Lego 90th anniversary set
Ого. Таху Ничего себе.
Шариф, как раз уместен. Для детей вот эта вся ностальгия по наборам прошлых лет вообще не имеет смысла. Здесь явно хотели сыграть на ностальгии взрослых
Донел, который лего впихивают фанатам в честь 90 летия, могли бы чуть чуть постараться, но высрали это.
Влад Быков
Александр Кабешов
Станислав Артименя
Они бы место нового г3 по бионикла выпустили по новой всех старых биониклов. По моему с нормальной рекламной акцией продажи вскочили бы . Особенно рахи 2001 года
Юра Стронгин
Валентин, вот, вот, если бы Santa Fe super chief в полной комплектации перезапустили, я был бы очень счастлив
Юра Стронгин ответил Валентину
Юра Стронгин ответил Валентину
Иван Резов
Ваня, я всё понимаю. Но дело даже не в этом. Просто я рос с этой линейкой. Я хотел бы чтобы хотя бы на миг её официально вернули.
Ваня, Хорошо, если говорить так, то мне бы хотелось возвращения египетской тематики. А именно того дворца фараона
Venamin Arsentiev ответил Ване
Ваня, уже было 2016 ( где то рядом ) был перезапуск Касл и это не самый удачный , а недавно сделали набор кузнеца , так что Касл уже был и будет.Но Бионикл Лего должны вернуть так как это серия спасло кампанию и обрели большую популярность ( это мое мнение не бейте ) хотя бы в качестве уважение должны !
Venamin Arsentiev ответил Анатолию
Анатолий, я все понимаю , но это даже будущем мало внятно , так как очень сильно смахивает на Бионикл и там старая система конструирование фигурок ( если они будут новые , то они не будут похожи на предшественниках ) . Да и само компание ни хочет споминать эту серию . Да если подумать , легче вернуть Бионикл , так как создавать новый лор для серии из 90 сложнее ( Легче это сделать фанатам ) . Однако если Лего хотят рисковать то это возможно , однако Лего последнее время ищет обходные и лёгкие пути
Виталик Лучицкий
Вообще из всех этих серий стоит только бионикл и серия 80-99 годов так как в бионикл другие детали, а в сериях 80-99 простого система есть особая изюминка
Типа, ну так можно про все линейки сказать. Один набор не стоит целого голосования которое будет идти до февраля
Venamin Arsentiev
Типа, не будь дурачком , там голосуют ни за набор , а за серию , просто все фотографии которые там есть это первые и классические наборы . Да и лего сами понимаешь что будет не выгодно продавать один маленький . Да и на любую тему на любое временой отрезок bionicle может быть так что вот )))
Venamin, если ты читал (а мне что то подсказывает, что ты не читал) оригинальную статью на сайте Ideas, то там, напомню, сказано, что Сет будет только один, выйдет он под заголовком Празднования 90-летия компании
Никакой СЕРИИ, они перезапускать не собираются
Venamin Arsentiev ответил Типе
Типа я читал , я говорил что там будет набор не тоа таху как на картинке и там может быть совсем любой период и персонаж . Да и лего не выгодна делать маленький юбилейный набор , они скарее всего сделают один большой . Я не говорил что прям могут вернуть серию
Слишком много всего классного, аж слеза от настольгии пошла
Олег Шматко
Я за рыцарей. )) остальное на любителя. Чего такого в этих биониках, из которых кроме как подобных типунов не построить, а Кастл хотябы всегда на детали может уйти.
Богдан Терентьев
Artur Akulich
Сейчас зумеры набегут, наголосуют за биониклы. А на поколение постарше наплевать. Я может хочу Pirates и Castle. А эти роботы, космос и прочее. фи. Проголосовал бы, но даже по комментам здесь видно, что половина хочет бионикл. На западе ценителей этой серии еще больше! Корабль пиратский не выпустят, так как недавно был набор Pirates of the barracuda bay, который абсолютно неканон. Очень жаль.
Кирилл Бобров
Mikhail, Mikhail, мне 23. Биониклы для взрослых дядек? Их рекламировали по телеку тогда, когда я уже в школе учился.
