесь у нас культовый злодей из совершенно другой вселенной: Дарт Мол из «Звездных войн». И, конечно же, лучше всего он подойдет Робину, чей боевой посох легко превращается в знаменитое световое оружие ученика Дарта Сидиуса.
Darth Vader-Themed Batsuit
Еще одна отсылка к злодеям «Звездных войн», на этот раз к самому Лорду Вейдеру.
Моддер Masterliamy воплотил в Arkham City любопытный кроссовер, создав скин для Бэтмена с элементами облачения легендарного сита, включая нагрудный компьютер и красные точки в глазах для придания большей мрачности.
Gotham Penguin
Впрочем, в руки моддеров попадают не только герои, но и некоторые злодеи.
К примеру, Пингвин неоднократно появлялся как в играх, так и в фильмах с мультфильмами. Чего стоит один только Денни Девито, сыгравший Кобблпота в «Бэтмен возвращается»!
Мод Gotham Penguin своеобразно объединяет оригинальный облик злодея из игры с версией Пингвина из сериала «Готэм», заменяя черное пальто на фиолетовое.
Joker Phoenix
Ну, куда же без него? Джокер в исполнении Хоакина Феникса прочно обосновался в сердцах поклонников DC и, благодаря моддерам, успел появиться уже во многих играх по Бэтса.
Если вы относитесь к тем, кому по душе более человечная версия культового злодея, то этот мод поможет вам сделать прохождение Arkham City еще более приятным.
TDKR Robin
Выше уже был скин, меняющий Робина на Дарт Мола, а теперь пришла очередь для надлежащего облика для самого чудо-мальчика. Костюм из «Возрождения легенды» прекрасно подходит Робину и великолепно сочетается с нарядом самого Бэтмена из «Темного рыцаря», который тоже был выше.
Bruce Lee For Nightwing
Если вы думали, что Дарт Мол или Сорвиголова — это нечто, вот вам Брюс Ли в своем узнаваемом спортивном костюме из «Игры смерти».
You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. Separate new tags with spaces.
A modified version of Batman Beyond's costume (requires Arkham City Skins Pack or Game of the Year edition).
A modified version of Batman Beyond's costume (requires Arkham City Skins Pack or Game of the Year edition).
Skin mod of the suit to be used by Ben Affleck in the movie Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Skin mod of the suit to be used by Ben Affleck in the movie Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.
the costume Christian Bale wears in "The Dark Knight" Movies By CaptainJack TDK
the costume Christian Bale wears in "The Dark Knight" Movies By CaptainJack TDK
a total of 6 suits replacing the default suit for batman in Batman: Arkham City!
a total of 6 suits replacing the default suit for batman in Batman: Arkham City!
This mod comes with a new version of the main story batsuit. It removes the spandex underwear and makes all the dark areas (cowl, cape) pitch black. must load using texmod.
This mod comes with a new version of the main story batsuit. It removes the spandex underwear and makes all the dark areas (cowl, cape) pitch black. must load using texmod.
Batfleck tactical suit for Arkham city yellow corps skin
Batfleck tactical suit for Arkham city yellow corps skin
Gave her a more natural look.
Gave her a more natural look.
Talia Al Ghul Remastered skin mod for TexModReworked:ColorsTextures
Talia Al Ghul Remastered skin mod for TexModReworked:ColorsTextures
Ben Affleck's batman suit mod of BVS movie built on yellow corps skin.
Ben Affleck's batman suit mod of BVS movie built on yellow corps skin.
My second Mod. it's also Netflix's daredevil skin but this time bulilt upon the worst costume in Arkham city (in my opinion), Batman year you can play as daredevil in the main story without doing any Mesh swap.As usual, load it with Texmod and don't forget to disable DirectX11 first.
My second Mod. it's also Netflix's daredevil skin but this time bulilt upon the worst costume in Arkham city (in my opinion), Batman year you can play as daredevil in the main story without doing any Mesh swap.As usual, load it with Texmod and don't forget to disable DirectX11 first.
