Lego 8189 power miners
Горняки и шаxтеpы Lеgо Роwеr Мiners 8189 Легo Аpтикул: 8189 Cерия: Рowеr Мiners Koличecтво деталей: 183 Mинифигурки: 2 Год: 2010 Coстояниe: полный кoмплeкт, инстpукция потрепaная Отпpaвляю пoчтoй по полнoй предоплатe на кapту сбeрбанка, пользуюcь авитoдoстaвкoй, пo дoговopенноcти могу лично пoдвeзти по горoду за 300 руб как и авитодоставка. Забирать самим можно либо из Шушар, либо с Комендантского пр.
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Лего Zane’s Power Up Mech EVO Moc (Самоделка). Ребилд набора 71761 который включает в себя два меха для двух минифигурок, могут быть проданы как вместе так и по отдельности). Коробка инструкция и даже заводские пакетики в комплекте. •Все изначальные детали в комплекте; •В набор входят обе фигурки: njo717 Cobra Mechanic (Кобра Механик) Появлялся только в двух сетах, помимо этого: (71765 Ninja Ultra Combo Mech Ультра Мех Ниндзя, 71762 Kai’s Fire Dragon EVO Дракон Кая Эво) njo728 Zane - Core, Hair Зейн Эво; •Все детали в идеальном состоянии. По всем вопросам и за доп. фото пишите)
Продаю блок управления электрикой mould king и Lego power function, блок полностью в исправном рабочем состоянии, комплектация на фото, полностью совместим с моторами power function от фирмы Lego
Продается абсолютно новый набор Лего 71761 Zane's Power Up Mech EVO. Коробка не вскрыта, заводские пломбы на месте. Отличный подарок для ребенка или для коллекции
Продаю набор Lego 8188. Все минифигурки и детали на месте. Набор разобран, при необходимости могу собрать при отправке. Инструкций нет
Hовая элeктpикa Лeгo Lеgо. Абсoлютно нoвая, нe испoльзoвалась. Бeз бaтapeeк в комплекте. Powerеd UР 1. HUB Хаб 88009 - Hoвый бeз упаковки 2. Train mоtor Мoтоp для пoездa 88011 (c кoлeсaми и oсями) Hoвый в упаковке (пpозрачный пaкeтик из набоpа ) 3. Rеmote соntrоl Пульт 88010 Hoвый бeз упаковки 8. ТЕСHNIС HUВ Техник Хаб 88012 Новый в упаковке (прозрачный пакетик из набора ) 9. ТЕСНNIС LАRGЕ МОТОR Л- Мотор 88013 Новый в упаковке (прозрачный пакетик из набора ) РОWЕR FUNСТIОNS 4. Rеmоtе соntrоl Пульт 8885 - Новый без упаковки 5. IR RЕСЕIVЕR ИК ресивер 8884 Новый в упаковке (прозрачный пакетик из набора ) 6. ВАТТЕRY ВОХ Батарейный блок 8881 - Новый без упаковки 7. L-МОТОR Л - Мотор 88003 - Новый в упаковке (прозрачный пакетик из набора ) Цены указаны на фото
Набор в идеальном состоянии. Собирался один раз. Стоял в шкафу. В наличии почти все детали, кроме одного фонаря на крыше бура. Присутствует инструкция, коробки нет. Общее кол-во деталей - 235
Оригинал, в идeальнoм coстоянии, как новый Лeго Legо Techniс 8293 использoвали oдин paз нa выcтавке, дети нe игpaли. В коpoбке, детaли вce на меcтe, инструкция ecть Открой для сeбя бoльшe вoзможнoстeй c мотором Power Funсtions для cерии Tесhniс oт LEGO®. Oживи свои модeли из сеpии Tеxник при помощи потрясающего набора Роwеr Funсtiоns. В набор входит: Двигатель. Аккумуляторный отсек. Кабель для источника питания. Выключатель. Количество деталей - 10 Для работы необходимо 6 АА батареек, в комплект не входят Совместим со всеми конструкторами Lеgо Тесhniс *в наличии 10 штук
Бoльшoй выбоp и кoмплeктация Лего электроники и дeталeй, всё opигинал. Цeны: Xl motor: 1200₽ L motor: 800₽ ИK cиcтeма (приемник и пульт): 1550₽ (прoдaетcя тoлькo кoмплeктом) Блок питaния: 300₽ Taк жe в нaличии электроника Pоwеr UP, цeны уточняйте в ЛС. Много дeтaлей Lеgo Technic, уточняйтe какиe тpебуютcя. Возможна oтправкa Пoчтoй Pоссии и aвитo доставкой. За оптовые заказы гарантированные скидки. Пишите звоните в любое время.
