Lego attack on titan
Приветствую, студенты-подписчики и просто вольные слушатели нашей Оксенфуртской Академии. Аниме "Атака титанов" славится своим проработанным и запутанным сюжетом. Исаяма весьма умело играет с ожиданиями зрителей, создавая множество обманок, а каждый данный им ответ порождает несколько новых вопросов, благодаря чему интерес к его произведению лишь растет.
Сегодня я хочу рассказать вам 10 интересных фактов , которые многие зрители могли пропустить. Они, скорее всего, не станут для вас открытием, ибо при внимательном просмотре, а уж тем более неоднократном, такие детали бросаются в глаза. В любом случае, не забудьте написать в комментариях узнали ли вы из статьи что-то новое и было ли вам интересно. Приятного просмотра!
P.S. Внимание! Спойлеры к аниме до 16 серии 4 сезона включительно!
Факт №1
Гриша Йегер , получив силу Атакующего титана, успешно добрался до стены Мария и быстро адаптировался к новой обстановке. Он осел в Сигансине , занял привычную ему должность врача, на которой спас множество жизней, чем заслужил всеобщее признание.
Вскоре он женился на девушке по имени Карла и у них появился сын Эрен . Имя это было выбрано не случайно. Гриша назвал ребенка в честь Эрена Крюгера , известного под псевдонимом Филин , который спас его и передал Атакующего титана.
А в четвертом сезоне Эрен скрывается в Марли именно под псевдонимом Крюгер . Лично я окончательно убедился в том, что это за персонаж именно в тот момент, когда он представился.
Факт №2
Исследуя память отца, Эрен видел и малыша Зика , которого родители с самого детства усердно готовили к великой, по их мнению, миссии. В конце-концов ребенок решил сдать этих заговорщиков марлийской охранке и тем самым приговорить их к ужасной судьбе.
На одном из кадров Зик показан с игрушечной обезьяной , которая сильно напоминает его будущую форму Звероподобного титана . Просто интересная визуальная отсылка, ничего более.
Факт №3
Дядя Фалько и Кольта Грайс был одним из реставраторов Эльдии , о чем мы узнаем от доктора Йегера. Ну, как узнаем. Ещё в третьем сезоне, задолго до появления в сериале самого Фалько, мы наблюдали за судьбой старшего Грайса во все тех же воспоминаниях Гриши. Как и всех прочих заговорщиков, его отправили на Парадиз . Но Грайс избежал судьбы быть превращенным в чистого титана и был тем, кого отпустили, дабы новообращенные бросились за ним.
А чтобы доказать свою преданность Марли Кольт вызвался стать кандидатом в воины. Затем его примеру последовал и младший брат. И лишь когда Кольт был объявлен наследником силы Звероподобного семья Грайс смогла вдохнуть спокойно.
P.S. Спасибо за внимательность Xgcvc Dcgdhd и Константину Елизарычеву, обнаружившим ошибку в этом факте!
If minifigures can feel dread or fear, what do you think our little LEGO plastic pals are most afraid of? Is it being stepped upon by their human counterparts? Or be left unintentionally into the perpetual darkness underneath an uncaring washer? Or like any sane minifigure, to be eaten alive by this imposing LEGO Attack on Titan MOC by fan builder funnystuffs. I have not written about LEGO MOCs for quite some time since my last commentary on that excellent piece of work which is the custom LEGO Sauron from Lord of the Rings. But looking at this custom LEGO Attack on Titan, I know I needed to say something about this extraordinary brick rendition.
Shingeki no Kyojin (or popularly known as Attack on Titan) has been one of the most popular mangas out there with quite a following. It has also been adapted to an anime series bearing the same title as well. The series’ storyline is a typical coming of age story given a dark, apocalyptic twist: pit a bunch of young, zealous soldiers against a horde of man-eating creatures in all shapes and sizes, and watch how the fate of the world hangs in the balance. If you haven’t read the most recent chapters of the manga series, then I guess I will stop here to avoid potential spoilers.
