Дагоба лего звездные войны
Поклонники «Звездных войн: Войны клонов» могут разыграть захватывающие сражения между солдатами-клонами 187-го легиона Мейса Винду и боевыми дроидами на этом собранном из кубиков Лего Республиканский боевой танк 75342. Он имеет скрытые колеса для эффекта парения, 2 подъемных пружинных шутера и смотровую площадку для командира клонов наверху. В набор входят 4 минифигурки LEGO: Мейс Винду и новые версии командира и солдата клонов 187-го легиона, а также 2 боевых дроида — все с крутым оружием.
Думаете о покупке этого замечательного конструктора в качестве подарка фанату «Звездных войн», который не знаком с наборами LEGO? Не беспокойтесь — включены пошаговые инструкции, которые направят их к увлекательному творческому путешествию.
Группа LEGO воссоздает легендарные космические корабли, транспортные средства, локации и персонажей из вселенной «Звездных войн» с 1999 года. «Звездные войны» LEGO стали ее самой успешной темой благодаря большому разнообразию сборных моделей, которые понравятся людям всех возрастов.
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Количество деталей Republic Fighter Tank 75342 LEGO Star Wars: 262 шт.
Поклонники «Звездных войн: Войны клонов» могут разыграть захватывающие сражения между солдатами-клонами 187-го легиона Мейса Винду и боевыми дроидами на этом собранном из кубиков Лего Республиканский боевой танк 75342. Он имеет скрытые колеса для эффекта парения, 2 подъемных пружинных шутера и смотровую площадку для командира клонов наверху. В набор входят 4 минифигурки LEGO: Мейс Винду и новые версии командира и солдата клонов 187-го легиона, а также 2 боевых дроида — все с крутым оружием.
Думаете о покупке этого замечательного конструктора в качестве подарка фанату «Звездных войн», который не знаком с наборами LEGO? Не беспокойтесь — включены пошаговые инструкции, которые направят их к увлекательному творческому путешествию.
Группа LEGO воссоздает легендарные космические корабли, транспортные средства, локации и персонажей из вселенной «Звездных войн» с 1999 года. «Звездные войны» LEGO стали ее самой успешной темой благодаря большому разнообразию сборных моделей, которые понравятся людям всех возрастов.
🧐 Этим конструктором интересовались: 1 227 чел.
👉 А вы знали? Что самый большой конструктор Лего это модель корабля Титаник 10294 LEGO Creator Expert, который состоит из 9 090 деталей. Корабль разделяется на три части, позволяя осмотреть детально проработанный интерьер. Эта колоссальная модель корабля «Титаник» — предмет для коллекции, который войдет в историю.
Сосредоточься, ты должен собрать эту обучающую диораму «Обучение джедаев на Дагоба» Лего Звездные войны. Эта собранная из кубиков демонстрационная модель наполнена мгновенно узнаваемыми деталями из культовой сцены фильма «Звездные войны: Империя наносит ответный удар». Воссоздайте хижину Йоды в болотах Дагобы и крыло затонувшего крестокрыла Люка Скайуокера. Добавьте минифигурки Йоды и Люка Скайуокера LEGO, а также фигурку дроида LEGO R2-D2 (у Люка и R2-D2 новое украшение для мая 2022 года). Чтобы завершить ностальгический экспонат, прикрепите табличку со словами Йоды: «Делай. Или нет. Нет никакой попытки».
Отличный подарок для поклонников классической трилогии «Звездных войн». Набор включает в себя четкие инструкции по сборке, так что даже новички LEGO смогут насладиться увлекательным творческим процессом.
Это началось давным-давно, в далекой-далекой галактике. Теперь сага продолжается в вашем собственном доме с коллекцией высококачественных наборов LEGO Star Wars для взрослых, включая другие сборные диорамы, изображающие памятные сцены.
≡ Магазин « Aliexpress » • есть редкие оригиналы | в магазин ► |
Количество деталей Dagobah Jedi Training Diorama 75330 LEGO Star Wars: 1 000 шт.