Armoured Catwoman and Batman
Armoured Catwoman and Batman
Kirk Langstrom a scientist who tried to use a serum to cure his cancer, typically known as the Man-Bat, is a vampiric Batman in Justice League: Gods and Monsters. I retextured the Batman Beyond skin from Arkham City, this mod works for both Arkham City and Arkham Origins Online. Use TEXMOD to load .tpf file and enjoy!
Kirk Langstrom a scientist who tried to use a serum to cure his cancer, typically known as the Man-Bat, is a vampiric Batman in Justice League: Gods and Monsters. I retextured the Batman Beyond skin from Arkham City, this mod works for both Arkham City and Arkham Origins Online. Use TEXMOD to load .tpf file and enjoy!
This mod was originally made by CaptainJack as a skin for the default batsuit, but now it's on Sinestro Corps for a faithful depiction.
This mod was originally made by CaptainJack as a skin for the default batsuit, but now it's on Sinestro Corps for a faithful depiction.
Skin mod of Quicksilver - Marvel Comics character - from his incarnation in Avengers: Age of Ultron movie, portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson!
Skin mod of Quicksilver - Marvel Comics character - from his incarnation in Avengers: Age of Ultron movie, portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson!
Turns Harley Quinn into Hatsune Miku
Turns Harley Quinn into Hatsune Miku
Turns Nightwing into Mr. Terrific
Turns Nightwing into Mr. Terrific
Different colored suits for Nightwing!
Different colored suits for Nightwing!
Changes Nightwing into the 1990s version
Changes Nightwing into the 1990s version
Changes default Robin into Dr. Doom
Changes default Robin into Dr. Doom
Kirk Langstrom a scientist who tried to use a serum to cure his cancer, typically known as the Man-Bat, is a vampiric Batman in Justice League: Gods and Monsters. I retextured the Batman Beyond skin from Arkham City, this mod works for both Arkham City and Arkham Origins Online. Use TEXMOD to load .tpf file and enjoy!
Kirk Langstrom a scientist who tried to use a serum to cure his cancer, typically known as the Man-Bat, is a vampiric Batman in Justice League: Gods and Monsters. I retextured the Batman Beyond skin from Arkham City, this mod works for both Arkham City and Arkham Origins Online. Use TEXMOD to load .tpf file and enjoy!
Gives Nightwing's suit more of a Nolan design
Gives Nightwing's suit more of a Nolan design
Black Lantern Batman as he appeared in Arkham Origins and the Blackest Night Comic Event. Texmod needed to run the skin mod.
Black Lantern Batman as he appeared in Arkham Origins and the Blackest Night Comic Event. Texmod needed to run the skin mod.
Gives Nightwing's suit more of a Nolan design
Gives Nightwing's suit more of a Nolan design
This mod comes with a new version of the main story batsuit. It removes the spandex underwear and makes all the dark areas (cowl, cape) pitch black. must load using texmod.
This mod comes with a new version of the main story batsuit. It removes the spandex underwear and makes all the dark areas (cowl, cape) pitch black. must load using texmod.
A batman rebirth mod for arkham city, comes in blue and black
A batman rebirth mod for arkham city, comes in blue and black
Use Texmod to add this beatiful outfit to your game now!
Use Texmod to add this beatiful outfit to your game now!
The futuristic suit from DCUO is now an Arkham City mod! FIght with all the high tech gadgets of the Bat!
The futuristic suit from DCUO is now an Arkham City mod! FIght with all the high tech gadgets of the Bat!
This is my Baman skin from Baman and Piderman! This skin uses the Animated skin. The character Baman was created for the show Baman Piderman by Alex and Lindsay Small-Butera
This is my Baman skin from Baman and Piderman! This skin uses the Animated skin. The character Baman was created for the show Baman Piderman by Alex and Lindsay Small-Butera
Another Elseworlds Batman, this is a future batman, a holographic Batman!
Another Elseworlds Batman, this is a future batman, a holographic Batman!