Вообще тема биороботов и биониклов всяких - на любителя, они объективно не для всех. Мне лично ну вообще не зашли. Это то же самое почти, что и нексо найтс. Фентези далеко от реальной жизни и сюжеты игры с ним не очевидны для всех непосвященных. Просто какие-то полуроботы, полунасекомые, полукиборги. У меня, и у моих одноклассников особой эмпатии не вызывали. Да и детали от них не применимы к имеющимся у тебя дома, в отличие от тех же касл или пиратов, где ты мог собирать крутые замки или корабли, добавляя свои детали, минифигурки и разыгрывать тысячи сюжетов, а не только сюжеты в рамках какой-то выдуманной вселенной биороботов, которые кроме как сражаться друг с другом ни на что не годны. Надеюсь объяснил популярно
Алексей Каширский ответил Владиславу
Владислав, согласен биониклы это вещь в себе из 3-4 биониклов максимум что соберёшь -большого бионикла, классический систем всё же более практичен и реиграбелен, сам за пиратов и замки пропустил последнюю волну пиратов дико жалею это крайне клёвая серия как и касл
As we approach the end of 2021, our attention naturally turns towards new 2022 LEGO sets, and leaks, and retailer product lists start trickling out from usual corners of the internet.
I however, am most excited about 2022 being LEGO’s 90th Anniversary, an incredible milestone for The LEGO Group, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what Billund has in store for all of us.
This isn’t based on any inside information, but just wishful thinking and an educated guess of what I think we’ll get!
The big one – the winner of the 90th Anniversary Fan Vote
The big reveal that everyone is waiting for will be the LEGO Ideas 90th Anniversary Fan Vote – a showdown between the top 4 winners of the fan vote: Bionicle, Classic Space, Pirates and Castle.
I cannot see LEGO picking any other theme but Classic Space – a theme beloved within the LEGO Design Team, but also to longtime AFOLs and Adult Fans.
My prediction? An actual LEGO moonbase that draws inspiration from 6970 Beta 1 Command Base, complete with an updated 928 Space Cruiser, slightly modernised using contemporary elements.
In the moonbase, a rainbow assortment of Classic Space minifigures, including the addition of a brand new colour – a Teal / Turqouise.
Well, based on this shot of the LEGO Designers, with props from the Rebuild the World Ad Campaign, which also curiously includes a Teal Classic Space outfit, worn by Niek van Slagmaat.
This is a colour that has never existed in LEGO’s history, and LEGO Designers have a special relationship with Teal, so I think we could expect a brand new Classic Space Astronaut in 2022, with the 90th Anniversary set.
Bonus prediction: while I think Classic Space will win, I think we’ll also see smaller renditions of sets inspired by Bionicle, Classic Pirates and Castle as gift with purchases (GWPs), or smaller commemorative releases.
A 90th Anniversary Collectible Minifigure Series
My next prediction? Instead of the typical three LEGO Collectible Minifigures (CMFs) we see in a year, we’ll get a FOURTH series, devoted to classic themes, and characters from LEGO’s 90 years of history. Yes, this is in addition to Series 22 and the rumoured Muppets series.
In the same vein as LEGO Minifigures Series 18 which celebrated 40 years of the minifigure, I think we’ll see LEGO devote a special series to some of its most iconic characters.
With the new 12-character CMF series, here’s what I’d love the characters to be:
- Pizza Chef (Classic Town)
- Red Spaceman (Classic Space)
- Captain Redbeard (Classic Pirates) (Forestman) (Fright Knights) (Dragon Masters)
- Female Aquazone Minifigure (Aquazone)
- Female Space Police Minifigure (Space Police 1)
- Nya (Ninjago)
- Baron von Barron (Adventurers)
- Koala Suit Girl (LEGO Minifigures)
- Octan Driver (Town)
Homages to other LEGO themes throughout the year
2022 is also going to be a big year of celebrations for a number of LEGO themes celebrating anniversaries, and I can see LEGO bundling these milestones up to the larger 90th Anniversary celebrations.
In no particular order, 2022 will be:
- 10 years of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
- 10 years of LEGO DC Super Heroes
- 10 years of LEGO Friends
- 10 years of LEGO Minecraft
- 15 years of LEGO Modular Buildings
I suspect we’ll see some commemorative minifigures for DC, and Marvel, in the same vein as the recent Harry Potter golden anniversary minifigures.
