Lego architecture imperial hotel
21017 Imperial Hotel is an Architecture set released in 2013.
This is a description taken from [1]. Please do not modify it. Build Frank Lloyd Wright’s Tokyo masterpiece!
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright from 1916-1922, the Imperial Hotel of Tokyo, Japan was commissioned to bridge the divide between the Western and Eastern worlds. This modern masterpiece exemplifies Frank Lloyd Wright's imagination and genius, designed in the shape of it’s own monogram logo and strong enough to withstand Japan’s frequent and devastating earthquakes. Today, the main entrance and lobby are all that remains of this icon, displayed in the Meiji Museum in Nogoya, Japan. This highly detailed LEGO® model, co-developed and designed by LEGO architects, captures all of the distinctive features that made the Imperial Hotel an architectural landmark for generations. The assembled Imperial Hotel model stands over 11" (28cm) wide on a base with printed name label. Set includes a booklet with facts about the building, its construction and its history.
- Replica of real-world architectural landmark
- Booklet included with details on design and history (English language only)
- Explore advanced building techniques
- Collect all of the LEGO® Architecture series models
- Measures over 4" (10cm) tall, 11" (28cm) wide and 9" (24cm) deep
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The Imperial Hotel, located in Tokyo, Japan
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[[USPr … $129.99
Additional prices:
1299.00 kr
Build Frank Lloyd Wright’s Tokyo master … Build Frank Lloyd Wright’s Tokyo masterpiece! Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright from 1916-1922, the Imperial Hotel of Tokyo, Japan was commissioned to bridge the divide between the Western and Eastern worlds. This modern masterpiece exemplifies Frank Lloyd Wright's imagination and genius, designed in the shape of it’s own monogram logo and strong enough to withstand Japan’s frequent and devastating earthquakes. Today, the main entrance and lobby are all that remains of this icon, displayed in the Meiji Museum in Nogoya, Japan. This highly detailed LEGO® model, co-developed and designed by LEGO architects, captures all of the distinctive features that made the Imperial Hotel an architectural landmark for generations. The assembled Imperial Hotel model stands over 11" (28cm) wide on a base with printed name label. Set includes a booklet with facts about the building, its construction and its history.*Replica of real-world architectural landmark*Booklet included with details on design and history (English language only)*Explore advanced building techniques*Collect all of the LEGO® Architecture series models*Measures over 4" (10cm) tall, 11" (28cm) wide and 9" (24cm) deep) tall, 11" (28cm) wide and 9" (24cm) deep +
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The newest edition to kick off the 2013 LEGO Architecture Landmark Series is the renowned Imperial Hotel of Tokyo, Japan. This famous work by historically renown architect Frank Lloyd Wright is remarkably captured in this scaled down version of the historic building. Although the original structure no longer stands, architecture aficionados can explore the design of this classic building and construct their own personal landmark ringing in at around $95USD.
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The Imperial Hotel was completed in Tokyo (Japan) in 1923 as a luxury hotel for Western visitors situated next to the Imperial Palace. Designed by famed architect, Frank Loyd Wright, the Imperial Hotel boasts 250 rooms, 5 ballrooms, and 10 banquet rooms. Its shape, when viewed aerially, spells its initials "I" and "H."
It was retired in December 2015 with a lifespan of 33 months. The current value for a new and sealed Imperial Hotel is estimated at 162,00 € with an average yearly gain of about 5% which is lower than other Architect Series sets. On the secondary markets the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between 137,00 € and 170,00 €. On the open market, a used set will fetch in the range of between 100,00 € and 153,00 € depending on the condition.
- All regions 39
- United States 21
- European Union 13
- Australia 1
- Germany 3
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Sets in Architecture / Architect Series
21010 Robie House
21005 Fallingwater
21014 Villa Savoye
21009 Farnsworth House
21012 Sydney Opera House
21007 Rockefeller Center
21004 Solomon Guggenheim Museum
My Collection
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Set Facts
- The Imperial Hotel is located in Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda ward, Tokyo and was created in the late 1880s at the request of the Japanese aristocracy to cater to the increasing number of Western visitors to Japan. The hotel site is located just south of the Imperial Palace grounds. Two of the 10 structures where designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
- This was the first Architecture set to be based on Japan.
