Create the world lego
Осенью позапрошлого года компания LEGO Group запустила масштабную кампанию Rebuild the World («Построй свой мир»), нацеленную на развитие креативности и творческого образа мышления, который можно раскрыть, в том числе, в процессе сборки и перестройки моделей из кубиков LEGO. Инициатива помогает взрослым и детям окунуться в собственный мир, где для самовыражения не существует никаких границ. Помимо развития изобретательности и креативности, проект позволяет объединить за одним столом целую семью и создать радостное настроение, что особенно актуально в период локдауна. О реализации глобального проекта в этом году, его освещении на локальном рынке и итогах запуска рассказывают эксперты бренда LEGO.
Целью кампании «Построй свой мир» было передать мысль о том, что конструктор LEGO – это не одноразовая игрушка. Его потенциал не завершается на последней странице инструкции по сборке, ведь получившуюся постройку можно разобрать и создать из этих кубиков целый мир, применяя безграничную фантазию и творческий подход.
Для успешного воплощения данной идеи в первую очередь были проанализированы ответы взрослых и детей в рамках глобального исследования LEGO Play Well Report 2020, которое, в том числе, проводилось и в России. Выяснилось, что 91% родителей во всем мире считают: уверенность ребенка в своих творческих способностях позитивно сказывается на достижении им успеха в будущем. В России этот показатель равен 93%. Также респонденты подтвердили, что игра – отличный способ укрепить отношения между поколениями: 92% родителей во всем мире и 88% в России назвали игру эффективным методом сблизиться с ребенком. О том, что в период самоизоляции досуг в игровой форме позволял семьям расслабиться, заявили 88% взрослых глобально и 72% в пределах страны.
В ушедшем году большинству семей пришлось провести достаточно много времени в стенах дома. Это подарило родителям возможность увидеть, из чего состоит привычный день их детей, понаблюдать за тем, как они играют и проявляют творчество даже в самых обычных вещах. Это время также вдохновило команду LEGO на разработку кампании, в рамках которой можно с помощью построек показать мир, где дети мечтают жить и который они создают вокруг себя уже сегодня.
Особенно приятно всем вместе погрузиться в творческий процесс сборки и сделать реальность красочнее в преддверии Нового года, когда каждый из нас снова чувствует себя ребенком и ждет приближение сказки. Эту задумку удалось передать через воодушевляющий ролик, призывающий впустить в свой дом праздник, собирая зрелищные постройки из деталей LEGO, которые оживают благодаря фантазии детей. В качестве музыкального сопровождения к видео был создан ремейк на культовую песню «What a Wonderful World», исполненную на разных языках мира. В результате глобальная кампания была активирована через множество каналов, включая digital-платформы, магазины сети и прочие ресурсы, что позволило привлечь внимание широкой аудитории к идее совместного творческого конструирования.
На глобальном уровне компания LEGO также запустила проект, который предполагал сборку 4-метровой 3D-модели земного шара с креативными детскими постройками из кубиков LEGO, выполненными участниками из разных стран. В создании глобуса приняли участие и поклонники конструктора LEGO из России – Анна Бахирева с 6-летним сыном Федей. Из кубиков LEGO они сделали красочную модель «Спасской башни», которая стала частью эффектной версии земного шара. Помимо активации глобальной кампании, были запущены и локальные инициативы. Чтобы ощутить, насколько многогранен наш мир, а также возможности, которые дают кубики LEGO, мы предложили энтузиастам в России и за ее пределами внести свой вклад в историю создания уникальных изобретений в рамках локального digital-проекта Rebuild Internet.
В результате был получен мощный эмоциональный отклик аудитории, а участники продемонстрировали свой талант к изобретательству и на собственном примере доказали, что вместе с кубиками каждому из нас подвластно воплощение самых смелых задумок. Некоторые пары создавали миниатюрные копии космических кораблей и ракет, другие собирали надежные и функциональные аксессуары для авто. При этом у героев прекрасно получилось донести ключевую идею проекта: лучшее пособие по сборке конструктора – наше воображение, которому стоит довериться.
Так работы из деталей LEGO, выполненные руками энтузиастов, позволили привлечь внимание к глобальной идее о важности творческого самовыражения. Компания LEGO Group продемонстрировала безграничные возможности для воплощения оригинальных задумок с кубиками LEGO, объединив людей, которые желают построить мир мечты и создавать атмосферу праздника каждый день.
