Коды к игре lego pirates of the caribbean
В папке с игрой "Pirates of The Caribbean" находим каталог "PROGRAM" и копируем из него два файла "seadogs.c" и "init_pc.c" в папку "PROGRAM/CONTROLS". Теперь запускайте игру и используйте нижеследующие клавиши :
[Y] - неуязвимость (вкл/выкл);
[U] - режим от первого лица (вкл/выкл);
[I] - +100000 золотых монет;
[O] - +50 единиц опыта;
[P] - установить отношения со всеми нациями как нейтральные.
Секреты для игры Pirates of The Caribbean
На предложение Малькольма в начале игры потренироваться отказываемся, но просим его проводить на берег. На пирсе говорим Малькольму, чтобы провел к продавцу. Когда он выйдет с пирса, стреляем в него (выстрел-блок-выстрел). Когда Малькольм умрёт, на 6-ом уровне, в локации "Странный дом", вам дадут шпагу "Губитель мельниц"!
Меч "Горец" можно найти в катакомбах под Редмондом, хотя он не так уж и хорош!?
Как повысит плохую репутацию?
Плохую репутацию можно повысить в церкви, нужно просто подойти к попу и дать пожертвование церкви. Примерно за 60000 тысяч пиастров будет отличная репутация!
Как можно легко заработать деньги?
В самом начале игры достаточно тяжело зарабатывать деньги. Но всё же есть метод, каким их можно заработать не приходя к торговле. Идём в таверну (tavern), и находим человека который предложит стать вашим офицером. Начинаемс ним торговаться и уменьшаем цену (даже если он и начнет отказываться) в минуса (это означает, что он вам даст денег). Таким образом можно заработать 50000 золотых монет.
Прокачка героя!
В начале игры форт Оксбей - бессмертный (пока ещё французский). Добываем корабль получше, закупаемся кулевринами, мочим охрану (расстреливаем с безопасного расстояния), заием подплываем к форту Оксбей и тоже с безопасного расстояния расстреливаем его. Залп +500 EXP, прокачиваем героя до SUPERMAN'а и наслаждаемся. Если проблема с деньгами, то воспользуйтесь трюком с ростовщиком и его сундуком.
Как защищаться от пиратов?
В начале игры пираты всегда будут большой проблемой, но можно проделать небольшой трюк. Как только видим вблизи пиратов, переключаемся с карты мира (world map) на боевую карту (battle map) перед тем как они подойдут вплотную и затем назад - в карту мира (world map). Оп-па, пираты исчезли!?
Как легко разбить форт?
Достаточно иметь 1 линкор и 24 куливрины и подойти к форту с помощью [Enter]. Затем начать обстреливать его начиная с какой-то из сторон двигаясь к центру и всё, форт разбит!
Нужен опыт?
Покупаем корабль минимум 3-го уровня, ставим на него самые дешёвые пушки (стреляют почти одинаково, но перезаряжаются быстрее), отчаливаем и захватываем мановар, а уж на мановаре идём ломать форты, 1 выстрел - это приблизительно 1000 опыта, а за полностью разбомбленный форт дают 20000 опыта! Таким образом наживаем себе кучу врагов, но на пиратском острове в таверне есть человек, который за незначительную сумму денег может наладить ваши отношения с любой державой .
Дополнительно к игре Pirates of The Caribbean можно посмотреть коды для игр Age of Pirates. Carribean Tales, Age of Pirates 2. City of Abandoned Ships и Sea Dogs, а также коды для игры Корсары 3.
Home » Cheats » PC Cheats » Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Codes, Cheats, Tips and Secrets List (Wii, PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Codes, Cheats, Tips and Secrets List (Wii, PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Our LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Codes, Cheats, Tips and Secrets List.
You can enter these codes from the main menu then selecting Extras and then Enter Code.
Don’t want to cheat to get the Red Hats? Then check out our Red Hats Locations Guide!
Will the Bonus Codes mess with Trophies/Achievements? No, they do not. They didn’t with previous games in the Lego series, and this time is no different, because you can keep earning Achievements or Trophies for this game while using cheat codes.
Table of Contents
Cheat Codes
Index of Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Guides:
- This Page: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Cheat Codes List
- New Page: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Walkthrough
- New Page: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Ships in a Bottle Minikits Locations Guide
- New Page: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Red Hats Locations Guide
- New Page: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Characters List & Unlock Guide
- New Page: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Achievements & Trophies Guide
- New Page: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Gold Bricks Guide
- For Fun: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Review
Character Unlock Codes
How to activate codes: You can enter these codes from the Main Menu then selecting Extras and then Enter Code.