Наборы серии Power Mainers для большинства запомнились своей необычной цветовой гаммой и столь же необычными минифигурками.
Но можно ли это сказать про сегодняшнего пациента? (да можно, ещё как можно!)
Это мы и постараемся выяснить.
Серия: Power Miners
Изображение на инструкции — коробки полностью отображает дух серии. В данном случае второй волны. Думаю не стоит объяснять, что внутри инструкция цветная и довольно понятная.
Но одной инструкцией сыт не будешь, по этому, предлагаю рассмотреть фигурки в наборе.
Как по мне они ну просто шикарные, сами посудите: необычная экипировка — доспех есть, супер крутая фигурка огненного монстра есть, что ещё надо?
А что по поводу набора? он крутой и на полке смотрится, но это не то, что первое приходит на ум.
Всё же от серии про пещеры и добычу кристаллов ожидаешь буровую машину, а не экзоскелет. Но с другой стороны в серии было всего два набора подобного типа, и для разнообразия своей коллекции его можно взять.
Всё же вы об этой покупке навряд ли пожалеете. Как ни как, а набор крут, хотя и не хватает оранжевого в постройке, цветовая гамма не подкачала.
По поводу функций много сказать не смогу, ведь у него она только одна, но зато какая. Клешня, которая выкидывается вперёд и схлопывается на расстоянии больше чем длинна самого робота. Круто!
Правда чем ему бурить? Всё же серия называется Power Miner. Вот и «леговцы» так подумали и добавили ему бур на вторую руку.
Лениво, но сойдёт (хотя могли бы и запилить руку с вращающейся бензопилой, как у Экиму 2015 года).
В заключение могу сказать, что набор на любителя. Если вам он понравился, или хочется разбавить полку с Лего бурами чем-то необычным, то он вам точно подойдёт. В другом случае я вам не советую его брать.
Power Miners is a theme released by LEGO in January of 2009, and was discontinued in 2010. It is similar to the Rock Raiders theme, and may be considered as that theme's spiritual successor. Short biographies for the crew, as well as the complete assortment of monsters—including the Crystal King—could be found on the Power Miners sub-site during the theme's run. These pages have since been discontinued along with the theme.
Between 2009 and 2010, two generations of the theme were released. The first is the 2009 generation, in which the Power Miners are deep in the crust of the Earth. In this generation, they fight the Rock Monsters, including the deadly Throwing Monsters and the powerful Crystal King. The Miners use plastic molds of dynamite, rather than a 1-by-2 plate with a dynamite printing as seen in Rock Raiders and other preceding sets. The 2010 generation charts that the Power Miners have drilled into the volcanic recesses of the Earth's core. The team faces the Lava Monsters, including Eruptorr, the king of the Lava Monsters. Instead of fighting the Lava Monsters with Dynamite—in 75% of the sets, the miners do not—they use water cannons.
The Power Miners work their way through the underground.
The Power Miners ride out.
The theme is set in underground caverns—like the Rock Raiders theme—and the basic story involves a group of mining specialists called Power Miners. The team is sent underground to investigate what is causing a series of severe "earthquakes" responsible for the devastation of several cities on Earth's surface. While there, the Power Miners discover the Energy Crystals and the Rock Monsters. The team decide to attempt to collect and mine the crystals in order to stop the monsters from consuming them and causing more of the "rumblings" on the surface. The Power Miners are dressed in blue and gray clothing, and their vehicles are green and orange in a fashion similar to that of real-world mining equipment; this is a fundamental difference between this theme and Rock Raiders, which is more futuristic.
An advertisement for the theme.
All of the theme's sets include at least one of the Power Miners and one of their vehicles, as well as one or more Rock Monsters, except 8962 Crystal King, which only contains the Crystal King himself and two of the miners with a small, hand-held drilling unit. As an exception, the two promotional sets, 8907 Rock Hacker and 8908 Monster Launcher, do not include either a miner—in the case of 8908—or a Rock Monster (in the case of 8907).
A Power Miners online game called "Rock Rocket" was released on November 28th of 2008.