Иконки кнопок DualShock (PlayStation)
Черно-красный костюм Beyond
Нестандартная женщина-кошка
Костюм "Флэшпоинт"
Суровая атмосфера из фильма «Бэтмен» 2022
Новый Красный колпак
Бэтмен и женщина-кошка из фильма 2022 года
Набор черных костюмов
Красный колпак (Джейсон Тодд)
Символ Бэтмена на луне
Асфальт Redux 4K
Бэтмен, который смеется
Красный Бэтмен с Земли-1
Красный колпак
Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.
Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение Batman: Arkham City, то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.
При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.
"Imprisoned behind these walls, gang leaders are fighting a bloody war in the middle of our once great city. Every inmate from Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison has been relocated to this facility. How can this be safe for the people of Gotham?" ―Bruce Wayne [src]
The video game Batman: Arkham City took place entirely in the new incarnation of Arkham Asylum, Arkham City (known as North Gotham before the events of the game). A maximum security prison set in a walled-off district of Gotham City, Arkham City was located in Uptown Gotham with Amusement Mile, the Industrial District, Park Row, and the Bowery. After the Joker's takeover of the asylum which was thwarted by Batman, Warden Quincy Sharp took full credit for the Joker's defeat and was quickly elected as Mayor of Gotham.
Manipulated by Professor Hugo Strange into creating Arkham City, Sharp walled off and isolated a large Gotham district and converted it into the new form of Arkham. Sharp left Strange in charge as chief administrator with security that was handled by the militarized TYGER. Bruce Wayne openly protested against the city's creation, was swiftly apprehended by TYGER, and became an inmate. However, Bruce escaped the vengeful inmates and (with a Batpod that was full of his equipment that was dropped on top of Ace Chemicals by the Batwing) became Batman to investigate Strange's mysterious Protocol 10.
The concept of Arkham City was established long before the Joker's takeover of the asylum, was conceived by Strange and his secret master, Ra's al Ghul, and expanded on by Warden Sharp. During the Joker's takeover, Batman may find a hidden room in Sharp's Office, which revealed a large blueprint map of Arkham City.
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Arkham Island was heavily damaged during the Joker's takeover, and many of its deranged inmates remained on the loose after his defeat, including Bane, Calendar Man, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze, and Two-Face. The asylum also suffered in losses among Arkham staff. At least 113 personnel died during the Joker's takeover, 103 of which were security guards. Identified casualties included guard Thomas Armbruster and chief member of security Frank Boles. Aaron Cash, Louie Green, Eddie Burlow, William North, and Zach Franklin made up much of the surviving members of security. At least 10 medical staff also fell during the chaos, including Dr. Penelope Young and orderly Robert Stirling.
Quincy Sharp was able to launch a successful bid for the role of Mayor of Gotham following the disaster and made a proposal to the city government to rebuild Arkham not on the island but instead in the city itself. The proposal passed and Professor Hugo Strange was selected to administrate the new Arkham. Due to the damage to the island, it was decided that the city would sell the rights to Arkham Island to the highest bidder. The Private security company, TYGER, quickly purchased the island, and, soon after, was named as the primary contractors for security in Arkham City.
Construction and Opening
After Sharp took credit for the liberation of the asylum, he was quickly elected as Mayor of Gotham and executed the construction of Arkham City. Numerous people were involved in the new Arkham's creation, but by the time that it was finished, most, if not all of those who were involved were double-crossed by Strange and imprisoned within the city walls to cover up his tracks, including innocent people who became known as "Political Prisoners". Sharp, who was paranoid to end crime in Gotham, labelled everyone and anyone who even had the slightest criminal record to be inmates of Arkham City and had them imprisoned without trial or the rite to objections.
Strange furthered that by imprisoning anyone who tried to investigate or speak out against Arkham City. Commissioner Gordon, suspicious of the intentions of Arkham City's development, as well as Sharp's sidestepping his questions by ignoring him directly or using red tape, sent in a ten-man squad of undercover cops from the 13th precinct to investigate what really went on in Arkham City. Unfortunately, in an interview, Strange tipped the Penguin off to the undercover cops. The undercover cops weren't able to report back before their true status as cops was exposed and resulted in their capture by the Penguin's Gang.
Batman: Arkham City
Arkham Asylum was seen off the coast behind the old GCPD Building. When scanned, it answered the riddle: "Look out! Can you see where the madness began?"
