Lego army men army
If your kids are mad about army toys but also love Lego, then building a Lego Army seems the next logical step to take.
Unfortunately Lego does not make this easy for you, preferring to keep children playing in fantasy scenarios than realistic types of war game.
There are a few readymade Lego army sets for sale online, such as the army vehicles you can find in the Lego Creator range and the Toy Story Army Lego Men on Patrol set for youngsters. Alternatively you can find Mega Bloks Probuilder military sets for older children and adults. (Please click HERE for more information on all of these options).
Luckily though, the world of custom army Legos is quite vast. Although quite hard to find, once you track it down, you will find a diverse range of Lego army soldiers, tanks, other vehicles and teeny Lego guns to use to stage great battles.
Whilst these custom military Legos are not endorsed by the Lego company, they are made using their bricks and will therefore work nicely with any existing brick collections.
Battles can take place in the past, future or present and Lego enthusiasts can build the most customized battle they desire. From military ambulances to army bomber planes to properly outfitted soldiers, thousands of custom items are sold to complete a Lego army.
Obviously you can build anything you like with Lego bricks, but kids often need a bit of a helping hand to kick start their imaginations. A collection of Lego army figures complete with weapons may inspire them to build some vehicles from scratch, or you could buy the instructions for custom builds to help them along or even custom sets complete with instructions and relevant bricks.
Where to start
Building a basic Lego military involves soldiers, guns and vehicles. By starting with these three basic facets, you will be well on your way to a great collection.
Lego Soldiers
Known as mini figures, or “mini figs,” Lego army men are available to replicate soldiers from the US, Germany and the UK. There are World War and modern day soldiers from the marines and other branches of the military. Some of the military mini figs available include U.S. sergeants, riflemen, mine sweepers, and medics.
Most are custom built and come in different colored uniforms, including grey, black, white, green and tan. They come with removable helmets, uniform detailing and sometimes one or more weapons.
They cost from around $6 singly or you can find them bundled as custom Lego army toys sets. For example, 3 minifigures and a base camp set including weapons will cost between $35-40. Full platoon units can be purchased for around $80, which includes six figures and two Jeeps.
Things to watch out for when purchasing include how the uniform is printed onto the minifig. Direct printing on both sides is the best as this will not scratch or rub off. Some minifigs though just come with decals (stickers) on one side. You could buy these decals yourself to add to your own plain minfigures. They cost around $6 for 15 decals.
Click or HERE for a great selection of Lego army men for sale
As well as weapons you can purchase individual helmets for your soldiers. These include modern combat helmets, brodie helmets, steel pots and German Stahlhelms. They often come in a variety of colors and cost $2 each.
Minifig stands have two studs and are designed to keep your Lego soldiers upright in battle. Whilst not a necessary accompaniment, they can be well worth the $1 price tag.
Lego Guns
Precisely detailed using computer aided design, Lego weapons are amazingly intricate, tiny, yet integral, battle accessories for your minifigures. As they are made from the identical plastic that Lego uses they blend perfectly.
Guns, swords, grenades and other weapons cost around $1 each, and can be customized to any war era. A high caliber sniper rifle can be purchased in eight different color choices for $1.50 each. Weapons can be bought in packs for about $10, which include an assortment of shotguns, handguns, U-clips and more. Choose from high caliber sniper rifles, assault carbines, grenade launchers and heaps more, to really rev up your army with these pieces of minifig weaponry.
Why not stock up your Lego army tank with some Lego grenades too. The iconic and highly detailed fragmentation grenade can be added to your arsenal to send your enemies fleeing.
Offering superb value for money, why not treat your soldiers to a weapons pack. These come in three colors, cobalt blue, silver, and black, and include such things as precision sniper rifles, tactical PDWs, assault carbines, combat SMGs and bipods.
The variety of Lego military gear available makes sure your army is ready for both close quarter combat and long range attacks.
Click HERE for a great selection of Lego army guns
Lego Tank Toys & Other Army Vehicles
Kits for building Lego army vehicles are available for both World Wars and the modern military. Tanks are hugely popular although a couple of fighter planes, jeeps and Humvees are also available.
Lego tanks include models such as the Sherman and Panzer. You can find instructions for building these custom tanks from your own collection of Lego pieces available to purchase online or buy complete kits that comprise the pieces and the instructions.
