Lego batman 3 beyond gotham xbox one
Despite some technical shortcomings, Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham does a fine job of continuing to build on what the series has established while also hitting all the right notes to keep pleasing Bat-fans of all ages.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham sweeps away any doubts we might have had about TT Games' well-established template growing tiresome. It might start a little slow, yet the game is nothing but an absolute pleasure to play throughout.
A great game for every DC Universe lover, maybe not so much for pure Batman fans. Yet a classic LEGO experience, with its solid and proven gameplay and great graphics.
Lego Batman 3 justifies its existence by expanding massively on what made its forebears successful. It probably won't hold the attention of mum and dad, but it's a great title for the kids.
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is a fun experience but it would've benefited more if it had embraced the whole Justice League theme. What's more, its puzzles need a bit of tuning, as some are really tricky to figure out, which can grow frustrating even for experienced Lego fans. Still, you'll find quite a lot of amusing moments and a pretty fun story, once you get past the opening stages.
It has some technical issues, but apart from them, it is a very enjoyable experience and recommended for fans of the LEGO-driven games.
LEGO Batman 3 offers a lot of entertainment and is a pleasant experience overall – from the dialogue, to the little winks at pop culture, to the actual gameplay.
You know how these go: Another LEGO game that is just a lot of fun for young and old to explore. TT Games reliably delivers the well-known quality.
One of the better Lego games in the series. Beyond Gotham matches the series’ usual compulsive gameplay with a tighter story and more imaginative setting.
The plastic heroes deliver a solid experience as you have come to expect from the Lego games. And while the locations are among the most memorable ones as of late in the building block series, the signature humor got lost somewhere in space.
It’s a recycled formula that has worked over and over again and it has left some gameplay issues that should have been fixed long ago (e.g. floaty control or collision detection); however, the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” formula works and for many that will most likely be fine for them.
Although celebrities overstay their welcome, and some of the bonus content can be a hassle to track down, Traveller’s Tales crafted another solid super hero adventure in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. Next time, I’d like to see more screen time given to the heroes, and less to a talk show host who isn’t even good at video games.
Unlike some of the better previous titles like LEGO Batman 2 and LEGO Marvel, LEGO Batman 3 feels more claustrophobic, smaller in scale and lacks that open feel that the aforementioned titles gave us.
LEGO Batman 3 offers a fun new adventure for young and old players. Comic book fans will get a kick out of the humor and constant fan service.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is a worth addition to the LEGO Batman series, but while all that is good about these games has returned, all of the glaring issues with the series are worse than ever.
Beyond Gotham could have stood for some more innovation, but it's impossible to deny that it's a charming game with its tried-and-true.
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham struggles to maintain balance with its cast of characters constantly pushing one another from the spotlight, and suffers from many of the series’ routine issues. On the other hand, it brings to the table an experience DC and Lego fans will not-soon forget: an action-packed adventure, plenty of charm and moments of bona fide hilarity.
An ambitious game that loses depth in its attempt to incorporate too many elements. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham has a well-rounded story and the great variety of characters brings a broad repertoire of possibilities even when reiterative level design and poor mechanics dilute what could have been an exceptional title.
A wealth of hidden secrets in every level keeps the game high on replayability, while the deluge of extra content promises many hours of adventuring.
Besides the impressive 150 character roster, an exclusive script a bit of humor and some available playtime, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham has nothing new to offer. If the fans of the IP will surely buy it, most players would be better off with another game from the LEGO line-up.
Though it looks good and plays well, the use of DC heroes is lacking and the levels are too obscure at times. [Jan 2015, p.79]
Lego Batman 3 has all the ingredients of the other, enjoyable, Lego superhero games, but is let down by clunky controls, poor signposting and questionable translations of well-known comic book personalities.
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User Reviews
Mixed or average reviews - based on 49 Ratings
It's lego. It's batman. It's exactly what you would expect. If you loved lego marvel, this almost feels like a bit like a sibling. Fun for It's lego. It's batman. It's exactly what you would expect. If you loved lego marvel, this almost feels like a bit like a sibling. Fun for everyone in the family. … Full Review »
Hate to say the usual, but it's true: if you're a fan of the Lego games in general, you'll enjoy this one pretty much by default. As far as Hate to say the usual, but it's true: if you're a fan of the Lego games in general, you'll enjoy this one pretty much by default. As far as the DC Comics subject matter I have praise and I have nitpicks.
