9526 palpatine s arrest lego star wars
9526 Palpatine's Arrest is a Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith released in 2012. It contains 649 pieces.
Description [ edit ]
The set consists of a small speeder, Palpatine's office, and six minifigures. The minifigures included are Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin in new variants, plus Agen Kolar who has never been released before, meaning all minifigures in this set are exclusive.
The set includes a landing pad, which is primarily grey, with transparent blue landing lights on each side of it. A small hole, meant to fit vehicles into, is set into the landing pad's centre. A walkway, made of dark grey plates with light grey tiles set on them, leads up to Chancellor Palpatine's office. The office's carpeted floor is made up of three sections, with the walkway connecting to the centremost section. The entrance to the office is set on the left section. It features sliding doors that can fit a minifigure through one at a time. The entrance is an arch, made primarily of dark grey with light grey accents, with some gold elements set into it. The right section of the office has a gold statue (an unprinted LEGO Games Microfigure) on a plinth set on it, and no other decoration.
The interior of the office is dark grey. In it are several seats, and Palpatine's desk and chair. A large bay window is located on the far side of the office. There appears to be a lever underneath the office's floor, indicating a possible play function.
Background [ edit ]
This set represents the scene in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Shortly after Palpatine reveals to Anakin that he is a Sith, Anakin leaves to find Mace Windu to tell him that Palpatine is Darth Sidious. Windu instructs Anakin to stay behind so he can deal with Palpatine himself, and says he will grant Anakin Master Jedi status should such information be correct. Mace Windu, along with Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar head to Palpatine's office to confirm Anakin's information. They draw their lightsabers and declare that Palpatine is under arrest for suspicion of being a Sith Lord. Palpatine draws his red lightsaber and lunges forward, screaming. He quickly cuts down three of the Jedi but appears to have met his match with Mace Windu, whom he fiercely duels with. Windu backs Palpatine into a corner next to the window, and Palpatine fires Force lightning at Windu to defend himself. This release of energy greatly disfigures him, after Windu blocks and reflects it with his lightsaber, leaving Palpatine seemed to be exhausted and defeated. Anakin bursts into the room and is torn between his loyalty to the Jedi and his friendship with Palpatine, who can teach him how to save Padmé's life. Palpatine uses the situation to tell Anakin that the Jedi were going to betray the Republic, but Windu declares to Anakin that Palpatine is the traitor. As Windu is about to make the killing blow, Anakin rushes in and cuts off his right hand. Palpatine seizes the opportunity to blow Windu out of the window with Force lightning, sending him into the urban city of Coruscant, falling to his death, which marks Anakin's journey to the Dark Side complete. Palpatine then dubs Anakin the name of Darth Vader and makes him his apprentice.
On Coruscant, the Jedi Council has sent 4 of its most trusted Jedi Masters to arrest Senator Palpatine at his apartment suite. As the evil Sith Lord struggles to fend off the Jedi, will his newest recruit, Anakin Skywalker, come to his rescue? This fantastic recreation of the scene from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith features detachable entrance with sliding doors, hidden Lightsaber, Sith lightning bolts, Mace Windu window catapult, Force jump lever, and detachable landing pad with Jedi airspeeder with opening cockpit and dual flick missiles. Includes Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Chancellor Palpatine and Kit Fisto.
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9526 Арест Палпатина – набор из серии Star Wars, выпущенный в 2012 году.
Набор изображает интерьер кабинета канцлера Палпатина, который условно делится на две части: коридор и основной зал. Тройной коридор, покрытый красным ковром с золотыми статуями, ведёт ко входу в кабинет с раскрывающимися дверями или к посадочной платформе для прибывшего спидера; вход и платформа являются отдельными сегментами и могут быть присоединены к коридору в пяти разных местах. Спидер имеет полукруглую форму и белый цвет с красными полосами у кабины, его небольшие двигатели наклонены, а на дне установлены щёлк-ракеты.
Основной зал оформлен ступенями, ограниченными круглыми голопроекторами; в зале размещены два серых гостевых кресла, чёрный стол в форме дуги и чёрное кресло канцлера, у которого в полу спрятаны рычаги для фигурок и отсеки со световым мечом и молниями; за креслом находится широкое прозрачное окно, вылетающее с частью пола возле него и фигуркой на ней. Дополнительно в набор входят минифигурки Энакина Скайуокера, канцлера Палпатина, Мейса Винду, Кита Фисто, Агена Колара и Сэси Тийна с разноцветными световыми мечами.
Ощущая тьму, окружающую Верховного канцлера Палпатина, мастера-джедаи были обеспокоены его вторжением в дела Ордена джедаев и усиливающейся власти в Республике. Их опасения подтвердились, когда канцлер раскрыл себя как лорда ситхов Энакину Скайуокеру, доложившему об этом Мейсу Винду. Винду с мастерами Фисто, Коларом и Тийном мгновенно отправились к канцлеру с намерением арестовать его, но Дарт Сидиус сразил их в дуэли и переломил Энакина, обратив его на тёмную сторону Силы, что позволило ему объявить джедаев предателями и установить Галактическую империю.
