Коды на игру лего бэтмен на псп
Enter one of the following codes at the computer in the Batcave or in Arkham Asylum at the hacked computer to unlock the corresponding cheat option, vehicle, or character. Note: Unlocked characters are only available in Free Play mode.
Result | Code |
Extras | |
Always Score Multiplier | 9LRGNB |
Area Effect (Sonic suit) | TL3EKT |
Armor Plating (Demolition suit) | N8JZEK |
Bats (Sonic suit) | XFP4E2 |
Beep Beep | RAFTU8 |
Character Studs | DY13BD |
Decoy (Technology suit) | TQ09K3 |
Disguise | GEC3MD |
Extra Toggle (extra Free mode characters) | EWAW7W |
Extra Hearts | ML3KHP |
Fast Batarangs (all suits) | JRBDCB |
Fast Build | GHJ2DY |
Fast Grapple (all suits) | RM4PR8 |
Fast Walk (Magnet suit) | ZOLM6N |
Faster Pieces (Attract suit) | EVG26J |
Flaming Batarangs (Heat protection suit) | D8NYWH |
Freeze Batarang (Water suit) | XPN4NG |
Ice Rink | KLKL4G |
Immune to Freeze | JXUDY6 |
Invincibility | WYD5CP |
Minikit Detector | ZXGH9J |
More Batarang Targets | XWP645 |
More Detonators (Demolition suit) | TNTN6B |
Piece Detector (Attract suit) | KHJ544 |
Power Brick Detector | MMN786 |
Regenerate Hearts | HJH7HJ |
Score x2 Multiplier | N4NR3E |
Score x4 Multiplier | CX9MAT |
Score x6 Multiplier | MLVNF2 |
Score x8 Multiplier | WCCDB9 |
Score x10 Multiplier | 18HW07 |
Silohuettes | YK4TPH |
Slam (Glide suit) | BBD7BY |
Sonic Pain | THTL4X |
Stud Magnet | LK2DY4 |
Vehicles | |
Bat-Tank | KNTT4B |
Bruce Wayne's private jet | LEA664 |
Catwoman's motorcycle | HPL826 |
Garbage truck | DUS483 |
Goon helicopter | GCH328 |
Harbor helicopter | CHP735 |
Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck | RDT637 |
The Joker's van | JUK657 |
Mad Hatter's Glider | HS000W |
Mad Hatter's Steamboat | M4DM4N |
Mr. Freeze's Iceberg | ICYICE |
Mr. Freeze's Kart | BCT229 |
Penguin Goon Submarine | BTN248 |
Police bike | LJP234 |
Police boat | PLC999 |
Police car | KJL832 |
Police helicopter | CWR732 |
Police van | MAC788 |
Police watercraft | VJD328 |
Riddler's jet | HAHAHA |
Robin's submarine | TTF453 |
Two-Face's armored truck | EFE933 |
Characters | |
Alfred Pennyworth | ZAQ637 |
Batgirl | JKR331 |
Bruce Wayne | BDJ327 |
Catwoman (classic) | M1AAWW |
Clown Goon | HJK327 |
Commissioner Gordon | DDP967 |
Fishmonger | HGY748 |
Freeze Girl | XVK541 |
Freeze Henchman | NJL412 |
The Joker (tropical) | CCB199 |
Joker Goon | UTF782 |
Joker Henchman | YUN924 |
Nightwing | MVY759 |
Mad Hatter | JCA283 |
Man-Bat | NYU942 |
Military Policeman | MKL382 |
Penguin Goon | NKA238 |
Penguin Henchman | BJH782 |
Penguin Minion | KJP748 |
Poison Ivy Goon | GTB899 |
Police marksman | HKG984 |
Police officer | JRY983 |
S.W.A.T. | HTF114 |
Riddler Goon | CRY928 |
Riddler Henchman | XEU824 |
Sailor | NAV592 |
Scientist | JFL786 |
Security Guard | PLB946 |
Yeti | NJL412 |
Zoo Sweeper | DWR243 |
Getting "True Hero" and "True Villain" ranks
Collect coins in a level to completely fill the "True Hero" or "True Villain" bar to get the corresponding rank for that level.
