Lego back to the future minifigures
Back to the Future is a film series that almost everyone knows and has seen at least once or twice. It tells the story of Marty McFly and his friend Doc Brown. The first film sends Marty to the past where he encounters his parents as teenagers and helps them come together. In the second film, the duo heads to the future and see what happens to their characters. The third film in the series goes even further back in time as Doc Brown finds love in the old west. All three films grossed millions at the box office and became classics.
With LEGO Back to the Future sets and minifigs, you can add a touch of retro 80s fun to your home. While you might want a few minifigs of Doc and other characters to display in your game room, you’ll also find full sets that let you build a DeLorean just like the one that the characters used as a time machine. There are also sets that work with LEGO Dimensions systems to bring Marty and other characters into different levels. No matter what you love about these films, you’ll find a few LEGO toys from the series that you’ll love just as much.
Best LEGO Back To The Future Sets June, 2022 – Comparison Table
Product Name | Image | Features | No. of Pieces |
LEGO The DeLorean Time Machine Building Set | Opening doors, fold-up wheels |
Flux capacitor, time travel display
Including Marty, his hoverboard
Brick Headz of both Marty McFly and Doc Brown
Classic costumes from the films
LEGO The DeLorean Time Machine Building Set
Any fan of BTTF knows that Doc and Marty use a DeLorean as a time machine. LEGO now lets you build a time machine of your own from small bricks. Suitable for BTTF fans 10 and up, this set includes 401 parts. You get both Marty ad Doc minifigs that are exclusive to this set, and both come dressed in costumes from a popular moment in the first film. Marty also comes with a LEGO skateboard that you can set him on and roll across the room.
The DeLorean that you build has doors that open from the sides, tires that fold up along the body and space inside for the minifigs. It also has a time travel dashboard inside and two license plates as well a second engine. The only thing missing from this set is Einstein the dog.
LEGO Dimensions Back to the Future Level Pack
As long as you have a LEGO Dimensions set and the included LEGO pad, you can unlock a brand new BTTF adventure with this pack. It comes with three figures from the films, including Marty, his hoverboard and the DeLorean time machine. Once added to the pad, it lets you unlock A Hill Valley Time Adventure. This level asks that you use Marty to get around town and complete a mission. You also have the chance to explore Hill Valley and the surrounding BTTF world. Other things that you can do in the game include building Marty and other characters from LEGO bricks and sending Marty into the other levels that you unlocked.
LEGO Dimensions Back to the Future Doc Brown Fun Pack
What good is a Marty adventure if he can’t bring Doc along with him? Thanks to this fun pack, you can now make Marty and Doc interact on different levels at the same time that you add a new world to explore. This set recreates some of the moments from the third film, which sees Doc trapped in the old west where he eventually meets the love of his life. Not only do you get a Doc Brown minifig, but you also get a minifig of the train from that film. Both figures come with bases that you can use to display them. You can also remove those bases to use either figure on a LEGO Dimensions pad. This lets you bring the train and Doc into the BTTF you unlocked with the other set and lets you explore other virtual worlds with Doc.
LEGO Brick Headz Marty McFly and Doc Brown
Most LEGO sets come with figures that look exactly the same. If you’re a fan of Back to the Future and want something a little different, this Brick Heads set is a fun alternative. It comes with Brick Headz of both Marty McFly and Doc Brown. Doc comes complete with his white costume and a flux capacitor that he holds in one hand. Marty wears his puffy red vest over jeans and several shirts. You’ll use 120 of the 240 included bricks to build each one. These figures stand a few inches tall and are a great addition to a BTTF collection. To keep the figures from falling over, LEGO includes two stands. These black stands let you snap the figures to the top and display them anywhere you want.
Check out our guide to the Best LEGO Brick Headz Sets.
LEGO Back to the Future Marty McFly Minifig
You can create new adventures with Marty thanks to this minifig, which gives you the option of buying your favorite character without spending lots of money on a full LEGO set. As with other minifigs, Marty has legs that help him stand on LEGO sets. He is compatible with all bricks, which lets you choose how to display him. Both hands have an open design that allows you to place accessories in each one to recreate scenes from the series. You’ll also find that both his legs and arms rotate as does his head. Marty comes dressed in his icon BTTF costume, which includes a puffy red vest over a dark blue shirt and a flannel shirt as well as blue jeans.
LEGO Minifig Doc Brown
Первой покупкой в новом, 2022 году по уже сложившейся традиции становится новенькая серия человечков из конструктора LEGO!