Praise: They fixed one my my biggest gripes with the other two Lego Batman games and that's the "suit swapping". In the older games, you'd have to swap Batman's outfit to get thru a mini-puzzle, but you could only do it at nearby changing stations, which got annoying. Now, they have the suits on a menu-wheel which you can swap out at anytime, as you unlock them. It's so much more convenient, and is a game-changer for me (I never did complete the other two Batman Lego games, partially because of this).
Praise: There are a TON of characters to collect, which is always fun. They followed Marvel's lead (if only they could to that with their movies too) and have just about every main character you can think of!
Praise: Not to spoil anything, but fans of Tron will be pleased with some of the puzzles.
Nitpick: They use many of the mechanics from Marvel (probably can't be avoided) which is fine, but Alfred is the "Captain America" of this came using a serving tray!? That's just an insult to Cap, lol! Solomon Grundy plays the role of Hulk in this game with the innocent-dumbness - which anoys me, as Solomon Grundy is not supposed to be unintelligent (then again, with all the New 52 reboots, maybe I'm wrong. he was smart in Super Friends!). They also replace "Stan Lee in Peril" with "Adam West in Peril" lol.
Nitpick: Why make Batman & Robin the central focus AGAIN? It's like DC has no faith in their own main brand or other characters. Just call is Lego DC Comics (just like "Lego Marvel Comics" did) and that way you can open up the story and levels to not be all about Batman again. Granted, the story progresses and you get more characters, but I rolled my eyes for the first hour of playing having to go thru all Batman stuff again with this new game.
Nitpick: DLC on day one. Meh, unless we stop buying it, they'll keep doing this. Alternate outfits and extra levels which could easily fit on the disc. I get it, they do that to make money, but it would just be nice it DLC were actually add-ons that came later due to fans wanting more, and not preplanned as part of the money machine.
Nitpick: Celebs. Conan O'Brien and Kevin Smith? Geoff Johns? Stan Lee in the Marvel game I get, as Stan's an icon OF Marvel, and has cameo'd in comics, cartoons, and the movies. Why do I get Geoff Johns instead of another DC character or alternate costume? Weird. … Full Review »
Lego Batman 3 is a disappointing addition to the Lego game franchise. From a story that is extended far beyond what it should have been to Lego Batman 3 is a disappointing addition to the Lego game franchise. From a story that is extended far beyond what it should have been to boring, repetitive side missions. Lego Batman 3 feels more like a chore to complete, rather than the fun entertaining experience it should have been.
Lets start with the story:
The story swings in both extremes of bad writing. You have certain issues which could be expanded upon wrapped up too quickly, and other issues which could be explained and dealt with within 1-2 levels, expands to take up 5-6 levels. The story needs more balance and extra ideas to keep the plot rolling, rather than being stuck doing the same task over and over, except it's slightly tweaked so it looks different
The game starts out alright with you starting out as Batman doing Batman things, giving off the impression that it may take a similar form as its predecessor Lego Batman 2. But as you play this game, you get the impression that Lego Batman 3 is stuck between a rock and a hard place in the sense that it wants to be both a Lego Batman game and a Lego DC superhero game. The level design feels like it should be for a Lego Batman game, but the abilities given to you from the DC universe makes the level feel restrictive in what you can actually do.
The Hub worlds provided in the game is an interesting idea, but a large portion of them feel like copy and paste, with similar quest lines, tedious racing challenges and annoying item hunts. The main hub worlds look the part, but can be confusing to navigate, as each door is labeled with a tiny sign that you can only see up close, and no other indication of where the door leads.
If you are in it for 100% completion, you are in for a rough time. Everything is tedious to collect, from gold brick achieved by quest lines, to red bricks (with no red brick indicator), and to minikits. The 100% reward is unjustified and doesn't even include a 'collect a million studs' included in its previous iterations, which was annoying.
