All lego star wars games
Созданные по мотивам культовой саги прошлого столетия игры Звездные войны лего навсегда завоевали сердца фанатов флеш-развлечений. Красочные и динамичные они легко переносят геймеров в напряженную атмосферу непримиримой вражды отважных джедаев и оккупационных войск Торговой Федерации.
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Lego star wars
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Звездные войны космический агент
А выполненный в стиле популярного конструктора дизайн только добавляет процессу изюминки, ничуть не отвлекая от перипетий, разворачивающихся на экране. Впрочем, фанаты саги отлично с ними знакомы. Поэтому играть в Лего звездные войны – все равно, что еще раз пережить захватывающие приключения Э́накина Скайуо́кера, его сына Люка, рыцаря Квай-Гона, юной королевы Па́дме Амида́лу, магистра Йоды и проч.
Конечно, уместить все события, происходившие в шести полнометражных фильмах, множестве мультиков и сериалов, снятых о Стар варс, в один раздел флеш-развлечений для мальчиков невозможно. Но собрать самые яркие моменты истории, вроде трансформации Энакина в Дарта Вейдера, переломных боев Войны Клонов, других захватывающих сражений ситхов с джедаями - вполне реально. Что мы, с удовольствием, и сделали! Так что всех фанатов Лего и Звездных войн приглашаем бесплатно поиграть в любую из онлайн игр, представленных в данном разделе. Фонтан эмоций гарантирован.
Нюансы геймплея
Практически все игры Лего звездные войны относятся к жанру бродилок и стрелялок. Есть среди них несколько квестов, где на первый план выходит умение геймера мыслить логически, но, в большинстве своем, динамичность развития сюжета требует такой же быстрой и, по возможности, четкой реакции. Так что, если не любишь скучать за монитором пк, поздравляем – ты попал по адресу. Разработчики постарались максимально унифицировать управление виртуальными Star Wars. Так что если освоишься в одной игре, считай, что и с остальными справишься легко.
Многие любят игры Lego (особенно по звёздным войнам), ведь Lego игры простые и интересные, в них можно играть как одному, так и с другом.
Они идеально подходят для всех возрастов, за это они и полюбились фанатам.
А рассказывать я буду именно про игры вселенной звёздных войн.
Lego Star Wars: The video game
Данная игра была самой первой попыткой Traveller's Tales создать игру в данном жанре.
Для первой попытки была выбрана именно вселенная звёздных войн.
Игра включает в себя первые три эпизода приквелов (Ep 1-3)
Она имела простенький но в тоже время интересный геймплей, в также среднюю графику.
Для 2005 года это было нормально, поэтому никто не возникал, а наоборот, всем очень даже понравилось и продолжение не заставило себя ждать.
Lego Star Wars: The Original Trilogy
Уже черед год, в 2006, Traveller's Tales выпускают продолжение, взяв за основу три оригинальных эпизода (Ep 4-6).
Игра не получила каких то кардинальных изменений, графика и геймплей были почти идентичны первой части.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Ещё спустя год, Traveller's Tales решив не заморачиваться, выпустить ещё одну игру по звёздным войнам.
Но поскольку новых фильмов не было, они просто объединили две предыдущие игры в одну, слегла доработав графику и геймплей.
Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Спустя 4 года, Traveller's Tales решают выпустить новую игру по звёздным войнам.
Но опять таки, фильмов нет, тогда про что делать игру?
Всё верно, за основу был взят одноимённый сериал, который углублённо рассказывает о военном конфликте носящим название "Война Клонов"
Игра получилась добротной, она отличалась от предшественников многими геймплейными фишками, а также была хорошо подтянута графика.
Единственный её минус, это продолжительность, она была достаточно короткой, поскольку затрагивала действие всего нескольких сезонов.
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Ещё спустя 4 года, выходит новый фильм в линейке звёздных войн.
Traveller's Tales, не дожидаясь двух других, начинают пилить игру взяв за основу всего один эпизод, что уже было достаточно странно.
В итоге, на выходе мы получили откровенно слабую игру, которая уступает почти всем собратьям.
Она невероятно короткая и настолько же скучная, а из за того что в основе лежит всего один эпизод, мы получили кучу ноунецмовских персонажей, за которых даже просто побегать не интересно.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Ну и вот, опять спустя 4 года, была анонсирована новая игра в линейке Lego Star Wars.
Она взяла в себя всё лучшее от предшественников, отличную графику и геймплей, а также 9 эпизодов в основе.
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Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi . You're my only hope.
