Brixel мир из лего деталек
2. Download & install one of the shaders: SEUS PTGI HRR TEST 2.1 or BSL Shaders v8.0.01.
3. Choose one of the attached versions of Brixel. One of them is designed to use with BSL Shaders, the other one is for SEUS PTGI HRR Test 2.1. Place the .exe file of your choice in your ".minecraft" folder. Run the file. Choose "Yes to all" when asked about overwriting the files.
4. Run Minecraft and turn on the resource pack in "Options" menu.
5. *Only for BSL Shaders users: it's recommended to do the "item in hand fix" described in the attached installation tutorial, for items in hand to look properly.
Note: This will overwrite your Optifine and shader settings to ensure that Brixel will run as intended.
About the pack:
In order to work, Brixel requires installation of the newest stable version of Optifine, as well as one of the shaders mentioned below.
Please make sure that you follow the installation instructions that come together with your pack. Your gaming experience may be unsatisfactory if you won’t follow those instructions.
The resource pack comes in two versions, each of which supporting different shader:
Works exclusively with SEUS PTGI HRR Test 2.1 and above. This is where Brixel shows its full potential, bringing best visuals and utilizing mechanics unique to SEUS PTGI shader. This pack is more resource demanding for the PC, but still keeps ~40 FPS on an above-average gaming setup.
Bear in mind though, the SEUS PTGI shader is not for free. If you are not willing to subscribe to shader's author, you can always use Brixel 1.0 BSL version, which runs on a shader that's available for free.
This version is for those that:
- Want the best looks of Brixel, in ray tracing style,
- Like the “satin” finish of the bricks,
- Want the smoothest finish on brick surfaces,
- Have a more decent PC,
- Don’t mind paying for the shader at least once.
Works exclusively with BSL Shaders v8.0.01 and above. BSL is currently one of the best looking shaders out there, and it works great with Brixel. This version has different, but still great aesthethics, that are by no means worse than those in PTGI version. This pack works very efficient, keeping ~60 FPS on an above-average gaming setup, which makes that most of the users shouldn’t have any problem with running it. You can use this version with other non- ray tracing shaders as well, with some tweaks in options.
The BSL shader is available for free.
This version is for those that:
- Want the great looks of Brixel, without ray tracing style,
- Like the “glossy” finish of the bricks,
- Have a more average PC,
- Prefer not to pay for the shader.
You get access to both PTGI and BSL versions - see attached files.
my pack is not working. can anyone help
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We've just released a new version of Brixel, and it's completely free! It comes in 64x resolution and has all the same features that are available in the higher resolution packs. You can download it on this website.
It's over a year since Brixel had its first release. The pack has evolved a lot since then - we are actually very close to making the pack complete!
We feel that the trial version that was available so far didn't deliver a full picture of Brixel and all of its cool features. We've decided to give up on the trial and instead of that - release a fully playable, free version of the pack. The 64x version gives a good overview of what to expect in the high resolution packs on Patreon (where the bricks look much sharper). Also, the 64x version has best FPS of all of the packs, which can be a game changer for those with lower-end gaming setups.
Installation tutorial, Brixel 2.2 BSL version:
You can also follow the guide in attached PDF.
The new Brixel release is here! We are happy to announce that work on retexturing the user interface is now complete. This means that all of the in-game menus have been "brixelized". :)
In the previous update, we've featured new graphics for the inventory, some of the containers, new logo, etc. For this update, we've focused on all of the remaining parts of GUI: in-game menus, creative inventory, and all of the remaining containers.
Minecraft features a large number of different containers. We wanted them to look different from each other - we've retextured each single one with unique graphics, that correspond with the item's purpose.
All of the new menus are built out of bricks obviously. As the bricks are stacked on each other, they create a 3d effect in the menus. Just check out the anvil - the item has its own "pocket" in the menu, end even emits a glow! We are really happy how it turned out! What's your thoughts?
The creative inventory window has its own textures right now, similiar to the one from survival mode. It will remind us that we're playing Brixel, no matter what mode we prefer. :) The main menu and option menus have been updated as well, with all the widgets, bars, buttons, etc. And there is a new main menu Nether panorama as well. Hot stuff! :)
New content, user interface:
Creative inventory:
- tab_inventory
- tab_item_search
- tab_items
- tabs
- shulker_box
- smoker
- horse
- anvil
- smithing
- villager2
- stonecutter
- enchanting_table
- loom
- brewing_stand
- grindstone
- beacon
- bundle
- gamemode_switcher
- cartography_table
- stats_icons
Main gui:
- widgets
- bars
- book
- checkbox
- demo_background
- world_selection
- resource_packs
- server_selection
- social_interactions
- new nether background panorama
New blocks:
- grindstone
- lectern
- stonecutter
- beacon
- fletching_table
- smithing_table
Bug fixes:
rotten_flesh - item bug fix
- prismarine_brick_slab_top - bug fix
Brixel turns Minecraft into world made of tiny bricks, similar to those that many of us remember from our childhood!
Each block has been given a new dimension, by transforming it into a Brixel – a cube built of many small 3d elements (brick-pixels). Those little bricks come in different forms and lie on different layers, creating depth and "mosaique" structure on the blocks. Each Brixel has been designed individually, resembling the looks and purpose of the original blocks.Brixel aims to give a unique and never-before-seen aesthetics to the Minecraft world, but still keep the vanilla Minecraft feel.