Also, the game itself has been known to have a save glitch where it says there is no game save data found whenever you leave the game and come back to it. I had to restart the game 3 times until I looked up the problem and how to fix it.
The only good thing I can mention is that it feels like it would be a good nostalga trip for fans of the DC universe. Collecting all the Adam Wests (which feels like a rip off of the stan lee collectables) gives a nice Easter egg level, you can play as your favorite superhero/ supervillian that they have available, and aesthetically it feels like you are in the DC universe.
Overall, I give this game a 3 out of 10 for a drawn out plot, game breaking glitches and freezing on multiple occasions, inadequate level design, and boring, tedious collectables to acquire. Unless you are nostalgic for the DC universe and want a sandbox to play with your favorite super heroes, I recommend skipping this Lego title. … Full Review »
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham — это экшен с видом от третьего лица с примесью игры в жанре "победи их всех" и платформера от девелоперов из студии TT Games. Издателем игры выступает TT Games, за перевод LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham на русский язык отвечает 1С-СофтКлаб. Эти же парни и выпускают игру в России. LEGO Batman 3: Покидая Готэм — это альтернативное название LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.
В целом проект оказался довольно слабеньким. Большинство обозревателей поставили игре очень низкие оценки.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham — релизный трейлер :
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Системные требования
Минимальные системки для игры:
- Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo
- 2 GB ОЗУ
- 10 GB HDD
- NVIDIA GeForce 7600GS Видеопамять: 256 Mb
- DirectX 10
- Подключение к интернету
- Клавиатура, мышь
Даты выхода
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham уже вышла на PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, Android, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Mac.
(Весь мир) — 13 августа 2015 (Весь мир) — 25 июня 2015 , PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS (Великобритания) — 14 ноября 2014 (Южная Корея) — 14 ноября 2014
Полный список дат выхода и платформ смотрите на странице релизов.
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Сейчас LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham продается в таких магазинах, как 1С Интерес, Plati, GameRay и других. Самая низкая цена, которую нам удалось найти - 129 рублей. В продаже есть разные издания LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, например Deluxe EditionPremium Edition. Игру можно активировать в Steam.
Вот некоторые актуальные предложения:
в магазине Plati за 161 руб в магазине Игромагаз за 129 руб в магазине Gamivo за 150 руб в магазине HRK Game за 142 руб в магазине Instant Gaming за 153 руб
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It's lego. It's batman. It's exactly what you would expect. If you loved lego marvel, this almost feels like a bit like a sibling. Fun for everyone in the family.
Hate to say the usual, but it's true: if you're a fan of the Lego games in general, you'll enjoy this one pretty much by default. As far as the DC Comics subject matter I have praise and I have nitpicks.
Praise: They fixed one my my biggest gripes with the other two Lego Batman games and that's the "suit swapping". In the older games, you'd have to swap Batman's outfit to get thru a Hate to say the usual, but it's true: if you're a fan of the Lego games in general, you'll enjoy this one pretty much by default. As far as the DC Comics subject matter I have praise and I have nitpicks.
Praise: They fixed one my my biggest gripes with the other two Lego Batman games and that's the "suit swapping". In the older games, you'd have to swap Batman's outfit to get thru a mini-puzzle, but you could only do it at nearby changing stations, which got annoying. Now, they have the suits on a menu-wheel which you can swap out at anytime, as you unlock them. It's so much more convenient, and is a game-changer for me (I never did complete the other two Batman Lego games, partially because of this).
Praise: There are a TON of characters to collect, which is always fun. They followed Marvel's lead (if only they could to that with their movies too) and have just about every main character you can think of!
Praise: Not to spoil anything, but fans of Tron will be pleased with some of the puzzles.
Nitpick: They use many of the mechanics from Marvel (probably can't be avoided) which is fine, but Alfred is the "Captain America" of this came using a serving tray!? That's just an insult to Cap, lol! Solomon Grundy plays the role of Hulk in this game with the innocent-dumbness - which anoys me, as Solomon Grundy is not supposed to be unintelligent (then again, with all the New 52 reboots, maybe I'm wrong. he was smart in Super Friends!). They also replace "Stan Lee in Peril" with "Adam West in Peril" lol.