Create the World is a name used for a series of promotional trading cards sold in the UK by supermarket chain Sainsbury's under license from LEGO. The cards would depict various minifigure characters (usually those that have appeared in the Minifigures theme) or buildable models (mostly from the Creator or Classic themes). Cards came in packs of four and customers could also get free packs for every £10 spent. Each series has 140 cards to collect. A promotional set was released in 2017.
The "Create the World" story, shown through accompanying collector's albums, has exclusive characters Sam and Lily travelling across the world, meeting various minifigure characters along the way
Series 1 (2017)
The character cards in the first series featured symbols that could be used to play rock-paper-scissors, while their backs could be used for playing a dominoes-like game. Each pair of pages in the collector's album also detailed a continent's man-made wonders, the fauna and flora inhabiting it, as well as their natural sights.
001. Lily (with wrench)
002. Sam (with book)
026. Tiger Woman (from Series 14)
027. Fitness Instructor (from Series 5)
028. Butcher (from Series 6)
029. Yeti (from Series 11)
030. Flamenco Dancer (from Series 6)
031. Letters
044. Chicken Suit Guy (from Series 9)
045. Waiter (from Series 9)
046. Mountain Climber (from Series 11)
047. Skier (from Series 2)
048. Disco Diva (from Series 13)
049. Monkey (40207 Year of the Monkey)
056. Diner Waitress (from Series 11)
057. Ghost House (from 10703 Creative Builder Box)
058. Vampire Bat (from Series 8)
059. Decorator (from Series 10)
060. Pizza Delivery Man (from Series 12)
061. Skyline (from 10703 Creative Builder Box)
062. Unicorn Girl (from Series 13)
063. Frightening Knight (from Series 15)
064. Businessman (from Series 8)
065. Jewel Thief (from Series 15)
066. Sad Clown (from Series 10)
067. Panda (40073 Panda)
Australia & Oceania
074. Rock Star (from Series 12)
075. Bagpiper (from Series 7)
076. Shark Suit Guy (from Series 15)
077. Evil Dwarf (from Series 5)
078. Santa (from Series 8)
079. Koala (40130 Koala)
080. Artist (from Series 4)
081. Mummy (from Series 3)
082. Heroic Knight (from Series 9)
083. Island (from 31064 Island Adventures)
084. Monster Scientist (from Series 14, errorneously identified as Crazy Scientist)
085. Wolf Guy (from Series 14)
086. Bumblebee Girl (from Series 10)
087. Submarine (40137 Submarine)
088. Skeleton Guy (from Series 14)
089. Alien Trooper (from Series 13)
090. Grandma (from Series 11)
091. Kangaroo (40133 Kangaroo)
South America
098. Skater Girl (from Series 6)
099. Trendsetter (from Series 10)
100. Paintball Player (from Series 10)
101. Small Clown (from Series 5)
102. Fisherman (from Series 3)
103. Toucan (from 31019 Forest Animals)
104. Clumsy Guy (from Series 15)
105. Gingerbread Man (from Series 11)
106. Hotel (40141 Bricktober Hotel)
107. Plane (from 31064 Island Adventures)
108. Hippie (from Series 7)
109. Traffic Cop (from Series 2)
110. Grandpa (from Series 10)
111. Dinosaur (from 10693 Creative Supplement)
112. Fairytale Princess (from Series 12)
113. Parrot (from 31031 Rainforest Animals)
114. Spider Lady (from Series 14)
115. Mechanic (from Series 6)
North America
116. Gargoyle (from Series 14)
117. Saxophone Player (from Series 11)
118. Lady Robot (from Series 11)
119. Farmer (from Series 15)
120. Mime (from Series 2)
121. Hot Dog Stand (40078 Hot Dog Cart)
121. Medusa (from Series 10)
123. Prospector (from Series 12)
124. Leprechaun (from Series 6)
125. DJ (from Series 8)
126. Statue of Liberty (40026 Statue of Liberty)
127. Saceship (40127 Space Shuttle)
128. Lady Cyclops (from Series 13)
129. Thespian (from Series 8)
130. Snake Charmer (from Series 13)
131. Piggy Guy (from Series 12)
132. Bride (from Series 7)
133. Bear (from 31052 Vacation Getaways)
139. Lily (with book)
140. Sam (with wrench)
Series 2: Incredible Inventions (2018)
In this series, Sam and Lily explore a museum of inventions from across history, each set of pages in the collector's album spanning across different periods of history. Some pages include additional "excursions". Like the previous year, the cards can be used to play dominoes (face down) or rock-paper-scissors (face up). This series contains three reprints from the previous year.
