First lego league explore
FIRST ® LEGO ® League introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to children ages 4-16* through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Participants gain real-world problem solving experience through a guided, global robotics program, helping today's students and teachers build a better future together.
Our three divisions inspire youth to experiment and grow their critical thinking, coding, and design skills through hands-on STEM learning and robotics.
*Ages vary by country
FIRST LEGO League Divisions
From Discover, to Explore, and then to Challenge, students will understand the basics of STEM and apply their skills in an exciting competition while building habits of learning, confidence, and teamwork skills along the way.
This playful introductory STEM program ignites young students' natural curiosity and builds their habits of learning with hands-on activities in the classroom and at home using LEGO ® DUPLO ® bricks.
In Explore, teams of students ages 6-10 focus on the fundamentals of engineering as they explore real-world problems, learn to design, and code, and create unique solutions made with LEGO bricks and powered by LEGO ® Education WeDo 2.0.
Friendly competition is at the heart of Challenge, as teams of students ages 9-16* engage in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering - building and programming a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a robot game.
*ages vary by country
Our Core Values
The FIRST Core Values are the cornerstones of the program. They are among the fundamental elements that distinguish FIRST LEGO League from other programs of its kind.
By embracing the Core Values, participants learn that friendly competition and mutual gain are not separate goals, and that helping one another is the foundation of teamwork.
We express the FIRST philosophies of Gracious Professionalism ® and Coopertition ® through our Core Values.
We explore new skills & ideas.
We use creativity and persistence to solve problems.
We apply what we learn to improve our world.
We respect each other and embrace our differences.
We are stronger when we work together.
We enjoy and celebrate what we do!
Our Founders
In 1998, FIRST Founder Dean Kamen and the owner of LEGO Group Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen joined forces to create FIRST LEGO League, a powerful program that engages children in playful and meaningful learning while helping them discover the fun in science and technology through the FIRST LEGO League experience.
Dean and Kjeld have a shared belief that FIRST LEGO League inspires teams to research, build, and experiment, and by doing so, they live the entire process of creating ideas, solving problems, and overcoming obstacles, while gaining confidence in their abilities to positively use technology.
Dean Kamen
Founder, FIRST
Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen
Owner & Former Deputy Chairman, The LEGO Group
Global Innovation
The 2022 FIRST LEGO League Global Innovation Award presented by Qualcomm showcases the real-world, innovative solutions created by FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams from around the world. Demonstrating originality, creativity, potential impact and value, 20 finalist teams are recognized for their inventions, and receive assistance to further develop solutions.
Эта программа призвана пробудить естественное детское любопытство в процессе изучения научных понятий на примерах из реальной жизни и подарить им ощущение чуда и радости новых открытий в процессе конструирования, исследований и совместной работы.
Под руководством взрослых наставников ученики начальной школы используют робототехническую платформу LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 для конструирования и программирования движущихся моделей при помощи специальных наборов TEAM PACK.
Каждая команда получит один набор "Грузовые перевозки", состоящий из определенного набора Lego деталей, трех карт строительства, а также методических материалов для педагога и участников.
Наборы предназначены для того, чтобы помочь детям включиться в тему и должны послужить отправной точкой обсуждения и дальнейшего конструирования.
В рамках программы дети работают в командах от двух до четырех человек с элементами набора LEGO Education WEDO 2.0 или первой версии и комплекта "Грузовые перевозки", предназначенного для изучения естественно-научных, технических, точных дисциплин и творчества (STEAM).
Посредством сотрудничества и общения дети совместно конструируют, учатся, играют. На каждом занятии детям помогают научиться работать в команде, слушать друг друга, действовать по очереди, обмениваться идеями и предметами.
Участники под руководством тренера на протяжении нескольких занятий конструируют свой проект, основные моменты каждый участник записывает в специально разработанную инженерную тетрадь (схемы, чертежи, рисунки, идеи), проводят совещания и мини-презентации экспертам в области своего проекта, создают совместно с тренером и родителями стиль команды и SHOW ME постер для защиты проекта.
Когда вы разработали проект, нужно заполнить все свои инженерные тетради, подготовить защиту своего проекта (рассказать об основных моментах), разработать свой SHOW ME постер прийти на соревнования (муниципальный, городской, региональный, федеральный и международный уровни). Защитить свой проект и ответить на все интересующие вопросы экспертов.
12 занятий, описанных в данном руководстве, дают команде возможность получить опыт участия в программе FIRST® LEGO® League Explore под руководством тренера. В среднем, каждое занятие рассчитано на 60 минут, но продолжительность занятия может быть скорректирована с учетом ваших собственных потребностей. Ваша роль во время каждого занятия состоит в том, чтобы провести вводную часть занятия и обеспечить условия для командной и групповой работы.
Внимательно ознакомьтесь с содержанием Инженерного блокнота. У каждого участника команды может быть свой экземпляр блокнота. В ней есть вся необходимая команде информация. Блокнот последовательно проводит участников команды через все занятия. Советы, приведенные в этом Руководстве по работе с командой, помогут вам в организации занятий
Включают в себя 700+ LEGO ® деталей , которые помогут помочь вам сконструировать свой собственный проект.