Nitpick: Why make Batman & Robin the central focus AGAIN? It's like DC has no faith in their own main brand or other characters. Just call is Lego DC Comics (just like "Lego Marvel Comics" did) and that way you can open up the story and levels to not be all about Batman again. Granted, the story progresses and you get more characters, but I rolled my eyes for the first hour of playing having to go thru all Batman stuff again with this new game.
Nitpick: DLC on day one. Meh, unless we stop buying it, they'll keep doing this. Alternate outfits and extra levels which could easily fit on the disc. I get it, they do that to make money, but it would just be nice it DLC were actually add-ons that came later due to fans wanting more, and not preplanned as part of the money machine.
Nitpick: Celebs. Conan O'Brien and Kevin Smith? Geoff Johns? Stan Lee in the Marvel game I get, as Stan's an icon OF Marvel, and has cameo'd in comics, cartoons, and the movies. Why do I get Geoff Johns instead of another DC character or alternate costume? Weird. … Expand
Lego Batman 3 is a disappointing addition to the Lego game franchise. From a story that is extended far beyond what it should have been to boring, repetitive side missions. Lego Batman 3 feels more like a chore to complete, rather than the fun entertaining experience it should have been.
Lets start with the story: The story swings in both extremes of bad writing. You have certain Lego Batman 3 is a disappointing addition to the Lego game franchise. From a story that is extended far beyond what it should have been to boring, repetitive side missions. Lego Batman 3 feels more like a chore to complete, rather than the fun entertaining experience it should have been.
Lets start with the story:
The story swings in both extremes of bad writing. You have certain issues which could be expanded upon wrapped up too quickly, and other issues which could be explained and dealt with within 1-2 levels, expands to take up 5-6 levels. The story needs more balance and extra ideas to keep the plot rolling, rather than being stuck doing the same task over and over, except it's slightly tweaked so it looks different
The game starts out alright with you starting out as Batman doing Batman things, giving off the impression that it may take a similar form as its predecessor Lego Batman 2. But as you play this game, you get the impression that Lego Batman 3 is stuck between a rock and a hard place in the sense that it wants to be both a Lego Batman game and a Lego DC superhero game. The level design feels like it should be for a Lego Batman game, but the abilities given to you from the DC universe makes the level feel restrictive in what you can actually do.
The Hub worlds provided in the game is an interesting idea, but a large portion of them feel like copy and paste, with similar quest lines, tedious racing challenges and annoying item hunts. The main hub worlds look the part, but can be confusing to navigate, as each door is labeled with a tiny sign that you can only see up close, and no other indication of where the door leads.
If you are in it for 100% completion, you are in for a rough time. Everything is tedious to collect, from gold brick achieved by quest lines, to red bricks (with no red brick indicator), and to minikits. The 100% reward is unjustified and doesn't even include a 'collect a million studs' included in its previous iterations, which was annoying.
Also, the game itself has been known to have a save glitch where it says there is no game save data found whenever you leave the game and come back to it. I had to restart the game 3 times until I looked up the problem and how to fix it.
The only good thing I can mention is that it feels like it would be a good nostalga trip for fans of the DC universe. Collecting all the Adam Wests (which feels like a rip off of the stan lee collectables) gives a nice Easter egg level, you can play as your favorite superhero/ supervillian that they have available, and aesthetically it feels like you are in the DC universe.