I also think we’ll get some really special LEGO Friends sets, given it’s been one of LEGO’s most important modern themes, rivalling Ninjago for commercial and cultural impact.
It’ll be interesting to also see what LEGO does with Minecraft, given the enduring popularity of the LEGO theme as well as the computer game. Maybe a full-sized LEGO update with official skins, textures and updates that officially integrate LEGO’s aesthetics into the game, or a sub-game?
Oh, and as I‘ve speculated when LEGO released their new Rebuild the World ad – I can see LEGO re-releasing an updated version of the Cafe Corner as well – perfect timing for the 15th Anniversary of modulars!
Commemorative and Vintage LEGO sets
Outside of that, similar to LEGO’s 60th Anniversary, I can also expect LEGO to go heavy on vintage-inspired product design, as well as commemorative sets – possibly in the Creator 3-in-1, and Classic Theme?
This is wishful thinking, but I would LOVE to see LEGO bring back the classic flip-top box design back, even if it’s just for the 90th Anniversary set. LEGO have proven their ability to go all out for packaging (such as with the Adidas Superstar), so surely they could bring back the transparent windows.
That would make me (and many others) so happy.
And that’s it – some very early unsubstantiated predictions of 2022 and what LEGO might do with their 90th Anniversary plans! Rest assured, it’s an incredible milestone for The LEGO Group, so expect to see this being a major focus for 2022.
If you’d like to listen to me and Richard from The Rambling Brick discuss and speculate about 2022, you can check out our latest Extra Pieces podcast, which is available on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts from.
What do you think LEGO might do for their 90th Anniversary? Let me know in the comments what’s in your wildest dreams!
To get the latest LEGO news and LEGO Reviews straight in your inbox, subscribe via email, or you can also follow on Google News, or socials on Facebook, Instagram (@jayong28), Twitter or subscribe to the Jay’s Brick Blog Youtube channel.
The results of the LEGO Ideas 90th Anniversary fan vote are in and there’s a huge twist!
After tabulating over 77,000 votes, the Top 3 themes from the first round are…
Update: Surprised that Bionicle won by such a huge margin? Check out my interview with BZPower to learn more about the Bionicle fan community, and why the fans deserve some respect.
With a monumental amount of support, you can see the full numbers for each theme below:
- Bionicle – 24799
- Classic Space – 18171
- Pirates – 15884
- Trains – 14855
- Adventurers – 13988
- Classic Castle -12603
- Forestmen – 8056
- Lion Knights – 7117
- Imperials – 7012
- Town – 6610
- Black Knights – 6427
- Model Team – 6397
- Dragon Knights – 6334
- Space Police – 5738
- Rock Raiders – 5298
- Studios – 5179
- Blacktron – 5088
- Ice Planet – 4503
- Black Falcons – 4244
- Aquazone – 4051
- M-Tron – 3555
- Alpha Team – 2807
- Paradisa – 2584
- Time Cruisers – 2234
- Wolfpack – 2111
- Exploriens – 1695
- Arctic – 1620
- Divers – 1424
But there’s a special surprise, as a 4th theme will be included in the Final Round:
However, we’ve seen an absolutely huge amount of support for Castle and each of the subthemes of Castle. We believe that we have made a mistake in not having all the Castle themes as just the one option to vote on in the first round. Even if you combine ‘Classic Castle’ and ‘Forestmen’ and not all of the other Castle subthemes, it pushes the number of votes up and Castle would be in the top three. This is what the results would look like if we consolidated the sub-themes of Castle:
If we add up every user that cast either 1, 2, or 3 votes for Castle, that’s 33489 users (more than double the necessary votes to make the top three).
If we add up all of the non-fantasy castle themes, excluding Classic Castle (Lion Knights, Black Falcons, Black Knights, Forestmen, and Wolfpack) there are 20821 users who cast a vote for at least one of these themes
If we add up Forestmen, Lion Knights, and Black Nights, (the three themes to succeed the Classic Yellow Castle) there are16030 users who cast a vote, again enough to take the 3rd place position from Pirates.
