Lego architecture trevi fountain
Download LEGO Architecture Trevi Fountain Toy PDF User Guide, Instruction Manual (156 pages) for Free or Read Online
File Specifications:
- Manufacturer: LEGO
- Category of Device: Toy
- Document: Building Instructions, File Type: PDF
- Count of Pages: 156
Transcription of LEGO Architecture Trevi Fountain User Manual (Content's Excerpts):
30 © Shutterstock Ficha de características de la Fontana de Trevi Ubicación: . Roma (Italia) Responsables de la construcción: Papa Clemente XII, Papa Clemente XIII, Nicola Salvi y Pietro Bracci Período de construcción. 1732 a 1762 Medidas: . 26,3 m de altura 49,15 m de ancho Materiales: . Travertino Los a…
2 TreviFountain RomeItaly The Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi) is the most famous and arguably the most beautiful fountain in Rome. This impressive Baroque- styled monument was completed in 1762 and still dominates the small Trevi square located in the city’s Quirinale district. © Shutterstock 21020_BI_NA.indd 2 17/03/2014 4:20 PM …
LEGO Architecture Trevi Fountain 4x 2453 01 40x 300501 7x 300401 4x 245401 6x 235701 6x 362201 7x 301001 6x 300901 13x 4558952 1x 4111971 4x 4667575 6x 4518400 3x 4504369 10x 302001 6x 366601 8x 663601 4x 379501 379501 2x 4514842 4514842 1x 244501 1x 244501 4x 4168072 10x 4613256 2x 4615649 14x 424956 3 40x 61410 1 1x 4504228 4x 6073345 2x 4215470 1x 4121932 2x 609101 1x 6023878 2x 307001 14x 302401 25x 6051511 6x 302301 15x 306901 22x 4565324 7x 302101 2x 6030716 1x 6073416 2x 4140583 14x 4515364 2x 4550171 2x 60615 36 3x 4552453 4x 6037870 4x 4558170 4x 663626 5x 416226 1x 60 82195 3x 303226 2x 303426 303426 2x 303026 2x 303026 1x…
1x 1x 1 33 © shutterstock ThePalazzoPoliintheback- groundblendsperfectlywiththe fountainandtodayhousesthe NationalInstituteofGraphicArt LafachadadelPalazzoPoli encajaalaperfecciónconla fuenteyhoyalbergaelInstituto NacionaldeArtesGráfi cas LepalaisPolidanslefond sefondparfaitementavecla fontaineetabriteaujourd’hui l’Institutnationaldesarts graphiques 21020_BI_NA.indd…
16 De nombreuses fontaines plus petites furent construites entre 1400 et 1700, la plupart d'entre elles à la demande du Pape en fonction. C'est également le Pape Clément XII qui organisa un concours en 1730 pour construire une fontaine plus imposante. De nombreux architectes célèbres de l'époque participèrent au concours, qui fut finalement remporté par l'architecte Nicola Salvi. Avec un budget de 17 647 Scudo …
149 La gamme « Maquette à l'échelle » – LEGO ® Architecture dans les années 1960 L'histoire de l'actuelle série LEGO ® Architecture remonte au début des années 1960 lorsque la popularité de la brique LEGO augmentait toujours. Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, alors propriétaire de la société, commença à rechercher des façons d'étendre le système LEGO et demanda à ses designers de trouver un ensemble …
21020 The Trevi Fountain is an Architecture set released in early 2014 in European countries, and August of that year in the US.
The Trevi Fountain (Italian: Fontana di Trevi) is a fountain in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy, designed by Italian architect Nicola Salvi and completed by Giuseppe Pannini and several others. Standing 26.3 metres (86 ft) high and 49.15 metres (161.3 ft) wide, it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous fountains in the world. The fountain has appeared in several notable films, including Roman Holiday, Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita, the eponymous Three Coins in the Fountain, The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and Sabrina Goes to Rome.
Recreate a truly iconic landmark of Rome – the Trevi Fountain!
Construct a detailed LEGO® brick model of the world-famous Trevi Fountain, the largest fountain in Rome. Designed by Nicola Salvi, the ‘Fontana di Trevi’ took 30 years to build and was completed by his friend – the sculptor, Pietro Bracci – in 1762, 11 years after Salvi’s death. This stunning Baroque monument carved from Travertine stone has been the backdrop for many classic movies, including Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita. And, today, over 250 years later, the 49-meter-wide fountain still draws thousands of visitors to the small Trevi square.
The intricate LEGO model of this iconic symbol of Rome incorporates features such as the façade of the Palazzo Poli, the statues of Ocean, Abundance and Health, plus translucent blue water-effect LEGO bricks. This LEGO® Architecture Landmark Series interpretation of the Trevi Fountain was designed by artist Rok Žgalin Kobe in close collaboration with the LEGO design team.
- This is the second Architecture set to be based on an Italian landmark.