Overall, I give this game a 3 out of 10 for a drawn out plot, game breaking glitches and freezing on multiple occasions, inadequate level design, and boring, tedious collectables to acquire. Unless you are nostalgic for the DC universe and want a sandbox to play with your favorite super heroes, I recommend skipping this Lego title. … Expand
This is the lowest rating I have ever given a lego game and here is why. There are three dlc packages on release day that should have been part of the game, this is a total rip off. The save system does not work, I don't know whether this is an xbox live issue or the game's fault but I have to unplug my console every time I play to sync up to my save file, infuriating! The game itself This is the lowest rating I have ever given a lego game and here is why. There are three dlc packages on release day that should have been part of the game, this is a total rip off. The save system does not work, I don't know whether this is an xbox live issue or the game's fault but I have to unplug my console every time I play to sync up to my save file, infuriating! The game itself is very funny and well acted so here is where the 5 points come from. There are a few new ideas in this game that I am not crazy about too. This will be the last time I buy a lego game on release day, I will wait for a game of the year version, games are expensive enough without getting robbed for supporting a game, not a fair thing to do to loyal fans. The last few lego games have slowly eroded my love for lego games to the point where I an thinking about walking away forever and this is from someone who has played every single one. There are a few other issues with the game like the batcave computer does not work, not sure why this is happening. Overall a very disappointing game. … Expand
Really, really wish TT would get back to actually creating lego games about the movies rather than using a movie to simply act as a theme while you run around a mostly bland hub world(s) and do pointless things. The flying/racing continues to be the absolute worst part of the game. Really wish they'd get rid of the people who keep designing this crap. Beyond that this is standard lego Really, really wish TT would get back to actually creating lego games about the movies rather than using a movie to simply act as a theme while you run around a mostly bland hub world(s) and do pointless things. The flying/racing continues to be the absolute worst part of the game. Really wish they'd get rid of the people who keep designing this crap. Beyond that this is standard lego fair which means the levels are fun but the hub world is a timewaster and stupid. … Expand
Didn't find the game fun at all, I admit I'm not a big fan of Lego games but I did really love Lego hobbit and Lego movie, this game just didn't appeal to me when playing It, found it a bit dull
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham improves upon LEGO Batman 2 but forgets about open-world
+ Character roster
+ Great Story
+ Suits
+ Locations
- Not open-world focused
- Feels like a little step back
Un jeu qui vise le jeune public et qui exploite avec plus moins d'à-propos la license Batman de DC Comics mais dont le nombre de bugs est vraiment inquiétant. A tel point que dès le premier niveau, on se retrouve bloqué puisqu'un script ne se déclenche pas, même en recommençant le niveau plusieurs fois.
Je regarde attentivement un guide et constate que le script fonctionne mais pas chez Un jeu qui vise le jeune public et qui exploite avec plus moins d'à-propos la license Batman de DC Comics mais dont le nombre de bugs est vraiment inquiétant. A tel point que dès le premier niveau, on se retrouve bloqué puisqu'un script ne se déclenche pas, même en recommençant le niveau plusieurs fois.
Je regarde attentivement un guide et constate que le script fonctionne mais pas chez moi : ceci est une machination qui me vise personnellement, un complot éhonté monté de toutes pièces, en l'occurrence un assemblage de légos particulièrement foireux dont les avatars numériques ont pété un plomb. Bref, un bug sûrement très rare et pas toujours reproductible, hélas.
Cela dit, j'ai pu constater un autre défaut durant ce court laps de temps à refaire la même chose : la musique ! pourtant, il s'agit de la belle musique du premier Batmou mais le développeur s'est borné à en extraire quelques échantillons qui sont simplement répétés en boucles infinies : celles-ci finissent par bien vriller les nerfs.
Dans ces conditions lamentables, on ne peut que sanctionner de manière draconienne un jeu aussi mal foutu et un tel foutage de gueule ; quelle honte ! … Expand
We bought the game, Lego Batman Deluxe Digital with Season Pass included on Xbox Ultimate Game Sale for $13.75. Great deal, fun game, lots of content! The best graphics of any Lego game so far. Nothing super new or original so I am giving it an 8. So, so glad they started adding voice actors on the last Lego Batman game, it adds so much to the story sequences and in-game audio.