001. Lily (with museum map)
002. Sam (with audio guide)
Prehistoric Times
008. Pop Star (from Series 2)
009. Yellow Hut (from 10713 Creative Suitcase)
010. Viking (from Series 4)
011. Monster Rocker (from Series 14)
012. Video Game Guy (from Series 12)
013. Unicorn Guy (from Series 18)
Ancient Civilisations
020. Purple Flower (from 10696 Medium Creative Brick Box)
021. Astronaut (Minifigures) (from Series 15)
022. Year of the Snake (10250 Year of The Snake)
023. Cactus Girl (from Series 18)
024. Evil Mech (from Series 11)
025. Magician (from Series 1)
026. Barbarian (from Series 11)
027. Gourmet Chef (from Series 17)
028. Pencil (from 10692 Creative Bricks)
029. Vampire (from Series 2)
030. Strongman (from Series 17)
031. Forest Maiden (from Series 9)
038. Hot Dog Guy (reprint of 2017 Hot Dog Man)
039. Dog Show Winner (from Series 16)
040. Party Clown (from Series 18)
041. Barn Owl (from 10712 Bricks and Gears)
042. Goblin (from Series 13)
043. Wildlife Photographer (from Series 16)
044. Wrestling Champion (from Series 15)
045. Street Skater (from Series 4)
046. Swimming Champion (from Series 7)
047. Ice Cream (from 10704 Creative Box)
048. Genie Girl (from Series 12)
049. Pretzel Girl (from Series 11)
050. Cake Guy (from Series 18)
051. Elephant Costume Girl (from Series 18)
052. Witch (from Series 2)
053. Guitar (from 10694 Creative Supplement Bright)
054. Scallywag Pirate (from Series 16)
055. Cyclops (from Series 9
Middle Ages
056. Zookeeper (from Series 5)
057. Fortress (from 10713 Creative Suitcase)
058. Banana Suit Guy (reprint of 2017 Banana Guy)
059. Witch (40070 Witch)
060. Downhill Skier (from Series 8)
061. Kickboxer (from Series 16)
062. Yuppie (from Series 17)
063. Dog (from 10702 Creative Building Set)
064. Ballerina (from Series 15)
065. Dragon Suit Guy (from Series 18)
066. Ghost (40013 Ghost)
067. Laser Mech (from Series 15)
068. Grandma Visitor (from Series 7)
069. Birthday Cake (from 10695 Creative Building Box)
070. Wizard (from Series 12)
071. Birthday Party Girl (from Series 18)
072. Rainforest Frog (from 31031 Rainforest Animals)
073. Banshee (from Series 14)
Early Modern Times
074. Pirate Ship (reprint of 2017 Ancient Ship)
075. Ice Queen (from Series 16)
076. Battle Mech (from Series 9)
077. Evil Wizard (from Series 13)
078. Surgeon (from Series 6)
079. Dino Tracker (from Series 12)
080. Warrior Woman (from Series 10)
081. Lady Liberty (from Series 6)
082. Emerald Express (31015 Emerald Express)
083. Butterfly Girl (from Series 17)
084. Fitness Instructor (from Series 5)
085. Fly Monster (from Series 14)
pg.36-37: Excursion
086. Ocean Explorer (31045 Ocean Explorer)
087. Zombie Cheerleader (from Series 14)
088. Diver (from Series 8)
089. Shark (from 10693 Creative Supplement)
090. Space Alien (from Series 3)
091. Penguin Boy (from Series 16)
To The Present
092. Mariachi (from Series 16)
093. Gas Station (from 10715 Bricks on a Roll)
094. Drone Explorer (31071 Drone Explorer)
095. Pharaoh (from Series 2)
096. Samurai (from Series 13)
097. Car (from 10715 Bricks on a Roll)
110. Evil Robot (from Series 8)
111. St. Bernard Dog (40249 St. Bernard Dog)
112. Corn Cob Guy (from Series 17)
113. Brick Apple (40215 Apple)
114. Roller Derby Girl (from Series 9)
115. Cyborg (from Series 16)
116. Scientist (from Series 11)
117. Tennis Ace (from Series 7)
118. Judge (from Series 9)
119. Egyptian Warrior (from Series 13)
120. Hollywood Letters (from 10694 Creative Supplement Bright)
121. Cat Costume Girl (from Series 18)
122. Spooky Boy (from Series 16)
123. Ultralight Plane (40284 Glider)
124. Ice Skater (from Series 4)
125. Helicopter (40097 Helicopter
126. Zombie Businessman (from Series 14)
127. Sailor (from Series 4)
The Future
128. Hiker (from Series 16)
129. Clockwork Robot (from Series 6)
130. Future Flyers (31034 Future flyers)
131. UFO (40129 UFO)
132. Detective (from Series 5)
133. Hot Dog Vendor (from Series 17)
134. Police Officer (from Series 18)
135. Rogue (from Series 16)
136. Veterinarian (from Series 17)
137. Robot (40248 Robot)
138. Babysitter (from Series 16)
139. Lily (with Roman helmet and shield)
140. Sam (with telescope)
Series 3: Living Amazingly (2020)
Returning to the "around the world" theme of the first series, this series shows Sam and Lily travelling the world to learn about different world foods and healthy eating. This time, the character cards could be used to play either Mau-Mau or a card-matching game, with the cards' border colours and symbols adding restrictions to each game (i.e. in the card matching game, each matching pair must have the same colour border and the same symbol as each other, no matter which characters are depicted on them). This series noticeably includes more reprints than the previous series and also includes several characters from themes outside the Minifigures range, including City, Ideas and even bit-part characters from The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part.