Click for a great selection of Lego army tanks
Tips For Improving Your Army Lego Sets
- Make sure you opt for distinctive attire between armies. This can be done with decals, helmets and weapons.
- Consider what era your war is set in and choose minifigs, helmets and weapons that are suitable.
- Assemble your Lego soldiers into squads, such as groups of snipers, close combat army men and artillery units.
- Identify some ranks within the squads, say one officer to every 5 infantryman.
- Make use of some custom Lego military vehicles.
- Build an army base with normal Lego for your army to defend.
- You will probably need at least 20 Lego soldiers and a couple of vehicles to achieve a realistic battle scene.
The level of detail in army Legos is immense. It is recommended that you start slow with a few basic pieces to include a few soldiers, a vehicle and some weapons. Once you decide what you like to build best, customized kits with hundreds or thousands of pieces can be purchased.
Fun Zone
Kids Army Toys Recommends Amazon
Unless otherwise labeled, all product links will take you to amazing deals on Amazon.
Shop Now For Kids Army Toys
Army Toys Best Sellers
1000 Toy Army Men
A massive set of toy soldiers in two colors. Each army man is about 37mm tall and there are a variety of poses making for realistic army scenes. Click for more information and other great army men toys.
200 Plastic Army Men
This toy soldier set comprises four different colors for four different armies. Each man is about 56mm tall and they are posed differently. Click for more information and other great army men toys.
Lego Army Men
Lego army men, weapons and tanks are hard to find but there are customised toys available. Lego soldiers are highly detailed and come with a helmet and weapon. Click for full details on Lego Army toys.
Abrams RC Battle Tank
For the ultimate in toy tank fun, check out this remote control 1:24 scale model which can fire Airsoft pellets. Click for more information and other great toy tanks.
Set Of 3 Toy Tanks
Friction powered toy tanks in three different camouflage colors and a gun that moves up and down. Click for more information and other great toy tanks.
Kids Combat Vest
This fully adjustable vest will fit kids aged 6-16. It is great quality, has 9 storage pockets and is perfect for dressing up as soldiers. Check price or click for more great kids army gear.
4 Toy Grenades
These realistic 4" grenades are battery operated. There is a release pin which starts a 10 second timer once pulled before an explosion sounds. Check price or click for more great toy army guns.
Об-187 (Т-90 который "Не смог, хотя и мог"
«Объект 187» разрабатывался параллельно с «объектом 188» (будущий Т-90), оба объекта проходили по программе доведения танка Т-72Б до уровня защищённости Т-80У\УД. Корпус Т-72 был удлинён и изменена форма ВЛД (Верхняя Лобовая Деталь), с ВЛД было убрано знаменитое «декольте» присутствовавшее на всех танках начиная с Т-64, за счёт чего защищённость машины сильно возросла.
Показать полностью. На «объект 187» также ставилась сварная башня новой конструкции (позже она будет установлена на Т-90А), на машину так же ставилась ДЗ нового поколения, предшественник ДЗ «Реликт».
Основным вооружением танка стала 125-мм гладкоствольная пушка повышенной баллистики 2А66 (Д-91Т) разработанная в Свердловске на «Заводе № 9», на стволе был установлен дульный тормоз для уменьшения длины отката из-за возросшей мощности орудия.
Всего было изготовлено порядка 6 вариантов машины, различавшихся силовыми установками, образец № 1 имел двигатель В-84МС мощностью 840 л.с, который впоследствии был установлен на «объект 188», образец № 2 был оснащён 1000-сильным V-образным дизелем с турбонаддувом КД-34 (В-85) разработанным в Барнауле, образец № 3 служил для проверки узлов машины и в принципе никогда не был полностью укомплектован, но в отличие от первых двух образцов на нём стояла новая сварная башня. В качестве эксперимента на опытном образце № 3 было удалено родное МТО (Моторно-трансмиссионное отделение) с КД-34 и установлено МТО Т-80У с ГТД-1250. На образец № 4 был установлен новый X-образный челябинский двигатель А-85-2 мощностью 1200 л.с.
Образцы № 5 и № 6 стали наиболее совершенным машинами серии, на них были введены почти все изменения. На данный момент в «живых» остались образцы № 3,4,5,6 все они в плачевном состоянии находятся в «отстойнике» музея БТ в Кубинке.
Check out these amazing photos of Lego army men in action on location. Should inspire any kids to get outside and role play with their army toys.
The range of Lego army men for sale may be small but they sure add some drama to any army play.