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean cheats video guide:
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean cheats list:
Ammand – EW8T6T
Angelica (Disquise) – DLRR45
Angry Cannibal – VGF32C
Blackbeard – D3DW0D
Clanker – ZM37GT
Clubba – 644THF
Davy Jones – 4DJLKR
Governor Weatherby Swann – LD9454
Gunner – Y611WB
Hungry Cannibal -64BNHG
Jack Sparrow (Drunk?) – VDJSPW (You have to be at the Port)
Jacoby – BWO656
Jimmy Legs – 13GLW5
King George – RKED43
Koehler – RT093G
Mistress Ching – GDETDE
Philip – WEV040
Quartermaster – RX58HU
The Spaniard – P861JO
Twigg – KDLFKD
Red Hat Unlock Codes
While we had hoped to have these unlock codes as soon as possible, it doesn’t look likely. Developer Traveller’s Tales has said in an email to our reader Tobias — and I quote — that:
“There are no codes this time for the Red Hats in LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean. Treasure x2 can be found by quickly jumping on the 5 pillars on the beach in front of the Level Select boards. It costs 500,000 studs. This should get you on your way to completing the game quicker!”
скажите код чтоб всех персов открыть.
Ammand Corsair . ew8t6t
Анжелика (замаскированный ). dlrr45
Злой Cannibal . vgf32c
Черная Борода . d3dw0d
Clanker . zm37gt
Clubba . 644thf
Дэйви Джонс . 4djlkr
Губернатор Weatherby Суонн . ld9454
Наводчик . y611wb
Голодные Cannibal . 64bnhg
Джек Воробей . vdjspw
Джейкоби . bwo656
Джимми Ноги . 13glw5
Король Георг . rked43
Келер . rt093g
Госпожа Цин . gdetde
Филипп . wev040
Квартирмейстера . rx58hu
Испанец . p861jo
Твигг . kdlfkd
dlrr45 — Анжелика (замаскированная)
vgf32c — злой каннибал
d3dw0d — Черная Борода
zm37gt — Клэнкер
644thf — Клабба
4djlkr — Дейви Джонс
ld9454 — Витербай Суонн
y611wb — стрелок
64bnhg — голодный каннибал
vdjspw — Джек Воробей
bwo656 — Джакоби
13glw5 — Джимми Легс
rked43 — король Джордж
rt093g — Келер
gdetde — госпожа Цин
wev040 — Филип
rx58hu — Квартирмейстер
p861jo — испанец
kdlfkd — Туигг
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Code |
Ammand the Corsair | ew8t6t |
Angelica (disguised) | dlrr45 |
Angry Cannibal | vgf32c |
Blackbeard | d3dw0d |
Clanker | zm37gt |
Clubba | 644thf |
Davy Jones | 4djlkr |
Governor Weatherby Swann | ld9454 |
Gunner | y611wb |
Hungry Cannibal | 64bnhg |
Jack Sparrow | vdjspw |
Jacoby | bwo656 |
Jimmy Legs | 13glw5 |
King George | rked43 |
Koehler | rt093g |
Mistress Ching | gdetde |
Phillip | wev040 |
Quartermaster | rx58hu |
The Spaniard | p861jo |
Twigg | kdlfkd |
Minikit and collectable locations
Search the indicated locations to find all minikits, compasses, and other collectables:
The Black Pearl Attacks
Smuggler's Den
Isla De Muerta
Red hat locations
Search the indicated locations to find all fast, health, secret, and treasure red hats:
Fast Dig: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Walk all the way to the left, and open the bridge by rebuilding it and using the barrels for the switch. Walk across to the bridge to find the red hat. It costs 50,000 studs.
Fast Forge: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. Walk as far as you can to the right/east to the end of the docks. Use a character that can rebuild the hot metal. Rebuild the metal at the end, and the red hat will appear. It costs 75,000 studs.
Fast Build: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the gate on the right/east. In front of the lighthouse are some golden bricks; you need 32 golden bricks. After rebuilding, destroy it, then rebuild it again. Turn the golden wheel two or three times, get into the new platform, and the red hat will be inside of the lighthouse. It costs 125,000 studs.
Health Hats
Fall Rescue: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. In the front of the large inn, you will see three targets on the wall. Shoot them all with a character that uses a gun, and the red hat will appear. It costs 175,000 studs.
Extra Hearts: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water with the alligator. Swim onto the floating piece of wood. Use a character that has bombs, and throw it in the water on the shining rock. It will blow up and raise the wooden planks. Then, swim across the southern side to the beach, and turn the wheel tight, until the flowers appear on the new bridge. Use a female character to jump from the bridge to the poles. Jump back and forth, and the red hat will appear. It costs 500,000 studs.
Regenerate Hearts: From the starting spot in the port, swim south in the body of water where the alligator is, and go to the beach. Go to the far right on the beach, and you will see golden bricks. Rebuild them, then destroy them again, and the red hat will appear. It costs 275,000 studs.