001. Sam (with hot dog)
002. Lily (with carrot)
pg.10-11: Grains
008. Constable (from Series 11)
009. Tractor (40280 Tractor)
010. Mountain Biker (from Series 19)
011. Zombie (from Series 1)
012. Scarecrow (40285 Scarecrow)
013. Pyjama Girl (from Series 20)
pg.12-13: Fats
014. Computer Programmer (from Series 7)
015. Ladybug ( 40324 Ladybird )
016. Sheriff (from Series 13)
017. Flower Pot Girl (from Series 18)
018. Bird (from 30542 Cute Pug)
019. Baseball Fielder (from Series 10)
pg.14-15: Nuts
pg.16-17: Proteins
026. Peapod (from Series 20)
027. Mummy Queen (from Series 19)
028. Bald Eagle ( 40329 Eagle )
029. Crane ( 40325 Crane
030. Spartan Warrior (from Series 2)
031. Lady Cyclops (reprint of 2017 Lady Cyclops)
032. Brick Suit Guy (from Series 18)
033. Giraffe Guy (from The LEGO Movie 2)
034. Chinese New Year Dragon (40395 Chinese Dragon)
035. Helicopter Pilot (from 951905 Gyrocopter)
036. Octopus (from 31088 Deep Sea Creatures)
037. Genie (from Series 6)
pg.20-21: Fruits & Spices
pg.22-23: Flavours
044. Flying Warrior (from Series 17)
045. Spider Suit Boy (from Series 18)
046. Crab (from 30574 Cat)
047. Hot Dog Guy (second reprint of Hot Dog Man)
048. Kitty Pop (from The LEGO Movie 2)
049. Crayon Girl (from The LEGO Movie 2)
pg.24-25: Dairy & Fermentation
050. Faun (from Series 15)
051. Miner (from 60184 Mining Team)
052. Lamb (40278 Lamb)
053. Lederhosen Guy (from Series 8)
054. Pirate Girl (from Series 20)
055. Video Game Champ (from Series 19)
pg.26-27: Apples
056. Jungle Explorer (from Series 19)
057. Drone Kid (from Series 20)
058. Tulip pot with Bee (30408 Tulips)
059. Goblin Girl (from 45023 Fantasy Minifigure Set)
060. Mechanic (from 60232 Garage)
061. Caterpillar ( 40322 Caterpillar )
pg.30-31: Evolution
068. Green Space Woman (from 21109 Exo Suit)
069. Bride (reprint of 2017 Bride)
070.Orca (from 31051 Lighthouse Point)
071. Athlete (from Series 20)
072. Gourmet Chef (reprint of 2018 Gourmet Chef)
073. Candy Rapper (from The LEGO Movie 2)
pg.32-33: Fire & Cooking
pg.34-35: Bodies & Energy
080. Rocket Boy (from Series 17)
081. Football Player (from Series 8)
082. Classic Viking (from Series 20)
083. Daredevil (from Series 7)
084. Ostrich (from 30574 Cat)
085. Space Lab Mechanic (as seen in 60229 Rocket Assembly & Transport)
pg.36-37: Essential Nutrients
086. Diver (from 60221 Diving Yacht)
087. Fisherwoman (from 21310 Old Fishing Store)
088. Angler Fish (from 31088 Deep Sea Creatures)
089. Swashbuckler (from Series 12)
090. Fencer (from Series 13)
091. Medusa (reprint of 2017 Medusa)
South America
pg.40-41: Essential Nutrients
pg.44-45: Unsaturated Fats
North America
pg.46-47: Vegetarian & Vegan
116. Pretzel Girl (reprint of 2018 Pretzel Girl)
117. Retro Space Hero (from Series 17)
118. Easter Bunny (30550 Easter Bunny)
119. Gardener (from Series 19)
120. Breakdancer (from Series 20)
121. Valentine Panda (40396 Valentine Panda)
122. Corn Cob Guy (reprint of 2018 Corn Cob Guy)
123. Popcorn Cart (30364 Popcorn Cart)
124. Karate Boy (from Series 20)
125. Race Car Guy (from Series 18)
126. BBQ Grill (40282 BBQ)
