How to make lego automatic gun
The Lego version of the M1 Garand (Battle Rifle) which is a .30-06 caliber semi-automatic rifle that was used as the standard U.S. .
Here's how to make the world's simplest, semi-automatic, rubber band shooters. Chances are, you already have two of them, on .
The Lego version of the Kolibri (Pistol) which is the smallest commercially available pistol introduced in 1914 by Franz Pfannl.
The Lego version of the C96 (Pistol) which is a semi-automatic handgun that was produced by Mauser from 1896 to 1937.
Compact, Simple, Reliable, Automatic Lego gun. Gravity fed magazine, that holds 9 technic 1x3 beams. Gun is a work-in-progress .
The Lego version of the Glock (Pistol) which is a series of polymer-framed, short recoil-operated, locked-breech semi-automatic .
The Heckler & Koch MP5 is a 9mm submachine gun of German design and one of the most widely used platforms in this weapon .
In this video I show you how to make a working Lego semi automatic gun. For business enquires please contact me at: .
If you click on the link and buy the product you will be helping out the channel (This link does not change the prices of the .
how I made my scar-l/scar-h that shoots rubber bands and ejects shells! also lots of pajama shots because i was working very late .
The Lego full and semi automatic blowback M4a1 or M16 and it holds up to 15 rubberbands I modified Phant0m´s blowback .
Semi auto mech by multidomar, sub to him!! This is a tutorial on three different lego guns, their mechanisms, and my ratings of .
This is a full tutorial and showcase of three more lego guns: a pistol, a full-auto lego gun (lego auto gun / lego automatic gun), and .
RBG=Rubber Band Gun This is an instructional video showing how to build, load and fire a simple fully automatic Lego rubber .
The Glock 17 is a polymer-framed, short recoil operated, locked breech semi-automatic pistol designed and produced by Glock .
Building Instructions
Use a medium-length wire to connect the motor to port A on the NXT.
Use the shortest wire for this step.
Connect the touch sensor's wire to port 1 on the NXT.
This step builds the ammunition clip and loading pin. Please see the Loading and Firing Instructions to see how to use them. The pile of 3-hole beams are the bullets. The ammunition clip will hold up to 10 bullets, although the magazine on the gun will hold up to 15 bullets. |
The ammunition clip and loading pin can be stored on the gun as shown below. The gun will not fire with the clip in place as shown. See the Loading and Firing Instructions to learn how to load and fire the gun. |
Use the program Machine Gun for the Machine Gun. This program handles the firing by spinning the motor as long as the trigger button (touch sensor) is held down. The program also uses the orange button on the NXT brick as a "safety" mode button, so that you can toggle the gun in and out of safety mode, to keep it from going off by accident while you are loading or carrying it.
Copyright � 2007-2009 by Dave Parker. All rights reserved.
All project designs, images, and programs are protected by copyright. Please see the usage policy.
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Инженер встроил 32-битный микрокомпьютер в деталь LEGO
Новозеландский инженер Джеймс Браун модифицировал небольшую деталь LEGO, превратив ее в компьютер. Если установить ее на LEGO-аккумулятор, небольшой дисплей в ней начнет показывать линии, имитирующие текст на экране компьютера.
Для этого он использовал микроконтроллер STM32F030F4P6 и дисплей, который показывает такие же строки, как и в оригинальной детали, но анимированные. Браун использовал простой 32-битный микроконтроллер с 16 килобайтами флеш-памяти и 4 килобайтами оперативной. В качестве дисплея он выбрал OLED-матрицу с диагональю 0,42 дюйма и разрешением 72 на 40 пикселей — этого достаточно, чтобы выводить на экран линии, имитирующие текст, и даже простую анимацию радара. Инженер напечатал на 3D-принтере тонкий пластиковый корпус для электроники, а затем с помощью отливки в форму создал из полимера полупрозрачную деталь, повторяющую оригинал по форме и размерам.
«Дюна», эпичное появление Шай-Хулуда
Электромеханические часы из LEGO
Крутейший боевой болид на колесах Илона Mould king 15052 (но руки из плеч надо иметь)
Надеюсь Вам понравился мой предыдущий пост, где я рассказал о преимуществах и недостатках конструктора, а главное как их устранить. Сегодня я опять хочу вывалить Вам огромную бочку меда с маленькой ложкой дегтя, которую мы успешно вынем и насладимся отличным конструктором от одного из самых моих любимых брендов - Mould king 15052 Танк Desert Storm.
Это одна из новинок этого года. Машинка катается на "колесах Илона", которые позволяют ей абсолютно свободно двигаться во всех направлениях и даже боком - об этом на видео ходовых испытаний, как уже повелось, в конце поста.
Начну с процесса сборки, пропуская ликбез о качестве деталей - оно отменное.