Arkham bonus level
Get a "True Villain" rank on all levels in the Villain storyline. To reach the mission, go to right of the Batcomputer. Go down the ramp, and pull the lever to get to the villains. Go through the door on the right, and look in the corner to reach the memorabilia room. Climb the ladder at the top to access the Arkham level.
Wayne Manor bonus level
Get a "True Hero" rank on all levels in the Hero storyline. To reach the mission, go to where the vehicles are in the Batcave. Go to the far right, then down to the bottom. Step on the elevator to go to the memorabilia room. The Wayne Manor mission is in upper left corner.
Bonus vehicles
Successfully Successfully complete the the indicated task to unlock the corresponding vehicle:
Killer Croc's Swamp Rider: Successfully complete the "Harboring A Grudge" level. Scarecrow's Bi-Plane: Successfully complete the "Biplane Blast" level. The Joker's Helicopter: Successfully complete the "Biplane Blast" level. The Penguin's Sub: Successfully complete the "Harboring A Grudge" level.
Successfully Successfully complete the the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:
Alfred Pennyworth: Successfully complete "The Riddler's Revenge" level. Bane: Successfully complete the "Rockin' The Docks" level. Barbara Gordon (Batgirl): Successfully complete "The Riddler's Revenge" level. Catwoman: Successfully complete the "Stealing The Show" level. Clayface: Successfully complete "The Riddler Makes A Withdrawl" level. Commissioner James Gordon: Successfully complete "The Riddler's Revenge" level. Dick Grayson (Nightwing): Successfully complete "The Riddler's Revenge" level. Dr. Victor Fries (Mr. Freeze): Successfully complete the "On The Rocks" level. Harley Quinn: Successfully complete the "A Surprise For The Commissioner" level. Hush: Rescue all 25 hostages. Man-Bat: Purchasable after successfully completing the "Zoo's Company" level. Penguin: Successfully complete the "Rockin' The Docks" level. Poison Ivy: Successfully complete the "Green Fingers" level. Ras Al Ghul: Get a 100% game completion by assembling all mini-kits. Note: You must first spend 4 billion studs to unlock the last data item after buying all other data items. The Joker: Successfully complete the "A Surprise For The Commissioner" level. The Riddler: Successfully complete "The Riddler Makes A Withdrawl" level. Two-Face: Successfully complete the "An Enterprising Theft" level.
Successfully complete a level with The Joker. You should then have him in the prison. Go to the experiment room at the prison. Start zapping the Joker Henchmen that keep walking into the room. Zap the villain that follows you every so often. Every time you zap the villain that follows you, the Henchmen will give an increasing number of Studs after they are zapped and killed.
Power Brick locations
Power Bricks can be found at the following locations:
You Can Bank On Batman: The Power Brick is hidden on the left side of the cage that Clayface stands on.
An Icy Reception: In the building behind the catwalk after you find the ice cream on the floor, you must glide to the Power Brick from where you built the grappling grab spot. You will also need to do it in Free Play mode because you need someone who has super strength such as Clayface or Mr. Freeze.
Two-Face Chase: The Power Brick is hidden in the final stage of the level where you fight Two-Face. It is in the top left corner of the park on the left, behind some explosive barrels.
Riddler Makes A Withdrawal: Build a car out of the pieces of the neon light on the side of one of the buildings after you come out of the elevator. Take the car to the area where you build the wrecking ball. In the top right corner is a car compacter. Roll the car in there, then mind control the person to pull the second lever. Note: This must be done in Free Play mode.
On The Rocks: In the first room after you go inside, freeze all of the ice cream floats, and go across them. Do not mind control the person and raise the level. At the end of the floats is an iron gate. Blow it open, and go inside. Go up the ladder and down to where the hanging bars are located. Break the crates, build the switch, cross the bridge, and complete the glass sculpture. Note: This must be done in Free Play mode.
Green Fingers: In the room where you first use your power to grow plants, there is a ledge above the big plant thing. There are iron bars blocking the left passage of this ledge. Blow it open, and use Robin in the Attract suit to build a truck with a cake in the back. Bake the cake, and the Power Brick will appear. Note: This must be done in Free Play mode.