Invincibility: You need Blackbeard to obtain this red hat. From the starting spot in the port, walk all the way left/west through the golden gate and across the bridge that you create with the rolling barrels. Inside the shack, on the far left hand side of the room, you will see a chest that is black and red. Use Blackbeard's power to open it. It costs 1,000,000 studs.
Secret Hats
Disguise Hat: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. You will immediately see a giant lighthouse. Walk behind it, and you will see some dynamite in a barrel. Use the torch below the dynamite to light it. Once it explodes, the red hat will appear. It costs 25,000 studs.
Extra Toggle: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. You will see a giant Inn. To get on the roof of the Inn, go as far left/west as you can go, without walking across the bridge over the swamp. Go up the stairway, and follow the path to the right to find a silver gate. Blow it up with bombs or a big gun/bazooka to find the red hat. It costs 100,000 studs.
Breath Underwater: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water with Jacoby. Along the seafloor are three silver chains. Blow them up with Jacoby's bombs. When all three explode, the red hat will appear. It costs 250,000 studs.
Red Hat Finder: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. When you are in front of the giant lighthouse, use Jack's compass. Point it at the red hat, and follow it to a ring of red flowers. Destroy the flowers, and the red hat will appear. It costs 300,000 studs.
Minikit Bottle Finder: From the starting spot in the port, swim across the body of water to the southern beach. Then, use the Ancient Sailor to beat up the crabs. When they get tired, jump on one, and walk to the rock in the middle to find the red hat. It costs 400,000 studs.
Treasure Hats
Treasure Magnet: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water, and swim to the southern shoreline. On the west/left most side of the beach, you will see golden bricks. Rebuild them, then destroy them again, and the red hat will appear. It costs 225,000 studs.
Treasure x2: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water, and swim to the southern beach. On the shoreline are five poles. Jump on all of them as fast as possible. Have all of them down before one of them rises back up again, and the red hat will appear. It costs 500,000 studs.
Treasure x4: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Walk as far as the well. To the north you will see a wall blocked by a red and black skull. Use Blackbeard's powers to open it. Once inside, locate the glass cage with a fish inside. Use a singing character to break the glass, and the red hat will appear. It costs 1,000,000 studs.
Treasure x6: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Keep walking until you get to the well. There are three metal/silver objects around the wall. Keep hitting them until the red hat appears from the well. It costs 1,500,000.
Treasure x8: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Keep walking left until you get to the swamp with the broken bridge. Build up the bridge. Then, ride a barrel on the switch by the bridge. Ride a second barrel across the bridge and onto the switch on the other side. The door will open. Enter the shack, and on the southern side, as soon as you enter, you should see a crate with white bunnies in it. Destroy this, and the red hat will appear. It costs 2,000,000 studs.
Treasure x10: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. You will see a giant lighthouse. In front of the lighthouse are some golden bricks. Rebuild them, destroy them again, and then rebuild the bricks again. Turn the golden wheel two or three times, and go onto the moving platform. It will take you up to the first level of the light house. Jump up and keep climbing up to the top of the lighthouse. On the top is a telescope. Look through it, and locate the island with the pirate on it. Watch the pirate's every move, following it as it opens three treasure chests. When it opens the last one, a red hat will appear next to you. It costs 2,500,000 studs.
Easy "Did Everybody See That?" achievement
Easy "Here There Be Monsters" achievement
At the beginning of the game, simply enter the water, and swim past the moss to get eaten by a shark and get the "Here There Be Monsters" achievement.
Easy "The Worst Pirate I've Ever Seen" achievement
Easy "You're Off The Edge Of The Map" achievement
Simply highlight the skull and crossbones on all four level select maps to get the "You're Off The Edge Of The Map" achievement.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Code |
Ammand the Corsair | ew8t6t |
Angelica (disguised) | dlrr45 |
Angry Cannibal | vgf32c |
Blackbeard | d3dw0d |
Clanker | zm37gt |
Clubba | 644thf |
Davy Jones | 4djlkr |
Governor Weatherby Swann | ld9454 |
Gunner | y611wb |
Hungry Cannibal | 64bnhg |
Jack Sparrow | vdjspw |
Jacoby | bwo656 |
Jimmy Legs | 13glw5 |
King George | rked43 |
Koehler | rt093g |
Mistress Ching | gdetde |
Phillip | wev040 |
Quartermaster | rx58hu |
The Spaniard | p861jo |
Twigg | kdlfkd |
Minikit and collectable locations
Search the indicated locations to find all minikits, compasses, and other collectables:
The Black Pearl Attacks
Smuggler's Den
Isla De Muerta
Red hat locations
Search the indicated locations to find all fast, health, secret, and treasure red hats:
Fast Dig: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Walk all the way to the left, and open the bridge by rebuilding it and using the barrels for the switch. Walk across to the bridge to find the red hat. It costs 50,000 studs.