We realize and take full responsibility, that we made the mistake of splitting the Castle vote. So we are going to have our second vote, increase from three options to four to include Castle. As to not push out Pirates.
This will mean that the second fan vote will kick off with the following options:
Classic Space
If we consolidated any other subthemes together, for example ‘Classic Space’ and ‘Space Police’ or any other subtheme, it wouldn’t change the top three, and the winners. The only exception is Castle!
We hope you understand why we’re changing the rules slightly, and that you’re excited to cast your final vote to help us decide which themed set to launch in 2022!
I think the rationale is perfectly acceptable, given that LEGO deliberately tried to split the Castle vote across different themes, and it really ups the stakes in the final round.
I’m also here to claim maximum bragging rights for correctly calling the results of the first round. I had written this and prepared it prior to the themes being released, so I somehow, by a dumb stroke of luck, got Castle as a bracket umbrella theme right as well.
I also wasn’t sure about the mechanics, but I’m still standing behind my prediction, that Bionicle will beat Classic Space in the finals.
Voting for the final round has opened and will close on February 10th at 11AM CEST 2021.
Remember, that it’s up to LEGO to determine which theme becomes the subject of the 90th Anniversary set, and are really using this to gauge the popularity of these themes.
Let me know in the comments which of the 4 you’ll be voting for, and if you’re surprised with the results and positions of any themes! Personally, I’m surprised to see such strong support for Adventurers and Forestmen!
Yesterday’s official reveal of the LEGO Globe, the 40th set to join the LEGO Ideas theme has sparked plenty of excitement about one of LEGO’s most exciting and unpredictable themes, specifically where it could go next.
Be sure to read my review of the review of the LEGO Ideas Globe to see it in action!
With 21331 Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hill Zone that released on 1 January 2022, and 21332 The Globe set for launch on 1 February 2022, this year is looking set to be another momentous one for LEGO Ideas.
Looking ahead, here are the next LEGO Ideas sets that are set to be released sometime in 2022, or possibly beyond, either as sets, gift with purchase, or even a puzzle!
Here’s the full list of what has been greenlit and approved on the LEGO Ideas platform – click on these links to jump to that section!
Vincent Van Gogh: Starry Night
Announced around this time last year in early February 2021, the next LEGO Ideas set to follow after The Globe will undoubtedly be legotruman’s Vincent Van Gogh: Starry Night.
Surprisingly, Starry Night was greenlit before Sonic the Hedgehog (which has already released), so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this set revealed in the coming months.
In 2021, we had 5 LEGO Ideas sets spread out across the year, so my guess is that we’ll see this in either June (the month it was painted in 1889), or end of March which coincides with Vincent Van Gogh’s birthday (30 March).
30 March seems quite close to the release of the Globe, and this looks like quite a sizeable set, but I think this year is going to be massive for LEGO Ideas, so I wouldn’t put it past them to go with an April release.
Best guess release date: April 2021
Motorised Lighthouse
Announced in June 2021, Roses Must Build’s Motorised Lighthouse is another content for release, possibly early in the second half of 2022.
Personally, I think the Motorised Lighthouse will be the sleeper hit of 2022, and we’ll be amazed at what the LEGO Ideas team does with this simple, but promising concept.
Best guess release date: July 2022
Jazz Quartet
Announced in October 2021, I think its unlikely that we’ll see Hsinwei Chi’s Jazz Quartet in 2022, as it feels like a super tight timeframe, and with the release slot so packed this year.
This delightful brick-built model of a Jazz Quartet is one of the projects I’m most looking forward to, and I can see this being released in early 2023, maybe in January if they’re keeping to 1 January LEGO Ideas release slots.
That said, I would be pleasantly surprised if it comes out this year.
Best guess release date: January 2023
The Office
Shockingly, the only LEGO Ideas set currently in development that’s based on some sort of IP (intellectual property) is The Office which was announced with the Jazz Quarter in October 2021.
This set is probably the most anticipated LEGO Ideas set, thanks to the incredibly large, and active The Office fanbase. LEGO are going to literally print money with the set, and open up the brand to legions of Office fans wanting a Dwight Shcrute, Michael Scott or Jim Halpert minifigure.
I expect this to be released in the 4th quarter of 2022, just before Christmas as everyone is going to want a LEGO Office set for Christmas.