127. Witch (from 45023 Fantasy Minifigure Set)
pg.50-51: Hot Food
pg.52-53: Future Nutrition
134. Jet Fighter ( 40321 Jet Fighter )
135. 80s New Wave Guy (from Series 20)
136. Space Miner (from Series 12)
137. Monkey King (from Series 19)
138. Fairy-Tale Princess (reprint of 2017 Fairytale Princess)
Brick Builds are larger, complex LEGO builds that are available as a blueprint for the player to easily recreate in the game. These builds can include buildings, Characters, Vehicles, Objects or even Treasure! Most of them can be found in-game. Many new builds are offered on the Build Showcase on the login screen for LEGO Worlds. These builds can be downloaded then they are available to place for free.
Brick Builds found in the game usually cost 2,500 Studs each to unlock before they can be placed. Once paid for, they can be placed repeatedly without any further cost.
Randomly Generated Structures
Throughout the world, in every Biome, there are structures that have been designed by the designers to enhance the atmosphere of the game. These structures are generically referred to as "Brick Builds." Through the procedural random world generation system, these structures are added to each world, resulting in a more complex and interesting environment.
Many of the randomly generated structures in the world are also available as Blueprints which can be found in Treasure Chests or earned by completing Quests.
Some of the randomly generated builds will have Treasure Chests or Stud Chests included as part of the design when they are randomly generated. The chests will always appear in the same place on or within the structure every time, unless the generation of another object interferes with its placement (such as when a tree "grows" into a building). These structures generally will not spawn with the same treasures if the player places them - the exception being the unique Purple Stud Chest that will spawn with certain Brick Builds in the Build Showcase.
Creating Custom Brick Builds
Players can create new Brick Builds several ways. Within the game, the player can construct whatever they want, then use the Copy Tool to make a permanent Blueprint which is then saved to their hard drive and accessible via the Brick Builds tab of the Discovery Tool. The player can also copy existing builds they find in the world.
PC players can also use an external third-party brick design program, such as LEGO Digital Designer, to make their original design, and then they can export the design to a compatible format for LEGO Worlds.
List of Brick Builds in the Game
This list is hardly exhaustive, due to the sheer number of Brick Builds, as well as the constant new content being released. Builds from the Build Showcase are listed further down.
Blueprint Builds
Blueprints for these builds can be found in Treasure Chests or earned by completing Quests. Those without links are very simple constructions and can likely be found in the gallery below. There are at least 160 known blueprints in the game, not including Legendary Bricks, Legendary Fragments or DLC.