- Imperial Hotel was designed by LEGO designers Rok Zgalin Kobe and Steen Sig Andersen.
Imperial Hotel Reviews
“ There's no one good word to describe my feelings for this set. It's large, accurate, and I had an amazing time building it. I was mostly surprised at how complex the model really is, though I'm fairly sure this is common for Architecture sets. 1188 pieces make this the . More second largest set in the line, and a very good introductory set for it.”
“ Overall the Imperial Hotel was and is a brilliant build! The set was intricate, fiddly and a challenging build with all those small pieces. The use of the SNOT technique throughout made this one of my favorite builds to date. There is also a lot of jumper plates used and it . More amazes me how by the end they all join back up.”
Subtheme Analysis
About Architecture Architect Series
Architect Series is a subtheme of Architecture that consists of 8 sets that as of now ran from 2009 to 2013. As of today, 21010 Robie House is the most valuable set in Architecture Architect Series with an estimated new/factory sealed value of 597,74 €.
The Architecture theme which was introduced in 2008 contains sets designed by Chicago architect Adam Reed Tucker based on real structures. Adam Reed Tucker's sets focus on incredible man-made sights and structures based upon the real world and comprised of microscale models. Unlike most LEGO, Architecture sets are typically not meant for playing but rather designed for display. The debut sets, released in 2008, were of two Chicagoan classics: Willis Tower, and John Hancock Center then New York City's Empire State Building, followed by Seattle’s Space Needle.
Architecture Architect Series Imperial Hotel set 21017 was released in March 2013, retailing for 120,00 €, but has since been retired. New, unopened Imperial Hotel sets are valued at 162,00 €, while used sets can be found for 127,00 € in good condition.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright from 1916-1922, the Imperial Hotel of Tokyo, Japan was commissioned to bridge the divide between the Western and Eastern worlds. This modern masterpiece exemplifies Frank Lloyd Wright's imagination and genius, designed in the shape of it’s own monogram logo and strong enough to withstand Japan’s frequent and devastating earthquakes. Today, the main entrance and lobby are all that remains of this icon, displayed in the Meiji Museum in Nogoya, Japan. This highly detailed LEGO® model, co-developed and designed by LEGO architects, captures all of the distinctive features that made the Imperial Hotel an architectural landmark for generations. The assembled Imperial Hotel model stands over 11" (28cm) wide on a base with printed name label. Set includes a booklet with facts about the building, its construction and its history. •Replica of real-world architectural landmark •Booklet included with details on design and history (English language only).
LEGO ® 21017 - Architecture Imperial Hotel ár/ismertető
LEGO® 21017 ár: 154 990Ft. Imperial Hotel! A tokiói Imperial Hotelt Japánban, amelyet Frank Lloyd Wright tervezett 1916-1922 között azért alkották meg, hogy összekötő kapocs legyen a Keleti és a Nyugati világ között. Ez a modern mestermű kiválóan szemlélteti Frank Lloyd Wright fantáziáját és zsenialitását, aki saját monogramjára emlékeztető alaprajzot tervezett, az épület pedig olyan erős, hogy a Japánban gyakori és pusztító földrengéseknek is ellenáll. Napjainkra a főbejárat és az előcsarnok maradt csak meg ebből a jelképpé vált épületből, amely a Meiji Mura Museum területén látható Japánban, Nagojában. Ez a részletesen kidolgozott LEGO® modell, amelyet közösen terveztek és fejlesztettek ki a LEGO építészek, megragadja mindazokat a jellegzetességeket, amelyek az Imperial Hotelt generációkon keresztül nevezetes hellyé tették. Az Imperial Hotel összeállított modellje több mint 28 cm széles és egy olyan alaplapon helyezkedik el, amelyre rányomtatták a névcímkét. A készletben egy füzet is található, amely adatokat tartalmaz az épületről, annak építéséről, és történetéről.
LEGO ® 21017 - Architecture Imperial Hotel kapcsolódó termékek
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