Стар стейбл коды на стар коинсы 2018
Short FAQ on common questions:
Q: Please make a new code!
Q: Are there any new codes?
Q: When does the next code come out?
Q: Why doesn't this code work?
Q: When is SSO's birthday?
A: In the beginning of October. The event starts towards the end of September/beginning of October.
This page can only be edited by Admins. Please contact an Admin if you find information that is not correct on this page.
Redeem Codes are at times given out officially from Star Stable to the players. Some codes might not apply to all players, such as codes that are only redeemable for Lifetime Star Riders. To redeem a code, log in to your account on the official Star Stable Online website and go to the "Redeem" tab.
Available codes
Please note that not all codes are available for all players. Nagging about codes is not allowed on Jorvikipedia and will lead to suspension.
Star Coins
No available codes at the moment
Star Rider
Star Coins & Star Rider
No available codes at the moment
- STAYFASHION10 - Fashionable Jacket
- DRESSTOIMPRESS10 - Long Tail Coat
- OUTOFTHISWORLD10 - Galaxy Sweater
- SHOWSTOPPER10 - Wide Brim Hat
- MAKEANENTRANCE10 - Admiral's Dressage Jacket
- THUMBSUP - T-Shirt
- INSPIRATION2018 - T-Shirt
Horse tack
- SADDLEUP10 - Upcycle Saddle Pad
- DISLIKECARROTS10 - Lop-eared brindle bunny pet
- READYTOPARTY10 - Balloon saddlebag Pet
- HORSESNACK - One Apple and one Carrot treat for your horse
Gift Shop Codes
These codes can be used for offers and discounts in the official shop.
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Expired codes
These codes are expired and CANNOT be redeemed.
Star Coins
- INSTA500K - 150 Star Coins - (expired)
- WARMWISH2020 - 300 SC - (expired)
- RACEWITHME - 100 Star Coins - ONLY FOR STAR RIDERS (expired)
- EXPLOREJORVIK - 100 Star Coins - ONLY FOR STAR RIDERS (expired)
- READYSETDRAW - 100 Star Coins - ONLY FOR STAR RIDERS (expired)
- TRAILRIDE - 100 Star Coins - ONLY FOR STAR RIDERS (expired)
- READYSETRIDE20 - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- GALENTIN3S - 100 Star Coins - ONLY FOR STAR RIDERS (expired)
- U3UTJETYU5 - 300 Star Coins (expired)
- TRYGLOBALSTORE - 150 SC (expired)
- I FOUNDCHAUN2019 - 150 SC (expired)
- LVUSF - 200 SC (expired)
- U58DB5CCDN - 300 SC (expired)
- STARUNSTABLE50 - 50 Star Coins (expired)
- 200SUMMER4U - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- 20H0L1D4YG1F716 - 300 Star Coins (expired)
- 20HOLIDAYGIFT15 - 300 Star Coins (expired)
- 3EMN6Q6FA - 300 Star Coins (expired)
- 5THB1RTHY4Y - 400 Star Coins (expired)
- AMBASSADORSROCK - 50 SC (expired)
- BIRTHDAY3 - 300 Star Coins (expired)
- CH4UNLEPRECH4UN - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- CHAUN - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- COMMUNITYLOVE - 150 Star Coins (expired)
- DINOVALLEY - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- EASTER200 - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- FORTMARIA - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- GOLDENHILLS - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- HALLOWEEN2014 - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- HALLOWEENCOS2ME - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- HAPPYHOLIDAY - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- JOY - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- LOVE - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- MAYBELLE - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- MIDSUMM3RPOL3 - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- MIKOLAJKI2016 - 300 Star Coins (only for Polish players) (expired)
- NEWQUEEN - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- NIKOLAUS2016 - 100 Star Coins (only for German players) (expired)