Name | Characters | Creatures | Vehicles | Treasure Chests | Categories |
Autumn Tree | No | No | No | Yes | Trees |
Barn House | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Brickhenge | No | No | No | Yes | Landmarks |
Candy Cane 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Candy Cane 2 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Candy Cane 3 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Castle 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Castle |
Castle 2 | No | No | No | Yes | Castle |
Castle 3 | No | No | No | Yes | Castle |
Castle Kit (T Junction) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Castle Kit (Tower Straight) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Castle Kit (Straight) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Castle Kit (Stairs) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Castle Kit (Open Gate) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Castle Kit (Closed Gate) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Castle Kit (Wall End) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Castle Kit (Wall Corner) | No | No | No | Yes | Castle Pieces |
Cherry Blossom Tree | No | No | No | Yes | Trees |
Cottage 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Houses |
Cottage 2 | No | No | No | Yes | Houses |
Cupcake 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Cupcake 2 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Cupcake 3 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Cupcake 4 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Cupcake 5 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Dead Tree | No | No | No | Yes | Trees |
Gingerbread House | No | No | No | Yes | Houses |
Green Jelly | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Igloo | No | No | No | Yes | Houses |
Intergalactic Headquarters | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Large Cloud | No | No | No | Yes | Natural Features |
Large Volcanic Spike | No | No | No | Yes | Natural Features |
Lollipop 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Lollipop 2 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Lollipop 3 | No | No | No | Yes | Candy |
Old Cafe | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Pyramid | No | No | No | Yes | Landmarks |
Samurai Castle | No | No | No | Yes | Castle |
Savanna Tree | No | No | No | Yes | Trees |
Small Cloud | No | No | No | Yes | Natural Features |
Small Volcanic Spike | No | No | No | Yes | Natural Features |
Sphinx | No | No | No | Yes | Landmarks |
Spooky Tree 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Trees |
Tower Ruin | No | No | Yes | Yes | Castle |
Tree 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Trees |
Tt Logo | No | No | No | Yes | Misc |
Wild West Building | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Changing Seasons | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Houses |
Brick Bank | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Town Hall | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Corner Deli | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Pirate Clock Tower | No | No | No | Yes | Landmarks |
Police Station (Old) | No | No | No | Yes | |
Western Bank | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Jail Cell | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Barn | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Horse Jumps | No | No | No | Yes | Facilities |
Garage Workshop | No | No | No | Yes | Facilities |
Mission Headquarters | No | No | No | Yes | Facilities |
Chemistry Laboratory | No | No | No | Yes | Facilities |
Dino Enclosure | No | No | No | Yes | Facilities |
Water Tower | No | No | No | Yes | Landmarks |
Skate Ramp | No | No | No | Yes | Facilities |
Old Café | No | No | No | Yes | Buildings |
Communications Tower | No | No | No | Yes | Landmarks |
Paid-DLC Brick Builds
Paid-DLC Brick Builds are brick builds unlocked with DLC. (Classic Space & Monsters)
Name | Characters | Creatures | Vehicles | Treasure Chests | Categories |
Alpha-1 Rocket Base | No | No | No | Yes | Classic Space |
Beta-1 Command Base | No | No | No | Yes | Classic Space |
Command Center | No | No | No | Yes | Classic Space |
Communications Station | No | No | No | Yes | Classic Space |
Moon Base | No | No | No | Yes | Classic Space |
Hunted House 1 | No | No | No | Yes | Monsters |
Hunted House 2 | No | No | No | Yes | Monsters |
Hunted House 3 | No | No | No | Yes | Monsters |
Build Showcase
The Build Showcase is a way for LEGO Worlds to show off interesting builds that may not be quite enough content to warrant a full DLC download, or perhaps were created by players who won one of the Build Challenge contests.
The following builds were available to download at least once via the Build Showcase, although they may not be available now, as the showcase periodically updates, removing old Brick Builds and replacing them with new ones. Currently (as of Title Update 3), Brick Builds are being cycled to allow old ones back in and give new players a chance to download them.
Although console players must wait for the showcase to cycle around for them to download older files, PC users can use this guide to help restore or add any missing Build Showcase brick builds.
As of March 29, 2018, several older Build Showcase builds have been collected and re-released as a single package in the Build Showcase, labeled as "LEGO Worlds Showcase Collection Pack 1". This also happened in 2019 on July 9th for all 2018 released Brickbuilds. They were bundled in the Showcase Collection Pack 2. Head over LEGO Worlds Showcase Collections to see a list of all included Brickbuilds in the packs.
Themed Brick Builds
In their continuing work to release new content every month, Traveler's Tales releases many different Build Showcases, often following a theme.
World is the term for generated levels in LEGO Worlds. Each world is a unique, procedurally generated collection of Biomes, based on that world's Galactic Coordinate and Zone. Each world is square, with sharp edges that drop off into a void.
Generating a World
Before playing, the Player needs to generate a World to play in. LEGO Worlds will automatically generate the first world in Adventure Mode, a simple tutorial called (Pirate Playground), and will continue to generate tutorial worlds (such as Prehistoric Peril (Tutorial) and Candy Construction Capers (Tutorial)) until the player completes the tutorial levels and moves on to random worlds. Once the player has the ability to generate random worlds, the game will generate random worlds of whatever size the player has unlocked whenever the player clicks the "Find Random World" symbol on the Galaxy Map, however, the player can also choose to generate ("Locate") a world based on a set of Galactic Coordinates, or even (after they unlock the ability), the player can create custom worlds based on their own specifications. Although the game generates random seeds using combinations of specific words and numbers, any characters (alpha, numeric and most common keyboard symbols) can be used and spaces do count [1] , however a built-in word filter will automatically exclude any forbidden words, causing the game to revert to a random seed instead. The maximum seed length is 40 characters, plus a single character for the Zone (see below).