YK4TPH - чepныe cилyэты вмecтo пepcoнaжeй;
RAFTU8 - би-бип! (нaжмитe Z внyтpи любoгo тpaнcпopтнoгo cpeдcтвa);
KLKL4G - пoл cтaнoвитcя cкoльзким, кaк лeд;
GEC3MD - фaльшивыe oчки и ycы нa вcex пepcoнaжax;
EWAW7W - пoкaзaть нa ypoвняx pacпoлoжeниe бoнycoв,
N4NR3E - кaждaя фишкa "Лeгo" пpeвpaщaeтcя в двe;
CX9MAT - . в чeтыpe;
MLVNF2 - . в шecть;
WCCDB9 - . в вoceмь;
18HW07 - . в дecять;
LK2DY4 - yвeличивaeт paдиyc cбopa фишeк "Лeгo";
DY13BD - из вpaгoв вывaливaютcя фишки "Лeгo";
ZXGH9J - пoявляeтcя cтpeлкa, yкaзывaющaя нa миникиты;
MMN786 - тo жe caмoe для cyпepблoкoв;
9LRGNB - кaждaя пoдoбpaннaя фишкa "Лeгo"
пoвышaeт мнoжитeль зaчиcляeмыx нa cчeт фишeк;
GHJ2DY - cбop пpeдмeтoв из блoкoв "Лeгo" пpoиcxoдит нaмнoгo быcтpeй, чeм oбычнo
JXUDY6 - дeлaeт гepoя нeyязвимым к xoлoдy;
HJH7HJ - пocтeпeннo вoccтaнaвливaeт здopoвьe co вpeмeнeм;
ML3KHP - шecть cepдeц вмecтo oбычныx чeтыpex;
WYD5CP - вpaги нe cмoгyт вac пopaнить, нo вceвoзмoжныe лoвyшки
и пaдeния в пpoпacть ocтaнyтcя вpeдны для здopoвья;
BDJ327 - Бpюc Уэйн;
ZAQ637 - Aльфpeд;
JKR331 - Бэтгepл;
MVY759 - Haйтвинг (пepвaя вepcия Poбинa);
DDP967 - кoмиccap Гopдoн;
JRY983 - oфицep пoлиции;
HGY748 - pыбoтopгoвeц;
MKL382 - вoopyжeнный пoлицeйcкий;
PLB946 - oxpaнник;
HTF114 - cпeцнaзoвeц;
JFL786 - yчeный;
NAV592 - мopяк;
HKG984 - пoлицeйcкий-cнaйпep;
M1AAWW - Жeнщинa-кoшкa (клaccичecкaя вepcия);
NYU942 - Man-Bat;
JCA283 - Шляпник;
CCB199 - Джoкep (тpoпичecкaя вepcия);
GTB899 - Ядoвитый Плющ;
DWR243 - yбopщик зooпapкa;
XVK541 - лeдянaя дeвyшкa;
NJL412 - Йeти;
CRY928 - гoлoвopeз Зaгaдoчникa;
XEU824 - пpиcпeшник Зaгaдoчникa;
NKA238 - гoлoвopeз Пингвинa;
BJH782 - пpиcпeшник Пингвинa;
KJP748 - миньoн Пингвинa;
UTF782 - гoлoвopeз Джoкepa;
YUN924 - пpиcпeшник Джoкepa;
HJK327 - клoyн Джoкepa;
KJL832 - пoлицeйcкaя мaшинa;
LJP234 - пoлицeйcкий мoтoцикл;
MAC788 - пoлицeйcкий микpoaвтoбyc;
KNTT4B - бэт-тaнк;
HPL826 - мoтoцикл Жeнщины-кoшки;
EFE933 - гpyзoвик Двyликoгo;
BCT229 - кapт миcтepa Фpизa;
RDT637 - xaммep Xapли Kвинa;
JUK657 - гpyзoвик Джoкepa;
DUS483 - мycopoвoз;
TTF453 - пoдлoдкa Poбинa;
VJD328 - пoлицeйcкий кaтep нa вoздyшнoй пoдyшкe;
PLC999 - пoлицeйcкaя лoдкa;
BTN248 - пoдлoдкa Пингвинa;
