Асока тано лего минифигурка
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зелёные и синие световые мечи
Асока Тано, также известная, как Шпилька — минифигурка из серии Star Wars, впервые выпущенная в 2008 году.
Войны клонов: сезоны 1-2
Первая вариация Асоки показывает, как она выглядела в 1 и 2 сезонах Войн клонов. У неё оранжевый цвет кожи и он показан на голове, руках и частях торса. Голова Асоки - оранжевая с белыми отметинами слева и справа от рта и над глазами, показывающие натуральную белую пигментацию на коже рода тогрута. У Асоки бело-синие глаза с чёрными зрачками. Чёрные ресницы напечатаны на верхних веках. Её рот напечатан с улыбающимися губами. Сверху на голове есть особая деталь, которая на данный момент эксклюзивна для минифигурки Асоки. Эта деталь белая с тёмно-синими полосками и элементами лекку. Торс в основном оранжевый с горизонтальной коричневой полоской ткани. Ниже напечатан ремень с золотой пряжкой, чехлом и двумя капсулами. Оба бедра и кисти рук коричневые, а ноги светло-серые.
Войны клонов: сезоны 3-5
Вариация Асоки 2013 года носит такой же головной убор и похожую деталь головы, как в 3 сезоне и последующих в Войнах клонов. Печать лица разная с двух сторон, на одной - хмурое выражение лица, на другом - более широкая улыбка, чем у оригинальной вариации. Деталь её торса коричневая, и, в отличие от предыдущей вариации, охватывает большую часть кожи. Однако, маленький треугольник оранжевого цвета расположен в центре груди и две оранжевые части по бокам, представляющих проймы. Руки у Асоки оранжевые, а кисти рук коричневые. Проймы также напечатаны на задней части торса. В центре ног, разделённый на три части принт фиолетового лоскута ткани. У Асоки есть два зелёных световых меча с серебряными рукоятями.
Вариация Асоки из сериала Повстанцы вышла в 2016 году. Здесь у минифигурки новые волосы, озлобленное лицо на оранжевой голове, серые руки с, оранжевыми кистями, коричневые торс и ноги с принтами с двух сторон. Из аксессуаров к минифигурке прилагаются два синих световых меча с загнутыми клинками, которые до этого выпускались только для минифигурки Асажж Вентресс.
В видеоиграх
Асока появилась в видеоигре LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. Она основана на своей вариации из наборов, только в видеоигре у неё чёрные глаза в виде точек с белыми зрачками и менее детализированными ресницами. Как большинство джедаев, Асока может бросать световой меч, атаковать и отражать световым мечом лазеры, делать двойной прыжок, использовать Силу, чтобы атаковать и строить объекты, выполнять те действия в определённых областях, которые могут делать только владеющие световым мечом, подниматься вверх, прыгая по стенам, держась за световой меч.
В 32 ДБЯ мастер-джедай Пло Кун встретил юную Асоку во время выполнения задания на планете Шили. После завершения миссии он взял девочку-тогруту с собой в Храм. Асока считала Куна самым близким другом и была благодарна ему за обнаружение её чувствительности к Силе и предоставление ей возможности обучаться искусству джедаев.
Асока и её будущий учитель Энакин Скайуокер начали обучение практически одновременно, однако очевидно, что до событий Войн Клонов они не встречались, так как Энакин сразу стал падаваном, миновав стадию юнлинга.
Асока участвовала в разгроме сепаратистов на Кристофсисе, пережила короткое столкновение с тёмным джедаем Асажж Вентресс во время сражения на планете Тет. Также Асока помогала Энакину в его миссии по спасению сына Джаббы Хатта, ставшей гарантией мира между Республикой и Хаттами.
В результате обучения в Храме джедаев и опыта, полученного во время Войн клонов, Асока поняла, что действовать согласно приказам и инструкциям недостаточно, и в некоторых ситуациях для решения проблемы нужно проявить смелость и военную хитрость. По всей видимости, на становление характера Асоки повлияло её общение с импульсивным Энакином и уравновешенным Оби-Ваном.
Позднее, около 20 ДБЯ, она ушла из Ордена джедаев после того, как её сначала признали виновной в теракте в Храме джедаев, а затем оправдали, выяснив, что настоящей виновницей была Бэррисс Оффи. Асока решила не возвращаться в Орден и начала работать механиком на Корусанте, пока к ней не обратились за помощью беженцы-мандалорцы во главе с Бо-Катан Криз. Асока согласилась сразиться против узурпатора Мола и в последний раз повела в бой солдат-клонов. После битвы Асоку настиг приказ 66, и хотя ей удалось привести в чувство капитана Рекса, им пришлось выживать вдвоём на падающем крейсере.