Fast Forge: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. Walk as far as you can to the right/east to the end of the docks. Use a character that can rebuild the hot metal. Rebuild the metal at the end, and the red hat will appear. It costs 75,000 studs.
Fast Build: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the gate on the right/east. In front of the lighthouse are some golden bricks; you need 32 golden bricks. After rebuilding, destroy it, then rebuild it again. Turn the golden wheel two or three times, get into the new platform, and the red hat will be inside of the lighthouse. It costs 125,000 studs.
Health Hats
Fall Rescue: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. In the front of the large inn, you will see three targets on the wall. Shoot them all with a character that uses a gun, and the red hat will appear. It costs 175,000 studs.
Extra Hearts: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water with the alligator. Swim onto the floating piece of wood. Use a character that has bombs, and throw it in the water on the shining rock. It will blow up and raise the wooden planks. Then, swim across the southern side to the beach, and turn the wheel tight, until the flowers appear on the new bridge. Use a female character to jump from the bridge to the poles. Jump back and forth, and the red hat will appear. It costs 500,000 studs.
Regenerate Hearts: From the starting spot in the port, swim south in the body of water where the alligator is, and go to the beach. Go to the far right on the beach, and you will see golden bricks. Rebuild them, then destroy them again, and the red hat will appear. It costs 275,000 studs.
Invincibility: You need Blackbeard to obtain this red hat. From the starting spot in the port, walk all the way left/west through the golden gate and across the bridge that you create with the rolling barrels. Inside the shack, on the far left hand side of the room, you will see a chest that is black and red. Use Blackbeard's power to open it. It costs 1,000,000 studs.
Secret Hats
Disguise Hat: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. You will immediately see a giant lighthouse. Walk behind it, and you will see some dynamite in a barrel. Use the torch below the dynamite to light it. Once it explodes, the red hat will appear. It costs 25,000 studs.
Extra Toggle: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. You will see a giant Inn. To get on the roof of the Inn, go as far left/west as you can go, without walking across the bridge over the swamp. Go up the stairway, and follow the path to the right to find a silver gate. Blow it up with bombs or a big gun/bazooka to find the red hat. It costs 100,000 studs.
Breath Underwater: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water with Jacoby. Along the seafloor are three silver chains. Blow them up with Jacoby's bombs. When all three explode, the red hat will appear. It costs 250,000 studs.
Red Hat Finder: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. When you are in front of the giant lighthouse, use Jack's compass. Point it at the red hat, and follow it to a ring of red flowers. Destroy the flowers, and the red hat will appear. It costs 300,000 studs.
Minikit Bottle Finder: From the starting spot in the port, swim across the body of water to the southern beach. Then, use the Ancient Sailor to beat up the crabs. When they get tired, jump on one, and walk to the rock in the middle to find the red hat. It costs 400,000 studs.
Treasure Hats
Treasure Magnet: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water, and swim to the southern shoreline. On the west/left most side of the beach, you will see golden bricks. Rebuild them, then destroy them again, and the red hat will appear. It costs 225,000 studs.
Treasure x2: From the starting spot in the port, jump into the water, and swim to the southern beach. On the shoreline are five poles. Jump on all of them as fast as possible. Have all of them down before one of them rises back up again, and the red hat will appear. It costs 500,000 studs.
Treasure x4: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Walk as far as the well. To the north you will see a wall blocked by a red and black skull. Use Blackbeard's powers to open it. Once inside, locate the glass cage with a fish inside. Use a singing character to break the glass, and the red hat will appear. It costs 1,000,000 studs.
Treasure x6: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Keep walking until you get to the well. There are three metal/silver objects around the wall. Keep hitting them until the red hat appears from the well. It costs 1,500,000.
Treasure x8: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the left/west. Keep walking left until you get to the swamp with the broken bridge. Build up the bridge. Then, ride a barrel on the switch by the bridge. Ride a second barrel across the bridge and onto the switch on the other side. The door will open. Enter the shack, and on the southern side, as soon as you enter, you should see a crate with white bunnies in it. Destroy this, and the red hat will appear. It costs 2,000,000 studs.
Treasure x10: From the starting spot in the port, walk through the golden gate on the right/east. You will see a giant lighthouse. In front of the lighthouse are some golden bricks. Rebuild them, destroy them again, and then rebuild the bricks again. Turn the golden wheel two or three times, and go onto the moving platform. It will take you up to the first level of the light house. Jump up and keep climbing up to the top of the lighthouse. On the top is a telescope. Look through it, and locate the island with the pirate on it. Watch the pirate's every move, following it as it opens three treasure chests. When it opens the last one, a red hat will appear next to you. It costs 2,500,000 studs.
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