Сосредоточься, ты должен собрать эту обучающую диораму «Обучение джедаев на Дагоба» Лего Звездные войны. Эта собранная из кубиков демонстрационная модель наполнена мгновенно узнаваемыми деталями из культовой сцены фильма «Звездные войны: Империя наносит ответный удар». Воссоздайте хижину Йоды в болотах Дагобы и крыло затонувшего крестокрыла Люка Скайуокера. Добавьте минифигурки Йоды и Люка Скайуокера LEGO, а также фигурку дроида LEGO R2-D2 (у Люка и R2-D2 новое украшение для мая 2022 года). Чтобы завершить ностальгический экспонат, прикрепите табличку со словами Йоды: «Делай. Или нет. Нет никакой попытки».
Отличный подарок для поклонников классической трилогии «Звездных войн». Набор включает в себя четкие инструкции по сборке, так что даже новички LEGO смогут насладиться увлекательным творческим процессом.
Это началось давным-давно, в далекой-далекой галактике. Теперь сага продолжается в вашем собственном доме с коллекцией высококачественных наборов LEGO Star Wars для взрослых, включая другие сборные диорамы, изображающие памятные сцены.
🧐 Этим конструктором интересовались: 460 чел.
👉 А вы знали? Что самый большой конструктор Лего это модель корабля Титаник 10294 LEGO Creator Expert, который состоит из 9 090 деталей. Корабль разделяется на три части, позволяя осмотреть детально проработанный интерьер. Эта колоссальная модель корабля «Титаник» — предмет для коллекции, который войдет в историю.
75330 Dagobah™ Jedi™ Training Diorama
Building Instructions (1/1)
Join Obi-Wan Kenobi on the battlefield for another daring duel against Darth Vader. Jump over the barrier of fire to confront the Dark Lord of the Sith and avoid the exploding mine cart as the duel rages on. Imperial Officer Tala Durith and the droid NED-B arrive just in time to witness the epic battle!
Death Star™ Trench Run Diorama
Focus like a Jedi to create a brick-built snapshot of the epic Star Wars: A New Hope trench run. Capture Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced fighter and 2 TIE fighters in pursuit of Luke Skywalker’s X-wing above the detailed surface of the Death Star. Add the plaque bearing Darth Vader’s words (“The Force is strong with this one”) to complete a centerpiece that is sure to bring memories flooding back.
Hoth™ AT-ST™
The Battle of Hoth is on! Help Chewbacca and the Rebel Trooper defend against the mighty Hoth AT-ST. Dodge the AT-ST’s long legs and take cover from its spring-loaded-missiles. Disable the Imperial Probe Droid with the Rebel Trooper’s blaster gun and target the powerful AT-ST walker with Chewie’s bowcaster. Will the Imperial forces or Rebel Alliance triumph? It’s up to you!
The Mandalorian™ Helmet
It’s time to pay homage to legendary bounty hunter The Mandalorian. Channel your focus to build a sleek LEGO® Star Wars™ replica of his iconic helmet. Use the drum-lacquered LEGO elements to recreate the metallic shine of beskar. Connect bricks in different shades of gray to highlight the helmet’s contours. Then display the impressive bounty of your creative mission on its stand with nameplate.
The Razor Crest™ Microfighter
Build The Razor Crest Microfighter and team up with The Mandalorian on exciting bounty-hunting adventures! Jump in the cockpit and launch your galactic mission. Fire the stud shooters at Imperial Remnant forces. Explore other planets with The Mandalorian’s jetpack and battle enemies with his blaster pistol. Who knows what you might discover out there!
Snowtrooper™ Battle Pack
Build your own LEGO® Star Wars™ Snowtrooper army and get ready for battle on planet Hoth! Equip the Snowtroopers with a blaster gun, blaster rifles and blaster pistol. Build a snow trench and fire the E-Web heavy repeating blaster at the Rebel Alliance forces. Ride into attack with the Hoth Scout Trooper on the Imperial Hoth speeder bike. Can you lead the Snowtroopers to victory?
