Конструктор лего сити 60265
С набором Лего 60265 “Океан: Исследовательская база” погрузись в увлекательный мир изучения флоры и фауны морского дна. Посмотри как живут и работают смелые ученые, отыщи сокровища и изучи поведение обитателей морских глубин.
Исследовательская база Lego City
Исследовательская база представляет собой хорошо детализированную конструкцию, расположенную в окружении кораллов на дне мирового океана. У команды исследователей есть все необходимое для жизни и работы на морском дне:
- подводный батискаф для проведения исследований вдали от базы;
- спальный отсек для отдыха;
- исследовательский отсек для проведения опытов и экспериментов.
Здание базы имеет модульную конструкцию. Оно установлено на мощных основательных сваях черного цвета, забитых в толщу морского дна. Центральную часть постройки занимает входной шлюз, совмещенный с барокамерой, служащей для удаления воды и выравнивания давления внутри отсеков, присоединенных к станции. Внутри шлюза расположен вентиль и запасной акваланг, а на его крыше – мощный вентилятор для сброса избыточного давления. Для перемещения грузов под водой, на центральном отсеке базы закреплена рука робота-манипулятора с крюком, поднимающая специальный поддон.
Отсеки Исследовательской станции выполнены из деталей желтого цвета. Для удобства игры их верхние крышки сделаны съемными, что открывает доступ к внутреннему убранству модулей. В спальном отсеке имеется кровать для отдыха, столик с кофеваркой и переносным фонарем. В научном модуле находятся поворотное кресло, стол с приборами и инструментами для проведения экспериментов.
Подводный батискаф выполнен из деталей желтого цвета. Он оснащен мощными манипуляторами, помогающими поднимать находки на борт и размещать их в грузовом отсеке, расположенном за кабиной пилота. Дополнительно из деталей конструктора Лего Сити 60265 собирается небольшой беспилотный подводный аппарат, служащий для автономного исследования морских глубин.
Набор Исследовательская база подарит игроку огромное количество сюжетов для увлекательной ролевой игры, поэтому непременно купите Лего 60265 и воссоздайте в деталях многогранный мир подводных исследований.
В комплект конструктора Lego 60265 входят:
- Минифигурки: два аквалангиста, водолаз, женщина-ученый и пилот батискафа.
- Фигурки: акула-молот и скат.
- Аксессуары: сундук с драгоценностями, старая велосипедная рама, бутылка, автомобильный номер, шприц, кружка, кораллы и разделитель деталей.
В собранном виде объекты конструктора Лего 60265 имеют следующие размеры:
60265 - Ocean Exploration Base
Building Instructions (1/4)
Building Instructions (2/4)
Building Instructions (3/4)
Building Instructions (4/4)
Join the farmer aboard her cool ATV and head over to the LEGO® City Chicken Henhouse. Have the chickens laid any eggs? Slide out the drawer and check it out! Yes! Load the eggs into the crate, then make sure the chickens are healthy and happy before heading back home for a delicious breakfast.
Train Station
Welcome to the LEGO® City Train Station. This modern station with a ticket office, coffee bar, control room and grade crossing has a cozy platform with an access ramp and a tree-shaded bench for travelers. You can help the engineer aboard the road-and-rail cherry-picker truck with its portable toilet or join the bus driver for fun excursions aboard the cool bus. Exciting adventures start here!
Space Ride Amusement Truck
The Space Ride Amusement Truck has arrived in LEGO® City. Help unload the trailer and transform it into an awesome space-themed ride. Then buy a ticket, climb aboard and hold tight! Remember to smile for the camera as you whirl around the giant alien. And when the space cart stops, you can blast off again for one more ride or head over to the ticket booth to collect your cool photo!
Barn & Farm Animals
Head down to the LEGO® City barn where you can care for a sheep, lamb, pig, piglet and a cow. Use the hose to wash the animals and clear up the poop! Grow crops in the greenhouse. Help the farmer take hay to the loft and use the barn’s hoist to unload items from the tractor’s trailer. Enjoy fun adventures with a host of cool characters, including Peach from the LEGO City Adventures TV series!
