The white room experiment код
Location: Door with panel in the corridor.
Explanation: Look at the paintings - the white books are representing numbers.
Location: Central corpse compartment in the morgue.
Explanation: Take a closer look at the four corpses' feet: the first number is the position and the second one the part of the code.
- Take the scissors and place it on the instrument table next to the entrance.
- Search for more scissors in the other compartments.
- Take the preparation and interact with the microscope to project the code onto the wall.
- Put the battery in the flashlight.
- Go back to the cubby and take the second battery - it's inside the large cabinet.
- Take the flashlight - you don't have to keep it.
- Take the key, go to the corridor and open the door to the right.
- There are sliders next to the red signals on the animal cages. Search the room for 2x meat and 3x bananas, fill the sliders and close them.
- Another cabinet's door opens.
- Take the animal totem and place it in one of the notches next to the entrance.
- Take another animal totem.
Location: Cabinet with arrow buttons next to the cabinet with Arabic letters.
Explanation: There are four wooden boards with numbers in this room. Input: ← ↑ ↑ →.
- Confirm the sequence with the central button and open the door.
- Take the red ball and put it in all three pipe systems - they are next to the entrance door.
- Take both blood samples and put them in the blood analyzer in the treatment room. Slots B and C.
- Open the right locker between the wooden door and the bed.
- Take another blood sample and place it in slot A of the blood analyzer.
Location: Cabinet next to the chair.
Explanation: Above the lockers to the left are two certificates with numbers. Append them with the certificate from the blood analyzer cabinet.
Location: Locker next to the office door.
Explanation: In the periodic table of the elements Mo is 42 and Am is 95.
- Take the screwdriver.
- Unscrew the power protection of the x-ray display and interact with the switch:
Location: Cabinet with turned around skull.
Explanation: Read the numbers in the x-ray display backwards.
- Take the heart and place it on the scales.
Location: Office door.
Explanation: You can find four syringes with different levels of liquid in the treatment room.
Location: Cabinet below the animal figures and pictures in the office.
Explanation: Look at the four pictures and take the degree of the animal's dangerousness.
Location: Cabinet next to the animal figures and pictures in the office.
Explanation: Look at the backpage of the card "shark is the most important animal in the world".
Location: Laptop on the desk.
Explanation: There are four books with one capital letter in their titles. They form: "RUIN".
Location: Cabinet with shark tooth.
Explanation: On the laptop are three things which are connected to different kinds of sharks. Find the cards and look at their backs.
- Take the key and open the last door.
Keeping the doctor away
Escape the office in time
No need for doctors
Escape the office without taking any hints
Never assume, there is a reason for everything.
You can complete the game within ten seconds. Unfortunately, it won't grant you all achievements. You can use this method if you are missing "Keeping the doctor away" or "No need for doctors".
«The Experiment» -это многопользовательская эскейп-игра с головоломками для виртуальной реальности или настольного ПК. Mожет быть сыграна на конкурентной основе, в сотрудничестве или соло.
Самый популярный контент от разработчиков и сообщества за прошедшую неделю. (?)
surprise surprise
another with a very long last hour that never appeared
27 ноя. 2018 в 16:36
Общие обсуждения
The hints system seems broken
Hello The hints system seems broken. I’m in morgue and the unique hint is ‘Use the key to access the next room’ , the same hint as the first room. We've reloaded the game(We are two players) and the problem still here. .
18 фев. 2019 в 1:47
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The Experiment: Escape Room - Walkthrough + 100% Achievements
Walkthrough and guidance for obtaining 100% achievements!
Bug in game
Hello, the puzzle of Animal Parts does not work for me, I make the combination with the arrows without the index (not complicated, I only missed the 3rd arrow) However I put the order seen on the wall, (I tried in both directions) In addition, once the 4 blood samples are put in the machine, nothing happens? Help .
15 апр. 2020 в 12:45
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Death Stranding looks amazing.
screwdriver bug
you can turn on the x-ray lights without the screwdriver
8 апр. 2019 в 7:47
Общие обсуждения
We did it, finally. We were a little disappointed that apparently half of the puzzles don't need to be solved. Unless we really lucked out and guessed our way through. But we spent a lot of time trying to work out one puzzle only to find out that it wasn't necessary to complete the game. Red herring items is one thing but red herring puzzles seems a but weird. We actually kind of felt like we only played half of the game. Even though we played for over an hour. Just wondering if all of the puzzles needed.
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