All ideas for lego cmf draft custom minifigures
Let's be honest, we all love LEGO minifigures, but now and again, you just want something different, something special. Well, we've got it all right here! Check out the 100's of totally bespoke minifigures we've got on offer that you won't find anywhere else!
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We're huge fans of LEGO but in particular LEGO minifigures (who would of guessed it!?). Theres something about the little guys and girls that we just love. We've always had a desire to create our own beyond what came with a set, it started off by just swapping heads and hairs or adding accessories to it, but quickly grew into a full time, award winning business. We now offer some of the best custom minifigures on the interwebs; all printed (no stickers!) in house using new LEGO parts and our custom Minifigure design service has been used by the likes of Google, Microsoft, Pixar and Fox Studios, to create epic Minifigures for shows and giveaways.
I still remember the excitement (both among my siblings and in the community!) when LEGO’s Collectable Minifigure Series (CMF) first came out 2010—but even now, twelve years and almost 40 series later, there’s still tons of potential and unexplored possibilities.
Today I had the opportunity of chatting with Robert8, one of the first and best fan artists at straightforward, brilliant, and thorough minifigure concept art, and definitely a legend when it comes to custom Collectable Minifigure series. Scroll on down to find out why!
Isaiah: Thanks for chatting with BrickNerd about your custom CMF concepts!
Roberto: Hi everyone. My name is Roberto, but I call myself Robert8.
Isaiah: What inspired you to start making your own minifigure series in the first place? What was it about the CMF series that inspired you beyond other sets and themes?
Roberto: Back in the day, lots of people used to post their wishlist for the next regular CMF series, and so did I. It was around late 2015-early 2016 that I decided to draw them instead of just posting the list of names. At first, I was only doing it for myself, like a hobby. But then I wondered what would people think of them and I just went ahead and posted them. And I'm glad I did because I got lots of positive feedback which encouraged me to keep going. Around that time I had a wishlist of +500 characters. I couldn't just post random characters here and there, so I went with the idea of making waves of 16 minifigures as LEGO would do. I made the first one and named it SERIES ALPHA, but a short time later I changed it to SERIES A.
Isaiah: Has it gotten easier as you go along? Harder? Do you ever run low on ideas, or are there just more always coming and coming?
Roberto: Easier. A lot easier actually. At the beginning, I had to draw everything from zero, but as time went by, I not only became faster at drawing but also I've gathered a pretty decent library of accessories and pieces. So, now I only have to copy/paste them from a different file instead of drawing them. Even after creating 30 series, I'll still have a wishlist of around 100 characters left as I ran out of spots to include them. So, as you can see, there was never a shortage of ideas.
Isaiah: Your drawings/concept art are so beautiful, real, and LEGO-like. How did you start, and how did you arrive at where you started your CMF series?
Roberto: Thanks for the compliments. Back in the day, I don't remember a lot of people doing this. Ashnflash started shortly after me and then it blew up from there. Nowadays there are countless Instagram accounts that post CMF drafts. At this point, I'm left behind because I refused to change my style even though some people have offered to teach me how to render my characters to make them look like real 3D pieces with a more realistic effect. I preferred to end with the same style I started so all my characters would look the same.
Isaiah: What was the initial motivation for your series? There are so many minifigures that many LEGO fans would want!
Roberto: One of the reasons I started posting them was LEGO shifting to licensed series with The Simpsons and such. I just wanted to show how many ideas were left for regular series.
Isaiah: You’ve also designed just over 500 new parts (some of which have since become or very nearly exactly become new LEGO elements, like the turtle, violin, lute, and so on! I only wish all of your element ideas had become a reality!) Can you tell us a little about the thought and design processes that go into those?
Roberto: That's an interesting question. I honestly try to imagine how the piece would look as an actual LEGO piece. Some pieces are easier because they are really close to the real thing, like the crook the Series F Egyptian Empress is holding. Or even the lute the Minstrel had in the same series.
Isaiah: Some certainly seem easier than others…
Roberto: There are some really tricky ones. things like feathers or such are always hard to reproduce as a solid piece. So I try to look on the internet for references, like maybe a statue or a fridge magnet depicting the same object I'm trying to draw. That’s how I drew the Shar-Pei dog mold from Series S: I found a picture of a Shar-Pei dog figurine and traced over it. Then I LEGO-fied it. It took me several hours to make it look right (at least in my eyes)
Isaiah: Which is your favorite of all those?
