Speeding wall roblox коды
The main premise of the game is to get to the end of the map, and into the winner's zone, without getting crushed by the wall. The wall is set in motion by a button pressed by a player at the beginning of the course. There are 5 safe zones where players can hide as the wall passes. Multiple useful gears are sold in the shop, including but not limited to speed potions.
The Impossiwall is a room inside of the winner's room. The Impossiwall room is much like the regular wall room, however players are given 1 safe zone, and only gears from the shop and VIP are allowed, it's getting dark is more often, the wall moves on its own, formerly the wall did not come back and a text on a side said "ONLY ONE SAFE ZONE ITEMS FROM THE SHOP AND VIP ONLY GOOD LUCK >:3."
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Room 1 is 2003
Room 2 is 3002
Room 3 is 641139
Room 4 is 1236
Room 5 is 2003
Room 6 is 31099
Room 7 is 1337
Room 8 is 6270 (You have to find the numbers)
Room 9 is 2150 (The one after the portal thingy)
Room 10 FINAL ONE is 2004
Thank You for using my script
My username in ROBLOX is Arulariv
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12 Secret Trials
The 12 Secret Trials are a series of rooms, each requiring a code in order to traverse in each room. Below are the codes for each room. Note, that the codes will change, and may be different for everyone.
Room with green columns and black door
The code changes and can be found using Rocket Boots. The player first must go to the opposite side of the keypad. Using Rocket Boots, players must jump into the obstacle course area, avoiding the lava, and go to the very end. The code is at the end of the course.
Room with 'owner ID' plastered on the walls
Neon green (or red) room
This room is completely neon green but every so often it will change to red. On the opposite wall of the keypad, when the room is red, the code will appear.
Descriptive room
Armor figure room
Binary room
Scattered number kitchen
Tightrope room with a lava floor
Now, the player will be in a room with a white tightrope, a lava floor, a portal, a purple button, and a yellow cube. It is impossible to do this level with any type of speed so the player will need to equip then unequip the rocket boots if the player has speed on, or use the green bottle. The player has to push the yellow cube along the tightrope and through a small gap at the end. The player will then make their way back and go through the portal.
Statue room
The player must first look at the floor. The numbers 1-4 mean what position in the code it is. The digit of the code is equal to how many swords the statue is holding at that point, such as, if a statue has 2 swords and has 4 in front of it, 2 will be the 4th digit of the code. This code changes constantly.
Maze room
How to find the code
After dropping into the maze room, the player must walk to the corner entrance of the maze that is opposite to the direction the giant statue is facing. There will be 3 paths the player can take. One must choose the corner on the opposite the face of the statue. The code is on a white piece and it reads 3122. This code might change with updates.
How to find the padlock
One must walk to the entrance of the maze that is under the statue's arm that is holding the cup. The player must keep following the path. The padlock will be at the end of the path. Currently, the code is 7645. The padlock and stone behind it will open outwards.
Wall face room
What next?
The black door does not open, the floor falls through. This will make the player fall into a room with a big tower, which the player must climb. Once at the top, the player must do the parkour, ideally utilizing the rocket boots gear. After this, the player touches the badge giver and dies. They have completed the trials.
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