This LEGO Attack on Titan MOC depicts the Attack Titan used by one of the manga’s lead characters, Eren Yeager. LEGO fan builder funnystuffs managed to convey a terrifying brick version of this towering monster with all the necessary points of articulation complemented by its accurate size and scale. The choice of color is also spot-on, giving it a natural skin color similar to how this infamous Titan is depicted in the anime series. The way the head was sculpted, and how the Attack Titan’s hair was depicted, is also impressively accurate. The rough, wooly look on this brick Titan’s head was achieved using a combination of black, oversized claw, and tooth pieces. I also love how the green translucent pieces accentuate its eyes as well.
And like the mysterious inner workings of Titan anatomy, this custom LEGO Attack on Titan also features a hidden cockpit on its back. It even has space for a minifigure version of Eren to fit in. To be more precise, such an internal, fleshy compartment is to be found underneath the nape of a Titan based on the manga. But given the size of this minifigure-scaled creation, then I guess placing it at the back is the most reasonable option.
Finally, the complete array of the Scout Regiment’s fiercest warriors are also complete and in full battle gear in their latest omni-directional mobility gear. Seeing the minifigure versions of Levi and Mikasa Ackermann makes me wish to see LEGO’s official versions of them.
Whatever is the case, I’m pretty sure that minifigures will tremble in fear in seeing this brick of a monster. They just have to run fast enough to avoid being eaten. Be sure to check out funnystuff’s incredible brick creations that you can find over his Flickr page.
Many LEGO and Attack on Titan fans have been sat waiting for the day that someone designs a LEGO Attack on Titan set! In this post I will share with you all the LEGO Attack on Titan designs I could find and even give you the opportunity at the end to get your very own Attack on Titan sets.
LEGO Attack on Titan Collection
Are you ready to see the best list of LEGO Attack on Titan sets on the internet?
Of course you are so let’s get going!
LEGO Attack on Titan Eren vs Reiner by Funnystuffs
Credit to funnystuffs on Flickr
These Titans are absolutely crazy, they were created by Funnystuffs (from Flickr) who designed the Titans to LEGO minifigure scale (you will see why in a minute). Credit to funnystuffs on Flickr
Funnystuffs has captured one of biggest fights in AOT perfectly, the posing and muscle definitions in this LEGO MOCs really bring them to life. The hair on Eren’s Titan matches the anime version perfectly too.
Now on to the best part!
Credit to funnystuffs on Flickr Credit to funnystuffs on Flickr Credit to funnystuffs on Flickr
This is where these LEGO Attack on Titan designs stand out from the crowd, if you have watched AOT then you will already know that the person controlling the Titan is inside the Titans chest.
Funnystuffs has managed to not only build Titans that match the anime series but they have also managed to find a way to create space to have a minifigure sat in the chest of the Titan which is very cool!
Colossal Titan by Khang Huynh
Credit to Khang Huynh on Flickr
This LEGO Attack of Titan MOC definitely has the wow factor, the amount of detail that Khang Huynh has put in to this Colossal Titan is unbelievable.
If you are reading this post I would assume you have watched episode one of AOT, this MOC (My Own Creation) depicts the moment when the Colossal Titan first appears and destroys the gate to the Shiganshina District with just one kick, letting all the other giants in.
Credit to Khang Huynh on Flickr
If you look closely you will see that Khang has been incredibly creative with the parts he has used for his LEGO AOT Colossal Titan.
As an example you may have noticed that the bottom lips are actually made from baguettes!
The clever placement and variation of the pieces allows for the Colossal Titans muscular appearance to really stand out. Credit to Khang Huynh on Flickr
As if this couldn’t get any better, Khang has also designed it so the Colossal Titan’s head can neatly sit on top of the wall which is a really nice feature.
With so much focus on how amazing the Titan is it’s easy to miss the detail Khang has put in to the wall, it’s clear to say that Khang clearly has an eye for detail.
