Lego age of empires 2
Age of Empires 2 - это переиздание классической стратегии в реальном времени с множеством различных улучшений. Спустя много лет эта игра всё ещё остается неповторимой и служит примером для подражания многим разработчикам стратегий. В игре игроку предстоит взять под свой контроль небольшое поселение определённой фракции и привести его к победе и процветанию. События разворачиваются в Средневековье, примерно начинаясь в эпоху падения Римской Империи и вплоть до эпохи Возрождения.
Начать предлагается со скромного поселения с тремя работниками и одним разведчиком. Ключевыми аспектами игры являются экономическая составляющая (довольно простая, но эффективная) и военное дело. Ресурсов в игре 4 - еда, которая тратится на большинство юнитов; древесина для большинства построек; камень для более продвинутых и прочных зданий; и золото, которое обширно используется как для найма, так и для исследований.
Исследования в игре разнообразные и проводятся не на глобальной карте технологий, а локально, в определённых зданиях. Зачастую, они касаются либо производимых там юнитов, либо самих зданий. Например, в городском центре можно открыть бойницы, которые позволят засевшим там в период тревоги поселенцам вести огонь по неприятелю, а также можно исследовать ручные тележки для ускорения сбора ресурсов и увеличить запас здоровья работников.
Боевые юниты представлены пехотой, стрелками, кавалерией, осадными машинами и специальными юнитами. При этом, когда игрок открывает следующую ступень развития путём исследований, юниты автоматически улучшаются до этого уровня - разведчик превращается в лёгкого кавалериста, а ополченец облачается в доспехи и меняет дубину на меч.
Условно процесс развития разделён на несколько эпох. Каждая новая эпоха не только открывает доступ к более продвинутым зданиям и улучшениям, но и визуально меняет стиль уже построенных зданий. Так скучная каменная стена становится украшена резьбой, а примитивные хижины превращаются в полноценные дома.
На выбор игроку представлено несколько разных наций, у каждой из которых есть свои уникальные юниты (у французов это метатели топора, а у англичан - особые лучники), а также некоторые гемплейные изменения, вроде дополнительной защиты у строений или ускоренной добычи ресурсов. Все нации сбалансированы и у каждой есть как недостатки, так и преимущества. Помимо этого, все реплики юнитов озвучены на языке той нации, за которую вы играете.
Игра поддерживает как обычный режим битвы, где вы выбираете оппонентов, их число и силу, так и режим мультиплеера. А для любителей исторических баталий предусмотрен режим кампании, в котором можно проследить за яркими битвами великих полководцев, таких как Жанна д’Арк, Атилла, Чингисхан, Ричард Львиное Сердце, Уильям Уоллес и так далее.
Help your fellow builder by leaving your feedback based on these three criteria:
- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
- Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.
Your feedback is only shown to the creator as well as yourself. It is not available for other users to see. The creator won't see your user name.
If you support, please also share on Facebook, twitter and other communities so we can get the number.
Update: 14.12.2013:
Update: 18.11.2013:
-Defense structures: Fortified walls, palisade walls, gate, outpost.
Update 08.11.2013:
-Added Castle!
Update 06.11.2013:
Update 05.11.2013:
-Added Stable
Update 02.11.2013:
-Added Dock, with fishing boat.
Update 31.10.2013:
-Added Archery Range, which includes archer, crossbowman, arbalest, skirmisher and elite skirmisher
This project intends to recreate the world of AGE OF EMPIRES 2, my all times favourite RTS game, in Lego form. So far it includes a generic Town Center from the game, and two villagers, one male and one female, and a Scout cavalry to explore the lands you will conquer! I also included a portion of farm and a gold mine so you can gather resources to form your army.
There is also a Barracks building which includes men-at-arms and pikemen!
I am planning to have more buildings and units built in Lego, such as archery range, stables, infantry, cavalry, archers, and siege machines, if the project receives some attention.
How can it be a set idea:
-Since all buildings has a similar colour and design pallet, it can be a single set that could be used to create any one of these buildings. So it will be basically one set with with just enough bricks, and a few instructions. Eg: You would have to disassemble the Town Center if you want to build the Barracks, or the Archery range. Some bricks will be included so you can build the walls, but if you want to build the castle, you just have to buy, let's say, 3 or 4 of the same set so you have enough bricks to build it.
I hope you enjoy it and please leave your comments and criticism! Thanks for looking.
My Flickr gallery
Help your fellow builder by leaving your feedback based on these three criteria:
- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
- Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.
