Коды для lego jurassic world
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Элли Деглер
Парень боец СК
Загонщик Эллис
Охотник из Ин-Ген
Миникит детектор
Нэш на Runway
Шпион из Ин-Ген
Джимми Фэллон
Водила из ПЮП
Двукратный множитель клавиш
Рейнджер из МЮП
Загонщик Боб
Хуанитта Ростагно
Девушка-ученый из Ин-Ген
Дитер старк
Загонщик Рапторов
Джимми Фэллон
Костюм Удески
Девушка боец СК
Генри Ву
S.S. Venture Crewman
Механник из Ин-Ген
Дженни (загонщик рапторов)
Джон Хаммонд из «Затерянного мира»
Оператор Гиросферы Джош
Охранник Джерри
Смотритель парка
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Помогите, игра вылетает на 3 части (3 фильме, если угодно), на второй миссии после битвы двух динозавров, ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ ? Пожалуйста, помогите
Помогите в 3 фильме на 2 миссии когда получаю парашут ломается анимация(стоит солдатиком и летит в такой позе)а после приземления игра вылетает.
Помогите , вылетает на миссии в 3 фильме надо сфоткать длиношея , а потом где наподают динозавстреляющие ядом , игра сраз вылетает
Dipper, в свободной игре надо подойти к ключевой точке и нажать переместиться сюда. Игра сразу выдаст: день или ночь. Но, повторюсь, это только в СВОБОДНОЙ ИГРЕ, т.е. когда будет пройден сюжет острова.
Home » Cheats » 3DS Cheats » Unlock All Lego Jurassic World Codes & Cheats List (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, 3DS, PS Vita)
Unlock All Lego Jurassic World Codes & Cheats List (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, 3DS, PS Vita)
Here’s how to unlock all Lego Jurassic World codes and cheats. All Lego Jurassic World cheat codes work for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, 3DS & PS Vita versions of this awesome Lego game. 😀
Find out where & how to enter all cheats into the game with this video guide:
Cheats Station Location: The Cheats Station panel to enter cheats at is in the Jurassic World HUB’s Innovation Center in the middle of the open world map. Once inside the building, it’s directly at the left side of the entrance.
Enter The Cheats Mode: To turn on cheat codes, you first have to be in-game in Lego Jurassic World. Next, during gameplay press pause. Like in every Lego game you can enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code”. After which you can activate the cheats. Remember that the next time you play the game, you’ll have to activate the cheats again if you want to keep using them.
Will the Bonus Codes mess with Trophies/Achievements?: No, they do not. They didn’t with previous games in the Lego series, and this time it’s no different, because you can keep earning Achievements or Trophies for this game while using cheat codes. Lego games are all about having fun!
Table of Contents
Index of Lego Jurassic World Guides:
- This Page: Lego Jurassic World Cheat Codes
- Next Page: Lego Jurassic World Cheats
- Next Page: Lego Jurassic World Walkthrough
- Next Page: Lego Jurassic World Red Bricks Locations Guide
- Next Page: Lego Jurassic World Amber Bricks Locations Guide
- Next Page: Lego Jurassic World Gold Bricks Locations Guide
- Next Page: Lego Jurassic World Money Cheats
The lists below give you the cheat description, followed by the code to enter into the game.
Lists are ordered alphabetically and all Lego Jurassic World cheat codes have been confirmed to work for their indicated game systems.
Please note: At first codes will most likely be for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U and PC versions of the game. With 3DS and PS Vita version codes possibly following later. You can always try them out, though, you might get lucky.
Red Brick Codes
How to activate codes: You can enter these codes from the game’s Main Menu (when you pause the game) then selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code”. After which you can activate the cheats in the menu.