The wall has multiple textures and layers, I also really like the shield that’s mounted above the entrance too.
The Fall of Shinigana from Attack on Titan by Pieter Dennison
Credit to Pieter Dennison
Pieter Dennison has created this very detailed Attack on Titans diorama, this is based on the first two episodes where the walls are breached and the giants feast on the humans within.
You can see that Pieter has put a lot of thought in to this diorama, where ever your eyes land there is something happening.
Scouts are flying around the rooftops, people are hiding, there’s debris everywhere and let’s not forget the giant in the middle just about to have something (or someone) to eat! Credit to Pieter Dennison
Pieter has managed to use LEGO minifigures with different expressions to capture the panic and fear in the people who are running for their lives. Credit to Pieter Dennison
The giants are known to be disproportioned and this one is no exception, a simple sight twist of the eyes shows the giants anger as the scout fires her grappling hook ready to save him.
Are There Any Attack on Titan Minifigures?
There are no official Attack on Titan LEGO minifigures available and I do not foresee any being released in the future either, however this is where websites like Firestar Toys are great.
What LEGO Attack on Titan MOCs Can I Build?
How Do You Make a LEGO Eren?
LEGO Attach on Titans Eren LEGO Attach on Titans Eren
This BrickHeadz was designed by J Aussy Design, if you are a fan of Attack on Titan you will have great fun building this set.
This LEGO MOC is made up from 193 pieces and includes Eren’s green scout regiment cape and two swords. You may notice the iconic grappling hook device too which is a nice addition to this MOC.
LEGO Eren Features
- The dimensions of this model are approximately 2.1 x 2.5 x 3.8 in
- It was built using a total of 193 parts (including the stand)
- 28 pages of colorful step-by-step instructions
How Do You Make a LEGO Mikasa?
LEGO Attack on Titans Mikasa LEGO Attack on Titans Mikasa
This BrickHeadz was designed by J Aussy Design, Mikasa is a big character in Attack on Titans. You may notice she is wearing the red scarf that Eren gives her.
LEGO Mikasa Features
- The dimensions of this model are approximately 2.1 x 2.6 x 3.8 in
- It was built using a total of 193 parts (including the stand)
- 28 pages of colorful step-by-step instructions
How Do You Make a LEGO Armin?
LEGO Attack on Titans Armin LEGO Attack on Titans Armin
This BrickHeadz was designed by J Aussy Design, undoubtedly one of the biggest characters in Attack on Titans. Armin has the special ability of being a Titan Shifter and posses the power of the Colossal Titan.
This set is made up from 185 parts and includes the same cape, swords and grappling hook as Eren.
LEGO Armin Features
- The dimensions of this model are approximately 2.1 x 2.5 x 3.8 in
- It was built using a total of 185 parts (including the stand)
- 26 pages of colorful step-by-step instructions
How Do You Make a LEGO Attack Titan?
LEGO Attack on Titans Attack Titan LEGO Attack on Titans Attack Titan
This BrickHeadz was designed by J Aussy Design, the Attack Titan is one of the 9 Titans and is in possession of Erin who uses this power to fight alongside the humans.
This set is made from 219 pieces, it is a fun build and really captures the features of a Titan. The mouth and teeth are perfect, it was also a good move making the hands larger than normal BrickHeadz as it really amplifies the power behind this Attack Titan.
LEGO Attack Titan Features
- The dimensions of this model are approximately 3.4 x 2.3 x 4.2 in
- It was built using a total of 219 parts (including the stand)
- 28 pages of colorful step-by-step instructions
With so much information on my site I wanted to bring it down to an all in one place where I list my updated personal recommendations for 2021 and popular items that people have used themselves with succes. You can check it all out below.