Асока спаслась и ушла в изгнание. Когда-то она связалась с растущим Альянсом повстанцев и встретила других выживших джедаев, Кэнана Джарруса и Эзру Бриджера. Вместе они исследовали секреты имперских инквизиторов и нашли древний храм ситхов на планете Малакор. Внутри Асока воссоединилась с бывшим учителем - павшим джедаем, Дартом Вейдером, и сошлась с ним в дуэли. Безжалостный Вейдер был готов сразить Асоку, но не сумел - она попала в загадочное измерение вне пространства и времени и покинула реальность.
Асока вернулась после краха Империи, чтобы разыскать пропавших джедая Бриджера и имперского адмирала Трауна. На планете Корвус к ней обратился мандалорец Дин Джарин, стремящийся найти малышу Грогу дом среди джедаев. Асока помогла Грогу вновь почувствовать Силу и направила Дина в покинутый храм джедаев.
The First variant of Ahsoka represents the character as she appears in Seasons 1 and 2 in The Clone Wars. Her skin colour is orange and is shown on her head, arms and parts of her torso. Ahsoka's head is orange with some white markings to the left and right of her mouth and above the eyes, representing the natural white skin pigmentation on the Togruta species. Ahsoka's eyes are white with blue irises and black pupils. Black eyelashes are printed on the top eyelids. Her mouth has smiling lips printed on. On top of the head is a special piece currently exclusive the the Ahsoka minifigure. The piece is white with dark blue stripes and features lekku, or head-tails, at the bottom, which fall in front of the torso, and small montrals, which are seen as small points on the top of the piece. Ahsoka's green headdress is also on the piece and is printed in green. The torso is mainly orange and has printing of a neckline above a horizontal brown strip of cloth. Below that is printing of a belt with a gold buckle, a pouch and two capsules. Both the hips and hands are brown and her legs are light grey.
Ahsoka's 2013 variant wears the same headdress and a similar head piece as the first. The difference in the facial printing comes in the form of a scowl on one side, with the other featuring a wider smile than the original variant. Her torso piece is brown and, unlike the previous variant, covers most of the skin. However, a small triangular splash of orange is located in the center of the chest and two slivers of orange are located at the sides, representing armholes. Ahsoka's arms are orange and her hands brown. Armholes are also printed on the back of the torso, as is a whole in the back, with orange printing used to represent skin. Feminine curves are located on either side of the torso and a dark brown belt with a lighter coloured buckle is located at the bottom, just above the hips. These features are continued over to the back of the torso as well, with a utility pouch printed on in the center of the back of the belt. The hips themselves, which are a lighter brown than the legs, continue the buckle pattern and have printing of a small pouch on each side. In the center of the legs, split into three parts, is printing of a purple flap of cloth with swirling and curved markings. Included with this minifigure are two green-bladed ligthsabers with silver hilts.
Since Ahsoka is older in Rebels, she received a new headdress that is longer. Her eyes are no longer "cartoon" like and are competently blue. Ahsoka now reuses Asajj Ventress's light saber hilts.
In the Video Games
Ahsoka makes her first video game appearance in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. Ahsoka's appearance is based on her first physical variant, but her eyes are changed to black dot-eyes, with white pupils and less detailed eyelashes. Like most Jedi, she has the ability to perform a lightsaber throw, attack and deflect lasers with her lightsaber, perform a double-jump, use the Force to attack and build objects, perform actions that only lightsaber wielders can in specified areas, and jump up sets of walls by burying her lightsaber in one wall and leaping to the next. Ahsoka performs attacks with her lightsaber with a reverse grip, reflecting the style she commonly uses in The Clone Wars series.
Ahsoka later appeared as part of the Rebels DLC pack for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As the name of the pack suggests, Ahsoka has her appearance from the series Star Wars Rebels.
Ahsoka is part of The Mandalorian Season 2 DLC pack for Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
At a young age, Ahsoka was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koon and raised in the Jedi Temple. Later, when she became Anakin Skywalker's Padawan, she followed her Master on several missions. Her first adventure with Anakin was delivering Rotta the Huttlet back to his father. She also fought in the Second Battle of Geonosis along with her Master, Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee. Ahsoka also had a role in capturing the bounty hunters Bossk, Aurra Sing, and Boba Fett when they held hostages on Florrum. As the Clone Wars progressed, Ahsoka took to using a shoto (shortened lightsaber) along with her regular blade.