Сегодня мы будем со всех сторон рассматривать 12 минифигурок, и выявлять их сильные и слабые стороны. Ниже вас ждут: пришелец из космоса, который затерялся во времени, сразу три новых фигурки животных, фэнтезийные герои, спортсмены и потешные девчонки в ростовых костюмах. И за всё это мы заплатим чеканной монетой!
Хочу в очередной раз выразить огромную благодарность персоналу сертифицированного магазина из моего родного Ростова-на-Дону. Вы в самые кратчайшие сроки и безошибочно какой год собираете мне всю серию фигурок и предоставляете коробку от них. Я очень Вас ценю!
Информация о наборе:
Артикул: 71032
Название: Lego Minifiguries - Series 22 / 22 серия минифигурок Лего
Дата выпуска: январь 2022
Количество: 12 уникальных фигур
Цена за Рубежом: 5 $ (375 рублей, при $=75 рубля)
Цена: 279 рублей за 1 случайную фигурку (3348 рублей за всю коллекцию)
Начинаем знакомство с серией через изучение дизайна коробки. Новый стандарт – 12 фигурок (до 2020 года было 16 фигурок в серии) становится привычным. Коробка включает в себя 36 закрытых пакетиков, внутри коробки 3 серии. Редких фигурок среди них нет – всё распределение честное.
Перед Вами буклетик с изображениями фигурок, они подписаны от 1 до 12, в дальнейшем в статье я буду рассматривать фигурки именно в этом порядке, для вашего удобства. Вы можете перейти к нужной именно Вам фигурке и рассмотреть её.
Про дизайн пакетика от тайной фигурки и буклета вкладыша сказать нечего – они абсолютно такие же, как и всегда.
1. Робот-изобретатель.
И первый в нашем списке – робот, который создаёт роботов! Настоящий научно-фантастический кошмар, ведь если роботы начнут плодится, то трепещите кожаные мешки!
Изначально я не был в восторге от этой фигурки, но это тот самый момент, когда фигурка интересней, чем на фотографиях. Принтованная рука, редкая оранжевая кисть, принты на ногах, уникальный торс, голова и шлем! Просто вау! Глаза у мелкого красного робота – тоже уникальные детали!
Теперь о изобретателе: сзади на голове имеются классные принты микросхем и прикольный заряд батареи, который видно, даже когда шлем одет, очень прикольная «фича». В специальную желтую правую руку робота можно вставлять различные элементы, что тоже прикольно.
Пожалуй, единственным минусом является слишком уж позитивное улыбчивое лицо и глаза на маске. Будь они нейтральны – можно было бы найти намного больше применений этой фигурке.
2. Девушка в костюме перца Чили.
Снова фигурка, превзошедшая мои ожидания! Торс и ноги в темно красном цвете прекрасно сочетаются с обычным красным цветом. Так еще и на торсе имеются прикольные принты. В каком-то смысле мы получаем забавную пижаму, или толстовку в своё распоряжение.
Но на этом плюсы не заканчиваются! Нам положили причёску, чтобы использовать даму без костюма. Невероятная щедрость. А еще стоит учесть, что причёска уникальная, как и лицо. А вот деталь с молоком подкачала – встречается в шести наборах. Скучный аксессуар.
3. Бард.
Одна из самых ожидаемых мной фигурок всей серии подвела, но разочарование предназначается лично мне. На моём лице барда очень плохо прорисованы усишки. Мне кажется это брак, я даже подумаю о письме в TLG и запросе на замену.
Ко всему остальному претензий нет от слова совсем – уникальный головной убор с пером цвета маджента (разновидность пурпурного). Абсолютно новый музыкальный прибор – лютня, чеканные монеты также до этого нигде не встречались. В нагрузку принты на руках и ногах, красивый торс и лицо.
4. Морозный воин.
А вот эта фигурка еще до выхода стала одной из самых желанных у многих коллекционеров. Я тоже ждал её с нетерпением, но в итоге этому суровому воину удалось остудить мой пыл.
Довольно странно рисовать на щите снежинку. Не очень-то она воинственная. Головной убор плохо сочетается с воротником, особенно это заметно сзади. Цвета не слишком хорошо сочетаются - что за синие ноги и руки из-под белой шерсти? Ну и лично мне «не зашли» символы собак на поясе. Простите за каламбур, но может это уже тот самый пояс из собачьей шерсти? Меч очень классный, но при этом современный стандарт, а не уникальный (встречается у рыцаря из коллекционной серии 2020 года и в Средневековой кузнице).