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Hey, I am Matthew Mitchell and I am an AFOL from the UK. I have been fascinated by LEGO since I was a child. My two children are in love with LEGO and it's because of them that my interest in LEGO continued to grow, this is how I fell in to the rabbit hole of LEGO MOCs. With every new LEGO MOC I saw I became just a bit more addicted to the endless possibilities that LEGO offers. This led me to creating Belle-Ve Bricks, a platform where talented LEGO designers can share their work with the world.
At Belle-Ve Bricks we live and breathe everything LEGO, we are passionate about helping designers share their LEGO MOCs with the world, no matter your age or interest we have a LEGO MOC for you. Our blog covers the latest LEGO news, MOC tutorials and reviews on official and MOC LEGO sets.
Join the Belle-Ve Bricks designer team today to get your own LEGO MOC store. Low commission and completely free to list are just two perks you receive when choosing to sell with us.
About Belle-Ve Bricks Owner
Matthew Mitchell has been a LEGO fan since he was young but when he discovered LEGO MOCs in 2015 it was a complete game changer. He delved deeper in to the LEGO MOC world and decided he wanted to help talented designers get the most out of their creations.
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Since Attack on Titan is one of my favorite animes and Legos are one of my favorite things, I thought I'd mix them together. Here are a few pictures:
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I'm not even a fan of AOT, but this is amazing.
Reply to: AJ (BBX)
No problem! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Beautiful, damn beauriful
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My brother and I played with LEGO since as long as we can remember but in recent years we hadn't touched LEGO for at least five years, then we noticed we had the perfect pieces to make a great AoT set. And great it is!
My brother, sister and I recently finished AoT season 2 and just had to add to the already massive set. There were some roadblocks (mainly how to fit the set on top of a dresser) but damn I think it looks great. The main reason my brother and I made it in the first place was not only because we love AoT but because every time we would search for a LEGO rendition we were always disappointed. But anyways on to walking you through each section of the set. First off places:
Ahh, who doesn't love the courtroom scene, Levi is really showcased as a total god in this scene and who doesn't love him for it? As you can see the pole that Eren is chained to stands in the middle of the set and the judges seat is where it is meant to be. Now I would have preferred to have the jail cell on a separate floor but at that point we were fresh out of pieces as we made this scene last.
Characters included with it are the Zachary Dhalis: back (the judge) and Niles: right (one of the d-bag MP's)
Eren's house before it was destroyed that is. :joy: Anyways as you can see the cellar is included within the house and the key is held by the Eren figure (which I'll show later along with the other figures)
Close ups of the cellar, it holds the titan serum and the mysterious book. Characters included would be Grisha and Carla Yeager (yet again shown later)
The HQ/food hall, this set not only has the chamber to refill your ODM gas but also a table of food for Jean and Eren to argue at. This section also includes a small wooden lift that lowers down into the building such as seen in the show when the gang needed a gas refill in season 1. Characters included would be none other than Sasha (potato girl) Connie (bald Cailou reject) and Hanji (obsessed with titans). Speaking of Hanji she also has a little table with a microscope, titan model, and even a piece of the wall (season 2).
As you can see the lift drops from the ceiling into the building.
The forest of big-ass trees, yeah boys this is it the famed forest. So much happens here in the show, you could literally reenact half the show in this set. Horses and net/spear traps included.
If you look hard enough you can see Ilse Langar in the trees, P.S. it's a skeleton.
The Old Castle Tower (season 2) a very important scene in season 2 where (spoiler alert. ) Ymir turns into the dancing titan. It also includes a chest with the knife that Ymir used and the bottle that the one dude died trying to drink. Also a cannon on wheels to push down the spiral staircase!
Characters included would be the Beast titan and Dancing titan as well as Historia and Ymir.
And now what I'm sure everyone has been waiting for! The Wall.
By far the most iconic setting in the AoT series the wall and Colossal titan both stand tall above the rest of the set proving it's worth as the greatest setting for a battle.
That's all for now since I can't have more than 25 pics, see more on deviantart at Lordzionbeast or Deushawk. Stay tuned for part 2 and possibly part 3, hype for AoT season 3.
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