Bruce Wayne was among those who were unlawfully imprisoned in Arkham City, but he obtained the Batsuit to explore the city and discover the secret of Protocol 10. Batman was eventually poisoned with the Joker's Titan-infected blood, as well as leaking the already poisoned blood to Gotham City to various hospitals, when his attempt to locate the Joker and interrogate him about Protocol 10's nature backfired and resulted in his capture. In order to find a cure, Batman had to locate and free Mr. Freeze, who was held prisoner by the Penguin's Gang along with the formerly-undercover Precinct 13 cops, so he could help develop the cure. After he learned that it required a specific DNA to be bonded with a certain enzyme, Batman had to locate and eventually reunite with Ra's and Talia al Ghul to create a cure with help from Freeze.
Afterwards, Strange, who decided that Sharp had outlived his usefulness to his plans, had him stripped of his position of Mayor, incarcerated in Arkham City, and left him at the mercy of several inmates who wanted revenge against the ex-mayor for placing them in Arkham City in the first place. Batman saved Sharp and then interrogated him about his knowledge of Strange. After the cure was completed, however, Freeze attacked Batman under the belief that he was going to renege on his promise of locating Nora, whom the Joker had held hostage earlier to force Freeze in developing the cure for him. Batman confronted the Joker after he saved Nora at his headquarters, but before the fight could reach its ultimate conclusion, was pinned down by rubble from a concussive blast before he was saved by Catwoman.
Batman eventually confronted Strange in his base, Wonder Tower, after Strange initiated Protocol 10, that was revealed to be a mass bombing of Arkham City by TYGER to wipe out the criminals; the true goal of Ra's al Ghul. Ra's mortally wounded Strange after he had fulfilled his purpose, as well as his failure to defeat Batman, but Strange activated Protocol 11 which destroyed Wonder Tower in the event of his defeat. Batman and Ra's fell from the tower, but Ra's attempt to kill Batman failed and resulted in his own apparent death. Batman confronted the Joker who teamed up with Talia to obtain the cure from Batman, but the Joker killed Talia and revealed that he had worked with Clayface to shadow his moves. Batman defeated Clayface, and in his struggle with Joker, resulted in the cure's destruction, and the Joker's death shortly after. Batman exited Arkham Cty with Joker's body as Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD arrived outside. While the fate of Arkham City remained unknown, it was implied to have still been in operation after the Joker's death, although the prisoners were re-transferred back to Blackgate Prison (and presumably Arkham Asylum).
Evacuation and Shut Down
After the tragic and disastrous ramifications of Protocol 10 at the hands of Strange, the City Council finally realized the deception and chaos that was Arkham City and agreed that the entire site needed to be shut down as soon as possible. As a result, Sharp's martial law was overturned and Gordon and the GCPD were given back full jurisdiction in Gotham and were sent to arrest all of TYGER, transfer all of the inmates away from Arkham City, rescue all of the falsely imprisoned, and shut down the site once and for all.
Harley Quinn's Revenge
Immediately following the Joker's death, Gordon commanded the GCPD to evacuate Arkham City and transport all of the prisoners to Blackgate Prison, and all of the former inmates from Arkham Asylum to a psychiatric ward while the asylum was prepared. However, Harley and Joker's remaining gang attacked the officers and forced them to retreat, but the GCPD managed to knock out Quinn and took her to the ward. For the next two weeks, SWAT evacuated the mega-prison, but, Harley escaped, ambushed three cops, took them hostage, and took over the Industrial District. As that was one of the last areas that was needed to be evacuated, the GCPD were forced to keep the site under lockdown and eventually summoned Batman. After Quinn took various police officers hostage, Batman was lured into a trap by her and subsequently went missing for two days. Worried, Oracle sent Robin in to investigate and locate Batman before Quinn could put her true plans into effect.
After Robin went in, beat all of Harley's Henchmen, overpowered Quinn herself, and rescued Batman from her trap, Batman went off to stop Quinn from detonating bombs within the Shipyard while Robin rescued the cops. After Batman defused all three bombs, Quinn revealed one last explosive that would kill her, Batman, and Robin. Batman apprehended Quinn, was unable to stop the bomb from detonating, and was forced to make a hasty escape just as the building blew up.