Lego may not make army toys but custom manufacturers and hobbyists have been busy as you can see in the following amazing photographs.
On location shots add a real sense of purpose to these minifigures.
How many hours of fun could your kids have with a couple of these Lego army figures, a few weapons and a bit of scenery?
You might want to stop them making their own ‘under fire’ scene though.
Under fire – gritty realism in army minifig land
Jungle action
WWII British sniper in snowy combat with a steampunky gun
Another excellent snowy composition – available as a poster
Dug in and awaiting the enemy – very edgy in B&W
Night ops – outstanding night vision shot
Modern US Army Ranger Squad ready for action
Camouflaged M4 Sherman tank on maneuvers
Another M4 Sherman tank battling the terrain
British soldiers ready with mortars
USMC BAR gunner and assistant on rocky ground
Lego soldier showing off his steampunky grenade launcher!
Another BAR Gunner mixing nature with Lego
101st Airborne Division minifigs with tons of gear
1 thought on “Lego Army Men In Action: 14 Dramatic Photos”
Thanks a lot for posting my photos! Great site. Loved browsing through!
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Fun Zone
Kids Army Toys Recommends Amazon
Unless otherwise labeled, all product links will take you to amazing deals on Amazon.
Shop Now For Kids Army Toys
Army Toys Best Sellers
1000 Toy Army Men
A massive set of toy soldiers in two colors. Each army man is about 37mm tall and there are a variety of poses making for realistic army scenes. Click for more information and other great army men toys.
200 Plastic Army Men
This toy soldier set comprises four different colors for four different armies. Each man is about 56mm tall and they are posed differently. Click for more information and other great army men toys.
Lego Army Men
Lego army men, weapons and tanks are hard to find but there are customised toys available. Lego soldiers are highly detailed and come with a helmet and weapon. Click for full details on Lego Army toys.
Abrams RC Battle Tank
For the ultimate in toy tank fun, check out this remote control 1:24 scale model which can fire Airsoft pellets. Click for more information and other great toy tanks.
Set Of 3 Toy Tanks
Friction powered toy tanks in three different camouflage colors and a gun that moves up and down. Click for more information and other great toy tanks.
Kids Combat Vest
This fully adjustable vest will fit kids aged 6-16. It is great quality, has 9 storage pockets and is perfect for dressing up as soldiers. Check price or click for more great kids army gear.
4 Toy Grenades
These realistic 4" grenades are battery operated. There is a release pin which starts a 10 second timer once pulled before an explosion sounds. Check price or click for more great toy army guns.
Toy Story Army Men Lego: For those who relish the ever popular Army Men, the Lego Army Men on Patrol Set (7595) comes with all you need to create an Lego army men battle scene.
LEGO ® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site. This website is meant for information on where to buy army construction sets only. Again if you are looking for the official Lego Website please click here!
All Rights Reserved.Included with the 90-piece set is four mini figures - a soldier with a gun, a doctor with a medical bag, a soldier with a metal detector, and another soldier with a handheld radio, a buildable army jeep and a stretcher. The military jeep is incredibly compact and sturdy and can not break easily through play and it's also easy to take apart and rebuild. There are 2 radios, 2 pairs of binoculars, a backpack and a gap briefcase to complete the set.
The cool thing about this lego set is the color. Apart from the wheels of the jeep, everything is in the origional bright army man green. The set comes with 3 soldiers and one medic distinguished by the white cross on his helmet. The figures also have base plates that nicely attach to their feet. The jeep is incredibly cool with the WW2 design and carries a stretcher for those army men injured in the line of duty.
This army toy set is for kids from ages six to twelve years but they're also excellent for us army Lego fans who have been waiting for Lego to create some army Lego men for us to play with and customise. For the price you're buying the army men pretty cheap compared to the $6+ each for custom army lego men whose helmets alone cost around $2 each. Simply adding other colored heads and hands to them makes a massive difference to the way these guys look. And if you're like me and you like using army decals you'll be able to buy or create your own decals and stick them on. Check out our posts on decals and custom minifigures if you would like to learn more about this.
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Panzer I Ausf B
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WWII Ruined French House in Dark Sand
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Soviet T34/85 tank
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2019 Buildarmy® construction toy. All design & instruction are copyrights of Buildarmy LTD.
LEGO ® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies. The LEGO Group does not sponsor, authorise or endorse this website nor any of the customised/modified products or sets.
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