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LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
Production information
Release date
Chronological information
LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game is a video game based on the LEGO Star Wars toy line from The Lego Group, and is a non-canon adaptation of the prequel trilogy (The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith), as well as a bonus level based on the opening from A New Hope.
It was developed and published by Traveller's Tales and Giant Entertainment for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and Windows, with Griptonite Games developing the Game Boy Advance (GBA) version. The Game Boy Advance version was released on April 2, 2005 by Eidos Interactive. It was later released on the Apple Macintosh by Aspyr in August 2005, then on the GameCube in October. A cell phone version was also released.
While billed as a kids' game, LEGO Star Wars peaked at the top of the UK charts during early May 2005, losing the spot to the official game of Episode III, but remaining for the rest of the month on the top spots of the chart.
As of 2018, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game has sold over 6.1 million copies, with the PlayStation 2 version of the game selling the most.
Plot summary [ ]
Episode I - The Phantom Menace [ ]
The Trade Federation upsets order in the Galactic Republic by blockading the planet Naboo in preparation for a full-scale invasion. The Republic's leader, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, dispatches Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. Darth Sidious, a Sith Lord and the Trade Federation's secret benefactor, orders the Viceroy to kill the Jedi and begin their invasion with an army of battle droids. The Jedi escape and flee to Naboo. During the invasion, Qui-Gon saves the life of a Gungan outcast, Jar Jar Binks. Indebted to Qui-Gon, Jar Jar leads the Jedi to Otoh Gunga, the Gungans' underwater city. The Jedi fail to persuade the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, to help the planet's surface dwellers, but manage to obtain Jar Jar's guidance and underwater transport to Theed, the capital city of Naboo. After rescuing Queen Padmé Amidala, the group make their escape from Naboo aboard her Royal Starship, intending to reach the Republic capital planet of Coruscant.
Passing through the Federation blockade, the ship is damaged in the crossfire and its hyperdrive is disabled. The group lands for repairs on the outlying desert planet of Tatooine, situated beyond the Republic's jurisdiction. Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, astromech droid R2-D2, and Padmé—disguised as one of her handmaidens—visit the settlement of Mos Espa to purchase a new part for their hyperdrive. They encounter a junk dealer, Watto, and his nine-year-old slave, Anakin Skywalker, a gifted pilot and engineer who has built a protocol droid, C-3PO. Qui-Gon senses a strong presence of the Force within Anakin, and is convinced that he is the prophesied "Chosen One," destined to restore balance to the Force. With Watto refusing to accept payment in Republic currency, Qui-Gon wagers both the required hyperdrive part and Anakin's freedom in a podrace. Anakin wins the race and joins the group to be trained as a Jedi, leaving behind his mother, Shmi. En route to their starship, Qui-Gon is attacked by Darth Maul, Sidious' apprentice, who was sent to capture Amidala. After a brief lightsaber duel, Qui-Gon escapes onboard the starship with the others.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escort Padmé to Coruscant so that she can plead her people's case to Valorum and the Galactic Senate. Qui-Gon asks the Jedi Council for permission to train Anakin as a Jedi, but the Council refuses, concerned that Anakin is vulnerable to the dark side of the Force. Undaunted, Qui-Gon vows to take up Anakin as his new apprentice. Meanwhile, Naboo's Senator Palpatine persuades Amidala to call for a vote of no confidence in Valorum to elect a more capable leader and to resolve the crisis. Though she is successful in pushing for the vote, Amidala grows frustrated with the corruption in the Senate and decides to return to Naboo. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are ordered by the Jedi Council to accompany the queen and investigate the return of the Sith, whom they had believed to be extinct for more than a millennium.
On Naboo, Padmé reveals herself as the queen before the Gungans to gain their trust, and persuades them to help against the Trade Federation. Jar Jar is promoted to general and joins his tribe in a battle against the droid army, while Padmé leads the search for Gunray in Theed. Anakin is told by Qui-Gon to hide in a starfighter alongside R2 in the hangar, but accidentally triggers its autopilot and flies into space, where he takes part in the battle against the Federation droid control ship, inadvertently causing its destruction from within, which deactivates the droid army. Maul, who has been dispatched by Darth Sidious to capture Amidala, engages Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in a lightsaber duel. He mortally wounds Qui-Gon, but is cut in half by Obi-Wan and his remains fall down a shaft. Qui-Gon asks Obi-Wan to train Anakin before dying in his arms.
Following the battle, Gunray is arrested by the Republic, and Palpatine is elected Chancellor. Master Yoda promotes Obi-Wan to the rank of Jedi Knight, and reluctantly accepts Anakin as Obi-Wan's apprentice. A funeral is held for Qui-Gon, attended by the other Jedi, who contemplate that there is still one Sith remaining since there are always two of them. During a celebratory parade on Naboo, Padmé presents a gift of thanks to the Gungans to establish peace.