- PEACE - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- QUEENOFREDEEM - 50 Star Coins (expired)
- RDMA2016STAR - 100 Star Coins + dress (only for US players) (expired)
- SECRETCODE - 50 SC (expired)
- SILVERGLADE - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- SPRING200 - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- SSLSUMMER18 - 50 SC (expired)
- SSOFIVE - 50 Star Coins (expired)
- SSOFOUR - 50 Star Coins (expired)
- SSOINFERNO - 600 Star Coins (expired) (only for Swedish players)
- SSOONE - 50 Star Coins (expired)
- SSOTHREE - 50 Star Coins (expired)
- SSOTWO - 50 Star Coins (expired)
- SUMMER - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- SUMMERSC4U - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- THANKSGIVING - 100 Star Coins (expired)
- THISISNOTACODE - 50 SC (expired)
- TOGETHERNESS - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- VALENTINES2018 - 200 Star Coins (expired)
- W1TCHBROOM - 25 Star Coins (expired)
- WE<3YOU - 100 Star Coins - ONLY FOR STAR RIDERS (expired)
- ДедМороз - 100 Star Coins (expired)
Horse tack
Star Rider
Star Coins & Star Rider
- JULY4TH - 3 days Star Rider + 200 SC (expired) (only for US players)
- SOUTHHOOF - 3 days Star Rider + 100 SC (expired)
- SRWEEKEND - 100 Star Coins + 3 days Star Rider (expired)
- SSOINSTAGRAM - 3 days Star Rider + 300 SC (expired)
- STARCOINS - 300 Star Coins + 3 days Star Rider - ONLY FOR NEW PLAYERS (expired)
- STARHORSE - 100 Star Coins + 3 days Star Rider - ONLY FOR NEW PLAYERS (expired)
- STARRIDER - 100 Star Coins + 5 days Star Rider - ONLY FOR NEW PLAYERS (expired)
- STARSTABLE - 100 Star Coins + 7 days Star Rider - ONLY FOR NEW PLAYERS (expired)
- STARSTABLE1 - 100 Star Coins + 3 days Star Rider - ONLY FOR NEW PLAYERS (expired)
- STARSTABLEONTHEROAD - 100 Star Coins + 7 days Star Rider (only for Hungarian players) (expired)
- THANKYOU2017 - 3 days Star Rider + 100 Star Coins (expired)
- UAPTTRR - 100 Star Coins + 7 days Star Rider (expired)
- VALENTINE - 100 Star Coins + 10 days SR - only for new players (expired)
- VINTER - 200 Star Coins + 15 days SR - only for new players (only for Swedish and Norwegian players) (expired)
- WINTER - 200 Star Coins + 15 days SR - only for new players (only for Dutch Players) (expired)
- YOUTUBE - 200 Star Coins + 15 days SR (expired)
- ZIMA - 200 Star Coins + 15 days SR - only for new players (only for Polish players) (expired)
Life Time
These codes were only valid for people with a Life Time Star Rider subscription. Now all the items can be found in the Starshop in Moorland.
- 6HK74 - Brown blanket (expired)
- 9C8DESM - Brown reins (expired)
- EB58P - Brown saddle (expired)
- FREEOUTFIT - Shirt and pants (expired)
- GJJ3PX - Brown leg wraps (expired)
- LTSHIRT2016 - White shirt (expired)
- PINKWESTERNSHIRT - Pink western shirt (expired)
- POLKADOT - Dress (expired)
- SSOPANTS - Pants (expired)
- SSOSHIRT - White t-shirt with two black horses (expired)
- SSOSHOES - Shoes (expired)
- SSOSHORTS4U - Shorts (expired)
- SSOVEST4U - Blue/white vest (expired)
- STARGIFT - White Jacket (expired)
- STARHAT - Hat (expired)
- STRIPEDPANTS - Pants (expired)
- SUMMERJACKET - Blue summer jacket (expired)
- TWOTEES - 2 shirts (expired)
- WESTERNGLOVES - Western gloves (expired)
- WESTERNHAT - Western hat (expired)
- WESTERNPANTS - Western pants (expired)
- ARGENTINA - 100 Star Coins + T-shirt (expired)
- CELEBR8ION - 150 Star Coins, masquerade mask, Party Hat bridle decoration, flower bouquet for your saddle bag (expired)
- BIRTHDAYFUN - 100 SC, a pink balloon pet, a flower bouquet for your saddle bag, fripp ears, and birthday hat (expired)
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