Scp rbreach коды на напитки
Стакан — предмет, который можно найти в кафетерии и в коридоре SCP-970, а также получить с помощью SCP-294.
Drink outputs
There were multiple messages that would appear after drinking this. However, now only one will appear after a update was added to the game:
"I do not have what you desire. A locked door can now be blown open. There you will find what you seek."
Список жидкостей
Жидкости и их эффекты, представленные в таблице ниже, находятся под спойлером. Список также можно посмотреть в файле SCP-294.ini.
Anomalous Abilities
- Being able to dispense any liquid from the table below.
SCP-294 is an SCP object found upstairs in the lobby. When a name of a liquid is entered, it dispenses a cup for the person filled with that liquid.
Как создать свою жидкость?
Не секрет в том, что жидкости можно создавать и самому. Все жидкости хранятся в файле SCP-294.ini, расположенном в папке «Data». Его можно открыть с помощью Блокнота Windows.
- Coffee Machine
- Dispenser
- Vending Machine
Spawn Zone
- Иногда при смерти от продуктов SCP-294 может быть ничего не написано.
- Если возродиться при помощи консольных команд после взрыва комплекса, провоцируемого некоторыми напитками, то можно вернуться к автомату и забрать тот самый напиток, однако никаких негативных эффектов не будет, если выпить его.
Из стаканов можно пить жидкость, имеющую разную окраску (в зависимости от содержимого). После использования, у игрока в инвентаре остаётся пустой стакан.
SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured. Ninety-seven initial test runs were performed (including requests for water, coffee, beer, and soda, non-consumable liquids such as sulfuric acid, wiper fluid, and motor oil, as well as substances that do not usually exist in liquid state, such as nitrogen, iron, glass, gold, etc.) and each one returned a success. Test runs with solid materials such as diamond have failed, however, as it appears that SCP-294 can only deliver substances that can exist in liquid state.
If a player approaches SCP-294 in the lobby, and clicks on the keyboard, a text box will appear on their screen. The player can then type something in it, push enter, and depending on what they type, SCP-294 will do either 2 things.
If the drink the player requested is coded in the game, the machine will hum, and a liquid sound will be heard. A cup of whatever the player requested will appear in the player's inventory. It cannot be dropped, and can be drunk using LMB. Depending on what the player requested, the drink will cause different things to happen (Listed below).
If the drink the player requested is not coded in the game, the machine will beep, and a text will appear on the player's screen: "Error. Out of range"
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