On Naboo, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan save Jar-Jar Binks from being run over by an MTT as the Trade Federation heads toward the capital city of Theed. In return for saving his life, he helps them find their way to Otoh Gunga to speak with the Gungan ruler Boss Nass so that they can ask him to help the people of Naboo.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan head to Theed to attempt to stop the Trade Federation from seizing control of the city. Queen Amidala and one of her bodyguards, Captain Panaka, meet up with them to escape Theed Palace and flee Naboo.
Episode II - Attack of the Clones [ ]
Ten years after the battle at Naboo, the Galactic Republic is threatened by a Separatist movement organized by former Jedi Master Count Dooku. Senator Padmé Amidala comes to Coruscant to vote on a motion to create an army to assist the Jedi against the threat. Narrowly avoiding an assassination attempt upon her arrival, she is placed under the protection of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker. The pair thwart a second attempt on Padmé's life and subdue the assassin, Zam Wesell, who is killed by her employer, a bounty hunter, before she can reveal his identity. The Jedi Council instructs Obi-Wan to find the bounty hunter, while Anakin is tasked to protect Padmé and escort her back to Naboo, where the two fall in love in spite of the Jedi Code that forbids relationships.
Obi-Wan's search leads him to the mysterious ocean planet of Kamino, where he discovers an army of clones being produced for the Republic under the name of Sifo Dyas, a deceased Jedi Master, with bounty hunter Jango Fett serving as their genetic template. Obi-Wan meets with Jango, who reveals that the clones were the idea of a man called Tyranus. Obi-Wan deduces Jango to be the bounty hunter he is seeking, and after a brief battle, places a homing beacon on Jango's ship, Slave I. He then follows Jango and his clone son, Boba, to the planet Geonosis. Meanwhile, Anakin is troubled by visions of his mother, Shmi, in pain and decides to return to his homeworld of Tatooine with Padmé to save her. Watto reveals that he sold Shmi to moisture farmer Cliegg Lars, who then freed and married her. Cliegg tells Anakin that she was abducted by Tusken Raiders weeks earlier and is likely dead. Determined to find his mother, Anakin ventures out and finds her at the Tusken campsite, still barely alive. After she dies in his arms, an enraged Anakin massacres the tribe. He later declares to Padmé that he will find a way to prevent the deaths of those he loves.
On Geonosis, Obi-Wan discovers a Separatist gathering led by Count Dooku, who is developing a droid army with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray and ordered the attempts on Padmé's life. Obi-Wan transmits his findings to the Jedi Council but is captured by Separatist droids. Dooku meets Obi-Wan in his cell and explains his role in the Confederacy of Independent Systems' formation, while implying that a large portion of the Galactic Senate is under the control of his new master, Darth Sidious. He then invites Obi-Wan to join him and stop the Dark Lord of the Sith. When Obi-Wan refuses, Dooku claims that Obi-Wan's late master and Dooku's former apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn would have, had he been alive. Meanwhile, Senate Representative Jar Jar Binks proposes a successful vote to grant emergency powers to Chancellor Palpatine, allowing the clone army to be authorized.
Anakin and Padmé head to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan, but Anakin loses his lightsaber and they are captured by Jango. Dooku sentences the trio to death, but they are saved by a battalion of clone troopers led by Yoda, Mace Windu, and other Jedi. Windu beheads Jango during the ensuing battle. Obi-Wan and Anakin intercept Dooku, and they engage in a lightsaber duel. Dooku injures Obi-Wan and severs Anakin's right arm, but Yoda intercepts and defends them. Dooku uses the Force to distract Yoda and escapes to Coruscant, where he delivers the plans of a super-weapon to Sidious, who addresses him by his Sith name Darth Tyranus. The Council is left disturbed by Dooku's claim of Sidious controlling the Senate. As the Jedi acknowledge the beginning of the Clone Wars, Anakin is fitted with a robotic hand and marries Padmé on Naboo, with C-3PO and R2-D2 as the only witnesses.
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith [ ]
Above Coruscant, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker lead a mission to rescue the kidnapped Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the cyborg Separatist commander General Grievous. After infiltrating Grievous' flagship, the Jedi battle Sith Lord Count Dooku, whom Anakin overpowers and decapitates at Palpatine's urging. Grievous escapes the battle-torn ship, which the Jedi crash-land on Coruscant.