Roberto: Pieces or minifigures? My favorite original piece might be the hunchback torso from the Series S Bell Ringer. But also the belly I made for the Series Q Expecting Mom. Those two are great pieces I think LEGO could actually produce at some point. My favorite hairpiece might be the Series R Centaur. Accessory-wise I'd say the Series J Cerberus that came with the Underworld King
Isaiah: There are a few of your minifigs that have almost exactly come out in the official LEGO CMF series (like the giraffe suit guy, piñata boy, minstrel, and so on). What is your take on that?
Roberto: I’m sure it’s a coincidence 100%. LEGO is the biggest toymaker in the world. I really doubt they would waste their time looking at my doodles. It's just fanart. And also none of them really looked like my own, except the Giraffe costume, but that's how giraffes look, so it’s only natural they look alike.
Isaiah: It’s incredibly hard to have a single favorite out of so many amazing minifigures, but if you could have one of the minifigs you’ve designed turned into an official LEGO minifigure you could hold it in your hand, which would it be and why?
Isaiah: Why is F your favorite of your CMF series so far? Which is your favorite official LEGO CMF and CMF series?
Roberto: I think Series F has everything a real CMF series needs to have: colorful interesting characters, unique collectible designs, things LEGO hasn’t made before like a 40s-style black and white cartoon (although they eventually made the Disney ones but this was before). There is not a single minifigure I'd call a filler in that series. It’s pretty similar to Series 6 in that regard. That's why Series 6 is my favorite of the real CMFs. It's the quintessential CMF series.
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Лего Минифигурки (Lego Minifigures)
Всемирно известная компания Lego порадовала своих поклонников новой, довольно необычной серией под названием «Лего Minifigures ». В наборах Лего Минифигурки нет привычных, разноцветных кубиков для строительства домов, роботов и машин, зато здесь можно отыскать огромное количество самых разнообразных мини фигурок.
Серия Лего Minifigures придумана специально для тех любителей наборов Lego , которые не только играют с этими конструкторами, но еще и коллекционируют фигурки из разных серий и направлений. В коллекции Лего Минифигурки можно найти огромное количество разнообразных новых персонажей, которых Вам так не хватало для игры, и которые Вам раньше не встречались в других лего-коллекциях. Персонажи наборов Лего Minifigures – это представители самых разных профессий: футболисты, моряки, ученые, художники, рабочие, скейтбордисты, маги, волшебники и тд.
Минифигурки из серии Лего Minifigures прекрасно дополнят любые игровые наборы Lego . Они помогут детишкам поближе познакомиться с представителями всевозможных профессий и узнать много интересных фактов об окружающем мире. Кроме этого, с помощью персонажей Лего Минифигурки ребятишки смогут придумать много новых интересных сценариев для игр.
Каждая игрушка из серии Лего Minifigures уникальна, а это значит, что Вы точно не найдете аналогичного персонажа ни в одной из существующих серий Лего. Дополните свои наборы Лего новыми героями из Лего Минифигурки, которые будут участвовать в придуманных Вами сюжетах и историях.
Главная особенность серии Лего Minifigures заключается в том, что любая серия поставляется в специальных коробках, в каждой из которых по шестьдесят мини фигурок. Все они упакованы в разноцветные, непрозрачные пакетики: первая серия – в пакетики желтого цвета, вторая – синего, третья – зеленого. Особенно желанными являются самые редкие персонажи Лего Минифигурки, стать счастливым обладателем которых не очень то и легко. Каждая из игрушек Лего Minifigures оснащена дополнительными аксессуарами и прекрасно детализирована.
Мы предлагаем своим покупателям познакомиться с персонажами из большинства серий Лего Минифигурки. Каждая из этих серий состоит их 16 уникальных фигурок, которые можно будет задействовать в любом из конструкторов Lego . Благодаря набору Лего Minifigures в Вашем Лего-городе поселятся новые герои: спортсмены, ученые, работники, супергерои и пр. Они помогут Вам создавать новые приключения, устраивать увлекательные шоу-программы и спортивные соревнования.
К примеру, с дрессировщиком, фокусником и шоуменом из Лего Человечки Вы сможете интересное шоу, где за порядком будет следить полицейский из Лего Minifigures , а первую медицинскую помощь будет оказывать медсестра из этой же серии.