Best guess release date: November 2022
Foosball Table
Another LEGO Ideas set announced in early last year, in March 2021 is Construction by Donat’s Foosball Table. It won the We Love Sports contest, and fans often forget that some of these contests also lead to actual LEGO Ideas sets, like last year’s 21329 Fender Stratocaster.
Best guess release date: September 2022
Ray the Castaway Gift with Purchase
We also have another contest winner to look forward to this year, with Ray the Castaway by Daditwins, which won the Do You Want To Go To The Seaside contest.
This looks like a fun set that I could see being made into a GWP (gift with purchase) in Summer (northern hemisphere).
Best guess release date: July 2022
Snow White (TBC)
This isn’t confirmed, but is currently still under further review by LEGO, but it’s worth adding that the LEGO Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs by Hanwasyellowfirst was announced alongside The Office and Jazz Quartet.
I think there’s a high chance of this going through as it’s a gorgeous model, but the license and what to base it on would be a challenge, as the design was based around the Snow White Disney movie.
Best guess release date: sometime in 2023
Minifigure Space Mission Puzzle
It’s not really a LEGO set, although it sure has a ton of pieces, and it has LEGO Ideas branding on it, but the Space: A Minifigure Logo design won the You’re The Final Piece contest, which will be turned into a Chronicle Books LEGO puzzle.
Thankfully, no guessing games required here, as this puzzle will be available in May 2022!
The Adventures of the USS Cardboard
Another space-themed contest winner is the Adventures of the USS Cardboard by Bulldoozer, which will be a gift-with-purchase.
This delightfully whimsical model is one of my most anticipated GWPs (gift with purchase) this year, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it!
Best guess release date: August 2022
90th Anniversary LEGO Ideas set
And here’s the big one. If you’ve been noticing a theme developing… with the USS Cardboard and Classic Space puzzle, it’s probably intentional, because this year, we’re also going to find out the results of the 90th Anniversary Fan Vote, where one of Bionicle, Pirates, Castle and Classic Space will get selected as the 90th Anniversary set.
I’ve been vocal about my predictions – that the 90th Anniversary set will be a Classic Space set, and looking at the breadcrumbs being scattered, I can’t see any other theme winning.
The founding date of The LEGO Group is 10 August 1932, and I expect that we’ll see this set being announced then, for a September or maybe August release. It’ll be great if we got an earlier announcement, and the set goes on sale on LEGO’s birthday – I can’t think of no better way to celebrate.
Best guess release date: 10 August 2022
A-Frame Cabin
Announced in late February, the A-Frame Cabin by Norton74 is a splendid nature-based cabin, with a unique A-frame shape, and some gorgeous deciduous trees in autumn colours.
It’s very whimsical and rustic, and I think would look fantastic alongside the LEGO Tree House, and introduce some really fascinating and unique techniques.
Best guess release date: Autumn 2023 (Northern Hemisphere)
BTS Dynamite
The biggest surprise coming out of the Second 2021 Review Results was the confirmation of BTS “Dynamite” by JBBrickFanatic getting the greenlight.
BTS is an absolute KPOP powerhouse, and has an incredibly massive fanbase (read this post for my thoughts on the set and why I think it’ll do well).
Best guess release date: early 2023 when and if BTS drops a new album
Looking ahead
Last week, LEGO Ideas confirmed that 36 product ideas qualified for the Third 2021 LEGO Ideas review, and there are some fantastic projects on the list.
Personally, I’m hoping the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Sheriff’s Office – Wild West make it out. The Clockwork Solar System would be jaw-dropping, but I don’t know if it’s too big and ambitious, but it would be absolutely brilliant if they did!
Expect results in Summer 2022.
It goes without saying that 2022 is going to be a momentous year for LEGO Ideas, and everyone is waiting on the 90th Anniversary Set reveal results, but there’s plenty more to get excited about.
Which LEGO Ideas sets are you most looking forward in 2022? Let me know in the comments!
To get the latest LEGO news and LEGO Reviews straight in your inbox, subscribe via email, or you can also follow on Google News, or socials on Facebook, Instagram (@jayong28), Twitter or subscribe to the Jay’s Brick Blog Youtube channel.
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