Иконки персонажей лего стар варс
В тиктоке (а также в инстаграме и твиттере) люди массово меняют картинки профиля на иконки персонажей игры LEGO Star Wars. Этот сложный мем похож на историю со штурмом зоны 51: кто‑то придумал абсурдный повод, а потом флешмоб начал жить своей жизнью.
Вероятно, это происходило так. Сначала кто‑то, возможно, @sambellissimo из тиктока, играл на праздниках в LEGO Star Wars и предложил ставить иконки из игры на аватарки. Потом кто‑то, возможно, @kado_xd, поддержал тикток-флешмоб, а затем кто‑то еще решил захватить иконками из LEGO Star Wars вообще весь тикток. Тогда же возникла идея зарейдить (то есть заспамить секцию комментариев) этими профилями аккаунт объединения The Hype House и показать, кто на этой платформе главный.
Кто такие The Hype House
Это сообщество тиктокеров разной степени популярности, которые арендовали большое поместье в Лос-Анджелесе, чтобы вместе снимать видео. Сейчас в группу входят от 14 до 19 человек, самые известные — Авани Грегг, Lilhuddy (по 8 млн подписчиков), Эддисон Рэй (9 млн) и восходящая звезда — Чарли Д'Амелио (16 млн). Им от 15 до 20 лет. Некоторые резиденты живут в поместье, другие регулярно в нем появляются.
The Hype House появилось в декабре прошлого года, его придумали 17-летний Lilhuddy и 21-летний Томас Петру. Последний несколько лет назад участвовал в Team 10, похожей группе ютьюберов, которую собрал популярный блогер Джейк Пол. Все это организовано только для совместной съемки контента. Дом выбирали специально для этого: в нем много больших зеркал, мало мебели и есть просторная ванная (важный атрибут любого тиктокера). Создатели группы не берут процент за участие, но ставят условие — выпускать контент каждый день.
В чем суть рейда против The Hype House
А что, к The Hype House есть претензии?
Сообщество стало локальным мемом сразу после публикации первого видео. Во-первых, оказалось, что все резиденты The Hype House это светлокожие подростки, которых иногда сложно отличить друг от друга (особенно когда они стоят в одинаковых джинсах и футболках). Во-вторых, у них получается однообразный и неинтересный контент. В основном это танцы, которые, возможно, нравятся поклонникам этих тиктокеров, но смотрятся странно на фоне куда менее популярных авторов. Это забавно, ведь ради съемок контента сообщество и задумывалось.
В итоге The Hype House воплотило буквально все стереотипы о тиктоке: красивые подростки бесконечно снимают танцы под трек «Lottery» K Camp, рассчитывают на популярность своих резидентов, а не на новые идеи, записывают неудачные липсинки и ничего другого не предлагают.
Чем закончился этот флешмоб
Сначала он стал частью шуток про Третью мировую войну, ведь теперь у интернета есть целая армия аватарок с синими кружочками, а потом, кажется, все забыли про LEGO Star Wars, поэтому теперь любую картинку профиля в тиктоке просто обводят синим кружочком.
Time to join the Lego Star Wars Profile Picture Army is now! Pick one of these 126 classic Lego Star Wars Icons – or make your own PFP with these easy-to-use templates.