ICYICE - aйcбepг миcтepa Фpизa;
M4DM4N - пapoxoд Шляпникa;
CHP735 - пopтoвый вepтoлeт;
CWR732 - пoлицeйcкий вepтoлeт;
LEA664 - иcтpeбитeль Бpюca Уэйнa;
GCH328 - вepтoлeт гoлoвopeзoв;
HAHAHA - иcтpeбитeль Зaгaдoчникa;
HS000W - глaйдep Шляпникa;
RM4PR8 - быcтpый кpюк (вce кocтюмы - здecь и дaлee в cкoбкax yкaзaнo
нaзвaниe кocтюмa, c кoтopым paбoтaeт кoд);
JRBDCB - быcтpыe бэтapaнги (вce кocтюмы);
XWP645 - бoльшe цeлeй для бэтapaнгoв (вce кocтюмы);
D8NYWH - oгнeнныe бэтapaнги (Heat Protection);
BBD7BY - cлэм (Glide Suit);
TNTN6B - бoльшe дeтoнaтopoв (Demolition Suit);
N8JZEK - yлyчшeннaя бpoня (Demolition Suit);
THTL4X - звyкoвoй yдap (Sonic Suit);
TL3EKT - звyкoвoй yдap дeйcтвyeт нa плoщaдь (Sonic Suit);
XFP4E2 - лeтyчиe мыши (Sonic Suit);
XPN4NG - лeдянoй бэтapaнг (Water Suit);
TQ09K3 - пpимaнкa (Technology Suit);
ZOLM6N - быcтpaя xoдьбa (Magnet Suit);
EVG26J - быcтpaя cбopкa (Attract Suit);
KHJ544 - дeтeктop блoкoв "Лeгo" (Attract Suit).
Код. Результат:
YK4TPH. Silhouettes
RAFTU8. Beep Beep
KLKL4G. Ice Rink
GEC3MD. Disguise
EWAW7W. Extra Toggle
N4NR3E. Score x2
CX9MAT. Score x4
MLVNF2. Score x6
WCCDB9. Score x8
18HW07. Score x10
LK2DY4. Stud Magnet
DY13BD. Character Studs
ZXGH9J. Minikit Detector
MMN786. Power Brick Detector
9LRGNB. Always Score Multiply
GHJ2DY. Fast Build
JXUDY6. Immune To Freeze
HJH7HJ. Regenerate Hearts
ML3KHP. Extra Hearts
WYD5CP. Invincibility
Код. Результат:
RM4PR8. Fast Grapple (All Suits)
JRBDCB. Fast Batarangs (All Suits)
XWP645. More Batarang Targets (All Suits)
D8NYWH. Flaming Batarang (Heat Protection Suit)
BBD7BY. Slam (Glide Suit)
TNTN6B. More Detonators (Demolition Suit)
N8JZEK. Armour Plating (Demolition Suit)
THTL4X. Sonic Pain (Sonic Suit)
TL3EKT. Area Effect (Sonic Suit)
XFP4E2. Bats (Sonic Suit)
XPN4NG. Freeze Batarang (Water Suit)
TQ09K3. Decoy (Technology Suit)
ZOLM6N. Fast Walk (Magnet Suit)
EVG26J. Faster Pieces(Attract Suit)
KHJ544. Piece Detector (Attract Suit)
Код. Результат:
BDJ327. Bruce Wayne
ZAQ637. Alfred
JKR331. Batgirl
MVY759. Nightwing
DDP967. Commissioner Gordon
JRY983. Police Officer
HGY748. Fishmonger
MKL382. Military Policeman
PLB946. Security Guard
HTF114. S.W.A.T.