Boba Fett's Throne Room
Fight your way into what was once Jabba the Hutt’s palace with Boba Fett and Fennec Shand! Battle past the Weequay Guard and Quarren. Blast the Gamorrean Guard off the steps and come face-to-face with Bib Fortuna in the throne room. Send Bib Fortuna flying off the throne and seek out the hidden beskar bars. Then head to the back of the palace to celebrate your victory with food and drink!
The Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter™
Create your own exciting Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett stories with The Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter. This brick-built model is just as beaten-up as the real thing – thankfully, Peli Motto is here with her BD Droid to help with repairs! Then launch your next mission from Tatooine with Grogu on board. And if you encounter enemies along the way, you can fire the torpedo to take out the threat!
The Armorer’s Mandalorian™ Forge
Create awesome beskar armor for The Mandalorian and Paz Vizsla at The Armorer’s forge! Gather vital information from the hologram. Melt down the bars of beskar at the forge and hammer the superstrong metal into shape. With their new armor complete, The Mandalorian and Paz Vizsla can strap on their jetpacks, grab their weapons and fly away on another bounty-hunting mission.
Luke Skywalker’s Landspeeder™
Relive Star Wars: A New Hope scenes as you build this Ultimate Collector Series version of Luke Skywalker’s Landspeeder. Channel Jedi-like focus to replicate every detail, from the turbine wiring to the cockpit, in LEGO® style. Place your creation on the display stand in ‘hover’ mode alongside the information plaque and Luke Skywalker and C-3PO LEGO minifigures to complete a Force-ful centerpiece.
Death Star™ Trash Compactor Diorama
Channel your focus to help C-3PO and R2-D2 save Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca and Princess Leia from a crushing fate. Relive that dramatic Star Wars: A New Hope scene as you build the Death Star trash compactor’s moving walls and other authentic details. To complete a nostalgic centerpiece, attach the plaque with Han’s witty quip: “One thing’s for sure. We’re all gonna be a lot thinner.”
Imperial Armored Marauder
Prepare for battle against the Stormtroopers in their awesome Imperial Armored Marauder. Take cover when they fire the stud shooters from the front and from the rotating turret at the rear. Watch out for the elite Artillery Stormtrooper attacking with a mortar gun and fight back with Greef Karga’s blaster pistol. Can you beat the odds and defeat the Imperial enemy?
Let’s celebrate 45 years of Star Wars™!
Hey! It’s Bob here! I was so excited that all my favorite LEGO® Star Wars™ heroes and villains from a galaxy far, far away are coming together to celebrate Star Wars™ 45th anniversary at the movie theater! I want to get a selfie with Grogu 😎! Who would you like to get a selfie with?
Make it move
Simple movements can make big changes to photos. Try out different ways to make your scenery move around your models or find ways to make your models move on their own! Fishing line can be a great tool to make things look like they’re floating and moving on their own.
The Race is ON!
Check out this amazing space race Brick Film. Using minifigures and builds from across the galaxy together in fun and exciting ways, LEGO® Star Wars™ fan Forrest Whaley has made his adventure real!
Making snowy scenes
How do you make a snowy scene come to life? Watch how Benedek Lampert uses ordinary things around his house like flour, cardboard and garbage bags to build a snowy mountain-scape for his amazing brick photo. You can add even more details to your photos when you get creative. Make trees out of cardboard or position your minifigures doing cool moves by using paper clips!
Try a hand-drawn Hunter™
Try your skills at drawing a speedy scene from The Bad Batch™ featuring Hunter™. Get a good look at your hoverbike and minifigure, then start drawing! First you will want to draw everything down in pencil. Pay attention to any details. For this base layer it’s OK to make mistakes! Also, fill in the surrounding page with things like motion lines and dust to make it look like your bike is speeding! Next, outline everything in a thin black marker and then the outer-most line with a thicker black marker. When it comes to color, be sure to use different hues to build shadows and highlights in your drawing. It’s those details that really bring it to life. To make your bike hover, add a hoverbike-shaped shadow below your drawing. The darker the shadow, the lower it looks to the ground. Finally, push those highlights with a white paint pen or colored pencil.
Take to the skies
Bring your Brick Photos to life by taking your models into the sky! Build your scene and hang your models from above to add some drama to your story. Be sure to use lighting to create depth in your shot!