Power Miners has introduced many new parts. Some of these are drills, special spiked wheels, Lava and Rock Monsters, and Dynamite that is three-dimensional as opposed to the more traditional 2-by-1 plate. This piece has also been used in Space Police III, Toy Story, and Agents 2.0.
The theme reprises several elements that were already present in the Rock Raiders theme ten years earlier, such as the occurrence of Rock Monsters and Energy Crystals. However, unlike in its predecessor, the Rock Monsters play a bigger role and are included in nearly every set. Additionally, each character—with the inclusion of the Rock Monsters—is named. Power Miners also implemented several features that only appeared in the planning stage of Rock Raiders, such as the concept of a mobile base and a common uniform for the miner minifigures.
The Titanium Command Rig.
Power Miners
The eponymous Power Miners are a group of mining specialists who have a large variety of mining vehicles and equipment at their disposal, such as piloted bipedal robots and tracked vehicles. Most of the vehicles are equipped with drills and include elaborate gear mechanisms. The Power Miners have a large base—8709 Underground Mining Station—and also a mobile drilling rig—8964 Titanium Command Rig—which acts as a portable secondary base.
In order to investigate the cause of several mysterious rumblings on the surface, the Power Miners were sent underground by the government, where they encountered the Rock Monsters and enigmatic energy crystals. The profile for Doc on the Power Miners' website in 2009 mentioned a "Portal", suggesting that there is a large hole leading into the underground.
In the 2010 theme, the miners travel farther underground. They don new silver clothing and armour to protect themselves from the heat. They encounter Lava Monsters, and are equipped with mining vehicles with water cannons to fight the Lava Monsters. One of their lower bases is Lavatraz, for the detainment and containment of errant Lava Monsters.
Rock Monsters (2009)
Rock Monsters are the antagonists of the Power Miners and are included in almost every set. There are five different kinds of Rock Monsters—red, green, blue, yellow, and orange—that have been named. The first wave of sets contained only small versions of the monsters - Boulderaxes are strong, slow, and dumb; Firoxes are sneaky and love to mess with the Power Miners' vehicles; Glaciators are mean and very ill-tempered; Sulfurixes can melt through solid rock to make their own tunnels; and Meltroxes are very temperamental and destructive.
The second 2009 wave introduced the Crystal King, and two larger versions of the smaller Monsters, Tremorox and Geolix. Both can throw the smaller Monsters, along with rocks. These latter two are larger iterations of Meltrox and Sulfurix, respectively.
The Rock Monsters lack any vehicles or high technology. Their only equipment comprises of small catapults included in 8961 Crystal Sweeper and the Monster Launcher.
Rather than being a serious threat, the Rock Monsters are portrayed as childish hoodlums in the videos on the LEGO website and they have silly personalities and a gluttonous nature.
The larger Rock Monsters are more devious. Instead of being mischievous tricksters, they are sadists and bullies, throwing rocks and smaller Rock Monsters at the Power Miners and their equipment.
Lava Monsters (2010)
The Lava Monsters Page.
The opposite page.
In 2010, a new type of monster was introduced - the Lava Monster. They live deeper underground than the Rock Monsters and they must be fought with water instead of fire, due to their heat-based nature.
These Lava Monsters also have larger versions, like the Rock Monsters.
New Parts (Not including Minifigures and Accessories)
The Magma Mech handling a Lava Monster.
Sticker Sheets
These parts are not actual parts; rather, they are Sticker Sheets that are sold in most LEGO System sets. They include:
The main characters from Power Miners in their original 2009 garb.
Advertisement of 8964 Titanium Command Rig, left page.
Advertisement of 8964 Titanium Command Rig, right page.
Wave 1
Wave 2
Duke (Version 2), Rex (Version 1),
Wave 3
LEGO Power Miners Teaser
The teaser trailer
The Power Miners teaser trailer is a film introducing the Power Miners sets from the second wave of 2009, such as 8962 Crystal King, 8963 Rock Wrecker, and 8964 Titanium Command Rig. In the video, the Power Miners chase a Meltrox that leads them into the Crystal King's lair.
When Power Miners was first released, a Power Miners movie was also released to promote the theme. These movies are no longer available, as the site has since moved off-line.
- Rock Rocket: In this game, the player controls a Rock Monster, and the Monster has to eat as many crystals as they can before they run out of power.
- Cave Convoy: In this game, the player must guide several Power Miner vehicles safely through the caverns.