The Knockdown Stunt Challenge
Dim the lights for a glow-in-the-dark LEGO® City Stuntz challenge! Join LEGO City Adventures TV series stars Galactic Poppy Star and Harl Hubbs for fun stunt competitions with this cool playset. Take your position at the Knockdown Challenge, power up your flywheel stunt bike and launch off to strike a column and win a prize! But who’ll win the day? You get to find out!
Rocket Launch Center
Welcome to the LEGO® City Rocket Launch Center where preparations for a daring space mission are underway. The observatory telescope is pointed towards a mysterious meteor deep in space, and the control center is buzzing with anticipation. Help drive the astronauts to the rocket launch site and elevator that leads to the boarding gangway. When they’re ready to go, begin the countdown to blastoff!
The Blade Stunt Challenge
Join the LEGO® City Adventures TV series character Shirley Keeper and the awesome Stuntz rider at The Blade Stunt Challenge! Activate the flywheel-powered stunt bike and unleash it to smash through the barriers for a clean exit before the blades come crashing down!
Smashing Chimpanzee Stunt Loop
Activate your flywheel bike and head for the LEGO® City Smashing Chimpanzee Stunt Loop. Join high-flying LEGO City Stuntz rider aboard the cool, winged motorcycle. Hit the loop at top speed to defy gravity and launch from the ramp! Can you fly over the mechanical chimpanzee, or will it break down the walls with its powerful arms? Prepare for ‘smashing’ real-life stunt action!
Touring Stunt Bike
Prepare for awesome LEGO® City Stuntz action! Join The Lone Wolf Biker for displays of speed and bravery aboard his flywheel-powered street-cruising machine, specially weighted at the rear for record-breaking wheelies. Hit ramps at full speed to perform soaring mid-air maneuvers and rear-wheel landings. This mustached stunt rider has no fear. Hold tight!
Lunar Space Station
Join the crew aboard the NASA-inspired Lunar Space Station. Take a space walk high above the Moon to check the station’s solar panels and power cell. Use the station’s arm to retrieve the orbiting meteor and place it into the cargo module for examination in the science lab. Then load up the space capsule with samples to transport back to Earth, before you grab a ‘light’ snack and float off to bed!
The Shark Attack Stunt Challenge
Join LEGO® City Adventures TV series pilot Chuck D. Goldberg for fun stunt displays and competitions. Take your position at The Shark Attack Stunt Challenge, power up your winged flywheel stunt bike and let it go! Avoid the spinning shark wheel to strike the barrels and reveal the chest of diamonds. But watch out for the scary skeleton that’s guarding the treasure!
Water Police Detective Missions
Dive into an awesome world of interactive adventures with LEGO® City Missions! Step away from building instructions and set out on exciting water police missions with LEGO City Adventures TV series character Duke DeTain. Meet a fun lineup of on-screen characters, customize your cool speedboat and play the lead role in exciting digital stories! What will you build to save the day?
60265 - Ocean Exploration Base
Building Instructions (1/4)
Building Instructions (2/4)
Building Instructions (3/4)
Building Instructions (4/4)
Prepare for awesome LEGO® City Stuntz action! Join The Lone Wolf Biker for displays of speed and bravery aboard his flywheel-powered street-cruising machine, specially weighted at the rear for record-breaking wheelies. Hit ramps at full speed to perform soaring mid-air manoeuvres and rear-wheel landings. This moustachioed stunt rider has no fear. Hold tight!
The Blade Stunt Challenge
Join the LEGO® City Adventures TV series character Shirley Keeper and the awesome Stuntz rider at The Blade Stunt Challenge! Activate the flywheel-powered stunt bike and unleash it to smash through the barriers for a clean exit before the blades come crashing down!
Mars Spacecraft Exploration Missions
Dive into an awesome world of interactive adventures with LEGO® City Missions! Step away from building instructions and set out on exciting space exploration missions! Meet a fun line-up of on-screen characters, customise your cool spacecraft to complete fun challenges, and play the lead role in exciting digital stories. What will you build to save the day?
Barn & Farm Animals
Head down to the LEGO® City barn where you can care for a sheep, lamb, pig, piglet and a cow. Use the hose to wash the animals and clear up the poo! Grow crops in the greenhouse. Help the farmer take hay to the loft and use the barn’s hoist to unload items from the tractor’s trailer. Enjoy fun adventures with a host of cool characters, including Peach from the LEGO City Adventures TV series!