LEGO Batman 3: Покидая Готэм - лучшая часть серии, которой всё ещё далеко до настоящего AAA…
Разработчики попытались создать самую масштабную и эпичную игру во вселенной DC, напичкав её доверху контентом, обновив графику и пополнив ростер персонажей всеми, кем только можно было и нельзя. Это конечно хорошо, но если в игре будет много однотипных квестов ради растягивания хронометража, то LEGO Batman 3: Покидая Готэм - лучшая часть серии, которой всё ещё далеко до настоящего AAA…
Разработчики попытались создать самую масштабную и эпичную игру во вселенной DC, напичкав её доверху контентом, обновив графику и пополнив ростер персонажей всеми, кем только можно было и нельзя. Это конечно хорошо, но если в игре будет много однотипных квестов ради растягивания хронометража, то это уже не плюс, а оправдание продажи сезонного пропуска, дескать мы итак саму игру нагрузили контентом и ничего не вырезали для допов, а наоборот сделали больше, так что сезонник уместен.
В этом проблема - игра огромная и без сезонника, но даже с ним она так и осталась пустая. В надежде заполнить пустоту покупаешь сезонку, но получаешь тоже самое, просто покрашенное в другие цвета, ибо весь контент этой игры копипаста. Создайте вы хоть пять сезонников, растянув игру до 100+ часов, ничего не изменится - это будет всё та же пустота помноженная на 5, но ты ведь купил уже, поэтому надо пройти, чтобы закрыть гештагьт… а он, с.ка, не закрывается и ачивки выпадают тааак мееедлееенноооо… короче, сезонный пропуск вам нафиг не упал - самой игры более чем достаточно!
Из плюсов у нас обновлённый графон и подтянутая физическая модель.
Если к графену вопросов ноль - красочно, сочно, всё отражается и блестит, сглаживание на новом уровне, то к физону вопросов масса - все объекты на уровне разбиваются красиво и зрелищно, ложась под ноги персонажу и когда их мало, то можно красиво разбросать их по сторонам собственным весом по физике, но стоит разрушить что-то крупнее табуретки, то барахло под ногами будет размером до ушей, тем самым не давая вам пройти секунд пять пока не исчезнет. Автомобили ранее управлялись как картонные коробки и в рамках стиля этого было достаточно, но физика сделала их неуправляемыми, постоянно норовящими перевернуться :(
Сюжет - он есть, он супергеройский и этого достаточно.
Персонажи как всегда гипертрофированно харизматичны, например, Бэтмен говорит голосом в стиле «Где детонатор?!», как в фильмах Нолана и бесстрашный до мозга костей, а Робин наоборот максимально трусливый. Все постоянно падают и получают по кумполу аки Чарли Чаплин, а также шутят за 300, как будто делали игру для пятилетних детей. Я не против пошутить над серьёзными щами супергеройских фильмов, но в этот раз прямо как-то с перебором, порой доводя до фарса издёвки над персонажами.
По итогу мы имеем добротную, в меру качественную игру, но только в рамках серии, в которой что-то подтянули, а что-то поломали. Она нормальная, не больше и не меньше, потому что пустая, не смотря на переизбыток контента и не вызывает эмоций :(
5,5 из 10 - только по скидкам и ни в коем случае не берите сезонный пропуск, иначе будете умолять игру показать финальные титры! … Expand
Despite some technical shortcomings, Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham does a fine job of continuing to build on what the series has established while also hitting all the right notes to keep pleasing Bat-fans of all ages.
It has some technical issues, but apart from them, it is a very enjoyable experience and recommended for fans of the LEGO-driven games.
It’s a recycled formula that has worked over and over again and it has left some gameplay issues that should have been fixed long ago (e.g. floaty control or collision detection); however, the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” formula works and for many that will most likely be fine for them.
Unlike some of the better previous titles like LEGO Batman 2 and LEGO Marvel, LEGO Batman 3 feels more claustrophobic, smaller in scale and lacks that open feel that the aforementioned titles gave us.
Beyond Gotham could have stood for some more innovation, but it's impossible to deny that it's a charming game with its tried-and-true.
Lego Batman 3 has all the ingredients of the other, enjoyable, Lego superhero games, but is let down by clunky controls, poor signposting and questionable translations of well-known comic book personalities.
User Reviews
Hate to say the usual, but it's true: if you're a fan of the Lego games in general, you'll enjoy this one pretty much by default. As far as Hate to say the usual, but it's true: if you're a fan of the Lego games in general, you'll enjoy this one pretty much by default. As far as the DC Comics subject matter I have praise and I have nitpicks.
