Shadows heretic kingdoms читы
If you don't feel comfortable modifying game files you can instead simply download STN's CheatTable from that same webpage.
- Have Cheat Engine installed.
- Open both Cheat Engine and Shadows: Awakening. Order doesn't matter.
- In Cheat Engine, click the monitor icon in the top left and find Shadows: Awakening in the list it brings up. Select it and hit OK.
- Open STN's table in Cheat Engine. Tick the box next to 'Enable GuiConsole'.
- To bring up the console in-game, press the F1 key.
The main disadvantage here is that Method 2 must be done each time the game is booted up.
Useful Commands
Commands | Description |
books | Adds a bunch of (but not all) books to books page. |
change <slot> <puppet_id> | Permanently unlocks chosen character. Do not change the Devourer. |
clear_inventory | Remove all unequipped items from your inventory (including quest items). |
disable_cooldowns | Disable cooldowns. |
drop <item_id> | Drop the specified item next to you. Doesn't work for essences. Books can create duplicate entries. |
enable_cooldowns | Enable cooldowns if they've been disabled. |
runes | Add a random number of all essences to inventory |
exp <value> | Add specified amount of experience. |
god | Toggles invulnerability. |
gold <value> | Adds silver to your inventory. |
heal | Full health |
invisible | Toggle AI's ability to detect you. |
level <value> | Sets the currently selected puppet's level. Cannot be used to reduce your level. |
mana | Full mana |
maxsouls | Refreshes your soulstone uses. |
full_charges | Refreshes your soulstone uses. |
party | Party select menu. Usually works, but it has caused me a couple of infinite loading screens, so be careful. |
reveal_map | Only reveals the map for the area you're in. No consequences. |
revive_all | Revive all puppets. |
skill_point <value> | Add specified number of skill points |
soul | Adds one soul to your Soulstone charges. I believe 24 souls is one charge (so 1200 for five, etc;) |
speeda <value | Toggle double attack speed |
speedm <value | Toggle double move speed |
Additional Commands
Commands | Description |
actor_culling | |
bind | |
char | Force switch party. 0 is Devourer, 3 is slot 4. Works in restricted areas. |
create_player_async | |
csv | |
damage | |
debug_enemies | |
demo | Switches between demo modes. Things like Gamescon stuff. Don't worry about it. |
detailed_item_notificator | Toggles Detailed Item Notificator. Whatever that is. It's on by default. |
difficulty | |
exec | |
fly_cam | Camera unlocked. Fly around with the arrow keys. Use 'reset_cam' disable it. |
fps | Shows FPS info and some other stuff useful for performance debugging like lights, decals, etc; |
free_cam | Camera stays anchored to player, but can be swiveled freely with the mouse. |
full_charges | Same as maxsouls. Fills your Soulstone charges. |
get_quest | |
gore | Toggles gore |
hide | Hide UI |
show | Show UI |
konzolahet | |
kvacinka | |
likegod | Toggles likegod on and off, then on and on. No idea what it does. |
lina | |
log_quest_state | |
mailto | Opens your default email program. |
mceno | Brings up the travel menu. Doesn't work. |
mworld | Brings up the travel menu. Doesn't work. |
notificators | Toggle notificators, whatever those are. This is on by default. |
quests | Borks your quest log. |
quest_info | |
remove_dropped_items | Deletes all dropped items in the current zone. Be careful. This may include quest items. |
reset_cam | Resets the camera to max zoom. Disables fly_cam and free_cam. |
save_exists | |
spawn | |
suicide | Kills the currently active character |
supamida | |
switchcontrol | |
teleport | Nonfunctional to the best of my knowledge. |
time_scale <value> | I don't know why this exists. |
uber | |
vlado | Toggle God, Cooldowns, FPS display, and possibly other things. |
Dangerous Commands
These commands can bork your game by removing quest items. They all do more than they say.
+3 трейнер (для версии v1.0.0.8005).
Распакуйте все файлы из архива.
Запустите трейнер.
Запустите игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимайте на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.
F1 – Infinite Health
F2 – Infinite Silver Coins
F3 – Infinite Skill Points
+3 трейнер (для версии v1.0.0.8183).
Распакуйте все файлы из архива.
Запустите трейнер.
Запустите игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимайте на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.
F1 – Infinite Health
F2 – Infinite Silver Coins
F3 – Infinite Skill Points
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