Brick BIG
Creating a LEGO® diorama, or Brickorama, is a great way to show off your building skills while also telling a story captured in time. Brickoramas can be small or BIG like this Brickorama by David Hall. In his build, he’s telling the story of The Bad Batch™ being hunted down by Imperial Troops in the forests of Daro™. Desperate to find cover, the gang reaches a hillside where they meet Crosshair™ alongside a pack of Stormtroopers™. In the skies, a fierce battle between good and evil is taking place. Watch his how-to videos to get some info about how to create your own Brickorama and tell your story.
Learn Why Snot Rocks
It may sound funny, but SNOT is no joke. It stands for ‘Studs Not On Top’ and it’s a great way of building with LEGO® bricks! Building the SNOT way means angling your bricks in a way that brings landscapes to life. Check out this video where David Hall takes you through how he used SNOT to build his Brickorama, and for examples of how you can do it yourself!
Minifigures Making Moves
Want to add some character emotion to your set-up? Pay attention to your minifigures! With little arms that wing, tiny hands that rotate and different facial expressions you can do a lot with a minifigure. Take a look at this video to see how David Hall brings his minifigures to life!
Find your angles
Here are some great tips and tricks from Suné Horn on how to add the right lighting, angles and effects to your shots. Remember that you can make your own lighting kit in your home with what you have! You can always use natural light, or if you want something more dramatic you can add a spotlight!
LEGO® Star Wars™ Games
“The Last Jedi” 360 Experience
Take part in a fully immersive 360-degree experience as you build the battle and take part in a unique LEGO® adventure that is set in the same time and location of Star Wars “The Last Jedi”. Create vehicles from the movie and watch them do battle as both Resistance and First Order try to seize control.
LEGO® Star Wars Battle Run
Follow BB-8™ as you roll your way through an intense battle on the planet of Crait™. You choose how the story will change and whether to help the Resistance or to join the First Order.
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ marks the triumphant return of the No. 1 LEGO videogame franchise and immerses fans in the new Star Wars adventure like never before. Players can relive the epic action from the blockbuster film in a way that only LEGO can offer, featuring all of the storylines from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, retold through the clever and witty LEGO lens. The game will also feature exclusive playable content that takes players on adventures set between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, providing additional insight into the new movie and its characters.
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga
The galaxy is yours with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga! Play through all nine Star Wars saga films in a brand-new LEGO video game unlike any other. For the first time ever in a LEGO video game, explore the galaxy your way as you fly to some of the saga’s most legendary locales. Players will relive the epic story of all nine films in the Skywalker Saga, and it all starts with picking the trilogy of their choice to begin the journey. Experience fun-filled adventures, whimsical humor and the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe like never before.With hundreds of characters and vehicles, players can dive into their favorite Star Wars moments in an all-new way, complete with the hilarious LEGO brand of fun that’s sure to delight players of all ages.Journey to a galaxy far, far away with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga.
75330 Dagobah™ Jedi™ Training Diorama
Building Instructions (1/1)
Relive Star Wars: A New Hope scenes as you build this Ultimate Collector Series version of Luke Skywalker’s Landspeeder. Channel Jedi-like focus to replicate every detail, from the turbine wiring to the cockpit, in LEGO® style. Place your creation on the display stand in ‘hover’ mode alongside the information plaque and Luke Skywalker and C-3PO LEGO minifigures to complete a Force-ful centerpiece.
Obi-Wan Kenobi™ vs. Darth Vader™
Join Obi-Wan Kenobi on the battlefield for another daring duel against Darth Vader. Jump over the barrier of fire to confront the Dark Lord of the Sith and avoid the exploding mine cart as the duel rages on. Imperial Officer Tala Durith and the droid NED-B arrive just in time to witness the epic battle!
Mandalorian Starfighter™
Join Bo-Katan Kryze and a Mandalorian Loyalist and launch thrilling missions with this Mandalorian Starfighter. Jump into the dual cockpit and power into the air. Fold down the wings and spin the cockpit for a streamlined shape and superfast flight. Fire the shooters at enemy starships. Then gear up with blaster pistols and jetpacks for action-packed battles against Gar Saxon when you land!