Машина собирается на базе большого блока в котором совмещена батарея 4 мотора и радиоприемник. Помним про ток зарядки не выше 1А, об этом я общался с поддержкой Mould king, они в курсе, советуют придерживаться данного правила иначе никакие гарантийные обязательства на вас не распространяются. Как сказали работники поддержки вскоре мы увидим блоки электрики поддерживающие быструю зарядку более высокими токами, а пока, дабы не портить себе настроение давайте следовать инструкции, пылесос же мы тоже не включаем в 380!
Уже сразу понятно, что модель будет весьма не маленькая! На каждом приводе организован редуктор, повышающего усилие каждого мотора, по всей видимости, он не дает, так как все шестерни одинаковые, просто разносит точку вращения оси колеса от двигателя.
Обвес придает модели весьма футуристические формы, напоминающие суперкар, как мне кажется.
Откидная рама защищающая пилота как у багги, корма так вообще отсылает к дизайну Бугатти Черон!
Колеса поставляются в разобранном виде, разработчик решил добавить нам работы - это не плохо, напротив CaDA кладет уже собранные колеса в наборы.
Тут надо быть очень внимательным и в точности следовать инструкции! Колеса не одинаковые, есть левые и правые, если их перепутать, управление моделью в нормальном виде не выйдет!
И вот наконец, что получилось!
По ощущениям все очень прочно сбито, никаких люфтов, с нетерпением хочется испытать это чудо. Но где-то внутри, еще на этапе сборки зародилось сомнение в паре узлов, как оказалось не с проста, но обо все по порядку.
Колеса Илона - это вам не гладкая пневмо-покрышка, что катит мягко и тихо, тут вибрация, да не шуточная! И что же!? Колеса попросту слетают с креплений на больших оборотах во время резких маневров, а чего бы им не слетать, ведь держатся они на одном крестовом валу! Хотя на него надета не шуточная ступица! Исправим этот косяк дизайнеров, оборудовав каждую ступицу 3-мя креплениями, как показано на рисунке. Воооот, теперь тема! Колеса не оторвать, во всяком случае как я не гонял машинку, врезался, разворачивался - колеса никуда не делись.
Второй косячок заподозрился на щитках переднего редуктора, ну не держатся нормально детали обычные на деталях типа-техник, давно надо к этому привыкнуть, тем более тут не стендовая модель, а экстримально-ходовая!
При ударе о препятствие щитки сваливаются, я дооборудовал их пинами 1х2 (у каждого конструктора найдется в загашнике, я уверен) и они не плохо оказались зажаты нижним бронелистом, развалить их на следующих ходовых испытаниях так же не получилось.
Без всякого сомнения рекомендую данный конструктор. Он оставил у меня вагон и маленькую тележку приятных впечатлений как от процесса сборки и модернизацией, так и от ходовых испытаний, видео которых я размещаю ниже. Да, чуть не забыл, давайте обратим внимание на фото ниже:
Это клемы! Т.е. можно подсоединить подсветку или нарастить какой-либо механизм. Вообще модель обладает огромным потенциалом для творчества и модернизации. Например на краях передних редукторов можно разместить "конструкцию для разминирования", по корпусу полно мест, где можно смонтировать свои обвесы. Полный восторг для инженера - ЛЮБО!
Ну и еще несколько фото, перед ходовыми испытаниями:
Как и обещал, ходовые испытания. После внесения вышеописанных изменений в конструкцию - это просто песня! Приятного просмотра.
Для полного раскрытия потенциала, наверное не стоит гонять её по ковру, лучше подойдет гладкий пол, линолеум, ламинат, где можно скользить с заносами, резко менять направление и скорость.
Благодарю за внимание, пишите отзывы, делитесь своим мнением, здоровья Вам и всех благ. Ждите новые интересные обзоры на новинки!
In 06, we’ve recorded all the available results related to Lego Gun Tutorial with more than 851 visits last updated 55minutes ago. This helps many other learners like you to get more accurate and objective information about the course they are interested in before coming to a decision. Coursef values the learner's experience for better learning on the Internet.
Courses To Get You Started
LEGO AK-47 Step by Step Tutorial! | Jim's LEGO Guns
LEGO M1911 Tutorial! | Jim's LEGO Guns
LEGO AK47 ( Tutorial) | Jim's LEGO Guns
Lego: Shell Ejecting MP5 Instructions (Working)
LEGO Glock 19 Step by step Tutorial | Jim's LEGO Guns
EASY LEGO GUN (working) - YouTube
How to make a simple working semi automatic lego gun - YouTube
How to make a Lego Pistol Gun / Easy Tutorial - YouTube
LEGO M1911 Tutorial! | Jim's LEGO Guns - YouTube
Easy Custom LEGO Gun / Weapon Tutorial - YouTube
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How to build LEGO guns that work!