Instead of playing through Adventure Mode, the Player can jump straight into Sandbox Mode, where (nearly) everything is unlocked and the player can feel free to build and explore to their heart's content. No Achievements are unlocked in Sandbox Mode, and there are some other minor differences in game play, but it is an excellent way to build without limitations. The Player can build random worlds or custom worlds of any size, utilizing any biomes (except for any paid-DLC content they have not yet purchased).
Once a world is generated through one of the above methods, the player will see what their new world looks like in an abstract form on a 3D map that slowly rotates around. If they like the look, the player may then select that map which will then load the World and show their rocket landing on it.
Although worlds in Adventure Mode start fairly small, as the player continues to play, they unlock the ability to generate larger and larger Worlds. Sandbox Mode grants access to all world sizes as well as all Biomes, as does "Create a world" in Adventure Mode, once the Player has reached Master Builder.
Size Name | Zone | Numeric Size | Notes | |
Tutorial | A, B, C | 20x20 | 1 special biome at a time. | |
Small | D, E, F | 50x50 | Random small worlds have only 1 biome. | |
Medium | G, H | 100x100 | ||
Winter Wonderland | I | 50x50 | Random worlds that generate Winter Wonderland biomes will always be 50x50 | |
Large | J | 150x150 | ||
Moon | M | 50x50 | Random worlds that generate Moon biomes will always be 50x50 | |
Monster Town | S | 50x50 | Random worlds that generate Monster Town biomes will always be 50x50 | |
Huge | X | 200x200 |
Using Coordinates and Zones
Players can enter custom coordinates ('seed') from any source, from known addresses shared by players to random words or phrases they've made up, or even perhaps the fabled Legendary Brick Coordinates! On the Galaxy menu, the player will need to choose "Locate a World", and then enter both the coordinates and a "Zone". The zone corresponds to a specific set of rules regarding the world type:
A, B and C are reserved as "Starter World" types - for the three Tutorial Worlds - and cannot be selected by players. D, E and F are small (50x50) worlds with a single biome, selected from specific groups (D being the most restrictive, and F allowing all Biomes) G & H are medium (100x100) worlds with multiple biomes. G limits what Biomes can appear, H allows all Biomes. J are Large (150x150) worlds with no restricted Biomes. I are small (50x50) worlds with only the Winter Wonderland biome, which is restricted from all other lists (in other words, random worlds will either be all Winter Wonderland or none at all). M are small (50x50) worlds with only the Moon biome, which is restricted from all other lists (in other words, random worlds will either be all Moon or no Moon at all). S are small (50x50) worlds with only the Monster Town biome, which is restricted from all other lists (in other words, random worlds will either be all Monster Town or none at all). X are Huge (200x200) worlds with no restrictions. Y is a special tiny (10x10) developer world designed to load quickly. (Not accessible to players in Adventure Mode). Z is reserved for Custom worlds and cannot be input when Locating a World.
Choosing a Zone other than those listed above will cause the system to select a different valid Zone at random.
Biome restrictions:
All random worlds except the tutorial worlds have access to the standard set, or "Generic" Biomes. Selecting a "D" world will only choose from these Biomes:
Most worlds, except the tutorial and D class worlds, can access the "Signature" Biomes. Choosing "E" or "G" will only select from these and "Generic" Biomes:
Most worlds, except the tutorial and D, E and G class worlds, can access the "Novelty" Biomes:
Again, Moon, Monster Town and Winter Wonderland are limited biomes and will only appear randomly on 50x50 worlds by themselves.
The various Cave Systems will be generated under biomes as appropriate, and can neither be selected nor turned off.
The Underwater Biomes (Colossal Corals and Submerged Secrets) will only be generated on random worlds (or worlds generated from a random seed) with more than 1 biome, and can neither be selected for nor turned off.
Generating a Custom World
Creating a Custom World is as simple as choosing a world size (Small, Medium, Large and Huge) and then choosing one or more Biomes from the available list (only those Biomes that have been Discovered thus far, not including Colossal Corals or Submerged Secrets).
You can further customize the world experience by using an alternate button on the biome (Right Mouse on PC), and choosing which Characters, Creatures and Vehicles you want to appear. Worlds limited in this way will show a Wrench icon overlaying the World on the Galaxy Map.