Left to right: 4-LOM, Aayla Secura, Admiral Ackbar, Anakin Skywalker (Boy)
Left to right: Anakin Skywalker (Ghost), Anakin Skywalker (Jedi), Anakin Skywalker (Padawan), Battle Droid (Commander)
Left to right: Battle Droid (Geonosis), Battle Droid (Security), Battle Droid, Beach Trooper
Left to right: Ben Kenobi (Ghost), Ben Kenobi, Bespin Guard, Bib Fortuna
Left to right: Boba Fett (Boy), Boba Fett, Boss Nass, Bossk
Left to right: C-3PO, Captain Antilles, Captain Panaka, Captain Tarpals
Left to right: Chancellor Palpatine, Chewbacca, Clone (Episode III), Clone (Episode III, Pilot)
Left to right: Clone (Episode III, Swamp), Clone (Episode III, Walker), Clone, Commander Cody
Left to right: Count Douku, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Death Star Trooper
Left to right: Dengar, Dexter Jettster, Disguised Clone, Droideka
Left to right: Ewok, Gamorrean Guard, General Grievous, Geonosian
Left to right: Gonk Droid, Grand Moff Tarkin, Gredo, Grievous' Bodyguard
Left to right: Han Solo (Endor), Han Solo (Hood), Han Solo (Hoth), Han Solo (Skiff)
Left to right: Han Solo (Stormtrooper), Han Solo, IG-88, Imperial Guard
Left to right: Imperial Officer, Imperial Shuttle Pilot, Imperial Spy, Indiana Jones (yes, he's a playable character)
Left to right: Jango Fett, Jar-Jar Binks, Jawa, Ki-Adi Mundi
Left to right: Kit Fisto, Lama Su, Lando (Palace Guard), Lando Carlissian
Left to right: Lobot, Luke Skywalker (Bespin), Luke Skywalker (Dagobah), Luke Skywalker (Endor)
Left to right: Luke Skywalker (Hoth), Luke Skywalker (Jedi), Luke Skywalker (Pilot), Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)
Left to right: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Luminara, Mace Windu (Episode III), Mace Windu
Left to right: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé (Battle)
Left to right: Padmé (Clawed), Padmé (Geonosis), Padmé, Palace Guard
Left to right: Pit Droid, PK Droid, Plo Koon, Princess Leia (Bespin)
Left to right: Princess Leia (Boussh), Princess Leia (Endor), Princess Leia (Hoth), Princess Leia (Prisoner)
Left to right: Princess Leia (Slave), Princess Leia, Queen Amidala, Qui-Gon Jinn
Left to right: Qui-Gon Jinn, R2-D2, R2-Q5, R4-P17, Rebel Friend
Left to right: Rebel Pilot, Rebel Trooper (Hoth), Rebel Trooper, Royal Guard
Left to right: Sandtrooper, Shaak Ti, Skiff Guard, Snowtrooper
Left to right: Stormtrooper, Super Battle Droid, Taun We, TC-14,
Left to right: The Emperor, TIE Fighter Pilot, Tusken Raider, Ugnaught
You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation.
Lego Star Wars Icons refer to in-game icons of playable characters from the Lego Star Wars video game series. The icons, both original and recreated, gained notable spread as profile pictures on Discord, Twitter and Instagram starting in 2017, while in early January 2020 TikTok users set the Lego Star Wars profile pictures en masse, partly to protest against the Hype House collective.
On March 29th, 2005, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game, a Lego-themed video game adaptation of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, was released. [1] In the game, players could unlock a total of 56 playable characters (59 in the Game Boy Advance version). In this and the following installments of the series, each playable character had a round icon which could be seen as a part of the in-game interface, in the character select screen and during the loading screens. The border of the icon could be blue, green or brown depending on whether the character was selected by player one, player two or was unselected (examples shown below).
While the Lego Star Wars icons have been used as profile pictures prior, the earliest evidence of them being used as a trend can be traced to a tweet by Twitter [2] user @Lord_Bung who on January 8th, 2018, reported an influx of Lego Star Wars profile pictures on the platform. On the same day, Twitter [3] user @IoxAlt reposted a photoshopped image of Barack Obama in the blue circle of a Lego Star Wars icon.
On January 19th, 2018, Instagram [4] user starwars.wookiee posted a collection of 132 Lego Star Wars icons, writing "Join the LEGO Star Wars Movement 😂. Change ur pfp." On the following day, Redditor [5] Emperor-Palpamemes made a post about starwars.wookie's posts to the /r/StarWars subreddit, where it received over 270 upvotes in six months.
In the following years, Lego Star Wars profile pictures gained prominence on Twitter, Instagram, Discord and other online platforms and services. For example, on November 12th, 2018, Twitter user @tictacsnack tweeted about making 11 members of a Discord server to change their profile pictures to Lego Star Wars icons (tweet shown below).
Additionally, Star Wars icons have seen active use in ironic memes, while Yoda's icon has been an important part of the Lego Yoda meme and related formats.