Из плюсов: уникальная хаски (за счёт голубых глаз), классное лицо со шрамом. Вообще все элементы очень прикольные, но чего-то им не хватает чтобы стать одним целым.
5. Девушка с жеребёнком.
Довольно нейтральной вышла данная фигурка во всех отношениях. Отмечаю прикольное лицо с блестящими брекетами. На картинке кажется, что у неё румянец, а по факту вообще не понятно, что это такое бледное и круглое? Может веснушки?
Я разочаровался в подростковых ногах – они не панацея. Да, они сгибаются, но сидят фигурки на них неуверенно, а до спинки стула вообще не достают. К тому же эти ноги не принтованы.
К сожалению, нет возможности сравнить элементы, поэтому до конца не понятно является ли шапка уникальным предметом или уже была. Тоже самое могу сказать про торс. Выглядит он полезным, скорее всего уникальный. Может найти массу применений. Жеребёнок просто мимимишный, надеюсь если его и будут повторять в наборах, то в других цветах, иначе ценность фигурки просто рухнет.
Зато к морковке у меня вопросы. На фоне жеребёнка и фигурки она выглядит просто ОГРОМНОЙ, выше пояса подростку! Представьте десятилетнего ребёнка и нарисуйте в своём воображении морковку ему до пупка. Неужели она из зоны отчуждения?!
21103 Back to the Future Time Machine is a CUUSOO set, based on the DeLorean time machine from the film series Back to the Future. It was available for purchase at the San Diego Comic-Con on July 18, 2013 before its general release on August 1.
Set announcement
It is with great pleasure we reveal that the next LEGO CUUSOO set will be the Back to the Future Time Machine, based upon the LEGO CUUSOO project by m.togami and Sakuretsu. As one of the earliest projects on the site’s global open beta, headlines of a potential Back to the Future LEGO set was seen on popular sites including Gizmodo and Brothers Brick, helping LEGO CUUSOO gain massive appeal.
The final product is still in development in coordination with our license partner, Universal Partnerships & Licensing. We'll show the final model and you’ll be able to order your own copy when it becomes available in mid-2013 (exact dates and pricing to be determined).
Back to the Future DeLorean Time Machine
By m.togami* and Sakuretsu
After analyzing the supporters of the Back to the Future project, we learned that this product has a broad, worldwide appeal. The model presented in this project is built very closely to the LEGO Group’s design standards and has therefore provided a strong base to design the final product. It has a high play value and it fits well with supporters’ price expectations.
This set is based on the time-traveling DeLorean that was invented by Dr. Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future film series, the one from the original 1985 film, the flying DeLorean from the sequel, and the Wild West DeLorean from the third and final film in the trilogy.
Future LEGO Back to the Future sets
Team BTTF's LEGO Jules Verne Train (not commercially produced).
The submitters of the DeLorean model, under the name Team BTTF, went on to create models for the Jules Verne Train and Locomotive 131, which contained motors and could run on LEGO train tracks. However, these models were never accepted by LEGO.
Back to the Future was later included as a franchise in LEGO Dimensions, which allowed the player to explore three different eras of Hill Valley.
- The 1% that the builders make on the sale of this will be donated to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.
- The instructions give the builder the opportunity to add details to the car (which are included in the set itself) to modify it into three different versions, that represent the DeLorean as depicted in the three different movies. These additional parts include Mr. Fusion for making the BTTF II time machine, and red wheel rims and a hood box for making the BTTF III time machine. The wheels also rotate into flight position.
- The date given on the time circuit piece is January 28, 1958, the date on which the modern LEGO brick patent was filed.
- The first edition of the Flux Capacitor piece was printed with a spelling error, where instead of "SHIELD EYES FROM LIGHT" it read "SHEILD EYES FROM LIGHT". Owners of the misprinted part were able to request a replacement piece with the correct spelling.
This article uses material from the 21103 Back to the Future Time Machine article on the Brickipedia wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.
21103 Back to the Future Time Machine is the 4th official Back to the Future CUUSOO set, based on the DeLorean time machine from the film series Back to the Future. It was available for purchase at the San Diego Comic-Con on July 18, 2013 before its general release on August 1.