Snowtrooper™ Battle Pack
Build your own LEGO® Star Wars™ Snowtrooper army and get ready for battle on planet Hoth! Equip the Snowtroopers with a blaster gun, blaster rifles and blaster pistol. Build a snow trench and fire the E-Web heavy repeating blaster at the Rebel Alliance forces. Ride into attack with the Hoth Scout Trooper on the Imperial Hoth speeder bike. Can you lead the Snowtroopers to victory?
The Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter™
Create your own exciting Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett stories with The Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter. This brick-built model is just as beaten-up as the real thing – thankfully, Peli Motto is here with her BD Droid to help with repairs! Then launch your next mission from Tatooine with Grogu on board. And if you encounter enemies along the way, you can fire the torpedo to take out the threat!
Hoth™ AT-ST™
The Battle of Hoth is on! Help Chewbacca and the Rebel Trooper defend against the mighty Hoth AT-ST. Dodge the AT-ST’s long legs and take cover from its spring-loaded-missiles. Disable the Imperial Probe Droid with the Rebel Trooper’s blaster gun and target the powerful AT-ST walker with Chewie’s bowcaster. Will the Imperial forces or Rebel Alliance triumph? It’s up to you!
LEGO® Star Wars™ Advent Calendar
Build your way to Christmas with daily surprises from this LEGO® Star Wars™ Advent Calendar! Discover a buildable Star Wars: The Mandalorian item behind each door, including your favorite characters in festive outfits, mini builds of cool starships and ‘snowball’-shooting weapons. Build something new each day and create unlimited, fun, seasonal Star Wars adventures!
Boba Fett’s Starship™
Build Boba Fett’s signature starship and play out exciting missions with The Mandalorian! Jump into the cockpit and launch a bounty-hunting mission. Fire the stud shooter, target enemies with the rotating dual blaster cannons and freeze them in Carbonite. Land in Tython and use the transporter to move the starship (or display it in an upright flying position).
The Armorer’s Mandalorian™ Forge
Create awesome beskar armor for The Mandalorian and Paz Vizsla at The Armorer’s forge! Gather vital information from the hologram. Melt down the bars of beskar at the forge and hammer the superstrong metal into shape. With their new armor complete, The Mandalorian and Paz Vizsla can strap on their jetpacks, grab their weapons and fly away on another bounty-hunting mission.
Dark Trooper™ Helmet
Display your loyalty to the Imperial Remnant with this LEGO® Star Wars™ Dark Trooper Helmet. Take time out to focus on capturing the contours of the helmet in LEGO style. Use a combination of translucent red LEGO elements and white bricks to recreate a Dark Trooper’s shining red eyes. The slight forward tilt of the helmet on its display stand completes an authentically sinister centerpiece.
Death Star™ Trench Run Diorama
Focus like a Jedi to create a brick-built snapshot of the epic Star Wars: A New Hope trench run. Capture Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced fighter and 2 TIE fighters in pursuit of Luke Skywalker’s X-wing above the detailed surface of the Death Star. Add the plaque bearing Darth Vader’s words (“The Force is strong with this one”) to complete a centerpiece that is sure to bring memories flooding back.
Imperial Light Cruiser™
Build your own Imperial Light Cruiser from Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2. Open the hatch to check out the detailed cabin. Use the bridge as a handle to fly the starship. Launch the mini TIE Fighters and fire the rotating spring-loaded shooters. The set also includes The Mandalorian, the Child (Grogu), Cara Dune, Fennec Shand, Moff Gideon and a Dark Trooper with cool weapons for epic battles.
Let’s celebrate 45 years of Star Wars™!
Hey! It’s Bob here! I was so excited that all my favorite LEGO® Star Wars™ heroes and villains from a galaxy far, far away are coming together to celebrate Star Wars™ 45th anniversary at the movie theater! I want to get a selfie with Grogu 😎! Who would you like to get a selfie with?
Find the way
Discover the steps of how to create epic Star Wars™ themed drawings with just pencils! Watch as Scott Anthony builds up his scene by layering details and colors over a base sketch. Try this yourself with your favorite Star Wars characters!