Praise: They fixed one my my biggest gripes with the other two Lego Batman games and that's the "suit swapping". In the older games, you'd have to swap Batman's outfit to get thru a mini-puzzle, but you could only do it at nearby changing stations, which got annoying. Now, they have the suits on a menu-wheel which you can swap out at anytime, as you unlock them. It's so much more convenient, and is a game-changer for me (I never did complete the other two Batman Lego games, partially because of this).
Praise: There are a TON of characters to collect, which is always fun. They followed Marvel's lead (if only they could to that with their movies too) and have just about every main character you can think of!
Praise: Not to spoil anything, but fans of Tron will be pleased with some of the puzzles.
Nitpick: They use many of the mechanics from Marvel (probably can't be avoided) which is fine, but Alfred is the "Captain America" of this came using a serving tray!? That's just an insult to Cap, lol! Solomon Grundy plays the role of Hulk in this game with the innocent-dumbness - which anoys me, as Solomon Grundy is not supposed to be unintelligent (then again, with all the New 52 reboots, maybe I'm wrong. he was smart in Super Friends!). They also replace "Stan Lee in Peril" with "Adam West in Peril" lol.
Nitpick: Why make Batman & Robin the central focus AGAIN? It's like DC has no faith in their own main brand or other characters. Just call is Lego DC Comics (just like "Lego Marvel Comics" did) and that way you can open up the story and levels to not be all about Batman again. Granted, the story progresses and you get more characters, but I rolled my eyes for the first hour of playing having to go thru all Batman stuff again with this new game.
Nitpick: DLC on day one. Meh, unless we stop buying it, they'll keep doing this. Alternate outfits and extra levels which could easily fit on the disc. I get it, they do that to make money, but it would just be nice it DLC were actually add-ons that came later due to fans wanting more, and not preplanned as part of the money machine.
Nitpick: Celebs. Conan O'Brien and Kevin Smith? Geoff Johns? Stan Lee in the Marvel game I get, as Stan's an icon OF Marvel, and has cameo'd in comics, cartoons, and the movies. Why do I get Geoff Johns instead of another DC character or alternate costume? Weird. … Expand
«Лего»-игры выходят настолько давно и настолько слабо отличаются друг от друга, что с каждым следующим релизом придумывать вступление к обзору все сложнее. Впрочем, сами материалы пишутся удивительно легко: каждый раз Traveller's Tales умудряется внести в серию что-то новое. Никогда не знаешь, что заготовили разработчики — то у персонажей неожиданно появляется голос, то уникальная сюжетная линия ухитряется охватить почти всех героев популярной вселенной, то возникает огромное количество нестандартных экшен-сцен. Поэтому, запуская Beyond Gotham, с самого начала ожидаешь подвоха и новых откровений.
Несмотря на название игры, на самом деле Бэтмен отнюдь не является главным действующим лицом. История на этот раз намного масштабнее и сравнима скорее с LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Охвачены чуть ли не все персонажи вселенной DC, и благодаря безжалостной фантазии сценаристов почти за всех можно поиграть в рамках сюжетной кампании.
Дальнейшее будет не совсем понятно нормальным людям. Корпус Фонарей оказывается захвачен Брэйниаком: под воздействием гипноза все они подчиняются его воле. Тем временем земные суперзлодеи решают пробраться на космическую станцию Лиги Справедливости, чтобы как-нибудь злодействовать. Но когда Супермен в очередной раз отвешивает люлей Лексу Лютеру, на орбите нашей планеты объявляется межгалактическая угроза, так что героям и злодеям приходится объединиться, чтобы «зеленый человечек» не уничтожил Землю.
Таким образом, новая игра о Бэтмене самого Бэтмена толком и не касается. Друг друга постоянно сменяют десятки персонажей, мест, событий. Все это, как всегда, сдобрено очаровательным юмором и подается с достаточной эпичностью: «Что произошло, Бэтс?» — «Я спас тебя, Супермен. Опять». — «После того как я снова спас всю планету? Спасибо». Особенно удалась дружба между извечными врагами: все в один момент становятся удивительно заботливыми и внимательными. Что, конечно, в рамках нормальной комиксной вселенной вряд ли бы произошло.
