Kylo ren lego minifigures
Впервые экшн-фигуры по “Звёздным Войнам” появились осенью 2015 года, линейка включала в себя таких персонажей как Дарт Вейдер, Люк Скайуокер, Генерал Гривус, Оби-Ван Кеноби, Джанго Фетт и Клон-Коммандер Коди. Фигуры пользовались огромной популярностью, и в начале 2016 года компания “LEGO” выпустила ещё несколько героев, на этот раз по мотивам нового (седьмого) эпизода легендарной звёздной эпопеи.
Кайло Рен – главный антагонист и выдающийся злодей новой диснеевской трилогии «Звездных воин»! Самонадеянный и истеричный лидер Первого Ордена, решивший возродить Имперский порядок в галактике. Своё настоящее имя он скрывает под грозным псевдонимом, а свой слабый подростковый характер и внешность под устрашающей маской, закрывающей всё лицо.
Кайло Рен одержим поисками своего бывшего учителя и единственного известного ему рыцаря-джедая – Люка Скайуокера.
В набор входит высокоподвижная фигура Кайло Рена с персональным оружием и тканевым одеянием (плащ и кама). К фигуре прилагается пошаговая инструкция по сборке.
Картонная коробка, как и у первой волны экшн-фигур «STAR WARS» - вертикальная. Лицевую сторону занимает грозный образ Кайло Рена на фоне окутанного пламенем поселения на планете Джакку. В левой части указан рекомендованный возраст, артикул и название на английском языке.
На обратной стороне коробки – тот же Кайло Рен, но уже в другой позе. Рядом с крупным изображением есть два поменьше. Одно из них демонстрирует функцию подвижной руки за счёт специального вентиля, вшитого в спину. В верхнем правом углу обозначена высота фигуры, в собранном виде (26 см). Снизу показаны все фигуры из новой линейки: Капитан Фазма, Финн, Штурмовик Первого Ордена, По Дамерон, и, конечно же, Рей.
Как уже говорилось ранее, высота фигуры составляет 26 сантиметров, что очень неплохо для игрушки. В глаза сразу же бросается чёрный шлем, надетый на голову фигуры (под шлемом на самом деле никакой головы нет, там спрятан самый обыкновенный шарнир, обеспечивающий подвижность шейного сустава).
Шлем выполнен в объёме, над окулярами проведены серебристые линии, немного выступает потёртый респиратор. Всё на шлеме проработано в мельчайших деталях: на респираторе отчётливо видны впадины, полученные от удара светового меча, лобовая часть покрыта серебристыми царапинами, на защищённом затылке отсвечивают вмятины от пуль.
Шейный шарнир, удерживающий шлем, крепится к грудной части, закрытой крупным доспехом с уникальным принтом. Этот доспех также выполнен в объёме, пропечатана сетчатая одежда, напоминающая кольчугу. На широком поясе переливается большая серебристая бляха. Ноги фигуры защищены двумя щитками, для ступней использованы цельные чёрные детали. Ноги имеют точки артикуляции в бедре, колене и ступне. Руки также закрыты двумя щитками и наплечниками, на сжатых кистях проработаны пальцы. Точки артикуляции рук – плечи, локти и кисти. Плащ крепится на шее фигуры и закрывает спину и открытую конструкцию ног. Спереди тонкие ноги прячет кама. Плащ и кама выполнены из приятной на ощупь ткани чёрного цвета.
У фигур этой волны есть одна уникальная функция, которая также применялась в некоторых моделях серии LEGO “Bionicle”. Что же это за функция? Её суть заключается в том, что фигура может поднимать и опускать руку с оружием с помощью специального механизма, спрятанного в конструкции тела. Если провернуть вентиль, вшитый в спину фигуры, по часовой стрелке то рука поднимется. Если же провернуть его в обратную сторону, рука опустится.
Кайло Рен вооружен необычным световым мечом, который он создал собственными пуками по древним чертежам. Его особенность – наличие гарды, которая защищает кисти рук от ударов. Основное лезвие сделано из цельной детали, прикреплённой к крестовидному основанию. От этого основания также отходят два тонких лезвия, которые используются для мечей стандартных минифигурок. Меч прочно держится в руке благодаря специальному соединению.
В заключение можно сказать, что экшн-фигура Кайло Рена (артикул 75117) лего, как и большинство фигур серии, практически безупречна: внушительная высота, высокая подвижность, эксклюзивные элементы, тканевая накидка с камой, механическая функция и необычное оружие делают фигуру как «играбельной», так и «смотрибельной» на полке.
Из недостатков можно отметить слишком тонкие и неприкрытые сзади ноги, а так же тот факт, что кама не достаточно длинная, чтобы опоясать все тело фигуры. Но это скорее небольшие «недочеты», чем существенные минусы набора. В целом, как уже говорилось ранее, фигура практически безупречна!