Below I will review the LEGO guns book quality, the instructions for building the LEGO guns, and the LEGO guns themselves - so read on… THE LEGO HEAVY WEAPONS BOOK QALITY: You can tell this book means serious business just by its look; it is a big hefty manual - kind of like a shop-manual for vehicles - that is meant to be used and can take some beating!
A Shootible LEGO M4A1 : 11 Steps - Instructables
Step 1: The Hammer and Bolt (and Some Barrel) Just a heads up but this "gun" acts more like a crossbow as rubberbands are used to propel the 1x4 lego "bullets". The hammer NEEDS the rounded quarter circle piece. So for those who dont know the terms: hammer = moves back and forth and is activated by the bolt and trigger.
Functional LEGO Pistol (with GIF) : 4 Steps (with Pictures .
Functional LEGO Pistol (with GIF) By BrickSmith in Living LEGO & K'NEX. 169,352. 589. 67. Featured. Introduction: Functional LEGO Pistol (with GIF) 2 More Images. By BrickSmith.
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Weapons - Instructions Archives - Lego Instructions .
MOCs MARKET is the first and only portal internally dedicated to the Lego ® Custom world! Our ambitious project is to create a single multi-vendor platform capable of hosting the best Lego® designers in the world and beyond! On MOCs MARKET, in addition to finding fantastic Lego ® Moc instructions, you can find real custom kits including pieces and instructions, custom minifigures, display .
Working Guns - The-Legogunlord-website
Working Guns - The-Legogunlord-website. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER - 'LDD'. otherwise you can't download the files! Lego AK-47. File Size: 93 kb. File Type:
Home | Bricknito
LEGO GUN V5. Instructions. The new and improved V5 Includes a better magazine and overall comfort upgrades. View instructions. FOLDABLE GUN. Instructions. Also known as the " Foldable Crossbow" View Instructions. MINI CANNON. Instructions . Tiny, but powerful.
How to Build a bolt action gun out of Legos « Novelty .
Most Lego guns use a simple rubber band action, which don't resemble the action on any real weapons other than a crossbow maybe. This video tutorial on making a gun out of Legos stands out from the pack because it features a bolt action, the same type used on rifles since the Civil War. This gives this lego weapon a more professional flair.
LEGO CUSTOM WEAPON TUTORIAL!! In this video i will be showing you how to make 3 custom lego weapons: a mini gun, an AK47 and an M4 A1 i haven't looked online for any inspiration on my des. Saved by Jeff Beach. 1.1k.
How to Build Lego guns « Construction Toys :: WonderHowTo
Build Lego guns. By Mike Goedecke. 7/10/08 12:50 PM. WonderHowTo. Watch this how to video to learn to build 5 Lego guns. This tutorial will show you all of the bricks you need then how to put them together. Video Loading.
LEGO guns! tutorial - Pinterest
LEGO guns! tutorial. Video by . LEGOAHOLIC. on . youtube · These are just some easy LEGO weapons that I made up, hope you guys enjoy these guns! and that the instructions are helpful.and if you guys have ideas that y. R. Rocosaki. 75 followers. Legos. Minifigura Lego. Lego Guns. Lego Craft.
Lego Pistol v2 Tutorial/Instruction - YouTube | Lego guns .
LEGO M1911 Tutorial! | Jim's LEGO Guns. Hey Guys! Today I have a new gun! Some of my guns might take a while to build, so watch my last videos meanwhile! Hope you enjoyed!LDD File: Watch video for . hadenhudgins. Lego. Lego Memes. Replica Guns. Lego Machines. Lego Guns. Amazing Lego Creations. Brick Loft.
How to Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
Building a tiny, concealed Lego gun is the perfect way to take out an unsuspecting friend or hit someone who thinks you're unarmed in a game of Lego tag. All you'll need to do is make a really small, basic lego gun - just a beam and a firing mechanism. Then, load it and strap it under a long sleeve or hide it in a rolled-up newspaper and BLAM!
BrickGun - The Coolest LEGO® Brick Weapons in the World
Just like our gun models, kits are available that include everything necessary: 237 Genuine LEGO™ pieces, rubber bands and a digital download of easy-to-follow color instructions guiding you through each step of the build. More details can be found on The 1977 Joystick page. 07.11.2009 BrickGun to Discontinue Printed Instruction Shipping
Snyzer Tech
I strive to create designs that break the limitations of building with LEGO® bricks and discover new possibilities for mechanical design. I have built replicas of firearms including the Desert Eagle, Barrett .50 cal, Kriss Vector, Cheytac Intervention, FN P90, Tac-45 and a bolt action crossbow. Subscribe to Snyzer Tech.