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x12px €54.99 +
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Found 1 LEGO Architecture Trevi Fountain User Guides and Instruction Manuals
LEGO Architecture Trevi Fountain Building Instructions (156 pages)
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21020 Trevi Fountain was a 731 piece Architecture set released in 2014. It was released in the European market in early 2014 and later in the US market in August of 2104. It was retired in November 2016 with a lifespan of 30 months. The current value for a new and sealed Trevi Fountain is estimated at 176,00 € with an average yearly gain of about 16%. On the secondary markets the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between 152,00 € and 178,00 €. The current used prices for Trevi Fountain can be found in the range of 76,00 € and 98,00 € depending on the set's condition, with an average price of 82,00 € if it is in good overall condition.
- All regions 23
- United States 16
- Canada 1
- Australia 2
- Germany 2
For Sale (New/Sealed)
Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)
Sale Trends
Sets in Architecture / Landmark Series
21056 Taj Mahal
21046 Empire State Building
21042 Statue of Liberty
21054 The White House
21058 The Great Pyramid of Giza
21045 Trafalgar Square
21030 United States Capitol Building
21029 Buckingham Palace
21035 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
21024 Louvre
21021 Marina Bay Sands
21018 United Nations Headquarters
21006 The White House
21041 Great Wall of China
21023 Flatiron Building, New York
21036 Arc de Triomphe
21011 Brandenburg Gate
21013 Big Ben
21015 The Leaning Tower of Pisa
21031 Burj Khalifa
21055 Burj Khalifa
21016 Sungnyemun
21019 The Eiffel Tower
21022 Lincoln Memorial
21008 Burj Khalifa
My Collection
Set Details
Set Pricing Good Investment
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Set Facts
Trevi Fountain Reviews
“While Trevi Fountain has been only slightly overperforming the average yearly growth of many sets Architecture sets, with an average annual growth rate of 16%, this set is strong investment for many LEGO collectors.”
“ This set definitely exceeded my expectations, since Baroque and Classical architecture are so difficult to represent in LEGO, let alone microscale. Yet this is a superb job. Earlier I simplistically described the model as a horizontal and a vertical plane, but in fact these . More planes are packed with fine detail and layered texture. In terms of new and fairly new elements it's not mindblowing, but certainly decent for an Architecture set, with some unusual inclusions. I'm especially pleased with the White microfigs and Trans-Clear 1X1 tiles.”
“ The final result is excellent, both the decoration and the water effect are phenomenally solved, and once finished it is a great decorative model. Clearly its architectural interest may differ from previous models in the line, and certainly Rome can be an endless source of . More architectural gems, but the monument is known worldwide and the model is solved with quality, making it an outstanding set.”
“ The final model of the LEGO Architecture Trevi Fountain is 5 inches (14 cm) tall 7 inches (20 cm) wide and 5 inches (14 cm) deep, so yes, you get a nice size model; not too big, not too small. It stands on a tiled black base with the printed name of the fountain, and the . More rest of the model is mostly white with trans-blue (a color-combination I always really liked and a characteristic of several LEGO Architecture sets), and some gray for the rocks.”
Subtheme Analysis
About Architecture Landmark Series
The LEGO Architecture Landmark Series started in 2008 and consists primarily of models that represent the world's most famous structures. Initially the sets were focused on major cities in the United States such as models of the Sears Tower, John Hancock Center, the Empire State Building, and the Seattle Space Needle followed by international landmarks including Burj Khalifa, Brandenburg Gate, the Sydney Opera House and dozens more. Within the subtheme the scale of the sets differ widely.
Landmark Series was introduced in 2008 and currently consists of 31 sets. As of today, 21021 Marina Bay Sands is the most valuable Landmark Series set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of 957,00 €.
Architecture Landmark Series Trevi Fountain set 21020 was released in May 2014, retailing for 50,00 €, but has since been retired. New, unopened Trevi Fountain sets are valued at 176,00 €, while used sets can be found for 82,00 €.
Construct a detailed LEGO brick model of the world-famous Trevi Fountain, the largest fountain in Rome. Designed by Nicola Salvi, the ‘Fontana di Trevi' took 30 years to build and was completed by his friend - the sculptor, Pietro Bracci - in 1762, 11 years after Salvi's death. This stunning Baroque monument carved from Travertine stone has been the backdrop for many classic movies, including Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita. And, today, over 250 years later, the 49-meter-wide fountain still draws thousands of visitors to the small Trevi square.
The intricate LEGO model of this iconic symbol of Rome incorporates features such as the façade of the Palazzo Poli, the statues of Ocean, Abundance and Health, plus translucent blue water-effect LEGO bricks. This LEGO Architecture Landmark Series interpretation of the Trevi Fountain was designed by artist Rok Žgalin Kobe in close collaboration with the LEGO design team. Interpretation of real-world architectural.
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