Try a hand-drawn Hunter™
Try your skills at drawing a speedy scene from The Bad Batch™ featuring Hunter™. Get a good look at your hoverbike and minifigure, then start drawing! First you will want to draw everything down in pencil. Pay attention to any details. For this base layer it’s OK to make mistakes! Also, fill in the surrounding page with things like motion lines and dust to make it look like your bike is speeding! Next, outline everything in a thin black marker and then the outer-most line with a thicker black marker. When it comes to color, be sure to use different hues to build shadows and highlights in your drawing. It’s those details that really bring it to life. To make your bike hover, add a hoverbike-shaped shadow below your drawing. The darker the shadow, the lower it looks to the ground. Finally, push those highlights with a white paint pen or colored pencil.
Make it move
Simple movements can make big changes to photos. Try out different ways to make your scenery move around your models or find ways to make your models move on their own! Fishing line can be a great tool to make things look like they’re floating and moving on their own.
How to Get Started on Your First Brick Film
It can be hard to know where to start when making your first stop motion Brick Film. In this video, Forrest Whaley talks about the importance of an animatic – or a sketch of what he is planning for his Brick Film. The first thing you want to do is decide on the story you want to tell. Then, you can make quick sketches of each scene you want to have in your film. Don’t forget to add in transition shots showing how you get from one shot to another. Watch this video to see how Forrest makes his animatics.
Making snowy scenes
How do you make a snowy scene come to life? Watch how Benedek Lampert uses ordinary things around his house like flour, cardboard and garbage bags to build a snowy mountain-scape for his amazing brick photo. You can add even more details to your photos when you get creative. Make trees out of cardboard or position your minifigures doing cool moves by using paper clips!
LEGO® Star Wars™: This is how we play!
Big shout out to all of you brilliant Brick Artists, Brick Filmmakers, Brick Photographers and Brickorama Experts! Keep playing with us and don’t forget to unlock your LEGO Star Wars Puzzle Box this Friday! Featured LEGO® Star Wars™ creators: AdmirableWinzar011 AmbitiousMorro024 Capture CleverToothpaste036 CreatorYoung011 EmperorTrainedSoup EmpressFitCamera FantabulousMinibeard032 HertogModderigeBallon KıdemliÖzelMaydanoz KollegeGesunderBulle KorpralTålmodigMejsel LordBancoFiero LordWizardy021 MajesticMartian042 MaskedBison047 MedievalMonkey046 NieszkodliwyBrygadierKrait PontosKanálÚr ReTormak020 SargentoAlbatrozDeterminado SeigneurBrainsteinPrécieux SenseiJellylikeTruck SleepyHippo049 SuperhumanDonkey032 SurprisingVardy048 WielkiPorucznikZiemniak WizardyPsyclone044 WydajnyImperatorBrainstein YoungestLuckySieve ЛейтенантЗвёздныйЛобстер
Bring your still life to life
It’s time for a little Grogu™ still life practice! Grab your minifigure and follow along as Casper teaches you how to make your minifigure drawing float. The first step is creating a base sketch out of pencil so you can make changes to the face and body shape until you get it just how you want it. Then, go over all the lines, including the details, with a thin marker. Next, go back around the outside of the drawing with a thicker marker. This will give your minifigure some weight on the page. When it comes to color, try using different hues of the same color to create depth and show off the details. And now for the final step – making it float! Use a soft color under the minifigure to shade in a little spot that kind of mimics the shape of your minifigure. Think about what your shadow would look like if you were floating!
How to Make a Minifigure Walk
Want to learn how to make your Stormtroopers™ march? In this video, Forrest Whaley demonstrates the process of creating a minifigure walk in stop motion animation. It can help to watch how people walk to get the movements down. When you put one leg forward, swing the opposite arm of the minifigure forwards. With each movement, shift the torso just a little bit to make it look a little more realistic. Then, once you’ve created this small walking loop, you can repeat it! Check out the video for a full tutorial.