Later, she was framed for blowing up the Jedi Temple Hanger and murdering the bomber. With the help of an unseen person, she escaped her cell and sought refuge in the Coruscant underworld, where she teamed up with Asajj Ventress and, with the help of Barriss Offee at the Jedi Temple, found what appeared to be clues that she hoped would lead to the real murderer. She was later captured by Commander Wolffe after dueling with a masked assailant wielding Ventress's lightsabers. The Jedi Council expelled her from the order and Ahsoka was put on trial by the Senate. The cry for the death sentence gained overwhelming support until Anakin, who had been attempting to track down the true mastermind, revealed that Barriss, Ahsoka's one-time friend, was guilty of both the temple bombing and attacking Ahsoka. The trial dealt with Barriss from then on and Ahsoka was offered a place back in the Jedi Order. After considering, however, she refused, as she felt alienated that the Jedi Council hadn't trusted her and she wanted to sort her thoughts on her own.
14 years after the creation of the Galactic Empire, she was involved in a rebel movement, and worked with Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, under the code name 'Fulcrum'. She communicated frequently with rebel cells around the galaxy, and she soon came across the Lothal rebels. She provided them with enemy intelligence crucial to attack the Empire in certain missions. During the rescue of Kanan Jarrus, the leader of the Lothal rebels, the rebels lost their stolen Gozanti-class cruiser, making them unable to jump to hyperspace. The rebels were attacked by armadas of TIE fighters and Star Destroyers, however, Chopper unexpectedly brought in The Ghost and 3 CR-90 corvettes to aid them. Briefly unbeknownst to the rebels, the assistance was from Senator Organa and Fulcrum, the latter being inside The Ghost. Once the rebels were safely away from The Sovereign, Fulcrum revealed herself to actually be Ahsoka Tano, former apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, and then informed them that there is a much wider rebel network out there in the galaxy, and that the Lothal rebels were one of the many rebel cells.
LEGO Star Wars / ЛЕГО Звёздные войны Обзоры запись закреплена
Музей Lego Брик Стар
Дима, а вот мне почему-то больше нравится 2016
А вам не кажется что её волосы в 2020 версии черезчур длинные, если учитывать, что война клонов длилась всего 3 года.
LEGO Star Wars / ЛЕГО Звёздные войны Обзоры, как она может быть настолько взрослой если за всю войну клонов прошло максимум 3 года
Денис, ну, так. Ну вообще не знаю. Судите по приложенным фотографиям
LEGO Star Wars / ЛЕГО Звёздные войны Обзоры, да ничего бывает, это ж лего дураки, а вы ребята вообще молодцы столько работы делаете.
Денис, спасибо большое! Я хоть и только второй день тут "работаю", но мне уже нравится
Денис, ну тут если судить по возрасту то да, в 2008 ей 14 лет, потом 16, затем идёт 34, а щас типо 17
The LEGO Star Wars Ahsoka Tano minifig was first introduced in 2016 in the set 75158 Rebel Combat Frigate and is currently estimated to be valued around 172,00 € and an annual growth of about 38.4%.
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Ahsoka Tano Appears in the Following LEGO Set
75158 Rebel Combat Frigate
Ahsoka Tano Minifigs
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Ahsoka Tano Reviews
“With the current annualized growth of the Ahsoka Tano minifig at around 38.4%, it is very good growth investment for most LEGO investors, it has also proven to extremely valuable for most Star Wars / Rebels collectors.”
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About Star Wars Rebels
LEGO Star Wars Rebels is a subtheme of Star Wars introduced in 2014 to coincide with the release of the Star Wars: Rebels TV series.
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This article is about the Star Wars minifigure. For the Prince of Persia minifigure with a similar first name, see Asoka.
The Clone Wars season 1 - 2 outfit
The Clone Wars season 3 - 5 outfit
Green-bladed lightsaber
Two green-bladed lightsabers
Two greyish-blue curved-hilt lightsabers
Ahsoka Tano is a Star Wars minifigure based on the former Jedi apprentice of the same name from the TV series.
Description [ edit ]
The First variant of Ahsoka represents the character as she appears in Seasons 1 and 2 in The Clone Wars. Her skin colour is orange and is shown on her head, arms and parts of her torso. Ahsoka's head is orange with some white markings to the left and right of her mouth and above the eyes, representing the natural white skin pigmentation on the Togruta species. Ahsoka's eyes are white with blue irises and black pupils. Black eyelashes are printed on the top eyelids. Her mouth has smiling lips printed on. On top of the head is a special piece currently exclusive the the Ahsoka minifigure. The piece is white with dark blue stripes and features lekku, or head-tails, at the bottom, which fall in front of the torso, and small montrals, which are seen as small points on the top of the piece. Ahsoka's green headdress is also on the piece and is printed in green. The torso is mainly orange and has printing of a neckline above a horizontal brown strip of cloth. Below that is printing of a belt with a gold buckle, a pouch and two capsules. Both the hips and hands are brown and her legs are light grey.