Anakin reunites with his wife, Padmé Amidala, who reveals that she is pregnant. While initially excited, Anakin soon begins to have nightmares about Padmé dying in childbirth. Palpatine appoints Anakin to the Jedi Council as his personal representative. The Council, suspicious of Palpatine, approve the appointment, but decline to grant Anakin the rank of Jedi Master and instead instruct him to spy on Palpatine, diminishing Anakin's trust in the Jedi.
Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord behind the war, appoints Grievous as the new Separatist leader and orders him to relocate the Separatist Council to the volcanic planet Mustafar. Obi-Wan travels to Utapau, where he kills Grievous, and Yoda travels to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk to defend it from a Separatist invasion. Meanwhile, Palpatine tempts Anakin with his knowledge of the Force, including the power to prevent death, which he offers to teach him to save Padmé's life. Anakin deduces that Palpatine is Sidious and reports his treachery to Mace Windu, who confronts and subdues him. Desperate to save Padmé's life, Anakin severs Windu's hand before he can kill Palpatine, who sends Windu falling to his death. Anakin pledges himself to the Sith, and Palpatine knights him Darth Vader.
Palpatine then issues Order 66, which commands the clone troopers to kill their commanding Jedi officers, thus sending the Jedi Order into near-extinction. Meanwhile, Vader and a battalion of clone troopers kill the remaining Jedi in the Jedi Temple, after which Vader travels to Mustafar to assassinate the Separatist leaders. Palpatine declares himself Emperor before the Galactic Senate, transforming the Republic into the Galactic Empire, and denounces the Jedi as traitors. Having survived the chaos, Obi-Wan and Yoda return to Coruscant and learn of Anakin's turn to the dark side. Yoda orders Obi-Wan to confront Vader while he faces Palpatine.
When Padmé learns of Anakin's treachery, she travels to Mustafar – with Obi-Wan stowing away on her ship – and implores Vader to abandon the dark side, but he refuses. Sensing Obi-Wan's presence, and thinking that they are conspiring to kill him, Vader angrily uses the Force to strangle Padmé to unconsciousness. Obi-Wan then engages Vader in a lightsaber duel that ends with Obi-Wan severing Vader's legs and left arm. Obi-Wan retrieves Vader's lightsaber and leaves him for dead at the bank of a lava flow.
On Coruscant, Yoda battles Palpatine until their duel reaches a stalemate. Yoda then flees with Senator Bail Organa and regroups with Obi-Wan and Padmé on the planetoid Polis Massa. There, Padmé gives birth to twins, whom she names Luke and Leia, and dies soon after, having lost her will to live. On Mustafar, Palpatine retrieves a barely alive Vader and takes him to Coruscant, where his mutilated body is treated and covered in a black armored suit. Palpatine tells him that he killed Padmé in a blind rage, devastating Vader.
Obi-Wan and Yoda plan to conceal the twins from the Sith and go into exile until the time is right to challenge the Empire. As Padmé's funeral takes place on her homeworld of Naboo, Palpatine and Vader supervise the construction of the Death Star. Bail takes Leia to his homeworld of Alderaan, where he and his wife adopt her, while Obi-Wan delivers Luke to his step-uncle and aunt, Owen and Beru Lars, on Tatooine before going into exile to watch over the boy.
Gameplay [ ]
Anakin Skywalker in his Jedi Interceptor
The game contains a total of 59 playable characters. Every playable character, modeled after actual LEGO pieces (but with more mobility) has its own unique skills. All of the different Jedi and Sith have their own unique style of lightsaber wielding, and can use the Force to solve certain puzzles. Any unlocked character can be found walking around in Dexter's Diner, the area from which you choose what level to enter, excluding the Droideka.
LEGO Star Wars also has a feature called "Free Play," which enables the player to play the same level again, but with the ability to switch between previously unavailable characters, and thus, reach areas containing extras the player was unable to get before, and collect minikits. A player can use any character they've unlocked in Free Play, but the Free Play option will only be unlocked once the player has completed the level in story mode. Levels that are played in vehicles cannot be played in Free Play. Some characters, such as Chancellor Palpatine, the PK droid, and the Gonk Droid, can't do anything but walk, but non-violent droids, including protocol droids and astromech droids, will not be attacked by any enemies. Playing as a Clone character keeps you from being killed by other Clones in Defense of Kashyyyk, and playing as a battle droid (Any type) will keep you from being attacked by other battle droids.