С другой стороны, с подачей истории есть проблема. От концепции открытого мира разработчики на этот раз отказались, что выглядит как очень серьезный шаг назад. В то время как LEGO Marvel Super Heroes показывала образцовый город для исследования, The Hobbit создавала потрясающее ощущение движения вперед, реального путешествия, Batman 3 просто возвращается к линейным эпизодам, объединенным несколькими уровнями-хабами.
Причем хабами громоздкими и неудобными. Все культовые супергеройские локации (станция Лиги Справедливости, Бэтпещера) объединены между собой сетью порталов, разобраться в которых удается только к середине прохождения. Хорошо хоть, сюжетные миссии становятся доступны на удобной карте-глобусе.
Такой подход не стал бы большой проблемой, предложи игра что-нибудь взамен. Та же The LEGO Movie Videogame была совершенно линейна, но при этом напичкана огромным количеством нестандартных эпизодов и необычного экшена. Здесь же все грустно.
Как фанера над Готэмом
Основная идея игры, разумеется, не изменилась. Через уровень бежит кучка персонажей, попутно ломая все объекты и собирая монетки. Иногда можно случайно напороться на необязательную головоломку и получить приз. А можно — на головоломку обязательную и продвинуться вперед.
Главным инструментом решения задач являются уникальные способности персонажей. Кто-то умеет летать, кто-то стреляет лазером из глаз, кто-то владеет электричеством, и тому подобное. Увидев на уровне, например, серебряную бочку, игрок сразу понимает — нужен герой с динамитом. Если такового нет, значит, дизайнеры приготовили сюрприз, и уровень придется перепройти с другим набором персонажей.
Однако обычно количество «навыков» было более-менее ограничено. А Уэйн и его команда полюбили переодевания: каждому второму герою доступен целый список костюмов, обладающих различными способностями. Поэтому число нужных для прохождения действий увеличилось: приходится много раз переодевать бедного Робина или Джокера, то бросая их в токсичные химикаты, то заставляя с присосками ползать по стенам.
Сложно сказать, связано ли это с одной из главных проблем игры. Уровни перестали быть хоть сколько-нибудь очевидными. Решения задачек и раньше не славились особой логичностью, но теперь приходится гораздо чаще тормозить и искать на просторных аренах именно ту золотую штучку, которую нужно взорвать именно сейчас. При этом какого-то внятного сюжета и ощущения развития нет: просто где-то повернулся какой-то очередной кран.
Прибавьте к этому тот факт, что общеигровая история развивается настолько же неспешно, серо и скучно. Первые пять-шесть уровней придется толкаться по совершенно невыразительным космическим коридорам. Дальше становится чуть лучше: планеты Фонарей смотрятся эффектно, но ужасающее многочасовое введение не каждому позволит до них добраться.
Как всегда, прохождение стандартных этапов разбавляется мини-играми. Иногда, вызывая дикий смех, игра начинает копировать Resogun. Но таких эпизодов мало, они частично встречались и раньше, а спасти порядком надоевший геймплей им не удается. Боевая система не продвинулась дальше однокнопочного бесполезного комбо. А на всякие попытки имитировать реальное строительство из блоков авторы, кажется, плюнули.
К LEGO у игровой прессы очень специфическое отношение. Запуская очередную игру, всегда знаешь, чего ожидать. Серия никогда кардинально не меняется, хотя всегда находит интересную «фишку», позволяющую придать действию новые краски. На этот раз Акелла промахнулся — это, пожалуй, самая слабая часть за последнее время. Надергав всего отовсюду, она так и не предлагает ничего действительно интересного. На этом фоне с привычными уже недостатками не хочется мириться, а раздражение и усталость приходит гораздо быстрее, чем всегда. Кажется, и этот конвейер начинает застаиваться: самое время что-то менять.
Плюсы: эпическая история, максимально задействующая мир и персонажей; юмор.
Минусы: без нововведений концепция вообще не воспринимается.
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