С героями Лего Минифигурки Вашим детишкам не придется скучать, ведь каждый день их будут ожидать новые, увлекательные приключения. Стройте города, осваивайте новые профессии, познавайте мир и путешествуйте вместе с Лего Минифигурки.
The 1st of September is fast approaching, which is the official release date of one of the most highly anticipated LEGO Minifigures Collectible series of all time – the Marvel Studios Minifigures series!
As the Collectible Minifigures (CMF) begin trickling out into stores worldwide (1 October for us here in Asia Pacific), the hunt to find your favourite characters from the series begins, so here’s a dedicated feel guide for the Marvel Studios minifigures to help you out.
I normally include Feel Guides in my review but have received many requests over email for a dedicated guide, so here goes!
But first, some common questions:
Here is the layout of my box. Again, I need to stress this might not be typical of all boxes.
In fact, Brick Fanatics had a slightly different distribution in theirs, so take this with a heavy grain of salt.
Okay, now that it’s sorted out, here’s the complete feel guide for the LEGO Marvel Collectible Minifigures series!
I’ve been preparing feel guides for as long as I’ve been doing LEGO Minifigure reviews, and have always pressure-tested these guides with real-world testing, instead of just looking at elements and guessing because there’s a lot that can be unknown as to how each different identifiable element feels in the bag.
LEGO Marvel Studios Collectible Minifigures (CMF) Feel Guide
Scarlet Witch Feel Guide: Try feeling for Scarlet Witch’s large hairpiece which flairs out towards the base. You can also feel for her power blasts which have a curved shape, and handle on the inside.
The Vision Feel Guide: Try feeling for Vision’s laptop – the 2 x 1 tile your best bet, or the laptop screen, which feels like a 2 x 1 tile with a bulbous spine.
Monica Rambeau Feel Guide: Monica’s hairpiece is pretty large, and has plenty of grooves and texture to it. You can also feel for the helicopter blades, which is your standard LEGO rod/stick.
Winter Soldier Feel Guide: Try feeling for the Captain America shield, which is round, and has a handle at the back. If there isn’t some large chunky wings in the bag, it’s the Winter Soldier. Just be sure to not confuse it for Zombie Captain America, who has a rounded helmet, and you can always confirm with his knives, which come in a set together, and feel like separate pieces attached in a sprue.
Captain America Feel Guide: Captain America/Falcon is going to be the easiest minifigure to find, thanks to his large bulky wings. They have a large rectangular shape, with a very noticeable neck clip which will be very easy to feel for.
Loki Feel Guide: Throg is a little hard to make out as he’s quite large, and feels like an indeterminate lump. You can also try feeling for the mug, which has a more recognisable shape with the handle, and cylindrical shape.
Sylvie Feel Guide: Try feeling for Sylvie’s blades – there are 2 of them which feel flat, but have a rounded handle. Apart from that, you can try feeling for Alligator Loki, who is quite long, especially the tail which is quite thin and has a slight curve to it.
Zombie Hunter Spider Feel Guide: Zombie Hunter Spidey has 2 heads to feel for. Alternative, try feeling for his webbing string, which has noticeable grooves throughout, and studs at the end.
Zombie Captain America Feel Guide: Zombie Captain America is quite hard to find as his shield is the only defining accessory, so you’ll have to ensure that you don’t mix it up with the Winter Soldier, who has a knife accessory. Your best best is to find the shield and confirm with Captain America’s helmet, which has a smoother rounded feel to it.
Captain Carter Feel Guide: Feel for Captain Carter’s shield, and confirm with the 1×1 plates in the bag. They should be easy enough to dislodge by shaking the bling bag and have sharp corners which you can pinch.
T’Challa Star-Lord Feel Guide: Try feeling for T’challa Star-Lord’s helmet, which is the only full-sized helmet in the set – the opening at the bottom should be quite easy to feel for. Alternatively, feel for his Quad Blasters which have a flattish feel.
Gamora Feel Guide: Try feeling for the lightsaber hilt, which is the only one of its kind, or the flat blades.
That’s it – hope this will help you identify the minifigures you’re looking for!
To see more detailed photos from the Marvel Studios series, and what my thoughts are on each minifigure, be sure to read my review of Marvel Collectible Minifigures!
Good luck and happy hunting!
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