Water Police Detective Missions
Dive into an awesome world of interactive adventures with LEGO® City Missions! Step away from building instructions and set out on exciting water police missions with LEGO City Adventures TV series character Duke DeTain. Meet a fun line-up of on-screen characters, customise your cool speedboat and play the lead role in exciting digital stories! What will you build to save the day?
Grocery Store
Park your car, grab a shopping trolley and head into the LEGO® City Grocery Store. Help LEGO City Adventures TV series character Mr Produce serve the happy customers. Jump aboard the forklift truck and move the crates of fresh veggies. Fill the shelves and shopfront display and put the empty bottles into the recycling bin. This supermarket really is super!
Smashing Chimpanzee Stunt Loop
Activate your flywheel bike and head for the LEGO® City Smashing Chimpanzee Stunt Loop. Join high-flying LEGO City Stuntz rider aboard the cool, winged motorcycle. Hit the loop at top speed to defy gravity and launch from the ramp! Can you fly over the mechanical chimpanzee, or will it break down the walls with its powerful arms? Prepare for ‘smashing’ real-life stunt action!
Wild Animal Rescue Missions
Dive into an awesome world of interactive adventures with LEGO® City Missions! Step away from building instructions and set out on exciting animal-rescue missions! Meet a fun line-up of on-screen characters, customise your pickup truck to complete fun challenges and play the lead role in exciting digital stories. What will you build to save the day?
Chicken Henhouse
Join the farmer aboard her cool quad bike and head over to the LEGO® City Chicken Henhouse. Have the chickens laid any eggs? Slide out the drawer and check it out! Yes! Load the eggs into the crate, then make sure the chickens are healthy and happy before heading back home for a delicious breakfast.
Mobile Crane
Jump aboard the mighty mobile crane and drive to LEGO® City for some heavy-duty lifting. This awesome 6-wheeled truck is packed with cool functions. Lower the support legs, then lift, rotate and extend the boom to winch the Road Plate into position – building your city has never been so much fun! When you’re done, secure the winch hook and head out to the next job.
Reckless Scorpion Stunt Bike
Power up the flywheel stunt bike and prepare for real-life, 2-wheel action with the LEGO® City Stuntz team! Join LEGO City stunt ace and wrestling enthusiast Scorpion Luchadora and her pet scorpion mascot for amazing stunt performances. Fly from ramps for awesome mid-air manoeuvres and cool landings! Hold tight… this reckless horned rider has a sting in her tail!
Lunar Space Station
Join the crew aboard the NASA-inspired Lunar Space Station. Take a space walk high above the Moon to check the station’s solar panels and power cell. Use the station’s arm to retrieve the orbiting meteor and place it into the cargo module for examination in the science lab. Then load up the space capsule with samples to transport back to Earth, before you grab a ‘light’ snack and float off to bed!
LEGO® City Hospital Race
It’s race day at the LEGO® City Hospital! But who’ll be first to cross the finish line? Check out this ‘QUACKERS’ video to find out!
Check out ‘Wheelie’s’ donut delivery service!
Hey! Chief Wheeler and his team really have it figured out when it comes to donut deliveries! How would you make police work awesome? Check out this video and share YOUR ideas right here!
Check out Wallop’s uplifting stunt performance at the City Hospital!
Zoom in for fun LEGO® Stuntz escapades as the super-charged human wrecking ball Wallop reveals he’s just a teddy bear at heart! Check out his uplifting stunt performance at the LEGO® City Hospital – all to help Citrus the clown brighten up a kid’s day! Roll VT! Note* Tricks AND selfie sticks? Leave that stuff to the minifigures. Always ride safely! “Leave the awesome bike stunts to LEGO City citizens”
Check out this shark-infested Wheelie Challenge!
Join the awesome Stuntz teams for the terrifying LEGO® City Stuntz Wheelie Challenge! Bravery, balance and a love of heights, lava and sharks are the key to victory! Who’ll win? Will it be the red team with the soaring super-mind Rocket Racer, or the blue team with the cool-headed creator Raze?
Check out these inspiring LEGO® City Stuntz courses!
Power up your creativity with this montage of epic LEGO® City Stuntz courses, including the Scariest Cup O’Gaters and the Lava Shark Crossing! Packed with inspiration for your own Stuntz course creations!
Who’s BEAM firing the laser?