TikTok Spread
Prior to December 19th, 2019, Star Wars profile started gaining traction on TikTok. On December 19th, 2019, legostarwars_army Instagram was created for the purposes of collecting Lego Star Wars icons. [5]
The trend gained a defined presence on the platform in early January 2020. For example on January 2nd, 2020, user @dripp.skylark posted a video calling for his subscribers to change their profile pictures to Lego Star Wars icons (shown below, left). On the same day, @dripp.skylark posted a video captioned "Keep em comin boys, we will defeat the Hype House Empire once and for all" (shown below, right). The video received over 44,800 likes.
On January 3rd, The New York Times journalist Taylor Lorenz tweeted [7] [8] about the trend, with Polygon, [9] The Washington Post [10] and other online outlets covering the news in the following days.
From brave Jedi to evil Lords, Star Wars features weird and wonderful characters from across the universe – perfect for epic role-play battles and rescue missions.
Anakin Skywalker™
Loyal friend of Han Solo™ and co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon™, Chewbacca™ is the big Wookiee with a warm heart.
Han Solo™
Luke Skywalker™
Darth Vader™
Striking fear into the hear of his enemies, Darth Vader™ is the legendary Sith Lord™ with an unexpected past.
Princess Leia™
Fearless and determined, Leia is one of the Rebel Alliance's greatest leaders and founder of the Resistance against the evil First Order™.
Kylo Ren™
Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Leia. Christened Ben Solo, he becomes Kylo Ren after turning to the dark side.
The legendary Jedi Master has trained Jedi students for over 800 years! The Force is strong with this one!
The cute droid with a big part to play, helping the Resistance evade capture with his smart thinking.
Obi-Wan Kenobi™
The legendary Jedi™ Master who guides both Anakin Skywalker™ and Luke Skywalker™ in the ways of the Force.
Poe Dameron™
Darth Maul™
Boba Fett™
Emperor Palpatine™
From Senator to Galactic Emperor, Palpatine is the power-hungry villain who sparks fear across the galaxy.
The Child
Belonging to the same species as Master Yoda, Baby Grogu is one of the key characters in Star Wars: The Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian™
This highly trained bounty hunter from the Mandalorian warrior tribe is tasked by a mysterious client with locating the Child.
Fennec Shand™
An elite mercenary who is cunning like a fox and knows how to survive and thrive in the galactic underworld.
LEGO® STAR WARS™: THE SKYWALKER SAGA software © 2022 TT Games Publishing Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and the Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2022 The LEGO Group. STAR WARS © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
From brave Jedi to evil Lords, Star Wars features weird and wonderful characters from across the universe – perfect for epic role-play battles and rescue missions.
Anakin Skywalker™
Loyal friend of Han Solo™ and co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon™, Chewbacca™ is the big Wookiee with a warm heart.
Han Solo™
Luke Skywalker™
Darth Vader™
Striking fear into the hear of his enemies, Darth Vader™ is the legendary Sith Lord™ with an unexpected past.
Princess Leia™
Fearless and determined, Leia is one of the Rebel Alliance's greatest leaders and founder of the Resistance against the evil First Order™.
Kylo Ren™
Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Leia. Christened Ben Solo, he becomes Kylo Ren after turning to the dark side.
The legendary Jedi Master has trained Jedi students for over 800 years! The Force is strong with this one!
The cute droid with a big part to play, helping the Resistance evade capture with his smart thinking.
Obi-Wan Kenobi™
The legendary Jedi™ Master who guides both Anakin Skywalker™ and Luke Skywalker™ in the ways of the Force.
Poe Dameron™
Darth Maul™
Boba Fett™
Emperor Palpatine™
From Senator to Galactic Emperor, Palpatine is the power-hungry villain who sparks fear across the galaxy.
The Child
Belonging to the same species as Master Yoda, Baby Grogu is one of the key characters in Star Wars: The Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian™
This highly trained bounty hunter from the Mandalorian warrior tribe is tasked by a mysterious client with locating the Child.
Fennec Shand™
An elite mercenary who is cunning like a fox and knows how to survive and thrive in the galactic underworld.
LEGO® STAR WARS™: THE SKYWALKER SAGA software © 2022 TT Games Publishing Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and the Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2022 The LEGO Group. STAR WARS © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
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