- “Studs Score Multiplier x 2” Red Brick — 5MZ73E
- “Minikit Detector” Red Brick — JYJAFX
Character Codes
- ACU Trooper (Female) — AU25GR
- ACU Trooper (Male) — 28SPSR
- Carlos — VK3TP3
- Carter — 9GESXP
- Cooper — 5BETZ5
- Dennis Nedry (Costa Rica) with his Hawaiian shirt — RAVKRT
- Dieter Stark — EKCKLC
- Dino Handler Bob — YQ6S7Z
- Ellie Degler — AV9DTJ
- Gyrosphere Operator Josh — 9NGZZQ
- Henry Wu (Jurassic World) — A3HC7E
- InGen Guard Jerry — QKBCWT
- InGen Hunter — 38YWVR
- InGen Mechanic AKA InGen Hunter 3 — RMVVB8
- InGen Mercenary AKA InGen Contractor — VZRSD3
- InGen Scout AKA InGen Hunter 1 — 8XL359
- Jimmy Fallon from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon — 6MKHSG
- John Hammond (Lost World) — PR2R6Y
- Juanito Rostagno — XTH9A3
- Jurassic Park Driver AKA Jeep Driver — 3FE78R (unlocks Jurassic Park Responder Vehicle at the same time)
- Jurassic Park Warden (Female) — 8WY3FV
- Jurassic Park Warden (Male) — XJS7UY
- Jurassic World Paddock Worker — BX9Z6R
- Jurassic World Ranger — GW9TGH
- Jurassic World Worker AKA Jurassic World Ranger (Female) — L5AU6Y
- Nash (Runway) — BRLNWC
- Raptor Handler Jenny — SXZ7CC
- S.S. Venture Crewman — 62539J
- Scientist (Female) — XVXGXF
- Scientist (Male) — SKKLWC
- Udesky (Alt) — PFEBS6
- Young Raptor Handler from Jurassic World — 7VNLJT
Dinosaur Codes
- Ankylosaurus — PAAADT (on 3DS) & PAAADFD (on PS Vita)
- Compsognathus — KAAAWV (on 3DS) & KAAAWAA (on PS Vita)
- Dilophosaurus — HAAAVW (on 3DS) & . (on PS Vita)
- Indominus Rex — GAAAAC (on 3DS) & GAAAAAA (on PS Vita)
- Pachycephalosaurus — IAAADT (on 3DS) & IAAATDR (on PS Vita)
- Spinosaurus — MAAARF (on 3DS) & MAAARFS (on PS Vita)
- Stegosaurus — FAAAVT (on 3DS) & FAAAWTF (on PS Vita)
- Triceratops — AAAADC (on 3DS) & AAAADCD (on PS Vita)
- Tyrannosaurus Rex — CAAADT (on 3DS) & CAAADT (on PS Vita)
- Velociraptor — DDDFAC (on 3DS) & DAAADFR (on PS Vita)
Vehicle Codes
- Jurassic Park Responder Vehicle — 3FE78R (unlocks Jurassic Park Driver at the same time)
Find out where to unlock all Red Brick codes into the game with this video guide*:
*This video shows where to buy the Red Brick cheats via the Red Brick Station in Jurassic Park’s The Visitor Center, near the entrance inside. You can find the museum-like grey building on the left side of the open world map island called Isla Nublar (yellow icon on the map).
Credits: Lego Survey, ShockblastMedia’s Jay, AFguides, MR-JACY, Razor, Michelle, Anthony, Peyton & Exar_17.
Do you know of any other cheat codes in Lego Jurassic World? Please share your own codes in the comments with fellow Lego fans! You’ll get credit.
We’ll update this page regularly with all the newest codes. Thanks for visiting! 🙂
Essentially it’s an unlimited money method. Here we show you how to easily farm money in Lego Jurassic World. Need a little spare change to buy characters and vehicles? Check out these Lego Jurassic World tips that help you multiply your Studs quickly.
REQUIREMENTS: You’ll need to find, buy and activate at least 1 out of the 5 “Studs Score Multiplier Red Bricks” to get the needed extra Studs. — The 5 Red Bricks that increase your money (named the “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks) can be found in the open world HUB areas on the islands in the game. All you have to do is complete their Red Brick challenges to unlock them and then go to the Red Brick Station and buy each Red Brick for 1 to 5 million Studs. Or use the cheat we’re about to give you to get the 1st of the 5 Red Bricks for free.
Red Brick Station Locations: By playing through the Red Brick challenges in the open world HUB areas, you’ll be able to unlock Red Bricks.
Once you grabbed the Red Bricks, you’ll need to buy them for 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 million Studs (per Red Brick respectively) in the Red Brick Station in The Visitor Center on Isla Nublar. You get there from the islands map on the top-left side of the left island (Isla Nublar). It’s located in the grey museum building (The Visitor Center). The Red Brick Station’s screen is right by the building’s entrance. Stand in front of it to buy the “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks, then activate the Red Brick cheat(s) in the pause menu’s cheat section.
Cheat Code Unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game. You can enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: 5MZ73E. Whether you buy the “Studs Score Multiplier x2? Red Brick or use the cheat, either way it will unlock new in-game money cheats, that you can then activate via the game’s pause menu.
This next video shows where you can enter these cheats in-game:
STEP 1: Use our “Lego Jurassic World Red Bricks Locations Guide” to find all 5 “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks.
STEP 2: After you’ve bought the first score multiplier Red Brick, they will become increasingly expensive (they cost 1, 2, 3, 4 to 5 million Studs). So after you buy the first “Studs x2” Red Brick you should activate it right away as you play through the Story Levels and open world HUB areas shown in our Lego Jurassic World Walkthrough that contain the Red Brick locations you need to find (to then unlock the money cheats)… And if you have enough money at this point (after finishing the game) you should be able to buy all 5 of these “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks and activate each cheat after you buy it (as described above).
STEP 3: Turn on all 5 “Studs Score Multiplier” Red Bricks to multiply every single Stud you collect times 3,840!! Wow!!