Спешите заполучить главного злодея нового эпизода «Звездных воин» по привлекательной цене!
Son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben Solo became Kylo Ren after turning to the dark side of the Force. While serving the evil First Order, Kylo kills his father and makes it his mission to destroy all Jedi.
But the path isn’t always easy for Kylo. Once an apprentice of Luke Skywalker, he often feels the pull of the light side of the Force. This causes him immense internal anguish as he tries to control the forces of good and evil within him.
Featuring in both Star Wars™: Episode VII The Force Awakens and Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi, (2017). Kylo Ren is a mysterious character who can also be found in LEGO® Star Wars playsets.
Star Wars Products & Sets
Imperial Star Destroyer™
The Mandalorian™ & the Child
The Razor Crest™
LEGO® Star Wars™ 75236 Duel on Starkiller Base™ lets kids recreate the epic battle between Kylo Ren and Rey.
A great gift for any young Star Wars fan, this cool set features a forest scene set on the First Order’s Starkiller Base. Here kids can pit Kylo against Rey on the rotating bases to role play exciting spinning Lightsaber battles. This LEGO playset includes Rey and Kylo Ren minifigures, plus blue and red Lightsaber toy accessories.
75216 Snoke's Throne Room
Pit Supreme Leader Snoke, Rey, Kylo Ren and the highly trained Elite Praetorian Guards against each other in LEGO® Star Wars 75216 Snoke’s Throne Room! Taken from the exciting scene from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, this LEGO Star Wars set features Snoke's star destroyer throne room with rotating throne, knob-activated turning doorway and moving floor functions, plus hidden compartments to store Snoke's treasures and weapons, and 5 LEGO minifigures.
Kylo Ren (born Ben Solo) is a Star Wars minifigure introduced in September 2015 as part of the Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens line. He is also the main antagonist of the sequel trilogy.
Kylo Ren has a black torso with lines printed on to represent creases on his robe and his utility belt. The printing continues down onto the legs to give the effect of a waist cape. He wears a unique black mini-cape that has a tattered appearance. He wears a black helmet that has silver detailing. He has a red lightsaber that has a unique blade piece, representing his crossguard lightsaber
Kylo Ren's Hood Variant has the same cape, torso, legs, and lightsaber as his normal variant. However, he has a regular minifigure head printed with his helmet's details and a regular black hood, which can be swapped out for a molded helmet piece.
Unmasked Kylo Ren has the same cape, torso, legs and lightsaber as his normal and hooded variants. His face has an angry expression, darker printing below his eyes and a sneering mouth. Instead of a hood or mask, Kylo uses Dastan's hairpiece in black. He includes the same helmet as his normal version.
Kylo Ren in his Episode VIII variant has a more detailed torso, legs with matching printing on them, regular black cape and crossguard lightsaber with black hilt. The minifigure has the same hairpiece as unmasked variant. His face has two expressions: an angry expression and an angrier expression with a scar on the face that he got during his encounter with Rey in the previous film.
Kylo Ren was born Ben Solo, the child of Han Solo and Leia Organa. After demonstrating use of the Force, he was trained by his uncle Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi. During his training, however, he was seduced to the dark side of the Force by the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke, and wiped out Luke's new Jedi Order. Years later, he was the new face of the First Order, a new superpower risen from the ruins of the Galactic Empire. Idolizing his grandfather Darth Vader, he renamed himself Kylo Ren. While trying to capture BB-8, a droid with a portion of the map to the exiled Luke Skywalker, he encountered and burned the village of Lor San Tekka and captured Resistance fighter Poe Dameron, who later escaped. Later, he captured the scavenger Rey; however, she soon escaped using her newfound Force abilities. After killing his father at Starkiller Base and defeating ex-stormtrooper Finn, he was attacked by Rey, who was able to incapacitate him. He was then rescued by General Hux on Snoke's orders. Following the battle, Kylo begins to feel used by Snoke and attacks the escaping Resistance fleet in his TIE silencer. He and Rey communicate through the Force telling her he killed Han because he wanted to let go of the past. When Rey comes aboard the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy, Kylo brings her to Snoke. When he finds out that Snoke was responsible for the connection between him and Rey in order to find Luke and used him. Kylo kills him and with the help from Rey kills Snoke's guards. When Kylo proposes that they rule the galaxy together and Rey refusing. The two battle each other with them breaking Anakin's lightsaber. In the aftermath, Kylo takes control of the First Order and manages to get the Resistance cornered. When the unexpectant appearance of Luke comes. Kylo faces his uncle and fights him only to find out he was fighting a Force projection of him that was distracting him while the Resistance escapes. He and Rey then have one last look before she leaves with the Resistance. Kylo Ren searches for a Sith wayfinder to lead him to the Sith planet Exegol, with the hopes of killing the resurrected Darth Sidious as a show of his power. When Ren finds the wayfinder and arrives on Exegol