Levels [ ]
The Battle of Coruscant level
The game features a total of eighteen chapters: six for The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith, five for Attack of the Clones, and one for A New Hope. The game plays out in a fairly standard 3D platformer fashion, however each episode features a vehicle-based level, which runs to a predefined route and play like an on-rails shooter or a racing game. In the case of Episodes I and III, this takes the form of a third-person behind-the-vehicle viewpoint in "Mos Espa Podrace" and "Battle over Coruscant," whereas in Attack of the Clones for "Gunship Cavalry" the level is played out in an isometric view at first but is switched to behind-the-vehicle during the final section.
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Console + PC Games
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
From Respawn Entertainment comes a brand-new action adventure game which tells an original Star Wars story about Cal Kestis, a Padawan who survived the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Play, and become a Jedi.
Star Wars Battlefront II
Embark on an all-new Battlefront experience from the bestselling Star Wars game franchise of all time. Become the hero and play as a fearless trooper, pilot a legendary starfighter, fight as your favorite iconic Star Wars character, or forge a new path as an elite special forces soldier through an emotionally gripping new Star Wars story.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
The galaxy is yours with LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga! Play through all nine Star Wars saga films in a brand-new LEGO video game unlike any other. Experience fun-filled adventures, whimsical humor, and the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the LEGO Star Wars universe like never before.
Star Wars Pinball: Solo: A Star Wars Story
Blast off to the smuggler's life in a galaxy far, far away. Memorable moments from Solo: A Star Wars Story are brought to the pinball playfield in an exciting "Western" setting.
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Force is strong with this one… The No. 1 LEGO video game franchise triumphantly returns with a fun-filled, humorous journey based on the blockbuster Star Wars film. Play as Rey, Finn, Poe, BB-8, Kylo Ren, Han Solo, and the rest of your favorite characters from the movie! Available now!
Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens
Based on events from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, players will experience unforgettable moments from the film on two action-packed pinball tables. Team up with the Resistance to fight against the First Order alongside Rey, Finn, Poe, General Leia and Han Solo in the Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens Table! Take command of the First Order as you travel through hyperspace on board a Star Destroyer and restore order to a galaxy far, far away on the Star Wars Pinball: Might of the First Order table!
Star Wars Battlefront
Immerse yourself in the ultimate Star Wars video game experience with Star Wars Battlefront. Available November 17, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition
Join Forces with Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition, the only video game inspired by all the Star Wars films!
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is the third sequel in the beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise, combining the epic stories and iconic characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Players will enjoy brand-new game mechanics allowing them to create, control, and explore in a galaxy far, far away like never before. In addition to breathtaking visuals as well as new characters and levels, the game also features the signature tongue-in-cheek humor from the LEGO universe. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars allows fans to endlessly explore and laugh their way through the Star Wars galaxy in the most humorous, accessible, and action-packed LEGO game to date.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
The Star Wars Saga continues with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, the highly anticipated sequel to the fastest-selling Star Wars game ever created, which has sold more than seven million copies worldwide. In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the world was introduced to Darth Vader’s now fugitive apprentice, Starkiller — the unlikely hero who would ignite the flames of rebellion in a galaxy so desperately in need of a champion. In the sequel, Starkiller returns with over-the-top Force powers and embarks on a journey to discover his own identity and to reunite with his one true love, Juno Eclipse. In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Starkiller is once again the pawn of Darth Vader — but instead of training his protégée as a ruthless assassin, the dark lord is attempting to clone his former apprentice in an attempt to create the Ultimate Sith warrior. The chase is on — Starkiller is in pursuit of Juno and Darth Vader is hunting for Starkiller. With all-new devastating Force powers and the ability to dual-wield lightsabers, Starkiller cuts a swath through deadly new enemies across exciting worlds from the Star Wars movies — all in his desperate search for answers to his past.
The galaxy is yours with LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga! Play through all nine Star Wars saga films in a brand-new LEGO video game unlike any other. Experience fun-filled adventures, whimsical humor, and the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the LEGO Star Wars universe like never before.
Launch Trailer - LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
The time has finally come to experience the saga like never before! Jump into a galaxy far, far away today!
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Building the Galaxy
So many planets, so little vacation time. Which planet will you travel to first?
Gameplay Trailer - LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
It's all been building up to this.
Official Gameplay Trailer 2 | LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Gameplay Reveal | LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Experience all nine saga films like never before in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Play through the adventures of Anakin Skywalker, help Luke Skywalker battle Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, and duel for the fate of the galaxy with Rey and Kylo Ren in the new LEGO video game that immerses you in Star Wars like you’ve never seen it.
Official Reveal Trailer - LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
The galaxy is yours with LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga! Play through all nine Star Wars saga films in a brand-new LEGO video game unlike any other. Experience fun-filled adventures, whimsical humor, and the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the LEGO Star Wars universe like never before.
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