Your feedback is only shown to the creator as well as yourself. It is not available for other users to see. The creator won't see your user name.
Last Updated . Click "Updates" above to see the latest.
Age of Empires II is a popular real-time strategy game that was published by Microsoft in 1999. In the game you can build up your empire with a huge assortment of buildings, soldiers, and ships. In my project, I have hoped to capture the pure essence of the game by making small miniatures of the buildings in order to make your own LEGO Age of Empires civilization.
My buildings are based upon the Briton architecture from the game. They are all on their own base plates so they can slide around if you would like to rearrange your cities.
For the dock and ships, there could also be some additional water plates in case your ocean or lakes seemed too small. Extra pieces may also be included to build up a bigger navy.
The villager’s tasks are identified by their accessories. The farmer has a tomahawk piece that is used as a hoe, the lumberjack has an axe, the builder has a hammer, the miner has a pick axe, and the shepherd has a staff for commanding his/her herd. The monk, although technically not a villager, has a golden staff and white hair.
The soldiers I have built are a two-handed swordsman, an arbalest, and a long-bowman. I have also included two cavalry, a scout cavalry, and a knight. The only siege machine so far is a trebuchet that includes two different versions: a packed trebuchet for traveling to the battlefield and an unpacked trebuchet for leveling enemy cities.
For both play and display reasons, extra soldiers from an enemy team could be added if this reaches 10,000 and passes the review.
Among the buildings is a “Wonder”, if it stands for 400 years in the game, you win. But in this project, it’s just a nice decoration for the city.
There are also stone walls and a gate for keeping out invaders. Two gates and around twenty to thirty walls would be included in the actual set.
I would also like to thank Fazbear51 for helping me to improve the quality and accuracy of my models.
Hopefully we will reach 10,000 supporters and LEGO Ideas will approve this project during a future review. Thank you very much and I hope you’ll support.
Here is the latest Ranked Map Rotation as determined by the developer picks and community vote. For the next two weeks, you’ll be able to pick from the new set of maps listed below!
I have a memory of Viper talking about it and I have a memory of being able to fire faster and then move fire, move, etc better. But according to patchnotes thats not the case. Memory playing trickss or no? Cheers.
It’s that time again! Visit the official Age of Empires forum to vote for your Ranked map pool for the next two weeks.
:alertalert: Polls are open until NOON Pacific on Sunday, June 12 (or 3:00p Eastern / 19:00 UTC), so be sure to cast your vote and check back to see which maps emerge victorious!
Advanced Guide to Economic Builds and Strategy, Overall Guide to AoC Random Map So you have decided that you are not going to be able to learn AoC in a couple weeks. READ THIS UPDATE. Notice this guide was written in 2013 mostly some information.
Hola amigos, he decidido crear un tips n tricks para ayudar a los jugadores novatos a mejorar su juego para poder ser más competitivos y presentar batalla. Para ello, es necesario conocer una serie de aspectos que voy a ir detallando, y practicar, prac
A few of the most common Build Orders used in Age of Empires 2 for newer players. Not comprehensive. Updated in 2021 . YOLO!
[Русификация только для основной версии игры] Из всех озвучек что слышал, а это : Фаргус, 7Wolf, Русский Проект, перевод от Нового Диска для меня лучший. Хорошая дикция, мужественный голос, приличное качество записи. Ниже будут предоставлены п
The best form of a remaster, the game looks just like it did back then with better visuals, simple and nostalgic. What I didn't like about the newest remaster is that it's more of a remake, the game looks so different that it barely resembles what it did back then.
Why is this version more popular than Definitive Edition? Only difference I see is addition of workshop mods and lack of multiplayer so why would this game have more positive reviews?
Balance Patch 5.8 is now live for all users! Thanks to everyone who participated in the open beta. This is a big balance patch aimed at improving the competitive experience. Please post your comments here. CHANGES IN PATCH 5.8 (Elite) Elepha.
Imagine getting your butt whooped for two hours before you finally turn the tide and then they freakin quit the first time you send an army into their town. This is very disappointing. i do not get the satisfaction of victory. I've googled this many times but it always says to type 104 but my commands don't go down that far. I even try manually clicking the trumpet icon. nothing. How do I fix this? PS: let me rotate the gate. like holy god.
I need to buy an expansion so that I don't have to deal with the rotating pool of civs on mulitplayer - so that I can play my favourite civs - which do you guys suggest? ideally Id like campaigns which teach about eco building at high population
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