STEP 4: You can increase your Studs total in the open world hub areas by:
A) Replaying Bonus Levels through the open world HUB. Since they are short levels where you mostly are running after humans while collecting loads of studs.
Bonus Level Example: The Jurassic World’s “Indominus Rex Pursuit” Bonus Level can be replayed infinite times in Free Play and every single time you’ll grab up to 50,000 studs per 2 minute-long replay without stud multipliers turned on. But with all 5 stud multipliers turned on this means you get to farm 192,000,000 studs each time you play it!!
B) Smashing stuff (like boxes) into Studs as you walk through the environments. This is like farming Studs, because if you keep traveling back and forth between the Park’s areas, then the boxes and other Studs-filled objects/items will re-appear in each area! So you can keep smashing them for more Studs! You can of course also replay levels in Free Play, since once all 5 these Red Bricks are turned on you’ll always speed up your Stud collecting to 3,840 times as fast.
Story Level Example: Have Dr. Alan Grant put the dino skeletons together in the second half of “Level 1: Prologue” gives you a ton of silver and gold Studs each time.
Here’s what each color Stud is worth: silver = 10 Studs, gold = 100 Studs, blue = 1,000 Studs, and pink = 10,000 Studs.
STEP 5: Now repeat the previous step over and over (or play the game as you normally would) to get lots of money! Then you can use that money to buy all the vehicles and characters you want. 😀
This video guide shows where to find the Score Multiplier Red Bricks in the game:
That’s it. Good luck!
Credits for the discovery go to TT Games, Jojopet, Packattack, ShockblastMedia’s Jay & Joe.
If you have any more Lego Jurassic World money cheats or tips, please leave a comment and we’ll add it to this guide with credit to you. 🙂
Игры Lego невероятно популярны как среди подростков, так и среди взрослой аудитории. Именно поэтому LEGO Jurassic World стала одной из самых ожидаемых новинок 2015 года. Игра основана на нашумевшем фильме «Мир Юрского Периода», который в очередной раз заставить людей пожалеть о попытке возродить динозавров. В этот раз вам придется выживать на острове, который кишит самыми разнообразными видами доисторических существ. Многие из них отнюдь не травоядны, потому каждый шаг может стать смертельно опасным. Тираннозавры, Брахиозавры, хищные Рапторы и прочие существа из далекой эпохи станут настоящим испытанием для каждого игрока, а незабываемая лего-графика оставит массу впечатлений от каждой минуты игры.
Активация чит-кодов LEGO Jurassic World
Для того, чтобы ввести заинтересовавший вас код нажмите на паузу в игре и выберите раздел «Дополнительно». После этого, перейдите в раздел «Сюрпризы» и вводите нужный чит. Приятной игры ;)
Список чит-кодов LEGO Jurassic World
- BX9Z6R - Загонщик Эллис.
- 6MKHSG - Джимми Фэллон.
- AV9DTJ - Элли Деглер.
- SXZ7CC - Загонщица рапторов Дженни.
- VK3TP3 - Карлос.
- 9GESXP - Картер.
- EKCKLC - Дитер Старк.
- 5BETZ5 - Купер (ВПП).
- BRLNWC - Нэш (ВПП).
- A3HC7E - Генри Ву (Мир Юрского Периода).
- 3FE78R - Водитель (Мир Юрского Периода).
- XJS7UY - Смотритель (Мир Юрского Периода).
- L5AU6Y - Ветеринар (Мир Юрского Периода).
- GW9TGH - Рейнджер (Мир Юрского Периода).
- XJS7UY - Смотритель (Парк Юрского Периода).
- 8WY3FV - Ветеринар (Парк Юрского Периода).
- PR2R6Y - Джон Хаммонд (Затерянный мир).
- 38YWVR - Охотник (Ин-Ген).
- QKBCWT - Джерри (Ин-Ген).
- RMVVB8 - Механик (Ин-Ген).
- VZRSD3 - Наемник (Ин-Ген).
- XVXGXF - Ученый (Ин-Ген).
- SKKLWC - Ученый (Ин-Ген).
- 8XL359 - Разведчик (Ин-Ген).
- RAVKRT - Деннис Недри (Коста-Рика).
- PFEBS6 - Удески (Костюм).
- 28SPSR - Боец СК (Мужчина).
- AU25GR - Боец СК (Женщина).
- XTH9A3 - Хуанитта Ростагно.
- YQ6S7Z - Загонщик Боб.
- 7VNLJT - Загонщик Рапторов.
- 9NGZZQ - Оператор Гиросферы Джошь.
- 5MZ73E - Умножает собранные монеты в два раза.
- JYJAFX - Детектор мини-наборов.
↓ Эти девочки ужасно хотят, чтобы ты жёстко лайкнул и пару раз твитнул, а возможно даже откоментил! ↓
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