Learn Why Snot Rocks
It may sound funny, but SNOT is no joke. It stands for ‘Studs Not On Top’ and it’s a great way of building with LEGO® bricks! Building the SNOT way means angling your bricks in a way that brings landscapes to life. Check out this video where David Hall takes you through how he used SNOT to build his Brickorama, and for examples of how you can do it yourself!
LEGO® Star Wars™ Games
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga
The galaxy is yours with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga! Play through all nine Star Wars saga films in a brand-new LEGO video game unlike any other. For the first time ever in a LEGO video game, explore the galaxy your way as you fly to some of the saga’s most legendary locales. Players will relive the epic story of all nine films in the Skywalker Saga, and it all starts with picking the trilogy of their choice to begin the journey. Experience fun-filled adventures, whimsical humor and the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe like never before.With hundreds of characters and vehicles, players can dive into their favorite Star Wars moments in an all-new way, complete with the hilarious LEGO brand of fun that’s sure to delight players of all ages.Journey to a galaxy far, far away with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga.
LEGO® Star Wars Battle Run
Follow BB-8™ as you roll your way through an intense battle on the planet of Crait™. You choose how the story will change and whether to help the Resistance or to join the First Order.
“The Last Jedi” 360 Experience
Take part in a fully immersive 360-degree experience as you build the battle and take part in a unique LEGO® adventure that is set in the same time and location of Star Wars “The Last Jedi”. Create vehicles from the movie and watch them do battle as both Resistance and First Order try to seize control.
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ marks the triumphant return of the No. 1 LEGO videogame franchise and immerses fans in the new Star Wars adventure like never before. Players can relive the epic action from the blockbuster film in a way that only LEGO can offer, featuring all of the storylines from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, retold through the clever and witty LEGO lens. The game will also feature exclusive playable content that takes players on adventures set between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, providing additional insight into the new movie and its characters.
После того, как вы пройдете уровень Станции гибернации в Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, вы вернетесь к Люку Скайуокеру в Болото Драконьих Змей, и теперь он сможет решить головоломку One With The Force. Вы не можете завершить эту головоломку, пока не завершите Станцию гибернации.
Северный край карты Болота Драконьей Змеи разделен на четыре отдельных участка. Идите во вторую секцию с запада (или слева, если хотите), и вы увидите коричневый монолит с символом, похожим на букву V. Это «йирт» в алфавите «Звездных войн», и тот факт, что над этим монолитом парит один огонек, говорит о том, что это первая часть головоломки.
Найдите вторую часть, отскочив от грибовидного объекта рядом с первым монолитом. Заберитесь на выступ скалы, затем идите направо и прыгайте на деревянную платформу. Отсюда виден второй монолит. Он закрыт ветвями, но символ на нем похож на треугольник со срезанной вершиной — «оск» в алфавите «Звездных войн».
От первого и второго монолитов идите на юго-запад и найдите третий монолит за хижиной Йоды. На нем есть что-то вроде перевернутой буквы F, также известной как «дорн» в алфавите «Звездных войн».
Используйте Силу, чтобы сложить два ящика перед хижиной Йоды, затем используйте их, чтобы забраться на дерево. Заберитесь на дерево, используя поручни, затем используйте лианы, чтобы перебраться через следующее дерево. Прыгайте и качайтесь вверх по этому дереву и к следующему, затем используйте еще две лианы, чтобы пересечь следующую щель. Еще три лозы, и вы доберетесь до четвертого и последнего монолита, на котором есть символ, который выглядит как T и Y, слитые вместе, а затем упавшие на бок. Это «аурек» в алфавите «Звездных войн» и последняя часть головоломки «Трясина драконьих змей».
Идите в середину северного края карты и следуйте по пути на юг вверх по небольшому склону. В конце пути вы найдете еще четыре монолита, каждый из которых соответствует четырем отдельным монолитам, которые вы уже нашли. Вы можете сказать, что соответствует чему, по количеству парящих над ними огоньков. Код головоломки Dragonsnake Bog — yirt-osk-dorn-aurek, поэтому используйте Силу, чтобы установить правильный символ для каждого из четырех монолитов (см. скриншот) и завершите головоломку One With The Force, заработав себе Kyber Brick в придачу. .
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