The Clone Wars season 3 - 5 outfit
Ahsoka's 2013 variant wears the same headdress and a similar head piece as the first based on her appearance in seasons 3 and beyond in The Clone Wars. The difference in the facial printing comes in the form of a scowl on one side, with the other featuring a wider smile than the original variant. Her torso piece is brown and, unlike the previous variant, covers most of the skin. However, a small triangular splash of orange is located in the center of the chest and two slivers of orange are located at the sides, representing armholes. Ahsoka's arms are orange and her hands brown. Armholes are also printed on the back of the torso, as is a whole in the back, with orange printing used to represent skin. Feminine curves are located on either side of the torso and a dark brown belt with a lighter coloured buckle is located at the bottom, just above the hips. These features are continued over to the back of the torso as well, with a utility pouch printed on in the center of the back of the belt. The hips themselves, which are a lighter brown than the legs, continue the buckle pattern and have printing of a small pouch on each side. In the center of the legs, split into three parts, is printing of a purple flap of cloth with swirling and curved markings. Included with this minifigure are two green-bladed ligthsabers with silver hilts.
A Rebels variant of Ahsoka will be released in 2016, in the set 75158 Rebel Combat Frigate, with a new appearance more closely resembling Ahsoka's look in Rebels. Ahsoka's facial markings are thicker, and her eyes are more to traditional minifigure eyes, but with a blue color. Her headpiece is redesigned to be longer and taller, to reflect her older age. Her torso is grey with brown and olive green printing, and her legs are brown with printing that continues the details on her torso. Unlike previous versions of her, Rebels Ahsoka has light blue lightsabers that uses the same curved hilts as Asajj Ventress.
Video game variants [ edit ]
Ahsoka makes her first and to date only video game appearance in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. Ahsoka's appearance is based on her first physical variant, but her eyes are changed to black dot-eyes, with white pupils and less detailed eyelashes. Like most Jedi, she has the ability to perform a lightsaber throw, attack and deflect lasers with her lightsaber, perform a double-jump, use the Force to attack and build objects, perform actions that only lightsaber wielders can in specified areas, and jump up sets of walls by burying her lightsaber in one wall and leaping to the next. Ahsoka performs attacks with her ligthsaber with a reverse grip, reflecting the style she commonly uses in The Clone Wars series.
In LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Ahsoka is a part of the Rebels Character Pack DLC, and her character is based on her physical Rebels variant. She comes armed with two white-bladed lightsabers, and has the following abilities:
- Can use Agility objects
- Can use Force powers
- Can climb LEGO walls
Background [ edit ]
Ahsoka Tano was a Togruta from Shili. At a young age, Ahsoka was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koon and raised in the Jedi Temple. Later, when she became Anakin Skywalker's Padawan, she followed her Master on several missions. Her first adventure with Anakin was delivering Rotta the Huttlet back to his father. She also fought in the Second Battle of Geonosis along with her Master, Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee. Ahsoka also had a role in capturing the bounty hunters Bossk, Aurra Sing, and Boba Fett when they held hostages on Florrum. As the Clone Wars progressed, Ahsoka took to using a shoto (shortened lightsaber) along with her regular blade.
Later, she was framed for blowing up the Jedi Temple Hangar and murdering the bomber. With the help of an unseen person, she escaped her cell and sought refuge in the Coruscant underworld, where she teamed up with Asajj Ventress and, with the help of Barriss Offee at the Jedi Temple, found what appeared to be clues that she hoped would lead to the real murderer. She was later captured by Commander Wolffe after duelling with a masked assailant wielding Ventress's lightsabers. The Jedi Council expelled her from the order and Ahsoka was put on trial by the Senate. The cry for the death sentence gained overwhelming support until Anakin, who had been attempting to track down the true mastermind, revealed that Barriss, Ahsoka's one-time friend, was guilty of both the temple bombing and attacking Ahsoka. The trial dealt with Barriss from then on and Ahsoka was offered a place back in the Jedi Order. However, after considering, she refused, as she felt alienated that the Jedi Council hadn't trusted her and left the Order to find her own path.
Years later, Ahsoka helped form the Rebel Alliance and became known as "Fulcrum". Her identity was eventually revealed to the Ghost crew when they managed to kill the Grand Inquisitor. She eventually headed to the planet Malachor with Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus where she fought her former master, who had become the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Ezra and Kanan managed to escape, and Vader survived, though heavily wounded, while Ahsoka's fate is still unclear.
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