Batman was able to get Quinn and himself to safety, but feared that Robin was caught in the explosion. Harley relished in Batman's anguish and moved to stab him in the heart with a knife to finish her revenge, only to be knocked out cold by one of Robin's Shurikens as the young hero revealed himself to be alive and well. Harley was once again arrested by Gordon while Batman left, still scarred from both Talia and Joker's deaths, but Robin assured Gordon that Batman would be fine while a wondering expression appeared on his face. With Harley's plans ruined, her gang was rounded up by the GCPD and Arkham City was finally and officially shut down for good several days later after all of the inmate riots were neutralized.
Batman: Arkham Knight
Arkham City could be seen along with Arkham Asylum, Seagate Amusement Park, Gotham Pioneers Bridge, the Royal Hotel, and South Gotham.
Arkham City was actually a large part of Gotham City, that was turned into a lawless warzone for the criminals of Arkham Asylum and Blackgate to run free and do whatever they pleased as long as they did not try to escape. The city was surrounded by high, impenetrable walls which could only be accessed via the various high security doors around the facility and presumably via the helicopters that patrolled the city around the clock. TYGER patrolled the walls, doors, and skies via the helicopters, and kept all of the possessions of the inmates in The TYGER Confiscated Goods Vault in the western part of the city which Catwoman tried to break into at one point.
The atmosphere in the city was hell, with most inmates who were violent and were involved in the mass gang war between Batman's greatest enemies. The Political Prisoners hid and scurried around the backstreets of the city, and a small community was established in the middle of the city under a bridge. Despite the lack of general rules, the inmates were under the thumb of Strange who had propaganda posters everywhere, and often issued commands and new authoritarian rules via the citywide intercoms that originated from Wonder Tower, the tallest building in the city which the inmates could not access.
Numerous buildings in Gotham were part of Arkham City regardless of their previous importance in the city. Among them were the First National Bank of Gotham City, the old Gotham Police Department Building, Ace Chemicals, the Solomon Wayne Courthouse, Gotham Cathedral, and a large section of Gotham's docks and the Industrial District. Most of those buildings played a role in the game's story and side missions.
Most of Batman's notable villains made their marks in the city, formed territories in their gang war against one another, and had numerous henchmen who wore masks or clothes that related to their leader(s):
The Joker and Harley took the abandoned Steel Mill in the south-east corner of Arkham, and converted it into the Joker's Funhouse. The Joker developed a violent roller coaster ride for new recruits to try out on, and also built a Ferris Wheel on the site too.
Two-Face, who tried to grow in power, took the Solomon Wayne Courthouse as his base, after he stole it from Calendar Man and imprisoned him in a cell below the courtroom. In the style of Two-Face, half of the courthouse, inside and out was damaged and scarred like his face.
The Penguin, who was the third member of the major gang war, commanded his henchmen from the Museum as well as The Iceberg Lounge. Penguin had his own makeshift museum that displayed numerous objects that were related to his enemies included the captured Mr. Freeze. He also had a giant shark named Tiny, who lived in the flooded atrium of the Museum, and Solomon Grundy, who was beneath the Iceberg Lounge.
The Riddler did not participate in the gang war, and had no real control over the city, had built several death traps to challenge Batman after he kidnapped Aaron Cash and the medical team from the Church. The Riddler also had numerous informants that were hidden around the city, and who were identified by Batman as having a green tint to their clothes.
Among the other inmates were Mr. Freeze, who operated in the old GCPD Building, Poison Ivy, who operated from Gotham Central Park and occupied a hotel in the north-east part of the city with her hypnotized henchmen, Victor Zsasz, who hid out in a building near Joker's Funland and kidnapped victims to kill them, Killer Croc, who lurked in the city's sewers and the abandoned subway tunnels, Bane, who appeared in the Krank Co. Toys Factory, the Mad Hatter and his small, mind-controlled group who lived in a tea shop, and Hush's Apartment that was found near the courthouse.
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