in his TIE whisper, Sidious reveals that he has been manipulating Ren and the First Order, having created Snoke as a means of turning Ren to the dark side. Sidious unveils the Final Order, a massive armada of Xyston-class Star Destroyers designed by the Sith Eternal. Sidious offers the Sith fleet to Ren in a bid to form a new Sith Empire—with Ren as Emperor—on the condition that he kill Rey. Ren searches the galaxy for Rey and continues corresponding with her through the Force to discern her location. Rey has been searching for a second wayfinder; Ren tries to stop her from finding it. Eventually, Ren informs Rey that she is Sidious' granddaughter, and furthermore, they are a dyad in the Force with extremely powerful potential when joined together. He urges her once more to take his hand and to overthrow Sidious together. Rey refuses, but Ren is unwilling to kill her and follows her to Kef Bir, the location of the second wayfinder. Meeting her on the wreckage of the second Death Star, Ren destroys the Emperor's wayfinder and duels her. The duel ends with Rey impaling Ren, who had been distracted by his dying mother, Leia, reaching out to him through the Force. A guilt-ridden Rey (also sensing Leia's death) uses the Force to heal Ren and leaves aboard his ship, after telling him that she wanted to take Ben Solo's hand, but not Kylo Ren's. Alone on the wreckage, Ren converses with a memory of his father, Han Solo; he throws away his lightsaber, renouncing his role as Supreme Leader and reclaiming his old identity of Ben Solo. Ben rushes to help Rey defeat Sidious on Exegol. Rey senses his presence and uses their Force connection to give him Anakin's lightsaber, which Ben uses to defeat the Knights of Ren. Sidious then senses Rey and Ben's connection as a dyad of the Force, and absorbs their energy to restore his full power, before casting Ben into an abyss. However, Rey manages to defeat and kill Sidious before dying from the effort. Ben climbs out of the abyss and finds Rey's inert body. Ben manages to transfer all of his life essence into her, successfully resuscitating her but sacrificing his own life in the process. They share a passionate kiss before Ben dies peacefully in Rey's arms. His body fades away simultaneously with his mother's, becoming one with the Force.
Masked and hooded, Kylo Ren is a dark warrior who commands missions for the First Order. Exhibiting a temper every bit as fiery and unpredictable as his unusual lightsaber, he has an obsessed fascination with the former Sith Lord known as Darth Vader.
Kylo Ren is a Star Wars minifigure first released in 2015.
Description [ edit ]
So far, there are two different variations of the Kylo Ren mini figure, both of which are very similar, except that the version that comes in Battle on Takodana has his actual face, where as the shuttle version just has his mask piece printed on the head and comes with an extra black hood so as not to reveal his identity before the movie came out. Both minfigures come with the same torso, legs, cape, and helmet. The torso is all black with grey printing. The lines describe a belt with a shiny buckle, and show Kylo's robes/armor, and the printing is continued to the legs, showing the end of the robes. There is also printing on the back of the torso, just continuing the lines of his clothes. His cape is a new "piece", short and tattered, made out of the new spongy cloth material. The helmet is once again black, this time with silver printing defining the eye holes and a few other details. Kylo Ren's head is light nougat, or the standard flesh color for most mini figures. The head itself is double sides, with one side having a sort of scowl, with bags under the eyes, and the other with an angry snarl with teeth showing. The hair piece he comes with in Battle on Takodana is black, long, and shaggy. In both sets, he comes armed with his new crossguard lightsaber, with a dark silver hilt, and a new transparent red blade piece.
Video game variants [ edit ]
In LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren has three variants- "Kylo Ren", "Kylo Ren (hooded)" and "Kylo Ren (Unmasked)". His abilities consist of the following:
- Can use dark side Force powers
- Can accept First Order missions
- Can use First Order Terminals
Background [ edit ]
Kylo Ren was a fallen Jedi who was a member of the Knights of Ren and the First Order. He served Supreme Leader Snoke, a individual who was considered to be a powerful figure in the Dark Side of the Force.
Before he became Kylo Ren, he was known as Ben Solo, son of Han Solo and Leia Organa.
The LEGO Star Wars Kylo Ren minifig was first introduced in 2015 in the set 75104 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle and is currently estimated to be valued around 18,00 € and an annual growth of about 6.5%.
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Kylo Ren Appears in the Following LEGO Set
75104 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle
Kylo Ren Minifigs
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Kylo Ren Reviews
“There are currently 5 Kylo Ren minifigs, this one, sw0663, is unique to a single set which makes it slightly more attractive to collectors and investors. In addition, it is also not nearly as widely owned as some other Kylo Ren versions.”
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About Star Wars The Force Awakens
LEGO Star Wars Episode VII, The Force Awakens is a Star Wars subtheme first released in 2015 to coincide with the release of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens film.
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