- Turn Minecraft into world made of tiny bricks. Dive into ultimate Minecraft brick experience, as never seen before!
- Optimized performance - complex geometry is simulated using Parallax Occlusion Mapping.
- Created for use with BSL Shaders v8.1+.
- Available in different resolutions: 64x, 128x, 256x, 512x and 1024x.
- Custom brick sounds. The bricks make “rattling” and “clicking” sounds when they are placed, hit and destroyed. Footsteps have their own sounds as well!
- Custom items. Use the Wabbabrick (pickaxe mod) to smash those bricks! Discover other models for yourself!
The 64x version of Brixel includes the same features that are available in higher resolution versions.
The screenshots and the video show the full version of the pack, in 512x resolution, with SEUS PTGI HRR Test 2.1 shader (which is temporarily not supported by the pack).
The pack is currently WIP and in a “playable state”, which means that about 70% of all blocks are done.
Alternative resolutions: 64x, 128x, 256x, 512x, 1024x
In order to work, Brixel requires installation of the newest version of Optifine, as well as the shader mentioned above.
Please make sure that you follow the installation instructions that come together with your pack. Your gaming experience may be unsatisfactory if you won’t follow those instructions.
С самого начала Minecraft неизменно сравнивали со знаменитой игрой LEGO . И это по-разному. Во-первых, потому что он обращает внимание на кубические строительные блоки. Тогда именно потому, что речь идет о строительной игре с умноженными возможностями. Параллель между этими двумя играми настолько очевидна, что в результате появилась линейка продуктов LEGO с печатью Minecraft. Ваббабрик предлагает пойти противоположным путем, введя в Minecraft кубики Lego.
Вместе с Брикселем он предлагает 512-кратный ресурсный пакет, который превращает каждый блок в кирпичик LEGO, тем самым помогая изменить структуру Minecraft, не изменяя его глубинной сущности, как это ни парадоксально.
Brixel, как следует из названия, представляет собой синтез Minecraft и LEGO . Таким образом, набор придает текстурам различных блоков вид кубиков LEGO . Это требует, в частности, массовой интеграции 3D , которая кажется вездесущей. Он в основном используется для улучшения погружения, украшая грани каждого блока маленькими кружками, которые служат крючками или даже тайниками, чтобы их спрятать. В любом случае, это дает игре заметное облегчение , вдали от зачастую слишком плоских пространств базовой игры и в полной мере способствует превращению игры в мир LEGO. Разрешение 512x также обеспечивает отличный уровень детализации. , позволяя воспроизводить кирпичи максимально точно. =
Тем не менее, Бриксель не останавливается только на блоках. По логике вещей , меняется и большинство предметов , особенно экипировка. Таким образом, меч имеет блестящую трехмерную текстуру - сложное оружие, сделанное из небольших элементов LEGO. В мобах также имеет права на новую кожу, даже если эти изменения являются более тонкими. Они тоже сделаны из маленьких кирпичей и плиток, но все равно сочленены.
Brixel texture pack is the best thing that could happen to Minecraft and LEGO® fans. The blocks in the game are modified to look like real LEGO® bricks. Accordingly, it will be like a trip back to your childhood, when you built the coolest LEGO® sets in your nursery. Unfortunately, LEGO’s attempts to publish their own video game were not crowned with success, so you should really appreciate this crossover.
The creator Sebastian, who is known on the internet under the pseudonym Wabbabrick, will surely have needed several hours to create all the textures. In the meantime, even a whole team has been created. The goal in their work is always to make the Minecraft blocks look like the real LEGO®. The team itself calls them all Brixel, because it is a cube built of many small 3D elements. Especially the level of detail is outstanding, because there are different layers on each block, so they get depth and relief texture. By the way, all textures are completely self-made and of course not automatically created by a computer program. But that would actually be pretty cool, because it would save quite a bit of time.
Furthermore, there is a sound pack in the Brixel texture pack. However, it is limited only to the most important and does not have many different sounds. You hear them when you interact with the blocks. This mostly happens when you place or destroy them. There is currently a new update about once a month. Therefore, the texture pack will definitely contain more blocks, items and sounds in the future.
Performance settings
You should also note that the pack is FPS optimized. Nevertheless, lags can occur with a bad setup and wrong performance settings because the resolution is above average. If shaders are also used, most graphics cards are finished. The main developer plays with a laptop with i7-9750H and GTX 1660 Ti. According to his own statement, he gets 40 FPS with SEUS PTGI and 70 FPS with BSL with this hardware. You can theoretically also combine another shader with BSL that does not have ray tracing. The result is that you will get more FPS with the Brixel texture pack in Minecraft. We advise you to use this option.
In case of problems you should check in the options if “parallax occlusion mapping” and “advanced textures” are enabled for BSL. The value for “parallax resolution” must match the pack resolution when using SEUS and anisotropic filtering must be enabled. There are more tips for the best settings to fix performance problems with Brixel texture pack:
- Reduce render distance in game (options -> video settings)
- Allocate more RAM to Minecraft
- Set maximum frame rate to unlimited in Minecraft (options -> video settings)
- Use a lower resolution of the resource pack
This site is not associated with LEGO®. We did not create the pack and respect the copyright of the company.
Brixel is compatible with these Minecraft versions: 1.18.2 – 1.18.1 – 1.18 – 1.17.1 – 1.17 – 1.16.5 – 1.16
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