Документ, на основе которого происходит оценка командной работы, разработанного проекта на мероприятиях
ЧАСЫ РАБОТЫ: ПН-ПТ 6:00-14:00 мск
Оказание консультационных услуг в области научно-технического творчества, в том числе, в сфере робототехнических технологий
Популяризация научно-технического творчества и повышение престижа инженерных профессий среди молодежи, поддержка школьников, реализующих проекты естественнонаучной и технической направленности, имеющих прикладное значение для предприятий города, региона, страны.
Формирование STEAM-компетенций у воспитанников детских садов, учащихся образовательных организаций разного типа и вида посредством участия в соревнованиях:
FIRST® LEGO® League Discover (4-6 лет)
FIRST® LEGO® League Explore (6-9 лет)
FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge (10-16 лет)
FIRST® Tech Challenge (12-18 лет)
Посмотреть информацию о соревнованиях
Организация и проведение всероссийского чемпионата по робототехнике FIRST RUSSIA ROBOTICS CHAMPIONSHIP.
Проведение консультационных услуг для детей от 4 до 18 лет в области научно-технического направления в г. Красноярске.
Мы реализовали 10 проектов
на территории Сибири и г. Красноярска
на общую сумму
18 647 177 руб.
Перейти на страницу проектов
ЧАСЫ РАБОТЫ: ПН-ПТ 6:00-14:00 мск
Every year, FIRST ® LEGO ® League releases a new Challenge based on a real-world, scientific theme.
Starting with Discover, children are introduced to the fundamentals of STEM while working together to solve fun challenges and building models using LEGO ® DUPLO ® bricks.
As participants progress into Explore, children will take their background knowledge of STEM and put it into practice as they work in teams to design and build robots using the LEGO ® Education SPIKE Essential.
Once they are ready to move into a competitive setting, they join Challenge and apply their STEM skills combined with critical thinking to work with a team, build a robot, and compete in an exciting, mission-based robotics game.
We know that when we move, play, and compete in any sport, we use our minds — our creativity, imagination, and critical thinking — as much as we use our muscles. It’s time to redefine the game and revolutionize the way we play and move. FIRST is teaming up with Disney and Lucasfilm for our 2020-2021 robotics season theme: FIRST ® GAME CHANGERS SM powered by Star Wars: Force for Change.
This season, our programs will represent the evolution of our sports and activities that make us physically and mentally strong. For centuries, sports have played an integral part of our culture. The FIRST community is building a culture that recognizes the athlete in each of us— whether our talents lie on the court, in the lab, or with a controller in hand. It’s time to be GAME CHANGERS.
Family Engagement
Families who participate together in FIRST LEGO League discover the power of curiosity, creativity, and problem solving, building the foundation for life-long confidence in STEM learning.
FIRST ® LEGO ® League
A Hands-On Approach to STEM Learning
Explore where comes from and how it is distributed, stored, and used to work to innovate for a better energy future.
Engaging Youth in STEM Exploration
FIRST LEGO League introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to children ages 4-16* through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Participants gain real-world problem-solving experiences through a guided, global robotics program, helping today’s students and teachers build a better future together.
Our three divisions inspire youth to experiment and grow their critical thinking, coding, and design skills through hands-on STEM learning and robotics.
*ages and grades vary by country
FIRST LEGO League Founding Sponsor
FIRST LEGO League Global Sponsors
FIRST LEGO League Divisions
FIRST LEGO League guides youth through STEM learning and exploration at an early age. From Discover, to Explore and then to Challenge, students will understand the basics of STEM and apply their skills in an exciting competition while gaining productive learning habits, confidence, and teamwork skills along the way.
For children ages 4-6, this playful introductory STEM program ignites their natural curiosity and builds their habits of learning with hands-on activities in the classroom and at home using LEGO ® DUPLO ® bricks.
In Explore, teams of students ages 6-10 focus on the fundamentals of engineering as they explore real-world problems, learn to design, and code and create unique solutions made with LEGO bricks and powered by LEGO ® Education SPIKE TM Essential or WeDo 2.0.
Friendly competition is at the heart of Challenge, as teams of students ages 9-16* engage in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering - building and programming a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a robot game.
*ages and grades vary by country
Proven, Verifiable Impact!
87% Express Interest in Doing Well in School
95% Time Management Skills Increase
99% Teamwork Skills Increase
Get Started
FIRST LEGO League gives elementary and middle school students the opportunity to work and create together to solve a common problem. The really cool thing about FIRST LEGO League is. all skill levels are welcomed and needed, technical or non-technical. Adult coaches guide students as they gain skills and confidence in a supportive, inclusive environment.
Individual Team: Explore real-world scientific challenges and introduce coding and robot building principles using LEGO ® educational materials.
Learn more about individual teams
Class Pack: An implementation option for classrooms or after-school programs. Class Pack provides educators and communities with flexible, high-quality STEM learning experiences for students.
Learn more about Class Pack
Experience a FIRST LEGO League Event
A chance to shine! Each FIRST LEGO League season culminates with regional tournaments and championships where teams show off what they learned and invented, and compete with their robots. Some teams earn an invitation to FIRST LEGO League World Festival as part of FIRST Championship, where teams from all over the world meet and compete.
Cost & Registration
Costs for fielding a FIRST LEGO League team may vary depending on level of participation.
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