- Lava Showdown: In this game, the player takes the role of a Power Miner in the Earth's core. The objective is to capture Lava Monsters and escape through caverns of lava. The player has three lives; if the player runs out of lives, the game is over and must be restarted.
- Tunnel 13: Tunnel 13 was a game that was canceled while it was still being developed. The reason is why it was cancelled is unknown, however, Tunnel 13 was a large game. It may of been being developed to promote Power Miners, and then canceled because of a decision by LEGO to no longer promote the theme much further.
The original Power Miner Minifigure. To the right of him is a Power Miner in different colours, and the final Power Miner Minifigure.
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LEGO 8189 Magma Mech (2010, 100% Complete W/ Manual, Power Miners)
8189 MAGMA MECH lego set NEW power miners legos retired city town
Lego 8189 Power Miners - Magma Mech VERY RARE
New Listing Lego 8189 Power Miners Magma Mech– Retired Set (2010) With Instructions
1x LEGO Building Instruction Power Miners Magma Mech 8189
Lego Power Miners Magma Mech 8189 Sealed
4.5 out of 5 stars.
New Listing LEGO - 8189 - Power Miners - Magma Mech from 2009 with Firax Rock Monster
Lego Power Miners 8189 Magma Mech 100% Complete - 2010
Lego 8189 Power Miners Magma Mech 100% complete w/ instructions RETIRED
Lego Power Miners 8189 - Magma Mech - 99% Complete, Box + Instructions
Lego Power Miners Magma Mech 8189
LEGO Power Miners Magma Mech 8189 - Includes All Pieces & Instructions-no Box
LEGO Power Miners Magma Mech (8189) & Fire Blaster (8188) 100% complete
Lego Power Miners 8189 - Magma Mech - 100% Complete, Box + Instructions
Lego Power Miners Rock Monster Firax Minifigure Used Loose 8189 Magma Mech
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Lego Power Miners 8189 Magma Mech - INSTRUCTION BOOK ONLY - No Lego included
8189 LEGO Power Miners Magma Mech 100% COMPLETE + MANUAL
Lego Bauanleitung 8189 Power Miners
1x LEGO Building Instruction Power Miners Magma Mech 8189
Lego pm 026 Lego Power Miner - Engineer, Gray Outfit aus 8189 Magma Mech
1x LEGO Building Instruction Power Miners Magma Mech 8189
LEGO Manuale di Istruzioni 8189 POWER MINERS Magma Mech 2010
1x LEGO Building Instruction Power Miners Magma Mech 8189
1x Lego Bauanleitung Power Miners Magma Mech Magmaläufer 8189
1x LEGO Istruzioni di Power Miners Magma Mech Corridore 8189
Stickers Original LEGO neuf: 8000 à 10000 (decal,Aufkleber,autocollant,adesivi)
Lego Firax mini figure, Set-8191/8189, Power miners 2010 collectable
Lego Firax 8191 8189 Rock Monster Power Miners Minifigure
NEW LEGO Power Miner - Engineer, Gray Outfit FROM SET 8189 Power miners (pm026)
Lego Power Miner - Engineer, Gray Outfit 8189 Power Miners Minifigure
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Lego Power Miners Mine Mech, 8957 Complete w/ Mini Figures and Manual.
LEGO 8" X 8" Instruction Books - YOU PICK! Toy Story, Harry Potter, etc.
Lego Power Miners 8957 Mine Mech 100% Complete w/ Instructions
Lego 8957 Power Miners Mine Mech 100% complete retired
LEGO Power Miners 8957 8959 8960 8961 8963 8189 8190 INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS ONLY
New Listing Lego Power Miners 8957 Mine Mech (100% Complete) (Model & Instructions)
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Lego Power Miners 8957 - Mine Mech - 100% Complete, Instructions
Lego Power Miners 8957 Mine Mech With 2 Minifigures- COMPLETE
LEGO Power Miners Incomplete Lot Instructions 8964 8709 8189 8956
3.0 out of 5 stars.
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LEGO-POWER MINERS instruction manual-8957 - Mine mech-no pieces
Lego 8957 Power Miners Mine Mech manual.No pieces
Lego 8189, 8191 Books 1 and 2 Power Miners Instruction Books ONLY
INSTRUCTION BOOKLET ONLY - LEGO 8957 Power Miners - Mine Mech
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