LEGO MOC Rubber Band Gun Glock 17 with magazine by .
The popular Glock 17 fully build in Lego bricks. Features an amazing crosshair in the front, rubber band magazine with smart lock mechanism in the handle and last but not least, shoots up to six rubber bands in sequence. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and .
Pin on weapons
Get your model or building instructions now for LEGO guns. Get your model or building instructions now for LEGO guns. Pinterest. Today. Explore. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.
LEGO® Classic toys - Free building instructions | Official .
LEGO® Classic Building Instructions. Inspire LEGO® builders to get creative with these easy-to-follow building instructions! Just scroll down to find your LEGO Classic box, then click on a model to download free building instructions. A great way to get kids building - and a great way for you to share the fun!
Weapons - Instructions Archives - Page 2 of 7 - Lego .
MOCs MARKET is the first and only portal internally dedicated to the Lego ® Custom world! Our ambitious project is to create a single multi-vendor platform capable of hosting the best Lego® designers in the world and beyond! On MOCs MARKET, in addition to finding fantastic Lego ® Moc instructions, you can find real custom kits including pieces and instructions, custom minifigures, display .
Instructions - Lego Guns Archives - Google Search
*Notes* I'm going to show you the mechanism of my guns so I will upload some gun models with different mechanisms. Once you have understood the mechanism, it's quite easy to make a rest of the gun. . LEGO M4A1 S-System.lxf
Lego Portal Gun : 7 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
Lego Portal Gun: This will show you how to make a Portal gun model from the video game Portal, using lego. (no it doesn't work) It features interchangeable colors, blue and orange. (step 6) The steps are in the photos. I have highlighted the pieces you need…
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So you've unearthed an old box of LEGOs and you're considering throwing them out? Before you do, ask yourself, "What can I make out of these before getting rid of them?" This article tells you how to make a rubber band gun using LEGOs.
- Many Lego rubber band gun possibilities exist, as do many variations on the firing mechanism. The general principle behind most Lego guns, however - a stretched rubber band released at its back end - rarely changes.
- A good basic "barrel" setup is one centered around of two long, thin pieces with holes in them. These pieces are separated by a space of one block - this gives room for the firing mechanism, which can be easily set up to rotate in one of the holes in the long thin pieces. [1] X Research source
- Include a small notch or bump at the end of the barrel for the rubber band to catch on when it's stretched out. Make sure this is sturdy enough to hold the tension in the rubber band without falling off!
- Though they almost all follow the same basic principle, a variety of firing and trigger mechanisms exist for your Lego gun. The simplest incorporate a few simple L-shaped and straight Technic™ pieces rotating on separate axles to great effect. [2] X Research source
Add a handle to your gun. A handle can be as simple as a squarish "chimney" style pillar of blocks stuck on the bottom of the gun, or it can incorporate rounded pieces to form a custom grip for your hand. It's up to you - just make sure it's sturdy enough to support the weight of your gun and the tension in the rubber band, or you'll shoot yourself in the foot!
Customize your gun. Now that you've created a stripped-down but functional Lego gun, you have the opportunity to customize it. You can try adding parts to the gun to simulate the look of a real gun, like the fearsome Desert Eagle pistol. [3] X Research source You might also want to try for a less-realistic look, like a futuristic rail gun or a rocket launcher. It's up to you - go wild and shoot in style.
- If your gun's construction is sturdy enough, experiment with loading multiple rubber bands at once. You may be able to get a "shotgun" effect with multiple bands.
- Never aim at someone, including the face, arms, chest, etc.
Go full auto! Imagine the havoc you'll be able to cause with a Lego rubber band machine gun! If you have access to an electric motor, the mechanism can be surprisingly simple - all you need is a gear centered at the back of the gun's beam which can turn via the motor. [4] X Research source More elaborate Lego machine guns can even incorporate "minigun" style rotating barrels. [5] X Research source Stock up on rubber bands before going on a rampage with one of these.
Take your targets out from afar! A high-powered Lego sniper rifle allows you to cleanly and precisely annoy your targets before they even see you. All sniper rifles will have an extra-long, sturdy beam to accommodate the long, strong rubber bands that will leave welts on your opponents. Advanced Lego sniper rifles can even incorporate a bolt-action firing mechanism and a mounted scope for extra accuracy. [6] X Research source
Use your ninja skills. Building a tiny, concealed Lego gun is the perfect way to take out an unsuspecting friend or hit someone who thinks you're unarmed in a game of Lego tag. All you'll need to do is make a really small, basic lego gun - just a beam and a firing mechanism. Then, load it and strap it under a long sleeve or hide it in a rolled-up newspaper and BLAM! Your mark won't even know what hit them. Be creative - use your skills to make a Lego gun trap or hide your ninja gun in a crazy place!
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