Uh-oh! It’s best not to press buttons when you don’t know what they’re for.
Flying firetrucks are awesome!
Check out these cool-headed, high-flying, cat-rescuing firefighters! How will you make firefighting awesome? Share your creations right here on LEGO® Life!
Police dancing is AWESOME!
Check out Chief Wheeler and his officers making their own dance routine joined by some snake-hipped crooks! How would you make police work awesome? Share your creations right here on LEGO® Life!
ZOOM in for a spectacular Stuntz Challenge!
It’s Red vs. Blue – Spotlight vs. Alex. Check out this pencil-pounding, tunnel-travelling, hoop-hopping LEGO® City Stuntz challenge! Power and accuracy are the key to victory! Who will prevail? You get to find out right here! Tricks AND selfie sticks? Leave that stuff to the minifigures. Always ride safe.
Who’ll win the lunar space race?
Join the astronauts on the lunar surface for an out-of-this-world space race!
LEGO® City Games
LEGO® Tower
Build and operate your own LEGO® Tower! Construct a wide range of apartments and businesses for your Minifigure residents to live, work and play in. Visit your friends’ towers and trade items to help them build. Collect hundreds of unique Minifigure pieces and discover hidden characters. Build your dream LEGO® Tower to new heights, the sky's the limit!
Prison Island Interactive Video
HEY! Here's your chance to help the cops catch the nasty crooks escaping LEGO® City Prison Island! Just swipe and click your way through this fun interactive adventure!
LEGO® City Stuntz Ride
Feel the thrill and put your stunts skills to the test in the city. Jump, crush and wheelie like no other rides!
LEGO® City Builder
Mayor Fleck is on holiday and you’re in charge! Help new city dwellers connect using the all-new Road Plates and bring LEGO® City to life!
LEGO® CITY Explorers
Blast off into fun and adventure in outer space with the LEGO® City Explorers app! Launch your own digital rocket and go on missions like a real astronaut. This awesome new app is inspired by NASA and the incredible adventures astronauts go on all the time.
- Рекомендованный возраст: 6+
- Количество деталей: 497 шт.
- 5 минифигурок
- Размеры исследовательской базы: 20x27x15 см
- Размеры глубоководного дрона: 3x6x3 см
- Материал: пластик
Штрих код GTIN-13: 5702016617993
Страна производства из предпоследней поставки была: Чехия
Гарантия: проверка при покупке
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Раскрывать секреты океана, исследовать тайны его глубин вместе с конструктором LEGO City Oceans 60265 «Океан: исследовательская база» становится еще увлекательнее. Эта база оснащена всем необходимым для настоящих исследователей: спальней, исследовательскими модулями, подводной лодкой, дроном, изучающим дно, и многим другим. Такая детальность изображения позволяет ребенку в процессе игры познакомиться с устройством подобных мест в реальности. При помощи входящей в набор барокамеры осуществите процесс отстыковки и начните погружение на океанское дно. А дальше фантазии и творческому мышлению ребенка не будет предела. Он может воссоздавать любые игровые ситуации, причем как с родителями, так и с друзьями (набор предусматривает процесс одновременного использования несколькими людьми). Интерактивность модели добавляют подвижный манипулятор, открывающаяся кабина и вращающийся винт. Собрать исследовательскую базу из 497 элементов достаточно просто, используя входящую в набор пошаговую инструкцию или ее цифровой аналог Instructions PLUS, размещенный в бесплатном мобильном приложении LEGO Building Instructions. Этот набор прекрасно справится с ролью подарка для мальчика и девочки в возрасте от 6 лет, будь то день рождения, именины, Новый год или любое другое торжество.
Набор позволяет развивать не только ловкость ребенка, но и его творческое мышление, формировать навык самостоятельной деятельности.
Вместе с этим набором игровая ситуация превращается в познавательный процесс.
Наличие пошаговой инструкции цифрового формата в бесплатном мобильном приложении делает процесс сборки модели интерактивным и более интересным для детей.
Возможность объединения с другими наборами LEGO City Oceans расширяет границы игры, позволяя воссоздавать более масштабные игровые ситуации.
В комплекте
497 элементов для сборки.
7 минифигурок: 5 фигурок исследователей, а также скат и акула.
Пошаговая инструкция по сборке (как в бумажном, так и цифровом формате).
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