JFL786. Scientist
NAV592. Sailor
HKG984. Police Marksman
M1AAWW . Catwoman (Classic)
NYU942. Man-Bat
JCA283. Mad Hatter
CCB199. The Joker (Tropical)
GTB899. Poison Ivy Goon
DWR243. Zoo Sweeper
XVK541. Freeze Girl
NJL412. Yeti
CRY928. Riddler Goon
XEU824. Riddler Henchman
NKA238. Penguin Goon
BJH782. Penguin Henchman
KJP748. Penguin Minion
UTF782. Joker Goon
YUN924. Joker Henchman
HJK327. Clown Goon
Код. Результат:
KJL832. Police Car
LJP234. Police Bike
MAC788. Police Van
KNTT4B. Bat-Tank
HPL826. Catwoman's Motorcycle
EFE933. Two-Face's Armored Truck
BCT229. Mr. Freeze's Kart
RDT637. Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
JUK657. The Jokers Van
DUS483. Garbage Truck
TTF453. Robin's Submarine
VJD328. Police Watercraft
PLC999. Police Boat
BTN248. Penguin Goon Submarine
ICYICE. Mr. Freeze's Iceberg
M4DM4N. Mad Hatter's Steamboat
CHP735. Harbor Helicopter
CWR732. Police Helicopter
LEA664. Bruce Wayne's Private Jet
GCH328. Goon Helicopter
HAHAHA. Riddler's Jet
HS000W. Mad Hatter's Glider
Сегодня вашему вниманию мы предлагаем подборку кодов для LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, которая повысит уровень веселья в игре и упростит ее прохождение.
Чтобы ввести код, нужно приостановить игру, выбрать пункт настроек «Дополнительно» (Extras в английской версии игры), и найти пункт «Ввести код» (Enter Code). Далее вы можете ввести один из следующих кодов, чтобы активировать соответствующую функцию:
Вдвое больше денег
Собрать деньги
Вдвое больше силы
Beep Beep
Включить маскировку
Получить больше здоровья
Восстановить здоровье
Бесконечное здоровье
Дополнительный кривошип
Супер билд
Получить золотой брусок
Получить minikit
Получить peril
Получить красный кирпич
Получить крюк
Активировать мотоцикл Харли Квинн
Некоторых персонажей можно заспавнить. Для этого нужно ввести следующий код:
Офицер полиции
Мини игры, улучшающие Red Brick Minikit:
В парке Готэма вы можете найти мини-игру с лодками. Стреляйте по подводным лодкам, чтобы разблокировать Red Brick Minikit. Чтобы его приобрести потребуется 50.000 кредитов. Усилить этот предмет можно найдя компьютер Бэтмена рядом с полицейским участком. Двигайтесь влево от него, пока не увидите мини-игру. Сыграйте в нее, а после разбейте ближайшую машину с помощью своего автомобильного молота, чтобы получить Red Brick Х2.
Когда вы будете биться с прототипом LexBot ближе к концу 9 уровня, робот в определенный момент может побежать к стене. Если в этот момент его ударить, то он ответит так сильно, как Бэйн-Головорез из Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PSP cheats we have available for LEGO Batman.
Character Customization. ALL GONE.
While you are in the Batcave go to the place where you can switch your costume (like the heat suit etc. ) Then where the computer is turn right. You should still be going. There is a place where you can go to Arkham Asylum (if unlocked. ) if it is not unlocked you have to finish all the missions in the batcave. Go to the place with the 2 doors. Go to the second door. Go to the place where you can customize your own player. When you are done test it. Then walk in the wall then come out of the place. If you put on a cape it will be gone, you also should see colorful dots all over your player also no cape! But if you go in the place where you customize, everything will come back.
Mad Hatter's Glider
Enter HS000W as a code.
Infinite Studs
Get the joker go to the batcave/arkham and go to a door where people come out and just keep joy-buzzing them when they come out.
Create-a-Hero Glich
After you create your character, you can test it. But when you do, you can't tag with anyone else. Go to the mission room in Arkam Assylum and enter the mission select screen. Back out and you should be able to tag others. Go all the way back to the character creation room and you can bring out your 2nd created character. Do this a 2nd time and you will see a double of yourself!
Make Your Own Character
To create your own character you have to unlock Arkham asylum. Then go by the two big screens, enter the door that leads to the hallway with a black and white floor. Then enter the other door that leads to the maximum security area. Next go past the jail cells and go down the hallway then enter the door that leads to the experiment room. There you will see two people hanging by there arms you can walk up to it create your own player. Hit square to test it and you can play with it.
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