Naming a World
Players may also choose to name their worlds prior to (or after) landing on them. The game will automatically assign a random name based on a collection of specific words, however, the player can assign any unique "nickname" they choose, (subject to the word filter), which will again default any forbidden name combinations to the original name. Names must be unique, as each world is stored in its own folder and those folder names must be unique. On PC, you can find your saved worlds in the LEGOWorlds folder as follows (replace Slot1 with the savegame slot number of the game you wish to access: Slot1, Slot2, Slot3 or Slot4).
Deleting or renaming the Slot1 (etc) folder will result in an entirely new game being started, resetting the player's progress in collecting and unlocking things in the game.
World statistics
Worlds are generated randomly and are not infinite nor do they loop around. This is most evident in the tutorial levels and "Small" worlds, as the edges are found very quickly.
Worlds can be generated in several sizes:
- Tutorial worlds are 400 square units (20x20).
- Small worlds are 2500 square units (50x50).
- Medium worlds are 10000 square units (100x100).
- Large worlds are 22,500 square units (150x150).
- Huge worlds are 40,000 square units (200x200).
Prior to the Early Access Update 3 and final release, the game had few limitations on world size. Per LEGO Worlds developer Chris Rose:
ttcrose [developer]: ". How big would you say the land can get?" Basically as big as your Hard Drive can handle. There's currently no limit to the World Sizes though as we progress that's something we may well have to address to avoid crippling save data sizes. [2]
Глобальная инициатива Rebuild the World («Построй свой мир») компании LEGO Group призвана дарить строителям всех возрастов возможность развивать изобретательность и творческие навыки, реализуя сотни своих собственных задумок из кубиков. Бренд приглашает приобщиться к увлекательному процессу, организовать досуг для всей семьи и каждый день создавать праздничное настроение играя
Уже долгое время продукция LEGO предоставляет детям возможность для самовыражения и раскрытия своих креативных способностей в процессе игры. Кубики LEGO помогают проявить неординарный подход к решению задач. Согласно глобальному исследованию LEGO Play Well Report, 93% родителей в России полагают, что уверенность ребенка в его творческих способностях положительно влияет на достижение им успеха в будущем. Кроме того, игра – это не только прекрасный способ развивать полезные навыки, но и эффективный инструмент по укреплению отношений между поколениями: 88% взрослых охарактеризовали игру как способ найти с ребенком общий язык, а 72% опрошенных родителей заявили, что во время режима самоизоляции такой досуг позволял семьям расслабиться.
В этом году частью глобальной кампании LEGO Rebuild the World («Построй свой мир») стал вдохновляющий ролик, который призывает впустить в свой дом сказку в предвосхищении праздников и собирать удивительные постройки из кубиков в кругу семьи. В качестве музыкального сопровождения ролика команда LEGO Group создала ремейк на легендарную композицию «What a Wonderful World» – в ее исполнении поучаствовали родители и дети.
Юлия Голдин, директор по маркетингу и исполнительный вице-президент компании LEGO Group:
«Кампания Rebuild the World («Построй свой мир») дарит праздник творчества и оптимизма, которым обладают дети. В этом году многие семьи были вынуждены проводить много времени дома, где они непрестанно придумывали интересные развлечения, например, строительство конструкторов. В процессе совместных игр с детьми родители увидели, как маленькие фантазеры могут с головой погружаться в строительство, разбирать модели и мастерить новые постройки из кубиков LEGO. Мы стремимся вдохновить энтузиастов всех возрастов играть и раскрывать свой творческий потенциал. Глобальная инициатива запущена через многие каналы, среди них онлайн-платформы, магазины сети и другие площадки».
На локальном рынке компания LEGO запустила digital-проект Rebuild Internet, который направлен на то, чтобы мотивировать людей отдаваться креативу и применять свою безграничную фантазию, развивая творческие способности. Проект дарит возможность осуществить креативные задумки с помощью кубиков LEGO и поделиться результатом своих творений с пользователями соцсети Instagram.
Идея проекта – объединить людей, которые уже давно знакомы с конструкторами LEGO, и тех, в чьей жизни творчество играет важную роль. С кубиками LEGO каждый может рассказать свои удивительные истории. А главное - убедиться на собственном опыте, что из кубиков можно построить все что угодно. На своем примере участники проекта вдохновят пользователей соцсети в России и за ее пределами на создание оригинальных построек и продемонстрируют, что лучшая инструкция по сборке моделей – это наше воображение.
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