Set announcement
It is with great pleasure we reveal that the next LEGO CUUSOO set will be the Back to the Future Time Machine, based upon the LEGO CUUSOO project by m.togami and Sakuretsu. As one of the earliest projects on the site’s global open beta, headlines of a potential Back to the Future LEGO set was seen on popular sites including Gizmodo and Brothers Brick, helping LEGO CUUSOO gain massive appeal.
The final product is still in development in coordination with our license partner, Universal Partnerships & Licensing. We'll show the final model and you’ll be able to order your own copy when it becomes available in mid-2013 (exact dates and pricing to be determined).
Back to the Future DeLorean Time Machine
By m.togami* and Sakuretsu
After analyzing the supporters of the Back to the Future project, we learned that this product has a broad, worldwide appeal. The model presented in this project is built very closely to the LEGO Group’s design standards and has therefore provided a strong base to design the final product. It has a high play value and it fits well with supporters’ price expectations.
Travel Back to the Future with the awesome DeLorean time machine!
Build your very own miniature version of the iconic DeLorean time machine that Dr. Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown and Marty McFly famously used to travel Back to the Future! Selected by LEGO® CUUSOO members, this amazing model features lots of cool details, like opening gull-wing doors, fold-up wheels, flux capacitor, time travel display and 2 license plates. We’ve also included extra engines and wheels so you can recreate the different variants of the time-traveling car featured in the Back to the Future movies! Finally, this unique set also includes a fascinating booklet containing production notes, original images and fun details from the movies. Includes 2 minifigures: Marty McFly and Doc Brown.
- Includes 2 minifigures: Marty McFly and Doc Brown
- Features opening gull-wing doors, fold-up wheels, flux capacitor, time travel display and 2 license plates
- Also includes Marty’s skateboard as well as extra engine and wheels
- Customize the car to match the movie versions
- Step on the gas and prepare to travel Back to the Future
- Open the gull-wing doors, just like the real car!
- Fold up the wheels and engage hover mode
- Jump on the skateboard and pull some tricks
- Build the model that LEGO® CUUSOO members requested!
- Includes building instructions and exclusive Back to the Future information booklet
- Car measures over 2” (6cm) high, 5” (15cm) long and 3” (8cm) wide
This set is based on the time-traveling DeLorean that was invented by Dr. Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future film series, the one from the original 1985 film, the flying DeLorean from the second film, and the Wild West DeLorean from the third and final film in the trilogy.
fans of the ‘back to the future’ trilogy may need to keep their eyes peeled: LEGO’s creator expert series will release their ‘back to the future delorean DMC-12 ’ kit on april 1st 2022, granting its users a chance to build the famous time-traveling cars and machines from the movies. boasting 1,872 pieces of LEGO parts and bricks, the brand offers the ‘most realistic’ experience that recollects the movies’ classic vehicles.
the kit also includes a mini-figure of dr. emmett brown, also known as ‘doc’, and martin ‘marty’ mcfly with a time machine stand. it also comes with a description board that has the franchise’s logo and the components of the machine: dr. e. brown enterprises as the manufacturer; 1985 as the year; 1.21GW as the power; plutonium as the power; and 88mph as the activation speed.
images courtesy of LEGO
three-in-one kit
the three-in-one kit also allows the users to build the three delorean cars in the trilogy, from the second film’s fold-up tires look to the conclusion’s ol’ west figure. LEGO invested in the details, making sure that the finished products will resemble the cars in the movies. the first delorean DMC-12 has a pole at the rear of the car body and has a nuclear reactor. the second is equipped with an ultra-compact fusion reactor ‘mr. fusion’ and hover conversion. the third is finished with white-ribbon tires, and a circuit board appears on the hood.
LEGO offers the ‘most realistic’ experience that recollects the movies’ classic vehicle and machine
detailed for the fans
the LEGO cars’ doors open on the side, and once the gull-wing aperture is lifted, users will see dates, speed, and bar levels printed on the dashboard. there is also a block of the dimension transfer device that shines inside. as the brand states, ‘ you do not need 88mph to enjoy an immersive assembly experience. ’ while the original delorean car costs around $750,000, LEGO’s back-to-the-future kit is worth around $170, a not-so-costly experience compared to the real one. users can soon go back to the future ala delorean style.
the three-in-one kit also allows the users to build the three delorean cars in the trilogy
the kit also includes a mini-figure of dr. emmett brown, also known as “doc”, and martin mcfly
the gull-wing doors
the LEGO series is detailed
out on april 1st 2022
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