The 9526 Palpatine's Arrest is a Lego Star Wars set which was released in June, 2012. It includes minifigures of Mace Windu, Chancellor Palpatine, Kit Fisto, Anakin Skywalker, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar.
In 2008, Toys'R'Us asked Lego fans which Lego Star Wars set they would like to bre released in 2009. Palpatine's Arrest was one of the voting options given to the fans. The Mon Calamari Starcruiser won the poll and was released in 2009 as the 7754 Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser set. Palpatine's Arrest made it one the second place.
On May 29, 2012, the German website Imperiumdersteine.de reported, that set 9526 Palpatine's Arrest has been found in the official Lego store in Hamburg, Germany. The user who bought this set posted pictures and a review on this site and by doing this he shared the first impressions of the set with the public. Before its release in Hamburg, Germany, only hardly more than the name of this set was known.
The set consists of a Jedi airspeeder and a reproduction of Chancellor Palpatine's office. The Jedi Airspeeder features an openable cockpit and is equipped with two Flick fire missiles. Palpatine's office consists of a landing platform, on which the airspeeder can be placed. An openable door leads to the chancellor's bureau, with his chair at the end of the room. The door is flanked by two black vases. There are two small golden statues on the sides. Infront of Palpatine's desk, there are two turnable chairs. Near his desk are three larger piles. Near Palpatine's chair, there are two secret compartements, in whhich Palpatine's lightsaber and his Force Lightning can be stored. Near this area, there are also two mechanisms that throw Palpatine in the air to imidate his flipping he portrayed in his fighting style during the encounter of the Jedi Masters. At the very end of the room, there's a large window, which can be turned to the side by activating a certain mechanism.
9526 Palpatine's Arrest is a Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith set released in 2012. It contains 649 pieces.
The set consists of a smaller version of a Jedi starfighter, Palpatine's office, and six minifigures. The minifigures included are Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Saesee Tiin in new variants, plus Agen Kolar who has never been released before. Meaning all minifigures, excluding Kit Fisto, in this set are exclusive.
The set includes a landing pad, which is primarily grey, with transparent blue landing lights on each side of it. A small hole, meant to fit vehicles into, is set into the landing pad's centre to help the fighter land. A walkway, made of dark grey plates with light grey tiles set on them, leads up to Chancellor Palpatine's office. The office's carpeted floor is made up of three sections, with the walkway connecting to the centremost section. The entrance to the office is set on the left section. It features sliding doors that can fit one minifigure through at a time. The entrance is in the form of an arch, made primarily of dark grey with light grey accents, with some gold elements set into it. The right section of the office has a gold statue (an unprinted LEGO Games Microfigure) on a plinth set on it to resemble the statue that Palpatine hid his lightsaber behind, and no other decoration.
The interior of the office is dark grey. In it are several seats, and Palpatine's desk and chair. A large bay window is located on the far side of the office. There is a lever underneath the office's floor, indicating that you can recreate the famous force jump.
This set represents the scene in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Shortly after Palpatine reveals to Anakin that he is a Sith, Anakin leaves to find Mace Windu to tell him that Palpatine is Darth Sidious. Windu instructs Anakin to stay behind so he can deal with Palpatine himself, and says he will grant Anakin Master Jedi status should such information be correct. Mace Windu, along with Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar headed to Palpatine's office to confirm Anakin's information. They draw their lightsabers and declare that Palpatine is under arrest for suspicion of being a Sith Lord. Palpatine draws his red lightsaber and lunges forward, screaming with inhuman results. He quickly cuts down three of the Jedi but appears to have met his match with Mace Windu, whom he fiercely duels with. Windu backs Palpatine into a corner next to the window, and Palpatine fires Force lightning at Windu to defend himself. This release of energy greatly disfigures him, after Windu blocks and reflects it with his lightsaber, leaving Palpatine seemed to be exhausted and defeated. Anakin bursts into the room and is torn between his loyalty to the Jedi and his friendship with Palpatine, who can teach him how to save Padmé's life. Palpatine uses the situation to tell Anakin that the Jedi were going to betray the Republic, but Windu declares to Anakin that Palpatine is the traitor. As Windu is about to make the killing blow, Anakin rushes in and cuts off his right hand. Palpatine seizes the opportunity to blow Windu out of the window with Force lightning, sending him into the urban city of Coruscant, falling to his death, which marks Anakin's journey to the Dark Side complete. Palpatine then gives Anakin the name of Darth Vader and makes him his apprentice.
Arrest Senator Palpatine at his Coruscant apartment suite!
On Coruscant, the Jedi Council has sent 4 of its most trusted Jedi Masters to arrest Senator Palpatine at his apartment suite. As the evil Sith Lord struggles to fend off the Jedi, will his newest recruit, Anakin Skywalker, come to his rescue? This fantastic recreation of the scene from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith features detachable entrance with sliding doors, hidden Lightsaber, Sith lightning bolts, Mace Windu window catapult, Force jump lever, and detachable landing pad with Jedi airspeeder with opening cockpit and dual flick missiles. Includes Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Chancellor Palpatine and Kit Fisto.
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